Dandruff is a problem that many people have faced and are facing. Unfortunately, the unpleasantness of this phenomenon most often comes down to dissatisfaction with the disturbed aesthetics of the hair, rather than concern about problems within the body. In fact, unwanted "snow" on the hair is a clear sign of health problems. So, what causes dandruff, is there a panacea to combat it, are there proven methods of prevention - we will consider further.

Symptoms of the presence of this phenomenon

The fact that dandruff has appeared on the head is usually indicated by certain factors.

  • Formation of noticeable scales white color on clothes in the shoulder area, on a comb or massage brush, headdress. These elements are exfoliated particles of the skin.
  • The occurrence of itching and severe irritation on the scalp.
  • Deterioration of the general condition of the hairline, the manifestation of dullness and brittleness.
  • The appearance of red spots, large scales and yellowish crusts on the scalp. Usually these signs appear when the course of the disease lasts a long time, or it progresses.

It is important to know why dandruff appears on the head in order to correctly select a therapeutic complex to eliminate the disease and improve the general condition of the hairline.

Causes of dandruff

There are several provoking phenomena that cause the appearance of white "snow" on the head. The causes of dandruff can be very different.

  • Dryness of the skin is a known causal factor in the formation of dandruff, especially when it comes to the winter season. It is in winter that people neglect to drink enough fluids and often use devices for heating.
  • Fungi are common causes of dandruff. Yeast-like elements "settle" in the region of the scalp and are found in almost all people. But sometimes they multiply rapidly, causing irritation of the scalp.
  • Changes in the hormonal background entail the appearance of dandruff. Age-related changes have a noticeable effect on the overall functioning of the sebaceous glands, so dandruff often develops in adolescents and pregnant women.
  • The presence of seborrhea disease associated with problems of dysfunction of the secretion of fat in the scalp. When there is an increase in function, the glands begin to actively produce sebum, and dandruff appears.

So, we looked at what dandruff is, and what factors usually lead to its occurrence. But in education this disease it is necessary to pay attention to a few more circumstances that can also lead to the appearance of a white “cap”.

Alternative causes of the problem

  • The use of water of increased hardness for washing hair;
  • the use of cosmetics that are incorrectly selected by type;
  • excessively frequent dyeing or perms;
  • using a hair dryer to dry hair prone to dryness, brittleness;
  • the use of thermal hair styling and hair styling;
  • insufficient amount of minerals and vitamins received by the body;
  • increased state of stress and depression;
  • the presence of concomitant diseases - eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis;
  • presence in the body hereditary diseases immune system.

Now it’s clear why dandruff usually appears, and how it happens. It remains to decide effective methods its elimination, which will increase your self-esteem and make the condition of the hair much better.

Varieties of dandruff

Based on the characteristics of the secretion of fat, dandruff is oily and dry. The first type of seborrhea occurs with oily hair, and the second is distinguished by dry strands.

Dry dandruff

Usually it occurs and does not go away for a long time due to reduced sebum separation and excessive dryness of the integument. The scales in this case are small in size and the ability to easily move away. A slight powder effect is created on the hair. The location of the elements is carried out on the entire scalp, mainly the parietal regions are “affected”.

oily dandruff

It is formed in case of increased secretion of fat, when the scalp is too oily. The scales of such skin particles are quite large in size and are impregnated with the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Because of this, the phenomenon is accompanied by their gluing to each other, strong attachment to the hairs and difficulties in peeling.

As a result, the hair becomes sharply oily, constantly shiny, a person may experience itching due to clogging of the excretory ducts with fat.

Dead cells become visible when they stick together. In fact, one small plate has 500 keratinized cells, usually this phenomenon occurs in case of increased keratinization of the skin. Seborrhea can also occur in a situation where there is excessive dryness of the scalp, as well as its vulnerability to irritation due to the use of low-quality shampoos. The emerging ailment in this case is usually eliminated on its own when the irritation calms down.

Ways to fix the situation

Often, failures in attempts to get rid of the problem are due to the fact that there is no comprehensive solution method. Many people naively believe that by changing the shampoo, they will be able to overcome the problem. And someone takes a more “radical” decision and buys pills in the hope of getting a beautiful scalp. In fact, only nourishing the body from the inside and taking comprehensive measures to eliminate the problem can help in eliminating seborrhea. Therefore, so that it cannot appear again and disturb you, you must undergo special procedures.

Ensuring quality nutrition

It is important to deliver a large amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements to the cells and tissues of the body. There is no need to buy synthetic substances, it is enough to establish a regime proper nutrition, equipping it with vegetables, fruits, cereals. By eliminating alcohol and tobacco from the diet, minimizing the consumption of flour, fatty, spicy, sweet and smoked products, you can achieve amazing results.

Selection of hair care products

So that seborrhea could not form, the impact on it of external factors also plays an important role. To do this, you need to use special shampoos, creams and lotions, designed to provide competent and balanced care.

Buy soft products that do not contain sulfates and dyes, they should include antifungal agents and antibacterial elements.

The tool must be selected according to the type of skin. The use of auxiliary compositions in the form of folk masks and compresses will speed up the process, dandruff will disappear suddenly and will not form again.

Compliance with the principles of personal hygiene

Sometimes dandruff can be contagious, so it is necessary to follow the rules and principles of personal hygiene. There is a possibility of transmission of this disease through combs, combs and other similar devices. Do not assume that getting rid of dandruff involves only solving an aesthetic problem. After all, a neglected condition can become one of the reasons why hair falls out and baldness occurs. Only following this rule will make your hair exquisitely beautiful, and your scalp incredibly healthy.

Features of the use of folk remedies

Instead of advertised newfangled drugs, it is sometimes recommended to use folk remedies that are more effective and safe. According to statistics, only 5% of people suffering from this disease turn to specialists. The remaining 95% of "patients" prefer to be treated folk remedies. If they are chosen correctly, the result will be satisfactory, and you will get the effect after a couple of applications.

Nettle for dandruff

This weed plant contributes to the rapid renewal of the composition of cells in the epidermis, since it contains a large amount of organic acids and beneficial vitamins. Nettle also contains carotene, minerals, tannins and phytoncides, which make it an indispensable tool for the beauty of strands. To eliminate seborrhea, an indelible infusion of nettle is used.

The use of onions

Ordinary natural antibiotic- onion - acts as a folk healer and allows you to overcome a large number of diseases. In addition to dandruff, it eliminates other damage and diseases - dullness, brittleness, loss. To use the mask, you need to chop the bulbs into gruel, and then gently distribute it over the entire scalp. A cellophane cap is put on top.

Using burdock

This remedy of natural origin is present in in large numbers medicinal compositions for hair. Burdock has a powerful antiseptic effect due to the presence of tannins and regenerating properties in the composition. For therapy, a traditional root infusion or a special emulsion prepared according to a prescription is used. It is necessary to take the crushed root in the amount of a spoon and pour 200 ml of raw vegetable oil. After two weeks of infusion in the refrigerator, the emulsion is used to rub into the scalp.

So, we looked at what dandruff is and how to get rid of it quickly, so as not only to solve the problem, but also to make your hair as beautiful and healthy as possible.

Dandruff on the head can appear as a result of both external and internal factors. At the same time, there is a so-called risk group - people who are more susceptible to the disease.

Dandruff on the head ( medical name"Seborrhea") is not only a cosmetic problem, it can appear for a number of reasons and requires professional advice from a trichologist or dermatologist.

In the absence of timely treatment, white flakes form a dense crust that blocks the access of oxygen to the skin of the scalp. The nutrition of the follicles is disturbed, and the hair begins to fall out.

Symptoms and clinical picture of the problem

With the disease, dead skin particles exfoliate and become like bran. Actually, this is how the name of the disease is translated from Latin. Dandruff becomes noticeable only when hundreds of keratinized epidermal cells stick together. About 1000 of them make up just one tiny white plate.

The following symptoms signal the appearance of dandruff:

  • the formation of a fine "powder" on the hair, shoulders and outerwear, which is exfoliated cells of the epidermis;
  • dry or, conversely, oily scalp, as a result of metabolic disorders;
  • dull, brittle hair;
  • itching on the scalp and the appearance of a yellow-gray crust.

Dandruff can appear with improper care of the scalp, hormonal disorders, certain diseases or an inappropriate diet.

Types of dandruff

Depending on the intensity of sebum secretion by the scalp, two types of dandruff are distinguished: dry scales appear on dry hair, while white flakes on hair prone to oiliness have a glossy appearance.

This type of disease occurs with a low intensity of sebum secretion. At the same time, the exfoliated particles of the epidermis are small and dry. They look like powder and are usually “scattered” over all hair or localized in the forehead and crown.

Dry dandruff can also appear with sensitive scalp, prone to irritation not only from the use of unsuitable hygiene and cosmetic products, but even from dry indoor air. In this case, the phenomenon passes by itself, after the external sources of its occurrence are eliminated.

The cause of dry seborrhea may be a disturbed water balance in the body. The human body constantly loses moisture, to replenish which it is recommended to drink an average of about two liters of warm, clean non-carbonated water per day.

To aggravate the situation with the disease can: stress, overheating or hypothermia of the hair, prolonged fatigue, taking hormonal drugs, lack of vitamins B6, B12, F and selenium, as well as the use of unsuitable hair care products.

oily dandruff

Oily dandruff appears with increased sebum secretion of the scalp. It looks like fatty large flakes that stick together, cling to the hair and comb out poorly.

The hair becomes greasy, and the skin itches. This is because fat fills the excretory ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands and provokes irritation of the nerve endings. As fat decomposes and oxidizes, fatty acids are released, which also cause itching.

If you notice a tendency to oily scalp, especially if this phenomenon has appeared recently, seek the advice of a dermatologist or trichologist. The doctor will identify the causes of changes in skin properties and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Unqualified therapy can harm the health of curls.

Frequent washing of greasy hair does not solve the problem, but, on the contrary, can aggravate it, because it provokes increased work of the sebaceous glands.

For home care use shampoos for oily hair. Apply directly to their roots. Wash your head with warm water, avoiding intense massaging movements. When combing strands, try not to touch the scalp.

External factors for the appearance of dandruff

Improper scalp care

One of the common causes of "white flakes" is improper hair care, including:

  • Frequent washing.
    There should be moderation in the frequency of hygiene procedures. When washing, the protective lipid film is washed off the skin. After some time, the sebaceous glands form a new protective barrier, but if you wash your hair too often, they do not have time to fully fulfill their function. As a result, the skin dries out, which provokes the disease. Wash your hair according to how dirty it is. The optimal frequency is 1 time in 2-4 days. The more often you wash, the softer the shampoo should be.
  • Excessive use and improper selection of hair care products.
    Regular application of styling products and dyes to the curls contributes to the drying of the hair and provokes the formation of dandruff. Incorrectly selected cosmetics can also cause disease.

    Remember that styling products are not intended for daily use.

  • Poorly washed hair.
    The scalp is exposed to the irritating action of poorly washed off small particles of shampoo or balm. Hard water is another reason why whitewash can occur. Any acid rinse can soften its action. Hygiene products must be thoroughly rinsed under a large stream of warm water.
  • Hot styling.
    Regular styling of hair with an iron and hair dryer contributes to the dryness of the epidermis. Therefore, as a preventive measure, and, moreover, in the presence of the first signs of the disease, give up hot styling.
  • Use of artificial or dirty combs.
    The best option is a wooden comb or a brush with natural bristles - such devices will not harm the skin. The cleanliness of the instrument is an important means of preventing seborrhea.


Poor ecology is another factor for the emergence and development of the disease. The influence of polluted air, eating foods treated with pesticides and pesticides provoke a whole chain of diseases, including dandruff. With poor ecology, head fungus can develop. In this case, the skin itches, and the hair becomes brittle.

Houseplants, air conditioners with good filters, and air purifiers can help reduce your exposure to polluted indoor air. Ventilate your home regularly and use only filtered water.

As for food, if you live in a contaminated area, you will have to follow strict rules when choosing food and preparing it:

  • Drain the broth from meat and fish twice after boiling.
  • Soak vegetables for 3-4 hours in salt water.
  • Cook the mushrooms for 10 minutes in boiling water, then drain the water. Repeat twice.

Such simple actions reduce the risk of contamination of the body with radionuclides, insecticides, herbicides and other poisons.

Hypothermia or overheating of the scalp

Regular walks in the cold with an uncovered head, as well as overheating of the skin, lead to malnutrition of the hair follicles. Hair becomes thin, dry and begins to fall out.

Therefore, when going outside in hot or frosty weather, do not forget to wear an appropriate headgear.

Internal causes of dandruff

Problems with the immune system

A favorable foundation for the active development of the fungus that lives on the skin of the scalp is also reduced immunity. Normally, the life cycle of cells lasts a month, and with a fungus disease, it is reduced to one week. As a result, a large number of them collect on the scalp, and they form white flake scales.

To strengthen the immune system:

  • Enrich your diet with vitamins and minerals: A, B5, C, D, F, PP, selenium, zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron, iodine and manganese. They are found in yellow and red plant foods, as well as black currants, rose hips, citrus fruits, nuts, seeds and germinated cereals. Do not forget to eat seafood, dairy products and green tea.
  • Take herbal infusions and decoctions of lemongrass, echinacea, ginseng and licorice. This can be done for both curative and preventive purposes.
  • Temper yourself. Swimming, dousing and contrast showers are great for strengthening the body.
  • choose active image life. For moderate physical activity suitable for any sport, dance or exercise equipment.
  • Let the body rest. Take time every day to relax and think about something pleasant or just be in silence. It calms the nervous system and is a good prevention of stress.

Disruptions in the hormonal system

One of the causes of dandruff is hormonal changes in the body during puberty - in both sexes, as well as during pregnancy and menopause - in women. Interestingly, as a result of the restructuring of the hormonal system, white scales can either appear or, conversely, disappear if they were a cause for concern before.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Many diseases originate in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Dandruff is no exception. If the cause of its occurrence is a fungus, you need to follow a strict diet. Favorite for the fungus: sweet, starchy, fatty, fried and smoked foods. That is why problems with the scalp are more likely to occur in people with the listed taste preferences.

An unbalanced diet, a lack of certain vitamins and microelements, an excess of proteins and fast carbohydrates, all lead to the same dandruff.

Dandruff risk groups

For any disease, there are risk groups. The risk group for dandruff includes:

  • men, as their sebaceous glands produce more fat than women;
  • owners of oily scalp;
  • people with bad habits, as alcohol and nicotine disrupt metabolism;
  • people aged 10-14 to 40 years - this is due to the production of hormones;
  • people with reduced immunity or those who have recently suffered severe stress.

These people are more susceptible to the disease and must take preventive measures to prevent it.

Dandruff must be fought. This is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a signal of a violation in the body. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, do not be too lazy to consult a doctor, find out the cause of the phenomenon and get rid of it in time.

Why dandruff appears on the head: video

The problem with dandruff affects any person at least once in a lifetime, for some of us this problem is daily. We have prepared a video for which a dermatologist will tell you in detail what is the cause of this disease and how to deal with it.

The causative agent of the disease is a fungus Pityrosporum Ovale present on the hairy skin each person. Under the influence of various negative factors, the vital activity of the fungus is activated, its number increases and a violation occurs. life cycle cells of the epidermis of the head. Instead of the prescribed twenty-eight to thirty-two days, they live only eight, which leads to the accumulation of dead particles on the surface of the skin. That is why dandruff is a medical, not a cosmetic problem, and it should be solved under the guidance of a dermatologist or trichologist.

The appearance of dandruff is not affected by the quality of the hair - it can occur regardless of whether it is dry, oily or normal. As for the age factor, it plays an important role. It is noted that young people 14-25 years old are most susceptible to its appearance - it is at this age that sebum is secreted in excess, which is an additional provoking factor. In older people, the secretion of sebum is minimized, so dandruff is practically not found.


The causes of dandruff are based on a number of factors associated with functional failures in body systems, mainly endocrine, nervous and digestive. In addition, the appearance of excessive peeling is often due to external causes associated with environment and skin care.

Diseases that contribute to the appearance of dandruff:

  • neurological disorders: stress, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome,;
  • unbalanced diet: eating too many sweets and flour products;
  • obesity;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: and duodenum, ;
  • chronic diseases of the urinary system:,;
  • genetically determined features of the structure and secretion of the scalp;
  • improper care of the scalp: the use of shampoos and other care products that do not match the type of skin;
  • rare or, conversely, too frequent hair hygiene contributes to dandruff;
  • aggressive chemical composition of tap water used to wash your hair;
  • exposure to dry air: the use of a hair dryer, ironing, hair curling irons, central heating in the cold season;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the body: A, Z, group B, zinc, magnesium, healthy vegetable fats;
  • an allergic reaction to the fibers that make up the hats;
  • reduced immunity;
  • skin diseases:,;
  • bad habits: smoking, alcohol.

It is noted that the risk of dandruff increases significantly in the cold season - the reason for this phenomenon lies in a small amount of ultraviolet radiation, which has the ability to neutralize the fungus, and in the presence of a large amount of synthetics in hats.


There are three types of dandruff:

  • Dry dandruff is characterized by a large number of dry scales on the surface of the epidermis of the scalp, resulting from a lack of sebum formation. With dry dandruff, the scales are easily separated from the hair, crumble and remain on the clothes. Their number varies depending on the degree of the disease - in the initial stages they are noticeable only upon closer examination, and in difficult cases they cover the entire head of the patient. This type of dandruff is often accompanied by dry, brittle and split hair.
  • Oily liquid dandruff occurs due to increased sebum formation, which, in turn, is a consequence of hormonal imbalance in the body. Pathology is easy to recognize by the appearance of the skin - it becomes shiny, covered with enlarged pores. The hair takes on an untidy, unkempt appearance: it is as if greased and lies on the head in sparse, thin strands studded with yellowish scales. The processes that occur in the epidermis when oily seborrhea occurs often lead to a loss of bactericidal properties, resulting in painful and poorly healing abscesses on the head. Oily liquid dandruff often leads to baldness.
  • Oily thick dandruff, just like liquid, occurs due to excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, but is accompanied by blockage of their ducts. The disease is often complicated by the appearance of acne and follicles on the scalp, the hair becomes stiff, their shafts thicken, and the number increases.


The symptomatology of the disease depends on its type and is manifested by the following signs:

  • scales covering the scalp - depending on the type of dandruff, they can easily separate or stick firmly to the surface of the epidermis and the base of the hair;
  • imbalance of sebum formation - the skin becomes too dry or, conversely, too oily;
  • untidy appearance;
  • itching and other discomfort;
  • increased hair loss, baldness.

The listed symptoms may also apply to other dermatological diseases of the scalp (seborrhea, lichen), therefore, before proceeding with treatment, it is necessary to conduct a qualified diagnosis with the help of a specialist.


In diagnosing dandruff, the main emphasis is on the symptomatic manifestations of the disease. But since dandruff is only an external manifestation of the internal problems of the body, the task of the doctor is to examine the patient in order to identify them.

Methods for determining diseases:

If necessary, other causes are also involved in identifying the causes that provoked the appearance of dandruff. diagnostic methods, as well as other specialists are involved - a gastroenterologist, an immunologist, an infectious disease specialist.


Treatment of dandruff is divided into two directions - the first is to neutralize the causes that caused it, and the second is to get rid of external symptoms. If the first stage depends entirely on the results of the examination and the diagnosis made by the doctor, then for the second stage, as a rule, pharmacy antifungal shampoos, lotions, serums, balms and masks are used. A beneficial effect on the condition of the scalp is also provided by natural shampoos based on tar, St. John's wort, sulfur, boron, fermented milk products, salicylic acid, ichthyol.

Other therapies:

  • hormonal and vitamin therapy (taking zinc, sulfur, B vitamins);
  • ultraviolet treatment;
  • drugs that normalize bowel function;
  • immune boosting drugs.

To stimulate the production of keratin (a protein that plays a direct role in the formation of the hair structure), vasoconstrictors are locally prescribed.


Prolonged lack of treatment for dandruff is fraught with such negative consequences, as a weakening of the hair follicles, thinning and thinning of the hair, their fragility, and as a result - the loss of an attractive appearance. The disease can be caused by various inflammatory processes in the skin, the cause of which is scratching the constantly itchy skin and introducing an infection into it.


Preventing dandruff comes down to following general rules healthy lifestyle life, as well as compliance with hygiene standards.

Measures to reduce the risk of dandruff:

  • Thorough, but at the same time moderate hygiene: the ideal frequency of hair washing is 2-3 times a week. Means for the care of the scalp and hair should be carefully selected taking into account individual characteristics, have the most natural composition, and if a person has a tendency to form dandruff, then periodic use of special therapeutic agents is desirable as a preventive measure.
  • A healthy balanced diet, which must contain legumes, nuts, dairy products, plenty of fresh, boiled and stewed fruits and vegetables. You should exclude from the menu or minimize the use of all foods that can adversely affect the digestion process, provoke or diarrhea (white flour pastries, sodas, fast food, chips, fried foods, etc.).
  • Monitor status nervous systems s: do not violate the regime of work and rest, try to relax more, fill life with positive impressions.

Preventive measures also include maintaining a healthy immune system (appropriate for age and physical fitness playing sports, swimming, staying in the fresh air for at least two hours on weekdays and at least four hours on weekends), avoiding bad habits.


Treatment of the initial stages of dandruff usually takes 4 to 6 weeks. In more advanced cases, especially those aggravated by endocrine disorders, this period is extended by the time required to completely cure the underlying disease. If the disease is chronic, then dandruff treatment should be carried out several times a year.

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Dandruff is an extremely unpleasant manifestation of seborrheic dermatitis, which can develop in a person of any age on any type of hair. Forming a kind of crust on the scalp, dandruff makes it difficult to contact with air, which leads to weakening of the hair follicles and hair loss, as well as to the fragility and fragility of their rods.

Depending on the functioning of the sebaceous glands, dandruff can be oily and dry.

  • A person with a dry type of dandruff begins to feel intense itching shortly after washing their hair. Dry small scales on his head are located either in foci, or evenly distributed over the entire scalp. They fall abundantly on the shoulders, causing a lot of inconvenience to their owner, since others, as a rule, shun such a person. The constant feeling of itching is the result of insufficient secretion of sebum. The hair of patients with dry type of dandruff, as a rule, is thin, overdried, with severe split ends. The dry type of dandruff is the most common.
  • Oily dandruff is also accompanied severe itching, but with her, even freshly washed hair continues to look greasy and unkempt. Although not so noticeable, oily dandruff, however, poses a greater danger to the hair than dry dandruff. Quite large particles of keratinized epithelium, having exfoliated, do not fall off on the shoulders, but continue to remain on the head, forming a dense crust on its surface. Due to the abundant secretion of sebum, this crust becomes an excellent breeding ground for the development of colonies of pathogenic fungi. The presence of inflammatory processes is a characteristic condition for the scalp in a patient with oily dandruff.

Speaking in a simple and accessible language, then dandruff is the scalp that has peeled off, deadened, but has not disappeared.

We all have dandruff, since the cells on the scalp of all people are updated every 3-4 weeks: obsolete, old ones fall off, and new ones form in their place - these are natural changes in the human body.

If there is a violation of these processes and the renewal is accelerated (it does not last 21-28 days, but 7-10), the keratinized cells do not have time to fall off and clump - this is dandruff.

That is, dandruff is the accumulated particles of the scalp, which simply do not have time to fall off, as too much of them is produced.

The next logical question that interests those who are looking for what to do with dandruff on their heads is what can cause a failure in the renewal of the scalp?

On the Internet, you can find a huge number of reasons that explain why dandruff appeared on the head and what to do about this problem. In fact, all of them can be reduced to two:

  • The first reason is a malfunction of the sebaceous glands of the scalp;
  • The second reason is the reproduction of the fungus that causes the infection;

But there may be several factors that provoke these changes. Let us dwell on a more detailed description of the main causes of dandruff.

The top layer of the scalp is an accumulation of keratinized cells, which eventually exfoliate from the surface, thereby making room for the growth of new ones.

The origin of cells occurs in the deepest layers of the epidermis and, passing the way to the uppermost layer, the cells lose moisture, become flatter and thinner.

As a rule, scalp cells are renewed every 3-3.5 weeks, but if this process is compressed to only one week, the cells no longer have time to fully form. As a result, they are pressed together, forming white porous flakes - dandruff on the head.

Dandruff is loose skin particles that are a mild manifestation of a disease such as seborrheic dermatitis. If you turn to Latin, then the literal translation of the word "dandruff" sounds like "bran".

This is due to the fact that the separated skin particles look like a well-known dietary product.

Although dandruff is a common occurrence for many people, this syndrome is a medical concept, manifested in the exfoliation of small particles of skin at a considerable speed. He worries the patient for a long time, sometimes throughout life, the localization of the pathological process is the scalp. To get rid of the obsessive syndrome, you need to know about the causes of dandruff and how to deal with it.

Causes of dandruff

Why does dandruff appear on the head? As a rule, the reason for this is a whole range of reasons. Dry or oily dandruff may appear due to:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • malfunction of the immune system;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine glands;
  • unhealthy diet;
  • a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • impact severe stress and diseases of the central nervous system;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • pronounced beriberi;
  • insufficient work of the sebaceous glands, leading to excessive dryness of the scalp;
  • severe overheating or hypothermia of the skin of the head;
  • using the wrong shampoo
  • an allergic reaction to the material of the headgear;
  • violations of the rules for caring for the scalp (as a result of frequent dyeing, drying with a hairdryer, the use of hairdressing irons and curling irons);
  • poor hygiene of the skin of the head.

About the mechanism of formation of dry dandruff

The sebaceous glands run next to each hair. They secrete sebum, due to which the surface of the head is covered with a protective thin layer of fat, which retains moisture.

Also, sebum helps to shed dead cells. This happens if the work of the sebaceous glands is normal.

Then there are no dry scales (dandruff).

Under certain circumstances, the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands is disturbed - sebum can be released either a lot or a little. In addition, its density changes.

Most often, this leads to a change in the level of the male hormone testosterone in the blood. This hormone not only increases the production of sebum, which prevents dead cells from falling off, but also makes it thick - the cells stick together and peel off in layers.

Testosterone is present in the blood of both men and women. Its amount increases in adolescence and in women during menopause, that is, on average after 45 - perhaps if you have dandruff at this age, the reason lies precisely in hormonal changes.

Once testosterone levels return to normal, dandruff will disappear.

Therefore, if there is severe dandruff on the head, what should be done first? That's right, check the hormonal status - donate blood for hormones.

If it is not possible to normalize the hormonal level, for example, during menopause, it is recommended not to use special shampoos for the treatment of dandruff, which are more effective in getting rid of dandruff that appeared as a result of skin damage by a fungus (more on this reason later), but to use keratolytics.

They make sebum less thick, thereby preventing keratinized particles from sticking together, helping them to fall off.

These can be shampoos with salicylic acid, Sulsen's preparation or tar soap. If your cause of dandruff is associated only with blockage of the sebaceous glands, then this will be enough to get rid of this type of dandruff.

Many in the reviews say that after applying the cream, shampoo or Sulsen ointment, dandruff disappears instantly - literally on the second day. In this case, we can safely say that dandruff was caused only by the fact that the sebum became very thick and the drug “helped” soften it.

You can find a lot of negative reviews about salicylic acid, tar and Sulsen in the fight against dandruff - they say that dandruff does not go away after their use.

If you have the same problem and after using these drugs, dandruff has not gone away, then most likely the reason why dandruff appeared on your head is infection with a fungus: what to do in this case? This is the second reason that causes dandruff.

This problem is more serious than the first, but fixable. In this case, drugs based on keratolytics alone will not help.

Special complex treatment, whose main task is to help not only exfoliate the cells, but also kill the infection - a fungus that causes dandruff.

Fungal infection - more common cause the appearance of dandruff, which is partially formed from the first.

Thickened sebum and dead skin cells create an ideal environment for fungus to thrive. The products of its reproduction - mycelium, cause dandruff, which is accompanied by itching and redness of the skin. Therefore, often the head with dandruff itches, infected wounds appear on it - foci of inflammation.

If dandruff appears on the head due to the fungus, what should I do? Of course, it must be destroyed - killed.

For this purpose, special therapeutic antifungal drugs are produced: lotions, solutions, shampoos. In their composition, they contain an active active ingredient that destroys an infectious fungus, and substances that make sebum less thick.

That is, if shampoos that help remove dandruff in the first case only by softening the sebum, then the latter not only stick dead cells, but also kill the fungus and its waste products.

I would like to note right away that it is better to entrust a dermatologist or a cosmetologist to determine why a lot of dandruff appeared on the head and what to do with it, who will help determine the type of dandruff. Ideally, video diagnostics are carried out for this.

Under high magnification, the specialist examines the scalp, while the image image is projected onto the screen, and it becomes clear what type of dandruff, what to do and how to treat it, depending on the type.

Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to undergo diagnostics, even for the banal reason that such equipment is available only in specialized institutions.

To determine the type of dandruff at home, you can use the method of exceptions.

  1. It is not recommended to immediately buy medicated dandruff shampoos in a pharmacy. If you don't have the fungus that caused your skin infection and dandruff, why would you treat your scalp?
  2. Suppose that you have dandruff only because of the deterioration of the sebaceous ducts. The easiest way to confirm or deny this is to start using drugs only with keratolytics (salicylic acid, Sulsena). Did they help you? So, in order to get rid of dandruff, it was enough for you to improve the condition of the sebaceous ducts. Most likely, the problem lay in hormonal changes or in improper hair care: the wrong shampoo, frequent use of a hair dryer to dry the head, exposure to chemical agents on the scalp (hair dyeing, perm). In the future, it is enough to eliminate the factors that provoke the appearance of dandruff so that you do not have it again: undergo an examination for hormone levels, replace shampoo, and adjust your diet. Dandruff "loves" sweet, fatty and starchy foods, as well as hot, but does not perceive vegetables and fruits, fish, nuts. So be sure to watch your diet.
  3. If preparations with keratolytics did not help you, then at best you need to contact a dermatologist - he will select a therapeutic shampoo (Nizoral, Keto Plus, Perkhotal, Sebozal, Dermazol) against dandruff. You can also start treating dandruff on your own by choosing a dandruff shampoo.
  4. Good homemade masks for dry and oily scalp help in the fight against dandruff.

Before you start experiencing them for yourself, you need to determine the form of seborrhea.

There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of dandruff, and in order for the treatment to be quick and, most importantly, successful, you need to know exactly what triggered the imbalance.

Conventionally, all causes of dandruff can be divided into two types: the so-called internal and external.

The first should include violations in the work of the body itself, caused by a weakened immune system or some kind of disease.

External causes include all those factors that affect the scalp from the outside.

Internal reasons:

Seborrhea (“seborrhoea”, from Latin sebum - fat and Greek rhéo - flow) (a more general concept of dandruff) is a disease caused by a disorder of sebum formation, manifested by an increase or decrease in the production of sebaceous secretion, as well as a change in the chemical composition of sebum.

The main reason for the formation of dandruff is the dysfunction of the sebaceous gland. It can be caused by improper metabolism, problems with gastrointestinal tract, a violation of the function of the pancreas and thyroid glands, or an infectious lesion by a fungus, and sometimes from everything at the same time.

An important factor in the manifestation of dandruff is hereditary predisposition (features of the structure of the skin and its secretions).

The quantity and quality of sebum depend on the general condition of the body (especially the endocrine and nervous systems, the digestive tract), gender and age, concomitant diseases, etc.

The course of the disease is aggravated by chronic infections, hypovitaminosis (especially A, C, B1, B2, B6), consumption of large amounts of sweet and fatty foods, as well as skin pollution.

The greatest amount of sebum is formed and released during puberty.

There are several reasons leading to the accelerated separation of particles of the dermis on the head.

There are certain factors that, under the influence of each other, exacerbate the existing problem:

There are a lot of reasons why there is discomfort in the scalp. Consider the most common:

There are several reasons that provoke increased exfoliation of skin particles, but most often the symptom is caused by several factors that aggravate one alone:

  • Metabolic disorders are the root cause of dandruff, making the body more vulnerable to the action of pathogenic factors.
  • Hormonal disorders are the most common causes of dandruff in women.
  • Some diseases (gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, bronchopulmonary pathologies, neurological diseases, immunodeficiencies);
  • Hereditary predisposition is a factor that cannot be corrected.
  • Incorrect work of the sebaceous glands.
  • Violation of the diet, hypovitaminosis.
  • Mental and physical stress.
  • Fungal infection caused by Pityrosporum Ovale - yeast-like fungi, representatives of the normal microflora of the scalp.
  • Improper care of the scalp (overdrying with a hairdryer, curling irons, frequent staining);
  • Irrational use of a headgear (not wearing a hat in winter or wearing a warm headdress in the heat);
  • Insufficient hygiene of the scalp. However, this reason can be realized only in very advanced cases, when people completely neglect washing their hair.

Types of seborrhea

Snow-white flakes are of two types: dry and fatty. Consider what happens in these conditions with the scalp, how to distinguish between these two types.

Dry dandruff

The main difference of this type is the appearance of itching after shampooing. If not stopped in time, seborrheic dermatitis may appear. Luckily, I didn't get to it. But my head was exactly like that - dry, white particles covered my head in places and almost did not comb out.

It is difficult not to notice this pathology. Light dry scales of white or grayish color easily fall off the scalp, pollute the hair, comb, clothes.

Hair can become dull, quickly greasy, thinner. Quite often, with dandruff, a person is concerned about itching of the scalp, but inflammatory processes, as a rule, are absent.

Against the background of hypersecretion of large sebaceous glands, which are quite numerous in such an area as the scalp, dandruff can become oily. The exfoliated particles of the epidermis are combined into fairly large yellowish flakes.

They are sebaceous, are difficult to separate from the surface of the skin, and can form layers. Hair very quickly becomes dirty, weakens, begins to split and fall out.

Dandruff is a fairly common problem. In some people, this pathology becomes chronic, others suffer from it only from time to time.

One way or another, but every person has encountered this phenomenon at least once in his life. Attempts to get rid of the problem will not be effective if you do not find the answer to the question: "What caused dandruff?".

Dandruff is divided into dry and oily. Determining its type is quite simple.

In the event that after using the shampoo there is a feeling of dryness and itching on the head, as well as white grains, then this is dry dandruff. As a rule, this type of dandruff indicates a metabolic disorder in the body, as well as a violation of the activity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp.

In the event that itching on the scalp worries, and after the hair has been washed, it seems unkempt, then such symptoms indicate oily dandruff. On the hair, this type of dandruff is more difficult to notice, but if left untreated, it can cause hair loss.

Dandruff on the head is different, and conditionally it is divided into two types: oily and dry.

Allocate seborrhea oily (thick and liquid) and dry. Manifestations of seborrhea are most pronounced in areas of the skin, where the sebaceous glands are located in large numbers: face, scalp, chest, back.

Dense form of oily seborrhea

Dandruff symptoms

The following symptoms make it possible to judge that a person is suffering from dandruff:

    The appearance of white scales on outer clothing, on hair and shoulders, on a comb and on a hat. These scales represent the detached layer of the epidermis of the head.

    Most often, with dandruff, the scalp is dry, however, it can also be oily. Both of these pathological conditions dermis are the result of a metabolic disorder.

    Hair becomes unhealthy. They become brittle and dull.

    If the disease state progresses, then the exfoliated dermis scales become larger, yellowish-gray crusts form on the head, and spots appear.

    The scalp itches.

  • Visible white scales of exfoliated skin on clothes, hair, shoulders, comb, headdress.
  • Itching and irritation of the scalp.
  • Brittleness and dullness of hair.
  • Red spots, large scales and yellowish crusts on the skin (such signs of dandruff appear with a long course or progression).
  • visible white scales of exfoliated skin on hair, shoulders, clothes, headdress, comb;
  • dry skin, but oily skin can also have dandruff, since both conditions are variations of metabolic disorders;
  • itchy scalp;
  • irritation of the affected skin;
  • dullness and brittle hair;
  • with progression or prolonged course: enlargement of scales, reddish spots and yellowish crusts on the skin.

Differential Diagnosis

You need to start with nutrition. During treatment for dandruff, you need to adjust your own diet.

You should also refrain from alcohol during treatment. It is very important to add foods rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, copper, calcium and zinc to your diet.

In order to achieve positive results treatment, you need to follow the correct daily routine and choose products for hair care.

The ideal option for examination is video diagnostics. The process involves viewing the scalp, hairs under magnifying glass, the picture is transferred to the screen. Therefore, the doctor without problems can carefully examine dandruff, determine its type, method of treatment.

To determine whether everything is in order with the body, it is worth contacting not only a trichologist, a dermatologist. You need to visit a gynecologist, take tests for hormones.

Often such discomfort is caused by the restructuring of the hormonal background due to the onset of pregnancy. Then it is not recommended to use aggressive preparations, shampoos.

The doctor will advise a loyal course of treatment.

Before making a diagnosis, you should visit a doctor and exclude pathologies such as psoriasis and eczema. Both diseases rarely affect only the scalp, have a wide distribution and additional symptoms.


It is impossible to delay with this disease. If not cured, serious disorders can occur in the body, which we may not even be aware of. There are many ways to get rid of this disease. I will list the most effective and tested on myself.

Anti-dandruff shampoos and soaps

There are a huge number of special anti-dandruff shampoos, but how to choose the right one?

First, you should know that all the means that eliminate this problem are divided into types:

There is another way to eliminate "snowflakes" - dectar or laundry soap. This method was tested not only by me, but also by my great-grandmother. She washed her hair once a week and had good hair.

These two types of soaps are the same in action, they are:

  1. Disinfect.
  2. Relieve itching and redness.
  3. Dry.
  4. Remove fat.
  5. Accelerate hair growth.

Washing your hair with soap or shampoo should be for everyone who cannot get rid of the disease. These products should be the very first for hair and scalp care, as only they can clean it well.

Masks against dandruff

With a fatty type, masks that can be prepared at home will be effective:

  • Honey. Add equal amounts of honey, burdock oil, lemon juice, egg white. Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp and hair. You can keep it for an hour.
  • Nettle with salt. Prepare a gruel from 1 cup of nettle leaves, preferably grind them, and 1 teaspoon of sea salt. You need to rub the mask and keep it on your head for no more than 15 minutes.
  • Nettle with vinegar. Prepare a nettle decoction of 8 tablespoons, mix it with 1 tablespoon of vinegar. It is best to rub the solution with a cotton pad. You can keep the mask for 2-3 hours. Rinse with slightly acidified water.
  • Beet. Make juice from fresh beetroot and rub it on your skin. But blondes should not use it, as it can dye their hair.

With a dry type, I used excellent masks once a week that helped me:

  • Oil. You can rub burdock or sunflower oil. I kept it like that for 30-40 minutes. Of course, the effect was noticeable. Dry skin stopped itching, particles of "snow" began to disappear.
  • Lemon. You should mix the juice of 1 lemon, 2 yolks, 1 teaspoon of oil. You can keep the mask for 1 hour.
  • Onion. Onion peel should be infused with water, and then the resulting solution should be rubbed into the head. I kept the mask for half an hour. I note that the mask is effective, but with each wash was bad smell Luke.

Paste against dandruff

Not less than effective remedy- Sulsen's paste. It is available in two forms: for treatment and for prevention.

They differ in the percentage of selenium disulfide, thanks to which you can forget about:

  • Dandruff.
  • Excess sebum.
  • Thin and dry hair.

The paste will restore hair of any type, give it a healthy look and shine. Applying it is very simple: after washing your hair with shampoo, apply it on the scalp, rub in a circular motion wash off after 10-15 minutes.

Despite the quick result and effectiveness, the paste is contraindicated for pregnant women, as well as for those who have allergies or cannot tolerate the components that make up the product.

Note that this method of disposal is suitable for blondes.

Treatment of dandruff with folk remedies

I will list a few folk methods from excessive appearance of scales on the skin:

  • A decoction of tansy. You should insist 1 tbsp. of this plant for 2 hours, strain through gauze, and then, after washing the head, apply the resulting decoction to the hair and skin. You can use the product for 1 month. Do not rinse after application.
  • A special mixture of 10 grams of birch tar, 100 ml of alcohol and 20 ml of castor oil is also applied after shampooing and is not washed off.
  • Kefir is a great way to help eliminate this problem. It should be before washing, apply kefir to the hair and scalp, and then after 15 minutes, rinse everything with shampoo. The mask can be used daily if there are a lot of "snowflakes". For prevention, I use it once a month.
  • Kombucha tincture is also used to get rid of the disease. After shampooing, apply the tincture for 2-3 minutes. No need to rinse.

Preparations for the treatment of dandruff

There are quite a few pharmaceuticals. Their action is aimed not only at cleansing the head from scales, but also at normalizing the sebaceous, fat balance at the cellular level, as well as strengthening the hair follicles and preventing hair loss.

The most popular and effective pharmaceutical preparations are ointments, creams, tablets. Nizoral cream or tablets, hydrocortisone and sulfur-salicylic ointments do an excellent job. All drugs should be taken and used in accordance with the instructions.

Other Ways to Treat Dandruff

If you are tired of fighting on your own with this ailment, then contact experienced professionals.

Cosmetologists today offer professional treatment for:

  • Ozone therapy. The method releases cells from toxins, improves metabolism by exposure to oxygen molecules.
  • Mesotherapy. This method is the most effective: scalp cells, hair are covered and nourished with vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. Thanks to this, immunity increases, the sebaceous-fat balance is normalized.
  • Physiotherapy. They are able to kill microbes, rid the skin of fungi, and then activate biochemical processes at the cellular level.
  • laser impact. An antiseptic method that relieves irritation, redness, reduces itching, and also restores blood circulation.
  • Adjustments for comorbidities.

All methods are effective. Usually, a minimum of 10 sessions should be completed to completely get rid of dandruff.

To understand what caused dandruff, sometimes it is enough to analyze your own menu and daily routine. Perhaps the correction should be subjected to the nutrition system, limiting the use of fatty, spicy and fried foods, alcohol and sweets.

It is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of foods rich in fiber, vitamins A and group B, fermented milk products. The normalization of the drinking regimen is important.

The absence of physical overload, stress, sufficient time for sleep and rest will definitely have a positive effect on the state of the body as a whole and the scalp in particular.

If dandruff appears, it is worth at least for the duration of treatment to exclude aggressive hairdressing procedures: dyeing, perm, blow-drying, using hairspray and hair gel.

You can temporarily replace chemical hair dyes with natural ones: henna and basma, walnut shells. If desired, you can use natural styling products based on flax seeds, gelatin, egg white, sugar.

Special attention should be paid to the issue of hygiene. It is recommended to use combs made of natural wood and regularly replace them with new ones.

Dandruff diagnosis

So, if you decide to fight dandruff, then you can try to use folk remedies. Many herbs and infusions are able to eliminate it if it is only a cosmetic defect.

Dandruff is characterized by white flakes. In some cases, a two-week treatment with folk remedies is quite enough.

However, if this does not bring results, then you should seek the advice of a specialist.

At the same time, if there is a deterioration in the situation, then you should definitely consult a doctor. It could be a dermatologist or a trichologist.

The doctor will be able to accurately determine the cause of the disease and the severity of the situation. During a consultation with a specialist, you should accurately name the means that you use, tell about the features of nutrition.

A few signs that distinguish dandruff

  • From the course of school anatomy, we know that the skin is the largest organ. Therefore, dermatitis can develop on any part of the body, including the head. initial stage dermatitis accompanied by itching;
  • Seborrheic eczema is a form of chronic dermatosis. It is manifested by redness of the skin on the head, especially behind the ears, and also throughout the body. The disease can fade and intensify. As a rule, elderly people suffer from it.
  • Psoriasis is often localized not only in the knees and elbows, but also on the head. With this disease, silver scales are formed, which is accompanied by itching and redness. Often the development of psoriasis is accompanied by hair loss.
  • Microsporia is an infection of fungal origin. This disease is transmitted from person to person. Microsporia is characterized by the formation pink spots that are peeling. The development of the disease is also accompanied by hair loss.

Treatment of dandruff on the head should ideally begin, first of all, with a visit to a dermatologist or trichologist. The specialist will be able to more accurately diagnose and identify the cause of this problem.

However, there are general rules, following which, you can prevent the appearance of dandruff or get rid of the hated white flakes that have already appeared in your hair.

It is very important to balance your daily diet. So, at least for a while, you should completely exclude sweet, fried and fatty foods, as well as foods that contribute to the accumulation of fat - all kinds of spices and smoked meats.

With dandruff on the head, it is important to eat more coarse fiber, cereals, vitamins of groups B1, B2, B6, A.

Plentiful drinking is also necessary. Only preference should be given to ordinary purified water, avoiding coffee, strong black tea, alcoholic and carbonated drinks. With dry dandruff, water supplies the cells of the scalp with the necessary moisture, and with oily dandruff, it removes toxins from the body.

In addition to a healthy lifestyle, a properly selected therapeutic shampoo and folk remedies, dandruff on the head can be cured with special physiotherapeutic methods, among which the most common are darsonvalization and cryomassage.

  • Darsonvalization is a massage using pulsed current. As a result, the skin is irritated, which leads to an increase in the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, an improvement in the blood supply to the hair follicles, and the normalization of metabolism.

Thanks to this procedure, pustular inflammation heals, a cauterizing and disinfecting effect becomes noticeable.

Darsonvalization is especially effective for oily dandruff on the head.

  • Cryomassage affects the scalp liquid nitrogen. At a low temperature, characteristic of cryomassage, the blood flow to the scalp is significantly increased, the nutrition of the hair follicles is improved, and the general condition is normalized. Cryomasszh is more suitable for the treatment of dry dandruff on the head.

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It is better to treat dandruff under the guidance of a trichologist. , because in the treatment of seborrhea, you must first find out and eliminate the causes of the disease.

The specialist finds out the severity and selects drugs for the treatment of your particular case. Since with seborrhea there is a violation of the activity of the sebaceous gland, which is located in the lower layers of the epidermis, the treatment should be aimed at reducing sebum formation, that is, be "intradermal".

Shampoo is necessary in order to wash off the sebaceous secret from the surface of the scalp, therefore, in combination with it, it is necessary to use sebum-regulating masks or lotions that are kept on the head for 20-30 minutes.

If there is no time to visit a doctor or you are used to relying on yourself in these matters, then before you buy one of the dandruff remedies, carefully study the instructions for it. So…

Medicines and components that should be present in anti-dandruff (seborrhea) preparations:

Ketoconazole (Shampoos "Nizoral", "Dermazol"). Effective against the fungus that causes dandruff, but dandruff-causing fungus may develop resistance to the substance, which explains the decrease in the effectiveness of ketoconazole with long-term use

Bifonazole (Bifon lotion). Similar in action to ketoconazole, but lingers longer in the scalp, bifonazole does not develop resistance or decrease the sensitivity of the fungus that causes dandruff.

Salicylic acid (Sulsena preparation), selenium disulfide, octopyrode. This tool removes dandruff and prevents the formation of new "flakes", but will not be able to cope with the cause of all troubles - a skin fungus.

Tar (Friederm shampoo) and sulfur. They actively exfoliate and remove cells, so you should definitely use them at the first stage of the fight against dandruff.

Important! Presence of 2-3 components from the list is desirable. You should balance the diet: limit the intake of sweet, fatty. Food should be rich in fiber, vitamins, dairy products. Also, with seborrhea, it is not recommended to dry your head with a hairdryer.

If you have dandruff, but do not rush to buy expensive drugs. Sometimes old, proven, folk remedies help to cope with dandruff. Medicinal herbs and natural ingredients included in their composition can not only relieve you of dandruff, but also strengthen your hair.

Aspirin helps not only to effectively remove headache, in his power to save you from dandruff. Crush two aspirin tablets into powder and add to shampoo, leave the resulting mixture on your hair for two minutes. Rinse thoroughly.

Cinchona remedy. It is necessary to mix thoroughly 2 teaspoons of cinchona peel, 1 teaspoon of castor oil, 2-3 drops of rose oil and half a glass of wine alcohol. The resulting mixture should be rubbed into the scalp once a day.

Beat 2-3 eggs in a small amount of water, apply the resulting mixture to the hair for a while, then rinse. This procedure prevents dandruff.

Decoction of burdock root. 500 grams of burdock roots must be poured with 3 liters of cold water, put on fire and bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer over low heat for 5-6 hours.

The broth must be filtered and cooled. The resulting broth should be moistened with scalp every day, then rinse with warm water.

Do not use soap or shampoo. Although the decoction takes a long time to prepare, it is beyond praise in terms of efficiency.

A decoction of burdock roots not only helps to get rid of dandruff, but also strengthens the hair and regulates the sebaceous glands.

Take 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil daily. This oil is rich in nutrients that are extremely beneficial in the treatment of dandruff.

Onion mask with honey. This mask is very effective, but keep in mind that onions have a strong smell that is not easy to get rid of.

Therefore, it is better to do it only if you do not need to go to work or visit the next day. It is necessary to clean and pass 1 onion through a meat grinder.

Squeeze out the juice. Rub 2 egg yolks with 1 tablespoon of honey, 2 teaspoons of nettle decoction and 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil.

Pour onion juice into the resulting slurry and mix everything well. The mask must be applied to the head and kept for 1 hour, after which it must be washed off with warm water.

You can leave the mask on your head overnight. So the effect will be greater.

Folk remedies

Most often, ketoconazole, zinc pyrithione, selenium disulfide, ciclopirox, bifonazole, climbazole act as antifungal components in dandruff remedies.

Tar, sulfur, salicylic acid have a pronounced exfoliating effect. These substances well cleanse the scalp from skin scales.

Slow down the accelerated vital activity of cells octopirox, tar, ichthyol. Most of these components have an anti-inflammatory effect, normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.

It is better when the preparation contains not one, but several active ingredients, and in addition they contain natural additives: herbal extracts (nettle, burdock, chamomile) and essential oils (lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus).

Sometimes these ingredients alone are able to defeat itching and dandruff.

Many recipes are offered by traditional medicine to those who are faced with such a nuisance as dandruff. What to do for people who are disappointed in pharmaceutical preparations or fearful side effects? Choose a recipe option to your liking and try, since there are many of them, and they differ in simplicity and accessibility.

Herbal medicine suggests using decoctions and infusions of herbs: burdock root, nettle, tansy, chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot, oak bark. They can both rinse your head after washing, and rub it into the scalp.

Oil masks are often offered as effective folk remedies for dandruff. Olive or castor oil can be used on its own or combined with lemon juice. Of course, after half an hour of exposure to such a mask, the hair must be washed with shampoo.

Another interesting recipe: take a chicken egg, add a tablespoon of vodka and kefir and rub into the scalp. Wash off after half an hour. You can combine an egg with natural honey.

It is worth trying to exfoliate the scalp with fine edible salt before washing. It is said to be one of the most effective methods getting rid of dandruff. But you should be careful with salt if there are foci of inflammation on the scalp.

So, we must remember that such a seemingly harmless problem as dandruff should not be ignored, if only because there is a certain disorder in the body behind it. Running dandruff not only spoils the appearance, but can also lead to more serious consequences up to baldness.

Wash your hair with 6% apple cider vinegar.

When dandruff appears, the hair needs to be intensively nourished, therefore traditional medicine recommends using nourishing, exfoliating and moisturizing masks:

  • Mix thoroughly 1 egg yolk, 10 milliliters of olive oil, 5 milliliters of lemon juice and 10 grams of honey. Rub the therapeutic mask in a circular motion into the hair roots, then cover your head with a towel or hat and rinse with warm water after 40 minutes. Such a dandruff mask must be done at least 2 times a week for 30 days.
  • Mix 50 milliliters of kefir, 1 egg yolk and 10 milliliters of olive oil. Apply the resulting mass on the scalp and keep for 1 hour, then rinse and wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo. Folk remedy for dandruff should be applied 2 times a week for 2 months.
  • Mix 5 grams of castor oil, 2 grams of salicylic acid and 100 grams of vodka. Rub the finished product into the scalp with light circular movements and leave for 2 hours. Therapeutic lotion should be applied every other day until the dandruff completely disappears.
  • Mix 10 grams of castor oil, 5 grams of birch tar and 100 grams of vodka and apply on the scalp 1.5 hours before washing. The remedy should be applied 3 times a week until recovery.

Help exfoliate the skin, and also relieve itching and irritation decoctions made from beetroot juice, nettle or calendula. With such decoctions, it is necessary to rinse the hair after washing the head.

Since ancient times, people have used medicinal herbs, essential oils to combat hair ailments, give them beauty and strength.

Treatment mask

The tool is very effective, does not require much effort, the ingredients can be found in any kitchen. You will need:

  • onion juice - a tablespoon;
  • vodka - a tablespoon;
  • castor oil - 35 ml;
  • tea tree / lavender ether - 5 drops.

Application: heat the base oil to 37 degrees, add all the other components, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Rub the finished mixture well into the epidermis of the head, make a light massage. Wrap your head in a towel and bag. After an hour, the mask can be washed off with shampoo and warm water. Repeat manipulations for at least three times in ten days. A liter of water with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice will help remove the onion smell.

Composition for oily hair

The mixture is great for oily hair types. To prepare, take the following ingredients:

  • lemon juice - two tablespoons;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • castor oil - a teaspoon.

Application: beat the eggs well, add freshly squeezed juice, mix the oil. Rub the finished mass into the epidermis of the head, it is not necessary to distribute it over all strands. Wrap your head, rinse with shampoo and cool water after half an hour. Manipulations are allowed to be carried out every other day. The intensive course of treatment is 10 procedures. Then, if necessary, the treatment is repeated.

Oil Blend

Various essential oils do an excellent job with dandruff, skin itching. To prepare a healing mixture, take:

  • almond oil - a tablespoon;
  • burdock oil - a tablespoon;
  • olive oil - a tablespoon;
  • rosemary ether - 5 drops;
  • orange ether - 4 drops;
  • lavender ether - 4 drops;
  • tea tree ether - 2 drops.

How to use curlers - boomerangs? We have the answer! See this article for coloring options for short blonde hair. Go to http://jvolosy.com/uhod/articles/kak-sdelat-kudri.html and learn how to make small curls without a curling iron and curlers.

Usage: heat the base oils to 37 degrees, add the rest of the components, mix. Apply the finished mass to the base of the hairs, spread over the entire head of hair. Be sure to wrap your head, wash off the mask is allowed after 40 minutes. To wash your hair well, rinse the curls with chamomile decoction with one tablespoon of lemon juice. Perform manipulations every 3-4 days. The duration of treatment depends on the initial condition.

  • Methionine - normalizes the synthesis of phospholipids from fats.
  • Riboflavin - participates in fat metabolism, normalizes redox processes.

Restorative therapy

Dandruff often accompanies immunodeficiency states, hypovitaminosis, dysbacteriosis. Therefore, in the complex of treatment, vitamin-mineral complexes are prescribed (see.

synthetic vitamins - harm or benefit), immunomodulators (see what is immunity and drugs to increase it) and probiotics: Lineks (see.

list of probiotics).

Lifestyle, nutrition

As in the fight against any other disease, nutrition, emotional and physical condition play an important, if not the main role in the fight against dandruff. Nutrition should be complete in terms of vitamin-mineral and protein composition, but the fat and carbohydrate part should be limited.

You should enrich your diet with greens, vegetables and fruits, seafood.

Normalization of the emotional state is sometimes the key to the treatment of dandruff. If it is difficult to cope with psychotraumatic situations on your own, you should contact a psychotherapist. It is possible to use mild sedatives, for example, Persena (see sedatives for adults).



In addition to the tonic, anti-inflammatory and natural antiseptic action, nettle helps to renew the cellular composition of the epidermis.

This plant contains organic acids, vitamin C in an amount ten times greater than that of a lemon, as well as B vitamins, carotene, minerals, tannins and phytoncides.

To combat dandruff, nettle infusion is used, and for a long time, until the symptoms disappear completely. 5 st.

l. fresh chopped nettles or 2 tbsp.

l. dry plants are poured with a glass of boiling water and kept in a water bath for 10 minutes.

The finished solution is filtered through gauze and rubbed daily on the scalp. After washing your hair, you should also rinse your hair with nettle infusion, do not rinse with water.


This folk healer has long been used to treat hair, not only affected by dandruff, but also for hair loss, brittleness and dullness of hair.

The bulbs are crushed into gruel, which is carefully distributed on the scalp. A cellophane cap is put on top and a towel is wrapped around the head.

Withstand the mask for 2 hours, after which they wash their hair with a neutral shampoo and rinse well. The procedure should be repeated twice a week until the dandruff disappears completely.

How to choose an anti-dandruff shampoo

All the nuances of using this or that remedy for dandruff are indicated in the attached instructions. There are also some common points.

As a rule, in order for the active substance in the shampoo to work as efficiently as possible, it is recommended to keep it on the scalp for some time, while doing a light massage.

Medicinal products for washing hair most often almost do not foam. This indicates their useful composition.

Anti-dandruff shampoos in the first month of use should be used at least twice a week, and in the future, for prevention, twice a month. Can be alternated pharmacy remedy with a suitable shampoo from the cosmetic series.

There are many therapeutic dermatological shampoos for different tastes and wallets: Nizoral, Friderm, Fitoval, Sebazol, Dermazol, Keto Plus, Sulsena, Sebiprox, Vichy.

Well, there are cosmetic ones in almost every line of shampoos of most brands known to the mass buyer. If dandruff appears, its causes and treatment are an individual matter.

In the absence of the opportunity to consult with a specialist trichologist, you will have to select a therapeutic shampoo by trial and error.

Dandruff on the head requires the most careful approach when choosing a hair cleanser. You should not buy a widely advertised anti-dandruff shampoo that promises to get rid of the problem in the shortest possible time.

To treat the scalp, you must first contact a dermatologist who will prescribe a special therapeutic shampoo, depending on the cause of dandruff.

Conventionally, anti-dandruff shampoos can be divided into several types, each of which works in a certain direction.

  • Antifungal shampoo contains nizoral or ketoconazole in its composition, which effectively fight the fungus.
  • Exfoliating shampoo thanks to sulfur, zinc and selenium salts effectively slows down the growth of skin cells. As a result, the number of scales decreases, the work of the upper layer of the epidermis normalizes.
  • Seboregulating anti-dandruff shampoo can significantly reduce the production of sebum from the scalp. As a rule, the composition of such shampoos includes coal processing products - tar or tar.
  • Shampoo without dyes and preservatives, with sodium ichthyol, protein and mineral supplements. This shampoo enhances blood circulation, improves the supply of tissues with oxygen and nutrients. At the same time, it is very delicate, does not cause irritation and allergies, and therefore is suitable for even the most sensitive scalp.

Cosmetic shampoos can also help get rid of dandruff, but it is better to use them as a preventive measure, or on the most early stages appearance of dandruff.

They contain all the necessary components, but only in small quantities. In advanced cases, preference should be given to specialized pharmacy brands.

When choosing a detergent, it is equally important to consider the type of hair. Anti-dandruff shampoo cannot be universal and equally suitable for absolutely everyone.

Dry dandruff, oily or mixed, can only be determined by a specialist and will help you choose the most suitable drug.

All medicated shampoos require long-term use for 2-6 weeks and then prophylactic use 1-2 times a week.

Like other medicinal formulations, shampoos and lotions have some contraindications for use and a number of side effects- this should be considered before starting treatment.

A sufficient amount of therapeutic shampoo is applied to the hair, foamed and evenly distributed on the skin and hair. The exposure time is an average of 5-10 minutes, after which the shampoo is thoroughly washed off with running water.

What about Procter & Gamble's advertised Head & Shoulders shampoo? This shampoo does not belong to the therapeutic group, although it contains zinc pyrithione. This means that the concentration active substance is such that there will be no harm from shampoo, but it will not be able to cure dandruff either.


Having eliminated the problem, I decided to change my lifestyle a little and follow the doctor's advice.

  1. I used all the products that were selected for my hair type.
  2. Refused too fatty, spicy food.
  3. I started taking vitamins.
  4. I drank clean, filtered, non-carbonated water.
  5. I tried not to be nervous.
  6. Don't wear other people's hats.

So, I have listed you the best remedies that will eliminate dandruff in the shortest possible time. Remember that dandruff will not appear just like that.

Seborrhea prevention measures are very simple. A patient prone to dandruff should:

  • Wash your hair more often: the absence of sebum - a breeding ground for pathogenic fungi - will minimize the risk of its occurrence.
  • Remove from the diet fatty, salty, spicy foods (containing harmful dyes and preservatives), which stimulate the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Avoid strong emotions and stress.

Refuse for a while from "chemistry" and hair dyeing. But you can use vegetable dyes - they strengthen the hair and do not injure the skin;

When washing your hair, massage with your fingertips - this facilitates the separation of dandruff particles from the surface of the skin and improves blood circulation;

Every day, thoroughly wash all the brushes and combs that you used;

In food, you should limit the amount of animal fats, carbohydrates, salt, spicy and smoked foods, and alcohol. Food should be rich in vegetables, dairy products, vitamins;

If possible, dry your hair at room temperature, trying to use a hair dryer as little as possible;

Use a special complex of vitamins: A, B, C, E.

Sufficient sleep;


To prevent dandruff, it is necessary to use hygiene products such as shampoo or soap. Shampoo can be dry and liquid.

Dermatologists advise washing your hair at least once every 5 days. However, in the case when the hair quickly becomes oily, you should use shampoos for daily care.

They are more gentle than regular shampoos. Their advantage is that they wash only the necessary amount of oil from the scalp without damaging it and allowing you to use such products quite often.

You can prevent the appearance of dandruff, other unpleasant symptoms, using useful tips:

  • carefully choose shampoos, masks, buy the most natural products;
  • do not use other people's combs;
  • drink a course of vitamins every three months, this will strengthen the immune system, prevent problems with hair, nails, skin;
  • go in for sports, practice walks in the fresh air.

Dandruff is easy to spot and easy to treat. A seemingly harmless disease can lead to serious consequences up to hair loss. The causes of dandruff on the head in women, methods of prevention and treatment, taking into account the type of hair, we will analyze below.

What causes dandruff in women

Dandruff occurs for various reasons. Women who have discovered signs of it in themselves, the first thing they rush to change shampoo: television advertising inspires that this is the only thing. The wrong shampoo can indeed cause dandruff, but this is just one of the possible causes of it.

Dandruff can be the result of improper hair and scalp care. For example, washing your hair too infrequently or wrong actions this procedure causes problems in the same way as unsuitable cosmetics.

In addition, dandruff may appear from exposure high temperature. Passion for hot drying, electric tongs and washing hair with hot water can have unpleasant consequences for beauty.

Another common cause is temperature fluctuations. The habit of walking in winter without a hat, visiting a steam room without protection on your head can lead to an unpleasant result.

The appearance of dandruff can be a symptom indicating a serious problem in the body. This includes skin lesions with yeast fungi, impaired blood circulation in the skin, improper diet, poor in vitamins and trace elements.

Dandruff can appear in women during hormonal disruptions and changes: puberty or pregnancy.

The first signs of the appearance

It is generally accepted that a symptom of dandruff is the appearance of white flakes in the hair and on dark clothes. But if you listen to your feelings, the trouble can be recognized and prevented in time, and not deal with the consequences.

The most visible sign of a coming problem:

  1. . It cannot appear just like that, it was provoked by some kind of irritant. In some cases, a woman knows that her head is itchy after coloring or applying some kind of hair mask. Itching in a certain place can be caused by a mosquito bite. If there is irritation of unknown origin, the cause may be dandruff.
  2. Redness on the skin for no apparent reason.
  3. Feeling of dryness, tightness, desire to moisturize the skin.
  4. Unusual need to touch the head, scratch, rub, protracted combing of the hair.
  5. With oily seborrhea, the hair is quickly polluted, greasy appears, the scalp looks like a lemon peel with clogged pores.
  6. Hair falls out more than usual, evenly over the entire skin or in separate areas;
    improper functioning of the hair follicles leads to a deterioration in the appearance of the hair, they become dull, brittle and lifeless.

What are the consequences for the scalp and hair if dandruff treatment is not started in a timely manner

The disease should not be left to chance. Hoping that itching will go away on its own, and white scales are not a reason to skip work for a visit to the doctor, can be a fatal mistake. Irritation can turn into inflammation, the follicles will be damaged. Separate parts of the head will be covered with scar tissue, in which there will be no hair follicles. These areas of baldness cannot be easily restored and cause psychological discomfort.

Glycolic acid chemical peel

A simple and effective remedy for dandruff is peeling the scalp. This proven method is still surprising, it is believed that it is intended to refresh the skin of the face and body.

For the scalp, this procedure shows excellent results, regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, improves the functioning of the hair follicles. More and more cosmetologists include this service in their prices, as it gave excellent results in the treatment of baldness and dandruff.

The skin on the head needs periodic cleansing of the dead epidermis. Washing the head, especially the wrong one, does not cope with this task. The task of peeling is to free the skin from the layer of dead epidermis, the remnants of cosmetics and the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Thanks to this procedure, cleansed skin responds well to the subsequent application of masks, balms, wraps and other healing and healing procedures.

Chemical peeling can be done in the salon no more than once a week. To do this, a composition of acids is applied to cleansed skin. They have a positive effect on the structure of the hair itself. After neutralizing the composition for the hair, a mask is made, then washed off and dried. There are few contraindications for this procedure: sensitivity or allergy to the drug, pregnancy and lactation, neoplasms, fungal infections and skin lesions.

The best dandruff shampoos for women

It is not always possible to go to the doctor at the first sign of dandruff. In most cases, changing care products allows you to forget about minor troubles. Having chosen from dandruff for women, you can look at the response and, if necessary, try other methods.

Nizoral. Treats lichen and fungal infections, seborrheic dermatitis. It has a healing effect on any part of the body. Nizoral shampoo gets great reviews on most independent sites. If the cause of seborrhea is a fungal infection, shampoo will help.

Advice: masters in salons work without gloves. They can carry fungus on their hands despite having a sterile instrument. After a visit to the salon, you can use shampoo for prevention.

Anti-dandruff shampoo Algopix. The composition of the shampoo includes time-tested components: microalgae, tar, salicylic acid. The tool is used three times a week. After application, the head is massaged and the shampoo is left for 10 minutes. Important! Tar in the composition can unpredictably change the color of blond or bleached hair. Do not use for children.

Anti-dandruff shampoo "Instant clear l'oreal professionnel". The manufacturer offers this shampoo to owners of normal and oily hair. Its therapeutic effect is based on the zinc that is part of it. Users note its rapid impact on the problem, cost-effectiveness and pleasant packaging.

Effective ointments

A simple remedy for treatment is dandruff ointment. Their recipes have long been tried and tested, they have a low price and are very convenient to apply. They do not flow, do not dry out, application in specific areas is possible.

Salicylic ointment - fights inflammation thanks to the composition with salicylic acid. Dries, destroys bacterial and fungal infections. For the head, you need to choose compositions with an acid content of not more than 5%. The ointment is applied to clean, dry scalp for 15 minutes, washed off with shampoo. After the course, lipid metabolism normalizes, itching disappears, dandruff disappears. The tool accelerates the regeneration of the skin.

Zinc ointment- suitable for everyone, gives the best results with oily hair. Zinc oxides in the composition soothe irritated skin, dry and destroy fungal infections. Leaves a protective film on the skin. The ointment is applied for an hour, you can apply several times a day.

Pasta Sulsena- deservedly considered the best remedy from dandruff. The composition with selenium disulfide can be used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. The paste is applied to washed and dried hair for 10 minutes, it is easily washed off. The paste dries the skin, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Folk remedies for dandruff

ethnoscience has accumulated vast experience in preserving youth and beauty. The treatment of dandruff with folk remedies is described on the pages of ancient herbalists and family collections. useful tips. They work great in modern conditions, are simple, free and have no contraindications.

  1. Burdock oil comes to mind first. The effect of burdock oil on the scalp is not limited to seborrhea: metabolism is normalized, hair growth is enhanced, the scalp is saturated with useful substances. A significant amount of inulin in the composition cleanses the skin. You need to know that burdock oil is not squeezed out of the plant. A useful drug is macerate, an oil extract from burdock roots. You can prepare it yourself by pouring dried chopped roots with oil suitable for your skin type. 3-4 weeks and the oil is ready for use. You can enhance the effect of the extract if you add suitable herbs to the burdock root: horsetail, rosemary, sage, oak bark;
  2. Infusion or decoction of nettle. A glass of fresh or dried herbs is poured with six glasses of boiling water and left in a water bath for 20 minutes. Rinse your hair with this product after washing;

Popular masks

Popular and fast funds good, but expensive or difficult to use. More and more women are carefully looking at what is in their own kitchen: masks for dandruff on the head can be prepared from the usual products that are in every kitchen. They are easy to prepare, they do not require significant expenses or trips to the forest for medicinal raw materials. They are easy to use and easy to wash off with water or a drop of shampoo.

In the kitchen there are dried herbs: chamomile, yarrow, tea leaves. In the refrigerator you can find olive oil, apricot kernel oil, willow or oak bark, honey, vinegar, vodka, sea salt, starch, kefir. These and many other products can be used to restore hair health.

Herbal mask for oily scalp

In a coffee grinder, grind a tablespoon of chamomile herbs and. You can replace these herbs with yarrow and others. The powder is mixed with a tablespoon of kefir and left in a warm place until the grass swells.

The mixture is applied to washed and towel-dried hair under a plastic cap, rinsed head after half an hour. The mask is done twice a week. Duration of application can be up to six months.

Honey mask for dry scalp

To get rid of infections, reduce tightness, dryness and flaking, add a tablespoon of olive oil or three drops of sage oil to a tablespoon of honey. The mixture is heated in a water bath and beat until the honey is completely melted.

Apply to clean dry hair. After a small massage, the hair in the mask is hidden under a cap for half an hour, then washed off with shampoo. Use twice a week, after two weeks on the third skin you need to rest.

Essential oils for dandruff

More and more research proves the benefits of plant essential oils not only as flavoring agents, but also as medicinal agents. Esters contain volatile substances that easily and quickly penetrate the skin, nourishing and improving its condition. A couple of drops of quality essential oil can replace complex recipes for healthy potions. Essential oils for dandruff and itching of the head are a new trend in cosmetology, available to any woman who wants to restore her beauty.

The simplest solution is to add essential oil in shampoo. Do not pour a whole bottle into a shampoo bottle - it can mediocrely disappear from under the cap. It is optimal to drip esters into a portion of shampoo immediately before use.

For dry scalp esters of lavender, lemon, geranium, rosemary and bergamot are suitable, as well as their combinations.

  • 10 ml of shampoo, 4 drops of tea tree ether and 4 drops of geranium ester.
  • 4 drops lavender, 2 lemons and 2 geraniums.

Essential oils for oily skin: eucalyptus, thyme, rosemary oil. Geranium, lemon, bergamot and tea tree are just as good for oily skin as they are for dry skin.

  • 5 drops of geranium oil and 5 drops of lemon.
  • 3 drops of geranium, a drop of tea tree, 3 bergamot and 3 lavender.

The general principle is 8-12 drops of suitable oils with a scent that you like. After application, the skin is massaged for several minutes, then washed off. Adding a conditioner to the balm is also possible, but the smell of the hair will be more persistent.

Disease prevention

In order to avoid the appearance of white flakes on dark clothes, you must follow simple rules: Refusal of other people's hats, combs, contact with strangers help avoid infection.

In the process of treating dandruff, it is important to wash combs and wash hats to avoid re-infection.

Attentive attitude to health is likely to prevent the problem.

A thoughtful diet, timely hygiene, regular visits to the doctor - all this affects the appearance no less than expensive cosmetics and complex hairstyles.