My husband used to wonder why I bought kefir at the store, which would expire tomorrow. Now I’m used to it, and I don’t even ask, I’m ready for any of my experiments in the kitchen. If I'm planning to bake something tasty, old kefir from the store shelf will definitely end up in my basket!

Baking made with kefir cannot be as tender as with butter or milk. And if kefir is also expired (by 2-3 days), it will be the most magical in baking - it has been tested many times. Today I will tell you how to make delicious kefir muffins. If you have this fermented milk product on hand, join us!
And also take note of recipes such as,.

Basic recipe:

All ingredients must be at room temperature.

  • Butter - 120 g
  • Eggs category C 0 (large) - 2 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar - 150 g
  • Kefir - 250 ml.
  • Flour - 250 g
  • Baking powder - 2 tsp.
  • Salt - on the tip of a knife

How to make muffins with kefir:

The first thing to do is heat the oven to 180 C. Let it heat for 15 minutes or more, so that by the time the cakes appear in it, it is thoroughly warmed up.

Now place the butter in a saucepan and heat it over the fire until liquid. The butter should melt completely and then cool to room temperature. If we add hot oil to the dough, the eggs will curdle.

Break eggs (2 pcs.) into a wide bowl and start stirring with a mixer at medium speed.

When foam appears, add granulated sugar in a thin stream. You can place a glass of sugar next to the mixing bowl and add a tablespoon at a time so that the sugar is added gradually and not poured out all at once.

At the end of whipping (the whole process takes me 5-8 minutes), the egg-sugar mass should look like a thick white foam. Looking into the bowl, it’s even hard to believe that there are yolks in it (on appearance the mass looks like we are going to bake).

Now pour in the butter in a thin stream (I remind you that the butter should have cooled to room temperature by this time). Stir again.

Kefir should be preheated and cooled. Add cold kefir to the dough! But even hot food can cause harm because the eggs will curdle. Therefore, we either take it out of the refrigerator in advance, or heat it in a saucepan on the stove (or microwave) and cool it. Pour kefir into the dough and mix lightly.

Combine all dry ingredients: flour (250 g), salt (pinch), baking powder (2 tsp) and stir with a whisk. Don't skip this step if you want fluffy, evenly risen muffins.

If you like baked goods like muffins, take note of the recipe.

Now combine the dry ingredients with the liquid ones using a spatula, trying not to lose the air in the beaten eggs with sugar. Using upward movements, we achieve a homogeneous dough without large lumps. The dough should not be perfectly smooth, otherwise, in trying to achieve such uniformity, you will beat the dough too much and it will lose its airiness. The consistency of the dough can be seen in the photo:

Now we place paper backings in the mold and pour the dough into portions. It is convenient to do this with an ice cream scoop.

Muffins are baked at 180 C for 20-25 minutes. Start checking readiness at 15 minutes (provided the caps are already browned). You can pierce the muffin in the center with a toothpick - it should come out clean. If the surface of the muffin is golden brown, springs back when pressed, and there is an appetizing smell coming from the oven, the muffins are ready.

Bon appetit!

Chocolate muffins

How can you improve the basic recipe?

There are many options here: add finely chopped nuts, candied fruits, a small amount of berries, raisins or other dried fruits to the finished dough. You can make the muffins chocolate by adding heat-stable chocolate drops or a chocolate bar crushed with a knife. To make chocolate muffins, you can use cocoa powder (50 g), but reduce the amount of flour by 50 g. That is, we follow the basic recipe, but make the amendments that I mentioned. I didn’t add step-by-step photos, since the cooking principle is the same.

Muffins with apples and cinnamon

To prepare the filling, cut the apples into pieces (it is better to use sour varieties), add cinnamon and mix. We put the filling into the dough made according to the main dough. Mix and place in molds.

On the You Tube video channel there is great recipe banana muffins, which I recorded especially for you, I invite you to watch and wait for responses under the video =)

When adding photos to Instagram, please indicate the tag #pirogeevo or #pirogeevo so that I can find them on the Internet. I will be very pleased! Thank you!

Cupcake recipes with simple step by step photos instructions

1 hour 20 minutes

310 kcal

5/5 (1)

Kefir muffins are aromatic, tasty and, most importantly, a quick-to-prepare dessert for milk, compote, tea, and coffee. A variety of fillings are added to it. Preparing such baked goods at home will not be difficult if you know some of the secrets of the process and recipe.

  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: silicone muffin tin, two bowls, whisk, saucepan, paper muffin tins.

Required Products

The recipe for kefir muffins includes the following ingredients:

To prepare chocolate muffins, you will need 2 tbsp. l. cocoa.

The history of muffins

It is believed that muffins spread throughout the world from England. Initially, they were prepared from leftover dough. This type of bread was served to the servants of English houses, so no one thought of making a cake with kefir. But over time, the recipe was modified, and the dessert moved to the tables of the owners. Immigrants brought it to the United States, where muffins became famous after the Muffin House bakery opened in New York in 1880.

There are several versions of where the name “muffin” came from. One of them claims that it entered the life of the English from the French language, where the word moufflet means “soft bread.” According to another version, the name comes from the German muffe, which was used to call one of the types of bread.

Previously, quick muffins were prepared as a variant of corn bread; they were not so sweet, although they looked like small cakes. Thanks to the speed of cooking, they began to be cooked and served for breakfast, and for variety they began to add nuts, apples, and raisins.

Since the middle of the last century, special mixtures for baking this dessert appeared on sale, and specialized bakeries began to open, selling a lot of varieties of cupcakes. Over time, they spread to other parts of the world, reaching even Australia and New Zealand.

Fluffy muffins today have two main varieties: American and English. The latter are preparing for yeast dough, and the first using baking powder. Today you can also buy special mixes for making muffins. Their main feature is that they do not allow additional ingredients to settle to the bottom during baking.

How to make kefir muffins at home

Now let's take a closer look at how to bake muffins at home.

Stage 1. Prepare all the ingredients and turn on the oven to preheat. By the time the cupcakes are ready to plant, it should be preheated to 180°C.

Stage 2. Place baking powder, flour, and a pinch of salt into a bowl and mix well.

Stage 3. Melt the butter in a separate saucepan over low heat.
Pour it into a clean bowl, add sugar, eggs and whisk gently with a whisk.

Stage 4. Add kefir to the mixture and mix well again.

Stage 5. Gradually add all the dry mixture, stirring constantly so that no lumps form.

Delicious kefir muffins can be prepared with a variety of fillings, not only sweet ones. If you use vegetables and meat as ingredients, they can be served as snacks.

Stage 6. At this point it's time to add the filling. For this recipe I added special chocolate grains, but you can use crushed chocolate.

Stage 7. We take a silicone mold and insert paper capsules into the cells.

Stage 8. Fill the capsules with dough. Leave half the cells blank.

Stage 9. Using half of the dough, add cocoa to the rest and stir well. This will be a batch of chocolate kefir muffins.

Stage 10. Fill the remaining molds with chocolate batter.

Stage 11. Place the filled pan in the oven and leave for 30-40 minutes.

It is strictly forbidden to open the oven during the first 15 minutes of cooking, otherwise the muffins will fall and will not rise again. After cooking, do not rush to take them out, otherwise they may also fall off.

Stage 12. Remove the finished cupcakes and let them cool slightly. Then sprinkle powdered sugar on top and you can bring it to the table.

If you decide to make muffins with kefir and find a recipe with step-by-step photos, you will not always find the necessary tips for preparing them. In my experience, there are several things to consider key points, which can greatly spoil the result if they are not taken into account.

So, be sure to sift the flour before adding it to the dough, otherwise you may get pieces of thread from the bags. Also, do not strictly adhere to the amount of flour specified in the recipe. Even from the same manufacturer, it can have different properties: sometimes you need more, sometimes less.

The recipe for muffins in silicone molds indicated here involves the use of chocolate drops, so-called heat-stable drops. When baking, they do not spread over the dough, remaining in it as dense drops. But, as I already said, you can use different fillings.

I sometimes add various berries: fresh in summer, frozen in winter.
In this case, you must adhere to certain rules for preparing the filling. So, if you are preparing kefir muffins in silicone molds with fresh berries, you need to wash the fruits and let them dry.
Frozen fruits should be thawed and allowed to drain. IN otherwise the liquid will get into the dough and it will not rise.

You can also add other ingredients: nuts, candied fruits, fresh fruits. Any filler is added to the dough at the very end, when the mixture is well kneaded. Again, this will ensure that it rises well when baked.

To prevent the cupcakes from burning on the bottom, place the molds in the oven on a baking sheet.

When putting the dough for kefir muffins into molds, do not fill them to the very edge, leave about a third of each capsule unfilled. During baking, the cupcakes rise several times. If you give too much dough, it will crawl out of the molds and be baked on top in a single layer.

When you fill the molds, do not rush to put them in the oven, let the dough rest for about 10-15 minutes. This will make your kefir muffins more airy and tender. They should be baked in the oven on a medium level. Then each product will be baked evenly on all sides.

Video recipe for making kefir muffins

The last time I made muffins was approximately this recipe. Here, unfortunately, all the secrets of baking them and kneading the dough are not revealed, but the basic principle is shown well and accessible. If you have never tried to prepare such a dessert, then this video will well illustrate how to prepare muffins in silicone molds.

Invitation to discuss muffins and possible modifications

Muffins can be prepared not only in standard molds. For the child, I took curly, small ones. He eats these with more pleasure than the regular form.

As I already said, you can try not only sweet filling to the cupcakes. One day, when guests came to the house, I prepared a snack of kefir muffins. Everyone really liked it. For the filling, I prepared a mixture of finely chopped and oven-dried bacon and sliced ​​olives. Muffin dough for a snack, of course, should not be sweet, but this recipe is also quick and easy. The dry mixture is prepared from grated cheese, herbs, pepper, salt and baking powder, and the base is made from butter, eggs and kefir. The cooking process is the same as I described above.

By the way, as for dessert, you can also experiment with it. For example, one day I prepared two mixtures - with and without cocoa, and put them in molds one by one in each. The results were fun striped cupcakes. For variety, sometimes I pour glaze on top of them: mix cocoa, sugar, milk and butter together, bring to a boil over low heat, boil for a minute and let cool. Then I baste the finished cupcakes.

This is how a simple recipe for kefir muffins can have a wide variety of solutions. What is your imagination enough for? Share your recipes and leave comments.

Pleasant, soft dough, imbued with the aroma of candied fruits, raisins or dried fruits, delicate fudge or chocolate sauce - the mere mention of such mouth-watering combinations can awaken uncontrollable gastronomic desires and fantasies even in the hearts of sophisticated connoisseurs of culinary masterpieces. As you enjoy every bite of homemade baking, you understand that to experience true pleasure, it is not at all necessary to look for complex ideas and spend long hours at the stove.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

It is important that recipes for kefir muffins assume the availability of quite affordable products - nothing exotic, rare, or expensive. The muffin dough is mixed quickly, and it is difficult to get confused in the sequence of adding ingredients. And a few basic rules are practically all you need to know so that the resulting dessert turns out the way you intended it. Typical baking time is about 45 minutes - making this dessert a breeze! You can bake the treat in the oven, slow cooker, bread maker and even microwave.

There is nothing tastier than homemade baking, and there is nothing easier than preparing something for your family for tea, for example, kefir muffins in silicone molds. Recipes with photos can now be found everywhere, because this is a fairly popular dessert; recently, cupcakes can be seen in all grocery stores and pastry shops. And preparing such baked goods at home is as easy as shelling pears. Moreover, every day you can make cupcakes with different fillings and a new composition. The family will definitely be delighted with such experiments in the kitchen.

Classic recipe for kefir muffins

If you need to make regular cupcakes, you can use this recipe. Here's what you'll need:

  • one glass of kefir
  • 250 grams of flour
  • two eggs
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 80 grams butter
  • 10 grams of baking powder or slaked soda
  • a pinch of vanillin
  • strawberry jam or any other to taste

This amount of ingredients makes six or seven cupcakes - it depends on the size of the molds.

Note! Experienced confectioners advise taking out all the ingredients that are stored in the refrigerator about half an hour before starting cooking. This way all products will be at the same temperature.

First you need to put the butter in a large bowl, then add the sugar and eggs. All products should be mashed well; for this you can use a fork or a kitchen whisk.

Then you need to gradually pour in the kefir, and the mixture must be constantly stirred.

Separately mix baking powder with flour. If soda is used, it is first “quenched” with lemon juice or vinegar. Here it is better to add vanillin. Everything is mixed well, then the egg-sugar-kefir mixture is added here. The dough needs to be mixed, and if it looks like biscuit, then everything is correct.

After that, take the molds, grease them with oil, and put the dough in them. To make neat cupcakes, the pans should not be filled completely. If the dough reaches the very edge, then the cupcakes will turn out with caps and will crack - everything is individual here, who likes it and how they like it.

You can also add jam to the muffins. Half a teaspoon will be enough. Place the molds with the dough in an oven preheated to two hundred degrees. Cupcakes are baked for about thirty to thirty-five minutes.

Chocolate cupcakes

For those who love coffee, we can recommend making chocolate muffins. The recipes are simple, in silicone molds with photos, they are easy to implement. To make these cupcakes you will need:

  • two hundred milliliters of kefir
  • one egg
  • two hundred grams of flour
  • one hundred grams of butter
  • five tablespoons cocoa powder
  • baking powder - ten grams
  • one hundred grams of sugar
  • a pinch of vanillin

First, the flour must be combined with cocoa. Then add sugar, a pinch of vanillin and baking powder. Mix everything well and set aside.

In another container, break the egg, add butter (it should be softened) and kefir. Beat with a whisk until a slight foam forms.

Then we combine this mixture with another, where there is flour and cocoa, mix everything well. Ideally, the dough should be medium thick. Then carefully fill the silicone molds and put them in the oven at two hundred degrees. After half an hour, we check - if the muffins are slightly cracked on top, then they can be removed from the oven. They should be served cooled for tea.

Kefir muffins with cottage cheese

Muffins with cottage cheese are also very easy to prepare, especially since the number of ingredients is minimal:

  • one egg
  • glass of flour
  • 100 grams of cottage cheese
  • 100 grams of granulated sugar
  • 150 milliliters kefir
  • vanillin
  • baking powder
  • pinch of salt

To prepare these muffins, you will need soft cottage cheese. It needs to be transferred to a deep container, add an egg, add sugar, baking powder, vanillin and mix. You can add a pinch of salt. The mixture must be thoroughly rubbed with a fork, then you can add kefir and mix everything again. Then gradually add flour. You must try to ensure that there are no too large lumps in the dough.

While the dough is being prepared, you need to preheat the oven to 200 - 220 degrees. Then spread the dough into the molds and bake for about twenty to twenty-five minutes. The cupcakes need to be removed from the molds and cooled.

Apple and Cinnamon Muffins

Apple and cinnamon are a wonderful combination often used in desserts. This duo will make kefir muffins even more delicious, and the aroma and spiciness of the dessert will be unique. Here is the list of ingredients:

  • one big apple
  • one glass of flour
  • glass of kefir
  • two chicken eggs
  • pinch of cinnamon
  • one hundred grams of sugar
  • tablespoon sunflower oil
  • baking soda and lemon juice or vinegar

First, let's prepare the apple - it needs to be washed, dried a little and peeled. It is better to remove the peel, remove the center and seeds. Then the fruit must be cut into small thin squares. Sprinkle the apple pieces with a spoon of sugar and a pinch of cinnamon.

Then we take a container where we will knead the dough. Pour kefir, add oda on the tip of a knife, previously slaked in lemon juice. As soon as small bubbles appear, add two eggs to the mixture and mix. All dry products must be mixed in another container and mixed well. Only after this can you combine both mixtures in one bowl.

Then pour a spoonful of sunflower oil into the dough and mix everything well again. At the very end, add the apples and mix gently again.

These cupcakes are baked at 180 degrees. While the oven is heating up, fill the molds. The dessert needs to bake for about thirty minutes. To find out if the cupcakes are baked, you can pierce one with a toothpick. If there are no pieces of dough left on it and it is dry, then you can remove the baked goods from the oven.

Serving cupcakes

This dessert is a great option when there are a lot of guests. Everyone will understand that they can only eat one cupcake, and no one will be left deprived. It is also very convenient to bake cupcakes and take them with you - nothing will happen to them along the way.

It is worth remembering that you can serve the cupcakes only after they have cooled. If you fill only half of the mold, then you can make “caps” for the cupcakes. Berries, fresh fruits, candied fruits, and store-bought marmalades or candies are suitable for this.

Often, cupcakes are simply sprinkled with powdered sugar before serving. You can also add a little cinnamon and a mint leaf.

You can also prepare a special sauce, which is perfect for becoming both a decoration for the cupcake and a highlight. You can make chocolate sauce for regular cupcakes. Just melt a little dark chocolate in a water bath, add a couple of tablespoons of milk and a little butter.

Simple kefir muffins in silicone molds can be either a dessert for every day or a holiday dish. Any housewife can handle them, besides, presence is required only for the first twenty minutes - the rest of the time the cupcakes bake themselves in the oven, so there is time for other household chores.

It's very easy to bake delicious chocolate muffins at home! The dough for these small muffins is prepared using regular kefir. The muffins themselves are baked in the oven in small molds.

Ingredients for making chocolate muffins:

For the test:

Kefir - 500 ml
Granulated sugar - 350 g
Chicken egg - 3 pcs.
Cocoa powder - 5 tbsp. spoons (heaped)
Butter - 150 g
Wheat flour - 400 g
Baking soda - 1 teaspoon

For the glaze:

Cocoa powder - 4 tbsp. spoons
Granulated sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons
Sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons
Butter - 50–65 g

For decoration:

Confectionery sprinkles

How to make chocolate muffins at home, recipe with photo:

1. Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer. ( Large quantity sugar in this recipe will give not only sweetness to the muffins, but also a rich chocolate color.)

2. Everything cooks very quickly, so turn on the oven to preheat to 200 degrees. Mix flour with soda and cocoa.

3. Now add melted butter (cooled) and kefir to the eggs. Mix constantly with a mixer.

4. Add the flour mixture into the bowl in parts, stirring with a mixer.

5. You should have the consistency of good store-bought sour cream.

6. Fill the molds 2/3 full. I have a silicone mold with paper capsules. Place in the oven and bake the chocolate cupcakes at 200 degrees for 20 minutes. Use your oven as a guide. There is a lot of dough, we got 23 muffins.

7. Let the finished muffins cool on a wire rack, be patient, it will be even tastier!

8. Prepare the glaze!

Mix cocoa, sour cream and granulated sugar and heat on the stove until the sugar dissolves. There is no need to boil the mixture. Remove from heat and add butter, stir and wait for the butter to dissolve.

9. My favorite part: frosting the chocolate muffins by dipping the tops of the muffins into the frosting and decorating with pretty “sprinkles.”

Our chocolate muffins are ready! Beautiful and tasty! The muffins are light, weightless, tender and moist inside! Not wet, but damp. The frosting adds even more magic! Can be served with tea. Bon appetit everyone!

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