Gasoline fuel, which is created as a result of oil refining, continues to occupy a dominant position, despite active attempts to use alternative energy sources.

Gasoline is the main product of oil refining. Understanding the strategic importance of hydrocarbons for economic development, experts regularly monitor oil reserves in the world.

World oil reserves

Currently, the assessment of the amount of oil is determined in accordance with the technical capabilities of its production.

There are several classifications for assessing oil reserves. The most common is the SPE-PRMS classification, which allows one to determine not only the state of deposits, but also makes it possible to calculate the efficiency of its extraction.

If the presence of oil in the field is confirmed, then the probability of its production is 90%, if “probable” - 50%, and with reserves defined as “possible” - only 10%.

In 1997, the UN proposed its classification of resource assessment - UNFC-2009, which is based on the following criteria:

  • economic and social viability of the project;

  • status and validity of the field development project;

  • geological exploration.

In Russia, there is a classification according to which oil and gas reserves are divided into categories based on the knowledge of the degree of industrial development. It is important to emphasize that global oil reserves are constantly changing due to the discovery of new fields and the depletion of existing fields. As of the beginning of 2017, total world oil reserves amounted to 1,706.8 billion barrels.

Shale oil reserves in the world

IN recent years shale oil is actively entering the market around the world. Total volumes of oil shale are about 345 billion barrels. But the development of shale oil is economically feasible only where the formation thickness does not exceed 30 meters and the oil content is 90 liters per ton of shale.

The greatest concentration of territories suitable for shale oil production is observed in the United States, which is actively promoting the idea of ​​a “shale revolution,” but in terms of total reserves, Russia ranks first.

The development of shale deposits creates serious problems for the ecology of the mining area, which is a limiting factor for development. The decline in traditional oil reserves and the development of technology suggest that this area has great prospects.

Oil reserves by country of the world

According to the BP Statistical Review of World Energy, in 2016, the ten main oil-producing countries extracted more than 3 billion tons of oil from the ground. Our country is in the top ten - Russia accounted for 554.3 million tons or 12.6% of global production, and Saudi Arabia became the main producer with 585.7 million tons, which in share terms amounted to 13.4%.

The US figures were 543 million tons, including shale oil, and in shares - 12.4%. According to this source, the ranking of countries in terms of proven oil reserves does not coincide with the indicators of its production volumes. The largest resources - 17.6% or 300.9 billion barrels, including heavy oil from the Orinoco belt, are concentrated in Venezuela. Next, with 266.5 billion barrels (15.6%) follows Saudi Arabia, Canada with 171.5 billion (10%), Iran - 158.4 billion (9.3%), Iraq - 153 billion. (9%), Russia – 109.5 billion (6.4%), Kuwait – 101.5 billion (5.9%), UAE – 97.8 (5.7%).

The rest of the countries, including the USA and Libya, have 347.7 billion barrels of oil (20.5%).

Venezuela oil reserves

As noted above, Venezuela has the largest oil reserves, about 300.9 billion barrels. But due to the fact that Venezuela placed its main emphasis on the export of hydrocarbons, in the context of a global drop in oil prices, the country found itself in a deep economic crisis.

Extraction is carried out from deposits in the basins:

  • Maracaibo;
  • Apure;
  • Falcon;
  • Orienta.

Production is also carried out in the Orinoco belt, where oil classified as heavy and super-heavy is concentrated, which makes its production unprofitable given the current economic climate.

Proven oil reserves in Russia

According to the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, the increase in liquid hydrocarbon reserves in Russia in 2016 amounted to 575 million tons and further growth is predicted due to the discovery of new oil territories. Russia's total proven reserves amount to over 14 billion tons.

For their effective development, it is imperative to use the latest achievements of science and technology, which can significantly reduce costs. This is due to the fact that the country also has significant reserves of hard-to-recover oil (over 60% of the total number of fields in Russia).

Oil companies from all over the world at the exhibition

Of great importance for companies associated with the oil business is the opportunity to get acquainted with the latest trends in the development of the industry, express themselves and present their products. To this end, leading oil-producing countries hold specialized exhibitions, which to a certain extent become a platform for solving these problems.

In Moscow, with the support of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Expocentre Fairgrounds has been holding an international exhibition of equipment and technologies for the oil and gas complex for several years now. "Neftegaz".

At the exhibition leading enterprises from different countries samples of special equipment, innovative developments, scientific and technical achievements are presented around the world.

In addition, an important part of the exhibition is the National Oil and Gas Forum, within which the most significant and controversial issues existing in the industry will be discussed.

World statistics cannot confidently answer the question “how much oil is there in the world.” Therefore, research results and expert opinion are always called into question. This is due to the fact that currently only 25 percent of the world's oil fields are being developed.

Research results show that the global reserve is significantly reduced; analytical examinations prove that the reserve is approximately 1,700 billion barrels. This share will provide humanity for only forty years.

The statistics presented in the article are current as of the end of 2016. Rating of producing countries greatest number black energy has remained virtually unchanged over the past ten years.

Three leaders controlling the largest reserves

Oil fields are often the cause of many conflict situations between countries. For example, African countries are arguing over oil-rich territory, Libya has conflicting interests with Nigeria, Cameroon with Chad, and there are more than twenty similar disputes.

Latin American states have more than eight conflicts over oil fields, and there are also controversial issues in Europe and the Middle East.

  • Venezuela– produces just over three percent of the world. Experts estimate that oil in Venezuela will run out no sooner than in 120 years. The country's oil potential is more than 290 billion barrels or 17% of world reserves. However, the oil of the Latin country has its own characteristics - it is heavier and more difficult to extract. The country ranks tenth in the world in oil production.
  • Saudi Arabia- the main extractor and producer of the world's oil potential. Oil reserves amount to more than 265 billion barrels(more than 15% of the world). According to experts, the oil fields in the state will currently provide the country with fuel for more than eighty years. Arabia is the largest producer and supplier of black gold.
  • Canada– the share of oil reserves in the country is over 173 billion barrels(more than 10%) mainly due to hard-to-recover oil from sands. The profitability of producing such oil is approaching $90 per barrel. Canadian companies are the main suppliers of oil to America.

The potential of “black gold” in other countries

Most states spend very impressive sums, tens of billions of dollars annually, on the development of oil fields.

  • Iran– produces about 4% of the world's oil resources. However, according to researchers, Iran's black gold reserves may run out in seventy years. Iran's share is more than 150 billion barrels (about 9%). Production in the country has been growing since sanctions were lifted and could grow even more in the coming years.
  • Iraq. Iraq's largest field, Rumaila, accounts for the majority of the country's production. Iraq's reserves account for about 150 billion barrels, more than 8% of the world's total.
  • Russian Federation– produces about 12.5% ​​of oil, having 6% of the world's proven reserves. Experts' forecasts for the availability of oil are disappointing; Russian oil from present deposits may run out within twenty-five years. One of the reasons for this period is considered to be unreasonable government policy. Despite this Russian share amounts to 89 billion barrels. However, it is worth considering that Russia still has a lot of hidden reserves - in the Arctic (according to experts, about 90 billion barrels), as well as in shale formations (about 75 billion barrels of recoverable reserves). Developing tight oil reserves requires large investments and high oil prices. The state's economy is mainly built on the export of produced gas and oil.
  • Kuwait- about 6% of the world's deposits. Just like in the UAE, oil production can last for about a hundred years. Kuwait's potential is 101 billion barrels.
  • United Arab Emirates– the share of the world is comparable to Kuwait - about 6%. Research shows that oil production in Arab fields can last for more than a hundred years. The country holds about 97 billion barrels. Despite the development of global tourism in this country, much of the economy is supported by energy production and resource extraction.
  • United States of America– produce about 12% of oil, but own only 3%. Moreover, America's oil reserves may run out in the next ten years. The share of oil potential is 34 billion barrels of traditional oil and about 60 billion more of shale oil. America is the second country in the world in terms of consumption of natural energy resources. Moreover, its consumption accounts for more than twenty-five percent of the global level. Due to the introduction of new technologies, the country is increasing shale oil production.

Percentage distribution of world reserves confirmed by analysts and researchers in this field. The remaining countries involved in oil development and supply account for about twelve percent of the world's reserves.

The world's total reserves are approximately 1.7 trillion barrels However, actual reserves may be much larger, due to still unexplored deposits - mainly shale oil, as well as on the shelf.

Countries with relatively small oil reserves

  • Libya– the share of oil potential is 3%, although forecasts state that oil production in Libyan fields can be carried out for about sixty years. Proven oil reserves are 47 billion barrels. Libya is in 4th position in gas and oil development on the African continent. The country's economy is based on oil production and exports, which accounts for more than ninety percent of the treasury.
  • Nigeria– the country’s share of oil is just over two percent. Nigeria's current oil reserves will run out in 35 years. The potential is about 37 billion barrels. The country is very dependent on the export of black gold - about 80-90% of all budget revenues. The state has the largest deposits on the African continent.
  • Kazakhstan– the amount of oil reserves is thirty billion barrels(1.8% of world reserves). After gaining independence, Kazakhstan began to attract global investors. At the same time, the flow of foreign investment into the state’s oil industry has increased significantly.
  • Qatar. Natural raw materials in Qatar are extracted from large deposits. The oil industry's potential is more than 25 billion barrels. Reliability in the oil industry ensures the prosperity of the state. Qatar is in fourth place among countries in the ranking for supplies of dry blue fuel.
  • China– produces more than 200 million tons at its fields. oil per year. Market share - 5%. Residual reserves in the depths of China 18.5 billion barrels(about 1% of the world). The most populous country has the fastest growing economy. China is the world's leading energy consumer. Every year companies increase the production of natural fuels, but still the main source of energy for China is coal.
  • Algeria– the share of global potential is 0,7% (just over twelve billion barrels). A major producer and extractor, Algeria is in second position among African oil production countries. The state parliament attracts investment by reducing taxes for developers of the gas industry and fields.
  • India– the share of oil potential is five and a half billion barrels. Fourth place in consumption and import of natural fuel. At the moment, the state is not able to satisfy the need for energy resources within the country. The country's priority has been to increase fuel reserves.
  • Australia– 3.8 billion barrels. The continental country attracts global mining companies with its political stability and proximity to Asian countries. Inflow cash from foreign companies have a positive impact on field development. The continent is rich in uranium reserves.

Geographical distribution of oil industry reserves

According to statistics over the past ten years, the Middle and Near East have seen the largest growth. In these areas, oil reserves have increased by one and a half times.

Canada and the South of North America are in second place in the development of oil fields.

Educational information

The absurdity of the situation in Russian Federation still confounds some analysts. The country with the highest oil production has an inflated cost of gasoline and diesel fuel. However, if we take oil production per capita, Russia is far from the leading position.

In countries whose main budget depends on the oil industry, for example, the United Arab Emirates, the price of gasoline does not exceed six rubles, but per capita oil in such countries is much more than in Russia. It turns out that 60 percent of the price for gasoline consists of various fees, excises and taxes.

Vladimir Khomutko

Reading time: 5 minutes


Volume of oil production of leading countries

Countries of the world that are rich in oil and have significant reserves of this mineral have a strong influence on world economy, since petroleum product producers around the world depend on regular supplies of hydrocarbon raw materials, without which existence is impossible modern economy. Global oil refining and chemical production consume truly colossal volumes of raw materials, and therefore the world’s gas volume is colossal.

Oil production and natural gas for their subsequent export to many countries of the world brings the lion's share budget revenues, in connection with which the oil and gas industry are advanced sectors of their economies.

In one day, about one hundred million barrels of “black gold” are produced in the world. The top three largest oil powers are the Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia and the United States of America. It is these three countries that supply 30 percent of all traded oil.

Volume of oil production by country of the world

What other countries in the world are engaged in such production, and what volume of oil do they supply to the market? Below we will look at the leading countries in oil production, starting from tenth place and up to the top three.

10th place. Venezuela

The daily volume of oil production in this country is 2.5 million barrels, which allows it to open the world TOP-10 in this area.

The Venezuelan economy is heavily dependent on hydrocarbon sales. Suffice it to say that 96% of exports come from this mineral. Venezuelan raw materials account for 3.65% of the total volume of oil supplied to the market. But if we talk about the reserves of this energy resource, then Venezuela is in first place in the world. According to experts, their level is about 46 billion tons.

9th place. United Arab Emirates

The UAE, which produces 2.7 million barrels per day, rightfully occupies this place of honor. The share of hydrocarbon raw materials supplied to the world markets is 3.81%.

The main deposits are located in the emirate of Abu Dhabi (approximately 95%), the remaining 5% are located in the emirates of Sharjah and Dubai. The total amount of natural reserves in the UAE is estimated at 13 billion tons. The main importers of this mineral from the UAE are India, Thailand, Japan, Korea, China and Singapore.

8th. Kuwait

Daily production level of 2.8 million barrels.

bring Kuwait to eighth place in the TOP 10 largest producers. Unused liquid natural hydrocarbons in Kuwait account for 9% of the world's total and are estimated by experts at 14 billion tons of “black gold”.

On oil market Kuwait occupies 3.90%.

Kuwait's largest field is Greater Burgan, which accounts for half of all extracted raw materials. Another 50% comes from Kuwaiti fields such as Umm Gudair and Minagish, located in the south of Kuwait, and Sabriah and Raudhaiten, located in the northern part of Kuwait. Kuwait makes its main exports to Morocco, Jordan, Syria, China and the UAE.

7th. Iraq

The daily volume of oil produced in Iraq is 3 million barrels, which allows it to occupy a prominent place among the main producers of this raw material in the world.

Despite the difficult political situation, Iraq is gradually increasing the production of this raw material, since its economy is heavily dependent on its exports. The revenue side of the Iraqi budget consists of 90% of revenues from oil exports.

In the world, Iraqi hydrocarbons account for approximately 4.24%.

The total reserve of unused resources is 20 billion tons.

6th place. Iran

It supplies over three million barrels daily.

This Middle Eastern country is a major oil power with huge reserves of this useful energy resource. The bulk of hydrocarbons here are extracted from fields located in the Persian Gulf basin. According to experts, the already discovered Iranian deposits will last for almost ninety years, since their level is estimated at 21 billion tons. This is the third indicator in the world.

Iran's percentage in the market for this energy resource is 4.25%.

The main importers are Japan, China, India, South Korea and Türkiye. Half of Iran's export revenues consist of proceeds from the sale of “black gold.”

5th place. Canada

It also supplies more than three million barrels per day.

Canada opens the top five exporters of this product. The largest deposit of this mineral in Canada is located in the province of Alberta. Recently, Canada has become the largest supplier of hydrocarbons to its neighbors, the United States. More than 90% of Canadian crude hydrocarbons are exported here.

Canada holds 4.54% of the oil market.

It has enormous reserves of this mineral, which are estimated at approximately 28 billion tons. According to this indicator, Canada is among the top three in the world.

4th. China

The daily volume of oil, equal to 4 million barrels, rightfully puts the People's Republic of China in fourth place in the oil production ranking.

Chinese “black gold” in the world is 5.71%.

The population of the PRC is huge, so China is not only one of the leading exporters, but also one of the leaders in consumption of this energy resource. The amount of explored Chinese hydrocarbons is relatively small - 2.5 billion tons. One of the main exporters of “black gold” for China is Russia.

Third place - United States of America

Opens the “big three” main producers of this product in the United States - 9 million barrels. daily, 11.80% of global production.

The United States is not only a leading exporter, but also the world's largest importer of hydrocarbons and petroleum products. The main deposits are concentrated in three American states - Texas, Alaska and California. In case of any possible unforeseen circumstances The United States holds the world's largest strategic reserve of already produced hydrocarbons.

Second place. Saudi Arabia

10 million barrels is the daily volume of oil produced in this country.

Saudi Arabia has long been rightfully among the leaders in the production of hydrocarbons, on which its entire economy rests. The main export regions are the USA and East Asia. The share of export revenues received from the sale of hydrocarbons in the total amount of such revenues in this state is approximately 90 percent. All fields in Saudi Arabia are developed by the national company Saudi Aramco.

Liquid hydrocarbons supplied from Saudi Arabia on the global market are 13.23%.

Explored resources are estimated at 36.7 billion tons.

And finally, the leader of the rating is Russia

Daily production is more than 10 million barrels.

Confident first place. Russia has long been considered one of the richest in the world, not only in terms of the amount of “black gold”, but also a real storehouse of other types of minerals - coal, non-ferrous metals, natural gas and so on. The total volume of explored Russian hydrocarbons is more than 14 billion tons.

The percentage of the Russian Federation in the total amount of mined “black gold” is 13.92 percent.

Trends for 2017

A sharp drop in oil prices, which was provoked by a sharp increase in production

Oil is a strategically important resource throughout the planet. This hydrocarbon raw material is familiar to everyone. It is used in many areas of life. It accumulates in layers of various rocks, serving as a kind of collector and protection from the harmful effects of external environment. Despite all the fame, the importance of oil in modern world it is difficult to overestimate, since this is one of the main keys to the growth of the global economy. However, for some countries this is the main source of budget, because oil is in demand, and there are many countries willing to purchase it. For this reason, there was a shortage of raw materials. The world's proven oil reserves are being depleted, and new deposits have to be found so as not to cause an energy crisis.

Oil composition

What does this type of mineral consist of? Oil contains many substances. Among them, 90% are hydrocarbons, which indicates its organic origin. Atoms also contain hydrogens and carbons, and in small quantities almost the entire table of chemical elements.

Properties of oil

"Black Gold" is an oily substance ranging in color from red, slightly brownish to dark black. Oil is an excellent flammable substance. Some varieties have amazing properties. For example, some may be liquid in Siberia, but in Africa they will be solid. Oil is dangerous for the environment.

Origin of oil

Scientists are puzzling over many dilemmas. One of these perennial, controversial problems is the scientific basis for the origin of oil. The great Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov was the first to guess about its existence. But so far no one can give an exact formulation. Some come up with fabulous hypotheses. Others believe that oil is a substance of biological origin. However, even this logical and universally accepted point of view has its opponents, who believe that it was formed through the hydrocarbon cycle. If we adhere to the popular theory, then oil originates from the remains of organic matter - these can be animals, plants that have outlived their time. But it is worth noting that its composition differs in different regions of the world, which indicates that it was in different conditions and a kind of “traps” that did not allow it to mix with other impurities.

What is made from oil?

"Black Blood" modern civilization used in many areas of life. But oil as such pure form do not use. First it is cleaned and processed. During the initial processing cycle, it is divided into fractions. The main component of oil includes various types of fuel: gas, kerosene, gasoline for automobiles and aircraft, as well as diesel fuel. Secondary fuels include fuel oil and products of its further processing: paraffin, bitumen, oil, liquid fuel for boilers.


All proven oil reserves in the world have practical application, not only in the form of fuel for equipment. Oil is also used as road surfaces, that is, by mixing bitumen with minerals, asphalt concrete or tar is obtained. No less popular is the use of petroleum products as fuel for heating premises.

Cosmetic use is known to many. Everyone knows the fact that oil is made from oil, on the basis of which ointments and creams are produced. Wax, toxic chemicals, plant fertilizers, dyes, solvents, paints and varnishes, dishwashing detergents, polymer films, plastic products, rubber, rubber, synthetics, fabrics - all of these are post-processing products. Vaseline is used to make a base for shampoos.

Look around, many people don’t even think about the great variety of objects of petroleum origin that surround us. Take the same toothbrush, keyboard, toys, even the exterior trim of cars, shoes. Metallurgists use such "unnecessary" elements of oil as coke residues, which are suitable for creating electrodes. Chemists obtain sulfuric acid from the “black liquid” and sulfur. But, despite all the usefulness of this raw material and its applicability in many areas, Mendeleev believed that the way oil is used is stupid. He was inclined to think that it needed to be used correctly, because burning it was unprofitable.


Like plants, oil also has its own classification. It is divided according to various criteria: lightness, quality, uniformity. All oil reserves in the world have different compositions, and therefore have their own names and values. The standard of quality and cost is the Brent brand. Other companies adapt to it, making the price lower, because the other variety is heavier and contains impurities.

Sulfur is the main enemy of cars and engines, as it disrupts their functioning. Therefore, its content in oil should be less so that the fuel is not of low quality. The more sulfur is included in the composition, the lower the price. Unfortunately, Russian oil reserves are in little demand for this reason. There is no variety in the world that does not contain sulfur at all. But despite this, fuel requirements are becoming more stringent in this aspect. However, for Russia, not everything is so hopeless. The government is taking a number of actions to create conditions for improving the quality of oil and its ability to compete. In the meantime, its cost is slightly inferior to Brent brand products.

World oil reserves by country

There are oil fields in various countries. Where is the largest amount of this raw material?

How long will oil last? Venezuela has almost a fifth of all the world's bases of this raw material. These are the largest oil reserves in the world. This country is also a leader in its production. But the palm in consumption, and this impressive number - 20 million barrels per day, is confidently held by the United States of America.

It is quite difficult to accurately answer the question of how much oil reserves there are in the world. Although, according to statisticians, this figure is approximately equal to 3000 billion barrels or 400 billion tons.

Russia has very impressive reserves, and in the near future there will be no need to purchase this product from other states (even if we do not have the largest oil reserves in the world). How long will this raw material last? Experts answer this question with caution. The study of the territory leaves much to be desired, but this gives an advantage, because it is unknown whether other large oil fields will be discovered in our native land. In addition, mining is carried out not only on land, but also at sea.

If you imagine how many barrels of this fuel are produced, your head will spin. But everyone understands that everything does not last forever, even no matter how huge the oil reserves in the world are. It is not known exactly how many years it will last, but according to conservative calculations by analysts, the raw material will run out after half a century of use. This takes into account the fact that oil consumption will not increase every year. But recently there has been a clear trend towards increasing the use of this hydrocarbon. Unfortunately, not all countries have oil reserves in the world, which also leads to its consumption in large quantities.

Self-healing theory

Along with the accepted explanation for the appearance of oil, there are other understandings of this process. One of these theories was proposed by the famous chemist Mendeleev. He believed that the world's oil reserves are formed not in millions, but in several hundreds and even decades, thanks to the regeneration of hydrocarbons in already depleted wells. This is proven by the fact that fields that have dried up are producing oil again. But this theory is always hushed up, and this raises suspicions. After all, there are interested parties in this, such as the owners of large mining companies who will control oil prices and sing praises that it will soon end.

Only future generations will be able to give us an exact answer. Perhaps the current theories are incorrect, and in the near future someone will discover the mystery associated with the appearance of oil and the processes that accompany this transformation. Naturally, the statement about its inorganic origin is more favorable for humanity; it gives hope that the main resource of the planet will not be depleted at all. But this theory says that carbon and hydrogen seep into the bowels of the Earth after tens or hundreds of years. Therefore, based on these arguments, people will have to create a work schedule at oil wells, as well as calculate all the nuances associated with restoration periods.


A final decision regarding the dispute over the occurrence of this hydrocarbon has not yet been made. Although there is a heated debate on this issue, since the facts confirm both positions to the same extent.

Despite the difference of opinion regarding the origin, people understand that whatever the world's oil reserves, humanity will one day have to look for alternative sources like it. And now scientists are racking their brains to create a prototype, that is, synthesized oil, as well as substances similar to it in properties and composition.

Hydraulic fracturing—injecting water, special chemicals and sand into tight shale to create a network of cracks, releasing the oil and gas they contain—has changed the landscape of the U.S. energy landscape beyond recognition. After a steady decline for 25 years. The growth over the last five years from 2008 to 2013 was 47 percent. The Energy Department predicts that the United States, which imported 6 percent of its gas consumption as recently as 2012, will become a net exporter of hydrocarbons by 2018.

Shale boom

Despite fears of groundwater contamination and numerous protests, energy companies are competing to gain access to giant shale deposits in China, Russia, India, South Africa, Australia, Argentina and other countries.

Royal Dutch Shell joined forces with Chinese petrochemical corporation Sinopec to exploit the world's largest shale gas formation, spread across central and southern China.

Chevron agreed to invest at least $16 billion in partnership with YPF, an Argentine state-owned oil production company, to drill the formation Vaca Muerta near the Andes. This formation alone could increase South America's oil reserves eightfold and also make it a significant player in the gas field.

Since Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto opened his country to foreign investment in oil production, American oil and gas explorers, who started the shale boom, are ready for a new breakthrough. The obvious target is a gas-rich formation. Eagle Ford, which stretches from Texas to the Mexican state of Tamaulipas. “These are the most actively developed shale plays in Texas, but when you get into Mexico, there's no activity,” says Chris Wright, CEO Liberty Resources, a hydraulic fracturing company in North Dakota.

Even relatively small Britain sits on huge gas reserves. Formation Bowland-Hodder- a shale belt that stretches across the middle of England - contains more than 37 trillion cubic meters of natural gas, according to calculations by the British Geological Survey.

Around the world, countries are increasingly aware of the need for their energy independence. Therefore, it is difficult to expect that all these huge hydrocarbon reserves will remain untouched for a long time.