The law regulating the state registration of information on land plots was adopted in 2007. Such information is now mandatory to be entered into a unified cadastre.

Since then, many have been interested in how to obtain the necessary information in the form established by law. The cadastral extract is the main document issued by the Federal Service of Rosreestr and State Registration.

An extract is received in order to solve one or at once several of the following tasks:

  1. Clarify the availability of information about a specific example of real estate in and which is assigned to this object.
  2. If you need to dispute it.
  3. Assess whether the tax for the use of this property is correctly levied.
  4. If necessary, enter into the register information about the capital construction project being built on the site.
  5. Clarify, change.
  6. Spend .
  7. Prepare a full package of land management documents, etc.

What information does it contain?

The document consists of several forms, each of which provides information on the site in one direction or another.

  1. KV1. Information regarding the species. There is data on the category and area of ​​land, unique address, owner, unique number.
  2. KV2. A plan of the territory along with communication buildings and other objects on the territory.
  3. KV3 and KV4 are forms available only in situations where there is information about land surveying. If this condition is not met, you can count on receiving the KV1 form.
  4. KV5 - schematic location of the site, including directional corners and addresses of other sites, with information on owners, addresses and surnames.
  5. KV6. Information about turning points on the site. Describes methods of fastening using a coordinate system in XY planes.

About ways to apply for an extract and receive a document

You can obtain the document from the territorial departments (technical inventory bureau). In addition, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rostekhinventarizatsiya is responsible for this issue. The main thing is to imagine title documents.

There are several ways to receive an extract:

  1. Through a personal appeal to the government agency at the location of the object(branch of the MFC or Rosreestr). To get an appointment, you need to take a ticket and stand in line. A specialist will help you fill out the application and determine how many copies of the cadastral extract are needed. You can get a maximum of 5 copies. If information about the object is present in the register, the extract is issued within a maximum of 5 working days after contact. To 20 working days The deadlines are extended if initial registration is required. Then you can receive documents in response either during a new personal visit or by mail. During initial registration, only personal delivery is possible.
  2. By written request. It is sent to the same territorial authority, by regular mail or electronically. State duty - as usual. It is enough to fill out an application in the prescribed form. When sending an application by mail, the signature of the applicant must be certified by a notary. The original working documents will be responded to within a maximum of 5 working days, if you do everything right. An excellent option for those who do not want to waste time in queues.
  3. Using the services of an intermediary. The main requirement is to have a higher legal education or experience in preparing documents. Such a person acts on the basis of documents provided by the client, under his personal power of attorney.
  4. Through the website Just select the “Electronic Services” section on the main page. There you can leave a request for information. Once your request is received, you will receive an email with instructions on how to pay.


How much does the document cost? One copy in paper form – 400 rubles. This is the price of state duty. Legal entities will pay for an extract 1200 rubles.

Extracts in electronic form are for physical persons - 150 rubles, for legal entities. persons - 300 rub.

Payment of the state duty is made by electronic or postal transfer, in one of the Sberbank branches (or through Sberbank Online), on the State Services website, through Rosreestr.

Payment must be made within a month from the date of application. If the amount deposited was more than required, you can issue a refund upon application.

How long does it last?

According to current legislation, The document does not have a specific validity period, according to the Federal Law “On the State Real Estate Cadastre” No. 221-FZ. It was released in the summer of 2007.

Inventory is carried out in the cadastral chamber every five years, which is why the cadastral value of registered plots changes. This is the reason that the information in the cadastral extract itself becomes invalid.

How is it different from an extract from the cadastral passport for an apartment?

An extract from the cadastre for an apartment may contain other information, because the property is different. Otherwise, this is the same document of an informational nature.

It can only be issued for objects that are already registered. Cadastral extracts may contain information that the object has not yet been registered, or that it has ceased to exist altogether.

Explanations about the purpose and methods of issuing an extract - in the video

Why do you need an extract and what features of a land plot can you find out just by ordering this document?

The state is showing increased interest in transactions with real estate.

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The practical expression of such attention was the formation of a systematized set of all transactions, its changes, and transactions.

Any citizen or legal entity can, if necessary, receive part of this information in the form of an extract from the State Property Committee.

What is it?

An extract from the State Property Committee is a document containing the most complete amount of information about a specific property.

The need to obtain it arises when:

  • making almost all transactions with property;
  • judicial resolution of disputes.

An extract from the cadastre gives the most complete picture of real estate, its location, size, cost, owners, etc.

Where and how to get it?

The only source for obtaining an extract is. Since it is this Federal Service that is responsible for maintaining the State Control Committee.

It also provides government services for the provision of information contained in the cadastre.


You can obtain the document:

  • by personal contact;
  • using the electronic application form on the website.

Depending on where you want to submit the extract, it can be issued in the form of:

  • paper document;
  • electronic archive containing files.

Extract from the state real estate cadastre

Obtaining an extract from the cadastre may be required not only by the property owner.

Since most of this information is freely available, anyone can request an extract to make sure that this object really exists, has a legal owner, etc.

For a plot of land

Until 2007, information about land plots was contained in the Land Registry. But then a more consolidated resource was created - the State Real Estate Cadastre.

That is, a cadastral passport of a land plot and an extract from the state real estate cadastre must be obtained in the same way as similar documents for an apartment or house - from Rosreestr. But its content will be different. In particular, it will contain information about boundaries.

Why is it needed?

An extract is required when making such property transactions with real estate as:

  • purchase and sale;
  • donation;
  • acceptance of inheritance;
  • insurance;
  • pledge;
  • establishment of easements, etc.

From the cadastral passport

It is possible to obtain two documents from Rosreestr for a land plot:

  • cadastral passport;
  • cadastral extract.

An extract is necessary for carrying out boundary work, but a passport is most often required when making transactions. Despite the similarity of names, the documents differ in the completeness of the information presented.

The extract contains more information than the passport. Moreover, when filling out an application, you can indicate which sections are of interest to the applicant.

But getting it costs twice as much. Therefore, if only a passport is enough to complete a transaction, then obtaining an extract is not mandatory.

The extract contains the following information:

  • cadastral number of the request object;
  • his exact address;
  • information about the registration of the right to it;
  • establishment of encumbrances;
  • appointment;
  • object area.

What does it look like?

The extract is a document consisting of six forms (sections). They are designated KV1-KV6.

First comes general information about the object. Then his plan, then - information about the encumbrances.

If we are talking about a plot of land, then plans of its parts (most often buildings), a description of the boundaries, and coordinates are attached.


A sample extract can be presented on information stands in the offices of Rosreestr or the premises of the MFC. It is also available on the official website of Rosreestr.

Information about exactly what the document looks like will not hurt those who draw up such a document through intermediary companies.


To obtain the necessary information from the State Property Committee, you must follow the following algorithm:

  1. Determine the type of document required.
  2. Choose a method to submit a request and receive a result.
  3. Pay the state fee.
  4. Submit a request.
  5. Wait for the result.

How to order?

Today, you can order an extract from the State Tax Committee in several ways:

  • by making an appointment with Rosreestr;
  • submit a request to the MFC;
  • send an application by mail;
  • obtain the necessary information on the Rosreestr website.

Required documents

To obtain an extract, a request (application) will be required. You will also need to confirm your identity. To do this, you will need a passport or other similar document.

If information is required that is accessible only to the owner of the property, then a certificate of state registration of such right may be required. Although this information is also contained in the State Property Committee.


The request form can be obtained during a personal visit to the Rosreestr office. Or download it from the website of this federal service, fill it out and bring it in ready-made form.

The form can be obtained from the MFC. When applying electronically, you only need to fill out the form provided.

Online (via the Internet)

The ability to receive statements online is a modern way of providing government services. In this case, the document will be provided at the applicant’s choice in electronic or paper form. This must be reflected in the application.

In the first case, the file will be sent by email via the Internet, and in the second - to the specified address by Russian Post.

What is the price?

Receiving an extract from the State Tax Committee is a public service. Like most of these services, it is paid.

When applying in person, you will need to present a receipt, and if you order an extract on the website, then pay for the service in advance.

State duty

The state fee for obtaining a cadastral extract is 400 rubles for citizens and 1,200 rubles for legal entities.

You can pay it:

  • via online banking;
  • from a teller at a bank branch;
  • through a payment terminal, which is installed directly at the Rosreestr or MFC branch.

The state duty rates for individuals are as follows:

Validity period

The cadastral extract has no validity period. However, it is worth considering that it reflects the state of the object that exists at the time the document is issued.

Therefore, when making most real estate transactions, it is good to have a recent extract with you, received immediately before signing the documents.

Public information

Currently, cadastral extracts for land plots, as well as any other real estate, are not issued. This is due to the fact that the cadastral register (GKN) and the register of rights (USRE) have been combined into a single database since 2017 with the adoption of Federal Law-218. This was done to protect against fraud in the real estate market.

Now all the information that was previously contained in the cadastral extract is included in the extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. This is a multifunctional document that not only replaced the certificate of ownership, but also included the most important cadastral information.

Contents of the cadastral extract

The plan of the land plot, which is contained in the extract, displays its boundaries on the ground. If necessary, additional objects are added to the presented diagram to better understand the location of the site.

The site diagram is made manually or automatically. If necessary, separate parts of the land plot using an enlarged scale. In relation to a multi-contour section, characteristic boundary points on the ground are prescribed.

The image can be placed on several sheets if it does not fit on one. The scale attribute specifies the scale of the diagram (plan) of a plot of land.

A cadastral extract is special information that is prepared based on the requests of applicants. This document must fully comply with them.

What kind of document is this?

The cadastre extract must contain all information about any property: non-residential or residential building, land plot. In the latter case, it must be included in the list. You can get it from Rosreestr.

What is a cadastral passport?

If you are interested in what a cadastral extract is, then you will definitely need to find out about a special passport, which contains all the available information about the property that is in the State Property Committee. At the same time, the cadastre passport must fully comply with all norms and rules. Today, there is a special form that is used to register rights to a particular property. It should be remembered that a cadastral passport is necessary in order to carry out transactions. Information on the object both in the passport and in the extract can be exactly the same.

As a rule, a cadastral extract has an unlimited validity period, but in most cases, if you want to make a transaction on this real estate, the notary will ask you to update the data. This is explained by the fact that over time the characteristics of an object can change greatly.

Why do you need a cadastre extract?

As a rule, it is necessary in the following cases:

  1. If you need to create boundaries on a land plot or draw up relevant land management documents.
  2. If you need to clarify the area of ​​the site and its established boundaries.
  3. If it is necessary to register any object on the site for capital construction.
  4. To check whether the land tax was compiled correctly.
  5. To get accurate information about the cost of the plot.
  6. To clarify whether the State Property Committee has information about this property.

how and where?

Where can I get a cadastral extract for any type of premises (non-residential and residential)? This can be done in a special technical inventory bureau (abbreviated as BTI). You can find its territorial representative offices in literally every city. By the way, a passport is also issued right away. Also, a cadastral extract is issued by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rostekhinventarizatsiya. You should remember that in order to receive it, you must submit a whole package of official documents that confirm your right to own the premises.

You also need to remember that the cadastre extract is issued only in the territorial representative office to which this object belongs. You must provide a certificate of state registration of land, a purchase and sale or lease agreement. You must submit a formal application for an extract.

What methods are there to apply for an extract?

An interesting fact is that today you can submit an application to order a passport or cadastre extract in different ways. Everyone chooses exactly the one that suits him best.

If you want to donate a house with a plot of land, you must be prepared to collect a package of documents. You will find out what papers need to be prepared by reading.

Contents of the cadastral extract for a land plot

An extract for a cadastral plot, regardless of the form in which it is drawn up, consists of six mandatory parts:

  1. KV1. Basic information about the land plot under study. This section contains information about the location of the land plot, its area, the area to which a specific plot belongs, the date of entry of information into the State Real Estate Cadastre, the date of their change, the cadastral number of the plot, information about the owner of the plot.
  2. KV2. This part of the cadastral extract is issued only if it has been carried out. It contains a schematic representation of the site (drawing), compiled based on the results of the survey work carried out.
  3. KV3. This part of the cadastral extract contains information about what parts the site has and what parts are installed on these parts (if any).
  4. KV4. This part is the actual plan of the land plot (its drawing) indicating the coordinates of the location of the plot.
  5. KV5. This part of the extract contains a detailed description of the boundaries of the land plot (including indicating the length of the lines of these boundaries, the radii of the corners formed by the lines at nodal points, etc.).
  6. KV6. This part of the extract contains information about the exact coordinates of the nodal (turning) points of the site.

The last two parts of the extract are requested in expanded form if there is a need to establish in exact form the boundaries of the area under study (for example, in the event of an occurrence).

In the event that land surveying has not been carried out, the customer will be given only the first part of the extract - KV1, since the remaining sections are filled out only using survey data entered into the State Real Estate Cadastre.

A cadastral extract for a land plot contains unique information about a specific property, which is transferred to this document from the State Real Estate Cadastre.

The completeness of the information reflected in this document depends on how detailed the study of the site was carried out, establishing its boundaries and area. In the event that such a study has not been carried out, only the KV1 form can be issued, containing basic information about the site.