OJSC Gazprom begins with the opening of the Stalingrad Oil College on September 1, 1953, the decision to create which was made by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 3448 of August 13, 1950. The first graduation took place in 1956.

In 1965, the Volgograd Oil College was accepted into the Ministry of Gas Industry, and in 1966 it was renamed the Volgograd College of Gas and Oil Industry.

In 1992, the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation approved the new status of the technical school, transforming it into the Volgograd College of Gas and Oil. In 1993, the college became a structural division of the Volgogradtransgaz subsidiary of RAO Gazprom.

In 1997, it was transferred to RAO Gazprom as a non-state educational institution of advanced secondary vocational education, and in 1998 it was renamed to the Volgograd College of Gas and Oil Volgograd College of Gas and Oil of OAO Gazprom.

Over the years, the technical school-college was headed by: Lavrushin M.F. (1953-1957), Avanov B.S. (1957-1959), Startseva R.T. (1960), Tkachenko G.P. (1962-1965), Alekseeva M.P. (1965-1983), Bukharov V.S. (1983-1991), Bryzgalin V.L. (1991-2007). Since 2007, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. was appointed director of the college. Lapynin Yu.G.

The college has a perpetual license to conduct educational activities under the programs of secondary vocational education (SVE), additional vocational education and vocational training.

In 2013, the College received a certificate of state accreditation for 4 enlarged groups of areas of training and specialties of vocational education:

  • Metallurgy, mechanical engineering and materials processing;
  • Geology, exploration and development of mineral resources;
  • Automation and control;
  • Chemical and biotechnology.

According to vocational education programs, the college trains specialists in 8 specialties in 3 faculties.

Faculty of Mechanics:

  • Construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities;
  • Installation and maintenance of industrial equipment (by industry);
  • Installation and operation of equipment and gas supply systems.

Faculty of Automation and Computer Science:

  • Automation of technological processes and production (by industry);
  • Oil and gas processing;
  • Dispatch control systems and means.

Faculty of Economics:

  • Management (by industry);
  • Economics and accounting (by industry).

The college provides vocational training in 17 working professions:

  1. Technological compressor operator;
  2. Instrumentation and control engineer;
  3. Gas distribution station operator;
  4. Gas station operator;
  5. Boiler room operator;
  6. Operator of technological installations;
  7. Operator of electronic computers and computers;
  8. Emergency repair mechanic in the gas industry;
  9. Instrumentation and automation mechanic;
  10. Mechanic for operation and repair of gas equipment;
  11. Mechanic for operation and repair of underground gas pipelines;
  12. Repairman;
  13. Slinger;
  14. Pipeline linear;
  15. Electric and gas welder;
  16. Security and fire alarm electrician;
  17. Cashier.

Training is conducted on the basis of basic general education (after 9 grades) and on the basis of secondary general education (after 11 grades). Upon completion of the basic level, depending on the specialty, college graduates are assigned the following qualifications: technician; technologist; accountant. Upon completion of the advanced level - senior technician; accountant, tax specialist.

According to the programs of additional professional education on the basis of the college, the qualifications of company employees are upgraded in accordance with the annual “Schedule for advanced training and professional retraining of managers and specialists of OAO Gazprom”.

Currently, on the basis of the college, about 700 specialists from more than 100 companies of OJSC Gazprom annually carry out advanced training. In accordance with the Open Request for Proposals for the provision of educational services for organizing and conducting additional professional education programs for employees of OAO Gazprom, its subsidiaries and organizations for the needs of OAO Gazprom, training of specialists is carried out in 7 areas:

  • Drilling;
  • Gas transportation;
  • Gas processing;
  • Industrial Economics and Management;
  • Design, construction, reconstruction of gas industry facilities;
  • Energy;
  • Industry-wide.

Over the 60 years of operation of the technical school-college, over 30 thousand mid-level specialists have been trained, most of whom have linked their fate with the gas industry.

Many college graduates have held and currently hold responsible leadership positions: Matlashov I.A. - first deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation; Aronov V.A. – President of the AKAMT concern; Dyatlov V.A. - first deputy Head of the Department, Head of the Personnel and Social Development Department of OJSC Gazprom; Sizonenko A.S. – deputy General Director of the Gazpromipoteka Foundation; Gubin V.M. – deputy General Director of Yamburggazdobycha LLC; Chichelov V.A. – General Director of Gazprom Transgaz Tchaikovsky LLC; Melnikov V.N. – General Director of Volgogradregiongaz LLC; Krylov G.V. – General Director of TyumenNIIgiprogaz LLC; Bessudnov A.V. – General Director of the Volgograd Gas Technical Center of Gazprom LLC; Sergeeva T.Yu. – Chief Specialist of the Personnel and Social Development Department of OJSC Gazprom; [Lebedinsky V.S.] – General Director of Volgogradtransgaz LLC; Bryzgalin I.V. – deputy General Director of Gazprom Transgaz Volgograd LLC; Vlasenko V.V. – deputy General Director of Novgorod Regional Gas Sales Company LLC; Sharonov A.I. – Advisor to the Director of the Saratov Gas Company; Yarovoy A.I. – Advisor to the General Director of OJSC Volgoradneftemash; Kozlova S.A. – deputy General Director of JSC Institute Nefteproduktproekt, etc.

College graduates are also: Kantur V.A. – Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Volgograd Region; Bocharnikov V.M. – head of the workshop at the Volgograd oil depot; Vyrshchikov A.I. – Head of the Department of VolSU, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor; Komisarov V.M. – Head of the Department of Russian Chemical Technical University named after. DI. Mendeleev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Baturina T.M. - poetess, member of the Writers' Union.

Currently, more than 60 graduates work at the college: Anisimov D.I., Antipina N.V., Afanasyev A.A., Babichev S.Yu., Bagova N.V., Verbitskaya I.V., Vershinina Z.E. ., Vlasova L.T., Voblenko N.I., Volvenko I.V., Volobuev Yu.I., Voropaeva M.V., Gagarina S.G., Gaidachuk N.G., Gobrenko V.A., Gorbacheva E.S., Gubareva N.I., Gutsulyak A.V., Digalova A.A., Dikareva L.M., Drozdov A.M., Erokhina S.A., Efremenko V.V., Zotov D. A.A., Ivanov V.N., Ignatova I.S., Kaverina T.V., Karaseva E.I., Kahramanova S.D., Knyazkina O.Yu., Korotkov A.V., Kosonogova G.N. ., Lupanenko L.P., Luchina G.I., Malysheva E.A., Mironchikova M.S., Makarenko A.N., Mashikhina A.E., Minina E.P., Nadezhdina I.N., Orlova S.V., Petrova E.P., Pozdnyakova E.Yu., Rada T.V., Reznikov D.V., Reznikova O.S., Rozhkova O.A., Ryaskova L.L., Savenya S. N., Safronova V.L., Semikina E.S., Sergeeva T.N., Simonov A.V., Samokhin M.M., Smolyakova V.G., Tararyeva T.V., Titova O.N. ., Tolmacheva N.A., Trofimova L.A., Trofimova N.V., Shabanova T.G., Shadarova E.S., Yurchenko G.V.

The administration cordially congratulates all teachers and staff on the 60th anniversary of the college and wishes everyone good health and new success in work.

Oil and gas college can be seen as the first step to working in one of the highest paying industries in Russia. Find out what educational institutions there are, where they are located, how to enroll in them and what they will teach.

Today in Russia there are 32 secondary specialized educational institutions, the students of which, upon completion of their studies, will be able to join the ranks of workers in the country's oil and gas companies. All of them are located mainly in the Volga region, the republics of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan, Udmurtia, the Perm Territory and the Tyumen region. The largest of them:

  • Zhirnovsky Oil College, which has 7 branches:
    • Astrakhan;
    • Elansky;
    • Nikolaevsky;
    • Nyagansky;
    • Rudnyansky;
    • Strezhevskaya;
    • Yugorsky;
  • colleges and technical schools - branches of Ugra State University:
    • Nizhnevartovsk;
    • Lengepasssky;
    • Lyantorsky;
    • Surgutsky.

Oil and gas colleges train mid-level specialists with the qualification “technologist” in the following sub-sectors:

  • drilling of gas and oil wells (based on grades 9 and 11);
  • geology and exploration of gas and oil fields (based on 11 classes);
  • development and operation of gas and oil fields (based on grades 9 and 11).

During the training process, students will be able to become familiar with the organization and conduct of research, scientific-methodological, development and other work, including visits to gas and oil production sites.

Top Colleges

Traditionally, in various fields, including the educational sphere, it is customary to determine the top 5 or top 10 best educational institutions. Due to the small number of oil and gas secondary specialized institutions and the lack of competitions held among them, it is possible to single out only those who in recent years have been honored to be included in the rating list of the most prestigious all-Russian competition “Best Colleges of the Russian Federation”. From 2010 to 2014, only two of the colleges of oil and gas and petroleum education were its laureates:

  • Neftekamsk Oil College (Neftekamsk);
  • Tyumen Oil and Gas College at the Tyumen State Oil and Gas University (Tyumen).

Admission requirements

The requirements for applicants for admission to oil and gas colleges are standard and do not differ from those for applicants to colleges of other types. This is a set of documents determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation that prove identity and citizenship, giving the right to benefits (if any), a certificate of completion of 9 or 11 classes, Unified State Examination results, and for the medical part - a policy, a certificate of the established form and vaccination marks. In case of competition, priority is given to applicants who have the right to admission without competition and a certificate with higher scores.

Many people today dream of getting an oil and gas education. The future specialist will be involved in the development and operation of new fields, as well as issues related to the transportation and storage of petroleum products.

Oil and gas technical schools and technical schools of Russia

In Russia there are 32 secondary specialized institutions, the graduates of which work in the oil and gas industry of the country. Training is carried out on the basis of 9 or 11 years of education. Let's look at the most famous technical schools in more detail.

Oil and Gas College in Tyumen (Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, named after Yu. G. Ervie)

This college was created on the basis of the oldest educational institution in the Tyumen region - vocational school No. 7. The institution actively cooperates with the Department of Employment of the Tyumen Region and other organizations.

The college has its own training site - a well pad with a set of equipment necessary for the development of hydrocarbon deposits.

Volgograd Oil and Gas College

The college belongs to the main structural division of OJSC Gazprom. Graduates of this educational institution can occupy positions in gas industry enterprises.

The best and most effective training programs await students here. Training is conducted full-time and part-time in nine specialties.

Kasimov Oil and Gas College

The recruitment of applicants to the Kasimov Oil and Gas College takes place in areas related to the drilling of oil and gas wells, as well as the operation and construction of gas and oil pipelines. Moreover, the professional standard for the profession “Driller of production and exploration wells for oil and gas” was developed by specialists from Kasimov College.

Oil and Gas College Novy Urengoy

At the private educational institution "Gazprom Technical School Novy Urengoy" students will find cozy classrooms, several specialized workshops that have the best modern equipment for work.

Students actively take part in the annual All-Russian Conference of Young Scientists and Students, which discusses the main issues of the gas industry. The technical school hosts advanced training courses for managers and specialists of the Gazprom Group.

November Oil and Gas College

The Noyabrsk Oil and Gas College trained specialists for the industry until 2008. Now the training of mid-level specialists is carried out on the basis of the Tyumen State Oil and Gas University in Noyabrsk.

Specialties of oil and gas colleges

Oil and gas colleges provide training for mid-level specialists who will be qualified as technologists in the following industries:

  • Drilling of gas and oil wells;
  • Geology, exploration of oil and gas fields;
  • Development and application of oil and gas fields.

During the training period, future specialists conduct research work and undergo internships at oil and gas production fields.

Many leading oil and gas colleges and technical schools demonstrate their developments at the Neftegaz exhibition.