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For many of us, cleaning is the most painful duty and terrible punishment. Often, only at the moment when there is no clean space left in the house and the apartment begins to resemble a dinosaur battlefield, we doomedly begin to restore order. In fact, cleaning is easy and quick if you know the basic secrets.

We are in website We set out to make your life easier and have collected some new tricks to help you cope with your homework.

Cleaning the dirtiest items in the bathroom

An old bathroom curtain will look like it came from a store if all dirty areas and even areas with yellowness and mold are washed with a solution consisting of equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water.

To clean your toothbrushes from germs, soak them in vinegar for an hour. Then wash well under running water.

Soak the washcloths for an hour in hot water and vinegar in a 1:1 ratio. Then rinse well with clean water and dry.

Wash the bath until it's white

Hydrogen peroxide helps with limescale, yellow spots and gray surfaces. Spray it with a spray bottle onto the surface of the bath, leave for half an hour and then rinse well with warm water.

You can easily clean the surface of the bathtub if you fill it with baking soda and after a few minutes add vinegar. After this, you need to lightly brush the surface and rinse with warm water.

Unwanted yellowness is effectively removed by a solution of ordinary citric acid. We make the solution at the rate of one sachet per glass of water. Apply this product using a sponge to the surface of the bath and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.

You can clean your bathtub until it shines and get rid of old plaque using a mixture of vinegar and salt. Mix the ingredients in a 1:1 ratio and clean the bathroom until white.

Dealing with a dirty toilet

The toilet will sparkle clean if you use mustard powder for cleaning with the addition of equal parts of citric acid and corn starch.

To clean and freshen your toilet, you can make your own cleaning bombs. Just 1-2 bombs thrown into the toilet will give not only a hygienic effect, but also a pleasant smell.

You will need:

  • 1 cup soda
  • 1/4 cup citric acid
  • 1/2 tsp. vinegar
  • 1 tbsp. l. 6% hydrogen peroxide solution
  • 15–20 drops of your favorite essential oil


Pour baking soda into a bowl and add citric acid. In a second bowl, mix vinegar and peroxide and pour this liquid drop by drop into the dry mixture. Add essential oil and form small balls with a spoon. Place the bombs on parchment paper and dry for at least 6 hours. Store the bombs in a closed glass jar.

Cleaning the seams between bathroom tiles

Using a regular white paraffin candle, you can get rid of mold, dark plaque and dirty deposits on the seams between the tiles. To do this, you need to run the blunt end of the candle along the dirty seam several times. This will clean and protect the seams from mold and dirt.

Pour baking soda into a bowl, take it with an unnecessary toothbrush soaked in water and clean the dirty places. After cleaning, rinse the surface with warm water. The seams are like new!

Mix warm water with hydrogen peroxide in a 2:1 ratio. Using a brush or sponge, we clean the seams between the tiles with this solution, which then does not need to be washed off.

Washing tiles

Take 15 grams of citric acid and dilute it with a glass of warm water. Use the resulting solution to wash the tiles. Then rinse off with clean water.

If the tiled walls are too dirty, vinegar will help. Spray the surface with vinegar from a spray bottle, leave for 10 minutes and rinse with clean water. Then wipe the tiles with a soft microfiber cloth. This method will not only clean the tiles, but also disinfect them.

Tidying up the washing machine

We clean the washing machine once a quarter.

Regular citric acid will help clean your machine from scale and water stone. Pour 60 grams of citric acid into the powder compartment. We run the machine for a full wash cycle at the highest possible temperature.

We are preparing a simple and effective remedy that will tidy up your washing machine.

You will need:

  • 2 cups vinegar
  • ¼ cup baking soda
  • ¼ glass of water
  • sponge


Mix water and soda in a bowl. Pour this solution into the powder compartment. Pour vinegar into the drum of the washing machine. We start the machine in normal washing mode. After completing the cycle, wipe all rubber gaskets and the door with a sponge. Dry the drum with the door open.

Perfect for cleaning the stove

We remove fat from the surface of the stove and from small parts with a regular eraser. This method is used by employees of professional cleaning services.

A greasy stove can be tidied up with lemon juice and a slice of lemon. Squeeze out the juice, wipe the stove with lemon and leave for 15 minutes. Then wipe with a wet cloth.

Cleaning the oven until it shines

You can clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits using a glass of ammonia and a liter of water. Heat the oven to 150 degrees and turn it off. Place a container of hot water on the bottom rack and a container of ammonia on the top. Close the oven door and leave to cool until morning.

In the morning, add a few teaspoons of any detergent and half a cup of warm water to a container with ammonia. Use a sponge with the resulting solution to wipe the oven and rinse it with water.

Save these tips. They will definitely come in handy!

1. If you did not remove the foam from the broth in time and it sank to the bottom, pour a glass of water into the pan. The foam will rise and can be removed.

2. Do not add any seasonings to the chicken broth, just onions and carrots. Otherwise it will lose its taste.

3. Never leave bay leaves in soup. It's good when cooked, but then it just ruins the taste.

4. The chops will turn out softer if you brush them with a mixture of vinegar and vegetable oil 1-2 hours before frying. Do the same with grilled meat.

5. To prepare delicious juicy cutlets, add equal parts of finely chopped raw and lightly fried onions and some raw potatoes to the minced meat.

6. During the first minute of frying the cutlets, the fire should be high so that the crust sets and does not allow the juice to leak out. But then you need to bring the heat to medium and, turning the cutlets, increase it again for half a minute.

7. The fish will not fall into pieces and will acquire a golden crust if you wipe it with a towel 10-15 minutes before frying and immediately add salt.

8. A few fresh chanterelles added to any soup will make it tastier. Mushrooms in dishes taste better the finer they are cut.

9. Immediately stir the grated raw potatoes with a small amount of milk, otherwise they will turn blue.

10. Old potatoes will become tastier if you add a spoonful of vinegar, 2-3 cloves of garlic and a bay leaf when cooking, or boil them in broth. The older the potatoes, the more water they require.

11. It is better to beat mashed potatoes by hand. Whipped in a mixer becomes fluffy, but quickly loses its taste.

12. The yeast dough will be soft and airy if you add cooled boiled potatoes, grated on a fine grater, to it.

13. Butter does not darken when frying if you pre-lubricate the hot frying pan with vegetable oil.

14. The dough will rise faster if you stick a few sticks of tubular pasta into it.

15. To get a light and fluffy cream, when whipping with a whisk, you need to make figure eights and from time to time circles along the walls of the dish.

16. Products made from unleavened dough will be crumbly and airy if you add a spoonful of cognac to the dough.

17. If you want the beans to not darken during cooking, cook them in an open pan.

18. To avoid oil splattering, lightly sprinkle the bottom of the pan with salt before starting to fry.

19. Instead of apples, you can put orange or tangerine slices in a sauerkraut salad.

20. Vegetable oil should be added to the salad only after the salad has been salted, vinegar and pepper have been added (salt does not dissolve in oil).

21. Salad with mayonnaise and vinaigrette will acquire an especially pleasant taste if you briefly add a lemon peel to them before serving.

22. If you want the vinaigrette to acquire a subtle and pleasant taste, pour a tablespoon of milk into it and add a teaspoon of granulated sugar.

23. To obtain a clear meat broth during cooking, you need to put washed eggshells in it. The finished broth should be strained.

24. You can tint broths with a decoction of onion peels. This increases their nutritional value, enriches them with vitamins and improves their appearance.

25. Old chicken will cook faster if, after it has been boiled for 20-30 minutes, you immerse it in cold water for 5-6 minutes.

26. To prevent the meat from burning and becoming dry, place a vessel with water in the oven.

27. To eliminate the strong odor when frying fish, add 1 raw potato, peeled and cut into slices, into vegetable oil.

28. To quickly cool a hot compote, you need to place the pan with it in another, large bowl, filling it with cold water and pouring a little coarse salt into the water.

29. When preparing jelly, diluted starch should not be poured into the middle of the pan, but closer to its walls.

These useful tips will be useful to every housewife when preparing various dishes.

If the soup is too salty, drop a piece of sugar into it on a spoon. As soon as the sugar begins to dissolve, remove the spoon - the sugar absorbs excess salt. You can also wrap some flour or rice in a cloth and boil it in the soup. Flour and rice also absorb salt. You can also add raw whole potatoes to the soup and remove them after a few minutes.

To prevent the cookies from burning, sprinkle a little salt under the molds.

To prevent lumps from forming, dilute flour for pancakes and sauces in salted water.

To prevent the cheese from drying out, wrap it in a clean cloth soaked in salt water.

The food you are steaming will cook faster if you salt the water in which the pan is standing.

When cleaning slippery fish, dip your fingers in salt - this will make your work easier.

To keep the salt dry, add some rice grains to it.

It is best to store an opened bottle of mineral water, well sealed, upside down. Water will retain gas and freshness longer.

To prevent the cabbage rolls from burning in the pan when stewing, place a lid of a smaller diameter than the pan with the handle facing up on the bottom of the pan. Place cabbage leaves on the lid and cabbage rolls on them.

Grease the grater on which you are going to grate the cheese with vegetable oil. This will prevent the cheese from sticking together and make the grater easier to wash.

Poultry is plucked from top to bottom, and forest poultry is plucked from bottom to top.

To remove fish scales, not only a knife, but also a grater is suitable.

It is much more convenient to remove scales if you lower the fish under water. Then the scales do not scatter to the sides and do not stain anything around.

If you add a little cold water several times during cooking, the fish will be tastier.

Soaking in vinegar, kvass, sour milk, cucumber, cabbage or beet brine is a reliable way to make tough meat soft.

To get a beautiful fried crust, you need to grease the entire surface of the raw meat with vegetable oil.

If you roll flat pieces of meat into a tube, they will cook more evenly.

If the yolks beaten to prepare the dough are salted, the finished products will acquire a pleasant yellow color.

Semolina porridge will be tender and without lumps if you rinse the cereal in several waters. The milk will not “run away” if the edges of the pan are smeared with fat.

To make the milk boil faster, you can put a little sugar in it.

Do you want to make raisin dough? Rinse the raisins in hot water and then sprinkle with flour. Then the raisins will be distributed evenly in the dough.

If the yeast dough has risen, but you don’t have time to immediately cut it up and bake it so that it no longer fits, cover it with well-moistened paper, just shake it off from the water first.

If you add a little milk to the sour cream, it will not curdle in the gravy.

The whites whip better if they are pre-cooled, and the yolks will mash faster if they are heated. The rice will be white and crumbly if you add citric acid crystals to the water.

The broth will be tastier if you keep the meat in a hot oven before cooking.

To get a clear broth with dumplings, you need to immerse them in hot water for a few seconds to wash off the flour, and then transfer them to the boiling broth.

Milk will not turn sour if you put a horseradish leaf in it.

To prevent peeled apples from darkening, place them in slightly salted cold water.

To quickly whip foam or cream, add a pinch of salt to the egg whites or cream.

The larger the vegetables are cut, the less nutrients they lose when cooked.

The beans will become tastier and more nutritious if you drain the water immediately after boiling, then fill it with cold water and add 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil to it.

Beets cook for a very long time - 3-3.5 hours. Or you can cook it for only an hour, then remove it from the heat and put it under running cold water for 10 minutes. The beets will be ready.

To prevent pieces of fish from falling apart during frying, you need to salt them, roll them in flour and let them sit for 10-15 minutes, then put them in a frying pan in hot oil.

Place the frozen fish in a plastic bag, tie it and place it in warm water. The fish will thaw faster than just at room temperature.

Boiled potatoes will turn out snow-white if you add a little lemon juice to the water.

The onion will turn out golden and tastier if you sprinkle it with powdered sugar when frying.

A piece of bread placed in a pan in which cabbage is cooked will absorb the unpleasant odor.

If the mayonnaise begins to sour, add a spoonful of cold water to it.

If potatoes are cooked in their skins, pierce the skin in several places - they will not crumble.

Fried potatoes will acquire a piquant taste if you add 1 teaspoon of mustard to them during cooking.

To ensure that fried poultry has a crispy crust, sprinkle the chicken, duck or turkey with salt water 10 minutes before the end of frying.

To grind boiled potatoes, it is better to use a hair sieve rather than a meat grinder.

An unpleasant sensation is caused by the onion smell in the mouth. Drink some milk and it will disappear.

To prevent your homemade noodle soup from becoming cloudy, dip the noodles in hot water for a minute and drain in a sieve, then add to the broth and cook until tender. The same advice can be given regarding rice soup: place the washed rice in boiling water for 3-5 minutes, place in a sieve, and then pour into the broth.

If you cook eggs over high heat, the white becomes hard and the yolk becomes softer. And if you cook over low heat, the yolk will become hard, but the white will remain loose. Therefore, it is better to cook eggs over moderate heat.

To prevent eggs from cracking during cooking, add a little salt to the water or place them in a pan of cold water and cook over moderate heat.

If you only need the white, but the yolk needs to be preserved for several days, you should pierce the egg with a needle on both sides - the white will flow out, and the yolk will remain in the shell.

Acid dries out the layers of dough during baking, and sour cream gives the products a subtle taste and makes the cookie crust crispy.

If the cake is difficult to separate from the baking sheet, you need to hold the baking sheet over steam or put it in cold water poured into a shallow bowl for a few seconds.

If you cannot open a glass jar of canned food, dip it, lid down, in hot water for a few minutes, after which the jar can be easily opened.

If you are tormented by styes, take a spoon with a metal handle - and as soon as the eye begins to itch, sweep it back and forth along the edge of the eyelid 3 times.

If you cut your finger and don't have hydrogen peroxide or other necessary means to stop the bleeding, sprinkle sugar on the wound, the bleeding will stop immediately.

Children often hit and fall. To reduce pain and bruising from a bruise, immediately apply a wet piece of newspaper crumpled up in your fist to the bruise.

You can make an ointment for burns. Take a tin jar and melt a regular wax candle there, and add 2 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil. Cool and lubricate the burn.

To prevent the refrigerator door seal from wearing out and allowing heat to pass through, you must handle it with care. Wipe the rubber with warm water and soap from time to time. After this, wipe dry and sprinkle with talcum powder or starch.

In order not to take soap with you on the road, you can prepare sheets of soap paper for one-time use in advance: soak porous wrapping paper with shampoo or liquid soap, dry it, and cut it into small napkins.

Unpleasant odor in your kitchen sink drain can be easily eliminated. At least once a week, rinse the pipe with a boiling solution of 2 tbsp. spoons of soda ash per 1 liter of water.

The musty smell of wooden utensils can be removed by washing it with water and vinegar, and then with soap and water.

Do not throw out the water in which jacket potatoes were boiled. It will wash glass, earthenware and earthenware well.

Don't throw away raw potato peelings. Chop them into smaller pieces, mix with hot water, vinegar and salt. Get an excellent product for cleaning bottles and carafes.

A strong salt solution will help clean frozen window glass.

It is easier to sharpen a dull knife if you soak the blade in a weak salt solution for half an hour.

The smell of oil paint that lingers in the apartment after renovation will quickly disappear if you place plates of salt in several places.

Car windows will not fog up if you wipe them with wet salt wrapped in gauze.

Do not throw away the water in which vegetables were cooked. Cool and pour this decoction over indoor flowers.

To prevent the edges of a carpet lying on the floor from bending or fraying, take BF-6 glue and glue a 20 mm wide braid on the back side of the carpet along the entire perimeter. This simple operation will greatly extend the life of your carpet.

An old stocking can be used to strengthen a loose screw. Thickly stuff finely chopped pieces of nylon stocking into the hole from the fallen screw. Heat a nail of a suitable diameter on the fire and stick it deeply into the nylon. You will get a hole with strong melted walls. Immediately screw in the screw. Such “stocking” plugs will never dry out or fall out.

To dry clothes in the bathroom, it is convenient to use plastic cords from unnecessary children's jumping ropes. After a slight sag, the cord easily returns to its original position.

To remove gum from upholstered furniture and carpets, place ice on the area. The gum will freeze and crumble.

Rust from the stove will disappear if you wipe its surface with hot vegetable oil.

Wipe a new tablecloth with a mixture of vinegar and milk (half and half), this will protect it from cracks.

Before washing your knife after cutting herring, onions or garlic, hold it over a hot burner and then wash it with cold water and soap.

The grater will become sharp again if you “rub” sandpaper on it.

A head of garlic glues glass and plastic well; you just need to anoint the parts with a crushed clove. The gluing area will remain transparent

The unpleasant smell in the kitchen will disappear if you burn dry orange or lemon peel

Using a cloth soaked in milk, you can remove fresh ink stains, clean mirrors, musical instrument keys, and picture frames.

Rust stains from bathtubs and sinks can be removed with a 5% solution of oxalic acid, hydrogen peroxide with the addition of ammonia, or hot vinegar with a little table salt dissolved in it. Wear gloves!

If you want your ironed clothes to not be shiny, add a little milk to the starch.

Wash stains on jewelry with pearls, turquoise, malachite and amber with ethyl alcohol and soapy water (1:1). After this, wipe the amber dry with flannel, and dry the remaining stones with a soft cloth moistened with ethyl alcohol.

A gold ring can be restored to shine by soaking it in sweet water and then cleaning it with lipstick.

Metal brooches and pendants often leave dark stains on clothes. To prevent this from happening, coat the back of them with clear nail polish.

You can restore the former shine to silver items by immersing them in water containing chopped potatoes for 2-3 hours. Then rinse them with clean water.

You can remove plaque from silver items by washing in warm soapy water and cleaning with a soft cloth dipped in a mixture of ammonia and tooth powder or chalk.

The crease on trousers lasts longer if you wipe it from the inside with dry soap and then iron it.

To scoop up debris from the floor without a dustpan, wet the edge of a piece of newspaper and stick it to the floor. After this, you can sweep all the debris onto it with a broom.

If the ashtray is difficult to clean, rub it with salt and rinse with water.

To sew a button correctly, you need to insert a match between the button and the material, and after finishing the work, take it out.

When ironing a tie, insert a piece of cardboard between the top and bottom layers to prevent the seams from imprinting.

If you get your shoes wet when it rains, stuff the shoes with newsprint and let them dry away from any heat.
The scissors are dull - just cut the sandpaper with them.


  • The nail will be easily driven in if its tip is dipped in vegetable oil.
  • If you add sugar to a cement solution, it will become much stronger.
  • Alabaster diluted with milk takes longer to harden - making it easier to seal cracks with a brush.
  • If the brush for oil work is very hard, you need to dip it in boiling vinegar for 1 minute.
  • A room that has just been wallpapered cannot be ventilated for several days, otherwise the wallpaper will begin to bubble and peel off.
  • It is easier to cut tiles when they are wet. This way it is less likely to break.
  • Imported tiles are more expensive than domestic ones, but when laying them you don’t have to align the edges of the tiles so that they lie close to one another.
  • Fallen tiles can be firmly fixed using zinc white, thickly rubbed with natural drying oil. But it will take a long time to dry.
  • Washable wallpaper should not be used to cover a sunny room - under the influence of sunlight, such wallpaper releases substances harmful to health.
  • Using wallpaper and light-colored paints, you can visually increase the volume of the room. Dark tones visually reduce its volume.
  • To decorate cold residential premises, it is better to use “warm” tones: pink, pastel, etc. To decorate overly warm rooms, you can use “cold” tones: white, blue, marble, etc.


  • Scratches on polished furniture can be repaired using shoe polish of the appropriate color.
  • You can wipe mirrors with cotton wool soaked in cologne or alcohol (vodka). You can use cold water mixed with linen blue - this will give the mirror a pleasant shine. A diluted infusion of tea is suitable for the same purpose.
  • It is recommended to clean a yellowed enamel bathtub with salt and vinegar.
  • It is recommended to wipe tiles in the bathroom with vinegar and water (1:5). You can use a soap solution with the addition of ammonia.
  • It is recommended to wash anything painted with light oil or enamel paint with water without soap and soda (they make the paint dull). You can add ammonia to the water (a teaspoon per liter) - it removes dirt and adds shine. After washing, you need to wipe with a dry cloth to prevent yellow spots and streaks from appearing.
  • It is not recommended to clean enameled bathtubs with acids or abrasive powders - the enamel is damaged.
  • A new broom, mop, or broom will last longer if you soak it in hot soapy water before use.
  • A white mark on a polished surface caused by a hot object can be removed by wiping it with alcohol and vegetable oil.
  • You need to rub it with a woolen rag in a circular motion.
  • You should not wash windows with soap, as it forms a film on the glass that is difficult to clean.
  • A strong vinegar solution removes stains from glass and mirrors (1 tablespoon per glass of water).
  • A brush dipped in salt water will help restore the golden color to straw products.
  • The color of the carpet will become brighter if you sprinkle it with fine white salt in the evening, and the next day remove the salt with a soft, clean, damp cloth.
  • Linoleum floors should not be washed with hot water or water with the addition of soda or ammonia - linoleum becomes dull and deteriorates.
  • You can wash with warm water and laundry soap, then rinse and wipe dry.
  • About once every 3 months you need to wipe the linoleum with natural drying oil, and then thoroughly wipe it off with a soft cloth. You can rub linoleum with a mixture of wax, paraffin and turpentine (1:1:5), which must be mixed while heated.
  • It is good to wipe parquet floors with a damp cloth soaked in cold water with the addition of glycerin (a tablespoon per glass of water). Washing parquet with hot water is not recommended.
  • From time to time you need to wipe the walls of the cupboard with vinegar to remove foreign odors.
  • It is enough to wipe chrome surfaces with a cloth soaked in soapy water.
  • Nickel-plated surfaces are cleaned with pastes and liquid cleaning compounds. For example: a paste of ammonia and tooth powder. When this mixture dries, the product should be wiped with a dry cloth and polished with a cloth.
  • Earthenware with a pattern should not be washed with hot water - the glaze may deteriorate. Moreover, you cannot wash it with soda - the design will be erased. For this purpose, you need to use lukewarm water and good soap, or even better, mustard powder.
  • To keep your serving knives shiny, you need to peel them with raw potatoes. A few drops of lemon juice will also work.
  • Porcelain dishes should be washed with water with the addition of ammonia.
  • Crystal dishes cannot be washed with hot water - this causes them to become cloudy and become covered with a network of fine cracks. If, after washing, you wipe it with a woolen cloth with blue-tinted starch, the dishes will shine more.
  • Dark deposits from silver and silver-plated items can be easily removed as follows: wash the item in warm soapy water, then clean it with a soft cloth soaked in a mixture of ammonia with chalk or tooth powder. After this, rinse with warm water and wipe thoroughly.
  • Silver, silver-plated and cupronickel items can be refreshed by washing them in warm water with baking soda (50 g per 1 liter of water) or in warm soapy water with ammonia (1 tablespoon per 1 liter). After this, the product should be rinsed with clean water and wiped dry with a soft cloth.

Useful kitchen tips

  • Peeling potatoes darkens the skin on your hands. To avoid this, you need to wet your hands with vinegar before work and let them dry, and after work, immediately wash them with soap and lubricate them with cream.
  • All glassware - glasses, vases - can be washed without special products. To do this, add a little vinegar or coarse salt to warm water. The dishes will become cleaner and more transparent.
  • Aluminum pans will regain their sparkle when boiled with potato peelings, apple peels, rhubarb peels or a vinegar solution.
  • Darkened enamel pans should be boiled with any dishwashing liquid and then rinsed with hot water. But if you boil them with a vinegar solution twice a month, they will not darken.
  • If something burns in a pan, you can pour cold water into the bottom and add salt. After a few hours, food residues can be easily removed. For enamel pans, this method is suitable: fill the pan with hot water with the addition of a spoonful of soda, leave to stand, and then boil - the remaining food will come off perfectly.
  • Pans can be easily cleaned like this: slightly warm them up and wipe them with salt and then with parchment (or, in extreme cases, plain paper).
    If escaping milk spills onto a hot stove, you need to fill the flooded area with salt and cover it with wet paper - then the smell will not spread throughout the room.
  • To prevent the ice tray from freezing in the refrigerator freezer, you must first rub it with a candle.
  • It is better to store cereals and starch in jars with a ground-in lid - tin, glass or earthenware. To prevent bugs from getting into the cereal, before putting it in jars, the cereal needs to be heated in a frying pan or in the oven, and gauze bags with salt should be placed in jars for storing it.
  • To remove raspberry beetle larvae, berries need to be soaked in a two percent solution of table salt for 15-20 minutes. The larvae float to the surface. After this, the berries should be rinsed with clean water.
  • To prevent bugs from getting into the flour, you need to put a few cloves of garlic in the bag where it is stored, without peeling the top skin.
  • The flour should be sifted periodically and poured into a clean bag.
  • To make it easier to sharpen knives, scissors, etc., you can place them in a weak salt solution for half an hour and sharpen them without wiping them.
  • It is much easier to clean the meat grinder if you run the raw potatoes through at the end.
  • Do not dry the meat grinder near a heat source - this will dull the knives.
  • New glass glasses will not break if you place them in a vessel of cold water, slowly heat it to a boil and leave them to cool in the same water.
  • Metal baking foil will last much longer in the refrigerator - it does not stick together.


  • An unpleasant odor on your hands (from fish, garlic, etc.) can be removed by rubbing your hands with salt and then washing them with soap.
  • You can remove the smell of garlic from your mouth by chewing parsley.
  • The smell of fish in pans and pots will disappear if you wipe them with heated salt and then rinse them.
  • If spoons and forks have a fishy smell, you need to wash them with cold soapy water, lubricate them with vegetable oil and dry them gently with a soft towel.
  • The smell of onions can be removed by rubbing kitchen boards and cutlery with dry salt.
  • You can get rid of an unpleasant smell in the kitchen by boiling water with vinegar in an open container and ventilating the room after a few minutes. For the same purpose, you can put an orange or lemon peel on a heated burner or sprinkle a little salt on a hot stove.
  • The smell of escaped milk spilled on a hot stove can be localized by covering the flooded area with salt and covering it with wet paper - then the smell will not spread throughout the room.
  • To remove the smell of paint from a room, you need to rub a head of garlic and leave it in the room for a while.
  • The smell of oil paint in your apartment will disappear faster if you place plates of salt in several places.
  • The smell of tobacco from the room is difficult to remove even by a draft. But this can be done this way: open the windows and place 2-3 wet towels in different places in the room. They absorb tobacco smell well. For the same purpose, you can light several candles in the room where you smoked.


  • After wearing jewelry, you should wipe it dry with a cloth to avoid stains from sweat.
  • Jewelry should be stored in a dry place.
  • Amethysts, topazes, pearls, and turquoise lose their color intensity under the influence of ultraviolet rays - they should be stored in the dark.
  • Gold-plated items can be cleaned by wiping their surface with a cotton swab dipped in cologne, turpentine or egg white.
  • A gold item will shine more if you keep it in sweetened water for some time.
  • You can restore the shine of gold and silver jewelry by washing them with the following mixture: ½ cup of soap solution and 1 teaspoon of ammonia. You can use a soft toothbrush for this. After treatment, rinse the product with water and wipe dry.
  • To clean silver items, you need to immerse them in a solution of hot water and ammonia (1:1). When the solution has cooled, remove the products from the water and wipe carefully.


  • Unpleasant odor from shoes can be eliminated using hydrogen peroxide by wiping the inside of the shoes with a cotton swab moistened with it. A solution of potassium permanganate is used for the same purpose.
  • Formaldehyde is used to disinfect shoes: the inside of the shoes is wiped with a cloth soaked in formaldehyde, placed in a plastic bag, tied and left for a day. Then the shoes are taken out and aired.
  • Suede shoes can be cleaned well by holding them over steam and then brushing them with a special brush. If suede shoes are very dirty, they are cleaned with soapy water and ammonia. After cleaning, it is advisable to treat the suede with a water-repellent agent.
  • If your shoes are too tight, you need to pour a little cologne, alcohol or vinegar into them. After this, the shoes will take the shape of your feet, and the leather will become softer.
  • If the shoes are tight in a particular place, you should drip heated wax or paraffin on it and pull it on the last for several days. The desired dough will stretch noticeably.
  • If the shoes are too big and “flop” on your feet, you can glue a strip of foam rubber to the back.
  • New, just purchased leather shoes need to be spread with cream, allowed to be absorbed, dry, and then polished with velvet cloth.
  • If the shoes cannot be made shiny, you need to wipe them with a slice of lemon and polish them with velvet cloth.
  • To prevent shoes from squeaking, you need to soak the soles with hot natural drying oil or lubricate them with linseed or castor oil.
  • If new shoes “burn” your feet in hot weather, you can wipe the inside of them with three percent vinegar.
    To prevent shoes from getting wet, you can treat them with the following solution: dissolve 40 g of fish oil, 10 parts of wax, 3 parts of turpentine in a water bath. Apply the cream in liquid form.
  • Dry sports shoes can be soaked in warm water until the leather becomes soft. Then you need to wipe it inside and out, dry it, lubricate it with glycerin and stuff it tightly with newsprint.
  • In warm weather, to care for shoes, it is better to use emulsion creams that dissolve well and allow air to pass through, and in winter - creams based on organic solvents (they provide an air- and waterproof film).
  • Dried shoe polish can be restored by adding a few drops of turpentine and gently heating it.
  • It is useful to rinse shoe brushes with water with the addition of ammonia.
  • To soften the leather of shoes that have not been worn for a long time, you need to rub it generously with castor oil and let it absorb.


  • Leather items can be refreshed by rubbing them with beaten egg white. Contaminated skin can be washed with warm, unboiled milk.
    Skin color will be restored if you lubricate it with glycerin.
  • Coffee grounds will add shine to leather products. The thickener should be wrapped in a woolen or flannel cloth and rubbed vigorously over the skin.
  • Leather products can be cleaned with soap and water and ammonia, and then wiped with a cloth moistened with castor oil (or petroleum jelly or glycerin).
  • Worn places on leather products need to be wiped from time to time with a cloth soaked in glycerin or fresh orange peel.
  • This will help restore them to their previous appearance.
  • A dirty leather bag can be cleaned by rubbing the leather with a cut onion. As the onion becomes dirty, you need to make a new cut.
  • After completing the procedure, wipe the bag until shiny with a clean soft cloth.
  • A dark leather handbag will become shiny if you wipe it with a cotton swab soaked in lemon juice.
  • Another way to renew a leather handbag is to wash it carefully in warm soapy water, to which a little ammonia has been added. Then dry and wipe with a cloth soaked in castor oil.
  • To clean sheepskin coats, use a soap solution with the addition of ammonia. After this, the product should be treated with another solution: 20 g of glycerin, 20 g of ammonia, 5 borax per 0.5 liter of water. Then the sheepskin coat needs to be dried and washed by hand.
  • Suede jackets and coats should be cleaned with the following solution: 1 tablespoon of ammonia to 5 tablespoons of water. Then the items must be carefully wiped with a cloth moistened with a mixture of 1 teaspoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water.
  • If the new leather gloves are too tight, you need to wrap them in a wet towel, and after 2-3 hours put them on and dry them on your hands.
  • To restore the shine of dull fur, you need to grind the kernels of walnuts into powder, tie the resulting powder in gauze folded in three and wipe the fur with this swab. After the nut oil is absorbed, the fur will acquire a beautiful, long-lasting shine.
  • Goat products are washed with cold soapy water and then rinsed.


  • A greasy stain on wallpaper can be removed by applying a piece of soft thick cloth, moistened with pure gasoline and slightly wrung out, to it for 2-3 minutes. The fat dissolved by gasoline will be absorbed into the fabric. Tooth powder soaked in gasoline is used for the same purpose. When the powder dries, you need to brush it off the wall. An old stain will have to be treated twice
  • A dark stain from hot water on furniture can be removed like this: rub with half a lemon until the stain fades. This operation must be repeated until the stain completely disappears.
  • Stains from light liquids on furniture can be removed by soaking a sponge in vegetable oil and carefully moving it along the grain of the wood. You can also use a paste of mayonnaise or vegetable oil mixed with salt (apply, leave for two hours, then rinse). A mixture of linseed oil and turpentine (1:1) is also suitable (similar).
  • Paint stains from glass can be removed with vinegar.
  • Stains on leather shoes can be removed with gasoline or onion juice.
  • Fresh grease stains from cotton, wool, and silk fabrics can be removed by sprinkling tooth powder on both sides of the fabric.
  • Place a sheet of white paper on top, press it with a heavy object and leave it for a day. Clean off the powder with a dry brush.
  • Grease stains on silk fabrics can be removed with a pinch of salt diluted in ammonia.
  • Grease stains from a fur coat can be removed in two ways: 1) wipe the fur in one direction with a cloth moistened with purified gasoline or a special stain remover; 2) wash the stains with a solution of washing powder or foam from soap shavings. At the same time, rub the solution or foam into the fur so as not to moisten the leather base. After this treatment, wash the area where the stain was with water, dry the fur (but not in the sun!), and then beat out the fur coat with a beater.
  • Grease from canned food will be removed with chalk or tooth powder left on the contaminated area overnight.
  • If you urgently need to get rid of a greasy stain, you can sprinkle it with tooth powder and iron it through paper.
  • Tea stains on tablecloth can be easily removed with lemon juice.
  • Yellow stains on laundry from an iron can be removed with a borax solution (2 teaspoons per 1 liter of water), after which you need to rinse the item and dry it.
  • If the yellowness remains, wipe the area with an onion cut in half and wash with soap and cold water.
  • To remove an iodine stain, you need to moisten it with water at room temperature and rub it with starch. You can also soak the item in a solution of ammonia and water (1 gram per glass of water) and then wash it in soapy water.
  • Iodine stains are easily removed with ammonia.
  • Lipstick stains can be cleaned with alcohol.


  • Very impressive snow-covered spruce or pine branches can be obtained by dipping them for a day in a supersaturated solution of table salt (1:1), and then drying them. If you use the same solution of copper sulfate, the branches will be covered with blue crystals. You can also dip the branch into melted paraffin several times - it will look like a branch that has just been covered with snow.
  • If, before lighting candles, you dip them in salt water (or better yet, keep them in it for about an hour), they will not float and will burn much longer.
  • You can put a berry from jam or compote into each cell of the ice tray, add water and put it in the freezer. The result is spectacular ice cubes that will decorate any holiday cocktail.
  • If water leaks into a padlock and it rusts, you can put rubber rings on its cusps.
  • Windows can be sealed with old sheets using a soap solution instead of glue. These strips are easy to remove, wash and reuse.
  • A ballpoint pen that has not been written for a long time will begin to write immediately if the tip of its metal rod with the ball is first dipped in alcohol or cologne.
  • To prevent matches from getting damp while hiking, you need to coat their heads with nail polish.
  • To make wet firewood burn better, you should sprinkle it with salt.
  • Charcoal or chalk, placed in a box with metal objects (tools, for example), absorbs moisture and thereby protects them from rust.
  • Wool for knitting can be made whiter by boiling it for 2-3 minutes in a soda solution. The dyed wool will become lighter.
  • It will be easy to unravel a matted woolen item if you hang it outside for a few hours on a damp, cloudy day or hang it over a boiling kettle.
  • A pleated skirt will not wrinkle if you store it in a nylon stocking.
  • It is better to cut synthetic fabric with heated scissors, then it will not fray and you will not have to sew the seams.
  • To save a wet book, you need to sprinkle the pages with talcum powder, close them and put them under a press. When they are dry, wipe the sheets with a soft cloth and, lightly hitting the book, shake off the talc.
  • If soap is placed on a central heating radiator or stove for a day or two before use, it will produce twice as much foam.
  • To prevent the glass in the sideboard from rattling, you can stick several pieces of adhesive tape on the top edge.
  • To remove small blisters on the surface of plywood furniture, you need to pierce a bubble, inject glue into it, put several sheets of paper on top and iron it with an iron.
  • The surface of the iron on which something has burned can be wiped with a cloth with fine salt.
  • To sharpen the scissors, you need to cut the sandpaper with them, making 6-8 cuts.
  • To prevent the chair legs from scratching the floor, you should glue pieces of felt to them.
  • To collect glass shards, you can use cotton wool soaked in water. You can also make a ball of window putty and roll it over the area where the glass shards are located. It will absorb even invisible particles.

Hello, dear blog readers! You must agree how much time women spend in the kitchen preparing food. And sometimes minor troubles take up extra time to eliminate them, and at the same time we begin to get nervous. I offer you tricks and useful tips for your home and how to put things in order, using which you will save time and your efforts and which you can use every day without compromising your health.

Of course, now there are a sufficient number of chemicals to eliminate various contaminants. But we all know that they are all chemical and cause some harm to our health.

But sometimes it’s worth getting carried away with chemical air fresheners, detergents and cleaners, and flavorings, if you can use the available products that are available in any housewife’s kitchen cabinet. I wrote down all these tips in my notebook so as not to forget. And now I offer them to your attention.

A refrigerator is such a piece of furniture in the kitchen, without which we can no longer imagine our kitchen. Without it, we cannot store food for some time, this is especially true in the summer. We store vegetables, meat, cheese with milk and much more in the refrigerator.

Commodity neighborhood

In order for everything to be stored correctly and for a long time, first of all it is necessary to respect the product proximity. You should not place food next to it that does not undergo additional heat treatment before consumption. This is explained by the fact that on the surface there may be pathogens of intestinal infections, in particular salmonella, which are transmitted from sick chickens. Therefore, it is recommended to store eggs in a special container.

I also don’t recommend storing it on the door. The flow of air when opening and closing the refrigerator door can transfer microbes to prepared foods.

Cleaning the refrigerator

The refrigerator must be washed with warm water with the addition of vinegar or baking soda every time the refrigerator is defrosted, but at least once a month. If you have a refrigerator with a non-defrosting program, this does not mean that it does not need to be washed. We wash it the same way as a regular refrigerator.

And if you don’t want the shelves to get dirty quickly, then you can cover them with transparent cling film, but keep in mind that the circulation of cold air will no longer be sufficient.

We have a lot of trouble with splashes from food when heating it in the microwave. It is best to prevent this from happening by purchasing a special cap that you can use to cover the container with food when it is heated.

If you still have baked food splashes on the inside surface of the microwave, you can get rid of them as follows. Place a glass or jar of water in the microwave and turn on the microwave at maximum power for 10 minutes. The evaporating moisture will steam and soften the splashes with food residues and then it will be easier to wash it off with a sponge.

For old and dried food stains, you can use a vinegar solution. Pour the vinegar solution into a glass and also turn on the microwave for 10 minutes. After this time, wipe the inside of the microwave with a soft sponge. If there is no vinegar, it can be replaced with lemon juice or citric acid (1 tablespoon of citric acid per 1 glass of water).

You can read about the benefits and harms of microwaves

To eliminate odors in the refrigerator, add a little vinegar or baking soda to the water when washing. After this, wipe the inside of the refrigerator with clean water and leave it open for half an hour to ventilate.

  • Tablets or used tea bags can effectively eliminate unpleasant odors in the refrigerator.
  • The bread box must be wiped with a rag or sponge soaked in 9% vinegar. In addition to eliminating the unpleasant odor in the bread bin, such washing will also protect against mold.
  • Unpleasant odors in the kitchen cupboard can be eliminated with the help of onions: cut them, put them on a saucer and leave them in the cupboard for a while. Or you can put an open jar of coffee in the closet; it perfectly absorbs all the unpleasant odors.
  • Thermoses can also have an unpleasant odor. To eliminate it, pour water with sugar into a thermos, place it in a large pan of water and heat the water several times on the stove. After this, pour out the sugar water, rinse the thermos with cold water and leave to dry.
  • Instead of flavorings in the kitchen, you can use a small jar of salt into which you can drop a few drops of essential oil. The pleasant smell will remain in the room for a long time.

When cooking, especially in winter, windows often fog up. To prevent this problem from arising, you can add a little starch when washing windows (1 tbsp per 1 liter of water). You can get a similar effect if you wipe windows with glycerin.

To prevent the glass on the windows from becoming covered with ice in winter, you can wipe the glass with a napkin soaked in a strong solution of table salt. Wait until the ice melts and then wipe the glass dry.

When washing window glass, the most popular way is to wipe it with toothpaste or chalk; they are diluted in a ratio of 2 tbsp. per glass of water. The glass is wiped with this mixture, and after the mixture has dried, the glass is cleaned with dry newspaper or a soft, dry cloth.

Sometimes flies fly into a room in the summer, sit on windows or mirrors, leaving behind traces of their vital activity. To prevent this from happening, you need to wipe glass surfaces and mirrors with half a peeled onion.

Plumbing fixtures cause us a lot of trouble if there are rusty stains and deposits on them. Hydrogen peroxide mixed with ammonia in a ratio of 10:1 will help get rid of them.

A 5% solution of oxalic acid does an excellent job of removing rust on earthenware or the enamel surface of a sink or bathtub. We wipe the surface first with oxalic acid, then with ammonia, and then with clean water.

Sometimes clogged sinks are a result of grease blocking the pipes. To eliminate this problem, you need to pour boiling water into the drain hole. But be careful: a large amount may not go away right away due to an air lock, but the boiling water will “splash” to the top and boiling water may splash you and you may get burned.

If you have linoleum in the kitchen, then it is best to wash the floor with warm water and laundry soap. It is not recommended to wash linoleum floors with hot water or using washing powders: the floor will become soft and sticky.

To make the linoleum in the kitchen last longer, it is recommended to wipe it with a soft cloth moistened with linseed oil; after a day, the floor can be easily rubbed until shiny. You can also rub the linoleum with a cloth soaked in drying oil once every 3 months. With this care, linoleum will last you much longer.

If water is spilled on the linoleum, try to clean it up as quickly as possible because, firstly, you can slip and fall, and secondly, the linoleum will quickly become unusable.

It is best to wash a parquet floor by wiping it with a rag soaked in cold water with glycerin, since hot water can permanently ruin your parquet.

A wooden floor painted with oil paint does not require special care; it can also be washed with warm water and laundry soap. But be careful when washing the floor with soap, you may slip and fall.

If the kitchen table is covered with oilcloth, then by periodically wiping it with a mixture of milk and vinegar, you can forget about cracks and dirt on it.

My dear friends! It so happens that I’m not leaving for long on a short trip. Perhaps my next article will not be published soon. I don’t take a laptop with me, but I always have a smartphone with me, so I will come to visit you and you will also come to visit me. See you soon! And don't forget to subscribe to blog updates.

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With wishes for good health Taisiya Filippova