The Monkey and the Bear have a casual conversation in Krylov's fable The Mirror and the Monkey. Children love to read Krylov's fable role-playing or learn it by heart - it is short and not at all complicated.

Fable The Mirror and the Monkey read

Monkey, seeing his image in the Mirror,
Quietly push Bear with his foot:
“Look,” he says, “my dear godfather!
What kind of face is that there?
What antics and jumps she has!
I would hang myself from boredom
If only she was even a little like her.
But, admit it, there is
Of my gossips, there are five or six such crooks:
I can even count them on my fingers." -
"Why should gossips consider working,
Isn’t it better to turn on yourself, godfather?” -
Mishka answered her.
But Mishenka’s advice was wasted.

There are many such examples in the world:

I even saw this yesterday:
Everyone knows that Klimych is dishonest;
They read about bribes to Klimych.
And he furtively nods at Peter.

Moral of the story: The Mirror and the Monkey

No one likes to recognize themselves in satire.

Krylov described the moral of the fable The Mirror and the Monkey at the end of the work according to all the rules of the fable genre. The Bear pointed out to the Monkey her ignorance, but she is ready to see the shortcomings of all her “girlfriends,” but not her own.

Fable The Mirror and the Monkey - analysis

The Monkey from this fable is very similar to the Monkey from the fable “The Monkey and the Glasses” in his ignorance, which Krylov so loves to ridicule in people, considering this vice to be very unpleasant. People tend to see the shortcomings of others, but not notice their own. So the Monkey sees a real crook in the mirror - himself, but is not able to admit it. Bear’s advice: “Why should godmothers work, isn’t it better to turn to yourself, godmother?” it falls on deaf ears.

I've seen a lot throughout my life,
I dreamed, believed, loved,
However, I cannot say
What's right, I lived according to my conscience

I was bought by the sparkle of predatory eyes
And the lascivious demon butted me in the ribs,
I lied to my family and faithful many times,
To the Sabbath, going to the wicked

I burned the holy cities in anger,
Not a bit about it, no regrets
And darkness fell over my eyes,
Yes, my heart grew heavy, turning to stone...

Why now, repentance for sins,
There are so many of them that I can’t remember in a month,
And if I remember, I'll go crazy
Isn’t it better if remorse is in tatters, in lumps?


Good afternoon Tatyana, you are saying a lot about yourself. No matter how many people he meets, a sinful person will never admit his sins. If he had self-criticism, he would not have sinned. And then, any of our actions. This is a response to something; as a rule, sin begets even greater sin. Any fear, anger, disappointment, resentment, jealousy and envy is a sin against oneself. Also, not asking for help is a sin. Any illnesses and problems are sent to us for sins against ourselves. Therefore, you cannot rush to help right away, the only exception here is children, because they suffer for their parents, and it is not the children who need to be corrected, but the parents, this is the law. Children are a mirror of the family, because they are brought up on the relationship between the two sexes, father and mother. If one of them does not act according to the law of nature, everything will affect the child. My textbooks have always been and are environment and analysis. With respect and warmth to you Tatyana, Peter. Thank you.

Peter, you don’t have to take everything so literally and straightforwardly,
this is the weak point of men, their brain convolutions are all straight,
not a single squiggle, that’s why women flog them
two counts, he will say to the man: you are my beloved bunny, and bunny,
immediately opens his ears and is thrilled with happiness, and the fox is his DAC
for a pocket and will gut everything in no time. therefore, be
be vigilant, do not open your ears and do not rush to unbutton your fly
in front of the fox.)))

Do you think, Tatyana, I took your revelations seriously? I just decided to answer them, that's all. And I liked the one with the fly, it’s a subtle hint at some circumstances.))))

Peter, I treat women and men equally,
trying to take into account the weaknesses of both sexes and I’m offended
for both when they are fooled or used,
playing with feelings and character traits, and in men,
weak point, below the waist and when this place is excited,
head (main), completely switches off, and then
there is a process of evisceration, for the sake of lust, a man can do
so many stupid things that later, to the death of life, you won’t get rid of them,
especially, an aging man wanting to catch up.
Sorry for being so brutally frank and straightforward,
but try to argue with me.

I agree with you Tatyana, where men have a weak point, women have a strong point, and vice versa is also true. This concerns the head.)))))

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The modern sports nutrition market is represented by a large group of drugs called “fat burners.” There are many varieties, but one of the most popular is L-carnitine (aka levocarnitine). An overview of the pros and cons of the best (according to athletes’ reviews) L-carnitines is in our rating.

What is levocarnitine needed for?

L-carnitine is a natural substance that the human body partially produces itself with a sufficient amount of protein foods (meat, poultry, eggs, etc.).

Fundamentally, carnitine is not exactly a fat burner. Rather, it is a dietary supplement that helps speed up metabolism, increase endurance and has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Accordingly, the intensity of the training increases, and obtaining energy from fat accumulation becomes, albeit somewhat a side effect, but no less desirable.

An important clarification - there will be no benefit from carnitine without the essential components: physical activity(especially cardio) and balanced nutrition. Hence the different opinions about the drug. Dissatisfaction is usually expressed by those who were hoping for a “magic pill” that would help them lose weight while sitting on the couch. But people for whom the notorious healthy lifestyle is not an empty phrase consider L-carnitine to be an excellent help for achieving good physical shape.

Forms of release of L-carnitine


In this form, carnitine is absorbed faster by the body, and, therefore, begins to act faster. The disadvantage is the presence of preservatives and sweeteners.


On the Russian market, this type of L-carnitine is most often found in two versions: pharmaceutical (in the form of sachets or bags for dissolution in water) and sports (many brands simply package carnitine in their own containers). The inconvenience is that the powder needs to be diluted with something, however, the convenience is that it can be added to the finished drink.

Tablets or capsules

This option takes longer to digest than the liquid form, but contains a minimum of foreign substances. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the composition and concentration of pure carnitine.

Now, during the information war of the Russian authorities against Ukraine, very interesting things are happening. The essence of this war is that oligarchs are fighting oligarchs, oligarchs are drowning oligarchs. And what comes out of all this is this: by exposing the Ukrainian oligarchs, the Russian bourgeois government exposes itself at every step. Because all the epithets with which she brands the Ukrainian oligarchs are completely suitable for her; all the crimes that she lists as being committed by Ukrainian oligarchs are also attributed to her; all the vices that she freely accuses the Ukrainian oligarchy of are to the same extent inherent in herself.

By showing the ugliness, abomination and villainy of the power of Ukrainian big capital, the power of the Russian oligarchs thereby shows their own vile and criminal essence.

An article entitled “Poroshenko’s Vendetta” was posted on the Free Press website.

This is another revealing article, part of the information war of Russian oligarchs against Ukrainian oligarchs. It quite convincingly and logically shows that the entire “anti-corruption policy” of the Kyiv authorities is nothing more than the redistribution of property in favor of the oligarchic clans that have come to power, who, using the power of the bourgeois state, seek to take away property from other oligarchic clans that they managed to push away from authorities.

The article frankly says exactly what the communists say: oligarchs, who themselves give rise to corruption everywhere, cannot fight corruption, that is, with yourself. Large financial capital, which has privatized the bourgeois state for its personal use, cannot renounce power; it cannot itself cut the umbilical cord through which strength and power flows to it for even greater enrichment and domination. And if the oligarchs suddenly begin to “fight corruption”, it is only in order to deceive the workers and get rid of their competitors.

The Kyiv oligarchs are now doing the same - they use the sincere desire of the Ukrainian working people for social justice, anger against lawlessness and robbery in their class interests - the interests of ever greater personal enrichment. All the “anti-corruption laws” currently adopted by the Kyiv authorities will actually lead to the same result - they will strengthen some oligarchic clans and weaken, and maybe ruin, others.

All this is clearly visible and one hundred percent true. However, the authors of the article, having outlined the picture of the “fight against corruption” in Ukraine, did not notice (or chose not to notice) that they thereby clearly showed the whole picture of the “fight against corruption” in Russia. Our Russian oligarchs are exactly the same sources of corruption as the Ukrainian ones; they also cannot exist without merging with the authorities and without being close to the state feeding trough. To fight to destroy corruption for them would mean to fight to destroy themselves. Naturally, they do not agree to this and will never do so.

And therefore, in our country, the “fight against corruption and oligarchs” is being waged in exactly the same way as in Ukraine. There is an information clamor, populist statements are made about the need to eradicate corruption, the head of state and some senior officials speak in a very disapproving tone about the oligarchs, about the need to put an end to their lawlessness. How does it all end? The fact that some of the petty corrupt officials are demonstrably caught and punished. At the same time, the sharks of corruption and archivists remain inviolable (such as Serdyukov, who actually ruined the Russian army, which in any country in the world is qualified only as direct betrayal, and not only and not so much theft, but who was not even touched with a finger, but was almost released not with an apology). They judge, imprison and take away the property of one or two competing oligarchs, while all the other oligarchs continue to thrive and prosper. And everyone is happy - the ruling oligarchic clan gobbled up competitors and annexed their assets, the government once again fooled the working people and gained popularity. And Russian citizens are happy that they have such a dashing president who, without sparing himself, “fights” the damned oligarchs.

The competitive struggle of big capital, their open war with each other for control over profitable property, is systematically presented to Russian workers either as a “struggle for the democratization of the country” (this is the favorite cover of the liberal opposition led by all these Navalnys, Nemtsovs, Kasparovs, etc.), or as “the fight against corruption and gray schemes” (this slogan is always used by the Russian authorities). Publicly declaring that the results of privatization will not be revised, one clan of Russian oligarchs, who managed to seize power in our country and put their top manager in charge of Russia (see the interview with Deripaska, who openly talks about this), is slowly devouring those oligarchs who were lucky a little less.

Several years ago, we all witnessed a life-or-death competitive struggle in the oil sector with Mikhail Khodorkovsky for the raw materials assets of Yukos (Yuganskneftegaz and Kuibyshevnefteorgsintez, Tomskneft, Achinsk Oil Refinery, etc.). Now, for the same reason - the redistribution of the Russian oil market, which has been considerably shaken due to Western sanctions - oligarch Vladimir Yevtushenkov (AFK Sistema) is being chewed out, from whom they intend to take away Bashneft. The scenario is the same, and specific claims and accusations are completely insignificant - they can be brought against absolutely any capitalist in Russia and the republics of the former USSR, starting from the middle level, since all their property is the property of the Soviet working people, stolen after the victory.

But at the same time, no one laid a finger on the billions of Prokhorov, Abramovich, Deripaska, Yakunin, Miller, etc., who are getting richer by leaps and bounds! No one even mentioned the foundations of the bourgeois system and the notorious private property, which precisely made it possible for all these super-robbers to appear and exist! One the oligarch was persecuted - and many of our patriots were already overcome with joy and inspiration that we had begun a fight against the oligarchs.

That is, exactly the picture described by the authors of the article “Poroshenko’s Vendetta.” By declaring that the fight against corruption in Ukraine is impossible, because Ukrainian oligarchs will not fight with themselves, they thereby admit that the fight against corruption is impossible in bourgeois Russia. Russian oligarchs are no more stupid than their Ukrainian class brothers, and they are not their own enemies to fight against themselves.

The article by bourgeois journalists actually admits that, and even more so, eradicate it. In all bourgeois countries, large financial capital, that is, oligarchs, are now in power. For all of them destroying corruption means destroying ourselves. And therefore, while declaring in words about the fight against corruption, financial capital will in fact breed and encourage it, or use anti-corruption slogans to eliminate competitors. What we see in Ukraine and Russia.

Only the destruction of capitalism will put an end to both the power of the oligarchs and the oligarchs themselves, and therefore corruption.

N. Turaev
