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If we consider environmental problems, one of the most pressing is air pollution. Environmentalists are sounding the alarm and calling on humanity to reconsider its attitude to life and consumption natural resources, because only protection against air pollution will improve the situation and prevent serious consequences. Find out how to solve such a pressing issue, influence the environmental situation and preserve the atmosphere.

Natural sources of clogging

What is air pollution? IN this concept includes the introduction and entry into the atmosphere and all its layers of uncharacteristic elements of a physical, biological or chemical nature, as well as changes in their concentrations.

What pollutes our air? Air pollution is caused by many reasons, and all sources can be divided into natural or natural, as well as artificial, that is, anthropogenic.

It’s worth starting with the first group, which includes pollutants generated by nature itself:

  1. The first source is volcanoes. When they erupt, they throw out huge quantities of tiny particles of various rocks, ash, poisonous gases, sulfur oxides and other equally harmful substances. And although eruptions occur quite rarely, according to statistics, as a result of volcanic activity, the level of air pollution increases significantly, because up to 40 million tons of hazardous compounds are released into the atmosphere every year.
  2. If we consider natural causes of air pollution, then it is worth noting such as peat or forest fires. Most often, fires occur due to unintentional arson by a person who is negligent about the rules of safety and behavior in the forest. Even a small spark from a fire that is not completely extinguished can cause the fire to spread. Less often, fires are caused by very high solar activity, which is why the peak of danger occurs in the hot summer.
  3. Considering the main types of natural pollutants, one cannot fail to mention dust storms that arise due to strong gusts winds and air flow mixing. During a hurricane or other natural phenomenon Tons of dust rise, causing air pollution.

Artificial sources

To air pollution in Russia and others developed countries often cites the influence of anthropogenic factors caused by the activities carried out by people.

Let's list the main artificial sources causing air pollution:

  • Rapid development of industry. It’s worth starting with chemical air pollution caused by the activities of chemical plants. Toxic substances released into the air poison it. Also air pollution harmful substances cause metallurgical plants: metal recycling is a complex process involving huge emissions due to heating and combustion. In addition, small solid particles formed during the manufacture of building or finishing materials also pollute the air.
  • The problem of air pollution from motor vehicles is especially pressing. Although other types also provoke emissions into the atmosphere, it is cars that have the most significant negative impact on it, since there are many more of them than any other vehicles. The exhaust emitted by motor vehicles and generated during engine operation contains a lot of substances, including hazardous ones. It's sad that emissions are increasing every year. All more people are acquiring an “iron horse,” which, of course, has a detrimental effect on the environment.
  • Operation of thermal and nuclear power plants, boiler plants. The life of humanity at this stage is impossible without the use of such installations. They supply us with vital resources: heat, electricity, hot water. But when any type of fuel is burned, the atmosphere changes.
  • Household waste. Every year the purchasing power of people increases, and as a result, the volumes of waste generated also increase. Their disposal is not given due attention, but some types of waste are extremely dangerous, have a long decomposition period and emit fumes that have an extremely adverse effect on the atmosphere. Every person pollutes the air every day, but waste from industrial enterprises, which is taken to landfills and is not disposed of in any way, is much more dangerous.

What substances most often pollute the air?

There are an incredibly large number of air pollutants, and environmentalists are constantly discovering new ones, which is associated with the rapid pace of industrial development and the introduction of new production and processing technologies. But the most common compounds found in the atmosphere are:

  • Carbon monoxide, also called carbon monoxide. It is colorless and odorless and is formed during incomplete combustion of fuel with low volumes of oxygen and low temperatures. This compound is dangerous and causes death due to lack of oxygen.
  • Carbon dioxide is found in the atmosphere and has a slightly sour odor.
  • Sulfur dioxide is released during the combustion of some sulfur-containing fuels. This compound provokes acid rain and depresses human breathing.
  • Nitrogen dioxides and oxides characterize air pollution industrial enterprises, since they are most often formed during their activities, especially during the production of certain fertilizers, dyes and acids. These substances can also be released as a result of fuel combustion or during operation of the machine, especially when it is malfunctioning.
  • Hydrocarbons are among the most common substances and can be found in solvents, detergents, petroleum products.
  • Lead is also harmful and is used to make batteries, cartridges and ammunition.
  • Ozone is extremely toxic and is formed during photochemical processes or during the operation of transport and factories.

Now you know which substances pollute the air most often. But this is only a small part of them; the atmosphere contains a lot of different compounds, and some of them are even unknown to scientists.

Sad consequences

The scale of the impact of air pollution on human health and the entire ecosystem as a whole is simply enormous, and many people underestimate it. Let's start with the environment.

  1. Firstly, due to polluted air, greenhouse effect, which gradually but globally changes the climate, leads to warming and melting of glaciers, and provokes natural disasters. It can be said that it leads to irreversible consequences in the state of the environment.
  2. Secondly, acid rain is becoming more and more frequent, which has a negative impact on all life on Earth. Through their fault, entire populations of fish die, unable to live in such an acidic environment. Negative influence observed during the inspection of historical monuments and architectural monuments.
  3. Thirdly, fauna and flora suffer, since dangerous fumes are inhaled by animals, they also enter plants and gradually destroy them.

A polluted atmosphere has an extremely negative impact on human health. Emissions enter the lungs and cause malfunctions respiratory system, the heaviest allergic reactions. Together with the blood, dangerous compounds are carried throughout the body and greatly wear it out. And some elements can provoke mutation and degeneration of cells.

How to solve the problem and save the environment

The problem of air pollution is very relevant, especially considering that the environment has deteriorated greatly over the past few decades. And it needs to be solved comprehensively and in several ways.

Let's consider several effective measures to prevent air pollution:

  1. To combat air pollution, it is mandatory to install treatment and filtering facilities and systems at individual enterprises. And at particularly large industrial plants it is necessary to begin introducing stationary monitoring posts for monitoring air pollution.
  2. To avoid air pollution from cars, you should switch to alternative and less harmful energy sources, such as solar panels or electricity.
  3. Replacing combustible fuels with more accessible and less dangerous ones, such as water, wind, sunlight and others that do not require combustion, will help protect atmospheric air from pollution.
  4. The protection of atmospheric air from pollution must be supported at the state level, and there are already laws aimed at protecting it. But it is also necessary to act and exercise control in individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  5. One of effective ways, which should include the protection of air from pollution, is the establishment of a system for the disposal of all waste or its recycling.
  6. To solve the problem of air pollution, plants should be used. Widespread landscaping will improve the atmosphere and increase the amount of oxygen in it.

How to protect atmospheric air from pollution? If all of humanity fights it, then there is a chance of improving the environment. Knowing the essence of the problem of air pollution, its relevance and the main solutions, we need to jointly and comprehensively combat pollution.

Break interval, memorial, timekeeping, interior design.

Some pleonasms, however, have acquired a terminological character(For example: " information message ») or the nature of a stable phrase(For example: " completely and completely »).

Such combinations are also permissible if the word included in the phrase has changed its meaning or acquired a new shade of meaning, for example:

second-hand book (in the sense of "old")

period of time (the word “period” does not mean “time”, but “a period of time”)

monumental monument (“monumental” - meaning “large”, “majestic”);

33. Correct the sentences by eliminating semantic redundancy:

1. The building will be decorated with stained glass windows made of colored cast glass.

2. The worker was fired for absenteeism without a valid reason.

3. The mid-60s are significant for the heyday and apogee of the “severe style.”

4. I celebrated Christmas at a work colleague’s dacha.

5. Pulcheria Ivanovna bakes very wonderful pies.

6. Participial phrases are always separated by commas.

7. The reform is carried out with the simultaneous coexistence of old and new management structures.

8. The injection molding machine plant came into operation at its existing enterprises.

9. We also visited the monument. He amazed us with his size and greatness.

10. Historians explain the rapid development of the city by the fact that important trade routes met here.

11. The duration of the melting process lasts several hours.

12. The cost of staying in this hospital is not financed by the state.

13. Residents of Ufa could observe an unusual phenomenon last Sunday.

14. The government in these difficult and difficult times must represent a single monolith.

15. He told us about his plans for the future.

One of the speech errors is tautology - speech excess: neighborhood of cognates . This type of error occurs in almost any text and consists of repetition at the level of one or more sentences, as well as at the paragraph level.

For example:“Achievements that the enterprise has achieved...”;

“the following facts should be taken into account...”;

“this phenomenon manifests itself in...”.

Such an error indicates a poor vocabulary of the writer, his inability to select synonyms for given words or replace a simple sentence with a complex one in order to avoid repetitions. For example: Princess Marya understands well that she is ugly, but the author emphasizes her inner beauty, which is reflected in her eyes. Should have written: Princess Marya is well aware that she is unattractive, but the author emphasizes her inner beauty, which is reflected in her eyes.

Repetition of words with the same root is permissible if the repeated words are the only carriers of meaning, For example: “Investigative authorities have investigated...”

But at the same time, verbosity or speech redundancy (the use of words and phrases that carry unnecessary information) is unacceptable, for example:

Instead of: “Tariffs for travel of passengers by urban passenger transport”

Necessary: “Tariffs for travel by urban passenger transport”

Instead of: “Program of measures to support the activities of veteran organizations”

Necessary: “Program to support the activities of veteran organizations”

Instead of: “It was found that the existing prices are inflated”

Necessary: “It was determined that the prices were inflated”

Instead of: “In his speech, he pointed out certain shortcomings”

Necessary:“In his speech, he pointed out certain shortcomings».

It is also unacceptable to skip words, especially verbal nouns like: organization,implementation, provision, carrying out, approval etc., for example:

Instead of: “Conducting an experiment on the nutrition of schoolchildren”

Necessary: « Conduct of an experiment on organizing meals for schoolchildren»

Instead of: “About the Social Protection Program for Low-Income Citizens”

Necessary: “On approval of the Social Protection Program for low-income citizens.”

Tasks for practical work

34. Correct the sentences by eliminating the tautology:

1. The appearance of A. N. Ostrovsky’s plays was a huge event in our theater.

3. Having inherited his uncle's inheritance, Onegin began to live in the village.

4. The French emperor miscalculated, counting on a quick victory.

5. When the enemy troops began to approach closer, the whole people came out against the enemies.

6. “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” called on the Russian people to unite as one.

7. Personally, I believe that those speakers who will speak will talk about the matter.

8. The external appearance of the heroine is quite attractive.

9. The conversation we had with you has come to its final end.

10. His poetry is based on the living experiences of a life-loving poet.

11. Our country, which until recently was the leading vanguard of the global peace movement, cannot resolve the bloodshed in the North Caucasus.

12. What kind of judge would want to be a defendant?

13. Air pollution is a burning and pressing problem of our modern century.

14. An unextinguished cigarette caused a flame to ignite waste paper, which became the source of the fire.

15. A complex of unresolved problems must be solved comprehensively.

Practical work No. 1

1. Instead of dots, insert words that most accurately express the idea; motivate your choice.

Man has found words for everything he has discovered in the universe. But this is not enough. He named every action and state. He defined in words the properties and qualities of everything that surrounds him. The dictionary reflects all the changes taking place in the world. He captured the experience and wisdom of centuries and, keeping pace, accompanies life, the development of technology, science, and art. He can name any thing and has the means to express the most abstract and generalized ideas and concepts.

2. Instead of dots, insert the desired word or phrase; motivate your choice.

l. On the site of a small factory built large woodworking plant. 2. Depending on the specific conditions, the installation may be mounted both outdoors and indoors. 3. Already in October the farmer became supply green onions to the capital's stores. 4. Technologist Kalinina suggested modernize design of two large horizontal boring machines. 5. At a carpet factory in past year, production has improved. Already produced 867 sq. meters carpets and paths. 6. Known to everyone that even the most good conditions no work yet guarantee success. 7. In this work the author managed describe tragic events in life of his generation. 8. This one defect in details you can see with the naked eye. 9. To the winner of the competition awarded bonus. 10. In a new hotel priority pay attention to immaculate guest service. 3. Indicate words, the use of which leads to a violation of lexical compatibility, correct speech errors.

1. The author of the anthology has not yet compiled an annotation. 2. The factory club hosts crowded evenings. 3. Harvesting is in full swing in the village. 4. Increasing protein levels in grains poses great challenges for researchers. 5. Kolos athletes set 32 ​​new records. 6. I read a long article in a magazine about the role of the father in raising children. 7. This policy is already bringing positive results. 8. Much attention will be paid to the improvement of the city. 9. We pay increased attention to this issue. 9. Our farmers broke the world record for shearing fine wool sheep. 10 The vast majority of those present understood this topic. 11. He began writing songs in his distant youth, and only now, at the end of his life, fame came to him. 12. He set so many world records that only avid gymnastics fans can remember them all. 13. The lecture for childless families is postponed to Thursday. 4. Pay attention to speech insufficiency, note cases of unclearness of the statement, distortion of its meaning. Correct the sentences.

1. Student Belov’s work took first place among works in the English language. 2. They graduated from a vocational school, but they need practice, and for practice they need direct experience at the machine. 3. For mistakes made in eliminating deficiencies, the chairman of the state farm Pashkov was punished with penalties .4. Mayakovsky's personality excites readers all over the world. 5. Apartment for rent, you can bring a small child 6 An eighty-year-old blind old woman walks into the barn, holding on to a wire. 7. For up to... months, children are walked in a recumbent stroller. 8. Students who have completed the study of "pressure and welding" can enroll in "cutting". 9. (The woman) was awarded half of the marital property. 10. The sale of juice has been temporarily stopped. 11. The cargo is delivered by helicopter due to road erosion. 12. The period of time between school and life takes a short time, but remains in the memory for a long time. 13.Many scientists pay attention to quality.14. We ask livestock workers to purchase durable collars with a soft base before the onset of summer. 15. The factory requires two workers (filling and wrapping). 16. Please discharge me, I have no complaints.

5. Identify various shapes speech redundancy (pleonasm, tautology, hidden tautology, repetition of words), correct the sentences.

1. The plaintiff substantiates his claims only with arguments. 2. The building will be decorated with stained glass. 3. In the fire of 1812, all the wooden structures of the monastery were destroyed, and the stone structures were also burned. 4. Economic development in the 20th century both here and in the West took the wrong direction. 5. The act is not signed, but the copy of the signed copy contains a link to the original. 6. Today we have a guest from Akmolinsk. 7. We are on the verge of making important decisions. 8. A strange situation has arisen: in accordance with this agreement, we must achieve indicators that we have never achieved before and will never be able to achieve. 9. I would like to highlight one more point regarding voter trust: the measures taken should in no case undermine their trust in government institutions. 10. It also happens that in response to criticism you receive a boomerang. 11. Any person, upon returning from a trip, strives to bring a gift or souvenir as a keepsake. 12. The time spent in this hospital is not funded by the state. 13. The government must present a monolith in these difficult times. 14. Visitors to our restaurant can taste exquisite delicacies made from fresh fish. 15. Residents of Ufa could observe an unusual phenomenon last Sunday. 16. The crowd broke into the building. 17. He told us about his plans. 18. Passengers with a document entitling them to travel free of charge pay for the cost of baggage on a general basis. 19. The population of the city of Kalinov lives a monotonous life... Katerina has a presentiment of her death... She cannot return to the Kabanovs’ house and prefers death, in which all the noble impulses of her soul are uselessly lost.

6. Evaluate the use of lexical means in the given sentences. Indicate speech errors (wrong choice of word, violation of lexical compatibility, speech insufficiency, pleonasm, tautology, etc.). Give options for stylistic editing of sentences.

The device is a semantic tautology. 1. Personally, I believe that the speakers will talk about the matter. 2. In his speech, he emphasized: “Personally, I am doubly pleased to receive awards when they are presented to a wide audience.” 3. Andrey came back and, vigorously gesturing with his hands, exclaimed loudly: “Who will be your main competitor?” 4. An unextinguished cigarette caused a fire in the waste paper. 5. Air pollution is a burning and pressing problem of our century. 6. The placement of such patients in regular hospital wards for non-communicable diseases is strictly prohibited. 7. Our country, which until recently was the vanguard of the global peace movement, cannot resolve the bloodshed in the North Caucasus. 8. The conversation we had with you has come to an end. 9. In their work, heads of children's institutions use methodological literature. 7. Read jokes, puns; state the reasons for the word play in each case.

Reason-homonymy 1. He liked to fall asleep (ask a lot of questions) to students, apparently because they liked to fall asleep during his lectures (March.). 2. There were people, there are people, there will be people (in the sense of eating). 3. Defender of liberty and (human) rights In this case, he is completely wrong (P.). 4. And I didn’t care about (What?: decree pronoun), What secret volume my daughter had Dozed until the morning under the pillow (P.). 5. After all, your principles are simple: You really love spicy things, But you are afraid of spicy food (spicy food) (A. Bezymensky. Epigram “To many magazines, publishing houses, editors”). 6. It’s one thing, brother, if Ogurtsov is an ambassador, Another thing is if you’re an ambassador (government official) ( Goat.). 7. I didn’t walk, but minced on a flat beam, never changed my foot, I was a coward and a coward (afraid) ( High.). 8. But I won’t change my wrong (which is not right) right to right left ( High). 9. There is a goal from the king on stage, but also a goal on the field (against the opponent’s goal) is the king! ( E. Ilyin) 8. Indicate speech errors that arose as a result of mixing paronyms. Eliminate them by choosing your words wisely.

1. The changes that have taken place in the country over the past few years are irreversible. 2. Medical institutions provide differentiated nutrition to patients. 3. When approving the documentation, the director puts his signature on it. 4. The frozen glass of the windows barely dissipates the dim light of the March morning. 5. He read the protocols with the feeling with which a writer rereads his successful work. 6. To solve this problem, excursions into mathematics and biology were required. 7. Fashion designers and workers in the shoe and leather industry always strive to ensure that shoes are beautiful and practical. 8. Will a surgeon remember how many appendicitis he has cut out during his life? 9. Nowadays young people are left to their own devices. 10. Following the cherries, early varieties of apples ripened. 11. Time has wiped out many cities from the face of the earth, and their remains now rest somewhere under our feet. 12. For this book, the author collected noble material. 13. The meeting participants strictly condemned those who forget about their duty. 14. Covers were put on the furniture, and this gave the room an uninhabited look.

Practical work No. 2.

After studying the theoretical material, complete the following tasks.

1. Fill out the table “Indeclinable nouns of foreign origin.”

2. Fill out the table “Features of surname declension.”

Features of declension of surnames




surname indicators


male and female

last name variant

The vast majority of Russian surnames have formal indicators - suffixes -ov- (-ev-), -in-, -sk-: All such surnames are declined. At the same time, they form two correlative systems of forms - masculine and feminine, naming male and female persons, respectively. Correlates with both systems unified system forms plural.

Note. All this - with the exception of the absence of neuter forms - resembles a system of adjective forms. Surnames with a formal indicator -sk- declined in masculine and feminine and in the plural as adjectives








only male

last name variant

All male surnames that have consonant stems and a zero ending in the nominative case (in writing they end with a consonant, b or th), except for last names -s, -them, are declined as nouns of the second declension of the masculine gender, i.e. they have an ending in the instrumental case -ohm, (-em)

Herzen, Levitan, Gogol, Vrubel, Hemingway, Gaidai.

doesn't bow

male and female

last name variant

A special type is represented by Russian surnames in -s(s), revealing their origin from the genitive (and prepositional) plural form of adjectives. According to the strict norms of literary language, such surnames are not declined

White, Black, Curly, Curly, Long, Red.

3. Fill out the table “Options for endings of the nominative plural of nouns.”

Variants of endings for the nominative plural

ending options



-a/-i or -s/-i








Years and years



Geese goslings

4. Fill out the table “Options for genitive plural endings of masculine nouns with a hard consonant stem.”

5. Fill out the table “Forms of degrees of comparison of adjectives.”

Forms of comparison of adjectives

degree of comparison

way of education

positive degree

By itself it does not express the meaning of comparison, but it is important for this category because Only when compared with a positive degree is the grammatical meaning of the comparative and superlative degrees realized.


simple form

comparative degree

The simple comparative form is formed by adding suffixes to the initial form of adjectives –ee(s);-e;-she .

Beautiful is more beautiful;



compound form

comparative degree

The compound form of the comparative degree is usually formed by adding the word more to the initial form of the adjective


simple form


The simple superlative form is formed by adding a suffix to the initial form of the adjective. –eysh-(-aysh-)

Fair-fair, deep-deep

compound form

superlative (1)


Strong is the strongest

compound form

superlative (2)

The superlative compound form is a combination of words most least and the original form of the adjective

Wise is the wisest

compound form

superlative (3)

The superlative compound form is formed by adding an auxiliary word total (if the object is inanimate) or everyone( if the object is animate)

The most valuable thing is sleep

He's kinder than everyone else

6. Fill out the table “Declination of simple definite cardinal names of numerals from one to four.”

Declension simple

from one to four


one O

one A

four e





















About one thing

About one thing

About one

About two

About two

About three

About four

7. Fill out the table “Declination of simple definite cardinal numerals with a base on a soft consonant.”

Declension simple definite cardinal numerals

With based on a soft consonant

(according to the third type of declension of nouns)

five – twenty (+ thirty)


five – twenty (+ thirty)


Five to twenty (+ thirty)


Five to twenty (+ thirty




Five to twenty (+ thirty)

About the steppe

About five to twenty (+ thirty)

8. Fill out the table “Declination of simple definite-quantitative names with the numerals forty, ninety, one hundred.”

Declension of simple definite cardinal numerals

forty, ninety, one hundred














9. Fill out the table “Declination of complex definite cardinal numerals.”

Declension complex definite cardinal numerals

500, 600, 700, 800, 900

Fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty

Two hundred, three hundred, four hundred

fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty

Two hundred, three hundred, four hundred

Five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred

fifty sixty, seventy, eighty

Two hundred, three hundred, four hundred

Five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred

Fifty, sixty seventy, eighty

Two hundred, three hundred, four hundred

Five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred

Fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty

Two hundred, three hundred, four hundred

Five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred

About fifty, about sixty, about seventy, about eighty

About two hundred, about three hundred, about four hundred

About five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred