Unfortunately, the number of people diagnosed with diabetes increases every year. This disease is characterized by impaired carbohydrate metabolism and an increase in blood sugar levels beyond normal limits (above 5.5 mmol/l). Most often develops against the background poor nutrition and obesity.

If the disease was identified at the initial stages of its development, then its further progression can be stopped with the help of special medicinal herbs that alternative medicine suggests using. And now you will find out which herbs can be used for diabetes mellitus.

In medicine, it is customary to distinguish between type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Type 1 diabetes is a systemic disease in which there is decreased insulin secretion. This occurs due to impaired functioning of the pancreas, which is responsible for the production of this hormone.

Since the main task of insulin lies in breaking down sugar and transporting it into the cells and tissues of the body, when there is a lack of this hormone, glucose does not respond to all these processes and simply settles in the blood in the form of microcrystalline elements.

Diabetes mellitus type 1 may be a hereditary pathology or a consequence of improper treatment of T2DM. Unfortunately, this disease cannot be cured with the help of alternative medicine impossible. In this case, the diabetic needs replacement therapy, which involves the use of insulin injections.

Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a slightly different form of the disease. During its development, the pancreas works normally, but the cells lose sensitivity to insulin. That is, they do not pass it through themselves, therefore, they are not saturated with glucose. And since its quantity exceeds the norm, it also begins to settle in the blood.

In this case, use herbs from diabetes mellitus Can. They will not only help normalize the concentration of glucose in the blood, but also increase the sensitivity of the body’s tissues and cells to insulin, which will prevent the development of complications and the transition of T2DM to T1DM.

How do herbs help with diabetes?

There are a huge number of medicinal herbs that can be used to treat type 2 diabetes. For example:

  • goat's rue;
  • bearberry;
  • St. John's wort;
  • nettle;
  • cuff and many others.

You can use herbs to treat diabetes only after prior consultation with a specialist.

These herbs are useful for diabetes because they have a multifaceted effect on the body and provide prevention of various complications inherent in this disease. Firstly, they help activate regeneration processes, which ensures rapid healing of wounds and ulcers on the body, thereby preventing the development of gangrene.

Secondly, their use allows you to increase the tone and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, as well as lower the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of problems from cardiovascular system. And thirdly, these herbs provide reliable protection to liver and kidney cells from sugar, which also reduces the likelihood of developing kidney and liver failure.

But most importantly, medicinal herbs help increase the sensitivity of body cells to insulin and reduce blood sugar levels, which is very important in the development of diabetes. In addition, some herbs provide protection to pancreatic cells, preventing their damage and thereby maintaining normal insulin synthesis.


Before talking about what herbs can be used to treat diabetes, a few words should be said about precautions that are very important to consider during therapy. The first thing to say is that when treating diabetes, you need to take into account the composition of herbs. They are all different and contain different components that have their own effect.

Improper use of herbs can lead to poor health!

Some of them provide a diuretic effect, others help lower blood pressure. And if a diabetic suffers from diseases such as kidney failure or hypotension, then herbal remedies should be taken very carefully, as they can lead to a sharp deterioration in well-being. Therefore, before starting treatment, you should definitely consult your doctor.

In addition, it is important to follow the rules for storing herbs, since if they are violated, the medicinal properties of the herbs will be reduced and toxic substances will begin to accumulate in them, which will only aggravate the course of the disease.

Important! If, while treating diabetes with herbs, you begin to notice a deterioration in your health (nausea, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, etc.), you should immediately stop self-medication and consult a doctor.

Effective herbs for diabetes

For diabetes, you can use various decoctions and infusions prepared from medicinal herbs. But their use should be carried out according to all the rules, without violating the dosages. IN otherwise may appear side effects in the form of hypoglycemia and other conditions that will cause a sharp deterioration in well-being.

goat's rue

Goat's rue is the most popular and effective remedy that can be taken for diabetes. Both decoctions and infusions are prepared from it. In the first case, goat's rue seeds are used. They are crushed and brewed, poured with water (a glass of liquid per 15-20 g of raw material), boiled for 10-15 minutes and cooled. The medicinal decoction should be drunk 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day.

To prepare the infusion, the leaves and stems of the plant are crushed and mixed in equal proportions. Then the resulting collection in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. put it in a thermos, add the same amount of goat's rue seeds, add 1 liter of water and leave overnight. Take this remedy 50-70 ml up to 4 times a day.


Stevia is no less effective an herb for diabetes than goat's rue. It is used to prepare herbal tea, which should be taken 1 cup several times a day. To make such a drink yourself, you will need crushed stevia leaves (10-15 g), which you need to pour 250 ml of boiling water. After 15 minutes of infusion, the herbal tea will be ready; all you have to do is strain it.

It should be noted that in pharmacies this herb is sold in sachets, which are very convenient to use. If you purchased exactly these, then to prepare tea you will need to take one bag, put it in a mug, pour boiling water over it and leave for about 15 minutes.

Another very effective medicinal plant that allows you to normalize blood sugar levels in a short time. As therapy, an infusion is used, which is prepared from red grass seeds. They are pre-ground to a powdery state and in the amount of 1 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water, then leave until the liquid has cooled completely.

Redhead for diabetes

The finished infusion must be filtered (you can use a fine strainer or gauze), after which it will be ready for use. A single dosage is 70-90 ml. Drink the product no more than 4 times a day. 30-40 minutes after taking it, you must definitely eat, since red has a hypoglycemic effect, and if you skip a meal after taking its infusion, hypoglycemia may develop.

Monastic tea

Monastery tea has also proven itself well in the treatment of diabetes. It is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • blueberry berries and leaves;
  • dandelion leaves;
  • horsetail;
  • burdock;
  • St. John's wort;
  • rose hips (fruits only);
  • chamomile flowers.

To prepare monastery tea, you need to grind all these ingredients and mix them in equal quantities. Next, you will need to take a small teapot into which you need to put 1 tsp. prepared raw materials and pour boiling water (200-250 ml) over it. The tea will be ready for drinking after 15-20 minutes. But so that the herbs release more nutrients into the liquid and provide the most powerful healing effect, healers advise infusing it for about an hour.


Stinging nettle can also be used to treat diabetes. An infusion is prepared from it, which is then taken in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. up to 4 times a day. To prepare the infusion, you will need about 15 g of dry crushed nettle leaves, which you need to add a glass of water and leave for 10-15 minutes. Before use, the infusion must be strained.

Common cuff

The common cuff also has a good hypoglycemic effect. In addition to normalizing blood sugar levels, it also provides support for the cardiovascular system.

To prepare a medicine from this herb, you will need to take about 1 tbsp. l. crushed mantle leaves, pour a glass of boiling water and leave in dark place for 4 hours. Next, as usual, the resulting infusion needs to be filtered. You need to drink the infusion 15-20 minutes before meals, 80-100 ml at a time.


For T2DM, dried cucumber also provides a good therapeutic effect. An infusion is prepared from it, which is consumed up to 4 times a day, 15 ml. This is done like this: 15-20 g of raw material is poured with boiling water (200-250 ml), covered with a lid and cooled at room temperature, after which it is filtered.

Bay leaf

An equally effective treatment for diabetes mellitus is bay leaf. In addition to the fact that it ensures normalization of blood sugar levels, it also helps to reduce blood pressure, which often increases in diabetes.

To prepare a healing drink, you will need to take 10 laurel leaves, pour a liter of boiling water over them and leave for 3 hours, and then strain. Diabetics are recommended to drink half a glass of this remedy before each meal.

Alternative medicine offers a huge number of remedies for the treatment of diabetes. However, they should not be used without first consulting a doctor. As mentioned above, all herbs have different properties, and in the presence of other diseases, their use can lead to serious consequences.

Last updated: June 1, 2019

Along with drug treatments for diabetes, experts recommend herbal medicine. With regular use, patients notice improvement within 3-4 weeks. In addition to their hypoglycemic effect, medicinal herbs prevent complications and improve the general condition of patients.

Objectives of herbal medicine

Diabetes has two forms, and each has its own treatment methods. But the goals are common - to achieve lower sugar levels and prevent unwanted complications. For type 1 disease with absolute deficiency of the pancreatic hormone, insulin is prescribed, and for type 2, with impaired glucose tolerance, antihyperglycemic drugs are prescribed.

To achieve normoglycemia, you cannot do without diet and moderate physical activity. Herbal medicine also helps lower sugar levels. With its help you can solve several problems:

  1. Help reduce blood glucose levels. Some herbs have insulin-like effects and may reduce dosage medicines or partially replace them.
  2. Help the kidneys eliminate excess sugar.
  3. Prevent unwanted complications: angio- and neuropathy, vascular damage to the eyes, kidneys, heart.
  4. Restore the functioning of the pancreas.
  5. Improve the general condition of the body, replenish it with microelements and vitamins.
  6. Reduce nervous tension, improve sleep.
  7. Strengthen your immune system.

Herbal medicine in the form of herbal teas should be used exclusively as an addition to the main treatment and not replace it. To ensure the effectiveness of treatment, herbal mixtures are alternated every 2–3 months.

Before starting treatment with herbal infusions and mono-teas, a patient with diabetes should remember several important rules:

  1. Any composition must be approved by the treating endocrinologist and practicing herbalist individually, taking into account the form of diabetes.
  2. Herbal medicines should be taken regularly, without interruptions. At correct intake improvement occurs within 3–4 weeks.
  3. Carefully study the indications, contraindications and side effects fees.
  4. At the slightest sign of deterioration, the herbal medicine should be discontinued.
  5. Raw materials for preparation should be purchased only from pharmacy chains or specialized stores, paying attention to production and storage times.

All herbal preparations with a hypoglycemic effect are approved for the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and a mild course of the disease. They are of no use for patients with type 1 diabetes.

Groups of herbal preparations

In the treatment of diabetes, herbal medicines are divided into three main groups:

  1. Sugar-lowering contain insulin-like substances that can regulate blood glucose levels (burdock rhizome, white mulberry leaves, clover leaves and flowers, bean pods, elecampane rhizome, leaves with blueberries, oat grains, red grass and seeds, mantle leaves).
  2. General strengthening regulate the functioning of the body, remove toxins, support immune system(eleutherococcus, ginseng root).
  3. Regulating metabolism (flax-seed, plantain leaves, linden blossom, rose hips and rowan).

Some herbs and their compounds have combined action . For example, strawberry leaves brewed with boiling water are recommended to be taken for initial stage type 2 diabetes. In addition to a moderate sugar-lowering effect, the infusion has a diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory effect. You can reduce sugar levels with an infusion of raspberry leaves, a mixture of parsley root and dandelion. An infusion of nettle leaves has a diuretic effect and increases hemoglobin levels.

When to use herbs contraindicated:

  • with a tendency to allergic reactions;
  • in conditions that may threaten life: hypo- and hyperglycemic coma, severe stages of complications;
  • with unstable blood sugar levels.

How to lower blood sugar using traditional medicine (video)

ABOUT folk ways treatment of diabetes mellitus. Plants used in recipes and rules for taking herbal medicines.

Herbs Used in the Treatment of Diabetes

White mulberry

Recipe 1. Mulberry root decoction

Effect: improves well-being, enhances the effect of medications, lowers sugar.

How to cook: Pour the ground roots (1 tsp) into a glass of boiling water. Place the resulting composition on water bath, keep on fire for 20 minutes. Leave for 1 hour.

Drink the strained solution 1/3 cup three times a day for 4-8 weeks.

Recipe 2. Juice with honey

Effect: improves well-being, tones, acts as a mild laxative.

How to cook: Rub a glass of mulberries through a sieve. Add 1 tbsp to the resulting mass. l. natural liquid honey. The mixture is a healthy snack between meals.

Recipe 3. Leaf tea

Effect: lowers glucose levels, cleanses the blood.

How to cook: collect a handful of fresh leaves, rinse thoroughly under running water. Grind the raw materials, put them in a glass or porcelain container, pour in a liter of boiling water, and let stand for an hour. Drink in small cups: in the morning on an empty stomach, in the afternoon half an hour before meals.

Recipe 4. Berry juice

Effect: lowers glucose levels and has a diuretic effect.

How to cook: Mash berries (6 tbsp), add hot water (3 cups), leave for half an hour. Drink the resulting composition in three doses a day.


Use grass and plant seeds. Red reduces sugar levels, prevents complications of diabetes, and improves overall well-being.

Recipe 1. Herbal powder

How to cook: Grind the dried raw materials in a coffee grinder.

Take 1 tsp. powder on an empty stomach with a glass of water. The course of admission is 2 months, after a break of 1 month.

Recipe 2. Seed powder

How to cook: Grind the seeds in a coffee grinder until powdery.

Take 1 tsp. in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed with a glass of water.

The course of admission is 3 weeks.


The entire above-ground part of the plant is used to treat diabetes. Mantle grass is rich in flavonoids, phytosteroids, ascorbic acid, antacids, tannins, fatty acids, microelements.

Recipe 1. Herbal tea

How to cook: pour finely chopped dry raw materials (1 tbsp) with a glass of boiling water. Place in a water bath, bring to a boil, remove from heat. Let it brew for 15 minutes, strain.

Divide the composition into 3 parts. Drink before meals.

Recipe 2. Infusion for lotions

How to cook: 6 tbsp. l. raw materials, pour 250 ml of water, put on low heat. Bring to a boil, remove. Leave for 1 hour. Use the strained product as a lotion for inflammation and wounds.

Recipe 3. Medicinal salad

How to cook: Chop 150 g of fresh, washed mantle leaves, mix with 30 g of finely chopped green onions. Season with low-fat sour cream or yogurt.


The medicinal plant is used for hypertension, obesity, and atherosclerosis.

Decoctions, infusions, and drinks are prepared from chicory.

Recipe 1. To prepare the drink, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into the chopped herb (2 tbsp) and let it brew for 1 hour. Divide the strained mixture into 3 doses.

Recipe 2. For tea 6 tbsp. l. pour the raw material with cool water (3 cups). Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Take the cooled, strained tea throughout the day.


Complex compounds act in a complex manner. In addition to the sugar-lowering effect, they are saturated with vitamins and microelements and increase immunity.

Recipe 1. Mix bean pods, blueberry leaves, oat grains (30 g each). Take 3 tbsp. l. mixture, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Take ½ glass before each meal.

Recipe 2. Mix bean pods, flax seeds, hawthorn fruits (30 g each), burdock grass, peppermint, rose hips (50 g each). Add 3 tbsp. l. collection in a thermos, pour ½ liter of boiling water, leave for 10 hours. Divide the resulting composition into 4 doses. Take before main meals.

Recipe 3. Hawthorn fruits, rose hips, black elderberries, St. John's wort, strawberry leaves (30 g each) are mixed with peppermint, plantain leaves, black currant leaves (20 g each). Pour the dry mixture (3 tablespoons) into a thermos, pour ½ liter of boiling water, leave overnight. Take 4 times a day half an hour before meals.

Recipe 4. Blueberry leaf, dandelion blossoms, St. John's wort, nettle leaf, herb horsetail(25 g each) mix. Take 1 tbsp. l. collection, pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour. Drink in three doses per day.

Recipe 5. Mix bearberry leaf, dandelion flowers, blueberry leaves, primrose herb (25 g each). Take 2 tbsp. l. composition in 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain. Take ½ glass 4 times a day.

Healing drinks should be prepared for no more than a day. If they are stored longer, they will not bring any benefit.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of diabetes. But with the help of medicinal herbs, a special diet and glucose-lowering medications, unwanted complications can be avoided. The main thing is every point home treatment must be approved by the attending physician.

Diabetes mellitus is chronic disease, characterized by the inability to assimilate vitally important human body glucose. It is this that allows all systems and internal organs to function fully.

Unfortunately, chronic pathology is an incurable disease that can only be compensated through adequate therapy and lifestyle correction - special nutrition (health diet), optimal physical activity, constant sugar control.

In the vast majority of cases, doctors reserve medications for the treatment of diabetes as a last resort. Initially, many prefer to fight through medicinal plants and herbal remedies.

It is necessary to consider what herbs are necessary to lower blood sugar in type 2 diabetes? And also find out which herbal preparations are characterized by the greatest efficiency and effectiveness.

Traditional treatment: general principles

As a rule, monotherapy with plants is acceptable in the following situations: prediabetic condition, early stage pathologies, mild degree diabetes mellitus

It should be noted that despite the effectiveness of plants and their preparations, such treatment is in no way a replacement drug therapy or proper nutrition.

An exceptionally comprehensive fight against pathology helps to compensate for the disease and stabilize sugar at the required (target) level in this particular situation.

Basic safety rules during treatment folk remedies:

  • Before using any diabetic preparation, it is recommended to consult a doctor about its compatibility with medications (if the patient is taking medications).
  • Any collection of herbs for diabetes must be carefully studied so that the development of an allergic reaction due to intolerance to the product as a whole or its individual components can be ruled out in advance.
  • It is recommended to buy medicinal herbs and infusions only at a pharmacy. The packaging must be marked that the plants have undergone radiological control and meet all sanitary standards.

If the patient takes simultaneously medicines, and drinks an herbal mixture for type 2 diabetes, then he should not independently reduce the dosage of medications. A doctor can do this.

This rule also applies to the first type of disease; the insulin dose should not be reduced without permission.

How do medicinal herbs help?

Healing plants have been used for hundreds of years to treat many diseases, including diabetes. Diabetes supplements do not help to completely get rid of the disease, but they can be an excellent support for the human body, reduce sugar, and improve overall well-being.

Roughly speaking, for people suffering from diabetes, all medicinal plants can be divided into two categories: herbs that reduce sugar and “other” plants.

The first category of plants helps reduce the concentration of glucose in the body, since they contain insulin-like components. The second category consists of plants that provide regulation of metabolic processes in the body, help restore the functionality of the liver, kidneys and other internal organs.

Generally speaking, treatment with folk remedies is as follows:

  1. For type 2 diabetes, the patient takes medications, plus exercises and eats right. If the form of diabetes is severe, then you may be taking medications.
  2. In the first type of disease, the patient drinks decoctions based on the necessary plants, injects insulin, and follows other doctor’s recommendations.

Although herbs can be taken to support the body against the background of type 1 diabetes, medical practice shows that they really are “of little use.” Since, no matter what “magic” plant it is, there is no escape from insulin, and it is unlikely to be possible to reduce its dosage.

However, for type 1 diabetes, plants classified as “other” can be used.

As mentioned above, herbs must be purchased at a pharmacy. But you can also collect it yourself, provided that the collection is carried out in an environmentally friendly place and the person has the appropriate knowledge.

Collection 17 for diabetes

Herbal collection for diabetes mellitus No. 17 is a complex of medicinal plants that, in their combination, affect not only the symptoms of the pathology, but also help to some extent suppress the causes of this condition.

The composition includes many medicinal herbs, each of which has a specific function. The agrimony herb provides increased functionality of the pancreas; chicory rhizome includes natural inulin (not to be confused with insulin), which should normally be produced by the pancreas.

Dried blueberries effectively cope with the normalization of sugar in the body at the target level, and beans improve the digestion process and normalize work gastrointestinal tract, are establishing metabolic processes in the body.

Generally speaking, the composition includes not only plants, but also plants that normalize internal processes.

The process of preparing a collection for diabetics is as follows:

  • Take one tablespoon medicinal collection, pour 500 ml of boiling liquid.
  • Cover the container with a blanket or other warm thing and leave for 60 minutes.
  • Then strain.
  • Take 125 ml 30 minutes before meals.
  • There should be four doses per day, the last one is taken immediately before bedtime.
  • The duration of treatment is one month.

Diabetes leads to the fact that in the human body the work of the most different organs and systems. Therefore, herbs for type 2 and type 1 diabetes are widely used in therapy. Properly selected herbal ingredients in this case have a healing effect precisely on those areas of the body that are affected by diabetes. You can buy a herbal remedy for diabetes at the pharmacy, or you can collect it yourself. The main thing is to study the topic - herbs for type 2 diabetes, in as much detail as possible.

Herbs for type 2 diabetes have the most wide range actions. Otherwise, they will not cope with the consequences of this disease. And they are no less diverse - from destroyed vessel walls to necrosis and gangrene.

  1. First of all, medicinal herbs, of course, reduce the glucose level in human blood. After all, we are talking about plants intended specifically for diabetics.
  2. Further, the herb for diabetics improves the production of pancreatic enzymes. After all, it is she who synthesizes insulin, the hormone responsible for the absorption of glucose by cells.
  3. Herbal tea for diabetes, helps synthesize the hormone or is insulin itself.
  4. The disease causes various inflammations and viral lesions in the human body. Therefore, herbs that enhance immunity are used to treat type 2 diabetes.
  5. Treatment of diabetes mellitus with herbs has a positive effect on metabolism. This leads to normalization of the patient’s weight and general well-being.
  6. Herbal infusions strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which improves blood flow and, accordingly, the supply of internal organs with oxygen and microelements.

How to choose the right medicinal herbs

Herbal treatment involves the use of large quantities various plants. In order for the therapy to have an effect, herbs for treatment must only be purchased at a pharmacy or from a licensed herbalist. Medicinal herbs offered by healers and strange personalities may turn out to be not only useless, but also poisonous.

The collection of herbs, both for diabetes and other diseases, is carried out deep in the wild. Away from cities and villages, as well as from highways. Medicinal herbs, become like this in the fresh air and unpolluted soil. Only such environmentally friendly plants can be eaten or prepared infusions and decoctions from them.

Herbs for type 2 diabetes are dosed very carefully. Only a specialist can do this. Herbal medicine is a very precise science, and if you overdose, a serious complication can occur.

Herbal remedy for diabetes

Treatment of diabetes is a complex undertaking. One decoction cannot relieve all symptoms. To do this, you need to take a variety of medications, follow a diet, a prescribed lifestyle, and it would also be a good idea to give up bad habits.

To reduce sugar, it may be enough to take a herbal tea. For example, Arfazetin. Modern phototherapy cannot do without this remedy in the treatment of diabetes. List of those included in it medicinal plants, the next one is galega, agrimony, marsh grass, bean pods without beans, blueberries, centaury and others.

It is very easy to use, as it is sold in already packaged 10 gram sachets. That is, it is enough to brew one portion of the mixture in a glass of boiling water, hold it for 15 minutes in a water bath, then dilute it with half a liter of water and that’s it - the broth is ready for use.

It is taken half an hour before meals, 3 times a day for 1 month. This is followed by a break in treatment for a period of 2 weeks, and after that, taking the decoction is resumed. Therapy must be continued until complete recovery, which may take from 6 months to 1 year.

Another equally popular collection of herbs for diabetes is the Altai collection. It consists of elecampane, nettle, knotweed, blueberry, rose hips and several other medicinal herbs.

You should drink it in the same way as Arfazetin. Since these fees are sold through pharmacies, the packages contain detailed description preparation and use of the drug.

Making your own herbal tea

Diabetes is a very complex disease, but it is also individual. It manifests itself and progresses differently in all people. Accordingly, contraindications to herbal tea are different for all people. In this regard, each person with this diagnosis can prepare a diabetic preparation, depending on their specific situation and their condition.

Before taking such a homemade remedy, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

  1. The first collection is very simple. Take burdock root and blueberry leaves in equal parts. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the collection is filled with 0.5 liters. boiling water and infuse for 1 hour in a dark, warm place. When the product has cooled, it should be strained and consumed 30g half an hour before meals.
  2. For type 2 diabetes, the following remedy helps well. Elderberry, nettle, blueberry leaves, mixed in equal parts, then 3 tbsp. spoons of the resulting collection are boiled in boiling water for 15 minutes. After complete cooling, the herbs can be strained, and the decoction can be consumed in 50 g doses.
  3. Herbal remedies for diabetes may be more difficult, but it is still easy for anyone to cope with. Take 1 spoon of the following ingredients - flax seeds, St. John's wort, linden flowers, dandelion and dandelion roots. The resulting mixture is poured with 250g of water and cooked over low heat for 10 minutes. After this, you need to let the product sit for at least 10 hours. For diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2, this remedy is taken 100g, 3 times a day, after meals.
  4. For type 1 diabetes, a collection of strawberries, knotweed and horsetail helps well. Equal shares of the mixture in the amount of 3 tbsp. spoons are filled with water, 0.5 l. and cook for 5 minutes. After cooling and straining, the decoction can be taken 1 tbsp. spoon 15-20 minutes before meals.
  5. When treating diabetes, the main task is to reduce blood glucose. A decoction of ginseng root and arnica flowers helps achieve this effect. The ingredients are brewed with boiling water in equal proportions, and after cooling and straining, use 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.
  6. To reduce sugar in diabetes of the first and second stages, dandelion is widely used. The same plant that is perceived as a ubiquitous weed. But its roots, stem and flower can significantly improve the condition of a diabetic. It can be used as a separate plant or as part of a medicinal herbal collection. It generally pairs well with blueberries and nettles. They need to be mixed in equal parts, brew with boiling water, leave for at least half an hour, and after straining, drink 50 grams. before meals 3 times a day.

Fresh berries – lingonberries or cranberries – will reduce sugar and normalize the patient’s condition. People all over the world enjoy drinking cranberry juice and eat these berries fresh.

Diabetology involves a wide range of drugs and remedies for the disease. enjoy medications or medicinal herbs, the doctor must still decide. And although, for example, red grass helps well against diabetes, it may not cope with necrosis or gangrene. Therefore, if a diabetic has found out which herbs are medicinal and beneficial for him, the final word in decision-making should remain with his attending physician.

Not only traditional medicine can fight the “sweet disease,” but also folk medicine. Among the many popular remedies, herbal remedies for type 2 diabetes are also great.

Mother Nature has given us many healing plants that can lower sugar levels and improve the body's defenses. Our ancestors have long known about them medicinal properties, and also that a combination of several herbs at once gives even more best effect in the fight against hypoglycemia and symptoms of the disease.

It should be noted that in type 1 diabetes, insulin therapy plays a role main role in maintaining normal glucose concentrations. But with type 2 diabetes, you can do without hypoglycemic drugs if you follow a diet and do it regularly physical exercise and check your sugar levels.

Therefore, herbal preparations are used more in the non-insulin-dependent form, although in type 1 pathology they help improve general condition health.

The principle of action of medicinal herbs

Some plants, such as nettle, burdock, elecampane or dandelion, have long been used to lower blood sugar because they contain beneficial substances like insulin. They have a hypoglycemic effect and affect the amount of glucose in the blood.

Other medicinal herbs have a positive effect on function digestive tract. With type 2 diabetes, many patients complain of constant stomach upsets - nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea or flatulence.

Plantain, St. John's wort, bearberry and cudweed remove toxins from the body and improve the metabolic process, thereby the diabetic feels significant improvements and gets rid of unpleasant symptoms. Also, these herbs normalize the functioning of the pancreas and liver, which are primarily affected by diabetes.

To prepare the most useful folk medicine, several plants are used at once, that is, a diabetic collection. Not only sugar-lowering herbs are added to it, but also those that increase human immunity - ginseng, golden root or eleutherococcus. Besides, large number vitamins are found in rose hips, lingonberries and rowan.

Nowadays, there are many recipes for preparing preparations for diabetes mellitus on the Internet. Therefore, each patient can choose the most suitable option for himself. However, before using it, it is advisable to consult with your therapist, since plants also have some contraindications. Basically, this is individual intolerance and the possibility of the appearance allergic reactions for medicinal herbs.

If a person collects plants on his own, he must be sure that they are in an environmentally friendly place.

Arfazetine - herbal remedy for diabetes

Sugar level

Arfazetine is a famous diabetes remedy that can be bought at any pharmacy. This product is inexpensive and anyone can afford it. Arfazetine is not food additive or just a tea drink, it is a registered medicine.

An infusion is prepared from the collection, which reduces glucose concentration. The accompanying instructions for the medicine say that Arfazetin is used for mild to moderate non-insulin-dependent diabetes.

At the same time, the combination of herbal and hypoglycemic agents allowed. Recent studies have proven that Arfazetine has a hypoglycemic effect only in type 2 diabetes. In addition, taking the medicinal mixture helps reduce the dosage of medications to lower blood sugar.

  • To make an infusion, you need to take Arfazetin in sachets or collection (10 g) and add two glasses of boiled water.
  • Then the mixture is placed in a water bath and boiled for about 15 minutes.
  • Next, the broth is infused and cooled, after which the herbs should be squeezed out. Then it is added to the infusion boiled water to make 0.5 liters.
  • This medicine should be drunk half a glass 15 or 20 minutes before meals three times a day.
  • The course of treatment lasts 1 month.
  • Next, you need to take a break for 14 days and start therapy again. You need to complete 5-6 courses per year.

During therapy with this mixture, diabetics need to regularly monitor their sugar levels. This can be done using a special device - a glucometer. If after several courses the sugar concentration decreases significantly, then the dosage of hypoglycemic drugs can be safely reduced.

An analogue of Arfazetine is collection 17 for diabetes mellitus. It consists of galega grass, agrimony, marsh grass, bean leaves, blueberries, centaury and other plants. However, its use is prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and also when individual intolerance herbs

Another similar remedy is the Altai collection. It includes elecampane, nettle, knotweed, blueberry, rose hips and many other medicinal plants. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas and normalizes glycemic levels.

Self-preparation of the collection

If all the necessary ingredients are available, the patient himself can prepare a collection of herbs for diabetes. Below are several famous recipes from traditional healers.

A medicine made from burdock root and blueberry leaves. Take 1 teaspoon of each ingredient and pour two glasses of boiling water. Then the mixture is cooled and filtered. The collection is taken 1 tablespoon before meals three times a day.

The second collection, which lowers sugar levels, includes blueberry leaves, stinging nettle and black elderberry, 1 tablespoon each. The mixture of plants is poured with cool water and boiled over low heat for about 10 minutes. Then the infusion is cooled and filtered. The medicine is taken 2/3 glass before the main meal three times a day. The ingredients contained in the collection have a beneficial effect.

To prepare the next decoction you will need flax seeds, St. John's wort leaves, linden blossom, 1 tablespoon each of dandelion root and dandelion root. The mixture must be poured with a glass of water and boiled for 5 minutes. The herbal mixture is infused for about 6 hours, then it is filtered. Drink half a glass three times a day after meals.

Another decoction is prepared on the basis of strawberry grass, knotweed and horsetail, 20 g each. The mixture must be poured with boiling water, boiled for 3-5 minutes and left for 10 minutes. The medicine is taken one tablespoon half an hour before meals three times a day.

Herbal tea that lowers glucose levels. To prepare, you need to take 20 g of ginseng root and montana arnica flowers. Pour boiling water over the mixture and leave for about 15 minutes.

The decoction is taken one tablespoon twice a day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

Infusions are sources of vitamins

When treating diabetes, it is very important not only to control glycemic levels, but also your overall health.

Many medicinal plants contain large amounts of vitamins.

Below are the most popular traditional medicines for diabetics.

  1. A tablespoon of rosehip (fruit) is poured with cool water and boiled for 20 minutes. Then the broth is cooled, filtered and drunk three times a day, half a glass before meals, because it is a quite useful medicinal plant.
  2. A tablespoon of birch buds is poured with boiling water and cooked for 20 minutes. The mixture is left to infuse for about 6 hours, then filtered. The medicine is taken two tablespoons three times a day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.
  3. Two tablespoons of black currant leaves are crushed and poured with boiling water. Next, the mixture is boiled for about 10 minutes. The infusion is cooled, filtered and consumed half a glass three times a day before meals. This is an excellent remedy for improving the body's defenses, since currants contain vitamins P and C.
  4. Beetroot juice is a source of vitamins B, PP, P, C and folic acid. To prepare the medicine, the root vegetable must be peeled, then passed through a juicer or grated. Take a quarter glass of beet juice three times a day. The course of therapy lasts from 3 to 5 weeks.

Fees for diabetes – effective means to maintain normal level sugar and general health. Combining them with medications helps to get rid of it faster severe symptoms illness. A specialist will talk about diabetes in the video in this article.

Sugar level

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