Atopic (allergic) dermatitis causes a lot of inconvenience for both children and their parents. A specialized diet will reduce the risk of disease in a child and help get rid of the symptoms of dermatitis. Proper selection of products and adherence to a diet will allow the baby to forget about the manifestations of an unpleasant disease for a long time.

The need for a diet for atopic dermatitis in a child

Called dermatitis inflammatory disease skin.

Atopic (or allergic) dermatitis has variant names. Allergic eczema, diathesis, neurodermatitis, childhood eczema, eczematoid - all this is one disease.

Atopic diathesis is most common in infants and children. The main cause of the disease is the body's excessive production of immunoglobulin upon contact with allergens. Since the main factor in the occurrence of the disease is food allergy, special nutrition will help get rid of diathesis. The purpose of the diet is to limit or completely eliminate the entry of irritating substances into children's body.

Following a diet will help in the treatment of atopic dermatitis

Diet principles

  1. Fractional meals. The baby should be fed little by little, but often. The child’s body will be satiated faster and the foods will be absorbed better.
  2. Food upon request. You cannot force your baby to eat if he refuses.
  3. Exclusion from the menu of foods that can cause an allergic reaction.
  4. Strict adherence to the diet during treatment and recovery.
  5. Keeping a food diary.

A food diary is a great assistant for parents. By writing down everything that your child eats and monitoring the body’s reaction, you can easily identify foods that cause an allergic reaction in your baby.

A food diary will help parents identify foods that cause an allergic reaction in their child.

Features of the diet

Allowed and prohibited products for children of different ages

Infantile atopic dermatitis (3 months - 2 years)

If infantile diathesis occurs in a breastfed baby, the mother should adhere to a special diet. Preference should be given to:

  • fermented milk products;
  • green vegetables and fruits;
  • gluten-free porridge;
  • steamed lean meat.
  • smoked meats;
  • sausages;
  • chocolate;
  • citrus fruits;
  • honey;
  • pickled products.

At artificial feeding it is necessary to select a hypoallergenic mixture and dilute it a large number water than the manufacturer recommends. Complementary feeding should be introduced no earlier than 6–7 months. Green vegetables and fruits are suitable for this: broccoli, zucchini, green apples, color and Brussels sprouts. They will provide the child's body with the necessary vitamins.

Children's diathesis (2 years - 12 years)

In case of childhood dermatitis, the following should be excluded:

  • food products with dyes;
  • spicy and fatty foods;
  • sweets;
  • smoked meats;
  • seafood;
  • fruits and vegetables of bright colors.

Preference should be given to:

  • green fresh vegetables;
  • steamed meat;
  • low-fat beef broth;
  • cereals;
  • olive oil.

Teenagers (12–15 years old)

IN adolescence Atopic dermatitis is not as pronounced as in infants and occurs rather quickly. However, this does not cancel a special diet during an exacerbation of the disease. At the age of 12-15, children can independently control their diet. Parents should instill in their children the basics of healthy eating.

Recommended Products Use with caution Prohibited Products
  • corn;
  • olive
  • creamy;
  • margarine.
Breadrye with branfrom wheatrich
  • rice;
  • buckwheat;
  • corn.
Sweetssimple crackers and dryingapple marmalade
  • chocolate;
  • gingerbread, etc.
Fish river
  • fatty fish;
  • caviar;
  • seafood;
Meat (meat products)
  • steamed beef;
  • rabbit;
  • mutton.
offal (kidneys, liver)
  • turkey;
  • goose;
  • duck;
  • boiled and smoked sausages;
  • sausages;
  • delicacies.
  • gooseberry;
  • white currant.
  • blueberry;
  • blueberry;
  • watermelon.
  • strawberries;
  • cherry;
  • cherries;
  • raspberry;
  • grape;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn.
  • green apples;
  • pears;
  • plums;
  • dried apples;
  • prunes.
  • red apples;
  • all tropical fruits;
  • canned juices and compotes;
  • persimmon;
  • pomegranate;
  • melons;
  • apricots;
Vegetables and greens
  • all green varieties of cabbage;
  • zucchini;
  • squash;
  • fresh cucumbers;
  • potatoes previously soaked in water;
  • parsley;
  • dill.
  • eggplant;
  • tomatoes;
  • beet;
  • yellow and red peppers;
  • sorrel;
  • starch.
Dairy products
  • fermented milk products;
  • sour cream;
  • mild cheese.
  • unleavened milk;
  • processed cheese and children's cheese;
  • spicy cheese;
  • tea without additives;
  • compotes from fresh apples and pears;
  • diluted natural juices.
  • decoctions of vegetables and fruits;
  • canned juices.
  • cocoa;
  • jelly;

A common cause of diathesis is cow's milk. There are many tips about replacing it with goat milk, as it is better absorbed by the child’s body. Unfortunately, goat's milk can also provoke the development or exacerbation of dermatitis in a child.

Prohibited foods for diathesis (gallery)

Kvass Coffee Carbonated drinks Cream Processed cheese Carrot Peaches Melon Pork Sausage and sausages Canned fish Butter bread Red berries, fruits and vegetables (apples, pomegranate, tomatoes, etc.) Butter Citrus products Cakes and pastries

Sample menu for a child with allergic dermatitis

Menu for a child from 6 months to a year

1 feeding: breast milk or hypoallergenic mixture.

2 feeding:

  • dairy-free porridge with the addition of breast milk or soy mixture with vegetable oil;
  • green apple puree.

3 feeding: vegetable, meat or fruit puree.

4 feeding:

  • vegetable dish with cereals: cauliflower+ rice or buckwheat + zucchini;
  • meat or fruit puree.

5 feeding: breast milk or hypoallergenic formula.

Menu options for older children

Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1 option
  • cabbage and potato soup with secondary beef broth (the first one must be drained);
  • compote of fresh green apples.
  • millet porridge;
  • a piece of boiled or steamed beef;
  • green apple.
Option 2
  • buckwheat porridge from pre-soaked cereals with the addition of 0.5 teaspoon of rapeseed oil;
  • tea without sugar.
  • vegetable soup - puree of potatoes, onions, white cabbage. For greater satiety, you can add mashed or chopped boiled beef;
  • fresh pear compote.
  • rice porridge (pre-soak the rice in water);
  • tea or compote from dried apples.
Option 3
  • liquid rice porridge;
  • a piece of low-fat cheese.
  • potato soup in water with sour cream;
  • meat puree or boiled beef with soaked cooked rice;
  • compote.
  • mashed potatoes;
  • steamed meat cutlets;
Option 4
  • mashed potatoes;
  • fresh cabbage salad with olive oil;
  • cheese with bread;
  • fresh cabbage soup;
  • steamed meat balls;
  • compote.
  • lazy cabbage rolls with rice and boiled meat;
  • children's cottage cheese;

Kefir, permitted vegetables and fruits, and cottage cheese are suitable for older children as a snack or afternoon snack.

Diet results

The result of following a diet is:

  1. Disappearance external symptoms manifestations of the disease.
  2. Long period of remission.
  3. Removing allergens from the body.
  4. Reduced manifestation allergic reactions.
  5. Improving the child's well-being.

It should be remembered that the disease is chronic. The best option There will be constant adherence to a special diet to avoid exacerbations of the disease.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion on atopic dermatitis in children (video)

Compliance with the diet atopic dermatitis in a child - an indispensable condition for eliminating the symptoms of the disease. It must be remembered that adherence to proper nutrition is necessary throughout life, since otherwise the disease may recur. Be healthy!


Individual characteristics of the daily diet determine the state of human health. Especially when it comes to potential allergy sufferers, whose task is to exclude them from the daily menu harmful products, and eat only hypoallergenic food. For atopic dermatitis, a therapeutic diet is the key to a speedy recovery.

Nutrition for atopic dermatitis

This disease is characterized by a skin rash, the presence of which is complemented by an unbearable sensation of itching and burning of the skin, redness, and swelling of the upper layer of the epidermis. By choosing the principles of a hypoallergenic diet as the norm, you can prolong the period of remission of a chronic disease for a long time and eliminate regular exacerbations. Since the disease is allergic in nature, it is important to reduce exposure to potential allergens and additionally keep a food diary. The basic dietary requirements are as follows:

  1. Eliminate the consumption of salt and sugar in full.
  2. Refuse such bad habits like smoking, alcohol.
  3. Reduce the volume of single servings, but increase the number of meals.
  4. Drink enough water.
  5. Discuss with a nutritionist the issue of food allergens, which in case of atopic dermatitis should be completely excluded from the treatment menu.
  6. Eat foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and microelements.
  7. Food should be cooked, as this can reduce the risk of exacerbation of atopic dermatitis. This is especially true for vegetables and red fruits.

Rotation diet for atopic dermatitis

Doctors resort to such a nutritional system when there is an urgent need to identify the main allergen and eliminate it from the daily menu of the affected party. The rotation diet provides for the presence of vegetable, meat, dairy, cereals, and fruit dishes in the daily diet, but selectively. For example, a representative of each group should appear on the table once every 4 days. This time is enough for him to show pronounced signs of an allergic reaction in case of interaction.

In the absence negative impact on the body, you can further experiment with dishes from these groups in order to determine for yourself the safest menu for every day with atopic dermatitis. The diet is of the same type, however, this disease is modified into a “dormant” stage, the risk of another exacerbation for the patient is minimal.

Elimination diet for atopic dermatitis

If toxic substance has already been detected in the patient’s body; instead of a rotational diet, an elimination diet is prescribed, which provides for a number of restrictions depending on the characteristics clinical picture. Such a nutritional system does not exclude a two-day hunger strike, when the daily menu of a sick person contains only water and milk. Then it is necessary to gradually introduce new dishes, but remember the current prohibitions of the attending physician. Restrictions for atopic dermatitis apply to the following foods:

  • mushrooms;
  • pasta;
  • wheat, semolina;
  • any types of fish, meat;
  • tropical fruits, especially citrus fruits;
  • chewing gum due to the presence of questionable additives.

Diet for atopic dermatitis in children

Since the disease progresses equally in adulthood and childhood, at the first rash on the body it is recommended to immediately consult a dermatologist. For example, a hypoallergenic diet for children with atopic dermatitis should become the norm of everyday life, and a sick child should adhere to its rules for a single year. It all starts with diathesis in infants, but when there is no timely treatment, the consequences for the health of the younger generation are the most unpredictable.

To avoid external and internal symptoms atopic dermatitis, this is what Dr. Komarovsky suggests eating on a diet:

  • low-fat fermented milk products;
  • fruits, green vegetables;
  • lean meats cooked in own juice or for a couple;
  • gluten-free cereals;
  • low-fat varieties of fish prepared by boiling.
  • The following dishes should be prohibited in case of a characteristic illness:
  • conservation;
  • sausages, smoked meats;
  • honey, citrus fruits;
  • chocolate, cocoa;
  • baked goods and sweets;
  • first broths;
  • fatty and fried foods.

Hypoallergenic diet for nursing

You should also think about proper nutrition during the period of breastfeeding, when the health of the newborn baby completely depends on the daily diet of a young mother. It is important not only to enrich the menu with vitamins, but also to completely exclude potential allergens from it. If a mother’s diet for atopic dermatitis in a baby is chosen correctly, nothing threatens the baby’s health, and the appearance of a skin rash is not expected in the near future. Food products should contain protein and complex carbohydrates, but excessive amounts of fat will have to be temporarily abandoned.

Food allergens are not so dangerous as their concentration in the daily diet of a nursing mother. Here is a list of prohibited food ingredients on the diet to eliminate the risk of developing cross-allergy in atopic dermatitis in the future:

  1. Chicken egg combined with broths and meat. A high concentration of protein for lactation is also harmful.
  2. It is better not to combine cow's and goat's milk in one meal during lactation. It is also recommended not to combine the consumption of veal, beef, and infant formula with such drinks.
  3. Potatoes, as a natural product containing starch, are best not combined with red peppers, cabbage, eggplants, and tomatoes in one meal.
  4. Beetroot itself is a fresh allergen, and its combination in one meal with spinach only intensifies a progressive allergic reaction.
  5. It is advisable not to consume strawberries, currants and wild strawberries at the same time, otherwise you will have to take an additional anti-allergy drug when feeding your baby.

Diet for atopic dermatitis in adults

If this disease is present in the body of the older generation, daily nutrition should also be dietary and exclude the presence of allergic ingredients. The recommended diet for dermatitis in adults takes into account intolerance to individual food products to which it develops. skin rash on the body, swelling and itching. The disease is chronic, so the patient will have to adhere to the recommended table for the rest of his life, which reflects acceptable and prohibited foods on occasion and for every day.

Menu for atopic dermatitis

The presence of a rotation and elimination diet in the life of a clinical patient is only welcome, since in this way you can enrich the daily menu, make it varied, healthy and as safe as possible for health. Daily nutrition for dermatitis protects against direct contact with allergens, which, penetrating into the gastrointestinal tract, provoke the appearance of hemorrhagic rashes and urticaria on the skin. An approximate menu for atopic dermatitis has the following features:

  • Breakfast for patients with atopic dermatitis: buckwheat porridge cooked in water with olive oil, a portion of green tea.
  • Second breakfast: soak or bake an apple, preferably green, unsweetened varieties.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled beef or steamed cutlet.
  • Afternoon snack: banana or pear.
  • Dinner: boiled or stewed low-fat fish, stewed cabbage.

With atopic dermatitis, it is important to control fluid intake. The optimal option for the patient is 2 liters of water per day. In addition, it is allowed to consume herbal decoctions and teas, compotes from unsweetened fruits and jelly from sour berries. Under such circumstances, the disease transforms into a remission stage, which, with a properly selected diet, can be maintained for a single year.

What not to eat if you have dermatitis

In atopic form characteristic disease There is a standard list of prohibited foods, the use of which becomes one of the main reasons for the next attack, the appearance of a profuse rash on the skin. Not only adult patients, but also parents should know this when administering infant first feeding. Here's what you shouldn't eat if you have atopic dermatitis:

  • marinades and first broths;
  • kvass, beer and carbonated drinks;
  • products containing histamine liberators, for example, cheeses, sausages, ham;
  • vinegar, horseradish, mayonnaise;
  • nuts and honey;
  • alcoholic drinks in any concentration ethyl alcohol;
  • coffee and chocolate.

What can you eat if you have atopic dermatitis?

With the development of a characteristic illness, vegetarianism is encouraged, i.e. For starters, it is recommended to choose lean vegetable broths. Other approved products for atopic dermatitis relieve the burden on the digestive organs, while being distinguished by their hypoallergenic effect. This:

  • rice, oatmeal, buckwheat porridge;
  • bleached and white vegetables;
  • olive oil and butter in limited portions;
  • fermented milk products;
  • low-fat meats.

Table of foods for atopic dermatitis

Seborrheic, perioral and other forms of dermatitis are chronic diseases, which are treated by a dermatologist. Patients have to constantly take medications, adhere to a therapeutic diet, and intensive vitamin therapy for life. The list of products for atopic dermatitis is presented below, from which you can significantly diversify your daily diet:

Prohibited Products

Eligible Products

boiled chicken, beef

sugar and salt

vegetarian soups


refined vegetable oil

lean meats

juice, fruit drink, compote


buckwheat, wheat,

whole milk

fermented milk products

wheat bread

rye bread

peas, beans

vegetable, fruit puree

Recipes for atopic dermatitis

From the food products suggested in the table, you can prepare a diet that is healthy and safe for atopic dermatitis. Additionally, it is recommended to agree on the permitted ingredients with the attending physician in order to exclude a deterioration in general well-being or a relapse of the underlying disease. Meals for atopic dermatitis include a high content of protein and plant fiber, while limiting portions of fats, carbohydrates, sodium salts and spices. The range of recipes makes the diet menu complete and varied.

Porridge for atopic dermatitis

Most often these are buckwheat and wheat groats, which are recommended to be cooked in water. You can use dairy products on your diet, but only at a reduced fat content. Since semolina and oatmeal contain a lot of gluten, such dishes for atopic dermatitis should be introduced gradually, during the remission stage. So, pre-rinse buckwheat, fill with water in a ratio of 2:1. Do not add salt and spices, cook until boiling and another 5-7 minutes, then leave under a tightly covered lid.

Soup for atopic dermatitis

  1. According to the first recipe for vegetable soup for dermatitis, add chopped onions, carrots, potatoes, and a little white cabbage in the specified order to 2 liters of broth, making sure each time that the ingredient is cooked through. You can add greens.
  2. Add finely chopped potatoes to 2 liters of beef broth, chop carrots and onions. As a cereal, it is better to use 1-2 tbsp. l. pre-steamed buckwheat, you can add chopped herbs. It's delicious healthy dish for atopic dermatitis.

Meat for atopic dermatitis

  1. It is desirable that it be lean beef, which is tasty and healthy to bake in the sleeve for this disease. For atopic dermatitis, rinse a fresh piece of meat, cut into portion strips, and mix with pre-prepared sour cream. Add some spices for taste, wrap in a sleeve along with the liquid, bake at 180 degrees for up to 1 hour.
  2. For atopic dermatitis, meat can be cooked in a steamer, but it is advisable to choose young beef tenderloin to prepare a tasty dish (the chicken becomes dry). Treat the piece with dry mustard; you can use herbs or coriander for sprinkling. Cook the dish for 40 minutes, the taste does not harm the diet.

Video: How to eat with atopic dermatitis

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make treatment recommendations based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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Atopic dermatitis is an allergic disease that manifests itself in the form of skin irritations: itching, redness, rash and severe peeling.

There are two stages of the disease: exacerbation and remission.

Atopic dermatitis can be treated in different ways, but in order to avoid exacerbation of the disease, strict adherence to the diet is necessary, this will be discussed.

What you can’t eat and what you can

If you have a disease such as atopic dermatitis, categorically must be excluded from the diet:

  • The berries are red;
  • Citrus;
  • Fatty meats;
  • Pickles and chocolate.

You should also limit the consumption of sugar, pickles and various canned foods.


In adults

An adult needs to receive enough energy to function fully.

To do this, he needs the following set of products:

  • For breakfast: porridge with water or low-fat milk, followed by green tea;
  • For lunch: low-fat fish or beef soup, boiled potatoes and a cutlet from lean meat;
  • For dinner: stewed vegetables and boiled fish, a glass of kefir.
How to replace unhealthy foods

In between meals, you can eat a banana or an apple.

For children and infants

The menu should include the following products:

  • Lean beef, veal;
  • Soups based on cereals or vegetables;
  • Vegetable and fruit purees;
  • Low fat fermented milk products.

Complementary feeding for infants up to one year includes:

  • Pear or apple puree;
  • Oatmeal or buckwheat porridge with water or skim milk;
  • Puree of zucchini or potatoes.

What to feed your baby

Nursing mothers

If atopic dermatitis is detected, a nursing mother should absolutely not eat citrus fruits, red berries, pickles and chocolate. Also be careful with nuts, fatty fish and meat.

It is necessary to avoid drinking coffee and alcoholic beverages.

Hypoallergenic diet

In this case, the list of permitted products is selected by the doctor after analyzing samples for allergens, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

The following foods may be excluded from the diet::

  • Fish and seafood;
  • Red berries: strawberries, raspberries, cranberries and currants;
  • Eggs and products containing them;
  • Legumes;
  • Apples;
  • Melons and watermelons;
  • Bananas;
  • Some nuts.

This may be a more strict diet, since in other cases some products from the list are not prohibited.

For nursing mothers

The diet of a nursing mother has a number of features, since it is necessary to minimize the risk of exacerbation of the disease during this crucial period.

For feeding a nursing mother, steamed veal, all types of low-fat fermented milk products, green vegetables and fruits are recommended.

For children

A child's diet with this disease must include: lean meat, preferably steamed, cereal soups and fruit purees.

For adults

In the diet of an adult with such a diet for complete nutrition must include:

  • Poultry or rabbit meat, boiled or steamed;
  • Some types of fish;
  • Any green vegetables;
  • Porridge;
  • Water-based and low-fat dairy products.

Some fruits are allowed: bananas, apricots and peaches.


For children

Since there may be restrictions on meat, there is a good recipe for buckwheat-based cutlets.

It will require:

  • 2 cups buckwheat;
  • 2 large potatoes;
  • Spices to taste, try to add as little salt as possible;
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

While the buckwheat is cooking, grate the potatoes, squeeze out excess moisture and mix with boiled buckwheat, add spices and salt.

Fry over high heat for 3-5 minutes on each side with the lid closed.

For those who have no restrictions on meat, you can make cutlets based on lean meat with zucchini.

To prepare this dish you will need to take:

  • 600-700 g minced meat poultry or rabbit, it is better to take it not ready-made, but to make it yourself;
  • 200-300 g zucchini;
  • 1 onion and 1 garlic;
  • Spices and salt in small quantities.

Make cutlets from the prepared minced meat, you should get 10-12 pieces and fry them over high heat until cooked.

To diversify your diet, you can make rolls.

To do this, you need to take pita bread, 200 grams of cottage cheese and parsley and dill.

Cottage cheese and greens are crushed and mixed, and pita bread is cut into 4 parts, then rolls are formed, it is very tasty and healthy.

For adults

Adults can also make cutlets based on meat and zucchini, if there are no restrictions on meat consumption.

To do this, you need to take 300 grams of lean beef, 5-6 potatoes, 1 egg, 1 boiled carrot and 1 onion.

You need to make minced meat from the products, form cutlets, preferably small ones, and cook them in a double boiler for 15-20 minutes.

If it is not there, then you need to take a pan and place a colander of suitable size on it so that the water almost reaches its bottom.

Place the cutlets and cook in constantly boiling water for 20 minutes.

This recipe is useful for both adults and children, especially if there are restrictions on the use of wheat flour-based products.

For rye flatbreads you need to take:

  • 2 cups rye flour;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda;
  • 200 grams of margarine;
  • 1.5-2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of oatmeal;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • 2-4 spoons of water.

A stiff dough is kneaded from these products, from which flat cakes are rolled out.

Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees.

Dietary nutrition can be very monotonous and over time there may be a lack of certain substances or vitamins in the body. To combat this, the rotation diet was created.

Its meaning is that, according to a certain scheme, poorly tolerated foods are allowed to be consumed in small quantities.

On certain days you can eat a little fatty meat, eggs, red berries or chocolate. This approach is based on the principle that dosed consumption of poorly tolerated foods will not lead to allergies and will not increase negative reaction body.

You should not try such experiments on yourself; it is better to consult an allergist.

This type of diet is the strictest and is prescribed by a doctor after food allergens have been identified.

The elimination nutrition system involves the complete exclusion of the main allergen from the diet and its complete or partial replacement with a similar product that does not cause a negative reaction in the body.

For atopic dermatitis, fatty minced pork is replaced with minced chicken or veal. If an allergy to eggs is detected, then mayonnaise, salads, baked goods and other dishes that contain them are completely excluded from the diet.

Cranberries, currants and strawberries are replaced with apples, apricots, sea buckthorn and bananas. Also, such a nutritional system involves a high consumption of bran and fiber.

Reading time: 5 min.

Atopic dermatitis in adults is a chronic disease. However, the duration of remission directly depends on the lifestyle a person leads. An important factor is nutrition, because in most cases it is food allergens that provoke an exacerbation of the disease. However, a diet for atopic dermatitis is important even if atopic dermatitis is caused by household allergens - proper nutrition will help strengthen immune system and reduce the likelihood of exacerbations. Learn about the differences food allergies for atopic dermatitis

Table of allowed and prohibited products for atopic dermatitis in adults

It is not always possible to foresee in advance which dishes can cause an exacerbation of the disease and which cannot. Therefore, every person with atopic dermatitis should have a table of foods that can and cannot be eaten - it will help in creating a menu for every day.

Authorized Products Prohibited Products
Lean meats and fish (sea fish, chicken, beef, rabbit) Fatty meats and fish, seafood, caviar, smoked meats, industrial canned food, sausages
Fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk), low-fat cheeses, all kinds of cereals: buckwheat, rice, semolina, oatmeal, pearl barley, wheat Whole milk and eggs
Fresh, stewed and boiled vegetables: potatoes, carrots, zucchini, squash, cabbage, cucumbers, dill, lettuce, parsley Pickled, salted and pickled vegetables
Bananas, green apples, gooseberries, light varieties of currants, cherries and plums, pears Exotic fruits, citrus fruits, as well as any other bright fruits and berries (orange, red), juices and fresh juices from them
Marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade in small quantities, sweets with fructose, dry foods, non-bread cookies Sweets (honey and chocolate are especially highly allergenic)
Weak tea and coffee, herbal teas, compote of berries, dried fruits, oatmeal jelly, some spices (cinnamon, turmeric) Alcoholic drinks, strong tea and coffee, sparkling water and sweet drinks, hot spices
Dried fruits in small quantities (dried apricots, raisins, prunes, dates) Any nuts
Rye, whole grain bread, crispbread Fresh white bread and rich pastries

Thanks to this table, you can exclude from your diet all dishes that can trigger an allergic reaction. We must remember that you can always find an alternative to prohibited products, because there are large number recipes delicious dishes, which are allowed for atopic dermatitis.

Types of diets for atopic dermatitis in adults

To date, nutritionists have developed 3 main types of diets for this disease: hypoallergenic, rotational and elimination. Each of them has its own characteristics and pursues different goals. They are similar in that for each of these diets it is recommended fractional meals(often, but in small portions), as well as drinking plenty of fluids (at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day).

Hypoallergenic diet

Following a hypoallergenic diet is aimed at maintaining the disease in remission. During a hypoallergenic diet, it is necessary to exclude from the diet:

  • all spices;
  • mushrooms of any kind;
  • chocolate;
  • citrus fruits (you can use lemon, but in limited quantities);
  • whole milk;
  • semi-finished products;
  • coffee and cocoa, strong tea, alcohol;

You should also limit your consumption of the following foods:

  • eggs;
  • pomegranate, melon, apricot (excess sweet juice with frequent consumption of melon causes fermentation of sugars in the intestines);
  • fish and seafood;
  • nuts;
  • wild strawberries, strawberries and black currants.

Allowed to include in the diet:

  • gluten-free porridges (buckwheat, pearl barley and rice);
  • any green vegetables and fruits, herbs;
  • fermented milk products (bio-kefir, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt without dyes and preservatives);
  • dried fruit compote, fruit and berry jelly;
  • lean white meat;
  • inconvenient cookies, drying.

According to statistics, people who do not violate the rules of this diet suffer from exacerbations of atopic dermatitis 3-4 times less. Therefore, a hypoallergenic diet is recommended for absolutely all patients with atopic dermatitis.

This type of nutrition helps to avoid complications if it is not possible to accurately identify which product provokes an allergic reaction. The essence of the rotation diet is that 1 product can be consumed no more than once every 4 days. For example, if you include buckwheat porridge and pears in your diet on the first day, then the next time you can eat these foods only on the fifth day. But within one day you can eat the same foods, for example, eat cottage cheese for breakfast, and cottage cheese casserole for an afternoon snack.

The optimal starting point for such a diet is 5 products: meat, cereal porridge, vegetables, fruits, dairy products. Every day you need to choose one of the types of each product (for example, chicken, rice, zucchini, apple and kefir) and eat only them during the day. The next day you need to prepare dishes from other products (for example, use beef, buckwheat porridge, carrots, banana and fermented baked milk). Thus, the diet needs to be changed every day, and the products of the first day should be consumed no earlier than 4-5 days from the start of the diet.

Elimination diet

It should be prescribed by a specialist who will monitor the patient’s health throughout the entire period of the diet. The essence of the elimination diet is to completely “cleanse” or eliminate the patient’s daily diet, eliminating allergens. This is necessary in cases where the disease occurs with frequent exacerbations or is very severe; this type of nutrition is also used if the main allergen has not been identified.

This diet includes several successive stages during which certain foods are added:

  • 1-3 days. Allowed to drink clean water without gas, eat crackers (even salt and sugar are prohibited in the menu).
  • 4-5 days. The patient’s diet is allowed to include 1 type of lean meat (most often it is steamed or boiled chicken).
  • 6-7 day. A natural fermented milk product (for example, low-fat kefir) is added to the menu.
  • 8-9 day. Allow to add green vegetables (zucchini or squash). They are recommended to be boiled or steamed.
  • 10-12 days. Cereals are added to the menu; it is advisable to start expanding the diet with gluten-free cereals.

In the following days, if an exacerbation of the disease does not develop, you can gradually introduce other types of meat (rabbit, beef, turkey), fruits (apples, pears, banana). It is important to gradually increase the amount of food; you cannot introduce new foods more often than once every 3-5 days. When symptoms appear, it becomes clear to which group of foods an allergic reaction occurs. For maximum “purity” of the experiment, it is recommended to carry out an elimination diet without taking various medications, including antiallergic ones.

Sample menu for a week for atopic dermatitis

This table provides an example of a menu for the week, but only main meals can be found here. Between them you need to arrange snacks - they may include fermented milk products, fruits, permitted sweets and drinks.

Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday Buckwheat porridge with water, rye bread and butter sandwich, green tea Chicken broth soup with potatoes, carrots and zucchini, rice porridge, steamed beef meatballs Mashed potatoes, boiled fish, jelly, marshmallows
Tuesday Oatmeal with prunes and dried apricots, cottage cheese, apple, weak tea with mint and lemon balm Stew of rabbit meat and vegetables (pumpkin, squash, potatoes), rye bread, dried fruit compote Stewed cabbage cottage cheese casserole with fruit (your choice), herbal tea
Wednesday Mashed potatoes, fish cutlet, fresh vegetable salad (cucumbers, cabbage) with added vegetable oil Soup puree of carrots, cabbage, zucchini and chicken meat, corn porridge, bread, berry jelly Diet pancakes with water, apple and plum fruit puree
Thursday Barley porridge, rye bread toast with butter, yogurt Noodle soup with meat broth, buckwheat porridge with oven-baked chicken, tea Oatmeal with water, prunes, raisins, tea with biscuits
Friday Boiled rice, rabbit meat, steamed with vegetables, chamomile tea Vegetable stew with zucchini, eggplant, potatoes and carrots, steamed chicken meatballs, yogurt Pasta with natural sauce made from sour cream and herbs and low-fat cheese, fermented baked milk
Saturday Semolina porridge on water with dried fruits, banana, curd mass with sour cream, green tea Beef meatballs, pearl barley porridge, fresh vegetable salad, jelly Cottage cheese casserole, oven-baked apple, mint tea
Sunday Wheat porridge, toast with butter and cheese, kefir Soup with rice and vegetables, buckwheat porridge with boiled vegetables, dried fruit compote, marmalade Fruit puree from banana and apple, dates, dried apricots, green tea

Proper nutrition is important factor, which affects the course of atopic dermatitis. If you plan your diet in advance and monitor your skin's reaction to certain foods, you can avoid frequent relapses. About the diet for atopic dermatitis in children


One of the common allergic diseases skin is atopic dermatitis. More often it affects people with a genetic predisposition. A hypoallergenic diet for atopic dermatitis will help avoid relapses of the disease.

General rules

To achieve a state of stable remission of the disease, it is important to follow a number of rules. Experts recommend that patients with atopic dermatitis:

  • exclude alcohol from the menu;
  • do not eat allergenic foods;
  • reduce salt and sugar intake;
  • eat small meals to avoid overeating;
  • use required quantity vitamins and microelements;
  • drink at least 2-3 liters of liquid daily.

What can you eat if you have atopic dermatitis?

In order for the patient’s condition to remain normal, it is important to exclude allergens from the menu. The list of permitted products is presented in the table:

Use with caution

Cereals and grains

  • Pearl barley;
  • oatmeal;
  • buckwheat;
  • millet.
  • Corn grits;
  • rice (soak for a long time before cooking).
  • Beans;
  • peas;
  • lentils.
  • Zucchini;
  • cucumbers;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • squash;
  • spinach;
  • parsley;
  • broccoli;
  • dill;
  • white cabbage (except sauerkraut).
  • Sweet pepper (green);
  • turnip;
  • eggplant;
  • pumpkin;
  • salad.
  • Gooseberry;
  • white currant;
  • yellow cherry.
  • Kalina;
  • cherry;
  • cowberry;
  • red currant;
  • blueberry;
  • cranberry.

Low-fat varieties baked or boiled.

Dairy products

  • Butter (up to 10 g per day);
  • kefir;
  • low fat foods.
  • Cheese (mild varieties);
  • milk with fat content up to 2.5% (only for making porridges).

Meat, poultry

Lenten, boiled:

  • beef;
  • quail;
  • pork;
  • rabbit;
  • mutton;
  • turkey;
  • horse meat
  • Beef liver;
  • low-fat broths;
  • offal.

Baking, sweets

  • Durum wheat pasta;
  • gluten-free bread;
  • cereal breads;
  • oatmeal cookies.
  • Natural apple marmalade;
  • homemade marshmallows;
  • stretch dough strudel.

Fruits, dried fruits

  • Green apples;
  • yellow plums;
  • pears;
  • dates;
  • prunes.
  • Kiwi;
  • bananas;
  • apricots;
  • peaches;
  • dried apricots.

Flavoring additives

  • Vegetable oil;
  • green tea;
  • fructose.
  • Coffee;
  • dried fruit compote;
  • chicory;
  • salt (up to 4 g per day).

What not to eat

The diet for dermatitis in adults and children should exclude highly allergenic foods. These include:

  1. Cereals: wheat, semolina, sago.
  2. Dairy products: yoghurts with additives, full-fat sour cream, goat milk, sharp and salty cheeses, cream.
  3. Vegetables: tomatoes, radishes, celery, beets, carrots, hot peppers, soybeans, sorrel.
  4. Berries: wild strawberries, strawberries, cherries, red grapes.
  5. Fish, seafood: fatty varieties, smoked meats, caviar, canned food.
  6. Fruits: apricots, citrus fruits, melons, apples (yellow and red).
  7. Meat: chicken, duck, sausages, stewed meat, goose, pates, lard.
  8. Sweets: chocolate, cakes, creams, ice cream.
  9. Other: mushrooms, mayonnaise, alcohol, mustard, eggs, nuts, honey.

Cross-reactivity of products

During the period of exacerbation of hay fever in adults (seasonal allergic reactions), it is important to remember the cross-reactivity of some products.

The data is presented in the table:

Cross allergens

Allergy to pollen

  • Watermelon;
  • melon;
  • sunflower seeds (kozinak, halva);
  • mayonnaise.
  • Sunflower oil;
  • zucchini;
  • eggplant;
  • mustard.

Allergy to tree pollen

  • Carrot;
  • fruits of bushes and trees;
  • nuts.
  • Parsley;
  • celery.

Allergy to mold

  • kvass, beer;
  • yeast dough;
  • sauerkraut.
  • Liquor;
  • wine;
  • sugar and its substitutes.

Allergy to cereals

  • Flour products;
  • bread kvass;
  • rolled oatmeal.
  • Cocoa;
  • smoked sausage;
  • coffee.

Allergy to chicken eggs

  • Mayonnaise;
  • duck.

Allergy to whole milk

  • Goat's milk;
  • beef;
  • veal.

Enzymatic preparations from cattle pancreas.

Diet menu for atopic dermatitis in adults

The basis of treatment for the disease is diet. The diet of adults diagnosed with atopic dermatitis must be strictly controlled to prevent the disease from progressing. Sample menu patient:

  1. Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese, apple compote or kefir.
  2. Second breakfast: baked apple.
  3. Lunch: beef fillet baked in the oven with vegetables or buckwheat porridge.
  4. Afternoon snack: banana/pear.
  5. Dinner: baked broccoli / boiled rice / corn, veal baked in foil.

Elimination diet

Particularly strict control of nutrition in atopic dermatitis is recommended for adults during exacerbation of the disease. An elimination diet is aimed at identifying the allergen and minimizing its impact on the body. The program involves zeroing out the diet and gradually introducing products into the menu of an adult patient.

The diet for atopic adults has several stages. Sample menu:

  1. First 3 days: bread crackers, still water.
  2. 4-5 days: introduction of 1 type lean meat(turkey, rabbit or veal).
  3. 6-7 days: introduction of fermented milk product.
  4. 8-9 days: introduction of boiled vegetables.
  5. 10-11 days: introduction of cereals, cereals.


This diet for adults with atopic dermatitis has many positive reviews. A representative of each food group appears in the diet once every 4 days. Time is needed to identify the allergen. If negative reaction no, the patient continues to follow the diet, changing ingredients, in order to determine a safe menu for himself.

Corn porridge

Carrot salad, baked veal

Banana smoothie

Rice porridge

Cabbage salad, boiled chicken breast

Baked apple


Kiwi, baked pollock

Stewed zucchini

Boiled buckwheat

Steamed turkey cutlets, avocado

Baked potatoes

For pregnant and lactating women

The diet for pregnant women with atopic dermatitis should be prepared by doctors: an allergist, a gynecologist and a nutritionist. While following the diet, it is important to monitor the protein in the patient’s urine, blood sugar, and hemoglobin level. Sample daily menu:

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal with blueberries and honey, cooked in water. Green tea.
  2. Second breakfast: 1 apple, kefir.
  3. Lunch: cabbage salad with carrots, vegetable soup, boiled beef with rice, dried fruit compote.
  4. Afternoon snack: 1 banana, natural yogurt without additives.
  5. Dinner: stewed vegetables With beef liver, rosehip tea.
  6. At night: 1 glass of kefir.


Adults with atopic dermatitis are advised to cook meals in a steamer or oven to obtain low-fat foods. It is important to select and combine ingredients correctly. Compliance with the atopic diet will be simplified if you familiarize yourself with recipes for special hypoallergenic dishes.

Steamed turkey cutlets

  • Time: 70 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Difficulty: medium.

Turkey cutlets are suitable for lunch and dinner. You can serve them with mashed potatoes or stewed vegetables. If you don’t have a double boiler at home, you can bake semi-finished products in foil with a small amount of oil.


  • turkey fillet - 400 g;
  • rice flour – 2 tbsp;
  • zucchini – 150 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the zucchini, separate from the seeds, and grate.
  2. Grind the meat with a meat grinder.
  3. Combine ingredients, add flour, salt.
  4. Beat the resulting minced meat.
  5. Form cutlets.
  6. Steam for 45 minutes.

Buckwheat soup with beef

  • Time: 55 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Difficulty: medium.

This dish for adults with atopic dermatitis tastes good and is absolutely safe for health. It is important to take lean meat for it to avoid a negative reaction from the body, do not use seasonings and a lot of salt.


  • beef – 200 g;
  • potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • steamed buckwheat – 2 tbsp;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil beef broth, strain.
  2. Peel the onion and carrots, chop and sauté with a little oil.
  3. Take 2 liters of broth and bring to a boil.
  4. Cut the potatoes into cubes and add them to the pan.
  5. Add sauteed vegetables, cook for 10 minutes.
  6. Add buckwheat.
  7. Cook the soup until all ingredients are ready.
