The famous German thinker Johann Goethe often liked to repeat: “In order to achieve what you want, it is not enough to just want it, you need to act!”

The most cherished dreams can come true if you put effort into it, the main thing is to know certain secrets on how to make a wish so that it will certainly come true. At all times, humanity has tried to look behind the illusory veil of secrecy, and some people have fully managed to master the magical technique of fulfilling desires. Popular techniques include both simple and understandable rituals and more complex methods that require certain preparation.

The ancient sages said that only those wishes come true that are truly worth fulfilling.

That is, before you begin the process of making a wish, you should carefully analyze the situation, evaluate your emotions and feelings, and imagine the sensations that achieving the goal will cause. It's best to make a list on paper to visually understand what you should strive for.

When making a wish, many people formulate it as “I want that...” This is the wrong technique, because, having decided on a dream and truly wanting it to come true, it is advisable to perceive everything in real time, as if the sacrament of fulfillment had already happened. The wording should be in the present tense; in the affirmative version, for example, you can make a guess as follows:

  • “I have a wonderful family, a loving husband and healthy children”
  • “I am the owner of a million rubles”
  • “I am absolutely healthy and happy”

The power of thought has limitless possibilities, embodying into reality what only recently seemed impossible. The Universe at the subconscious level feels all emotions and experiences and rewards each person with the most intimate and sincere requests.

It works out well if you make wishes on special days: Christmas, name days, the dates of the spring or autumn equinox. This special moment can be any day that evokes strong positive emotions in you.

The transition from boring theory to practice

After the mental picture of what you want is drawn up, it’s time to move on to practical rituals and rituals that can help make your dreams come true.

It is important to choose the right time to perform the sacrament; most often, magic experts recommend making wishes at the beginning of a certain time period - on the first day of the month, on New Year's Eve, at the hour of the new moon.

Using the power of the moon

The new moon is one of the most favorable moments when you can make a wish so that it will certainly come true now or in the near future. For the ritual you will need a blank sheet of paper, a candle, and a pencil. In a calm, quiet, peaceful atmosphere, you need to wait for a certain minute, when a new month is born in the sky, in order to mentally turn to it and the universe with a request to carry out your plans.

On paper, in the glare of the flame, you need to write down your dreams (make sure to make them in an affirmative form) and hide the note from prying eyes. The main thing is not to get hung up on what you want, but to “let go” of your thoughts into space so that they can become reality with the help of enormous lunar energy.

Making dreams come true while you sleep

A fairly simple but very effective way to materialize desires is the method of rational use of the space under the bed. This corner of the home has always been considered quite mysterious; in many countries it is even customary to believe that there is a “lair” of the brownie and otherworldly forces guarding the family hearth. In any case, you can check from your own experience whether the wishes made in this way come true. Before carrying out the ritual, it is necessary to bring absolute order under the bed: get rid of unnecessary, unnecessary things, wipe off the dust, correctly and neatly fold what is there (ideally, the space should be absolutely free).

After cleanliness reigns under the bed, you can proceed to the next stage - place a corresponding note or picture there that will symbolize your request:

  • For those who want to receive a luxurious bouquet of flowers, you can put a beautiful card with flowers under the bed.
  • Those who are looking for a good job can also make a wish come true; in this case, a work book with an insert will be suitable, which will specifically indicate what position and salary its owner is applying for.
  • If you place a stack of paper bills (even drawn ones) in the “under-bed” space, financial success will await you in the near future.

It is important to periodically check this corner, remove unnecessary attributes (for those wishes that have already come true) and restore order under the bed.

Gummy gum

There is another very interesting and funny way to make a wish correctly and have it come true quickly; all you need to do is buy ordinary chewing gum. How can chewing gum help you make your dreams come true? It's very simple! One single letter on the package must be corrected to turn the chewing gum into desirable gum. All that remains is to make a wish and use the treat for its intended purpose - chew it gradually. At the same time, it is not recommended to treat anyone from this package, so that no one can steal your success in business. Usually one pack is enough to make your plans come true, however, if necessary, you can repeat the ritual.

Immerse yourself in the world of happiness, health, love!


It is known that to correctly make wishes, people often use powerful elements - water, earth, air, fire. The forces of nature can help and make your plans come true. They just need to be “applied” correctly.

So, a very popular plant that makes dreams come true is the common sea buckthorn, and it is used as follows. A few drops of sea buckthorn oil are added to regular shampoo or shower gel; The ritual, accordingly, is carried out in the bathroom.

To achieve maximum effect, it is advisable to create a thematic environment - fill the bath with water, light candles, or use an aroma lamp. In a pleasant, relaxing environment, it is advisable to relax, think about what you want, and at the moment when the water has already washed away all worries and sorrows, fill your palm with gel or shampoo and, running the foam over the skin, repeat the spell three times.

“Sea buckthorn, sea buckthorn, cover me with health/happiness/money/love.”

For a wish to come true, you need to make it and voice it slowly, without rushing, literally dissolving in the words.


The power of the almighty elements can be experienced in another ritual, which will require accessories such as a thick wax candle, clean water, an incense stick and a crystal bowl. Crystal, according to Feng Shui, represents the Earth, a candle, respectively, fire, and incense, air. It is advisable to carry out the ritual at night, when the energy of the cosmos manifests itself to the maximum extent. For a wish to come true, you need to make it correctly, taking some expensive jewelry made of gold or silver. The bowl is filled with water, the candle and incense stick are lit, after which you should lower the jewelry into the container and voice your dream out loud.

  • The candle must be passed around the bowl three times, while saying a magic spell: “Four great elements, Earth, Air, Fire, Water! Help me fulfill my wish and make my life happier and richer every day!”

The Universe will correctly accept the “application” only if the desire is positive and does not bring harm to any of the people around you.


The sign associated with finding a key is considered very successful. If somewhere in the rubble of old household rubbish or by chance on the street you come across a key, you should not throw it away, it can become a wonderful talisman that opens any doors (in a figurative sense, of course). For the key to start “working”, it is important to thoroughly clean it and “charge” it with energy to fulfill your desires: looking at it, carefully say which doors it should open - to health, love, prosperity. After this, you should make a wish for everything you dream about, and from that moment on, you must always keep the key with you, carry the talisman in your purse or pocket. In the shortest possible time, everything planned will begin to come true - a fact verified by hundreds of people who believe in the fulfillment of their cherished dreams.

In all of the above cases, for a wish to come true, it is not enough to just make it; you must sincerely believe that what you have planned can bring spiritual comfort and real happiness!

Secrets and methods of making a wish correctly will help your plans come true. But remember, for your cherished dream to come true, you need to make an effort. Reading this article will be your first step.

Rules for successful dream fulfillment

First of all, you need to decide what wishes you can make. Regardless of who you turn to - the Universe, magical evil spirits, magical monuments that are located in different parts of the world - it is best to make wishes that:

  • are unable to perform themselves and need Magical help;
  • which are really feasible (the Universe will not send you the wealth of the whole world, the love of all women on earth will not make you invisible);
  • positive, bright, cherished.

A dream that requires harm to other people to fulfill will not be fulfilled. If the wish is sincere and in the end you will not harm others, you can safely make it.

Relative to the phase of the moon, ideal for fulfilling desires, several versions. Many people are sure that you can make any dream during any phase of the moon (except for the waning one). But according to the rules, they ask for an increase in something when it is growing, and a decrease in something when it is decreasing; the full moon and the new moon are the time for universal requests. The best time is midnight.

There is a version that it is better to carry out rituals on significant days - birthday, New Year, Christmas, spring or autumn equinox.

Ways to make a wish

The simplest and most effective is to write what you want on a piece of paper, illuminated by moonlight at midnight, speak the text out loud, burn the piece of paper, and scatter the ashes to the wind. It is important during manipulation to imagine that everything has already been implemented and you got everything you wanted.

Exercises to make your dreams come true

There are special exercises that will allow you to get everything you want.

To complete the first task, you need to stay alone in the room, relax, and “have your head in the clouds.” Sit and think about what you like. It's best to concentrate on one thing at a time. If you imagine what you want for 5-10 minutes a day, it will soon come into your life.

The second option is mantras and meditation. Such a practice can harmonize a person, which, in turn, leads to the fulfillment of cherished desires and the implementation of planned projects.

Wish upon a falling star

Probably each of us has heard that a cherished wish will come true if you wish it on a falling star. The sign appeared in ancient times. The starry sky has always been an object of study; it was believed that it is a symbol of the world where gods and spirits live, which must be treated with special respect.

People on different continents often connected stars with human souls. Many myths indicate that if a star falls, it symbolizes the soul of a child, which is sent from the sky to our world in order to inhabit the newborn. At this moment she passes from one world to another, and they are very strongly connected. Therefore, the voiced dream will reach those who live in that world and they will be able to fulfill it.

The next version says that this is a signal given by higher powers, saying that the time has come for something important. A shooting star unites Heaven and Earth, indicating their union. To take advantage of this phenomenon, look at a shooting star and briefly, succinctly describe your desire out loud or silently.

What to wish between people with the same names

There is a belief that a dream voiced between people with the same names will definitely come true. This sign appeared for a reason. Previously, children were more often named after saints, and if there are many people with the same names in one place, the power of their heavenly patron increases several times, and accordingly, the likelihood of a miracle happening increases.

Our ancestors believed that several people with the same names could influence the amount of harvest and prevent diseases. Psychics confirm that the energy of several namesakes is much stronger, and a particularly force field is formed around them.

If you manage to penetrate it and voice your request, the Universe will fulfill it. The distance between you and people should be no more than half a meter and, when voicing a desire, you should touch both.

It is better to make a wish from 12:00 to 14:00 - the probability of fulfillment is higher. People with the same name do not have to be blood relatives.

Signs about dreams

Popular wisdom says that if you saw on an electronic watch same digits for hours and minutes(for example 12:12, 22:22), make a wish, it will come true. At night we saw a spider - the dream will come true, as the spider sitting in the center of the web warns about.

You can fulfill your wish if:

  • hearing from the right side, shake the coins and voice the request;
  • both ears burn at the same time;
  • found ourselves very close to the end of the rainbow;
  • found a four-leaf clover, or a lilac flower with five petals;
  • sat on her hand - you can ask her for a dream to come true;
  • while peeling peas, they found a pod with nine peas;
  • saw two rainbows;
  • All the candles on the birthday cake were blown out at once.

To make your wishes come true, embroider a windmill or a lighthouse, a calm sea, or hummingbirds on your clothes. If you find a horseshoe on the street, to achieve what you want, you need to spit on it and throw it over your left shoulder. Voice your dream if your eyelash falls out.

As you can see, it is actually very simple to make your wish come true. The main thing is to want it and not just wait for higher powers to carry out everything for you, but also take some action.

Many people on the planet are wondering if there is some special way to make it possible to make a cherished wish, and have it come true in the shortest possible time? After all, modern people, just like the ancient inhabitants, have a large number of specific goals that they would like to achieve, but these actions must be accomplished in a short time, since a dream is only a dream in order to wish for its speedy fulfillment.
Various scientists in various fields of science say that your deepest desires can come true, but for this you need to put in a certain amount of effort. In addition, it is important to know some secrets; in order for a wish to come true, you need to make it correctly. From time immemorial, people all over the world have been trying to look beyond the limits of their own understanding, and some have reached certain peaks in the technique of mastering the magic of wish fulfillment. Therefore, people know a variety of popular methods, techniques, rituals that have the simplest formulation or those that require special lengthy preparation. Let's find out what aspects need to be taken into account when making the most cherished wish in your life?

The power of thought as a tool

From time immemorial, sages all over the world believed that desires will be fulfilled only if they are very important to a person or have a certain value. It is important to note that the cost was not in monetary terms, but in certain actions or events.

Based on such beliefs, it is necessary to think in advance and analyze your own desire, while assessing the state of your emotional and sensory background, thus imagining the sensations that a person will experience at the moment of fulfillment of his most cherished desire. Some people advise making a specific list on an ordinary sheet of A4 paper, so that you can visually understand what exactly you are striving for, and only after completing such actions can you begin the process of making your deepest desire.

After reviewing various sources, it was found that during such a process, in no case should you use the wording that sounds like this: “I want...”. Since many representatives of science claim that this formulation of the phrase is incorrect. In the case when a person has actually decided on what he most desires, he must perceive it in real time, as if his innermost thoughts had become a reality. Based on this, it can be noted that the formulation of making a wish should occur in the present tense and in an affirmative form. For example, a phrase could be: “I am completely healthy, happy, I have a wonderful family, children and spouse.”

Scientists all over the world believe that the power of human thought is limitless, therefore, its capabilities are not limited by any factors, therefore every human desire can come true even when it seems that nothing will work out or will not work out. Experts claim that our Universe, at the level of the human subconscious, can feel all the emotional experiences of each person individually, therefore, when we make a request or make a wish, it should not only be sincere, but also the most valuable and intimate.

The Universe feels the power of human thought with particular accuracy on days such as:

    New Year;



    autumnal equinox;

  • vernal equinox.

Also, such a day can come if a person has strong positive emotions; this particular day will be considered special for him, since the Universe will hear his every call for help and help fulfill this or that request.

Guide to Making a Wish

    Decide on your deepest desire and formulate it correctly.

    The desire should sound in the present tense, as if it had already happened.

    There must be a positive formulation of your own desire or dream.

    Under no circumstances should the prefix “not” be used.

It is also an integral factor that the dream or desires must sound sincerely and from the heart, with a statement as if this act has already happened and you are in the most positive emotional state.

How to make a wish and have it come true: practical magic

Various experts say that initially every person needs to think about whether he really needs the fulfillment of this or that cherished desire? Because only by answering this question can you formulate your own thought in the most optimal way, which subsequently needs to be sent to the Universe. There are also some statements that under no circumstances should you make wishes that include the phrase money.

Therefore, if your cherished dream is precisely this aspect of life, then formulate it more precisely, for example, specify what you want to buy with them or another goal that you want to achieve with their help. If your cherished desire concerns a love theme, then it is very difficult to correctly formulate your own dream, since the Universe can interpret one or another of your cherished dreams differently and the result will not be what you expect.

If you have established an exact cherished desire for yourself, thought it through correctly, formulated it, it is sincere and comes from a pure heart and soul, then you need to concentrate, throw other thoughts out of your head and wish, directing your own thoughts into space. Some people say that if you use a thought form, your wish will come true much faster. Therefore, it is important, at the moment of making your own wish, to imagine the whole picture of what happened in bright colors with the smallest details, as if this act was happening to you at that very second. Further, you should not repeat the same phrase every day, directing it to the Universe; it is enough just to remember and then your innermost desires will certainly come true. However, you should not expect this to happen today, tomorrow or in a week. There are some different wishes that come true only after a few months, so be patient and strong.

Rituals for making wishes for every day

If you turn to various modern sources, you can discover one single effective and very simple ritual for making a cherished dream so that it comes true. However, it is important to remember that such a ritual does not affect any areas of life except love. To perform the ritual, you need to get up in the morning and prepare a couple of cups of coffee or tea, depending on what you like, that is, prefer, more, but on the condition that this meal will be the first breakfast. Next, you need to imagine your lover and pretend that the second cup of drink is intended specifically for him. Next, you need to start drinking your own tea or coffee and make your most cherished wish, but at the same time imagine it in the smallest details and at the same time brightly and colorfully. After the first cup of drink is over, you need to drink the second, accompanying it with thoughts that this act will certainly come true in the shortest possible time. It is known that carrying out such a ritual gives unique results if you make a wish in a special place, for example, on the bridge of lovers or in another place that is significant for married couples. It is important to note that in any case, during the ritual of making a wish, it is important that your thoughts are pure, there is no negativity, and you can fully imagine the existing picture in reality, even if it has not yet happened. It is important to note, of course, there is a huge There are a number of different ways to speed up the fulfillment of a cherished desire, but in some cases it is enough just to make the maximum human effort. For example, if a woman has been dreaming of losing weight for many years, but at the same time eats sweet foods and does not exercise, then the Almighty and the Universe are unlikely to help her in fulfilling such a dream. Since every person on the planet knows that only a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition can contribute to the commission of such an act.

That is why many scientific representatives say that it is not enough just to make a wish; it is also necessary to make at least a small amount of effort to ensure that the intended goal is achieved, that is, to try to make it a reality as much as possible, and the Universe will contribute to this with everything possible ways. If you dream of earning a large amount of money, then try to find some additional income on your own or change your job; it is not enough to just make a wish and think that money will fall from the sky for you at a certain moment. Since nothing in our life happens spontaneously or in vain, for each accomplishment we need other things, but at the same time it is important that they are correct and in no case should we abandon our plans halfway, do you have a secret desire? Go to him and try to reach the end point yourself.

New Year's time is magical and enchanting. Santa Claus, Christmas tree, garlands, sparklers, champagne, tangerines and chimes. Time for miracles and the beginning of a new life! Surely everyone will be interested in information about how to make a wish for the new year 2018. Today we will give you practical advice on how to not just make what you want, but make it come true one hundred percent. Otherwise, why waste time?

Correct formulation is the key to success

“Be careful what you wish for – they tend to come true.” M. Bulgakov.

Ways of making wishes are one thing, they are not difficult to fulfill, we will talk about them below. But correctly formulating them for the New Year is a completely different matter, much more important than the method used itself.

By following these tips, you can be sure that the information you put into your dream will be correctly “interpreted” by the Universe. You may not believe it, but wishes made for the New Year are not just words, they come true.

And so that exactly what you really want comes true, and not what you incorrectly asked for, we will follow these rules:

  1. Always formulate your request in the present tense; many are accustomed to making a request using the past or future tense: “I want me to be healthy,” do you feel it? Was... The Universe answers: “You were healthy,” but no fulfillment occurs. It’s a completely different matter when the phrase sounds like this: “I am grateful for my health, which is improving every day.” You get the point;
  2. Never make negative or overly critical statements in your requests, because Providence takes everything literally. You know how it happens, they say: “I have a bloody nose, but I want to go to the seaside.” One person, constantly repeating the phrase about a bloody nose, completely unexpectedly fell ill with a severe form of sinusitis, instead of getting what he wanted. Like this. Another option is “I want a car at any cost.” Think about it, really at ANY cost? Even at the cost of the lives of your loved ones and your own health? So, be careful;
  3. It is ideal to make a positive written or oral message after each desire: “this is done easily and joyfully” or “at the same time, I and all my family and friends are healthy and happy” or “this is only beneficial”;
    Do not use the words: “must” - this is already an order; “I will” is a promise; do not use the particle “not”; do not make negative thoughts about other people, because, according to the laws of the universe, a negative message will return to you, only tenfold;
  4. Invest the energy of love and gratitude, give thanks for what you already have, don’t be afraid to ask for more. Do not use the words “at least”, “at least” and similar ones. You know how sometimes they think: “at least a room, even a small one, even in a shared kitchen, just their own corner,” and then they complain and are surprised that they live in a communal apartment all their lives. Isn’t this what you yourself wished for?
  5. Have a clear idea of ​​what you want, do not make abstract or ambiguous wishes that can be misinterpreted or ambiguous. State it very clearly and simply, and most importantly, feel it, be saturated with the energy of your wish, know that in the subtle world it has already been fulfilled, all you have to do is correctly materialize the request into your reality.

What needs to be done to make your wish come true

Now you know how to make a wish correctly. Now the techniques with which this can (and should) be done for the New Year.

No. 1. Classic

Classic option. Many people know how to make a wish for the New Year 2017 while the chimes with champagne strike. However, this option remains the most effective. So, prepare in advance what to write and what to write on (pens, pieces of paper).

  • At the moment when the chimes strike, you need to quickly write down your wishes (think about them in advance and formulate them correctly in order to be on time).
  • You set fire to the paper with what you wrote, throw the remaining ashes into a glass of champagne (if you don’t drink alcohol, you can do this with a glass of juice, lemonade or plain water), then drink it all to the bottom.
  • Just don’t forget to clink glasses with your family and wish everyone a happy New Year.

No. 2. What will this give you?

When preparing for the New Year's feast, mentally formulate your most cherished or main desire. Now realize its spiritual component (what you need it for, what it will give you).

For example, if you dream of a new apartment, then the spiritual component is comfort, safety, coziness. If you dream of starting a family, this is the joy of close relationships, motherhood, fatherhood, love. If this is travel, then in spiritual terms it is knowledge of the previously unknown, relaxation, new impressions. The idea is clear to you.

Now come up with a symbol of your wish, for example, prepare a national dish of the country you want to travel to, make a salad in the shape of a heart, house or car, buy a drink prepared in the desired country. For example, French champagne.

Make a wish in a whisper, voice its spiritual meaning, “imbue” the symbol with the dream itself. You need to eat or drink it at the New Year's table without a trace, it is very good if your family, friends and loved ones help you, then the energy of desire will only intensify.

No. 3. To the chimes

The chiming clock carries a special mental message. At this moment, everything around seems to freeze, filled with the special magical energy of the transition to a New time stage. Feel free to stand on a chair, make wishes and imagine yourself as realistically as possible where they have already come true; at the moment of the last blow, jump from the chair into a new life where all your dreams have come true.

No. 4. Letter to Santa Claus

Write a letter to Santa Claus. Do you think magic only works for children? Not at all! Put your letter in a beautiful envelope, seal it and leave it under the tree for all holidays, remember and repeat your wishes every day.

When you remove the tree, put the envelope with the letter in a secluded place. And next New Year, take it out, print it out and check what has come true. You will be pleasantly surprised.

No. 5. Postcard with wishes

Buy the most beautiful card that you like. It is better if the image on it symbolizes your dream. Write wishes on yourself. Then feel free to send it to yourself by mail. Keep this card as a lucky talisman all year long. It would be useful to write congratulations in the same way to loved ones, relatives, and friends.

No. 6. Wish card

Do you know what is wish card? These are dreams, but not written, but presented in the form of images - photographs, sticker patterns on a regular sheet, plastic, plywood. So, it’s best to make a wish card on New Year’s Eve. This article will tell you how to do this.

No. 7. Forest round dance

Go to the forest, it is better to do this one or several days before the New Year, or on the eve of the old New Year. Invite friends, relatives, children with you (the more people, the stronger the effect).

Bring a few Christmas tree decorations with you, it’s raining. You can take sparklers and firecrackers. You can grab champagne and crystal glasses (not plastic ones).

Decorate the most beautiful Christmas tree in the forest and dance in a circle, light sparklers, shoot firecrackers, drink champagne (just don’t forget to clean up the trash after yourself). Think about your dreams, send them into the Universe during such a fun and friendly pastime.

No. 8. Craft or toy

This method is for fans of origami and lovers of crafts; it will be interesting to use this method with children. Make a craft of some animal or bird out of paper, tell it in a whisper all your cherished dreams, and then place it on the Christmas tree. Let him be there all the holidays, carrying the energy of your wishes and absorbing the energy of the holiday.

After you remove the tree, place the craft in a visible place. When it catches your eye, it will remind you of your dreams and motivate you to action.

No. 9. Tell your wish to the Universe

The minute the chimes strike, open a window, a window, or go out onto the balcony and voice your dreams, release them into the Universe. The special energy of the holiday, your mood, faith and strength of intention will contribute to their quick fulfillment.

No. 10. After the champagne is drunk

And this method will tell you how to make a wish after you have already drunk the champagne. You need leaves with a description of what you want to roll up and place in an empty champagne bottle. Seal the top with wax or plasticine and leave it in a secret place until next year.

No. 11. Roulette

And another interesting technique. Perfect for those who have a huge number of desires. We take 12 pieces of paper and write down our requests on them. Total - twelve wishes. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, pull out one leaf. What is written on it will 100% come true in the coming year.

All these ways to make a wish can be used not only on New Year 2018, but also on Old New Year, which is celebrated on the night of January 13-14. Good luck to you, may all your dreams come true!

Every person dreams of something or sets specific goals to achieve. But not everyone knows how to make a wish so that it comes true. In fact, there is nothing complicated about this, you just need to follow simple rules.

How to make a wish and have it come true: practical magic

Before you start sincerely wishing, think about whether this is what you really want? It is also important to accurately formulate your thoughts. If the desire concerns the material sphere, it is useless to make a wish simply for “money”; the exact wording would be “to earn enough so that you don’t deny yourself anything” or “to buy a new house”. With love desires it is even more difficult - the wording “to be together with...” or “to make someone fall in love with me” may not give exactly the result you are hoping for. Another secret on how to make a wish and have it come true is not to use the particle “not” in the final phrase. So, the desire is thought out and formulated - focus and wish. You can use a thought form, imagine in colors exactly how your dream will come true. And then relax and forget about it for a while, without ceasing to believe in your strength and think that everything will certainly be the way you want it.

Rituals for making wishes for every day

There is one very simple and effective ritual on how to make a wish for love. To do this, prepare two cups of tea or coffee in the morning; it is important that this is your first breakfast. Imagine that the second portion of the drink is intended for a man, one who is just coming into your life, or someone you already know with whom your desire is connected. Start drinking your drink and make a wish, thinking it over in detail. Then take on the second cup, with the thought that everything will certainly work out for you. Making wishes in special places gives good results. Each city has its own bridge, building or something else. Sometimes you need to perform a simple ritual, such as tying a ribbon or hanging a lock. If you spontaneously want to make a wish in nature or in a sacred place, do not deny yourself, the most important thing is that your thoughts should be pure and not negative.

How to make a wish and have it come true - not only magic will help

No matter how good magical methods are, many wishes will never come true until you make at least a little effort. It is irrational to dream of losing weight, but at the same time not exercise and continue to eat erratically, believing in a thought form. If you want good luck in love affairs, take care of yourself; you need more money - look for an additional source of income or think about changing jobs. It is not enough to know how to make wishes; it is important to think about what you personally can do today so that tomorrow your dream begins to come true. For convenience, you can even write yourself a plan of small things that can speed up the implementation of your plan, and strictly follow it. So, day after day, you will bring the time of fulfillment of your deepest desire closer until you reach your final goal.