Cartel wars in Mexico. Despite (and often because of) all social media and internet news, people today tend to have a distorted view of the world around them. Quite often, people think that things are worse than they really are, or they focus on historically insignificant events (like the presidential election). But there are actually much more important things in the world that are happening right now.

1. Desertification

Note: desertification. Many of the world's deserts are growing in size every year. For example, since 1900, the Sahara desert has expanded southward by 250 km, and its territory has increased by almost 6,000 square kilometers.

2. Flynn effect

Notice the Flynn effect. Scientists have no idea why this is happening. But the IQ of people is growing at an average of 3 points per year.

3. Cancer rates are down

Note: The incidence of cancer is declining. Over the past 20 years, the average number of cancer cases has decreased by 20%. Moreover, the pace continues to fall.

4 Mexican Cartel Wars

Note: Mexican cartel wars. Usually, the wars of drug lords are shown in films. At the same time, few people know that they continue to this day. Since 2000, more than 150,000 Mexicans have died due to clashes between drug cartels.

5 Deadly Qatari stadiums

Pay attention: deadly Qatari stadiums. During the construction of these stadiums, more than 1,000 people have already died. This data is usually not printed anywhere because many of these workers are "immigrants" from Asia. In fact, several foreign journalists who published the news were even arrested.

6. Blood business

Pay attention: blood business. It just sounds crazy, but it's a fact. People are shackled as slaves and "milked" their blood. This has become a major problem in poorer countries such as India. One particularly famous case became known as the "blood factory" thanks to the Indian media. A farmer named Papu Yadho kept many slaves on his plantation and bled them twice a week for 2 years. Unfortunately, this type of black market thrives in poverty-stricken countries where hospitals are overwhelmed.

7. Bees

Note: bees. They are dying. Maybe not as fast as the media claims, but the number of bees is still declining at an alarming rate.

8. Antibiotics stop working

Note: Antibiotics no longer work. Antibiotics are often used in excess (for example, in the case of livestock). Therefore, bacteria gradually become resistant to drugs.

9. Fake

Pay attention: front persons on the Internet. Many of the comments people read on news websites, social media platforms, and forums are completely fictional. They are written by specially hired people who are paid for it.

10. Self-learning machines

Please note: self-learning machines. They are evolving faster than anyone expected. Computers are actually capable of learning and reprogramming themselves. Self-learning "artificial intelligence" Google has already easily beaten the world champion in "go". This has not been expected for at least 100 years. Go is the most complex game ever created by man. It is much more difficult than chess, and even a computer has not yet been able to calculate all the possibilities.)

11. Babies design

Notice: Babies design. Since Asian countries such as China and India have a much easier attitude towards genetic modification and gene editing, they are likely to start using CRISPR to create "designer" babies. This means that China could potentially have "improved people" in the near future. This does not bode well for the West in terms of competition.

12. Refugees

Pay attention: refugees. In fact, there are more refugees today than at any time in history. In Syria alone, almost 4 million people were either killed or fled the country. This is one fifth of the population.

13. Slavery

Note: slavery. There were about 30 million slaves in the world in 2016. This is more than at any other time in human history.

14. Coltan mining

Note: Coltan mining. Most phones require a metal called coltan, and the largest supply of coltan comes from mines on the Rwandan border. Unfortunately, slavery thrives in many of these mines.

15. Self-driving cars

Pay attention: unmanned vehicles. They are ready to massively reduce the number of road traffic deaths. And similar cars have already traveled hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

As a rule, laws are written in order to regulate the life of people in a particular country. But among the thousands of routine laws, there are, to put it mildly, inadequate ones. This material contains 19 wonderful laws that actually work in different countries.

1. It is forbidden to play snowballs

In the state of Arizona and the city of Topeka, it is illegal to play snowballs. The authorities believe that this game is aggressive and dangerous. Therefore, on snowy days, police officers are on duty on the streets, ready to fine violators.

2. Share your Netflix password

In 2011, the governor of Tennessee signed into law a law that made it illegal to share the Netflix entertainment password with non-relatives. Violation of the ban is tantamount to theft.

3. It is forbidden to shoot Bigfoot

In Skymenia County, Washington, it is strictly forbidden to shoot or even point a weapon at a Yeti. So, if you meet a bigfoot in the United States, it is better to run, but do not shoot.

4. You can not collect rainwater

In some US states, rainwater harvesting is illegal. So, in the state of Utah, Colorado and Washington it is forbidden to collect rainwater for their own needs. According to the authorities, the rain belongs to someone and collecting it is a kind of theft.

5. It is forbidden to sell non-crispy cucumbers

In Connecticut, it is illegal to sell pickles and pickles that don't crunch. There is even a special commission that makes sure that all cucumbers are elastic and crispy.

6. It is forbidden to keep a goldfish

In 2004, the city of Monza, Italy, passed a law banning the keeping of goldfish in aquariums. According to the authorities, fish living in aquariums have a distorted concept of the world and suffer in captivity.

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7. You can’t give children strange names

The Danish authorities are strict about how parents name their children. Unusual, funny and also religious names are banned. To make it easier for parents, a special commission has created a list of 7,000 names that are allowed to be called their children.

8. It is forbidden to wear high heels

In Carmel, California, women are prohibited from wearing high heels within city limits. The allowable heel length is 5 centimeters or less.

9. It is forbidden to give change in change

In Canada, it is illegal to give change with large amounts of coins. In addition, the melting down of coins is strictly punished by the state.

10. Businessmen are not allowed to be overweight.

Japan takes urban overweight problems seriously. So, in 2008, a law came into force that obliges all companies and municipalities to measure the waist of their employees every year. There is also a law prohibiting overweight people from doing business.

11. You can't eat French fries with a fork.

For a long time, french fries have become almost the national dish of America, and in some cities this dish is treated with special respect. For example, in Gainesville, Georgia, it is illegal to eat French fries with cutlery.

12. You can not turn on the garlands after the holidays

Americans love the New Year holidays and have a whole culture of decorating their homes. Instead, there is a certain regulation that sets the deadlines for getting rid of holiday decorations. For example, in the state of Maine, running lights after January 14th is an offense and punishable by a fine.

13. Ban on witchcraft

In Canada, it is strictly forbidden to practice witchcraft unless you are a real witch. It is also forbidden to pretend to be a sorcerer or to pretend that you are doing magic. The punishment for violators is determined by the court.

14. You can not sell soft drinks in liquor stores

Indiana liquor stores can only sell alcoholic beverages. Selling water and other soft drinks is punishable by a fine.

15. It is forbidden to show programs about time travel

China has banned all films and programs about time travel. The Chinese authorities have banned many fantastic films, cultivating them with feudal superstitions, as well as fiction that misleads the people.

16. Don't drink beer while standing.

Some counties in Texas that don't have Prohibition have another funny ban. Those who like to drink a bottle of beer are advised to do it while sitting. If you want to drink standing up, you can legally drink no more than three sips. The police enforce the law.

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17. It is forbidden to chew and bring gum

In Singapore, it is illegal to chew gum while outside. The only exceptions are special chewing gum bought by prescription. In addition, the country has a strict law prohibiting the import and distribution of chewing gum. Violators can be arrested for one year and fined $5,500.

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18. You can't wear your pants down

In some counties in Illinois, Alabama, and Louisiana, men are strictly prohibited from wearing slacks that show off their underwear.

19. You can't spit in the street

In New York City, Dodge City, and some other counties, it is illegal to spit in public places. The only exception is the baseball field. Violators can get a hefty fine.

Video bonus:

Enemies of the Russian Federation and simple financial facts

Sergey Naryshkin, so-called. "speaker" of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, one of the two chambers of the so-called. of the Russian "parliament", proclaimed the United States the main enemy of Russia in the program of an article in a forgotten Soviet format - in the Russian government's press organ "Rossiyskaya Gazeta". Too bad Pravda is out of print.

“I think the States will continue to zombify people with their false information, wishful thinking and create more and more reasons for inciting anti-Russian sentiment in Europe. They are trying to turn even the UN Security Council into a platform for their propaganda, which has already exceeded all conceivable limits. The Russian veto, in fact, saved the reputation of the Security Council - after all, the decision of such a tribunal would be deliberately false and unjust.”
And then Naryshkin moved on to "facts".

“You ask - what is the ultimate goal of the States? The answer is the same: their external debt is huge, and the ruin of other states is the most familiar method for them. Even the presence in the hands of the United States of a global "printing press" ceases to help. Complete control over NATO, wiretapping and blackmail of the "major league" of the European Union does not save either. For the colonialists of the "model of the XXI century" - all this is already not enough. It is necessary not only to keep the dollar as the only world currency, but also to get closer to the economic wealth of other major powers and regions of the world.”

Firstly, the ungrateful comrade Naryshkin, an officer of the KGB of the USSR, wants to “forget” a recent fact: the United States saved the Russian Federation from starvation, literally, at a time when it was easy to make the Russian Federation just a colony:

…and this salvation took place over not one year, but almost ten years.

Secondly, Comrade Naryshkin, an officer of the KGB of the USSR, embarks on a dance of lies and disinformation - precisely in those areas in which he is strong due to his studies at the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR. "Their external debt is huge, and the ruin of other states is the most familiar method for them."

Why does Naryshkin say this?

Because an obvious lie, mixed up on the topic of an “external enemy” is an order from the Kremlin to cover up its economic traces in an endless string of personal enrichment at the expense of the “electoral mass” of the stupidest suckers on Earth.
The US national debt is indeed large, even on a historical scale, but only in absolute numbers:

After all, the relative value of the public debt of each country is measured not in absolute, but in relative terms, as a percentage of GDP, and the US GDP is the largest GDP in the world, exceeding Russia's GDP by an order of magnitude, i.e. almost ten (!!!) times. Rather, a little less than 10 times before the devaluation of the ruble, and much more than 10 times after. US GDP is a measure of the highly diversified US economy, which produces $16-17 trillion annually (!) in goods and services that consumers around the world are willing to buy. Russia's GDP is about $1 trillion in oil and gas rent, plus a donut hole.

The US government debt, as a percentage of GDP, is neither large nor critical:

Japan 230.00%
Greece 177.10%
Italy 132.10%
Portugal 130.20%
Ireland 109.70%
Cyprus 107.50%
Belgium 106.50%
United States of America 101.53%
Singapore 99.30%
Spain 97.70%
France 95.00%
Euro Area 91.90%
United Kingdom 89.40%
Canada 86.51%
Iceland 86.40%

Therefore, Naryshkin lies - he lies brazenly, to our faces.
But his lies, and the lies of the Kremlin, do not end there, within the perimeter of this topic.

The total corporate debt of all Russian companies is approximately $600 billion. With the dynamics of dollar GDP that we see today, this debt is approaching 100% of Russian GDP.
But that's not all. Let's look at the debts of Russian regions.

In the early 2000s, Putin, together with his organized criminal group, seeing that privatization could not be turned back, decided to go through the process of “nationalization” of the Russian economy, consolidating all the most valuable assets of Russia in “state hands”. What for? Then, to “privatize” cash flows: he saw the value of assets not in market capitalization, but in who owns the cash flows of these assets. And stupidly pumping these cash flows into the pockets of Putin and his organized criminal group was easier when the assets are "state", or "with majority state participation." A simple Soviet formula: "state asset, then no one's." Report to "no one".

This gave rise to the emergence of a huge class of "state" workers of various calibers and spheres: from the workers of "Uralvagonzavod" to officials of such a number that Russia did not know in its history.

Putin could not allow the development of "entrepreneurial capitalism" in Russia: such capitalism breeds wide sections of the middle class, whose representatives always begin to ask "unnecessary questions" of the authorities, since they are conscious taxpayers. Putin decided to develop another area - the so-called. "state employees" who are completely dependent on the authorities and do not ask any questions. When Putin's position in the ratings staggered, he released the so-called. "presidential decrees" that ordered all Russian regions to raise the salaries of all state employees not lower than the average salary for each region.

Each mayor, governor, and other regional bureaucrats appointed by Putin rushed to “execute” these so-called. “presidential decrees” are literally vying to please Putin and “be in the cage”, in the context of the already impending economic downturn, i.e. under conditions in which they could not afford it. Result: a wave of regional borrowings, the lion's share of which was - drum roll! - from Russian commercial banks. From 40% to 45% of such borrowings come from banks. so-called. "presidential decrees" - in debt.

And now - once again the drum roll! - we learn that in a huge number of regions, municipalities, cities ... debt is ... debt is ... debt is ... attention - drum roll for the third time! - from 80 to 130 percent of the GDP of the region, municipality, city. That is, on average, higher than the US national debt.
Here is such a lie from the speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Sergei Naryshkin, commissioned by the Kremlin.

But that's not all - the scam does not end there.

Now, in such a cut off position from the global financial system, in a state of undeclared hybrid war against Ukraine and economic sanctions for it, the Russian banking sector is a living corpse, with its own $200 billion in corporate debt and a complete mismatch of assets and liabilities. He can no longer have on his "books" Russian regional debts of almost bankrupt regions. And these debts are slowly moving from the books of Sberbank and VTB to ... drumroll ... books of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, i.e. "dissolved in the budget."

What is the "Budget of the Russian Federation"?

The fact is that in post-Soviet Russia, not only was a “nation” not formed from the mass of the population. In post-Soviet Russia, there were no taxpayers who would consider the budget of their country as the total amount of taxes they paid. Therefore, when any kind of debts of regions, municipalities and cities go from the books of commercial (mainly state) banks to the books of the Ministry of Finance, these debts are completely nationalized, at the expense of sucker taxpayers who do not consider themselves taxpayers (only for one well-known reason) . Hmmm, and if they do, they don't consider themselves the masters of the country's budget (only for one well-known reason).

What does it mean?

Putin "privatized" company cash flows and taxes, and nationalized the Russian people. The first part of the proposal - the money goes into the pocket of Putin and his organized criminal group, period. The second part of the proposal is that a financial pyramid has been created in which the Russian people pay taxes, some of which also goes into the pockets of Putin and his organized criminal group, and the other part goes to pay for the life of this people, according to the classic scheme of financial pyramids.

For example, a pension fund takes money from those who work today and pays pensions to those who have already retired, in a classic pyramid scheme that will explode long before today's workers are retired. Crimea has been added to this remarkable process since last year, for about 50 billion rubles from the pension fund alone. This, of course, will only hasten the end of this pyramid.

so-called. "presidential decrees" are financed in the same way, and he has already driven almost all regions into debt "for the most unindulgent" - debts that will now be nationalized from banks to the budget, at the expense of participants in the scam - taxpayers, these same "state employees" (and Not only).

And so - in the entire budget of our fucking vast motherland, in the budget, which the average Putinoid does not consider his own until he was given salaries at Uralvagonzavod according to the accounting sheet.
All this music plays until one of the smart ones (Kudrin? No ...) says that this is a typical financial pyramid, but only gigantic in size, and that it has burst, or is about to burst. And it has nothing to do with the US in any way.

But this is a big secret, because otherwise Putin and his organized criminal group will be kirdyk. Therefore, the USA is an enemy, they have a huge debt and they want to seize the natural resources of the highly spiritual Muscovite Russia.

But in fact, the enemies of the Russian Federation are Putin and his organized criminal group, including Naryshkin.

That's it, comrade Naryshkin, under-officer of the KGB of the USSR.

The total debts of the Russian regions in current figures amount to two and a half trillion rubles, and if they are not nationalized, then not only many regions will be bankrupt, but also many banks. But the nationalization of debts is directly related to all citizens of Russia: it will be carried out at the expense of all taxpayers.

This means the following: Putin issued "presidential decrees" to increase the salaries of officials and state employees; for this, regions, municipalities and cities borrowed money on commercial terms; now there is nothing to give back and the “state” takes on these debts, saving the regions and banks from bankruptcy; taxpayers pay for it. The chain is equal, from the first link to the last: increasing the incomes of officials and state employees for your taxpayers' money.

But that's not all.

There is no money in the budget for this. The country has no money for this. The dollar issuing center is located in the US, not in Russia. It remains only to print rubles. The printing press = a new devaluation of the ruble and a new inflation, and this is nothing but a hidden tax on the population, and a huge one at that. Outright theft, because this "exercise" lowers the purchasing power of money in the pocket of every resident of the Russian Federation who earns rubles.

With a falling GDP, the country is increasingly plunging into devaluation and inflation, that is, into stagflation, the way out of which can only be through structural economic reforms carried out precisely by the political leadership of the country. As long as Putin and his organized criminal group are in power, there will be no such reforms.

Former director of the Research Institute of Statistics Vasily Simchera with the words: "I'm tired of lying!" presented real data

We have somehow come to terms with the fact that the official (represented by Rosstat and other departments) statistics that record the "achievements" of Russia's development, to put it mildly, do not always tell us the truth. Sometimes he cheats. To put it mildly. Okay, we'll survive. Moreover, we ourselves have long been evaluating the life around us by our own yardstick. But for her to lie like that, as the former director of the Research Institute of Statistics of the Federal State Statistics Service, Vasily Simchera, recently revealed?! This is, to put it mildly, too much. As Vysotsky once sang:

... If it's true -

Well, at least a third, -

One thing remains:

Just lay down to die!

Between Mr. Simchera and State Duma deputy from the Communist Party Oleg Smolin, a skirmish took place the other day. It happened that both of them became participants in a conference at the Russian State University of Trade and Economics. So, the ex-head of the Research Institute of Statistics made claims to Mr. Smolin as a representative of the authorities (after all, that deputy, deputy chairman of the Duma Committee on Education): they say that the authorities are shamelessly lying to us. Mr. Simchera himself, emphasizes Smolin, resigned from his post with the words: "I'm tired of lying!" And he presented his statistical picture of what actually happened and is happening in Russia. The data is terrifying - like Vysotsky's.

Rejecting the claims to his address as a representative of the authorities, Smolin writes: “Of course, from my youth I remember the formula: there is a lie, there is a blatant lie, and there is statistics! Of course, he himself repeatedly used alternative data from sociological services and institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences. And yet, the data of the ex-director of the Research Institute of Statistics, summarized in one table entitled "Dual assessments of the main indicators of the development of the Russian economy in 2001-2010," make a shocking impression. Smolin presented them with his comments on the pages of "Soviet Russia". So - here is a horrific picture of the DEGRADATION of our country in the "dry" calculations not of anyone, but, we repeat, until recently - the director of the Research Institute of Statistics of Rosstat:

National wealth of Russia. Official: $4.0 trillion In fact (according to the Research Institute of Statistics of the State Statistics Committee of Russia): $40 trillion. An underestimation of 10 times, Smolin comments, is necessary for the authorities in order to sell the remnants of the former public property to the oligarchs and foreigners for nothing, and at the same time to drum into the population that we live no worse than we work.

The amount of intellectual capital. Officially: $1.5 trillion. Actually: $25 trillion. Understating the intellectual capital of Russia by almost 17 times, according to Smolin, helps the authorities to justify the policy of copying the worst examples of foreign education, as well as importing foreign scientists for big money with the beggarly support of their own.

The share of investments in % of GDP. Official: 18.5%. Actual: 12.2%. An overestimation of one and a half times investment in the economy creates a picture of false well-being, continues Smolin. In fact, the country is dominated by a buy-sell-stole economy.

GDP growth rates. Officially: 6%. Actually: 4%. By "inflating" the rate of GDP growth by one and a half times, the government is trying to convince the public that its announced doubling in 2003-2010 could have taken place if not for the global crisis. In fact, Smolin notes, for 2003-2008. the economy grew by only a quarter, and in the crisis year of 2009 we were the record holders of the fall among the G20 countries! As for GDP, the deputy sarcastically remarks that they are not going to double it, but even quintuple it, but not in terms of gross domestic product, but Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin: two presidential terms, one prime minister and again two presidential terms, equal in duration to the previous three .

Inflation on average per year. Officially: 6-8%. Actual: 18.27%. It has long been known, Smolin comments, that the rise in prices for essential goods in Russia is much faster than the average for all goods and services. Therefore, inflation for the poor (social inflation) is much higher than for the rich. And the poorer the family, the faster the prices of the goods it buys rise. As the ex-director of the Research Institute of Statistics explains, the prices for those goods and services that are bought by the country's poorest citizens are growing by 18% per year. Therefore, it is not surprising that even the government almost every year recognizes the growing gap between the poor and the rich. The data of the Research Institute of Statistics mean, in particular, that the so-called. increase in pensions in 2009-2010 at best offset the rise in prices for essential goods for two years.

The income gap 10% of the richest and 10% of the poorest. Official: 16 times. Actually: 28-36 times. This is higher than not only Western Europe and Japan, not only the United States, but also many Latin American countries, Smolin notes. The maximum permissible level for national security, according to G. Osipov, director of the Institute for Socio-Political Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is 10 times. In Russia, it is exceeded three times.

The gap in the level of gross domestic product by region. Official: 14 times. In fact: 42 times. In social terms, Russia has long ceased to be a single country, writes Smolin. If Moscow lives at the level of the Czech Republic, then the Tyva Republic lives at the level of Mongolia. The federal government is dumping more and more social obligations into the regions and at the same time is pulling more and more money out of them in order to invest in foreign securities. Due to the poverty of the Russian province, in fact, the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and partly in Libya are financed, in particular. Article 114 of the Russian Constitution requires the government to pursue a unified social policy throughout the country. Whether the government fulfills its obligations when the gaps in regional development exceed dozens of times, decide for yourself, Smolin addresses readers.

The proportion of the population belonging to socially declassed groups, in % of the total population. Officially: 1.5%. In fact: 45%. According to the Research Institute of Statistics (Rosstat), there are 12 million alcoholics in the country, more than 4.5 million drug addicts, and over 1 million street children. It is not surprising that the official figures are underestimated by 30 times: almost half of the declassed in the richest country is evidence of the complete failure of the economic and social policy of the authorities.

Share of unprofitable enterprises. Officially: 8%. Actually: 40%. In physical terms, the modern Russian economy is hopelessly behind the Soviet one, and taxes on the real sector, in contrast to taxes on the personal income of billionaires, are huge, Smolin comments.

The level of general taxation of income received, in%. Officially: 45%. Actually: 90%. It's amazing how we are still working, and why are the oligarchs still missing? However, Oleg Smolin notes, this is partly explained by the following indicator.

Level of tax evasion, in % of income. Officially: 30%. Actually: 80%. The government, Smolin explains, pretends to collect taxes, while citizens pretend to pay them!

The degree of depreciation of fixed assets, in%. Official: 48.8%. In fact: 75.4%. If God wants to punish a person, he takes away the mind, writes Smolin. It seems that this has already happened with the Russian authorities. What can be accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) when the depreciation of fixed assets is 3/4? The WTO is not required for the export of raw materials, and Russia has nothing else to export yet. The rest of domestic production will be finished off. Transnational capital will become the complete master in the country. However, why would it be?

The share of foreign capital in the Russian economy, in%. In general - officially: 20%. Actual: 75%, including:

In property. Officially: 25%. Actual: 60%;

In profit. Official: 21%. Actual: 70%;

In promotions. Official: 18%. Actually: 90%.

“This is, gentlemen,” asks Smolin, “your sovereign democracy? If the data of the Research Institute of Statistics are correct, in the economic sense, we are turning into a colony under loud cries that we are getting up from our knees!

In grants - officially: 14%. Actually: 90%. It's funny, Smolin notes, that the authorities are very afraid of foreign grants, but at the same time they calmly take foreign loans and encourage the sale of our enterprises to foreigners!

Real costs of modernization, in billion rubles. Officially: 750. Actually: 30. Is it because the real costs of modernization are 25 times lower than those announced, our technological gap is growing, and all of its "steam" goes into a "whistle"?

Efficiency of modernization, in % of costs. Officially: 25%. Actual: 2.5%. Still: in order to justify the "inflated" costs, writes Smolin, you need to show "inflated" results. If you multiply one by the other, the effect is embellished by about 250 times! However, even earlier it was clear that all the noise about modernization is beautiful shop windows instead of great construction projects.

The difference between producer prices and retail prices, in times. Officially: 1.5. Actual: 3.2, including:

In agriculture. Official: 1.3. Actually: 4.0. Intermediaries are getting fatter, workers and customers are getting poorer, and the authorities, just like Verka Serdyuchka, repeats: “All right, everything will be fine!..”;

in public procurement. Official: 1.1. Actually: 1.6. And here the officials are clearly getting fat. It is no coincidence that even President Dmitry Medvedev says that as a result of the application of Law No. 94 (on public procurement), about 1 trillion rubles were embezzled from the budget.

The difference between the assigned and paid tariffs of natural monopolies, in times. Official: 1.1. Actual: 1.7, incl. in utility bills. Officially: 1.2. Actually: 2.4. If the “communal” were paid at real prices, writes Smolin, it would cost us half the price!

Unemployment rate, in % of employment. Officially: 2-3%. Actually: 10-12%. Worldwide, not all unemployed are registered at the labor exchange. And so there is a difference between official statistics and statistics from the International Labor Organization. However, for this difference to be 4-5 times, you need to properly falsify the statistics!

Number of crimes committed (2009), million people Official: 3.0. Actually: 4.8. Apparently, we are talking about almost 2 million crimes that are registered, but strangely do not fall into the official statistics, Smolin notes. However, crimes that are either not registered at all or those for which people do not apply to law enforcement agencies are much more important. According to a group of scientists from the Research Institute of the Academy of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, led by Professor S. Inshakov, the number of such crimes is almost 10 times higher than official statistics record - about 26 million a year.

To survive, summarizes Oleg Smolin, the government turns statistics into a blatant lie, and with its help it tries to put on “rose-colored glasses” for citizens. But in history, political regimes have died many times precisely from self-poisoning by propaganda. I do not feel sorry for the regime, the deputy writes. Pity the country. And for her, the best medicine is the truth.

Putin rules? You are wrong. Yes, how can this "slave in the galleys" rule something, except for his own tool - the oar! And the most important thing: we must keep in mind that a galley slave is not just a rower in a boat, this rower is chained to this very galley. And more importantly, the rower is forced to do someone else's will through brute force.

“If Putin had been allowed to leave, he would have left with pleasure long ago. One of his first interviews, it was officially published, with Berezovsky, when Berezovsky asks him a question: Vladimir Vladimirovich, what would you like? .. - I would like like you: get a lot of money and live abroad ... "

You see, he would like to, but who will let him!

If the copyright holder does not delete the video, you can watch a cut of the interview with HSE Professor Yu.A. Nesnevich.

So, if not Putin runs the country, then who?..

To answer this question, let's turn to the history of Russia, starting from Lenin's reign. As you know, the first persons in the country are especially guarded, and after the incident with Fanny Kaplan, security was strengthened, and special authorities began to deal with this matter. Moreover, candidates for the personal protection of the leader were appointed by the highest party authority.

There is an important pattern to be seen. It turned out that the personal guard of the leader in the country was always appointed by his successor. The guards of Vladimir Ilyich were selected by Stalin, and the guards of Stalin were selected ... probably, you won’t believe it - N.S. Khrushchev. Many are convinced that Beria was engaged in this, but this is not so. Lavrenty Pavlovich was completely absorbed by the Atomic Project, and, most likely, he did not initiate the removal with further arrest in April 1952 of General N.S. Vlasik from the post of Stalin's personal bodyguard. There is a famous historical phrase said by the general during his arrest: “I was arrested, which means that soon there will be no Stalin”.

Colonel N. Novik was appointed the new chief of Stalin's security. In any case, such appointments had to be approved by the Politburo, and this issue was then directly led by N.S. Khrushchev.

Please see the interview with the historian-researcher Alexander Nikolaevich Dugin.

But then it will be even more interesting. Nikolai Petrovich Novik at the time of the crisis that led to the death of Stalin was absent from his post, because, they say, he was in the hospital with an attack of purulent appendicitis, which means that others controlled the entire operation to speed up the care of the seriously ill leader. This operation was directly controlled by N.S. Khrushchev together with S.D. Ignatiev, the then Minister of the Ministry of State Security of the USSR. Under this case, a kind of “padding” was placed in the form of the famous “doctors' case” - it is clear that there was someone to blame for the death of the leader. And then they quickly arrested Beria and shot him even more quickly, because they feared that someone, and Lavrenty Pavlovich, would very quickly expose the true culprits of Stalin's death.

By the way, when they filmed Khrushchev, they first completely changed his bodyguards. Nikita Sergeevich is not a fool - he immediately understood everything and did not rock the boat in the future, he repented at the plenum, in general, he agreed with the resignation.

Then, after many years, Leonid Ilyich will be asked to retire: "Let go ... they say, I'm already old to manage such a colossus." But who will allow a slave to take it like that and leave the galley for no reason at all. So he pulled the oar to the grave. Imagine, we thought that Leonid Ilyich would say what he would say - it would be so. Because he has power. If he says: “I’m leaving, and you all went to hell,” he will get up and go home, and will no longer go to work in the Politburo office. In the morning he will go fishing, then to the country. Hunting in winter. Well, well, dreaming is not harmful. However, for this, there is personal security, which in the morning will raise the light of day, pack it as it should and take it where it is necessary. And he will make you work, that is, row with an oar.

But Gorbachev, couldn't he take it like that, and even leave Foros? Of course I could! But he did have security - and that says it all. Who would allow another slave to escape from the galley. Boris Nikolaevich, when he understood all this, he simply went on a drinking binge. As a result, an oar falling out of his hands often had to be picked up by his personal guard. This rather simple way of avoiding responsibility was noticed and taken into account, and when the next rower was assigned to the galleys, he was simply forbidden to drink! Maybe they "sewn up", maybe they took a subscription ... - who knows. And the country rejoices! Look, they say, this one is completely ... not even a drop in your mouth! And he would be glad at least sometimes to relax purely in our way, having rolled up a pile or two, but where is it ... personal protection is right there. Monitors and maintains health. Gyms, swimming, night hockey - please, this "galley slave" is allowed.

I hope now the reader understands that the country is ruled not by a symbol of power - the president, but by THOSE WHO APPOINT HIM PROTECTION, or THOSE WHO GOVERN THE ONE WHO APPOINTS PROTECTION. Remember, there was such Zolotov. So he didn't appoint guards. He was the closest guard, like General Vlasik. Zolotov was part of the FSO structure, some kind of department. It is clear that someone heads the FSO, but there is a group that appoints the head of the FSO. But here's what's important! There is a group that picks up people as personal guards “galley slaves” so that they don’t run away or drink. In a word, he acted as a symbol of power.

We have important elections here, and some just bit the bit, rush to become "slaves", naively dreaming that they will rule. But you know, they can invite you. Welcome Alexey Anatolyevich, they will say. First, after the appointment, there will be pompous meetings, foreign receptions, since the air fleet is always under steam, there will be television shows, service staff will appear, an escort with flashing lights. Then, when the "slave" gets a taste, they will be asked to take up the oar and ... row ... to the grave board, because they will be chained, as it should be for a galley slave. And notice ... not a drop in your mouth! The family, or what is left of the family, will try to escape. But where is there. The guards will find everyone they need there and immediately “begin to guard” day and night.

"Slave in the galley" is called to fulfill someone else's will. At the same time, the slave is responsible for everything. Isn't it, it's great! In order to maintain the appearance of constitutional authority, the "slave" will be allowed - no, most likely he will be forced - to host television shows in which the "slave" will demonstrate the direct exercise of power. The Attorney General will run around the studio and pin someone, and the "slave" from a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers in front of honest people will suddenly equip children's sandboxes, and at the same time force negligent husbands to be loyal to some female pranks. The population and the electorate are delighted! Oh, yes, even the "slave" will be allowed to accept credentials - that's how it is supposed to be with them there.

But if he tries to implement some kind of "May decrees", it will end in the same way as deoffshorization of the country. Remember, back in 2013, in his address to the Federal Assembly, Putin asked to deal with the offshore problem, that is, to de-offshorize the country's economy. And now, in our days, the government has finally abandoned the idea of ​​forcibly transferring system companies from offshore to Russian jurisdiction. This is impossible, the commission concluded in the relevant report of First Deputy Prime Minister I. Shuvalov. Translating into Russian, the “galley slave” was simply sent the fuck with his deoffshorization problem.

I support the statements of Yuliy Anatolyevich. In my article "" I wrote: "It does not matter who today or in 2018 becomes the president of the Great feudal power - Putin, Medvedev, Sobyanin, Navalny - it does not matter for the country and its inhabitants." Therefore, it is necessary to change the system, and not be content with replacing the current "slave" in the galley with any other. But how to do it - no one knows. Because no one dared to honestly admit that the country has long been no democracy, but a neo-feudal system. So, what kind of elections can we talk about? All the pathos of future applicants for the position of "slave in the galley" comes down to the banal slogan "I will plant all corrupt officials!" But who will let him?

Besides, there is no corruption in Russia. This is just such a system of collecting dues. And the "slave", who came to the symbolic presidential post of the Great feudal power, will do the same as his previous "slave in the galley" did.

Welcome, everyone to the galleys as slaves!

Sergey Dementiev