Russian folk tale "Teremok"

A mouse runs across the field. He sees that there is a tower:

Nobody answered. The mouse opened the door, entered and began to live.

The frog is jumping. He sees a teremok:

- Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?

- I, little mouse, and who are you?

- I'm a frog frog. Let me go.

And the two of them began to live together.

A bunny is running. He sees a teremok:

- Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?

- I, little mouse.

- I, frog-frog, and who are you?

“I’m a runaway bunny, my ears are long, my legs are short.” Let me go.

- Okay, go!

The three of them began to live together.

A little fox runs and asks:

- Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?

- I, the mouse-norunzha.

- I, frog-frog.

- I, a running bunny, have long ears, short legs, and who are you?

- I am a fox-sister, Lizaveta-beautiful, fluffy tail. Let me go.

- Go, little fox.

The four of them began to live together.

A wolf is running across the field. He sees a mansion and asks:

- Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?

- I, little mouse.

- I, frog-frog.

- I, little fox-sister, Lizaveta-beauty, fluffy tail, and who are you?

- I am a wolf-wolf, a big mouth. Let me go.

- Okay, go, just live peacefully. The five of them began to live together.

A bear wanders, a clubfoot wanders. I saw the little mansion and roared:

- Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?

- I, little mouse.

- I, frog-frog.

- I, a running bunny, have long ears and short legs.

- I, little fox-sister, Lizaveta-beautiful, fluffy tail.

- I, a wolf-wolf, a big mouth, and who are you?

- I'm a bear, a little blooper!

And he didn’t ask to go into the mansion. He couldn’t get through the door, so he climbed up.

It swayed, crackled, and the tower fell apart. They barely had time to run out - a little mouse, a croaking frog, a running bunny, long ears, short legs, a little fox sister, Lizaveta the beauty, a fluffy tail, a wolf-wolf, a big mouth.

And the bear, the little frog, went into the forest.

Fairy tale "Ryaba Hen"

There lived a grandfather and a woman,

And they had a chicken, Ryaba.

The hen laid an egg:

The egg is not simple, Golden.

Grandfather beat and beat, but did not break;

The woman beat and beat, but did not break.

The mouse ran

She waved her tail:

The egg fell

And it crashed.

Grandfather and grandmother are crying!

The hen clucks:

- Don't cry, grandfather, don't cry, woman.

I'll lay another egg for you,

Not golden - simple.

Fairy tale "Turnip"

Grandfather planted a turnip and the turnip grew big and big.

The grandfather began to pull the turnip out of the ground.

He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out.

The grandfather called the grandmother for help.

Grandma for grandfather, grandfather for turnip.

The grandmother called her granddaughter.

Granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip.

They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

The granddaughter called to Zhuchka.

A bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip.

They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

The bug called the cat Masha.

Masha for the bug, Zhuchka for the granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, grandfather for the turnip.

They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

The cat Masha clicked the mouse.

A mouse for Masha, Masha for a Bug, a Bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip.

Pull and pull -

pulled out

Fairy tale "Kolobok"

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman.

So the old man asks:

- Bake me a bun for me, old lady.

- What should I bake it from? There is no flour.

- Eh, old woman. Mark the barn, scrape the branches, and you'll get it.

The old woman did just that: she swept, scraped together two handfuls of flour, kneaded the dough with sour cream, rolled it into a bun, fried it in oil and laid it on the window to dry.

The bun got tired of lying - he rolled from the window to the bench, from the bench to the floor - and to the door, jumping over the threshold, into the entryway, from the entryway to the porch, from the porch to the yard, and then beyond the gate, further and further.

The bun is rolling along the road, and a hare meets it:

- No, don’t eat me, scythe, but rather listen to what song I’ll sing for you.

The hare raised his ears, and the bun sang:

- I am a bun, a bun,

Swept across the barn,

Scraped by the bones,

Mixed with sour cream,

Put in the oven,

It's cold at the window.

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

From you, hare,

It's not smart to leave.

A bun rolls along a path in the forest, and a gray wolf meets him:

- Kolobok, Kolobok! I'll eat you!

“Don’t eat me, gray wolf: I’ll sing you a song.” And the bun sang:

- I am a bun, a bun,

Swept across the barn,

Scraped by the bones,

Mixed with sour cream,

Put in the oven,

It's cold at the window.

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

I left the hare

From you, wolf,

It's not smart to leave.

The bun is rolling through the forest, and a bear comes towards it, breaking brushwood, bending bushes to the ground.

- Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you!

- Well, where can you, clubfoot, eat me! Better listen to my song.

The gingerbread man began to sing, and Misha’s ears went wild:

- I am a bun, a bun,

Swept across the barn,

Scraped by the bones,

Mixed with sour cream,

Put in the oven,

It's cold at the window.

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

I left the hare

I left the wolf

From you, bear,

Half-heartedly to leave.

And the bun rolled - the bear just looked after it.

The bun is rolling, and the fox meets it: “Hello, bun!” How handsome and rosy you are!

Kolobok is glad that he was praised, and began to sing his song, and the fox listens and creeps closer and closer:

- I am a bun, a bun,

Swept across the barn,

Scraped by the bones,

Mixed with sour cream,

Put in the oven,

It's cold at the window.

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

I left the hare

I left the wolf

Left the bear

From you, fox,

It's not smart to leave.

- Nice song! - said the fox. “The trouble is, my dear, that I’ve become old—I can’t hear well.” Sit on my face and sing it one more time.

Kolobok was delighted that his song was praised, jumped on the fox’s face and sang:

- I am a bun, a bun...

And his fox is a racket! - and ate it.

Fairy tale "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed."

Once upon a time there lived a cockerel and a hen.

The cockerel was in a hurry, still in a hurry, and the hen kept saying to herself:

- Petya, don’t rush. Petya, take your time.

Once a cockerel was pecking bean grains, but in a hurry he choked. He's choked, can't breathe, can't hear, as if he's lying dead.

The chicken got scared, rushed to the owner, shouting:

- Oh, mistress! Let the butter quickly lubricate the cockerel's neck: the cockerel choked on a bean grain.

The hostess says:

- Run quickly to the cow, ask her for milk, and I’ll already harvest the butter.

The chicken rushed to the cow:

- Little cow, my dear, give me some milk quickly. The hostess will whip butter out of the milk and lubricate the cockerel's neck with butter: the cockerel choked on a bean grain.

“Go quickly to the owner, let him bring me some fresh grass.”

The chicken runs to its owner:

- Master, master! Quickly give the cow some fresh grass, the cow will give milk, the hostess will make butter from the milk, I will lubricate the cockerel’s neck with butter: the cockerel choked on a bean grain.

- Run quickly to the blacksmith for a scythe.

The chicken ran as fast as she could to the blacksmith:

- Blacksmith, blacksmith, quickly give the owner a good scythe. The owner will give the cow grass, the cow will give milk, the hostess will give me butter, I will lubricate the cockerel’s neck, the cockerel choked on a bean grain.

The blacksmith gave the owner a new scythe, the owner gave the cow fresh grass, the cow gave milk, the hostess churned butter, and gave butter to the chicken.

The chicken greased the neck of the cockerel. The bean seed slipped through. The cockerel jumped up and shouted at the top of his lungs: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

Fairy tale “About a fox with a rolling pin”

Once a fox picked up a rolling pin on the road. She came with her to the village and knocked on the last hut:

- Here, here!

-Who's there?

- It's me, fox! Let me in for the night, good people!

- It’s already crowded here.

- Yes, I won’t take up any space. I’ll lie down on the bench, tail under the bench, rolling pin under the stove.

- Well, if so, come in.

The fox went to bed, and in the morning she got up earlier than everyone else, burned the rolling pin in the stove and woke up the owners:

- Where did my rolling pin go? Now give me the chicken for it!

What to do - the owner gave her a chicken.

Here comes a little fox along the road and sings:

The fox found a rolling pin,

I took her a chicken instead.

In the evening I came to another village and again to the first hut:

- Let me in, good people, to spend the night!

“We don’t have enough space ourselves.”

“But I don’t even need a place: I’ll lie down under the window, cover myself with my tail, and put the chicken in the corner.”

They let her in. And in the morning, before dawn, the fox got up, quickly ate the chicken and started screaming:

- Who ate my chicken? I won't take less than a duck for her.

They gave her the duck. And again she goes and sings:

The fox found a rolling pin,

I took her a chicken instead.

A fox came with a chicken,

The little fox and the duck left.

And in the third village there is a knock in the evening.

- Knock-knock! Let me spend the night!

— We already have seven shops.

- So I won’t embarrass you. She herself is near the wall, her tail under her head, her duck behind the stove.

- Okay, get settled.

The fox settled down. Again, in the morning, she jumped up, ate the duck, burned the feathers in the stove and cried out:

- Where is my favorite duck? Give me at least one girl for her.

And even though the man has many children, it’s a pity for him to give away a girl to a stray fox. Then he put the dog in the bag.

- Get the best girl, redhead!

The fox pulled the bag onto the road and said:

- Come on, girl, sing a song!

He hears someone grumbling in the bag. She was surprised and untied the bag. And as soon as the dog jumps out - well, wag it!

The cheat started to run, and the dog followed her. And she drove the redhead away from the village.

Fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman, and they had a granddaughter, Masha. The friends have gathered to pick berries and invite Masha with them.

“Go,” said the grandfather and grandmother, “and look, don’t lag behind, where everyone is, there you will be.”

Masha went.

Suddenly, out of nowhere - a bear. Masha got scared and cried. The bear grabbed her and carried her away.

And the girlfriends came running to the village and said that they had lost Masha.

Grandfather and grandmother searched and searched for her, but they didn’t find her, they began to cry, they began to grieve.

And the bear brought Masha to his home and said:

- Don't cry, I won't eat you! I'm bored alone, stay with me.

Tears won’t help my grief, Masha began to think about how to get away from the bear. She lives with a bear. The bear brought her honey, berries, peas - everything. Masha is not happy.

- Why aren’t you happy about anything? - asks the bear.

- Why should I be happy? How can I not grieve! Grandpa and Grandma think you ate me. Bring them a gift from me - a box of pies. Let them know that I'm alive.

The bear brought flour, Masha baked pies - a large dish. The bear found a box to put the pies in.

Masha said to the bear:

- You'll carry it, dear, don't eat. I’ll look from the hill and I’ll see it.

While the bear was getting ready, Masha took the time, climbed into the back and covered herself with a dish of pies.

The bear took the body, put it on his back and carried it.

He walks along paths past fir trees and birches, where he descends into a ravine and rises up. Tired - he says: - What a heavy body!

I'll sit on a tree stump

I'll eat the pie.

Masha heard and screamed:

- I see, I see!

Not far from grandfather's yard.

The bear growled:

- Look, she’s so big-eyed!

Sits high

He looks far away.

He walks and walks and says again:

- I’ll sit on a tree stump,

I'll eat the pie.

And Masha screamed again:

- I see, I see!

Don't sit on the stump, don't eat the pie -

Very close to grandfather's yard!

The bear did not sit on the tree stump, did not eat the pie, and moved on. I reached the village and found Mashin’s house. Knock-knock at the gate! The dog barked. And others came running from everywhere. There was such a barking!

As soon as grandfather and grandmother opened the gate, the bear threw the body off his back and ran away. And the dogs follow him, catch up, bite him. Barely escaped.

Grandfather and grandmother saw the body, came closer, and their granddaughter climbed out of it, alive and well. Grandfather and grandmother cannot believe their eyes. They hug her and kiss her. And what can I say about Masha! I was so glad!

Grandfather, grandmother and Masha began to live in the old way, gain good things and forget the bad.

Fairy tale "Goat-dereza"

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather, a woman and a granddaughter Masha. They had neither a cow, nor a pig, nor any cattle - just a goat. Goat, black eyes, crooked leg, sharp horns. Grandfather loved this goat very much. Once the grandfather sent the grandmother to graze the goat. She grazed and grazed and drove home. And the grandfather sat down at the gate and asked:

“I didn’t eat, I didn’t drink, my grandmother didn’t tend to me.” As I ran across the bridge, I grabbed a maple leaf - that’s all my food.

The grandfather got angry with the grandmother, shouted and sent his granddaughter to graze the goat. She grazed and grazed and drove her home. And the grandfather sat down at the gate and asked:

- My goat, goat, black eyes, crooked leg, sharp horns, what did you eat, what did you drink?

And the goat responded:

“I didn’t eat, I didn’t drink, my granddaughter didn’t tend to me.” As I ran across the bridge, I grabbed a maple leaf - that’s all my food.

The grandfather got angry with his granddaughter, shouted, and went to graze the goat himself. Passed, passed, fed him enough and drove him home. And he ran forward, sat down at the gate and asked:

- My goat, goat, black eyes, crooked leg, sharp horns, did she eat well, did she drink well?

And the goat says:

“I didn’t eat or drink, but as I ran across the bridge, I grabbed a maple leaf—that’s all my food!”

The grandfather got angry with the liar, grabbed the belt, and let’s hit her on the sides. The goat barely escaped and ran into the forest.

She ran into the forest and climbed into the bunny’s hut, locked the doors, and climbed onto the stove. And the bunny was eating cabbage in the garden. The bunny came home - the door was locked. The bunny knocked and said:

- Who, who is occupying my hut, who won’t let me into the house?

- I am a goat-dereza, black eyes, crooked leg, sharp horns! I will stomp and stomp my feet, I will stab you with my horns, I will sweep you with my tail!

The bunny got scared and started running. He sits under a bush, cries, wipes away his tears with his paw.

A gray wolf with a tattered side walks past.

- What are you crying about, little bunny, what are you shedding tears about?

- How can I, a little bunny, not cry, how can I, a gray one, not grieve: I built myself a hut on the edge of the forest, and a goat climbed into it and won’t let me go home.

The gray wolf approached the hut and shouted:

“Get off the stove, goat, and free the bunny’s hut!”

And the goat answered him:

- As soon as I jump out, as I jump out, as I kick with my feet, stab with my horns - the pieces will go down the back streets!

The wolf got scared and ran away!

A bunny is sitting under a bush, crying, wiping away her tears with her paw. A bear is coming, a thick leg.

- What are you crying about, little bunny, what are you shedding tears about, little gray one?

- How can I, a little bunny, not cry, how can I, a gray one, not grieve: I built myself a hut on the edge of the forest, but a dereza goat climbed in and won’t let me go home.

- Don’t worry, little bunny, I’ll kick her out.

The bear went to the hut and let’s roar:

“Get off the stove, goat, free the bunny’s hut!”

And the goat answered him:

- As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, as I kick with my feet, stab with my horns - the pieces will go down the back streets!

The bear got scared and ran away!

A bunny is sitting under a bush, crying, wiping away her tears with her paw.

There's a cockerel walking, a red comb, spurs on his legs.

- Why are you crying, little bunny, why are you shedding tears?

- How can I not cry, how can I not grieve: I built a hut, but a dereza goat climbed into it and won’t let me go home.

- Don’t worry, little bunny, I’ll kick her out.

“I drove him but didn’t drive him out, the wolf chased him but didn’t drive him out, the bear chased him but didn’t drive him out, where should you drive him out, Petya?”

- Well, let's see!

Petya came to the hut and shouted:

“I’m coming, I’m coming quickly, I have spurs on my feet, I’m carrying a sharp scythe, I’ll cut off the goat’s head!” Ku-ka-re-ku!

The goat was scared and would fall off the stove! From the stove to the table, from the table to the floor, and out the door, and run into the forest! They only saw her.

And the bunny lives in his hut again, chews carrots, bows to you.

Russian folk tale "Sister Fox and the Wolf"

There lived a grandfather and a woman. Grandfather says to grandma:

“You, woman, bake the pies, and I’ll harness the sleigh and go after the fish.”

He caught fish and is taking a whole cart home. So he drives and sees: a fox curled up and lying on the road. Grandfather got off the cart, went up to the fox, but she didn’t stir, she lay there as if dead.

- This will be a gift for my wife! - said the grandfather, took the fox and put it on the cart, and he himself walked ahead.

And the little fox seized the time and began to lightly throw everything out of the cart, one fish at a time, one fish at a time, one fish at a time. She threw out all the fish and left.

“Well, old woman,” says the grandfather, “what a collar I brought for your fur coat!”

“There, on the cart, is a fish and a collar.” A woman approached the cart: no collar, no fish, and began to scold her husband:

- Oh, you, so and so! You still decided to deceive!

Then the grandfather realized that the fox was not dead. I grieved and grieved, but there was nothing to do.

And the fox collected all the scattered fish into a pile, sat down on the road and eats for itself. The gray wolf comes:

- Hello, sister!

- Hello, brother!

- Give me the fish!

- Catch it yourself and eat it.

- I can't.

- Hey, I caught it! You, brother, go to the river, lower your tail into the hole, sit and say: “Catch, little fish, both small and great! Catch, little fish, both small and great! The fish will attach itself to your tail. Make sure you sit there longer, otherwise you won’t catch anything!

The wolf went to the river, lowered his tail into the hole and began to say:

Catch it, fish!

both small and large!

Catch it, fish!

both small and large!

Following him the fox appeared; walks around the wolf and laments:

Make it clear, make the stars in the sky clear,

Freeze, freeze,

wolf tail!

- What are you saying, little fox-sister?

- Then I’ll help you.

And the cheat herself keeps repeating:

Freeze, freeze,

wolf tail!

The wolf sat for a long, long time at the ice hole, did not move from his spot the whole night, and his tail froze; I tried to get up, but it didn’t work!

“Wow, so many fish have fallen in and you can’t get them out!” - he thinks.

He looks, and the women go for water and shout, seeing the gray one:

- Wolf, wolf! Hit him, hit him!

They came running and started beating the wolf - some with a yoke, some with a bucket, some with anything. The wolf jumped and jumped, tore off his tail and started running without looking back.

“Okay,” he thinks, “I’ll repay you, sister!”

Meanwhile, while the wolf was puffing away on his sides, the little fox-sister wanted to try: would it be possible to pull off something else? She climbed into one of the huts where women were baking pancakes, but her head fell into a tub of dough, she got dirty and ran.

And the wolf meets her:

- Is this how you teach? I was beaten all over!

- Oh, brother wolf! - says the little fox-sister. “At least you’re bleeding, but I have a brain, they beat me harder than you: I’m struggling.”

“And that’s true,” says the wolf, “where should you go, sister, sit on me, I’ll take you.”

The little fox sat on his back, and he took her away.

Here the little fox-sister sits and quietly sings:

The beaten one brings the unbeaten one,

The beaten one brings the unbeaten!

- What are you saying, sister?

- I, brother, say: “The beaten one brings the beaten one.”

- Yes, sister, yes!

    1 - About the little bus who was afraid of the dark

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    A short story about a mouse who lived in a book and decided to jump out of it into the big world. Only he did not know how to speak the language of mice, but knew only a strange bookish language... Read about a mouse from a book...

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    A fairy tale about a hedgehog, a hare and a crow who could not divide the last apple among themselves. Everyone wanted to take it for themselves. But the fair bear judged their dispute, and everyone got a piece of the treat... Apple read It was late...

    6 - Black Pool

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    A fairy tale about a cowardly Hare who was afraid of everyone in the forest. And he was so tired of his fear that he decided to drown himself in the Black Pool. But he taught the Hare to live and not be afraid! Black Whirlpool read Once upon a time there was a Hare...

    7 - About the Hippopotamus, who was afraid of vaccinations

    Suteev V.G.

    A fairy tale about a cowardly hippopotamus who ran away from the clinic because he was afraid of vaccinations. And he fell ill with jaundice. Luckily, he was taken to the hospital and treated. And the hippopotamus became very ashamed of his behavior... About the Hippopotamus, who was afraid...

    8 - Mom for Baby Mammoth

    Nepomnyashchaya D.

    A fairy tale about a baby mammoth that melted out of the ice and went to look for its mother. But all the mammoths have long since died out, and the wise Uncle Walrus advised him to sail to Africa, where elephants live, which are very similar to mammoths. Mom for...

Throughout the history of mankind, animals have played and continue to play a huge role in the world of literary art, including fairy tales for children. In wonderful and mysterious fairy tales we meet witches and queens, princes and elves, dragons and talking animals. From ancient times, when man first scratched buffalo on cave walls, to the present day, animals have been depicted in mythical stories and Russian folk tales. The rich history of the animal world, represented in mythology and fairy tales, continues endlessly. These animals awaken our creative spirit and feed our imagination.
Fairy tales about animals for young children are one of the sections of the list of fairy tales that have been passed down from generation to generation for centuries. Wonderful and amazing things happen to small and large animals. Some of them are kind and sympathetic, others are evil and treacherous. In fairy tales, animals can turn into handsome princes and extraordinary beauties, speak human language, laugh, cry and worry.

The best fairy tales about animals with pictures

Young children always listen with enthusiasm and special interest to the fairy tales of Prishvin and Leo Tolstoy, where the main characters are animals, admiring their exploits and condemning evil deeds. Animals that help people are portrayed as strong, agile, fast, cunning and kind. Fictional talking creatures in the form of animals, possessing human qualities, entertain children and adults, making them experience extraordinary adventures, which are told in short fairy tales with pictures. For hundreds of years, we and our children have been learning about scary dragons, unicorns and other extraordinary creatures of animal origin. These creatures appeared in such fairy tales as “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Alice in Wonderland”, “Cinderella” and many, many others.

Storytellers characterize animals with human behavior in their stories, for example, in the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” or “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids,” evil, greedy and at the same time kind and sensual animals are shown. They, like people, are capable of loving and hating, deceiving and admiring. On our website 1 tale you can read a brief summary of each fairy tale and choose exactly the one that your child will like.

Fairy tales about animals will never go out of style. From year to year we will read, compose and tell them to our children, experience and admire the good deeds of animals and rejoice at their victories and achievements. Modern authors continue the folk traditions and traditions of storytellers of past years, creating new stories with new titles, where the main characters are animals.

    1 - About the little bus who was afraid of the dark

    Donald Bisset

    A fairy tale about how mother bus taught her little bus not to be afraid of the dark... About the little bus who was afraid of the dark read Once upon a time there was a little bus in the world. He was bright red and lived with his dad and mom in the garage. Every morning...

    2 - Three kittens

    Suteev V.G.

    A short fairy tale for the little ones about three fidgety kittens and their funny adventures. Little children love short stories with pictures, which is why Suteev’s fairy tales are so popular and loved! Three kittens read Three kittens - black, gray and...

    3 - Hedgehog in the fog

    Kozlov S.G.

    A fairy tale about a Hedgehog, how he was walking at night and got lost in the fog. He fell into the river, but someone carried him to the shore. It was a magical night! Hedgehog in the fog read Thirty mosquitoes ran out into the clearing and began to play...

    4 - About the mouse from the book

    Gianni Rodari

    A short story about a mouse who lived in a book and decided to jump out of it into the big world. Only he did not know how to speak the language of mice, but knew only a strange bookish language... Read about a mouse from a book...

    5 - Apple

    Suteev V.G.

    A fairy tale about a hedgehog, a hare and a crow who could not divide the last apple among themselves. Everyone wanted to take it for themselves. But the fair bear judged their dispute, and everyone got a piece of the treat... Apple read It was late...

    6 - Black Pool

    Kozlov S.G.

    A fairy tale about a cowardly Hare who was afraid of everyone in the forest. And he was so tired of his fear that he decided to drown himself in the Black Pool. But he taught the Hare to live and not be afraid! Black Whirlpool read Once upon a time there was a Hare...

    7 - About the Hippopotamus, who was afraid of vaccinations

    Suteev V.G.

    A fairy tale about a cowardly hippopotamus who ran away from the clinic because he was afraid of vaccinations. And he fell ill with jaundice. Luckily, he was taken to the hospital and treated. And the hippopotamus became very ashamed of his behavior... About the Hippopotamus, who was afraid...

    8 - Mom for Baby Mammoth

    Nepomnyashchaya D.

    A fairy tale about a baby mammoth that melted out of the ice and went to look for its mother. But all the mammoths have long since died out, and the wise Uncle Walrus advised him to sail to Africa, where elephants live, which are very similar to mammoths. Mom for...

The goat and the ram went into the deep forest to pluck grass and take a walk in the open air. We walked and walked and got lost in the dark forest. We went into a deep thicket and looked: wolves were cooking lunch under a tree. The goat quietly says to the ram: “What are we going to do, friend ram?” Apparently we are lost. Fierce wolves will eat us...

Once upon a time there was a godfather, Fox; In her old age, the Fox was tired of looking after herself, so she came to the Bear and began to ask for a place to live: “Let me in, Mikhailo Potapych, I’m an old, learned fox, I’ll take up a little space, not a lot, not a lot of food, unless I profit from you.” I'll gnaw the bones...

A fox was running through the forest, saw a black grouse on a tree and said to him: “Terenty, Terenty!” I was in the city. - Boo-boo-boo, boo-boo-boo! It was like that. - Terenty, Terenty! I got the decree. - Boo-boo-boo, boo-boo-boo! I got it, I got it. - So that you, black grouse, don’t sit in the trees, but still walk in the green meadows...

An owl flew - a cheerful head. So she flew, flew and sat down, twirled her tail, looked around and flew again - flew, flew and sat down, twirled her tail and looked around and flew again - flew, flew...

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather, a woman and a granddaughter Masha. They had neither a cow, nor a pig, nor any cattle - just a goat. Goat, black eyes, crooked leg, sharp horns. Grandfather loved this goat very much. Once the grandfather sent the grandmother to graze the goat. She grazed and grazed and drove home...

A crane met a fox: “What, fox, can you fly?” - No, I can’t. - Sit on me, I’ll teach you. The fox sat on the crane. The crane carried her away high, high. - What, fox, do you see the earth...

Once upon a time there lived an old woman who spoke, and she had a goat with kids. In the morning people will get up and get to work, but the old woman still lies on the stove. Only by lunchtime will he get up, eat, drink - and let’s talk. She talks, talks, talks - both with neighbors, and with passers-by, and with herself...

The sparrow became angry with the sparrow: he lay down on the stove, did not eat, did not drink, and did not speak to anyone. The neighbors are bored without a sparrow. The rooster came: - Knock-knock-knock! Is godfather, sparrow at home? “At home, he’s sick,” the sparrow says...

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. They had a granddaughter Alyonushka. The girlfriends got ready to go into the forest to pick berries and came to invite her with them. For a long time the old people did not let their granddaughter go. Then they agreed, only they ordered her to keep up with her friends. Girls walk through the forest, picking berries. Tree by tree, bush by bush - Alyonushka fell behind her friends...

Once upon a time there lived a peasant who had a Sheep. The owner didn’t like her and tortured her with nagging! She decided to leave home. I walked, I walked. The Fox met her: “Where are you going, Sheep?”

Once upon a time there lived a hen with a cochet. They came to the forest for nuts. Kochetok climbed up a hazel tree to pick the nuts, and ordered the chicken to pick them up on the ground. The cochet throws, and the hen picks up. So he threw a nut and hit the chicken in the peephole. The chicken went and cried...

One day a man was sitting in the forest under a tree and eating bread. The Wolf saw him and asked: “What are you eating, man?” “Your own bread,” he answers. - Give me some bread to try. The man cut off the edge of the bread. The wolf ate it and licked his lips: the bread was delicious...

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. They sowed turnips. So the bear got into the habit of stealing turnips from them. The old man went to look and saw: a lot of turnips had been picked and scattered around. He returned home and told the old woman...

The fox and the crane became friends. So the fox decided to treat the crane, and went to invite him to visit her: “Come, little kuman, come, dear!” I'll treat you! The crane went to the banquet. And the fox cooked semolina porridge and spread it on the plate...

Once upon a time there lived a fox and a hare. The fox had an ice hut, the hare had a bast hut. The red spring has come - the fox’s hut has melted, but the hare’s hut remains as before. So the fox asked him to spend the night, and kicked him out of the hut. A dear bunny walks and cries. A dog meets him. - Tyaf, tyaf, tyaf! Why, bunny, are you crying...

Once upon a time there lived a goat and a ram in the same yard; They lived together amicably: a bunch of hay, and that in half. And if a pitchfork hits the side, it’s for Vaska the cat alone! He's such a thief and robber, he's out fishing every hour, and wherever he lies, his stomach hurts...

In a certain kingdom, a certain state, namely the one in which we live, there lived a landowner. The landowner had a cat, his name was Vaska-Muska. The landowner loved Vaska-Muska, and the cat did his cat’s job well - he caught rats and mice in the grain stores...

Once upon a time there was a cat, a thrush and a cockerel - a golden comb. They lived in the forest, in a hut. The cat and the blackbird go into the forest to chop wood, and leave the cockerel alone. They leave and are severely punished: “We will go far, but you stay to be a housekeeper, but don’t raise your voice, when the fox comes, don’t look out the window...