Resuscitation is always associated with supporting the patient's breathing. Artificial respiration using the Ambu breathing resuscitation bag often helps the resuscitator save a person's life. The algorithm and technique for performing ventilation using the Ambu bag is quite simple, it can be carried out even by people who do not have a medical education.

What it is?

Ambu bag is a respiratory resuscitation tool for artificial ventilation of the lungs, in case of violations of the respiratory function. The Ambu breathing resuscitation bag is a device that consists of a self-inflating balloon and a mask attached to it. The mask is applied to the person's face, and by manually squeezing the balloon, the air from it is directed into the respiratory tract.

Breathing resuscitation bags of the Ambu type, the photos of which are presented below, can be reusable, disposable, as well as for children and adults.

The Ambu breathing resuscitation bag, the purpose and description of which is in the instructions for it, is used:

  • in intensive care units;
  • in ambulances;
  • in any situations associated with impaired breathing of the patient;
  • in departments of perinatology, for resuscitation of newborns.


Such effective application in resuscitation led to the development of several types of this device. Currently, disposable and reusable devices are produced. There are also models adapted for children. They have a smaller balloon filling volume, which allows the device to be used even in newborns.

Many manufacturers, together with the main one, make a backup breathing bag. It has a different volume. If it is necessary to carry out artificial respiration with an Ambu bag during resuscitation, it is enough for a child or an adult to simply change the balloon. It is made from anti-allergic substances, but when it is used repeatedly, it is necessary to treat the mask with a disinfectant.

Use in resuscitation

The Ambu hand bag breathing apparatus has become widespread in its use in medical institutions. It is used in the provision of resuscitation care at the scene, in the vehicles of resuscitation teams when transporting a patient, and even before connecting the patient to an artificial respiration apparatus.

Sometimes you have to use it when transporting a patient to another medical facility or during an unexpected cessation of breathing in a hospital, so each department needs an Ambu breathing resuscitation bag.

How to use it

How to use the Ambu ventilator is indicated in the instructions. This is a fairly simple manipulation, with the help of which ventilation and resuscitation are carried out with the Ambu bag. It is necessary to lay the patient on a hard surface, tilt his head back, and clean the oral cavity, if necessary, use an air duct or push the lower jaw forward to avoid dropping the tongue.

The mask is applied to the face, and the rubber balloon is squeezed at a speed of 15-17 compressions per minute, and you need to monitor the expansion chest and its decline, since if it does not expand, then the reasons for this may be the following:

  • the device is used incorrectly (it is damaged, there is a defect in the connection of the mask and the cylinder);
  • V oral cavity or there is an obstruction in the airways (sputum, foreign bodies);
  • the mask does not adhere well to the skin (air does not enter the lungs).

Instructions on how to use the Ambu bag can be viewed in the video, which discusses this process in more detail.

Artificial ventilation of the lungs in resuscitation is important, since respiratory arrest can occur in a wide variety of situations, including during surgery. Then this device is used before connecting a person to artificial ventilation, which can save a life.

1. Lay the patient on his back on a hard surface, tilt his head back, protrude the lower jaw, turn his head to one side and ensure the patency of the upper respiratory tract

2. Connect the bag or fur through the corrugated hose to the mask or air duct.

3. Press the mask with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand to the face, covering the mouth and nose, and with the remaining three fingers hold the lower jaw by the chin.

4. With the second hand, squeeze the bag (Ambu) or fur, after which the mask is removed from the face, and the fur is stretched.

5. Repeat these steps until spontaneous breathing occurs at a frequency of 18 per minute.

Inhalation occurs while squeezing the bag or fur (400-1500 ml of air can be inside), exhalation occurs passively into the atmosphere. When you exhale, the bag is filled with air on its own, and the fur due to stretching with your hands. The exhalation should be twice as long as the inhalation.

Holding closed massage hearts:

1. Immediately lay the patient on his back on a hard surface and remove tight clothing.

2. Stand on the right side of the patient, put the proximal part of the extended hand on the lower third of the sternum to the left of it, place the second palm on the back of the first perpendicular to it.

3. On unbent in elbow joints hands, using your own body weight, press on the chest in the form of a push, bending the front surface of the chest by 2-5 cm.

4. After the push, remove the hands so as not to interfere with the expansion of the chest

5. Repeat pressure at a frequency of 60 times per minute until a pulse appears on the common carotid artery.

6. When performing resuscitation by one resuscitator, the ratio of the number of injections: pressure is 2:15, by two resuscitators: 1:5.



    Wear sterile gloves.

    Take tweezers and a swab moistened with ether or ammonia, clean the skin around the wound from contamination.

    With a dry swab or a swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide (furatsilin), remove foreign bodies and blood clots loose in the wound.

    With a swab moistened with iodonate (an alcohol solution of chlorhexidine), treat the surgical field from the center to the periphery.

    Delimit the operating field with sterile linen.

    With a swab moistened with iodonate (an alcohol solution of chlorhexidine), treat the surgical field.

    Using a scalpel, cut the wound throughout.

    Excise, if possible, the edges, walls and bottom of the wound, remove all damaged, contaminated, blood-soaked tissues.

    Replace gloves.

    Delimit the wound with a sterile sheet.

    Replace toolkit.

    Carefully bandage bleeding vessels, large ones - flash.

    Solve the issue of suturing:

a) apply primary sutures (sew the wound with threads, close the edges of the wound, tie the threads);

b) apply primary delayed sutures (sew the wound with threads, do not reduce the edges of the wound, do not tie the threads, bandage with an antiseptic).

    Treat the surgical field with a swab moistened with iodonate (an alcohol solution of chlorhexidine).

    Apply a dry aseptic bandage.


    Lay the patient on the couch, operating table.

    Remove the bandage with tweezers.

    Using another sterile tweezers, treat the sutures with a sterile ball with an antiseptic solution (iodonate, chlorhexidine alcohol solution).

    Grabbing the suture knot with tweezers, gently pull out the subcutaneous part of the thread (usually white color in contrast to the skin part of a dark color).

    Bringing the sharp jaw of sterile scissors under the white part of the thread, cut it at the surface of the skin.

    Remove seam.

    Each removed seam is placed on a nearby unfolded small napkin, which, after removing all the seams, must be rolled up with tweezers and thrown into a basin with dirty material.

    Treat the line of seams with an antiseptic solution (iodonate, alcohol solution of chlorhexidine).

    Put a sterile napkin on the seam line.


    Lay the patient on the couch, operating table.

    Remove with tweezers, keeping dry skin bead, superficial layers of the dressing, dump them into the kidney-shaped tray. Peel off the dried bandage with a ball dipped in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.

    After removing the surface layers of the bandage, moisten the inner layer with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Carefully remove wet wipes with tweezers.

    Treat the skin around the wound with a ball soaked in an antiseptic solution (alcohol solution of chlorhexidine) from the edge of the wound to the periphery.

    Take another sterile tweezers.

    Make a wound toilet: remove pus with tweezers or a sterile ball, rinse the wound with an antiseptic solution (3% hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin), dry with a sterile ball.

    With tweezers, put sterile wipes with a therapeutic agent on the wound (depending on the stage of the wound process).

    Secure the bandage with a bandage, glue, or adhesive tape.


First of all, help should be given to life threatening pathological conditions (pronounced violations of life after electrical injury, severe damage to the respiratory system, poisoning with toxic combustion products, thermal collapse, deep burns of more than 20% of the body surface).

It is important to assess the state of the respiratory system. Flame burns of the face often involve burns of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. In severe lesions, the depth and rhythm of breathing are disturbed, sometimes, although very rarely, acute respiratory failure develops with symptoms of stenosis of the larynx. At the site of injury, it is necessary to at least approximately estimate the area and depth of the burn wound in order to determine the amount of anti-shock therapy at the prehospital stage.

Algorithm of action for burns: 1. In case of thermal burns, it is necessary, first of all, to immediately stop the action of the high-temperature damaging agent, thermal radiation and remove the victim from the danger zone. If clothing cannot be removed, the flames should be extinguished by tightly covering the burning area with a blanket, or by forcing the victim to lie down on the ground or any surface by pressing the burning areas to it. You can bring down the flame by rolling on the ground, extinguish it with a jet of water, and if there is a reservoir or other container filled with water nearby, immerse the affected area or part of the body in water. In no case should you run in ignited clothing, shoot down the flame with unprotected hands.

    Cool the burn area with a jet of water, applying cold objects, etc. In case of general overheating, you need to unfasten or take off your clothes (in the warm season), put ice or a cold compress on your head.

    Dry sterile dressings, preferably cotton-gauze, are applied to the burn wound. In the absence of sterile dressings, you can use any clean cloth (towel, sheet)

    In case of burns of the hands, it is necessary to remove the rings as soon as possible, which in the future, due to the development of edema, can lead to compression and ischemia of the fingers. The clothes from the burnt areas are not removed, but cut at the seams and carefully removed. All clothing should not be removed, especially in cold weather, as victims with extensive burns already experience a feeling of cold.

    In all cases, painkillers should be administered. (promedol, pantopon).

    In case of poisoning by toxic combustion products and damage to the respiratory system, it is necessary first of all to provide access to fresh air.

    It is important to restore and maintain airway patency, for which, in case of burns of the face and upper respiratory tract, it is often enough to remove mucus and vomit from the oral cavity and pharynx, eliminate tongue retraction, open the mouth and introduce an air duct.


Foreign bodies nasal cavity are very diverse and occur mainly in children from 2 to 5 years, but can be found at any age.

There are the following groups of foreign bodies of the nasal cavity:

    introduced into the nasal cavity by the victim himself, more often they are in children (buttons, balls, pieces of paper, seeds, coins, beads, etc.);

    introduced into the nasal cavity by someone else's hand - during the game, during medical manipulations (pieces of cotton wool, tampons, fragments of surgical instruments);

    accidentally dropped into nasal cavity(through the entrance to the nose, through the choanae during vomiting, as well as pinworms, roundworms, leeches);

    trapped in the nasal cavity during trauma, when the integrity of the walls of the cavity is violated

In children, teeth (incisors and canines) may appear in the nasal cavity, which grow there from the tooth germs as a result of their inversion (heterotropy).

In most cases, foreign bodies are located in the lower nasal passage and, if no attempts have been made to remove them before, in the anterior parts of the nasal cavity. In the posterior sections there are foreign bodies that have entered the nose from the side of the nasopharynx (for example, during vomiting).

Clinical picture and diagnosis of foreign bodies in the nasal cavity. Diagnosis is based on the collection of a detailed history, anterior rhinoscopy, palpation of a foreign body with a metal probe, if necessary, an endoscopic examination of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx, radiography.

In the presence of a foreign body in the nasal cavity (more often this is a unilateral process), there is difficulty in nasal breathing through the corresponding half of the nose, purulent discharge from her, sneezing, tearing. When there are small smooth foreign bodies in the nose, there may be no discomfort. In the future, as a result of the precipitation of calcium salts, a stone forms around the foreign body. (rhinolith). Pointed or swelling foreign bodies (peas, beans) cause pain in the nose, headache, nosebleeds. When a foreign body is found in the middle sections of the nasal cavity, a loss of smell is observed.

It is not easy to establish a diagnosis in cases where the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is swollen and bleeding, or granulations have already formed that cover the foreign body.

Metallic and other contrasting foreign bodies can be detected by radiography, which, if necessary, is performed in two or three projections.

The stay of a foreign body in the nasal cavity can cause the following complications:

    foreign body aspiration;

    acute purulent rhinitis with characteristic bad smell, which is due to the development of anaerobic flora;

    acute or chronic otitis media;

    acute or chronic sinusitis;


Removal of a foreign body from the nose you can start by trying blowing or blowing with a Politzer balloon through the free half of the nose (in children older than 5 years). If in this way it is not possible to achieve the desired result, then it is shown instrumental removal.

In order to remove a foreign body from the nose, anemization (with an adrenaline solution or other vasoconstrictor) and anesthesia (with a solution of lidocaine, dicaine, etc.) of the mucous membrane should be carried out. Blind extraction of foreign bodies is unacceptable, as it leads to unnecessary trauma, bleeding and pushing them into the nasopharynx, which is associated with the danger of aspiration.

When removing a foreign body in a child, it must be well fixed. It is not necessary to remove the body of a rounded shape with a forceps or tweezers (when the jaws of the instrument are closed, the foreign body moves inward). Forceps-like instruments remove only flat foreign bodies, or soft objects: cotton balls, paper, etc.

Rounded foreign bodies are removed with a hook-shaped button-shaped probe curved at the end (Fig. 1.). With anterior rhinoscopy, the instrument is brought over the object, directing the hook of the probe to the bottom of the nasal cavity behind the object, and remove it by lifting up the end of the probe in the hand and pushing the foreign body back to front.

Fig.1. Removal of a foreign body from the nose

Wedged foreign bodies large sizes and rhinoliths must be removed under general anesthesia, they must first be crushed and removed in parts. Leeches, ascaris are removed with tongs or tweezers. Pinworms that have entered the nasal cavity from the stomach are destroyed by lubricating the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity with menthol oil, after which they are removed with tweezers. Magnets can be used to remove iron objects.

For prevention foreign bodies of the nose must be excluded from the daily routine of children younger age small items. Parents and older children need to be explained the danger of foreign bodies entering the nasal cavity. To prevent the appearance of foreign bodies during surgical interventions in the nasal cavity, caution and attention of the surgeon and nurse are required.

Anterior Nasal Packing

Anterior tamponade of the nasal cavity is carried out with nosebleeds.

Nosebleeds are a common pathological condition that complicates the course of many diseases.

The immediate cause of bleeding is a violation of the integrity of the vessels of the nasal mucosa. Causes of nosebleeds can be local and general.

Local causes of nosebleeds:

    All types of injuries of the nose and intranasal structures, including trauma of the mucous membrane (when a foreign body enters, surgical or injuries during medical and diagnostic manipulations in the nasal cavity: puncture and catheterization of the paranasal sinuses, nasotracheal intubation, nasogastric sounding, endoscopy, etc.);

    Processes that cause plethora of the nasal mucosa (acute and chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, adenoid vegetations);

    Dystrophic changes in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity (atrophic forms of rhinitis, severe curvature or perforation of the nasal septum);

    Neoplasms of the nasal cavity or nasopharynx (angiomas, angiofibromas, bleeding polyps of the nasal septum, malignant tumors, specific granulomas).

There are quite a variety of general causes that can lead to nosebleeds.

Common Causes of Nosebleeds:

    Diseases of the heart vascular system(hypertension and symptomatic hypertension, heart defects and vascular anomalies with increased blood pressure in the vessels of the head and neck, atherosclerosis).

    coagulopathy, hemorrhagic diathesis and diseases of the blood system, hypo- and beriberi.

    Hyperthermia as a result of acute infectious diseases, heat and sunstroke, with overheating.

    Pathology resulting from sudden changes in barometric pressure (pilots, divers, climbers, etc.).

    Some hormonal imbalances (juvenile and vicarious bleeding during pregnancy).

These local and general factors in different patients can be combined in different ways.

Clinical picture of nosebleeds:

    Direct signs of bleeding are visually determined outflow of blood from the lumen of the nostrils outward and / or leakage of blood from the nasopharynx into the oropharynx, which is detected during pharyngoscopy.

    Symptoms of causative pathology (reflect the severity, stage and form of the disease or injury).

    Signs of acute blood loss, which depend on the characteristics of bleeding (localization, intensity), the volume of blood lost, the premorbid state, the age and gender of the patient.

Nosebleeds according to localization can be anterior and posterior.

Anterior bleeding most often originates from the anterior nasal cavity, usually from the Kisselbach area. The second most common localization is the anterior sections of the inferior turbinate.

Posterior bleeding originates from the posterior nasal cavity or nasopharynx—usually the inferior turbinate or fornix.

Depending on the volume, the degree of blood loss during nosebleeds is divided into minor, mild, moderate, severe or massive.

Diagnosis of nosebleeds includes:

    Objective examination data (attention is drawn to the color skin and mucous membranes, the state of the cardiovascular system, blood pressure)

    Rhino - and pharyngoscopy - to determine the source of bleeding and the nature of changes in the nasal cavity

One of the principles medical care with nosebleeds, the fastest stop of bleeding is to prevent an increase in blood loss.

Indications for anterior tamponade of the nasal cavity are:

    Suspicion of "posterior" bleeding.

    The ineffectiveness of the simplest methods of stopping the "front" nosebleed within 15 minutes.

Anterior tamponade is performed with a gauze tampon 1 cm wide, 60–90 cm long. To enhance the hemostatic effect, the tampon is impregnated with a 5–10% solution of epsilon-aminocaproic acid or another substance that has a hemostatic effect. Using a nasal speculum, a gauze swab is inserted with knee tweezers into the nasal cavity along its bottom and nasal septum to a depth of 6-7 cm.

It is necessary to ensure that the end of the tweezers is directed parallel to the bottom of the nasal cavity, and not to its arch (ie, to the cribriform plate). The tweezers are removed from the nasal cavity, they grab the tampon with it, retreating from the vestibule by 6-7 cm and move it along the bottom of the nose and the nasal septum, repeat this technique several times until the tampon folded in the form of an "accordion" densely fills the corresponding half of the nose. Excess tampon that does not fit in the nasal cavity is cut off. A sling-like bandage is applied to the nose. de

The anterior swab is kept in the nasal cavity for 24-48 hours.

In addition to gauze swabs for anterior tamponade of the nasal cavity, a pneumatic swab is used, consisting of two rubber canisters; an elastic tampon consisting of a finger from a rubber glove filled with foam rubber; sinus - catheter "Yamik".

After carrying out the anterior tamponade of the nasal cavity, it is necessary to evaluate its effectiveness, a sign of which is the absence of bleeding not only outward, but also along the posterior pharyngeal wall (checked with pharyngoscopy).


Foreign bodies of the external auditory canal are most often found in children when, during the game, they put various objects to themselves or their peers: buttons, balls, peas, bones, paper, etc.

Most foreign bodies are localized in the external auditory canal (more often - in the membranous-cartilaginous section or at the point of transition of this section to the bone - the narrowest place), and only occasionally they end up in the middle ear cavity.

A foreign body can be any object the size of which allows it to penetrate the ear canal, including a living insect. Among the foreign bodies of the ear, there are freely lying and impacted ones, as well as exerting increasing pressure on the walls of the ear canal (swelling grains of peas, corn, etc.).

All foreign bodies can be divided into three categories:

    live - insects that penetrate the ear canal during sleep (cockroaches, ants, spiders, etc.);

    vegetable origin - seeds, grains of cereals, legumes, etc.;

    other foreign bodies - matches, cotton wool, paper, foam rubber, buttons, beads, balls, including metal ones, etc.

The clinical picture of the presence of a foreign body in the ear canal: In the presence of foreign bodies in the ear canal, there may be ear congestion, hearing loss, tinnitus, feeling of pressure, pain, sometimes bleeding from the external auditory canal. Live foreign bodies cause a lot of noise in the ear, unpleasant sensations of tickling (“dance on the drum”). When a foreign body is located in tympanic cavity there may be signs of irritation or oppression of the labyrinth, paresis of the facial nerve, severe bleeding of their ear.

The diagnosis is established on the basis of anamnestic data, patient complaints and otoscopy. Otoscopy reveals a foreign body, its localization, there may be a slight change in the skin of the ear canal: moderate hyperemia and edema.

Removal of foreign bodies from the external auditory canal. The main and safest way to remove foreign bodies from the external auditory canal is washing. Washing is carried out with warm water at body temperature from a Janet syringe with a volume of 100-150 ml. If the patient has a history of ear diseases, then washing should be carried out with a warm solution of furacilin 1:500 or another antiseptic (Fig. 1-4). Janet's syringe is filled with a solution. A kidney-shaped tray is placed under the patient's ear. With the left hand, the doctor straightens the ear canal, pulling the auricle backwards and upwards. The end of the syringe is inserted into the ear canal. A jet of liquid is directed between the foreign body and the posterior upper wall of the auditory canal, the solution gets behind the foreign body and usually pushes it out after 2-3 washes.

If flushing fails, use instrumental removal. It is necessary to remove objects that have fallen into the ear under careful visual control, including using a microscope. Depending on the characteristics of foreign bodies, special ear hooks, forceps and tweezers are used. In the presence of inflammation of the external auditory canal, it is sometimes advisable to eliminate or reduce inflammatory process medication, and then remove the foreign body.

To avoid being driven into the narrowest part of the ear canal or pushing foreign bodies into the middle ear, you need to remember two rules:

    Rounded and spherical foreign bodies are removed by washing, or by hooking;

    Foreign bodies, in which linear dimensions predominate, are removed with tweezers.

When removing a foreign body with an ear hook, during otoscopy, the hook is inserted into the ear canal, trying to penetrate between the foreign body and the wall of the ear canal (Fig. 5.). When the hook is behind the foreign body, it is turned so as to hook and pull the foreign body. Do not make rotational movements with the bent end of the hook.

If the foreign body cannot be removed through the external auditory canal, or if the foreign body is located in the middle ear cavity, an external surgical approach should be used.

The size of swollen tightly fixed foreign bodies can be reduced by repeated infusions of 96% ethanol into the ear canal, which facilitates their subsequent removal by washing.

Removal of living foreign bodies has some peculiarities. Previously, insects are killed by instilling heated liquid oil or alcohol into the external auditory canal, after which they are washed out (Fig. 6.).

Rice. 2. The position of the auricle

when washing the ear

Rice. 1. Position of the patient before washing the ear

Rice. 3. Finger position

doctor when washing

ear canal

Rice. 4. Washing the ear canal (scheme)

Rice. 5. Removal of a foreign body from the external auditory canal

Rice. 6. Removing an insect from the external auditory canal



Any foreign body of the conjunctiva and cornea of ​​the eye poses a potential threat to the development of various complications (conjunctivitis, keratitis, corneal ulceration) and therefore its removal is an obligatory component of first medical aid, including by a non-ophthalmological doctor in the absence of an ophthalmologist.

Algorithm of action when removing foreign bodies from the conjunctiva and cornea of ​​the eye: Since the foreign body of the conjunctiva and cornea is accompanied by symptoms of discomfort in the eye, soreness, photophobia and lacrimation, examination of the patient's eye and removal of the foreign body should be preceded by superficial (epibulbar) anesthesia. For this purpose, 1-2 drops of 2% - 5% novocaine solution or 2% lidocaine solution should be instilled into the conjunctival cavity of the injured eye, with an interval of 1-2 minutes.

After 3-5 minutes after this, the conjunctiva of the eyelids should be examined and eyeball, cornea by external examination. If at the same time it was not possible to detect a foreign body, it is necessary to examine the indicated sections of the eye using the bifocal method using two magnifiers (at + 20.0 and + 13.0 diopters) and a table lamp. These loupes are part of the ophthalmic kit, which is included in the medical equipment kit of any medical institution, starting with FAP.

If the foreign body is located superficially and has not penetrated into the deep layers of the conjunctiva or cornea, then they can be removed with the help of a tight, moist, cotton swab or by washing the eye with a disinfectant solution and accompanied by frequent blinking movements. After removing the foreign body, disinfectant drops (20% albucid solution) should be instilled into the eye and the patient should be advised to continue instilling the drops at home 3 times a day for 2-3 days.

If the foreign body could not be removed, then you need to drip disinfectant drops into the damaged eye, apply a bandage over the eye and send the patient to any nearby medical institution where there is an ophthalmological specialist.


This type of first aid may be required from a non-ophthalmological doctor (in the absence of an ophthalmologist) if a foreign body enters the eye or if the eye burns of various genesis (including with the simultaneous ingress of foreign bodies).

Algorithm of action when washing the conjunctiva: When a foreign body enters the eye or a burn of various genesis occurs, a feeling of discomfort, soreness, photophobia, lacrimation occurs. Therefore, the examination of the patient's eye and the provision of assistance should be preceded by surface (epibulbar) anesthesia. To do this, 1-2 drops of any of the available anesthetics (2% or 5% novocaine, 2% lidocaine solution, ultracaine solution) should be instilled into the conjunctival cavity of the injured eye 2- 3 times with an interval of 1-2 minutes.

After 3-5 minutes after this, the conjunctiva of the eyelids and the eyeball, the cornea should be carefully examined by external examination or using the bifocal examination method - see point 1. acid), saline solution using a 20-50 gram syringe or a small enema. Try to remove foreign bodies (including those that got into the conjunctival cavity during an eye burn with lime, potassium permanganate, acid grains) using a tight, damp, cotton-wool turunda and rinse the conjunctival cavity again with a disinfectant solution. After that, a 20% solution of albucid, an antibiotic, should be dripped into the eye several times. a wide range actions, lay in the conjunctival cavity eye ointment with an antibiotic. Put a bandage on the affected eye and refer the patient to any nearby medical institution where there is an ophthalmologist. In the event of an eye burn of moderate and severe severity, the victim must be urgently sent directly to the ophthalmological hospital.




Long ago, back in 1953, a German engineer and Dr. Holger Hesse, together with his partner (Danish anesthesiologist) Henning Ruben, led the development of an innovative suction pump for technical needs. Then, succumbing to the excitement of research, they decided to adapt their creation for medical use. A few months of panting over the blueprints and voila: scientists have developed the concept of the world's first hand-held portable ventilator.

According to their idea, it was supposed to be a special pump bag with valves, which has a flexible mask for fixing on the patient's airways. Doctors called their creation Ambu bag (). A few years later, in 1956, when the apparatus was ready for production, they opened a company, naming it after the apparatus (Ambu) and began to sell their invention on the world market.

Since this was a real breakthrough for medicine of that time, and a product of this kind was first presented to the general public, the name Ambu involuntarily became a household name. The name stuck and, despite the fact that almost 2/3 centuries have passed since then, Ambu retains its influence to this day. These days, almost all resuscitation hand bags, no matter what brand or manufacturer, are called the “Ambu bag” according to the old “habit”.

What is an AMBU breathing bag?

The AMBU bag is a manual device for artificial ventilation of the lungs, applied to patients with respiratory failure. In Russian medicine, it is also called "pump for artificial lung ventilation", "manual pulmonary resuscitation bag", "breathing resuscitation bag", "manual breathing apparatus", etc. It is part of the resuscitation ambulances, and is also used in intensive care units and anesthesiology. The main purpose of the ambu bag is to allow the patient to breathe until the electrical ventilator is connected. The main advantage is that compared to artificial mouth-to-mouth respiration, it is more hygienic, simple and effective (due to the absence of carbon dioxide, saliva particles and possible harmful microorganisms in the air entering the patient's lungs).

What does the AMBU bag consist of?

A full-fledged breathing bag AMBU consists of 7 parts: a mask, a main ventilation and reserve bags, a valve system and a nipple.

What is the working principle of the ambu bag?

The principle of operation of the ambu bag is extremely simple: when the ventilation bag is compressed, air is “squeezed” into the patient’s lungs, saturating the lungs with oxygen (in this case, the non-reversible breathing valve prevents the exhaled air from entering back into the bag). Then the bag expands on its own, restoring its shape (air is sucked in from the valve located on the back of the bag). And so - ad infinitum, establishing a normal cycle of inhalation-exhalation. As "fuel" can be used both ambient air and a connected cylinder with oxygen (in case the patient needs air with an increased amount of oxygen).

Evolution of the AMBU bag

Almost seventy years have passed since the creation of the first ambu bag. New technologies have made this useful invention lighter, more efficient, and more compact. The peak of achievements in the field of manual resuscitation of the lungs was folding ambu bags - special medical devices that can be folded compactly and occupy almost 5 times less volume than when unfolded.

The most famous and popular current manufacturer of folding ambu bags is Micro BVM Systems Ltd. Despite the fact that the company itself is registered in Israel (headquartered in Jerusalem), the main owners (and at the same time consumers) are the US group of companies. Here the same situation is repeated as with - decorated on some, and the owners - on others.

However, this does not interfere with production at all - Micro BVM and Pocket BVM folding bags are used in many Western countries, covering half of Europe and O most of the US states. In many ways, NAR (North American Resque) - the Association of North American Rescuers (USA) contributed to this, actively promoting folding ambu bags in the army and near-military markets in America.

The most convenient (in terms of field medicine) folding ambu bags is their “tactical” version: a full-fledged (full-sized, but folding) resuscitator, compactly folded and packed in a durable plastic case container that protects the contents from shock, dust, dirt and the like. Due to their small size, these containers fit perfectly in a field first-aid kit or a field medic's unloading pocket.

The most popular model to date (06\2014) is the NAR Cyclone New & Improved Pocket BVM, also called Cyclone Pocket BVM or "AMBU Bag - Cyclone Pocket BVM" in Russian. It is an improved model of the conventional "pocket ambu bag" (Pocket BVM), in fact, being the "second generation" of folding resuscitation bags for ventilation.

The Cyclone Pocket BVM is ready to use in just 3 easy steps and does not require specific medical knowledge or skill to use.

It is easy to operate and can be deployed in a working state in seconds, because. does not require "manual inflation" before use (it independently sucks in the air necessary to start ventilation).

To bring the NAR Cyclone Pocket BVM into working condition, you need to follow four simple steps:
1) Detach the mask from the folded resuscitation bag and remove the device from the packaging container
2) Pull the end valves in opposite directions, turning the bag
3) Slightly tuck the front valve until it is fully open
4) Attach the mask back to the bag

The popularity of the Pocket Cyclone BVM is simply explained: the model is a full-fledged manual device for artificial lung ventilation, having several times more compact dimensions than other ambu bags.
Thanks to manufacturing technology, Pocket Cyclone BVM is able to fold and shrink so compactly that the volume occupied is reduced by almost 5 times. And if, in the assembled state, its dimensions are similar to the dimensions of an American football ball ...

When folded, the Pocket Cyclone BVM takes up almost as much space as a can of stew. With a weight of 500 grams, the dimensions of the case are only 13.5 * 7.2 centimeters. According to statistics, this is 75% less in volume than other ambu bags.

In a word, we can say that the Cyclone Pocket BVM is by far one of the most compact and easy-to-use ambu bags. Designed for the same purpose as traditional ventilator pumps, the Cyclone Pocket BVM is used for manual resuscitation and emergency ventilator support in patients who are not breathing or are experiencing breathing problems (respiratory failure).

With an ergonomic design, the Cyclone Pocket BVM is perfect for one-handed use. Its ventilation bag is designed in such a way that it requires only a little force to compress, and then quickly returns to its original shape. This helps to reduce the fatigue of the physician, who is forced to "press the pear" over and over again, ventilating the patient's lungs. In addition, the surface of the Pocket Cyclone BVM ventilation bag has a textured design to prevent hand slippage and improve grip.
Pocket Cyclone BVM is supplied with the following equipment: hard carrying case (with screw cap), foldable face mask, foldable ambu bag (ventilation bag with valve system), back-up breathing bag, instructions (in English). Upon request, you can request the Russian version of the instruction (). Additionally (not in all configurations) a two-meter oxygen tube is supplied (to supply additional oxygen from a cylinder, when possible).

Manufacturer : North American Resque (NAR)\Micro BVM Systems Ltd.
Factory article (manufacturer's number according to US catalogs): NSN #: 6515-01-568-0193
Under current US law, distributors are prohibited from shipping Pocket BVM products overseas, so purchasing them in Russia may be difficult. However, it has the necessary export permits for the export of folding ambu bags, so you can in, in the "" section. There you can also find detailed specifications Pocket Cyclone BVM and its price.

KDO-MP-V (2300 ml) - patient weight over 20 kg,
KDO-MP-D (500 ml) - patient weight from 10 to 20 kg,
KDO-MP-N (350 ml) - patient weight up to 10 kg
"MEDPLANT", Russia RUB 1495.00

KD-MP-V (1650 ml) - patient weight over 20 kg,
KD-MP-D (500 ml) - patient weight from 10 to 20 kg,
KD-MP-N (350 ml) - patient weight up to 10 kg
RUB 4715.00
RUB 4660.00
RUB 4370.00

600 ml (pediatric)

"Mederen", China RUB 1572.00
1650 ml (adult) RUB 1572.00

280 ml (neonatal)
RUB 2720.00
600 ml (pediatric) RUB 2720.00
1650 ml (adult) RUB 2870.00

1650 ml (adult),
600 ml (pediatric)
280 ml (neonatal)
"APEXMED", Netherlands RUB 1650.00

1650 ml (adult),
600 ml (pediatric)
280 ml (neonatal)
RUB 3020.00
"Assomedica", Belarus

Breathing resuscitation bag disposable

for manual ventilation ("Ambu" resuscitation bag) are intended for manual ventilation of the lungs for adults (KDO-MP-V, patient weight over 20 kg), children (KDO-MP-D, patient weight from 10 to 20 kg) and newborns (KDO-MP-N, patient weight up to 10 kg) in conditions of respiratory failure of any etiology.

Application area:

Disposable breathing bags (Ambu type) comply with international and domestic standards. Breathing kit for manual ventilation It is a self-expanding PVC bag with an exhaust valve and a patient valve, on the nozzle of which a face mask is attached.

face masks designed with different ages patients and anatomical features, made of transparent PVC.

Single use, eliminate the risk of cross-contamination, no need for sterilization and repackaging, disposable masks with inflatable rim provide a snug fit to the face.


  • Face mask PVC
  • PVC breathing bag
  • Reserve bag
  • Manual

Producer: "MEDPLANT", Russia

Options KDO-MP-V set
KDO-MP-D set
KDO-MP-N set
Facial mask No. 5 3 0
Patient's weight, kg above 15 kg 4 to 15 below 4 kg
The volume of inhaled gas, ml 900 300 150
Breathing bag volume, ml 2300±200 500±100 350±100
Reserve bag volume, ml 1600 600 600
Minute ventilation, l/min 31 15 5
Inspiratory resistance, hPa 5 5 1
Expiratory resistance, hPa 2 at a flow of 25 l/min 2 at a flow of 15 l/min 2 at a flow of 5 l/min
no more than 0.5
Patient valve port
31 mm (outer diameter)
intake valve tip 6 mm (outer diameter)
Overall dimensions, mm (710x180x135)±50 (640х155х95)±50 (520x125x75)±50
Weight, kg 0,9
Price RUB 1495.00


Reusable breathing resuscitation bag (Ambu type) for manual ventilation (resuscitation bag type "Ambu") are intended for manual ventilation of the lungs for adults (KD-MP-V, patient weight over 20 kg), children (KD-MP-D, patient weight from 10 to 20 kg) and newborns (KD-MP-N, patient weight up to 10 kg) in conditions of respiratory failure of any etiology.

Application area: emergency medical services, disaster medicine, military and extreme medicine; departments of anesthesiology, intensive care and resuscitation of hospitals; maternity hospitals, etc.

Reusable breathing bags (Ambu type) made of silicone, characterized by high strength, reliability and elasticity. Ergonomic one- and two-piece silicone masks, reserve bags, highly reliable valves with an inspiratory overpressure safety device and oxygen connection. Hot sterilization (autoclaving) is acceptable. Conform to international and domestic standards.

Service life: 5 years


  • Facial silicone mask - 2 pcs.
  • Silicone breathing bag
  • Reserve bag
  • Tube for connecting to oxygen
  • Fabric bag
  • Instruction manual in Russian

Producer: "MEDPLANT", Russia

Options KD-MP-V set
KD-MP-N set
Facial mask No. 4, 5 2, 3 0, 1
Patient's weight, kg above 15 kg 4 to 15 below 4 kg
The volume of inhaled gas, ml 900 300 150
Breathing bag volume, ml 1650±200 500±100 350±100
Reserve bag volume, ml 2600 600 600
Minute ventilation, l/min 31 15 5
Pressure limitation in the breathing circuit, hPa 55±15
Inspiratory resistance, hPa 5 5 1
Expiratory resistance, hPa 2 at a flow of 25 l/min 2 at a flow of 15 l/min 2 at a flow of 5 l/min
Gas leakage at a pressure of 30 hPa, l/min. no more than 0.5
Patient valve port 15 mm (inner diameter) / 22 mm (outer diameter)
Reserve bag valve nozzle 31 mm (outer diameter)
intake valve tip 6 mm (outer diameter)
Overall dimensions, mm (packed) 350x140x200
Overall dimensions, mm (730х170х130)±50 (630х140х90)±50 (545х125х75)±50
Weight, kg 0,9
Price RUB 4,715.00 RUB 4,660.00 RUB 4,370.00

"Mederen", pvc disposable

Ventilator, PVC- It is applied to carrying out artificial ventilation of the lungs in the manual way.

The product can be used alone, without a source of compressed oxygen.

It consists of a disposable PVC bag and a disposable transparent breathing mask, equipped with an inflatable cuff with a Luer connector and a removable ring for fixation on the patient's head with a color marking, connected by means of an acetabular connector (rotation axis 360˚) with a 7 ml "Duckbill" patient valve, separating the air flows, and a pressure limiting valve: 40 cmH2O (pediatric) / 60 cmH2O (adults), to prevent pulmonary barotrauma. The distal end of the breathing bag is equipped with a block of non-reversible valves, a nipple for connecting the oxygen line and a reservoir bag connector.

The Ambu bag is intended for single use in one patient, is not sterile, and cannot be re-sterilized.

The components of the product are packed in a plastic box with a transparent lid and a carrying handle, along with instructions for use. The plastic box for storage and carrying is marked: information about the manufacturer, product name, information about the expiration date.

Product shelf life - 5 years

Type neonatal pediatric adult
vendor code 0125-M820-01 0125-M820-03 0125-M820-05 0125-M820-06
Price X RUB 1572.00 RUB 1572.00 RUB 1572.00

Color coding


135±2× 75±0.2mm

146±3×100±0.4 mm

212±5× 131±0.5mm

Disposable pvc bag volume

body mass

no more than 10 kg

from 10 to 40 kg

not less than 40 kg

thickness 45±0.2, width 55±0.2, height 85±0.3 mm

thickness 60±0.2, width 75±0.3, height 115±0.5 mm

thickness 75±0.3, width 100±0.5, height 145±0.7 mm

thickness 80±0.3, width 110±0.5, height 160±0.7 mm

Manufacturer: "Mederen", China

"Mederen", silicone reusable

Manual silicone ventilator used for manual ventilation of the lungs. The product can be used alone, without a source of compressed oxygen.

Consists of an autoclavable (up to 20 cycles) textured silicone bag and a reusable silicone breathing mask with a rim connected via an acetabular connector (360˚ rotation axis) to a 7 ml Duckbill patient valve that separates air flows and a pressure limiting valve : 40 cmH2O (pediatrics) / 60 cmH2O (adults) to prevent pulmonary barotrauma.

The distal end of the breathing bag is equipped with a block of non-reversible valves, a nipple for attaching an oxygen line and a reservoir bag connector.

The kit initially includes a kink-resistant PVC oxygen line 2 m long and a disposable reservoir bag made of EVA/PP with a maximum volume of 1600 ml (pediatric) and 2000 ml (adult).

The pressure relief valve is marked with the pressure maintained, the breathing bag - the size of the bag, the breathing mask - the maxi size, the tank bag - the name, volume.

The product is intended for reusable use (with the exception of the oxygen tube and reservoir bag), not sterile, when re-used, the breathing bag and breathing mask are subject to sterilization.

The reservoir bag and oxygen tube cannot be reprocessed. The components of the product are packed in a plastic box with a transparent lid and a carrying handle, along with instructions for use.

The plastic box for storage and carrying is marked: information about the manufacturer, product name, information about the expiration date.

Number of boxes in a group package: 12 pcs.

The shelf life of the product is 5 years.


pediatric adult

vendor code






RUB 2720.00

RUB 2720.00

RUB 2870.00


135±2× 75±0.2mm

146±3×100±0.4 mm

212±5× 131±0.5mm

Disposable pvc bag volume

body mass

no more than 10 kg

from 10 to 40 kg

not less than 40 kg

Breathing mask, mask dimensions:

thickness 46±0.2, width 49±0.2, height 65±0.2 mm

thickness 60.5±0.2, width 72±0.3, height 95±0.3 mm

thickness 73±0.3, width 92.5±0.4, height 122±0.5 mm

thickness 79±0.3, width 102.5±0.4, height 135±0.5 mm

Manufacturer: "Mederen", China


Made of PVC, intended for manual artificial lung ventilation for adults, children, newborns (neonatal) in conditions of respiratory failure of any etiology.


breathing bag;
- swivel adapter with patient valve and restriction valve
- reservoir bag;
- oxygen tube.

Distinctive characteristics:

Swivel adapter with rotation axis 360 0 ;

Patient valve and pressure relief valve
(60 cm H 2 O for adults,
40 cm H 2 O in pediatric and neonatal versions);
- reservoir bag;

oxygen tube


breathing bag It is produced from transparent implantation-non-toxic PVC.

- Adult: breathing bag 1650 ml, reservoir bag 2000 ml;
- Pediatric: breathing bag 600 ml, reservoir bag 1600 ml;
- Neonatal: breathing bag 280 ml, reservoir bag 1600 ml.

The structured surface of the bag prevents slipping in the doctor's hands. 360˚ swivel adapter facilitates medical care; the adapter is equipped with a patient reed valve and a pressure relief valve to prevent lung barotrauma (60 cmH2O for adults, 40 cmH2O for pediatric and neonatal versions). The transparent anesthesia mask is equipped with an inflatable cuff with a nipple valve and a Luer adapter, as well as a removable ring for fixing on the patient's head, which has a color and size marking according to international standards. The kit includes a disposable reservoir bag with a volume of 2000 ml for adults or 1600 ml for children and newborns, as well as a 2 m long oxygen tube with a star-shaped internal lumen that is resistant to kinking.

The set is packaged in an individual plastic box with a transparent lid and a carrying handle. detailed instruction by application. The resuscitation bag is not sterile, re-sterilization is not subject.

Shelf life - 5 years.

Manufacturer: "APEXMED", Netherlands
Price: PVC resuscitation bag (disposable) with accessories:

Adult (1650 ml) - RUB 1650.00
Children's (600 ml) - 1650.00 rubles.
Neonatal (280 ml) - 1650.00 rubles.

APEXMED reusable

Reusable breathing resuscitation bag (AMBU type)- made of SILICONE, p It is intended for manual artificial ventilation of the lungs for adults, children, newborns in conditions of respiratory failure of any etiology.

The device for carrying out artificial ventilation of the lungs manually


breathing bag;
- anesthesia mask;
- swivel adapter with patient valve and pressure relief valve;
- reservoir bag;
- oxygen tube.


The breathing bag is made of silicone (withstands autoclaving - up to 20 cycles), has a volume of 1650 ml (adult), 600 ml (pediatric) and 280 ml (neonatal). The structured surface of the bag prevents slipping in the doctor's hands. 360˚ swivel adapter facilitates medical care; the adapter is equipped with a patient reed valve and a pressure relief valve to prevent lung barotrauma (60 cmH2O for adults, 40 cmH2O for pediatric and neonatal versions). The transparent anesthetic mask is equipped with an inflatable cuff with a nipple valve and a Luer adapter, as well as a removable ring for fixing on the patient's head, which is color-coded according to international standards. The kit includes a disposable reservoir bag with a volume of 2000 ml for adults or 1600 ml for children and newborns, as well as a 2 m long oxygen tube with a star-shaped inner lumen that is resistant to kinking.

The kit is packaged in an individual plastic box with a transparent lid and a carrying handle, provided with detailed instructions for use. The respiratory resuscitation bag is not sterile; when re-used, the bag and mask are subject to autoclaving. The reservoir bag and oxygen tube cannot be reprocessed.
The number of boxes in a group package - 12 pcs.
Shelf life - 5 years.

Buy breathing resuscitation bag

Apexmed, Netherlands

Price: SILICONE resuscitation bag (reusable) with accessories:

Adult (1650 ml) - RUB 3,021.00
Children's (600 ml) - RUB 3,021.00
Neonatal (280 ml) - RUB 3,021.00

Reusable breathing bag "Ambu" is designed for manual artificial lung ventilation in conditions of acute respiratory failure.

It is used in intensive care units, emergency departments, maternity hospitals, intensive care and surgery departments, ambulance services, medical stations, rescue services and disaster medicine.

Contents of delivery:
1 Self-filling breathing bag (autoclavable silicone) at least 1630 ml.
2 Reserve bag of at least 2,000 ml.
3 Mask (autoclavable silicone) reusable size 4
4 Safety pressure relief valve.
5 PVC oxygen tube - 2.0 m.
6 Plastic packaging box with an easy-to-carry handle, in a single sterile

Packed in individual packaging.

Shelf life (sterility) - 5 years from the date of production.

Manufacturer:"Assomedica", Belarus


Buy with this product:

ambu bag

Operational and resuscitation measures are directly related to the support of the patient's breathing. The ambu breathing bag helps resuscitators save human lives. It provides artificial lung ventilation, has a simple algorithm and simple technique to use. If necessary, they can easily be used by people who do not have a medical education.

What is an ambu bag

The device has become a kind of breakthrough in medicine, so the name is firmly entrenched in all such devices (Figure 1).

Figure 1. External features of the device

The ambu breathing resuscitation bag is a great success, it is also known as:

  1. Manual resuscitation system.
  2. Pump for artificial lung ventilation.
  3. Respiratory mask.
  4. Pulmonary resuscitator.

It is a device consisting of a self-inflating balloon and a mask attached to it. Some of its models have the ability to dispense the respiratory mixture.

Many manufacturers supplement the device with a backup set of a different size. In this case, the ambu manual ventilation bag is universal - when resuscitating an adult or a child, it is enough to simply replace the balloon. It is made from non-allergenic materials - for reusable use, the mask is treated with a disinfectant.

The ambu-type breathing bag is used by: ambulance teams, employees and rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, in intensive care units, anesthesiologists and resuscitators.

The main use of the ambu bag is in situations associated with impaired respiratory functions:

  1. For patients who cannot breathe on their own.
  2. In perinatology - in order to resuscitate newborns.
  3. During clinical death or surgery until connected to an electrical ventilator.

The ambu bag ventilator can be of several types:

  • single or multiple use;
  • for newborns and children whose body weight does not exceed 10 kg;
  • pediatric - for those whose weight is in the range of 10-40 kg;
  • adult - for patients weighing more than 40 kg.

The principle of operation of the ambu bag

For all its simplicity, the device is quite effective and reliable. An ambu resuscitation bag, the use is based on the principle of manually squeezing a balloon from which air comes out. It is sent directly to the respiratory tract, and a mask through which oxygen passes is superimposed on the patient's face (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Design and principle of operation

The breathing resuscitation ambu bag allows you to saturate the lungs only if the airways are passable, there are no obstacles in the form of vomit and foreign bodies, the tongue is in the larynx and other causes of obstruction.

For connection to the respiratory tract, it comes with various adapters:

  1. Tracheostomy or endotracheal tube.
  2. Laryngeal or facial mask with an air duct.
  3. After attaching to them, the operator rhythmically squeezes the walls of the bag.
  4. The interval depends on the clinical situation - approximately 12-20 times per minute.
  5. Operating temperature ranges from -18 to +50 degrees Celsius.

These accessories have a standard hole diameter that allows the device to be connected to them as tightly as possible.


In emergency situations and at field events, one-time samples are used. The disposable ambu silicone bag is completed with an anesthetic mask, oxygen and breathing bags, a gas inlet connector, air ducts and an oxygen tube, and a pressure limiting valve - optional.

Since the mouth-to-mouth breathing technique allows the risk of infection with something, and the volume of the lungs of a child is smaller than that of an adult, the ambu bag for children, for newborns, implies only a single use, has the same characteristics with smaller sizes (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Disposable bags are predominantly used for neonates

It provides much greater ventilation efficiency, eliminates the need for sterilization and disinfection, and eliminates the risk of cross-contamination. In addition, his mask is made of polycarbonate, the bags and tube are made of polyvinyl chloride, and the air ducts are made of polypropylene. It cannot be reused.


Can be found in every medical institution or an ambulance. The reusable ambu bag is used in the provision of resuscitation care at the scene, in the vehicles of resuscitation teams when transporting patients and before connecting patients to an electronic ventilator (Figure 4).

The ambu bag mask is a reusable element, therefore, it is subject to increased requirements for sterility and processing.

At the same time, the reusable ambu bag itself is necessary exclusively for temporary ventilation, since it does not allow monitoring the volume of supplied air, does not have airway pressure control and requires constant manual participation in the process.

Figure 4. This is what reusable devices look like

Ambu bag reusable adult differs from children:

  1. The large volume of the cylinder and the need for disinfection.
  2. Oxygen supply lines and filters, CO2 indicators can be connected to it.
  3. Some variants have ports for injecting special aerosols.
  4. They can be used to relieve bronchospasm as a spacer.

Respiratory arrest can occur in a wide variety of situations, often during complex operations. Ventilation of the lungs with a manual ambu bag in such cases occurs before a person is connected to an electric ventilator and can save a human life due to a simple mechanical effect. In addition, it provides an easy and reliable supply of clean or oxygen-laden air and is standard on resuscitation vehicles, intensive care units, and operating rooms (Figure 5).

Ambu bag ventilation is more hygienic than mouth-to-mouth breathing.

This simplest way delivery of air flow to the lungs, due to the simple design of the product. In fact, it is a small hand-held mechanical device that is convenient in terms of transportation, if necessary, take emergency measures.

Figure 5. The principle of lung ventilation

Artificial ventilation of the lungs ambu bag is as follows:

  1. The mask is pressed to the face of the victim with a large and index fingers.
  2. Middle and nameless press on the corners mandible throwing back his head.
  3. Smooth, squeezing and quick movements of the fingers of the free hand compress the air reservoir.
  4. Air enters the lungs directly through the mask, exhalation is made into the environment.

Ambu bag - instructions for use

Anyone can use the device, even if he has no medical training (Figure 6).