Laveron 1 for women- biologically active food additive as a source of flavonoids, tannins, containing organic acids.
Combination drug plant origin activates parasympathetic inputs. An erection is maintained by blocking or inhibiting the sympathetic vasoconstrictor aspects of the arterioles in the clitoris and labia minora.
The herbal preparations included in the composition act at the level of normalization of blood flow to the genital organs in the third and fourth phases. It is very important that the influence medicinal herbs begins only in the third phase of sexual arousal, since the activation of other mechanisms not involved in the sexual process is excluded.
Laveron 1 for women It only shows its effect during sexual arousal. The drug does not affect reproductive function.

Indications for use

Preparation Laveron 1 for women used to eliminate frigidity, increase sexual receptivity in women, correct psychophysiological sexual disorders, enhancing orgasmic sensations. It is an effective regulator of neuroendocrine balance.
Recommended for enriching the emotional coloring of intimacy, heightening sensuality, and overcoming symptomatic anorgasmia.

Directions for use:
Take 1 tablet Laveron 1 for women 40 - 60 minutes before intimate contact. In difficult cases, it is possible to take two tablets at the same time. It is recommended to drink with clean water. The effect of the drug lasts up to 480 minutes. The most pronounced and lasting effect occurs when Laveron is taken for women, 1 tablet for 5 days.
Compatibility with alcohol. Laveron 1 for women is compatible with reasonable doses of alcohol. At excessive consumption alcohol may reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

Side effects:
Portability Laveron 1 for women good. In the clinical studies conducted, no discontinuations of therapy due to adverse events were observed. When the dose was increased, no undesirable effects appeared. Does not cause headaches, changes in blood pressure, and does not provoke hypertensive vascular effects. Does not provide side effects on vision (including changes in color perception). The plant extracts included in Laveron 1 for women have a positive effect on the cardiovascular, endocrine and central nervous systems, and pelvic organs.


Laveron 1 for women not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Storage conditions:
Laveron 1 for women store in a dry, dark place out of reach of children. Shelf life: 36 months. The release date is indicated on the packaging.

Release form

Laveron 1 for women - pills. Package No. 1 contains 1 (one) tablet - 500 mg.


Laveron 1 for women contains: extracts from the fruits of the American red raspberry (idaeus serious polygala), the roots of the big-flowered goat weed (Epimedium grandiflorum), the desert cistanchea (semen cistanche deserticola), the fruits of mango (mangifera indica), garlic bulbs (allium sativum), the bark of eucommia vasosifolia (encommia ulmoides), fruits of Chinese wolfberry (licium barbarum), leaves of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L.), roots of astragalus adsurgens, leaves of birch barosma (agathosma betulina), roots of rehmannia glutinosa, cinnamon tree bark (cinnamon burmanii Blume), ginkgo biloba leaves (ginko biloba).

Basic parameters


In this article you can find instructions for use medicinal product Laveron. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Laveron in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Laveron in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of impotence, stimulation of potency and increase sexual activity in men and women, including during pregnancy and lactation. Composition and interaction of the drug with alcohol.

Laveron- biologically active food supplement (BAA) in the form of sources of flavonoids, tannins, containing organic acids.

Laveron is a sexual stimulant that stimulates potency and increases sexual activity. The herbal preparations included in its composition act at the level of normalizing blood flow to the genital organs. Laveron exhibits its effect only during sexual arousal and does not affect libido and reproductive function.

Laveron has a stimulating effect equally on men and women of all age groups.

For men, the effect is manifested in an increase in erection time and the number of ejaculations, as well as in a reduction in the time of the refractory period after the end of sexual intercourse.

In women, there is an increase in the secretion of lubrication and stimulation of the urethral and bulbo-urethral glands, which leads to the production of mucus; in addition, the blood supply to the genital area increases in all age groups of both sexes.


Chinese Tree Cassia (Cinnamomum Tree) + Chinese Dodder + Longspur epimedium Leaf Extract + Chinese Wolfberry + Chinese Magnolia Fruit + Red Raspberry + Indian Lotus Seeds + Loja Bark + Garlic + Astragalus Seeds + Rose Smooth + Thuja Oriental Sailing Seeds + American Ginseng + Ginkgo Biloba + Cistanche + Roots of thin-leaved Istoda + Roots of Rehmania + Eukomia bark + Bidenate Achyrantes root extract + excipients.


  • elimination of erectile dysfunction of any etiology;
  • increasing sexual receptivity in women and men.

Release forms

Capsules 250 mg and 500 mg for men and women (sometimes mistakenly called tablets or Laveron 30).

Instructions for use and dosage regimen

Take 1 tablet 40-60 minutes before intimate contact, preferably 1 hour before meals or 1.5 hours after. Maximum dose 2 tablets.

Side effect


  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • increased nervous excitability, insomnia;
  • increased blood pressure, cardiac dysfunction, severe atherosclerosis;
  • childhood;
  • high blood pressure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

This drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding).

Use in children

Loveron is not used in children.

Special instructions

Drug interactions

Laveron is compatible with reasonable doses of alcohol. Excessive alcohol consumption may reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

Analogues of the drug Laveron

Laveron has no structural analogues of the active substance. The product contains unique natural ingredients.

Analogues pharmacological group(potency regulators):

  • Veromax;
  • Viagra;
  • Viasan LF;
  • Vigrande;
  • Vizarsin;
  • Dynamic;
  • Zyden;
  • Impaza;
  • Yohimbine Spiegel;
  • Yohimbine hydrochloride;
  • Levitra;
  • Maxigra;
  • Muse;
  • Priligy;
  • Rileys;
  • Cialis;
  • Sildenafil citrate;
  • Speman;
  • Speman forte;
  • Super Yohimbe Plus;
  • Tentex forte;
  • Testalamin;
  • Tongkat Ali Platinum;
  • Tornetis;
  • Himkolin;
  • Edex.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

Women, like men, also face certain difficulties in the sexual area. Discord in the intimate life of representatives of the beautiful part of humanity is caused by anorgasmia, low sensitivity, and frigidity. And unsatisfied sexual needs are directly reflected in the emotional and even physical well-being of beautiful ladies, changing them in a negative direction. Having addressed their problem to the doctor, patients often receive recommendations to take a bioactive supplement. Its main components are natural, and the instructions for use are clear. What is the impact on female body does this drug provide? Does it have side effects? What is its dosage and features of administration? This will be discussed in more detail below.

Composition of Laveron for women

First of all, it should be noted that Laveron for women is a bioactive supplement. It is produced by a pharmaceutical company from the USA. The release form of the drug is tablets. There are two options, differing in dosage and, consequently, methods of administration:

  • 500 mg – one package contains 3 pcs. This dosage is intended for a single dose. If you urgently need to increase sensitivity during sex;
  • 250 mg – number of tablets per package – 30 pcs. They are designed for long-term regular use.

An important feature of Laveron is the naturalness of its composition, which is characteristic of few products used to normalize and improve sexual life. The tablets do not contain flavoring additives, preservatives, dyes or other artificial substances - only ingredients of plant origin.

The drug contains a whole list of active active ingredients– extracts of plants such as:

  • Horny goat weed (root);
  • ginkgo biloba (leaves);
  • salt marsh cistanche;
  • American red raspberries (berries);
  • nettle (leaves);
  • mango (fruit);
  • zamaniha (fruits);
  • brown tree (bark);

How it works

Laveron for women is not a panacea for any sexual dysfunction. He will not be able to improve his sex life if the reason for its violation lies in various diseases or organic lesions. But if sexual violations occur due to reasons, fears or other mental factors– success is guaranteed. The supplement contains active ingredients that, by stimulating the nerve endings located in the genitals, make the sensations during sex stronger and brighter. Laveron's ingredients for women increase blood flow in the external genitalia and clitoris, promoting increased lubrication and greater pleasure from contact. However, it does not cause sexual arousal, but only intensifies existing feelings and sensations.

Indications for use

Laveron for women is characterized by a wide range of applications:

  • is an integral component of complex therapy, which is prescribed for anorgasmia not associated with organic diseases, or frigidity;
  • used in the field of increasing female sexual activity;
  • used to normalize various processes in the intimate sphere, the disruption of which is caused by psychological factors;
  • enhances emotional sensations at the time of coitus, so many women use the drug for this purpose;
  • acts as a prophylactic against ovarian inflammation and other diseases of the pelvic organs - by increasing blood circulation, the tablets counteract the stagnation of blood in them.

Instructions for use of Laveron for women

First of all, you should consult a doctor before starting to take Laveron for women, although it is a bioactive supplement. You should definitely undergo a series of tests to determine whether there are contraindications. If frigidity or anorgasmia occurs, it is more advisable to prescribe comprehensive therapeutic measures to eliminate them.

Laveron's instructions for women provide detailed description dosage and cases in which taking the drug is most appropriate:

  • 500 mg tablets are recommended for use when immediate results are needed. If the goal is to improve sensations during sex, you should take one tablet an hour or 40 minutes before contact. In case of more serious violations, it is recommended to increase the dosage by taking two tablets;
  • 250 mg tablets are used primarily during course therapy. Its duration is on average 1 month.

The recommended dose of Laveron for women is one tablet twice or three times a day. It is prescribed for serious disorders of sexual sensitivity, as well as as a prophylactic against congestion in the pelvic area.

Laveron for women- combination drug of plant origin activates parasympathetic inputs to the nervi erigentes. An erection is maintained by blocking or inhibiting the sympathetic vasoconstrictor aspects of the arterioles in the clitoris and labia minora.
The herbal preparations included in Laveron for women act at the level of normalization of blood flow to the genital organs according to Lue (1986) in the third and fourth phase. It is very important that the influence of medicinal herbs begins only in the third phase of sexual arousal, since the activation of other mechanisms not involved in the sexual process is excluded.
Laveron for women It only shows its effect during sexual arousal. The drug does not affect reproductive function.

Indications for use:
Preparation Laveron for women used to eliminate frigidity, increase sexual receptivity in women, correct psychophysiological sexual disorders, and enhance orgasmic sensations. It is an effective regulator of neuroendocrine balance.
Recommended for enriching the emotional coloring of intimacy, heightening sensuality, and overcoming symptomatic anorgasmia.

Directions for use:
Take 1 tablet Laveron for women 40 - 60 minutes before intimate contact.
In difficult cases, it is possible to take two tablets at the same time.
It is recommended to drink with clean water. The effect of the drug lasts up to 480 minutes.
The most pronounced and lasting effect occurs when Laveron is taken for women, 1 tablet for 5 days.

Side effects
In a placebo-controlled clinical trial cessation of therapy Laveron There were no adverse events noted.
When the dose was increased, no undesirable effects appeared. Laveron is non-toxic and non-addictive. Laveron does not cause headaches, changes in blood pressure, and has no side effects on vision (changes in color perception).
The plant extracts that make up Laveron have a positive effect on the cardiovascular, endocrine and central nervous systems.

It is contraindicated to take the drug Laveron for women at individual intolerance components, pregnancy and lactation.

Contraindicated for use Laveron for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Storage conditions:
In a dry place, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Release form:
Laveron for women - tablets 250 mg; 500 mg.

Laveron for women contains: extracts from the fruits of the American red raspberry (idaeus serious polygala), the roots of the big-flowered goat weed (Epimedium grandiflorum), the desert cistanchea (semen cistanche deserticola), the fruits of mango (mangifera indica), garlic bulbs (allium sativum), the bark of eucommia vasosifolia (encommia ulmoides), fruits of Chinese wolfberry (licium barbarum), leaves of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L.), roots of astragalus adsurgens, leaves of birch barosma (agathosma betulina), roots of rehmannia glutinosa, cinnamon tree bark (cinnamon burmanii Blume), ginkgo biloba leaves (ginko biloba).

Thank you

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Laveron(Loveron) is balanced dietary supplement produced by the American corporation NILEN ALLIANCE GROUP LLC. Today there is Laveron dietary supplement for men and women. The drug is used to improve sexual function, increase sensitivity in the intimate area and enrich orgasmic sensations in men and women. Laveron is produced from natural components of plant origin.

Release forms and composition

Today Laveron is available in the form of tablets in dosages of 250 mg and 500 mg. There are no Laveron candles. Tablets of 250 mg are often called “Laveron 30”, since the package contains exactly 30 pieces. Tablets of 500 mg are available in one or three pieces in a package. This is due to the fact that Laveron 250 is intended for course use, and Laveron 500 is a kind of “emergency” remedy that is taken before sexual intercourse.

Preparations Laveron 250 mg and 500 mg have the same qualitative composition, differing only in the dosage of active components. The composition of Laveron for women and men is the same and includes the following components:

  • red American raspberry extracts;
  • Horny goat weed root extract;
  • salt marsh cistanche extract;
  • mango fruit extract;
  • garlic extract;
  • Eucommia eucommia bark extract;
  • lure extract;
  • nettle leaf extract;
  • astragalus root extract;
  • birch barosma leaf extract;
  • adhesive remmannia extract;
  • cinnamon tree bark extract;
  • ginkgo biloba leaf extract.


Laveron is intended mainly to enhance emotional experiences, developing during intimate intercourse. The dietary supplement enhances sensuality and helps to cope with the problem of lack of orgasm in women and men (when a man is unable to achieve ejaculation with a good erection and prolonged sexual intercourse).

Laveron's action is due to its effect on the nerve endings located in the genitals, which reduces the threshold of sensitivity, expands the scope of susceptibility and enhances sensations during sexual intercourse.

Laveron's components normalize blood circulation in the genitals during certain phases of arousal. That is, dietary supplements do not affect the normal process of arousal, only supporting it and enhancing it at the right time. Laveron acts by activating and turning on natural excitation mechanisms, without involving other methods of regulation in this subtle process. This means that without sexual arousal at the level of the nervous system (as they say, “in the head”) Laveron will not act. The dietary supplement has its effect only when the mechanisms of sexual function are preserved. That is, if the disturbance of arousal is not caused by diseases, but, for example, by stress, painful thoughts and other similar factors, then Laveron will work perfectly. But if sexual dysfunction is based on, for example, prostatitis or other serious illness, then the drug will not work.

For men and women reproductive age Of great importance is the fact that Laveron does not affect the ability to conceive. But at the same time, the positive effect of dietary supplements on the vascular, endocrine and nervous system pelvic organs in men and women can promote conception.

Action of dietary supplement Laveron for men

Laveron represents effective drug, which eliminates erectile dysfunction. To fully and succinctly describe the effect of the drug on men, we will use a description of the most typical situations in which it will help.

So, many men, including at a young age, without having diseases of the genital organs, they were faced with the problem that sexual desire is there and very strong, but it does not work out. Such erectile dysfunction is associated with functional disorders caused by a sedentary lifestyle, the practice of interrupted sexual intercourse, nervous experiences and other factors of similar origin. It is in such cases, when there is sexual desire and there are no serious organic diseases, that Laveron will help restore a good erection. Scientifically speaking, the dietary supplement restores erection and allows the male body to respond correctly to sexual arousal. The physiological component of Laveron's action is to increase blood flow to the genital organs - the penis in men, the clitoris and labia in women.

Laveron increases sexual activity, that is, it allows you to have more sexual intercourse in a certain period of time. Also, this dietary supplement completely restores sexual activity, allowing you to make love when you want and when necessary. Men experience long-lasting orgasms.

Action of dietary supplement Laveron for women

Laveron significantly increases the sphere of sensual pleasures for women, and due to this enhances sexual receptivity. Thanks to this action of the dietary supplement, frigidity is eliminated in women.

Laveron effectively relieves sexual dysfunction in women that is caused by a psychological component, that is, stress, fear and other similar factors. In this sense, the dietary supplement is a subtle herbal regulator of the nervous, and as a result, hormonal balance.

By increasing a woman’s sexual excitability and sensuality, Laveron significantly enhances sensations during orgasm and even prolongs it. By increasing blood flow to the labia and clitoris, lubrication is activated and overall sensitivity is increased.

Indications for use

Indications for use of Laveron for men and women are shown in the table:
Indications for use for women Indications for use for men
Frigidity therapyPrevention of prostatitis
Improved sexual sensitivityComplex treatment of prostatitis
Normalization of sexual disorders caused by psychological reasonsComplex treatment of prostate adenoma
Improvement and intensification of orgasmTo enhance potency
Strengthening emotional impressions during intimate contactImproved sensitivity to sexual impulses
Increased sensitivityWith decreased libido
Treatment of anorgasmia (lack of orgasm) caused by non-organic pathologiesIncreased emotional intensity of sexual intercourse

Laveron - instructions for use

The dietary supplement Laveron is perfectly absorbed into the bloodstream when taken orally. The tablet shows its effect 50 minutes after administration. The duration of action of the dietary supplement in men and women is 6 hours. The optimal period of taking the drug is 40 – 60 minutes before intimacy. Laveron should not be combined with food; the drug should only be washed down with a glass of clean water. You must take the tablet one hour before meals, or 1.5 hours after. A small amount of alcoholic beverages is quite compatible with Laveron. These are the general principles of using Laveron. Let's consider the features of using dietary supplements in men and women separately.

Laveron for women

Laveron 500 mg is recommended to be taken occasionally, that is, “according to the situation.” For example, when a woman wants to improve the quality of sexual intercourse, receiving greater pleasure due to a powerful orgasm and hypersensitivity. In this case, Laveron 500 mg should be taken one tablet 40 - 60 minutes before the planned intimate contact. In exceptional cases, when a woman’s sexual health is severe, it is allowed to take two tablets at the same time. The maximum effect and its preservation over a long period of time occurs after taking Laveron 500 mg, one tablet, for five days.

Laveron can be taken as a course. For this purpose, Laveron 250 mg tablets are used, which are used to achieve a sustainable effect when minor signs of dissatisfaction with sexual life appear. For example, stress, an unfavorable environment or a long period of monotonous sex have dulled desire and sensations. It is in this situation that a course of use of Laveron tablets at a dosage of 250 mg is indicated. The dietary supplement is also taken one tablet 2 – 3 times a day, for one month. In addition, the dietary supplement prevents dysfunction of the ovaries and inflammatory processes in them during course use of this dietary supplement.

Laveron for men

Laveron 500 mg should be used occasionally, that is, when the need arises. This dosage is an “ambulance” remedy when you want to give yourself and your partner an unforgettable experience or there is a fear that it won’t work out. In this case, Laveron 500 mg is taken one tablet 40 - 60 minutes before planned sexual intercourse. The drug must be washed down with a glass of clean water. If necessary, you are allowed to take two tablets at the same time. Men should not take the Laveron 500 mg course.

For course use, men should also use Laveron at a dose of 250 mg. The drug must be taken one tablet 2 - 3 times a day for one month. Laveron 250 mg improves blood flow in the pelvic organs, eliminating congestion and thereby preventing prostatitis. After all, it is the stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs in men that can lead to non-infectious prostatitis. And this aseptic prostatitis creates conditions for infection, which is fraught with the development of a serious disease.

Course use of Laveron will give men the ability to make love at any time when they want or when their partner asks. Orgasms become long-lasting, with short intervals between them. Laveron 250 mg is an excellent remedy to maintain good sexual shape.


Despite the completely natural composition of Laveron, the dietary supplement has contraindications for use. The drug should not be taken under the following conditions:
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • age under 18 years;
  • hypersensitivity, allergy or intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • nervous excitability;
  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • severe stage atherosclerosis.

Side effects

Clinical trials and experience with dietary supplements have not revealed symptoms that can be considered side effects. Even with a high dose of Laveron, no undesirable effects were observed. The drug does not affect blood pressure and does not provoke the development of headaches. Also, dietary supplements do not cause disturbances in color perception and do not affect visual acuity in general.

Laveron - analogues for men and women

Today, there are other biologically active additives with similar effects on the domestic pharmaceutical market. However, these drugs contain other components:
Laveron analogues for women Laveron analogues for men
Damina forte capsulesVuka Drive capsules
Phytopan powderPhytopan powder
Phytohol capsulesPhytohol capsules
Tea RuidemenTea Ruidemen
Herbal tea NikafolVuka Vuka Tablets
Drops Feminine (Demeter)Drops Cretan bull
Milon-11 dropsCapsules Monolith
Capsules MonolithMultimen capsules
Ovariamin tabletsMail Factor 1000 capsules
Osteopan tabletsNanbao Extra capsules
Tablets Sex mini-tablettenOsteopan tablets
Yarsagumba capsulesPotencin capsules
Capsules Viardot and Viardot forteProstabin capsules
Vivital tabletsProstamen capsules
Yohimbe tabletsCapsules Prostate – Sabal
Tablets Sex mini-tabletten
SpermActin Powder
Tablets Qi-Klim AlanineCapsules Stalon and Stalon Neo
Tongkat Ali Plus capsules
Tongkat Ali Platinum capsules
Testagen capsules and tablets
Capsules Viardot and Viardot forte
Vivital tablets
Golden Horse tablets
Yohimbe tablets
Capsules Potential forte Mens formula
Super Yohimbe-Plus tablets
Tablets Likoprofit potential-formula
Doppelhertz V.I.P. capsules SpermActive
Gerimaks Ginseng Extra tablets
Tablets Qi-Klim Alanine


Since the drug can be taken by men and women, it seems appropriate to reflect reviews of both sexes on the use of Laveron.

Laveron for men – reviews. Men are less willing to share their impressions compared to women. However, most reviews about Laveron from representatives of the stronger half of humanity are positive. Men consider the effect of the drug to be good, since the dietary supplement normalizes sexual dysfunction caused by various stresses, neuroses, fears, unhealthy lifestyles, etc. Separately, there are reviews from men about the normalization of erection, violations of which were caused by numerous interrupted sexual intercourses, practiced as a way to protect against unwanted pregnancy. The fact is that interrupted sexual intercourse often leads to sexual dysfunction, stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs and, as a consequence, non-infectious prostatitis, which aggravates the problem of erection. In these situations, Laveron normalizes sexual function in almost 100% of cases.

There are some negative reviews about Laveron from men who are dissatisfied with the weak, in their opinion, effect. The drug does not cause persistent sexual arousal, like Viagra or Vuka Vuka, but only enhances natural processes. In rare cases, men developed diarrhea, causing them to refuse sexual intercourse. In this situation, naturally, there was disappointment and, as a result, negative feedback.

Laveron for women - reviews.