Easter is not only a bright and joyful holiday that helps people cleanse their souls and be spiritually reborn. This is also one of the best moments of the year to perform magical rituals. Conspiracies for Easter have very great power, because this is a time when a great many people are in prayer and great spiritual tension, which generates the most powerful spiritual energy.

In addition, Easter is celebrated on different days, but always in the middle of spring. This is a very important time when nature is reborn after winter torpor and the bioenergetic connection between man and nature is unusually strong. Our ancestors were well aware of this, who used this period for pagan holidays and magical rituals, many of which have survived to this day.

Easter spells for money

Easter is considered a purely spiritual holiday, cleansing a person from worldly vanity, however, this is the best time to use magic to ensure financial success for the year ahead.

Easter money spells usually use Easter cakes to attract a brownie to the house. To do this, while kneading the dough, say:

“I’ll knead the dough nicely and bake a sweet cake.
I’ll invite the brownie and treat him to some Easter cake.
Let him eat the cake, let him listen to my complaints,
he will live in my house and bring me good luck.”

Divide the cake baked from this dough into small pieces. Place a few pieces outside the window on the evening of Holy Saturday with the words:

“Come brownie to dine with me, taste my sweet cakes.
My Easter cakes are sweet, aromatic, pleasant to the soul and body.
Eat as much as you want, fill up, stay in my house forever.
I’m good, I’m warm. You’ll live with me in freedom,
bring me goodness and good luck.”

If the brownie is satisfied with your words and your Easter cakes, he will live in your house forever. Having settled with you, the brownie will bring you good luck and attract material well-being to your home.

By the way, it is not forbidden to treat a brownie with Easter cake bought in a store. The main thing is to invite him into your home with all your heart!

There is another way to use Easter to attract money. To do this, while sitting down at the festive table, say quietly:

“Just as an egg shell breaks, so my failures fly away, just as Easter eggs will go into my mouth, so the money will flow like a river into my pocket.”

Try to eat as many Easter eggs as possible on this day, breaking their shells into small pieces.

To attract money, you need to go to church on the third day of Easter, and try to be the first of the parishioners. Light a candle at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and say:

“How do people go to this cross,
So let big money come to me.
Now, forever and endlessly."

To ensure that there is always happiness and prosperity in your home, you need to give the very first egg you painted for Easter to the youngest of your family. At this moment, say the following conspiracy:

“As long as people paint eggs, the saints will not forget our house. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Easter spells for love

Since Easter is a holiday of divine and human love, light and goodness, this time is very favorable for love magic. Easter love spells are very powerful and, as a rule, do not have dangerous consequences. However, it is important to understand that Easter, like no other day, requires people to have purity of thoughts and renunciation of everything evil and sinful. Therefore, you can practice love magic on Easter only with a pure heart and good intentions. A person who on this day tries to bewitch someone in order to take revenge, ridicule or gain material gain runs the risk that his magic will turn against him. If you are quite confident in the sincerity of your feelings and good intentions, act boldly!
When kneading the Easter cake dough, say this:

“I’m beautiful, I’m pretty, I look like a slender birch tree.
I am sweet as honey, pleasant as a holiday, pure in soul, neat in body.
I have been promised to you alone; heaven has destined for us to be together.”

When the cake is ready, kiss it gently and say quietly:

“Give my kiss to my betrothed, promise happiness to be with me.
He will be satisfied with you, and his soul will be inflamed with love.”

Treat your loved one to this cake and, if possible, make sure that he tastes it first. If you do everything correctly and with the right mood, the action of this conspiracy will provide you with not just the favor of your loved one, but the opportunity to live with him in love and harmony all your life.

During the Easter service, unmarried virgins and widows quietly whisper:

“The Resurrection of Christ! Send me a single groom, in stockings and shorts!”;
“God grant a good groom, in boots and galoshes, not in a cow, but on a horse!”

Easter spells for good luck

The magical energy of Easter can be skillfully used to attract good luck and all kinds of prosperity. For this purpose, Easter spells for good luck are used, which have proven their power over many centuries. To do this, you can use traditional Easter delicacies - colored eggs and Easter cakes, because they have great magical powers. Kulich is not just a sweet pastry. This is an ancient symbol of the sun, absorbing its energy and power.

To attract good luck, bake or buy as many small Easter cakes as possible and cast the following spell over them:

“Christ gave away everything he had and bequeathed it to others.
I treat everyone to these Easter cakes and wish good things to all our neighbors.
So let everything that is rewarded by me return to me a hundredfold.
May good luck come to me in business and protect me from troubles and failures.”

After this, treat Easter cakes to as many people as possible, acquaintances and strangers, while maintaining purity of thoughts and a good mood. On this day, sincere generosity always returns to the giver, and until next Easter he succeeds in all important matters.

You can also attract good luck on Easter day with the help of traditional colored or painted eggs. To attract good luck, take an unbroken Easter egg in your hand and bring it to your mouth. As you do this, say quietly:

“Easter egg, light egg, blessed egg,
smash all my troubles, overcome all my failures,
spread the good news, bring me good luck.”

After this, take part in a traditional egg fight. If you manage to break your opponent's egg with your own, charmed egg, luck and victory will be on your side. The more eggs you can break with a charmed egg, the stronger the effect of the spell will be.

Easter spells against illnesses

On these bright holidays, with the help of conspiracies and sincere faith in the Lord, you can improve your health and cure very sick people. To do this, use Easter spells for health:

You can significantly improve your health on Thursday after Easter. You need to look into any container with holy water in such a way as to see your reflection there. Next, kneel over the water and read the following:

“Whose face was reflected in the water,
Togo would have been pacified.
Go, sick, to Marya Prodovik
Get engaged to her, but don’t get engaged to (name).
Amen. Amen. Amen".

After everything is done, this water must be poured under the tree.

If an adult or child is constantly sick, try doing this for Easter. Pour holy water into a small bottle and bless it on Easter in the church. Place the pectoral cross (consecrated) of the person you want to heal into it and read the plot 3 times:

“In the kingdom of heaven there is a wonderful spring. Whoever touches the water, whoever washes himself with water, his illnesses will be washed away. I collected that water and gave it to God’s servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Take out the cross, put it on the owner, and sprinkle water three times on his forehead. Sprinkle the frequently ill person with enchanted water 3 times a day throughout the Easter week. And keep the bottle near any icon.

This Easter spell is performed on an Easter egg for any pain. To do this, you need to do the following - roll an Easter egg over the sore spot, while saying three times:

“Christ is risen, trampling down death through death.
People praise the Lord
And God’s words drive away my pain.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Easter is the greatest Christian holiday, when higher powers are happy to fulfill any desire of an Orthodox person. Wishes are pronounced right in the morning :o)
Happy Easter!

The time before Easter and during the holiday itself has a magical aura, when you can ask the Higher Powers for various benefits. Signs and rituals for Easter have been composed since ancient times, and all of them have been tested by these times.

Let's find out how during this magical time we can attract into our lives everything our soul desires. Easter spells for money and other benefits.

Easter Christian and pagan holiday

Everyone knows that the church does not welcome magic. But the Easter holiday - already with the Resurrection of Christ - became Orthodox. Before this, this holiday was purely pagan. This is a festival of fertility. Our pagan ancestors glorified the land every spring so that they would have a big harvest in the fall. This may surprise some, but tall bread is nothing more than a symbol of the phallus and colored chicken eggs are also a call to the earth, so that it is fertile, so that all the seeds grow in it.

But the pagans really loved magic. They attached various rituals to each holiday to improve the quality of life. Therefore, Easter conspiracies and rituals are time-tested traditions.

Spells to attract love

Love spells on Easter were popular among girls. This ritual is associated with counting the dresses in your wardrobe. The girl needs to take out all the dresses that she has in her closet, put them on the bed, sort through them and say the following words:

“That’s how many beautiful dresses I have. Everyone is so beautiful. I look so good and beautiful in each of these dresses. My darling can’t stop looking at me. Just as a person cannot live without clothes, so my dear cannot live without me. He looks at me all the time, but he can’t stop looking at me. Only with me is he happy, only with me is his love. And without me he is cold and sad, like a girl without a beautiful dress.”

Such a conspiracy is made so that the girl’s groom loves her even more, so that the heat of love between them flares up ardently. And if the girl does not yet have a groom, then such a conspiracy is aimed at attracting a young man and getting married soon.

Easter signs for marriage

Easter signs for marriage, here's what you need to do during Easter week to get married this year:

  • Before the big holiday you need to buy a white dress. Of course, not a wedding dress, but an ordinary one, for every day. When a girl gives the saleswoman money for such a dress, she needs to say to herself or in a whisper:

    “There will be something to wear to get married.”

    So the girl tries on the image of a bride. Higher powers see this and will send her a good groom.

  • Before Easter, the girl needs to feed several needy people. After this, people themselves often say the following wish:

    “A good husband to you.”

    In response you can say:

    “So that my husband always feeds me.”

    Such signs help to attract the groom and prosperity to the future family.

  • Easter week is a time when the fulfillment of a wish does not take much time. Signs for marriage include waking up early in the morning, standing in the first rays of the sun and saying:

    “To caress and love me as much as the sun loves and caresses.”

  • On the holiday, you need to treat all the men in your environment with colored eggs and Easter cake and at the same time pronounce a small conspiracy:

    “I feed you, and my beloved husband will feed and love me.”

Easter conspiracies for marriage need to be spoken out, putting into them all the desire to be loved and to love.

Rituals to attract wealth

Here are Easter rituals and signs that will help improve your financial well-being:

  1. The ritual for money for Easter is to give alms throughout the Easter week.
  2. Change big money, as small as possible, then come home, throw the coins in the corner and say this phrase:

    “I change small money for large money, I give you money, you get a small change, I give you a larger amount of money, you get a small change.”

    Thus, you ask the brownie for money. If treated politely, it will help bring wealth to the home.

  3. On Easter itself, give small money for alms at least three times.
  4. A simple ritual for money. On the eve of the holiday, you need to put a painted egg and a banknote in the corner and read the following plot:

    “Eggs have no legs, and money has no legs, without my help they will not leave my house. So let the money not leave my house, but only come.”

    The next morning, the egg should be divided among the whole family and eaten. Keep the bill as a talisman.

  5. If you want your work to be appreciated and you get a promotion, then climb the hill during Easter week and say a money plot:

    “I rise, and you listen to my command.”

  6. Throughout Easter week, when you hold money in your hands, pronounce the following spell:

    “It’s good for you, dear ones, in my arms, warm and happy, and I like it with you. I want more money, I will love and respect them.”

Speak out Easter conspiracies for wealth without thinking about where exactly the money will come from, provide the option of its arrival to the Higher Powers.

Easter spells for childbirth

If it’s time for a young family to have a baby, then you can ask for the participation of the Higher Powers during Easter. Here are the rituals on this topic:

  • Before the holiday, my wife needs to buy a flower in a pot, water it and say:

    “Another flower will appear in our house with the voice of a bell.”

    The flower needs to be looked after as best as possible. You need to read this conspiracy every time you take care of a flower.

  • This conspiracy to have children is similar to the conspiracy that Natalya Stepanova publishes. The girl needs to eat an egg on Easter and say quietly or to herself:

    “I don’t want a chicken, I want a child, help me get pregnant.”

  • Easter customs say that a woman who wants a child should bake Easter cakes for the holiday herself and at the same time read the plot:

    “My preparations will make a delicious Easter cake, and give me and my husband, Lord, such love that we will have children after Easter, love so that a boy and a girl can run around the house.”

  • A girl can read a spell for water in the morning on each day of Easter week and immediately after Easter:

    “Water, wash me from the inside, yes, so that it will be easy for the children to grow in me.”

Say Easter conspiracies and rituals for childbirth as if you already feel your pregnancy, this way you will attract the fulfillment of desires. You can even hear this advice on a forum for expectant mothers. The ritual must be performed with love. Immediately after Easter, light a candle in church for the health of your unborn baby.

Rituals and signs for health

Of course, one cannot help but ask the Higher Powers these days for more health. Easter spell to gain physical health:

  1. The Saturday before the holiday is a great day when you can recharge your health with water. Take a glass of water and early on Saturday morning, place the glass so that the first rays of the sun fall on it. When you catch a sunbeam in the water, say the following spell:

    “Sunny Easter bunny, charge some water for the servant of God (your name), let her face glow with a healthy blush.”

    Let the water sit on this windowsill until the next morning, and on Easter morning drink it on an empty stomach.

  2. It’s good to start carrying out health conspiracies on Maundy Thursday. From Thursday morning it’s good to go to the bathhouse, when you steam, read to yourself:

    “Everything that doesn’t come out of me leaves room for my health.”

    Conspiracies read with special feeling will have a greater effect.

  3. Health ritual with bread. From Thursday, prepare food for Easter, some dishes, so that they do not spoil. It could be bread with hops, for example. Wrap it in a kitchen towel, place it in the right corner of the room and say:

    “Before Easter, gain happiness and health.”

    You need to eat bread on Easter morning.

  4. If a woman wants to improve her health, then from Thursday she has a good haircut; on this day, along with the cut hair, all illnesses and problems go away.

How to treat with Easter eggs?

Spells against severe illnesses for Easter are good because all things at this time have special energy. Easter eggs are no exception; they can be used to cure some diseases. If there is a patient in your family who cannot get rid of the disease through medical means, then try this method.

After breaking the fast, collect Easter egg shells and onion peels in which they were boiled from the table. Take also the clothes of the sick person, which he wore all day. Take all these ingredients out into the yard and burn them. The ashes must be buried in the four corners of the house.

If you follow traditions and go to Vespers, then exchange an egg with someone in church. With the exchanged Easter egg, go to the image of the Virgin Mary in the church and read the spell:

“Mother Mother of God, come with me, to my home, you will spend the night with us and heal our sick.”

After this, you can read your favorite prayers.

When you get home from church, first of all, give the sick person this egg to eat and read prayers over it.

Here's another way to treat with an Easter egg. On Easter morning, each family member should lightly tap one colored egg on the table. Then the patient should take it, knock it too and say the spell:

“My family gives me strength and health.”

After this, you need to have an egg for breakfast.

In principle, all such Easter conspiracies have a high effect. Here is a spell from a Siberian healer against drunkenness or to quit smoking. The plot is read on Good Friday:

“Just as a dead person doesn’t get up and doesn’t walk, and doesn’t wander around the crossroads at all, so you don’t take anything bad or liquid into your mouth. You don’t worry about it, you don’t grieve. To the key teeth and lips Amen.”

The plot is read three times.

Love spells

This week is a good time to perform folk love spells and fortune telling, which help girls find out when they will get married:

  • An unmarried girl on the eve of a great holiday should perform such a ritual. Paint as many eggs as she has around potential suitors. In the morning you need to treat all the men with krashankas. Take a closer look at which of the men liked the dyes the most, he will be similar to your future husband. The egg shell can be collected as a reminder of the image of the future groom. You need to keep it until you meet him.
  • On Easter Eve, the girl needs to go out to the crossroads in the evening. And wait until a car drives out from some direction. This is where the first car will leave, and where the groom will come from. When you have already met a car, you can throw a penny in that direction and say:

    "To a good wedding."

  • An unmarried girl can order herself a prophetic dream on any day of Easter week, where she will see her fiancé. When you go to bed, you need to say:

    “Today I will see him in my dream, the one who will appreciate me and become my beloved husband.”

Spells for good luck

Here are the Easter week conspiracies to attract general luck into your life:

  1. To attract wealth to your family, take a coin, sew a red bag for it, put it there and carry it with you throughout the Easter week so that it is saturated with your energy. Then on Friday put it in the left corner of the room and say these words:

    “I am leaving you here to attract leftists for good luck. So that we don’t live from paycheck to paycheck, but so that we have a lot of wealth.”

    Such a money plot will attract additional money to the family. Prosperity will depend on these people.

  2. It is very good to create money amulets in the week before Easter to attract wealth. Take one coin, wash it, dry it with a towel and bake it in one of the Easter cakes. Eat Easter cake with your family. Whoever gets this amulet will bring money to the family. This ritual is also suitable for successful trading if there is a family business.
  3. When you knock the Easter egg on the table, say the words:

    “I knock and knock, I turn the enemies away from the house, there are no enemies, friends are coming as fast as they can.”

  4. Paint as many eggs as possible for Easter, the more eggs, the more you will attract abundance and good luck into your home. Be sure to arrange a competition using eggs, thus the ritual for good luck comes into force. Egg shells can be stored for a whole year; they will protect your home from damage and the evil eye.
  5. Palm branches purchased on Maundy Thursday also help against damage.
  6. On the second day of Easter week, it is good to speak water against damage and the evil eye; you can then wash your face with this water drop by drop for a whole year. Boil an egg hard, peel it, put the egg shells in water and tell the water

    “Before Easter you should absorb all the good things, after Easter give them to me.”

Easter is a major church holiday, the arrival of which is eagerly awaited by both adults and children. At this time, many ceremonies and rituals are performed to gain health, attract love and money.

Easter eggs will help you attract money to your home. On the evening before Easter, place a large bill in one of the corners of your house, and a piece of paint on top of it, and say:

“The Great Holiday is coming, and wealth is coming to me. How many people will be in the church for the holiday, that’s how many of these bills I have. Let my home be a full cup, let it have everything our family needs. Amen".

In the morning, each family member should eat a piece of Easter egg. Hide your money and don’t spend it until the end of the holidays. After that, buy sweets and toys with it and give them to the children.

Money amulet for Easter

On the Saturday before Easter, take a banknote of any denomination and spread it with honey, saying:

“I cover you with honey, I invite money into my life. Money will stick to you and fill my wallet.”

The charmed bill must be placed in a plastic bag and hidden in your wallet. Always carry it with you and you will soon notice that your financial situation has improved significantly.

Easter ritual to attract money

On Holy Saturday, when going to the All-Night Vigil service, say on the coin:

“Christ has risen, and all the dead will rise again. They will rise from their graves and reach for the sky. Let my wealth rise and reach out to me. Amen".

When you arrive at church, throw this coin into the donation box.

Ritual for prosperity on Maundy Thursday

On this day, you can perform rituals to attract money. Here are a few of them:

  1. On Maundy Thursday, you need to count all the money in your home three times: in the morning, before sunrise, at lunch and at sunset. This will help you lure money into the house.
  2. Place a few coins in the floor washing water and say: « Money, keep it going, don’t transfer it – grow and multiply, don’t get to the enemy!”
  3. On this day, try not to take anything out of the house and not give anything to anyone.
  4. If on this day you bake Easter cakes or Easter cakes, then pay attention to how they turned out. If they are fluffy and rosy, then the year will be good and profitable; if the baking is not successful, the year will not be entirely successful.

On Easter Sunday, buy a candle in church. Bring it home and leave it until Monday. In the morning, take the wick from the candle, light it on both sides and say:

“Fire is eternal, and I am God’s servant (name) marked with gold. All year long my luck will smile and my money will multiply.”

After this, extinguish the wick and put it in your wallet. Wear it there all year until next Easter. In a year you will be able to repeat the ritual.

On Maundy Thursday, throw a handful of change into the water and say:

“Just as there is a lot of water in rivers, seas and oceans, I will have a lot of money. Money will stick to me and never run out. Amen".

This spell for money on Maundy Thursday must be read 33 times.

The change should be distributed to the poor. And wash the threshold and front door with water.

Many people rightly believe that Easter is the best time to read magical conspiracies of various types. This is due to the positive energy of Bright Sunday, when a huge number of people spend their free time in prayer. In addition, Easter celebrations always fall in the spring, when nature awakens from winter sleep. And this helps to strengthen human bioenergy.

Strong Easter spell for money

The financial side of life is very important for every person. Therefore, on Easter Sunday, many strive to attract wealth into life with the help of magical spells.

To conduct a strong ceremony to attract finance, you must prepare in advance. Since it needs to be held in the kitchen, the table should be covered with a festive tablecloth. You should put a new towel on it and place the brownie. It is important to pay attention that the brownie should have clothes with a pocket. In addition, you should place a money tree on the table, which is also known as a crassula. As additional attributes, you should prepare cash coins and banknotes for the ceremony.

A strong conspiracy is carried out on Easter in the afternoon. It is recommended to memorize the text of the spell in advance in order to pronounce it without stuttering. The ritual is performed alone. To ensure that nothing distracts you from the ritual, it is recommended to turn off your phone and all electronic devices.

First you need to pick up the brownie and gently address him with the words:

“My dear Brownie (if a Brownie has a name, then you need to address him by name), show me mercy and support. Summon money to my house so that it can be transferred and not transferred.”

It is advisable not to even speak the words, but to sing them, putting maximum tenderness into them. After this, you need to put up the brownie and pick up the money tree.

Next you need to say:

“May my financial income grow and my wealth accumulate.”

After this, you need to put the money tree on the table and make a gesture with your hands, as if you are attracting money to yourself.

Next you need to continue the conspiracy with the words:

“Grow green leaves and multiply, in your turn there will be a stable income for me.”

After these words, you should stroke three leaves on the tree with the index finger of your right hand, and squeeze three coins in your left hand. Next, the coins are stuck into the ground in the pot with the right hand.

During this process the following words are spoken:

“This is true - in the morning, in the evening, in the bright day, in the dark at night.”

After this, you need to touch the pot with the plant with your left hand, and raise your right hand up with your open palm facing out.

Then you need to say:

“My word is true, so there will be money in my house. My word is strong, so my financial situation will be stable. Let my word be firm. Amen!"

Easter plot against illnesses

Easter spells against diseases are extremely effective. Particularly in demand is a ritual that allows one to cope with an unknown disease. It is recommended to read it in cases where doctors cannot make a diagnosis.

On the third day of Easter week, you need to take holy water and read the spell over it:

“God is the Great Creator, he created heaven and earth. Hear my prayer, servant of God (proper name), and grant me good health. Grant me health and take away unbearable pain. Just as Jesus Christ, the Savior of the human race, rose again on the third day, demonstrating to people that there is eternal life, so let it be mine. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Love spells for Easter

Love spells for Easter are also in demand. It is noteworthy that if you use white magic rituals, they do not have any negative consequences. But at the same time, you should always remember that you need to read love spells in a positive mood and with sincere feelings in your soul.

Ritual to attract a loved one

A strong ritual to attract a loved one is carried out during the baking of Easter cakes, as a rule, this happens on Maundy Thursday.

While kneading the baking dough, you should say the following words:

“I am beautiful and pretty, all people say that I look like a slender birch tree. I am sweet and pleasant, my soul is pure and sincere, my body is slender and neat. I know that only you are my betrothed and I don’t need anyone else. I remain faithful to you, as God promised you. We are destined to be together by heaven.”

After the cake is ready, you need to kiss it tenderly and say magic words over it very quietly.

They sound like this:

“The holy holiday cake, this kiss is intended for my dear, so give it to him. And promise me to bring happiness and love from him. As soon as he tastes you, his soul will be inflamed with strong love and he will begin to strive for me.”

Spell for sprinkles for Easter cakes for marriage

Girls who dream of getting married in the near future can talk about Easter cake sprinkles. Having prepared the sprinkles yourself or using a purchased kit, while the Easter cakes are being prepared, you should start talking about it.

Conspiracy text:

“How many stars are in the night sky, how many lights are in the church at the Easter service, how many blades of grass are in an open field, so many suitors will be on my doorstep.”

Ritual to bring your husband back to the family

When a family has collapsed for any reason, an Easter spell can help bring the husband back to the family. But at the same time, it is important that a person remains free. If a husband left the family because of love for another woman, then it is impossible to return him with magic, this is a sin.

It is believed that a very powerful rite is the ritual that takes place in the last week of Lent before Easter. The plot must be read every day for the entire week of days. Before starting a long ritual, you must go to the temple for three days in a row. There you need to pray in front of the icons of the Saints and light candles for your health and the health of your husband.

The magic spell goes like this:

“My Lord, my God, only you are my protection and hope. Only in you do I, the servant of God, trust and hope. I ask for help and make a plea. Support me in a difficult moment, help me bring back my beloved husband, God’s servant “spouse name.” Hear me, Lord, do not refuse help. Amen".

Easter spells against bad habits

Bad habits significantly worsen the quality of life. Therefore, it is understandable that many people seek to get rid of them with the help of magic. And it’s best to wish this for Easter, since on this day the world is filled with a very strong positive atmosphere. Proven conspiracies against bad habits are suitable for men and women. As a rule, they use additional attributes that enhance the work of the spell. Rituals to get rid of bad habits are recommended to be performed in the morning or evening.

Spell to quit smoking

A conspiracy against smoking cannot harm a person, disrupt his energy or lifestyle. The ritual is selected in accordance with the characteristics of a particular person. It is believed that anti-smoking conspiracies carried out on Easter are especially effective.

In a strong ritual, it is necessary to additionally use the following attributes: 12 apple branches, a pack of cigarettes that the person prefers to smoke, an ordinary sewing needle and thread.

The plot must be read in a secluded place. First, you need to pick up the pack with the remainder of the cigarettes (a new pack of cigarettes cannot be used) and sew it up with thread. In the process, you need to understand the harm of smoking, imagine how smoke and nicotine affect the body, causing negative health consequences. It is important to imagine how unpleasant the smell from a smoker's clothes is to other people.

After this, you need to go to the nearest natural reservoir and throw a specially prepared pack of cigarettes into it. After this, you should collect the brought apple tree branches and light a cleansing fire.

During this process, the following magic words are pronounced:

“Bad addiction, I am getting rid of you by the power of my will, I say goodbye to you forever. I give tobacco to the devils, let them hide it safely from me. I will cross myself three times, I will renounce harmful misfortune.”

It is very important to be in a calm state of mind during such a ritual. There should not be the slightest regret in your soul that you planned to quit smoking. Any self-pity will reduce all efforts to zero.

“In a large and crowded bazaar, a clerk stood, and the devil offered him tobacco. He said, “Secretary, take it and smoke tobacco.” The clerk answered him: “I am a believing clerk, so I will not give in to your persuasion and will not smoke tobacco. In addition, I do not order the servant of God (the name of the smoking person) to smoke, I will immediately drive away all the devils from him with my word. Amen".

If a person has willpower, then on Easter Sunday, all that is needed is to throw away the last pack of cigarettes in the trash in your hearts. Then say the following words:

“I myself, by the power of my will, get rid of the destructive infection, throw it away, and say goodbye forever. Damn, let him grind the cigarettes himself, but don’t offer me any more. I’ll cross myself three times, and I’ll never go back to cigarettes again.”

Conspiracy against drunkenness

The Easter spell is considered very effective. It is very important to remember that a ritual that will free a loved one from alcohol addiction should be carried out in secret. No one should know about its implementation, so you cannot share your plans with anyone. Usually, before reading, the text is written down on paper, and it is necessary to ensure that the written plot does not fall into the hands of anyone.

On Easter Sunday, after returning from the festive service, the blessed Easter cake should be cut into 12 pieces. With him you need to go to the cemetery and find 12 graves there, in which people with the same name as the drunken person are buried. It is necessary to leave a piece of Easter cake on each of the graves. Each time you do this, you should say the following words:

"Christ is risen! You, a dead man, no longer get up, don’t walk on the ground and don’t drink alcohol. So let it stay that way, never get up again and don’t drink alcohol. At the same time, do not let the servant of God (the name of the drinking person) drink either. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

How to protect your home from evil and damage on Easter Sunday

Conspiracies against evil and corruption that are read on Easter Sunday are very powerful. Using them on a day filled with positive energy, you can protect yourself from evil in your environment. One of the strongest conspiracies goes like this:

“Lord, Almighty, hear me, have mercy on the servant of God (proper name), save and preserve from enemies and enemies. Drive away from me people with black souls and envious mouths. May my enemies disappear forever, may evil people leave, may the most cunning spells not take me. Amen".

If you suspect that you have come under the influence of foreign negativity, but do not know what type of damage was caused to you, then you should use a universal conspiracy. It is necessary to purchase a church candle in advance and retire to a separate room where you can undress naked. You should light a candle, move it around your own body, saying the following words:

“With the bright fire of a church candle I cleanse my soul, I drive away all illnesses and troubles from myself. I return it to the one who sent the damage. From this moment and forever I will be healthy, beautiful and happy, I will be happy. Amen".

It is very important to carry out all rituals to remove damage and get rid of evil in a calm mood; it is important to remove anger and resentment from your own soul. All rituals must be carried out in twilight, and you should never tell anyone about them.

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Easter- it's time for magic. There are a large number of conspiracies that will help solve many life problems. In this article you will learn about them and be able to use them for your benefit.

On the morning of Easter you need to wash your face with water that was left over from Maundy Thursday. It is good to place a silver item in it. This ritual will help you become beautiful and rich. Everyone in the family, without exception, begins Easter with the words “Christ is Risen” and answers “Truly He is Risen.”

On this Great Day, spouses are not allowed to christen themselves in public - this will lead to separation. But parents and children are required to kiss three times.

If it is customary in your house to bake Easter cakes for this holiday, then you can make a wish for each member of your family for a separate Easter. If the baking fails during baking, this indicates a possible severe illness, or even death. If Easter is well baked and turns out neat and not burnt, this omen to well-being and health.

Conspiracy against alcoholism for Easter

To wean a person from the love of drinking, Easter cake is cut into 12 pieces. These pieces are placed on 12 graves containing deceased people with the same name as the alcohol-dependent person. Before each grave they read the following plot:

"Christ is risen!

You (name), rest in peace, don’t get up, don’t go anywhere, don’t drink bitter things.

So forever, don’t get up, don’t go anywhere and don’t drink bitter things,

And don’t let God’s servant (name) drink.

In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After this ritual, go to the temple and light 12 candles for the repose of the 12 dead whose graves you visited. As you light each candle, say the name and ask the deceased for forgiveness for the inconvenience. In addition, light 12 candles for health to the person for whom you are doing this ritual. It is advisable to carry out all these rituals on Easter day. But, if you can’t do it, then in the next three days after the holiday.

Drug addiction conspiracy

In order to help a person overcome drug addiction, you need to bless three Easters in church and after the all-night service, divide each pastry into 9 parts. Go to the cemetery and find 27 graves in which dead people with the same name are buried, place Easter on them and, leaving, read the spell:

“How I divided and cut the Holy Easter,

I divided it into 27 pieces and I brought them to 27 graves.

So I cut and cut

Names of Great and Holy Easter.

And I ask our Savior to help the servant of God (name)

Overcome the black addiction within yourself,

No longer reach for the intoxicating illness,

Heal forever.

May his soul be calm and indifferent to dope,

How calm and indifferent this dead man is.

In the name of all saints. Amen".

After this, you also need to go to church and light 27 candles for the repose of the deceased and 27 for the health of the patient.

Conspiracy against quarrels in the family

On the third day after Easter, you need to read the following spell for the blessed Easter cake 12 times in a row:

“God help and bless with Holy Easter,

Joyful tears, bright days.

In the name of all saints.

Help your servants (names of warring spouses),

Calm down their anger and discontent,

Give them wisdom

Connect their paths forever and ever. Amen"

After reading, the Easter cake must be divided and distributed to the spouses on whom this ritual was performed.

Conspiracy against damage for Easter

You need to roll yourself with a blessed Easter egg, then take it to the forest or planting and leave it under a tree that has two trunks. Then read the plot:

“Mary, the Mother of God, is walking along the bone bridge, leaning on a fish bone. In the middle of the bridge she met three angels. And the angels asked: “Where are you going, Most Holy Intercessor, what are you carrying with you?” Mary answers them: “I’m going to help God’s servant (name), I want to remove the damage from her body. I will heal her and cure her, I will protect her from troubles with an iron fence. Help me, angels, God’s servant (name) to cleanse and heal and take away the damage from her. My word is firm and strong. In the name of all saints. Amen".

Easter spell for grooms

During the Easter service, take a handful of wheat with you to church, wrap it in cloth and place it on your chest. When you return home, sprinkle the grain near your doorstep and say:

“How many church lights there were in the temple,

I will have so many suitors.

How many grains are in my handful,

There will be so many guys hovering around me.

Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

After reading the plot, cross yourself.

Conspiracy to get married soon

On Easter you need to kiss nine Easter eggs and read the following plot:

“As all people honor Great Easter,

They remember and appreciate maternal affection,

So the guys would love me (name), idolize me and carry me in their arms.

Each of them would dream of taking me as his wife,

And all I have to do is choose among them.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Spell to win back your husband's love

There are different situations in family life. It happens that one of the spouses’ feelings cool down. This plot will help you rekindle your husband's love for you.

To implement it, you need to visit the largest store in your city on Easter. Grab the door frame with your left hand and say:

“Christ is Risen, and my beloved husband (name) has returned to me (name). Just as I hold on to this bracket, my husband will hold on to me and be afraid to let go. He will miss me and run to me. Grab with your hands and hug tightly. Amen".

Conspiracy against damage

On the Great Easter holiday, bring home prosphora from church. Read the spell on her, practically touching your lips:

“Be my house holy, blessed,

Every corner, every crevice,

All doors, windows and window frames.

Around my house there is a stone wall with a green back.

The Angels of the Lord built this fence.

They will speak to the servant of God (name) from damage and the evil eye,

From great misfortune, from grave soil and a coffin board.

No one will spoil it.

Neither in the temple, nor on the threshold, nor on the holy image,

Not on a needle, not on a candle, not near the cemetery. Amen".

After reading, the prosphora will absorb all the negativity; it needs to be burned. And then if there is damage to you, it will go away.

Conspiracy against envious people at work

On Easter morning, wash your face with holy water, dry yourself with a new towel and read the spell:

"Christ is risen!

And I, God’s servant (name), am a red sun to the whole world.

Everyone honors and respects me

Nobody wishes me harm

Neither at home nor at work.

Everyone cares about me!

My words are strong

As she said, it will come true. Amen".

Take this towel with you to work. It will be your amulet from enemies and envious people.