Ethyl alcohol

International nonproprietary name

Dosage form

Solution for external use 90%, 70%, 50 ml, 90 ml, 100 ml


1 liter of the drug contains 70% 90%

active substance- ethanol 96% 727 ml 937 ml

excipient- purified water up to 1 liter.


Colorless, transparent, volatile, flammable liquid, with a characteristic alcoholic odor and pungent taste. Burns with a blue safe flame. Hygroscopic.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Other antiseptics and disinfectants.

ATX code D08AX08

Pharmacological properties

The local and reflex action of ethanol consists of irritant, astringent and antiseptic effects. After exposure to skin concentrated solutions ethyl alcohol(70% and 90%) an astringent effect occurs due to the denaturation of tissue proteins. The tanning effect of alcohol on the skin reduces its sensitivity and sweating, promoting analgesia and stopping itching.

The antiseptic effect is associated with the denaturation of cytoplasmic and membrane proteins of microbial cells. The bacterial flora is most sensitive to ethanol. The most optimal concentration for the bactericidal effect of the drug is 70%. At higher concentrations, the tanning (astringent) effect of alcohol on tissue structures complicates its diffusion, and the depth of the antiseptic effect decreases.

Indications for use

Treatment of hands, surgical instruments, surgical field

Prevention of bedsores in bedridden patients, wiping, compresses

Directions for use and doses

Externally for wiping: applied to the skin using cotton swabs and napkins.

They make compresses.

Side effects

Allergic reactions

Irritation and burns of the skin, mucous membranes and respiratory tract

When applied externally, it is partially absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes and can have a resorptive general toxic effect (CNS depression).


Hypersensitivity to ethanol

Drug interactions

When taken orally, it potentiates the effects of drugs that depress the central nervous system.

Special instructions

For compresses (to avoid burns), ethanol should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1 (70%, 90%).

To sterilize surgical instruments, undiluted 95% alcohol is used.

Pregnancy and lactation

Use with caution.

Use in pediatrics

Can be used in childhood for compresses in a dilution of 1:4 (alcohol and water) - for a 90% solution, 1:3 (alcohol and water) - for a 70% solution.

When used externally, ethanol is partially absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes, which must be taken into account when using it in children.

Features of the effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms

Does not affect


When applied topically, an overdose is unlikely.

If taken orally, acute intoxication may develop.

Symptoms: tachycardia, metabolic acidosis, pulmonary edema, hypocalcemia, hypoglycemia, convulsions, depression of central nervous system functions nervous system. Death can occur as a result of paralysis of the respiratory center.

Treatment: administration of analeptics is inappropriate; it is carried out artificial ventilation lungs with oxygen supplementation, cardiac glycosides and ACE inhibitors are prescribed. If renal function is preserved and there are no signs of heart failure and pulmonary edema, forced diuresis can be used. Hypoglycemia and ketosis are corrected by administering glucose.

Release form and packaging

Ethanol belongs to the narcotic substances of the fatty series, has analgesic, local irritant, astringent and antiseptic properties.

When taken orally in small doses, alcohol has an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, accelerates absorption from the stomach, stimulates breathing, increases heart contractions and constricts blood vessels (due to a reflex increase in the excitability of the respiratory and vasomotor centers).

Indications for use

  • Externally, ethyl alcohol is used as an irritant, analgesic and antiseptic(initial stages of boils, felons, infiltrates, mastitis; disinfection of the surgeon’s hands, treatment of the surgical field; rubdowns, compresses, lotions).
  • It is prescribed orally as an easily absorbed high-calorie remedy for exhausted patients with decreased appetite.
  • The stimulating effect of small doses of ethyl alcohol on breathing and blood circulation, its analgesic and narcotic properties are the basis for the introduction of alcohol into the composition of blood substitutes and many anti-shock fluids.
  • For gangrene and lung abscess, ethyl alcohol is administered intravenously in the form of a 20–33% solution in a sterile isotonic sodium chloride solution or sterile water for injection, 20 ml daily.
  • Conservation of biological material.
  • Alcohol is a good dehydrating agent (especially absolute alcohol) and is used for washing objects from the surface of which water must be quickly removed.
  • Preparation of tinctures and extracts.

Side effects

Only large doses of ethyl alcohol lead to inhibition of the cortex. The narcotic effect of ethyl alcohol is small; it suppresses the activity of the respiratory center, and the period of anesthesia immediately turns into paralysis. Use large quantity Alcohol consumption leads to coma and often death.

Ethyl alcohol poisoning

The lethal dose of ethyl alcohol is 6–8 ml per 1 kg of body weight; The lethal concentration of ethyl alcohol in the blood is considered to be 4–5 g/l or more.

At autopsy, specific morphological signs are not revealed. The smell of ethyl alcohol is felt from the cavities, blood and organs of the corpse. Indirect signs poisoning are: bluishness and puffiness of the face, swelling of the eyelids, protrusion eyeballs, sharp injection of conjunctival vessels, blue-violet color of cadaveric spots, small hemorrhages in the conjunctiva, traces of urination and defecation; hyperemia of the gastric mucosa, sometimes focal hemorrhages various shapes and magnitude in the area of ​​its bottom and greater curvature, in places small erosions, sharp plethora of the brain and all internal organs, blood overflow of the entire system of the superior vena cava, pinpoint and focal hemorrhages in the epicardium, under the pulmonary pleura, in the pancreas, kidneys, adrenal glands, and in the diaphragm. Bladder usually overflowing with urine.

To prove ethyl alcohol poisoning, 10–20 ml of blood and urine should be sent for forensic chemical analysis. Blood should be collected using sterile glass pipettes only from the peripheral venous vessels or dural sinuses of the cadaver.

Special instructions

Combined alcohol-hexenal (ethanol + Hexenal) and alcohol-thiopental (ethanol + sodium thiopental) intravenous anesthesia were proposed, with incomplete narcotic doses of barbiturates administered together with a 20–25% solution of ethyl alcohol (at the rate of 1.5 g of pure alcohol per 1 kg of body weight), prepared in a sterile isotonic sodium chloride solution or 5% glucose solution. The synergy of barbiturates and alcohol ensures anesthesia of sufficient depth and duration with a small dose of each drug without pronounced changes in breathing and circulation. Currently, this method of anesthesia is not widely used.

Composition and release form

The following are used in medicine: absolute ethyl alcohol; 95%, 90%, 70% and 40% ethyl alcohol solutions.

They produce hermetically sealed bottles containing 50 ml, 100 ml, 200 ml and 400 ml of medical ethyl alcohol (96% ethanol by volume).

Shelf life and storage conditions

Store in a cool, dark place, away from heat sources.

The shelf life of ethyl alcohol is unlimited.


Ethanol(Spiritus aethylicus) - C 2 H 5 OH - a transparent, colorless, mobile, volatile liquid with a characteristic odor of alcohol, a burning taste, formed during the fermentation of sugar; boiling point 78° C. Highly flammable and burns with an intense blue flame..

ATX code: D08A X09. Antiseptic drugs.

Food and medical alcohol is obtained by fermenting plant materials containing sugar or starch with yeast.

Beer contains 2.8–6% ethyl alcohol, wines - 11–20%, vodka and cognac - 40–60%. Taken internally for the purpose of intoxication.

Ethyl alcohol acts predominantly on the central nervous system - its stimulating effect is associated with a weakening of inhibitory processes (under its influence, the underlying structures of the central nervous system are excited while the higher functions are reduced), and the narcotic effect is due to general inhibition of the cerebral cortex, depression of the medulla oblongata and spinal cord .

When applied topically in large concentrations, it has a warming and astringent effect, and in low concentrations it has a strong antimicrobial effect. When administered orally and intravenously, it acts on the central nervous system, causing characteristic alcoholic excitation, characterized by a weakening of inhibition processes, and has an analgesic effect. In high doses, it depresses the brain, spinal cord and medulla oblongata, the depression of the latter is accompanied by respiratory arrest. In case of poisoning with methyl alcohol it is used as an antidote.

Indications for use of the drug Ethyl alcohol

Externally for disinfection of skin, hands, disinfection of instruments, rubdowns and compresses; for the preparation of tinctures, extracts, solutions for external use. IV is sometimes used for gangrene and lung abscess, methanol poisoning. It is also used for alcoholization of nerve trunks.

Use of the drug Ethyl alcohol

Externally in various concentrations (95%, 90%, 70% and 40%). IV 10 ml of 20-25-33% solution in a sterile isotonic solution of sodium chloride or in sterile water for injection.

Contraindications to the use of the drug Ethyl alcohol

For topical use - acute inflammatory processes.

Side effects of the drug Ethyl alcohol

When applied topically - irritation of the skin or mucous membranes.

Overdose of the drug Ethyl alcohol, symptoms and treatment

Induce vomiting or rinse the stomach with a suspension activated carbon. It is necessary to ensure airway patency (intubation, mechanical breathing), oxygen therapy. Forced diuresis, hemodialysis, hemosorption, transfusion and symptomatic therapy are carried out. B vitamins and ascorbic acid are indicated. Excessive administration of fluids and depressants should be avoided. In chronic alcoholism, diazepam (0.0001 g/kg) is administered intravenously to relieve psychosis, followed by oral administration of 0.005-0.01 g every 1-8 hours. For convulsions, diphenin 0.5 g every 4-6 hours h.

Recipe (international)

Rp. Sol.Spiritus aethylici 70% - 50.0

D.t.d.N 1 in flac

S. for rubbing the skin

Rp. Sol.Spiritus aethylici 95% - 50.0

D.t.d.N 1 in flac

S. for the preparation of alcohol solutions and compresses

Recipe (Russia)

Prescription form - 148-1/у-88

Active ingredient

Ethanol (Aethanolum)

Pharmacological action

An antimicrobial agent, when applied topically, has an antiseptic effect (denatures the proteins of microorganisms). Active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and viruses. Antiseptic activity increases with increasing ethanol concentration.

To disinfect the skin, use a 70% solution, which penetrates into the deeper layers of the epidermis better than 90-95%, which has a tanning effect on the skin and mucous membranes.

When used systemically, it has the ability to cause analgesia and general anesthesia. The cells of the central nervous system are most sensitive to ethanol, especially the cells of the cerebral cortex, acting on which ethanol causes characteristic alcoholic excitation associated with a weakening of inhibition processes. Then there is also a weakening of excitation processes in the cortex, depression of the spinal cord and medulla oblongata with suppression of the activity of the respiratory center.

Is a solvent for a number medicines, as well as an extractant for a number of substances contained in medicinal plant materials.


When applied externally, it is absorbed from the surface of the skin and mucous membranes into the systemic circulation. The isoenzyme CYP2E1, of which it is an inducer, is involved in the metabolism of the drug.

Directions for use

For adults:

Only externally, in the form of lotions.

For external skin therapy - 1 ml of product per 1 cm2 of skin.

When antiseptically treating the skin of the hands, 10 ml of the solution is applied to the hands and rubbed in for 30 seconds.

Treatment of the injection field: the skin of the injection field is wiped with sterile gauze swabs, generously moistened with a solution; exposure after finishing treatment - 2 min.

For preoperative disinfection of the surgeon’s hands, a 70% solution is used; for compresses and rubdowns (to avoid burns), it is recommended to use a 40% solution. If necessary, a 70% solution should be diluted to the required concentrations and used according to indications.


Treatment initial stages diseases: boil, felon, mastitis; treatment of the surgeon’s hands (Furbringer, Alfred methods), surgical field (including in persons with hypersensitivity to other antiseptics, in children and during operations on areas with thin skin in adults - neck, face).

Conservation of biological material, production dosage forms for external use, tinctures, extracts.


Hypersensitivity, acute inflammatory processes with disruption of skin integrity.

With caution: pregnancy, lactation, childhood.

Side effects

Inhalation exposure may cause respiratory tract irritation.
With repeated use, addiction develops (weakening or lack of effect).