Carob - what is it and how is it used in cooking? It is to these questions that we will devote our article.

Carob - what is this product?

Carob is the fruit of an evergreen carob, growing in the Mediterranean countries, namely - in Italy, Spain, Cyprus and so on. Raw, this product is inedible. But when unripe, it is plucked and dried in the sun, it becomes very sweet and tasty. Outwardly, carob is not much different from ordinary cocoa powder, except for a shade of brown. However, it is richer and sweeter in taste. In addition, a significant difference between the two presented products is that packaged carob does not contain flavors and other chemicals that are often added to cocoa powder, chocolate, and so on.

One cannot ignore the fact that the carob tree, which gives such a useful product, is not susceptible to diseases of the wood sponge. In this regard, it is never sprayed with chemicals, which is a huge plus for the finished powder.

Historical reference

IN Ancient Greece carob was known as the "Egyptian fig". Such hard and smooth leguminous seeds had absolutely identical weight and shape. Because of this, for a long time they acted as a measure of mass under the Arabic name "carat". It should be noted that this fractional unit of measure is still used today (in jewelry and pharmaceuticals).

Product Features

Carob - what is this product? Having answered the question posed, one should proceed to find out whether this ingredient is useful, or whether it is undesirable to eat it.

Not everyone knows, but this powder is surprisingly rich in natural dietary fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora. In addition, unlike cocoa beans, it is much sweeter and does not require the additional use of refined sugar during the preparation of any dessert. So what are the other benefits of a product like carob? The benefits of this powder are as follows.

Firstly, it contains a huge amount of minerals (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, nickel, copper, manganese, barium) and vitamins (A, B2, B and D). At the same time, carob is 8% protein.

Secondly, the presented product significantly reduces the absorption of excess cholesterol during meals. It is also worth noting that the hypocholesterol ability of carob is 2 times stronger than that of other dietary fibers.

Thirdly, unlike cocoa and coffee, such a powder does not contain psychotropic substances, namely theobromine and caffeine, which are present in all chocolate products and quite often cause allergic reactions and addiction.

Fourthly, carob (recipes with this product will be presented below) does not include in its composition such a substance as phenylthylamine, which causes migraines and headaches, as well as fromamine, which contributes to the appearance of an allergic rash, acne.

Fifth, there is no carob, which prevents the body from accumulating such elements necessary for healthy skin and bones as zinc and calcium. Those who prefer a regular cocoa bar to this powder often experience acne on their faces.

Sixth, carob contains complex carbohydrates, as well as tannins. As for the first element, it makes the powder more sticky, promotes rapid absorption of liquid and acts similarly to a thickener. The tannins of this product bind toxins, and then remove them from the body.

Thus, if you hear the question: "Carob - what is this product?" - you can safely answer that this ingredient is an analogue of cocoa, but it is sweeter and more beneficial for the body.

Application in cooking

This powder is a good substitute for granulated sugar and cocoa in confectionery and chocolate products.

Carob is actively used in the manufacture of dark and without changing their original color and smell of the final product. The use of such a product reduces the use of granulated sugar. In addition, the carob tree contains a substance called "resin" or "gum". Thanks to this element, the powder is very often used in cooking as a natural thickener and stabilizer.

You can find out how to use carob, where to buy this product, and other information about it below.

Product cost

For the price, this powder is not much different from the usual cocoa. However, buying it is more than problematic. It is rarely delivered to ordinary supermarkets and grocery stores. With what it is connected - it is not clear. After all, it is much healthier, sweeter and tastier than cocoa powder. If you still want to enjoy it, it is recommended to contact specialized outlets that sell various products for home baking. In addition, you can search for carob in online stores.

Carob: recipes for various pastries and drinks

The presented product can be used not only for the preparation of various pastries, but also to make drinks from it. Consider a few recipes that you can use to create delicious, and most importantly - healthy - dishes.

Soft and tender chocolate cake

To prepare such a cake, you will need:

  • butter - 200 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1 glass;
  • fresh milk - 1 glass;
  • thick kefir - 1 cup;
  • wheat flour - 4 cups;
  • carob - 4 large spoons;
  • table soda - ½ dessert spoon (be sure to quench with vinegar);
  • raisins - 1 cup.

Cooking process

First you need to melt the butter, add carob, and then add milk and kefir. After mixing all the components together, it is necessary to lay out wheat flour, steamed raisins and table soda, slaked apple cider vinegar. As a result, you should get a not very thick base, which must be placed in greased molds and baked in the oven for at least half an hour. These chocolate cupcakes are very sweet, tasty and with a bright aroma of carob.

Instant Candies

To make such a sweet, you need to prepare:

  • pitted prunes, dates or other dried fruits - 15-25 pieces;
  • carob (powder) - 4 large spoons;
  • milk - 1 large spoon;
  • sugar - 1 large spoon;
  • butter - 10 g.

Cooking process

First you need to make a thick glaze. To do this, heat milk, carob, butter and granulated sugar over low heat. Next, you need to dip the purchased dried fruits into the resulting mixture, place them separately on a flat plate, and then cool in the refrigerator. By the way, if you put the made icing into a small form and just freeze it, then in the end you will get very tasty and healthy carob chocolate.

How to prepare a flavored drink?

Carob drink is prepared in much the same way as ordinary cocoa or coffee from freshly ground beans. For this you will need:

  • fresh milk of low fat content - 250 ml;
  • carob powder - 1.5 table. spoons;
  • ordinary drinking water - 200 ml;
  • flower or linden honey - 1 large spoon.

Cooking process

Carob (drink recipes are presented in this article) should be added to milk from the very beginning. This is necessary so that the powder loses its lumps and becomes more tasty. Thus, it is required to combine a dairy product and ordinary drinking water in a ladle or a small saucepan, and then add carob to them, put on a not very strong fire and mix thoroughly with a large spoon. After that, you should wait for the liquid to boil, pour granulated sugar into the dishes and remove it from the stove. The main thing at the same time is not to miss the moment, since the drink can very quickly and unexpectedly “run away”. Next, you need to add a spoonful of honey to the ladle and pour the drink into a large bowl. It should be served hot or slightly chilled.

How to make tasty carob tea?

Above, we described exactly how to prepare delicious drinks from such a powder product as carob. Tea from this ingredient is no less useful. After all, with its regular use, a person receives the charge and energy he needs. Unlike conventional tea leaves, crushed locust beans contain essential minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, sodium, zinc and manganese. In addition, this excellent taste is quite strongly reminiscent of compote made from dried fruits. It also has a pronounced spicy and delicate aroma and a slightly perceptible sweetness. The presence of a huge amount of useful substances, minerals and vitamins in carob tea makes it indispensable in the daily diet.

Cooking process

Making tea from crushed carob pods is quite easy and simple. To do this, you need to take a clay or porcelain one, rinse it with boiling water and pour in a couple of tablespoons of carob. Next, the product must be poured with just boiling water, mixed with a spoon, tightly closed and left for a quarter of an hour. After that, you can safely pour the tea and serve it to the table.

  1. There is no need to look for any specific recipes in which this product can be used. After all, it is allowed to add it to any sweet pastries or confectionery. If you want to use cocoa or chocolate in them, then it's okay. These products should simply be replaced with carob, which will not affect the taste and quality of the final product.
  2. As for drinks, they can be given to children without any fear. Moreover, by adding ingredients such as vanilla, honey, etc., you can achieve a richer taste and aroma.
  3. It is not necessary to make tea only from crushed carob. After all, it can also be used as an additive to a black or green brew product. This method will make the tea ceremony more useful and will not leave any of your guests indifferent.

In conclusion, I would like to say that carob is not a panacea and a drug. But if those people who cannot imagine life without chocolate, cocoa or coffee will use this particular product more often, then their health and well-being will improve significantly.

Carob is an overseas miracle product that has long been loved by zealots healthy eating and fans of culinary experiments. Why is carob useful and how can it be used to improve familiar dishes?

Sweet gift of nature

Outwardly, carob is a flat long pod with brown beans inside. These are the fruits of the carob tree, which grows in the Mediterranean countries. Raw seeds are absolutely unsuitable for food. How is carob used? The beans are gently dried in the sun and ground into a powder. At first glance, it practically does not differ from dry cocoa, except that it has a lighter brown tint. But the taste of carob is much sweeter. It is only this natural sweetness that makes the product so useful. It is enough to compare the calorie content of carob and cocoa. 100 g of carob contains 222 kcal, while cocoa contains as much as 374 kcal.

Use pantry

The chemical composition of carob impresses with an abundance of useful elements. It contains a fair amount of potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper and manganese. It is rich in vitamins A, group B and D. The protein present in carob reduces cholesterol intake. Slow carbohydrates provide the body with energy for a long time. Tannins bind and remove toxins. The beneficial properties of carob include the fact that it is devoid of caffeine. Which means high pressure, depletion of nerve cells and addiction do not threaten you, even with frequent use. Unlike chocolate, there are no harmful substances in carob that cause acne and allergies.

Not an ounce of harm

How is carob used in cooking? Mainly as a sugar substitute in homemade cakes and desserts. Mix 100 g of wheat and oatmeal, 2 tbsp. l. rye flour and 1 tsp. baking powder. Here we pour 2 tbsp. l. carob, ½ tsp. cinnamon and turmeric, ¼ tsp each crushed cloves and cardamom. Pour into the dry mixture 100 ml boiled water and 3 st. l. vegetable oil, 200 g medium chopped nuts of your choice. We knead the dough, form the same gingerbread and send it to the oven preheated to 180 ° C for 20-25 minutes. Let them cool and brush with honey. This simple but delicious dessert can be enjoyed even with diabetes. Carob makes it useful and completely harmless.

tropical vortex

How to cook a treat with, any pastry chef will tell you. With it, they make delicious icing, for example, for cupcakes. Puree with a blender a mixture of 200 g of pitted dates, a ripe banana and 100 ml of orange juice. Pour 130 ml of coconut or any other vegetable oil into it. Pour out 250 g of flour with 1 tsp. soda, a pinch of vanilla and knead the dough. Pour into muffin tins and bake for 30 minutes at 180°C. Meanwhile, rub ½ banana with 2 tbsp. l. coconut oil and 1 tbsp. l. carob. Lubricate the tops of cupcakes with this icing and decorate with berries. If there are vegetarians in your family, they will be the first to approve this dessert.

Pleasant trifles

There is also a great way to prepare carob for those who are crazy about gourmet sweets. Melt 10 g of butter over low heat. Pour in 1 tbsp. l. cream and honey, pour 4 tbsp. l. carob and continue cooking. Scald with boiling water 70 g of prunes, dry and finely chop. We send it to a saucepan with coffee icing, flavor it with 1 tsp. cinnamon and a pinch of ginger, mix well. We send it to the refrigerator for 2 hours. We make round sweets from the chilled mass, sprinkle with fine almond crumbs and send to the refrigerator overnight. You will get a wonderful dessert for a friendly party.

Cheerful morning without caffeine

Delicious fruit smoothie. We soak a handful of raw almonds in water overnight, and in the morning we clean them from the skin. So the drink will taste better and be absorbed much better. We put a ripe banana, cut into circles, a cup of frozen raspberries and peeled almonds in a blender bowl. Add here 150 ml of coconut milk, 3 tbsp. l. carob and beat the ingredients into a homogeneous airy mass. Pour the smoothie into glasses, sprinkle with crushed hazelnuts. Such a hearty cocktail will be a great start to the day and charge the body with fresh energy.

We hope that your acquaintance with carob was not in vain for you. If so, it's time to move from theory to practice. And if you have long discovered this wonderful product, share interesting recipes with his participation.

An edible novelty, carob, which is gaining popularity among nutritionists and those with a sweet tooth, is a healthy alternative to everyone’s favorite chocolate and cocoa, and is used as a sugar substitute in the confectionery industry. Let's take a closer look at the properties of the product in the article, evaluate its beneficial qualities and try to find out if carob can harm the human body.

Nature of origin

Most often, carob is a powder prepared from the fruit of the tree. ceratonia, or otherwise carob tree strewn with bean pods.

The history of the use of the fruits of the tree for food is estimated at several thousand years. A valuable sweet powder is prepared from the fruits of the tree, and syrup is produced from the juice. The scope of products is quite wide from medicine to cooking, they are also used by nutritionists when compiling programs. proper nutrition for overweight people.

In terms of taste, carob is very similar to the well-known cocoa, but using different levels roasting, you can achieve a completely different aftertaste. The product is considered dietary, based on 50 grams of powder it comes out approximately 110 kilocalories, which is 2 times lower than that of cocoa. In terms of its beneficial properties, light pink fruits, originally from the Mediterranean, were also able to surpass the popular hot drink.

Healthy sweetness

Exotic beans have a lot of positive effects for the human body, we list the most important of them.

  • Strong antioxidant action allows you to slow down the aging process and protect epidermal cells from premature destruction by blocking free radicals.
  • No caffeine content makes carob drink safe for hypertensive patients, children and pregnant women.
  • Product not addictive And does not affect mood swings drink has a calming effect on nervous system person.
  • Low Fat in the composition of the powder made the product incredibly popular among nutritionists, the same quality allows the product to be kept fresh for a long time. Sucrose and fructose act as sweeteners, so the drink can be consumed even by people suffering from diabetes, but this must be done with caution and not abused.
  • The fruits of the carob tree are storehouse of vitamins groups A, B, C and E, thiamine, choline, folic acid, niacin, riboflavin, as well as useful minerals, amino acids and trace elements: iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, selenium, potassium. The uniqueness of the product lies in the easy and quick assimilation of all of the above.
  • The presence of fiber in the composition of the powder contributes to normalization of the digestive process and cleanse the body of waste and toxins. Carob is effective in combating the effects of poisoning (vomiting and diarrhea). Has a powerful antiseptic effect.
  • Promotes cholesterol lowering And vessel cleansing, which means that the drink will be useful for people who know how to have cardiovascular diseases or a predisposition to them.
  • Allows control hunger and reduce appetite. A hot mug of carob is a great afternoon snack alternative for a dieter or nutritionist.
  • Hypoallergenic product: children and adults who are allergic to chocolate can now enjoy its healthy and tasty counterpart with pleasure. A worthy replacement for cocoa beans has finally been found.
  • An excellent tool for enhancing male libido and improving potency (requires regular intake of the product).

In search of harmful properties

The paradox of carob is that until today no serious side effects as a result of using the product. But a number of recommendations for use can still be given.

  • People suffering diabetes, you should eat carob as carefully as possible. Despite the fact that the composition contains acceptable ingredients, a drink drunk on an empty stomach can easily provoke a jump in blood sugar. Therefore, know the measure and do not consume more than 1.5-2 teaspoons of carob during the day.
  • People with lactose deficiency it is important not to mix carob with milk. Fructose in the powder or syrup of carob, in combination with milk, can cause severe diarrhea.
  • In the presence of diseases of the kidneys, liver and stomach, you should be careful about drinking a sweet drink. If the body reacts negatively to acid (in any of its manifestations), then eating 1 tablespoon of liquid carob on an empty stomach will reduce appetite and reduce the desire to eat something sweet.
  • In extremely rare cases it is possible individual intolerance individual components in the product.
  • Like any new product, carob should be included in the diet. gradually, starting with a minimum daily dose of half a teaspoon of dry or liquid product.

We choose, store and cook correctly

When choosing a healthy sweet, pay special attention to the manufacturer of the product, the best carob is supplied by Spain, Italy, Turkey and Portugal. The color scheme of the powder varies from light to dark pink, depending on the degree of roasting of the fruit. The aroma is delicate and pleasant, reminiscent of a bit of a nut, and the taste of carob can be described as sweet and sour or sour caramel.

In pods, it is advisable to store carob in a glass container and in a cool, dark place. Such a product retains all its beneficial features over the course of three years. But powder sweetness is recommended to be stored in a two-layer package, where the first layer is foil, and the second is a paper or cardboard bag. It is permissible to store such a product for up to one and a half years.

Preparing a healthy hot drink from carob is quite simple. To do this, a teaspoon of the powder is dissolved in 100 milliliters of boiling water. The dissolved carob is then mixed with vegetable milk from seeds and nuts, for example. The drink is ready. Great alternative to cocoa.

In custody

Summing up, I would like to say that healthy sweetness, undoubtedly exists, it is no longer a dream of a sweet tooth and not even a fantasy, but a wonderful reality of our days. Your daily diet can now be made richer and more varied by replacing chocolate, sugar and cocoa powder or carob syrup. Due to such a simple and, at the same time, useful manipulation, it is possible to qualitatively improve the taste properties of many dishes. Now it is so easy to delight children with hypoallergenic sweet desserts, and adults will like interesting hot drinks from carob. Bon appetit!

People's love for chocolate can be compared to a strong addiction, it is difficult to refuse sweet products even in those cases when a state of health requires it. Fortunately, since recently, nutritionists have become aware of such a product as carob. The benefits and harms of the unique composition have been carefully studied by experts who are now actively promoting it to the masses. Having become acquainted with the properties of the food ingredient, and having tried it in practice, many people are happy to switch to it, abandoning cocoa-based products.

Carob - product description

Carob is a powder that is obtained from the fruit of the carob tree. It has been mined for about 5000 years, but it began to be used in dietary nutrition not so long ago, immediately establishing itself as an excellent analogue of cocoa and chocolate. The product is increasingly replacing sugar in the culinary industry. The product is even added to antitussive drugs and other medicines in order to improve their taste.

In terms of taste, carob is somewhat reminiscent of cocoa. Its aftertaste may vary depending on the characteristics of the roast. Externally, the powder is unremarkable, has a pale pink tint. In terms of chemical composition, it even surpasses the well-known chocolate drink.

The carob tree was originally found in the Mediterranean regions, over time it began to be cultivated in other countries. The plant is able to do without water for a long time, which does not affect how it bears fruit. When buying products, you should pay attention to the country of origin. The highest quality is distinguished by carob, which is produced in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Australia and Cyprus.

Useful properties of carob

The rich chemical composition of carob determines its beneficial properties. Some of them can even be regarded as medicinal. Regular use of the product in any of its types can guarantee the following results:

  • Powder products prolong youth due to the abundance of antioxidants in it. By acting on free radicals, the substances in their composition not only slow down the aging process, but also reduce the risk of developing pathological processes that can lead to cancer.

Tip: First of all, people suffering from high blood pressure, pregnant women and children should switch to carob. The absence of caffeine in the composition allows you to safely introduce the product into the diet of these groups of people.

  • Carob powder does not contain addictive substances (unlike chocolate and its derivatives). It also does not contain theobromine, due to which the rejection of cocoa-based products leads to mood swings and even depression. Such products, on the contrary, have calming properties.
  • Carob is not as high fat as cocoa. Its sweetness comes from the presence of sucrose. Due to these features, the product can be considered dietary. Even the absence of fats allows the product to stay fresh and pleasant for a longer time. Even if the storage conditions are violated, it does not become rancid and does not acquire an unpleasant aroma.
  • All vitamins and minerals, which are many in the composition of carob, are easily and almost completely absorbed by the body. This ensures the launch of biochemical processes at all levels.
  • is contained in a unique product in a small amount, but this is enough to improve the digestion process and actively remove toxins from the body.
  • Regular consumption of carob in any form helps to remove harmful cholesterol from the blood. This allows you to use the product to reduce the likelihood of developing pathologies from the heart and blood vessels.
  • The carob tree product controls the synthesis of adrenaline, therefore it can reduce appetite. Drinking a cup of the composition for lunch or afternoon tea, you can get rid of the habit of eating high-calorie meals at this time.

And chocolate is one of the foods that provokes allergies. Carob also compares favorably with its counterparts in this. Intolerance to an ingredient is extremely rare, but before introducing it into the diet on an ongoing basis, you still need to check the body's reaction to it.

Types of carob and their features

Today, carob can be found in many different forms. Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

  • Pods. A very convenient option for storing products, which allows you to save useful substances in it in full. Before use, the pods only need to be broken and ground in a coffee grinder. The resulting composition is usually used to prepare a flavored drink. It can be brewed in a Turk like ground coffee.

  • Powder. May be raw, i.e. not fried. Such a product is distinguished by maximum sweetness, and in its taste it is not at all like. Lightly roasted powder gives out a mild caramel flavor and the presence of a slight sourness. A medium roasted composition is the darkest in color and may contain the bitter taste of dark chocolate. Blanks are usually used for making pancakes, fritters, and various pastries.

  • Syrup. Acts as a natural sweetener. It contains quite a lot of sugar, but all useful substances are stored in a volume sufficient to obtain positive effects.

When choosing a suitable product form, it is necessary to take into account the composition, taste and purpose of the product. If one of the types of carob causes a negative response from the body, other types of product will also have to be abandoned.

Where can you buy carob

If desired, carob can be found on the Internet, a hypermarket, or even the most ordinary store. In order not to purchase low-quality products, it is better to give preference to such places of sale:

  • Sports nutrition stores.
  • Health food stores.
  • Shops offering products for vegans and.
  • Tea and coffee shops.

In such specialized departments, the likelihood of acquiring real carob without additives is much higher. With the growing popularity of the product, the cases of selling fakes began to increase. It is worth considering that the lowest cost is for medium roasted powder. Raw products can cost twice as much.

The harm of carob and its danger

Real and high-quality carob cannot harm the body, but only if it is not abused. There are no maximum dosages of the product; it is enough to adequately assess your feelings in order to prevent overeating. True, in this case nothing terrible will happen, only slight fluctuations in blood sugar levels will occur, and appetite may disappear for some time.

The only precaution when using carob is that it should not be included in the diet of people with diabetes. Even natural sugar in the composition of the product can provoke negative changes in the blood test. In extreme cases, you will have to limit yourself to fried powder. It has the lowest sugar content.

Carob can replace chocolate and cocoa, but you should not try to compensate for all existing desserts with them. After some time, the products will simply begin to bother and cease to bring gastronomic pleasure. This can cause a breakdown and a return to irregular chocolate consumption.

Carob is a powder obtained from dried carob pods and used as a substitute for cocoa powder for people with a contraindication to caffeine intake. The same name refers to the fruits of ceratonia pods, and sometimes this plant itself.

Ceratonia leguminous (other names are carob tree or Tsaregrad pods) is an evergreen plant of the legume family, capable of reaching twelve meters in height and having a wide spreading crown. Ceratonia grows in the Mediterranean countries, characterized by a mild and humid subtropical climate.

The name "ceratonia" comes from the Greek word, which in translation into Russian means "horn", since the curved shape of the mature pods of this plant really resembles horns. The length of brown non-opening pods, which emit a slight yeasty smell when broken, can reach twenty-five centimeters.

Full maturation of sweet horns occurs during the whole year. Inside them are not only flat and hard seeds, but also a sweet juicy pulp, half consisting of sugar. Freshly harvested carob is completely inedible. Having collected them, they are first dried under the hot rays of the sun, and then subjected to prolonged drying. Only after that they acquire their unique taste and special sweetness.

  • The ancient Greeks called carob pods Egyptian wine berries (or figs), because they came to Greece from Asia Minor.
  • Carob seeds, which have a unique mass constancy (0.2 grams), were used by the ancient Romans as a measure of weight, called carat (everything from the same Greek word) and used when weighing gold.
  • It was Constantinople pods and the honey of wild bees that served as the only food for John the Baptist, who carried his mission in the desert. For the same reason, the sweet fruits of the carob tree were formerly called "John's bread", and the plant itself was called the tree of John the Baptist.
  • The prodigal son, the hero of a well-known biblical parable, also ate carob pods.
  • Seeds of sweet pods have been eaten by wild and domestic animals since time immemorial.

Features of the chemical composition

The benefits of carob are directly related to the useful substances contained in it:

  • A large amount of vegetable fiber has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines and the state of its microflora.
  • A wide range of macro- and microelements has the most positive effect on the functioning of all organs and systems of the human body.
  • Carob is distinguished by the richness of the vitamin range, represented by vitamins D, A, B and B2.
  • Carob has a high sugar content (up to 50%), so that meals and drinks intended for diabetic patients do not require additional sweetening.
  • Tannins, which are part of carob, have the ability to deactivate the action of toxins that are dangerous to human health.

Useful properties of carob

The beneficial properties of carob largely depend on the form in which it is used.

  • Raw carob is a light-colored powder with a sweet, nutty flavor that doesn't taste like cocoa at all. Raw carob powder is added in the manufacture of pastries and sweets, and they do this to replace refined (and therefore extremely harmful) sugar, and not cocoa.
  • Roasted carob has a completely different taste. It loses the sweetness inherent in natural powder, acquires a slight bitterness and a darker color. In this respect, it resembles cocoa powder. In the manufacture of pastries, roasted carob is added to replace cocoa. The degree of roasting of carob varies.

Not fried carob, which avoided the stage of heat treatment, is much more beneficial for the human body.

Regular consumption of raw carob helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels, which has a beneficial effect on a significant improvement in well-being.

Why is carob healthier than chocolate?

Carob chocolate, as well as products made from it, are much healthier for the human body than chocolate made from cocoa beans, and here's why:

  • Carob does not contain theobromine and caffeine - powerful psychostimulants that can cause a strong addiction to chocolate made from cocoa beans, so it is recommended for people suffering from mood swings and having a weak psyche. When eating chocolate from carob, there are no jumps in mood, and the process itself does not overload the central nervous system.
  • Caffeine is not recommended for pregnant women, so caffeine-free carob chocolate will come to the rescue of expectant mothers who cannot imagine a day without chocolate.
  • The absence of caffeine, which has a diuretic effect and contributes to the leaching of ascorbic acid and vitamin B from the body, is another plus that makes carob extremely useful product for patients suffering from diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Carob products (unlike chocolate) do not contain oxalic acid, which, by interfering with the absorption of zinc and potassium, can cause teenage acne. People who consume products containing carob, on the contrary, have beautiful and healthy skin.
  • Carob does not contain phenylethylamine, which can trigger a migraine attack.
  • Carob does not contain vegetable fats at all, which allows it to be used in dietary nutrition. For the same reason, carob retains its beneficial properties for a long time: it does not become rancid, does not deteriorate and has a long shelf life.
  • The calorie content of carob is 222 kcal, which is almost half the calorie content of a chocolate bar, so eating carob sweets is preferable for people who are watching their weight.
  • Unlike chocolate, which can aggravate the symptoms of diarrhea, carob can alleviate the patient's condition.

Where is carob used?

The taste and texture of carob is similar to cocoa powder. The only exception is the aroma, which has a nutty hue and is not particularly intense. For a number of other indicators, carob is an excellent substitute for cocoa.

Like cocoa, carob allows you to achieve the necessary density and viscosity of the finished product. In addition, the surface of the products made from it has an attractive sheen. This is explained by the presence of gum (plant resin) in the carob, which has the properties of an excellent thickener and stabilizer. From carob you can cook:

  • Bars and sweets.
  • Sweet tiles.
  • Confectionery glazes.
  • All kinds of cocktails.
  • Compotes.
  • Liqueurs.
  • Chocolate paste.
  • Condensed milk.
  • Chocolate dough.
  • Dessert.
  • Various pastries.
  • Carob tea is a delicious and healthy drink made from carob, which tastes like the usual dried fruit compote.

Carob is used to make medicines, intended for the treatment of colds, accompanied by a strong cough, as well as for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders and to activate the immune system.

Carob is fed by Cypriot farmers to livestock: it is a very inexpensive, profitable and nutritious source of nutrients for them.

Carob seeds are a raw material for the production of ceratonia cauliflower gum, without which the production of many types of confectionery products is unthinkable in our time.

Contraindications to the use of carob

Can carob harm the human body? The centuries-old experience of using this product shows that it has practically no contraindications. The only exception is the presence of individual intolerance to both individual components of the fruit, and the entire pod as a whole.
Harm from the use of carob fruits may consist in the development of a strong allergic reaction, therefore, when you first include carob in your diet, you should be consistent and careful, adding a new product in small portions.

You can buy carob in health food stores and on websites specializing in the sale of healthy products by paying for the purchase in cash, using bank card or electronic money.