Doctor of Biological Sciences - Doctor of Biology. sciences
Doctor of Veterinary Sciences - Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. sciences
Doctor of Military Sciences - Doctor of Military Sciences. sciences
Doctor of Geographical Sciences - Doctor of Geographical Sciences sciences
Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences - Doctor of Geological and Mineral Sciences. sciences
Doctor of Art History - Doctor of Art History
Doctor of Historical Sciences - Doctor of History. sciences
Doctor of Cultural Studies - Doctor of Cultural Studies
doctor medical sciences - dr med. sciences
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences - Dr. Ped. sciences
Doctor of Political Sciences - Doctor of Political Sciences. sciences
Doctor of Psychological Sciences - Doctor of Psychology. sciences
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences sciences
Doctor of Sociological Sciences - Dr. Sociol. sciences
Doctor of Technical Sciences - Doctor of Technical Sciences sciences
Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences - Doctor of Pharmacy. sciences
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences - Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. sciences
Doctor of Philological Sciences - Doctor of Philology. sciences
Doctor of Philosophy - Doctor of Philosophy. sciences
Doctor of Chemical Sciences - Dr. Chem.. sciences
Doctor of Economic Sciences - Doctor of Economics. sciences
Doctor of Law - Doctor of Law. sciences
candidate of biological sciences - cand. biol. sciences
Candidate of Veterinary Sciences - Candidate of Veterinary Sciences vet. sciences
candidate of military sciences - cand. military sciences
Candidate of Geographical Sciences - Cand. geogr. sciences
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences - Cand. geol.-mineral. sciences
candidate of art history - cand. art criticism
Candidate of Historical Sciences - Candidate of Sciences ist. sciences
Candidate of Cultural Studies - Ph.D. cultural studies
Candidate of Medical Sciences - Candidate of Medical Sciences honey. sciences
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences - Candidate of Sciences ped. sciences
candidate of political sciences - cand. watered sciences
candidate of psychological sciences - cand. psychol. sciences
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences - Cand. agricultural sciences
Candidate of Sociological Sciences - Ph.D. sociol. sciences
Candidate of Technical Sciences - Candidate of Sciences tech. sciences
Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences - Candidate of Sciences pharmacist. sciences
candidate of physical and mathematical sciences - cand. physics and mathematics sciences
candidate of philological sciences - cand. Philol. sciences
candidate of philosophical sciences - cand. Philosopher sciences
Candidate of Chemical Sciences - Candidate of Sciences chem. sciences
candidate of economic sciences - cand. econ. sciences
candidate of legal sciences - cand. legal sciences

There are also shorter, unofficial abbreviations for academic degrees:

Doctor of Architectural Sciences - Doctor of Architectural Sciences;

Candidate of Architectural Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Biological Sciences - Doctor of Biological Sciences;

Candidate of Biological Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Veterinary Sciences - Doctor of Veterinary Sciences;

Candidate of Veterinary Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Military Sciences - Doctor of Military Sciences;

candidate of military sciences - candidate of military sciences

Doctor of Geographical Sciences - Doctor of Geographical Sciences;

Candidate of Geographical Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences - Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences;

Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Art History - Doctor of Law;

Candidate of Art History - Ph.D.

Doctor of Historical Sciences - Doctor of Historical Sciences;

candidate of historical sciences - candidate of historical sciences

Doctor of Medical Sciences - MD;

Candidate of Medical Sciences - Candidate of Medical Sciences

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences;

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Political Sciences - Doctor of Political Sciences;

Candidate of Political Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Psychological Sciences - Doctor of Psychology;

Candidate of Psychological Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences;

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences - Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

Doctor of Sociological Sciences - Doctor of Social Sciences;

candidate of sociological sciences - candidate of social sciences

Doctor of Technical Sciences - Doctor of Technical Sciences;

Candidate of Technical Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences - Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences;

candidate of pharmaceutical sciences - candidate of pharmaceutical sciences

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences;

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Philology - Doctor of Philology;

Candidate of Philological Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Philosophy - Doctor of Philosophy;

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Chemical Sciences - Doctor of Chemical Sciences;

Candidate of Chemical Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Economic Sciences - Doctor of Economics;

Candidate of Economic Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Law - Doctor of Law;

Candidate of Legal Sciences - Ph.D.

Candidate of Sciences

Cover of a PhD diploma (Soviet model)

In the educational systems of Belgium and the Netherlands, the candidate's degree corresponded to a significantly lower academic level. Candidate's degree (lat. candidatus (cand.), Netherlands kandidaat (kand.)) was awarded after completing the first two or three courses of university education, called candidacy, and passing the corresponding exam. During the Bologna process, candidate diplomas were abolished.

  • Candidate of Architecture (candidate of architecture)
  • Candidate of Biological Sciences (Candidate of Biological Sciences)
  • Candidate of Veterinary Sciences (Candidate of Veterinary Sciences)
  • Candidate of Military Sciences (Candidate of Military Sciences)
  • Candidate of Geographical Sciences (Candidate of Geographical Sciences)
  • Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences)
  • Candidate of Art History (candidate of art history)
  • Candidate of Historical Sciences (Candidate of Historical Sciences)
  • Candidate of Cultural Studies (Candidate of Cultural Studies)
  • Candidate of Medical Sciences (Candidate of Medical Sciences)
  • Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences)
  • Candidate political sciences(PhD in Political Science)
  • Candidate of Psychological Sciences (Candidate of Psychological Sciences)
  • Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (Candidate of Agricultural Sciences)
  • Candidate of Sociological Sciences (Candidate of Sociological Sciences)
  • Candidate of Technical Sciences (Candidate of Technical Sciences)
  • Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences)
  • Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences)
  • Candidate of Philological Sciences (Candidate of Philological Sciences)
  • Candidate of Philosophical Sciences (PhD)
  • Candidate of Chemical Sciences (Candidate of Chemical Sciences)
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences (Candidate of Economic Sciences)
  • Candidate of Legal Sciences (Candidate of Legal Sciences)

There is, but is not currently awarded, a PhD in Naval Science (awarded from the 1930s until the late 1970s). For some time (in the 1940s), the academic degree of candidate of art history was called candidate of art history. The PhD degree in political science existed in the 1940s, then was abolished in the 1990s. reintroduced.


Ministry of General and vocational education Russian Federation, whose competence includes academic qualifications, recognizes the German academic qualification “Habilitation” at the level of the Russian academic degree “Doctor of Science”, and the German academic degree “Doktor” at the level of the Russian academic degree “Candidate of Sciences”. In the Federal Republic of Germany, recognition is the responsibility of the state ministries when it comes to issuing permission to use academic degrees in society, and the competence of higher education institutions. educational institutions, when it comes to the academic field, including research activities. These bodies recognize the Russian academic degree “Doctor of Science” at the level of the German academic qualification “Habilitation”, and the Russian academic degree “Candidate of Sciences” at the level of the German academic degree “Doktor”.

Please tell me how to write abbreviations for phrases like “candidate of legal sciences”, “doctor of legal sciences”, etc. Through a space or together? That is, "candidate of legal sciences." or "PhD"?

Thank you

Spaces are needed: K. Yu. n. A space is a sign of a new word.

Question No. 232564
Good afternoon Now I accidentally came across your answer No. 221842 regarding the lowercase spelling of the word department (Department) of physical sciences. You answer that the word department should be written in lowercase, this really corresponds to the rules described in textbooks, but in all dictionaries, when it concerns a department of the Academy of Sciences, this word is written in capitals. Earlier I also asked you this question, and you answered me that it is in capitals. So how should it be done? Is this an exception? And I also asked a question, to which I did not receive an answer, about abbreviations SNS (senior researcher), junior researcher (junior researcher), candidate of physical and mathematical sciences (candidate of physical and mathematical sciences), etc. Is it possible to write these abbreviations without periods? If there are many such abbreviations in the text, the result is solid dots. I beg you to answer. Thanks in advance to Natalya Nolde

Russian language help desk response

Correct spelling with capital letter. Answer 221842 has been corrected, thanks for the note. Abbreviations with dots are used as commonly used abbreviations; abbreviations without dots cannot be considered correct.
Question No. 231869
Please tell me which is correct, candidate of “political science” or “political” sciences?

Russian language help desk response

Candidate of Political Sciences.
Question No. 231835
Please tell me, are there any norms for reducing academic degrees? For example, how to correctly abbreviate “candidate of economic sciences”: k.e. n. or k.econ. n.?

Russian language help desk response

There are two abbreviation options on _k. e. n._ and _cand. econ. science_.
Question No. 230546
Dear Help! Why did you dislike me so much? The fifth time I ask, well, finally answer! These formal and editorial comments do not reduce the scientific significance and effectiveness of the research described in the abstract; they characterize them as meeting the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission for candidate dissertations. Which is correct? Thank you.

Russian language help desk response

Correct: _as appropriate_. Sorry, it was not possible to answer all the questions.
Question No. 229887
Hello! Tell me, sir, how to correctly abbreviate Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences? Thank you.

Russian language help desk response

Correct: _k. f.-m. n._ (with dots).
Question No. 229117
Is the phrase “we will be able to evaluate your candidacy” correct? It's about hiring. Thank you.

Russian language help desk response

The phrase is correct.
Question No. 226901
On the eve of the elections, candidates begin to campaign. How right. Thanks in advance.

Russian language help desk response

That's right: _in anticipation_.
Question No. 225560
Hello! Can I say: I defended my dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences? Thank you.

Russian language help desk response

Correct: defended his Ph.D. dissertation; Having defended his dissertation, he received a Candidate of Biological Sciences degree.
Question No. 225052
Which is correct: candidate of political or political sciences?

Russian language help desk response

Candidate of Political Sciences. Only the abbreviation is not “p.”, but “plt.”. See Wikipedia.
Question No. 219535
Hello, I have a controversial question regarding the placement of punctuation marks in this sentence. We hereby send you for final approval a package of documents by E.V. Kvasova, intended to be sent to the Main Directorate of the Bank of Russia for the Tula Region for approval of her as a candidate for the position of Deputy Chief Accountant of the Srednerussky Branch of Sobinbank OJSC. The question is: is it necessary to put a comma after “to the Main Directorate of the Bank of Russia for the Tula Region”. I believe that the turnover “supposed to be sent to the Main Directorate of the Bank of Russia for the Tula Region for approval of her as a candidate for the position of Deputy Chief Accountant of the Srednerussky Branch of Sobinbank OJSC is uniform and no subordinates are needed within it, but my boss I don’t agree with me. Tell me what signs are needed here or not and why? Thanks in advance.

Russian language help desk response

If it is meant that a package of documents will be sent to the main department of the bank for approval of the candidacy of E.V. Kvasova, then additional punctuation marks are not required, since this is one participial phrase. Please also note that the combinations _assuming a direction, coordinating it_ (about a person) are incorrect, they should be replaced.
Question No. 216289
Good afternoon Please tell me in which case the nouns should be placed after the colon in the following sentence: “I propose to vote for the inclusion of the following candidates in the list: Petrov(a?) Petr(a?), Ivanov(a?) Ivan(a?), Mikhailov (huh?) Mikhail (huh?)." Nominative or genitive? In which section of the Russian language is this rule described? Thanks in advance!

Russian language help desk response

Coordination is necessary, right: _I propose to vote for the inclusion of the following candidates in the list: Petrov Petr, Ivan Ivan, Mikhail Mikhailov._ In this case, we are talking about homogeneous members with a generalizing word.
Question No. 212357
Please tell me if the word “dessertation” needs to be pluralized. in the following case (and in similar cases): defended a candidate's and doctoral dissertation (or dissertations?) Is it necessary to pluralize the noun in such cases? He worked at school No. 11 and No. 7 (or schools No. 11 and No. 7). Which is more correct? Thanks a lot!

Russian language help desk response

Correct form plural: _dissertations, in schools_.
Question No. 210016
Good afternoon I ask my question again: how to write correctly: Ph.D. or Ph.D. tech. Sci. And if the first option is more correct (as stated on your website in one of the answers to the question), then what to do with Milchin’s recommendations and how to distinguish between candidates of philosophical sciences (Ph.D.) and candidates of philological sciences (Ph.D.) n.)? I hope to still receive an answer! Marina Leiko

Russian language help desk response

Both abbreviations are correct.
Question No. 208612
Hello! Please tell me if the commas are placed correctly: Director of the company "XXX", Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor A. B. Ivanov; Leading auditor Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor A. V. Petrov. Thanks for the answer!

Russian language help desk response

The commas are placed correctly.

Candidate of Sciences - who is it? A scientist or just an ordinary university teacher? Today this category is attracting attention. Firstly, it is prestigious to be one. Secondly, becoming one is quite difficult. Thirdly, very interesting. What and how to do to become one.

About the etymology of the word

Candidate literally translated from Latin language means a person who aspires to any position or position of responsibility. As a matter of fact, a candidate of sciences is also in some way a contender. He declares himself by writing scientific work and her public protection in the appropriate institution.

The scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences characterizes its owner from the standpoint of his qualifications. It is a confirmation of status and certain achievements in any branch of science.

A little about the history of the origin of the academic degree

Its source is the German system, which was used both in the territory of pre-revolutionary Russia and in the Soviet Union.

IN Russian universities academic degrees began to be awarded in 1819 on the basis unified system approved rules. Until 1917, there were two degrees: master (licentiate) and doctor of science. In those days it was called “dignity.”

Since 1934 and to this day, academic degrees have been awarded in Russia and in a number of post-socialist countries.

Formal aspects

Here it should be said that obtaining such an academic degree as a Candidate of Sciences is a rather complex process both in terms of completing a dissertation, its defense, and in terms of the correct design of the research, defense and confirmation procedures.

According to the law governing this area, a candidate of sciences is a so-called first academic degree. What does it mean? Considering that today there are two degrees: candidate and doctor, this is the first step that allows you to obtain scientific qualifications and continue to work in this field.

According to the norms of Russian legislation, the degree is awarded by a collegial body - the dissertation council. However, this is not enough. It is necessary that it be approved by the relevant government body - the Higher Attestation Commission (Higher Attestation Commission).

After this, the former graduate student receives confirmation, and a little later a diploma of a candidate of sciences.

What does an academic degree provide?

The opportunities that a PhD degree opens up after defending and receiving the appropriate document are related primarily to the field of science and education:

  • he can teach at a university. To be precise, the degree gives the right to lecture to students;
  • after working for some time, you can receive the corresponding academic title - associate professor, which can only be awarded to candidates;
  • if you want to continue your scientific activities, you can enroll in doctoral studies and conduct further research.

You also need to know the rights of a candidate of sciences.

  1. Opportunity to take part in the competition as an applicant for the position of associate professor or head of a laboratory. If it is carried out at a research institute, then - a senior researcher.
  2. A document confirming a candidate’s degree is a sufficiently compelling basis that allows its owner not only to work on a doctoral dissertation, but also to submit it for defense. Here you should remember the correspondence of specialties. A doctoral dissertation can be defended on the basis of a candidate's dissertation if it is in the same field of science.
  3. A PhD diploma entitles its holder to receive the corresponding Doctor of Philosophy degree, which is used in a number of European countries and the USA.

Obtaining an academic title

In addition to the academic degree, Russia uses another criterion for differentiating scientific and educational spheres. This is the title of Candidate of Sciences - Associate Professor, which, unfortunately, is not awarded automatically. The regulations governing the conferment of academic titles establish a number of requirements.

  1. Possession of a Candidate of Science degree and a period of work as an assistant professor for at least 2 years. In this case, the load must be no less than a quarter (0.25) of the rate.
  2. There must be publications: educational or methodological manuals, other scientific works. Here, the professional level is also taken into account, which is assessed by the commission that attended the open lesson.
  3. Research or teaching experience must be at least five years. It is necessary to carry out teaching activities on the relevant topics of the specialty for three years.
  4. The total number of publications must be at least 20, including patents. Over the past three years, an applicant for the position of associate professor must publish at least two teaching aids and three works in the specialty indicated in the dissertation.

In addition to meeting the stated requirements, the future associate professor must submit a number of documents to the academic council of the university:

  • statement;
  • characteristics signed by the head of the department;
  • a list of his scientific works, certified by signatures and seals;
  • an extract from the minutes of the department meeting at which the recommendation was made;
  • copies of diplomas of education, candidate of sciences;
  • extracts from the work book, certificates of work experience, personal sheet with photo.

There may also be other documents that the secretary of the academic council may require.

How to become a candidate of sciences?

This process is quite complex and requires considerable effort and expense from the applicant.

  1. First of all, you need to decide for yourself in which area you plan to work. In this case, research should be carried out in an area corresponding to basic education. IN otherwise, if the work was done in a related or related field, an additional examination in the specialty may be required.
  2. Search for a scientific supervisor. It should be noted that this is in some way a guarantee of successful protection. The manager must have an academic degree of candidate or doctor of science. Here it is advisable to find out whether he had graduate students and whether they defended their defense.
  3. Admission to graduate school. This step may be omitted if the work is carried out on the basis of competition at any department or institute.
  4. Writing a dissertation is a creative process. It can take a long time. Postgraduate study lasts 3-4 years, but, unfortunately, the period of study may not coincide with work on the dissertation. Therefore, sometimes writing it takes longer.
  5. At the end of graduate school, candidate exams are taken. Some of them can be taken earlier, for example, the candidate minimum in philosophy and foreign language. Latest exams in the specialty.
  6. At the end of the creative search, the work, previously checked by the supervisor, is submitted for consideration by experts appointed by the dissertation council.
  7. After correcting errors and responding to comments, you can begin to prepare for your defense. An abstract is written, opponents are selected, as well as specialists who can give feedback on the dissertation.
  8. The defense takes place at the dissertation council. He, having heard the report of the graduate student, answers to questions and comments of opponents, renders his verdict on awarding the academic degree of a candidate of any sciences in the relevant specialty (there are 23 of them).
  9. A notification is received from the Higher Attestation Commission that the work has been reviewed and a decision has been made to approve it.

Good afternoon Please tell me how you can shorten master's, master's and bachelor's degrees by analogy with Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. Sciences for information about authors in a scientific journal. Much needed, thank you!!!

There are no generally accepted abbreviations. Possible options: mag-t,mag-r, buck-r or m-t, m-r, b-r.

Question No. 290206

Good afternoon Is it permissible to shorten the academic degree of Doctor (PhD) of Medical Sciences in the format of Doctor of Medical Sciences? / Ph.D.? Is it acceptable to write composite medical specialties without a dash sign: traumatologist-orthopedist, surgeon-phlebologist? Or is it only possible options dr. honey. Sciences / Ph.D. honey. Sciences and, accordingly, a doctor - surgeon-phlebologist?

Russian language help desk response

1. This reduction is correct.

2. Spelling correct: doctor– traumatologist-orthopedist.

Question No. 284086

Hello! Please tell me, when publishing a book, whether it is necessary to put a comma between the titles of Ph.D. in the imprint. tech. science prof. I. I. Kalinin I am interested in the presence of a sign between the words science and prof. We are really looking forward to your answer. Thanks in advance,

Russian language help desk response

A comma is needed. Academic degree and title are homogeneous applications.

Question No. 256630
Hello! Tell me what exactly the expression “epic saga” means and whether it is correct to use it when talking about a film in which the central theme is the end of the world, but all the events take place in a short time frame, to put it mildly, and generations do not change. Thank you.

Russian language help desk response

This combination can, in principle, be used to mean “large-scale, heroic legend.”

Large explanatory dictionary

SA GA,-And; and.[Old Scand. saga]
Old Norse and Old Irish folk epic tales of gods and heroes. Viking sagas.Irish sagas.
Poetic tale, legend. Mysterious sagas of the past.

EPIC,-oh, -oh.

to E pos (1 digit). E. style.Th poetry.Th poem.E. poet.
2. Book
Imbued with greatness and heroism. These are the feats of the people.These are the events of Russian history.This is an artistic canvas.
Calm, dispassionate. E. tone.This is the manner of presentation.Tell the story with epic calm. < Эпи чески, нареч.

E POS,-A; m.[from Greek epos - word, narrative]
1. Specialist.
Narrative type of literature (as opposed to poetry and drama). Great masters of epic.
A set of folk heroic songs, tales, poems, united by a common theme, national affiliation, etc. Bogatyrsky E.Heroic e.Old Germanic e.Samples of song epics. < Эпи ческий (см.).

Question No. 251651
Hello, beloved Gramota! Please tell me how to correctly abbreviate a candidate of pedagogical sciences? "Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences"?

Russian language help desk response

The option you suggested is correct.

Question No. 249971
Good afternoon Please tell me how to abbreviate correctly: cand. legal Sciences or Ph.D. legal sciences? Thank you, Dolinina L.Ya.

Russian language help desk response

Regulatory reduction Ph.D. n.

Question No. 245130
How to abbreviate correctly: "Author's abstract of diss. ... candidate of technical sciences" or "Author's abstract of diss. ... candidate of technical sciences"?

Russian language help desk response

Question No. 231835
Please tell me, are there any norms for reducing academic degrees? For example, how to correctly abbreviate “candidate of economic sciences”: k.e. n. or k.econ. n.?

Russian language help desk response

There are two abbreviation options on _k. e. n._ and _cand. econ. science_.
Question No. 210016
Good afternoon I ask my question again: how to write correctly: Ph.D. or Ph.D. tech. Sci. And if the first option is more correct (as stated on your website in one of the answers to the question), then what to do with Milchin’s recommendations and how to distinguish between candidates of philosophical sciences (Ph.D.) and candidates of philological sciences (Ph.D. )? I hope to still receive an answer! Marina Leiko

Russian language help desk response

Both abbreviations are correct.