Currently, there are many special technical means and systems for sending and receiving distress signals. This includes the International Space System for Searching for Emergency Ships and Aircraft (COSPAS-SARSAT), automatic radio beacons and other radio systems. Various pyrotechnic signaling devices—signal, lighting, and smoke flares—have become widespread.

However, in a situation of forced autonomous existence, these funds are unlikely to be at hand. Therefore, we will consider methods of sending distress signals, the implementation of which is possible without the presence of special technical means.

Signal fires. This is the simplest and most accessible way of signaling, which has been used by some peoples from time immemorial to the present. First of all, you need to choose a place convenient for fires, clearly visible both from the ground and from the air. Open spaces - clearings, wide clearings, lakes - are suitable for this purpose. It is better if the place chosen for fires is on a hill. It should also be remembered that this place should be close to the victims’ camp.

To attract the attention of rescuers, you need to light not one, but several fires. It is customary to light three fires located on the same line or at the vertices of an equilateral triangle. Such figures are international distress signals (Fig. 152). Five fires forming the letter T indicate a place suitable for landing an airplane or helicopter.

The distance between fires should be at least 30 - 50 m.

Methods for equipping signal fires are shown in Fig. 153.

At night, a fire lit in a shelter is clearly visible (Fig. 154). This option can be used if the victims have polyethylene, light, transparent fabric or a parachute.

As a last resort, you can set a free-standing tree on fire, taking precautions to avoid a forest fire.

Preparing fires should be started as soon as the first necessary steps have been completed or there are free people. At each fire you need to prepare a good supply of reliable kindling and firewood, covered in case of bad weather. It should be remembered that a fire ready to be lit and a sufficient supply of firewood is a guarantee of sending a reliable signal to rescuers who come out or fly out to help the victims. For quick, guaranteed lighting of signal fires, it is necessary to place guards around them to support the so-called small pilot fires.

On heavily moist soil, signal fires should be placed on log decks (Fig. 155).

Fires lit on rafts set some distance from the shore and secured with anchors or tied with ropes are clearly visible (Fig. 156).

Smoke signals are most effective on clear, calm days. Moreover, they are visible at a distance of up to 80 km. To increase the amount of smoke, you need to throw raw branches and grass (prepared in advance) into the fire. However, in winter and inclement weather in summer, such smoke is hardly noticeable. At this time of year, black smoke is clearly visible. To do this, you can use rubber, plastic or car oil.

At night you need a bright fire made of dry wood. A pilot can see such a fire at a distance of up to 20 km. From the ground it is visible at a distance of up to 10 km.

If for some reason it was possible to make only one fire, then it is recommended to periodically cover it with a piece of cloth or thick spruce branches. Such a pulsating fire attracts the attention of rescuers better than a constantly burning one.

A good effect for detecting a location is achieved by using a signal mirror - a heliograph. The brightness of the light signal “bunny” of such a mirror at a sun angle of 90° reaches approximately 7 million candles. The flash of such a mirror is visible from an airplane flying at an altitude of 1 - 2 km, from a distance of 20 - 25 km.

The simplest signal mirror can be made from a metal plate, polished on both sides. The signal detection range will depend on the degree of polishing of the surfaces. In the center of the plate you need to make a hole with a diameter of 5 - 7 mm. Through the hole in the plate you need to observe the plane that appears (Fig. 157).

After this, without losing sight of the object, you should turn the mirror towards the sun. Having found a sunbeam (light glare) appearing on your face or clothing, you need to turn the mirror to align its reflection on the back of the mirror with the hole. In the position when the reflected solar flare is aligned with the mirror hole, the light signal is directed at the aircraft. Giving signals in this way is a complex task and requires preliminary training. Even without seeing or hearing the plane, you can periodically run a light “bunny” along the horizon line.

As a reflective surface, you can use the reflective materials at hand - tin, metal

Russian foil (including chocolate wrapper), an ordinary pocket mirror. If the victims have a sufficient supply of foil, then pieces of it can be hung on tree branches. Reflecting the sun's rays from different angles, they will attract the attention of rescuers from afar. For the same purpose, you can lay out pieces of foil along the hillside. Before this, the foil must be slightly wrinkled, creating many reflective planes located at different angles.

Rescuers have developed and use the International Code Table (Fig. 158).

Signals are posted in places that are clearly visible from the air - in clearings, unforested hillsides. Recommended signal sizes are at least 10 m long, 3 m wide and 3 m between signs. To make signs, you can use any materials available to victims. The main requirement is that they should stand out well on the earth's surface. Suitable items for posting signs include clothing, tents, sleeping bags, life jackets, etc.

If there is no equipment, a signal sign can be dug by removing the turf and laying it (upside down) next to the trench, increasing the width of the sign. A sign lined with spruce branches is clearly visible in the snow. Examples of sign equipment are shown in Fig. 159.

If the aircraft descends significantly, you can give the International Aviation Emergency Signal Signal signs (Fig. 160).

Responses from the aircraft may be as follows (Fig. 161): I see you - a turn in the horizontal plane (a circle above the detected people) or a green rocket.

Expect help on the spot, a helicopter will come for you - a figure-of-eight flight in the horizontal plane or a red rocket.

Go in the indicated direction - an airplane flying over the victims in distress in the direction of travel or a yellow flare.

Got you - swinging from wing to wing or a white rocket. At night: turn on and off twice

landing lights or navigation lights. The absence of these signs indicates that the sign given from the ground is not accepted.

I don’t understand you - snake flight or two red rockets.

Indicate the direction of landing and the landing location - a dive followed by a turn or two green rockets.

Information signals (Fig. 162). They are used when it is necessary to leave a disaster zone or camp.

In this case, you should always leave a clearly visible sign - an arrow indicating the direction in which the victims left. It is also necessary to mark the route with some signs.

Goals: give the child an idea of ​​the need to comply with traffic rules.
Introduce students to the main groups of road signs, develop the ability to recognize road signs (by graphic symbols, shape, color), pay attention to them and fulfill their requirements.
Develop intellectually - thinking skills, creative abilities, cognitive activity.
Equipment: road signs, traffic rules board games, car models.

Lesson progress

1 Updating knowledge. Creating a problematic situation.
The phonogram of the song “Good City” by A. Pokidchenko, N. Solovyov from the musical game “Funny Traffic Light” sounds
- Today we will continue to study the Rules of the Road using the textbook “The Road and Me.” The cartoon character Vush offers to show the movement of cars at an intersection where there are no traffic lights, road signs, or roadway markings. Several students use models of cars to depict how they move. Simulation of a collision situation.
-What is happening at the intersection? Car collisions, accidents.
-What should be on the roads for safe movement on them? Traffic lights, road signs, markings are required.
-What are road signs? Plates of a certain shape with drawings.
-Where did you see them? On poles along the edges of the roadway.
-What road signs did you see on the way to school? Students show pictures and explain the purpose of each road sign. The teacher clarifies the children's answers.
-Why are road signs needed? If drivers and pedestrians comply with the requirements indicated on the sign, there will be no accidents.

Be very careful
Respect every sign
After all, there are no signs on the road
There's no way you can do it.

2 Primary acquisition of knowledge.
Show different groups of signs.
-How are they different? The signs differ in shape and color.
Correlations between color, shape and purpose of the sign.
Warning signs.
Triangular in shape with red edging. Warns of any danger. Be careful on this section of the road.
Prohibition signs.
Round shape with red edging. Prohibit any action.

Information and directional signs.
Square or rectangular shape, blue. They inform you about what is on this section of the road. Mandatory signs.
Round shape blue. Allow any action.

Show some symbols. Pedestrian symbol, uneven road symbol and others.
-Why are the same road signs adopted in all countries that are understandable to drivers and pedestrians without words? This is done so that people can communicate, travel, feel confident on the road in any country in the world.

3 Deepening children's knowledge on the topic being studied. Excursion into history.
Did you know that road signs appeared long before
first cars. This happened in 1529, when the French king Francis I introduced rules regulating road traffic. These rules prohibited overtaking and turning around on the streets. The first steam engines appeared in the mid-18th century, followed by gas and electric engines in the 19th century.

Did you know that the first international traffic regulations were adopted in Paris in 1919. The symbols that were used on the signs of that time have been preserved to this day.

Did you know, that in 1931 in Geneva the number of traffic signs increased to 26 pieces. In Moscow, the first traffic signs appeared 75 years ago in 1933.

Did you know that before the Second World War, there were two main systems of road signs in operation in various countries around the world. The European system was consistent with the 1931 Convention and was based on the use of symbols. In the Anglo-American system, inscriptions were used instead of symbols. After the end of the Second World War in 1949, a uniform system of traffic rules was adopted for all countries of the world.

4 Game “Guess the sign”

Road signs

We are the masters of the road
And we want to tell you here:
Those who are close friends with us,
They know the rules to "five".

Here's a fork, here's a spoon...
Let's refuel a little.
They fed the dog too
We say “Thank you!” sign
(“Food station”)

Do you see the sign? Its meaning is
The intersection of two roads.
Two girlfriends are equivalent
Two paths are fun.
(“Intersection of equivalent roads”)

The car will be refueled here:
He will drink three buckets of gasoline.
Help every car
If she is thirsty!
("Gas Station")

If suddenly there's a car on the way
I decided to get capricious
Here they will fix our car,
They'll put it on wheels in no time.

There are only cars driving here,
The tires flash by them menacingly.
Do you have a bicycle?
So – stop! There is no road.
(“Bicycles are prohibited”)

The highway rustled with tires,
Running cars
But near the school, slow down the gas -
Here's a sign, drivers, for you.
And you, seeing the triangle, too,
Guys, be careful.

5 Simulation of road signs.

The teacher shows the students the pedestrian symbol. The student chooses the shape and color of the sign. He names the purpose of the sign and the name. The teacher clarifies the name.

6 Creative understanding of new material.
Completing tasks in the textbook-notebook “The Road and Me” p. 12, 13
1 Write which group each sign belongs to.
2 Creative task. Think about what kind of sign you would like to hang on the door of your room.
Most students drew a warning sign and only two prohibiting ones, which indicates a favorable psychological climate in the family.
3 Creative task. Come up with some new road signs.
Students comment on their work.

7 Educational game. Road signs (puzzles).
Part 1 – road section.
Part 2 is a road sign that is installed on this section of the road.
The whole class takes part in the game.

8 Lesson summary. Wusha's advice to young pedestrians.
Textbook – notebook “The Road and Me” p.13
Remember that traffic rules and road signs are intended for the safe movement of both pedestrians and drivers
Follow the directions of road signs and road markings exactly and never violate them.
If you don’t know a sign, find out its meaning from an adult.

Svetlana Didenko
“Basics of life safety”: “All kinds of signs are important” “History of traffic lights” “Attention! Danger!"

. Brief summary of the work:

Modern ICT allows us, teachers, to most thoroughly prepare for direct educational activities. To make the process of raising, teaching and developing children interesting, exciting and instructive. I have developed a number of didactic games - presentations using ICT in various educational areas.

There is great interest in such materials; my colleagues use them in educational activities. Parents play these games with their children at home, which allows for a continuous developmental process at home and in preschool educational institutions.

I present games - presentations on topic: « Basics of life safety»

« All kinds of signs are important»

« History of traffic lights»

« Attention! Danger

Upbringing security– a continuous systematic and consistent process starting from an early age. Education security basics– is the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities safe life. Games and activities with children to teach life safety form generalized ideas about the world around them, teach the child to provide for his safety. Our goal is to teach children adequate behavior in various, including unexpected, situations on the streets of the city and in a familiar, home environment.

other emergency presentations

“Human Life” - Threats to the safety of human life: P. F. Lesgaft. To become controllable, movement must be felt. A. A. Kadochnikov. Physiology of movements and activity. Fundamentals of the pedagogical system. By what mechanisms should the result be obtained? When exactly should the result be obtained? N. A. Bernstein.

“Child safety” - “Labor”. Children's play set "The ABCs of Fire Safety". The purpose of the cycle is to study the development of children’s orientation skills in the surrounding reality, adaptive capabilities for safe behavior on the streets and roads of the city, which are based on motor, communicative, reflexive, psychophysiological, age-related, personal and social attitudes.

“Training tasks” - Multi-level tasks. Identifying the abilities of each student and forming groups. Improving student abilities and skills with one-on-one guidance. Relevance of the topic: Cards Tests Creation of presentations Practical tasks. Life safety teacher T.R. Oshmarina. Objectives: Identifying the inclinations and abilities of each student.

“Life Safety Education” - When drawing up work programs, it is necessary to be guided by the Recommendations presented in the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region dated July 21, 2009 No. 103/3404. Classes are organized for girls in grades 10-11 (at discretion) to study sections of the program “Fundamentals of Medical Knowledge and a Healthy Lifestyle” (A. T. Smirnov, P. V. Izhevsky, B. O. Khrennikov, M. V. Maslov) .

“Hydrodynamic accidents” - Canned food. Do not attempt to evacuate on your own. Dry cookies. Gather at the evacuation point. Smoked meats. Gather a supply of basic medicines. It is necessary to take warm clothes (three changes of clothes). Take a thermos and a flask with you. Pack a supply of food and water for 3 days. Concentrates. Turn on the TV or radio - find out the type of emergency.

To use presentation previews, create a Google account and log in to it:

Slide captions:

Fire safety signs

Basic safety signs are divided into: Fire safety signs Prohibition signs Evacuation signs Warning signs Auxiliary signs Electrical safety signs Mandatory signs

Fire safety signs Guide arrow Fire hydrant Fire escape Fire extinguisher Telephone for use in case of fire Location of several fire protection equipment Fire water source Fire alarm sounder Fire dry pipe riser Button for turning on fire automatic installations (systems)

Prohibition signs Passage is prohibited Access to outsiders is prohibited Use of open fire and smoking is prohibited Smoking is prohibited It is forbidden to block passages and (or) store It is forbidden to use a mobile (cell) phone or walkie-talkie Prohibition (other hazards or dangerous actions) The movement of outdoor vehicles is prohibited

Evacuation signs Exit here Direction arrow Direction to the emergency exit Direction to the emergency exit along the stairs Rally point (place) Exit sign For access, open here Open by moving away To open, move Exit sign

Warning signs Fire hazard. Flammable substances Caution. Pinch Hazard Caution. Hazard (Other Hazards) Electrical Hazard Warning. Forklift Explosive Dangerous. Radioactive substances or ionizing radiation Gas cylinder

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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