Answers to the question of what is possible and what is not possible with psoriasis should be grouped into “gastronomic” and others not related to food products. Let's start with the first ones, since nutrition problems with this autoimmune disease are the subject of a great many studies and continue to interest patients with psoriasis.

We will try to provide only medically proven facts or the most substantiated opinions of specialists, confirmed by cases from their clinical practice.

What can and cannot be consumed for psoriasis?

Appearing on the skin, which is one of the body’s immune barriers, psoriasis actually begins “inside” the immune system: when T cells (cytotoxic T lymphocytes or killer T cells) malfunction, protecting the body from infections and triggering immune reactions.

Another major immune barrier is gastrointestinal tract. Both the skin and the intestines protect the body from potentially harmful substances. It has been established that certain foods are triggers for psoriasis, and, taking into account the dos and don'ts of psoriasis, the frequency and severity of exacerbations of the disease in some cases can be reduced.

Is it possible to drink alcohol if you have psoriasis?

Alcohol is recognized as one of the strongest irritants for psoriasis, so the answer to the question - is it possible to drink alcohol with psoriasis - is definitely negative.

Among the reasons for the negative effect of ethanol on the skin condition in psoriasis, versions such as temporary dehydration of the body (including the skin) and dilation of blood vessels, leading to the infiltration of activated immune cells into the epidermis, are considered. And if we rely on the theory of the occurrence of psoriasis, associated with the process of liberating the body from internal toxins through the skin in conditions of a violation of the acid-base balance of the body, then it is worth keeping in mind that any dose of any alcohol shifts the pH of the blood and all liquids to the acidic side. And activation of T cells occurs precisely when the pH decreases below 7.35-7.4.

Is it possible to drink coffee for psoriasis?

Caffeine can provoke various conditions in humans and in some cases leads to an increase in psoriasis rashes. The inflammatory response in the form of hyperproliferation of keratinocytes is largely the result of the interaction of innate immunity with acquired immunity. The exact mechanism by which coffee and caffeine influence this process is still being studied, and it is difficult to say how different levels of caffeine affect different people suffering from psoriasis.

Many researchers believe that coffee increases levels of omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids in the body, worsening inflammation. In addition, coffee is a blood-acidifying drink.

In almost half of patients, their condition improves significantly when they stop drinking coffee. It can be assumed that this is the result of stopping the intake of pyridine, which is toxic to the skin and the central nervous system, which is formed during the roasting of coffee beans from the alkaloid trigonelline.

Is it possible to have milk for psoriasis?

Foods that people with psoriasis are advised to avoid include, along with red meat, processed foods and refined sugar, milk and dairy products (sour cream, cheeses, cottage cheese, ice cream). These products can lead to increased symptoms of the disease.

Psoriasis loves this one very much essential amino acid, like tryptophan: when there is no tryptophan, the disease regresses.

The tryptophan content in milk is 16.7 mg% (3.8 times more in cottage cheese, 14 times more in hard cheeses). The activating agent is synthesized from tryptophan immune system the hormone melatonin, which in itself is harmful in autoimmune pathologies in cases of increased intake of this amino acid into the body (with meat, fatty fish and dairy foods). Recent research from the Laboratory of Dermatology at Rockefeller University (New York) suggests that tryptophan metabolism may alter immune responses to some extent by increasing the activity of the enzyme L-kynurenine.

Also, with psoriasis, the natural regulation of fatty acid metabolism is disrupted. This applies to arachidonic acid contained in milk, which belongs to omega-6 acids. Arachidonic acid– “raw material” for the synthesis of many inflammatory mediators, including prostaglandins.

So, if you have psoriasis, it is better not to drink milk or consume it occasionally and low-fat.

Is it possible to use honey for psoriasis?

The answer from experts to the question of whether honey can be used for psoriasis is a categorical “no,” and here’s why.

We have already talked about the importance of the acidity level of products consumed for this disease, so the average pH of honey is 3.9 (varies depending on the variety from 3.4 to 6.1).

People with psoriasis should not consume honey internally, but its external use can be a natural option for treating rashes: trace amounts of pyruvic acid aldehyde (methylglyoxal), which has antibacterial and healing properties, were found in honey.

In New Zealand, a balm consisting of honey, beeswax and cold-pressed olive oil is used to treat psoriatic rashes and reduce skin irritation. Clinical trials this remedy was shown positive results in more than 60% of examined patients.

Is it possible to pomegranate for psoriasis?

In terms of its effect on blood acidity, pomegranate is a neutral fruit - like apples, plums, pears or peaches. But you should only eat ripe pomegranates: the riper the fruit, the higher its alkalizing properties.

Pomegranate is a good source of zinc, which is essential for normal skin function. Zinc regulates the growth of basal cells, which develop into mature skin tissue and help in the healing of damage. Zinc also helps activate superoxide dismutase, an antioxidant that protects the skin from damage. Pomegranate polyphenols and ellagic acid are beneficial for the skin, which have a sunscreen effect and protect skin from free radical damage.

One medium pomegranate provides 1.1 mg of zinc—about 15% of the recommended daily value. By the way, pomegranate oil added to the cream quickly restores the elasticity of damaged skin areas.

Can you eat tomatoes for psoriasis?

Many doctors believe that nightshade vegetables - peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants - increase inflammation in psoriasis. This is blamed on the solanine contained in nightshades, a toxic protective glycoside. However, this substance is only found in tomatoes that have not reached ripeness.

Today, the question of whether tomatoes are good for psoriasis remains relevant, although, according to dermatologists, nightshade vegetables negatively affect approximately 5% of patients with psoriasis. However, for some people who have given up tomatoes and everything tomato-based, this helps. This is because solanine is a steroidal alkaloid and can irritate the intestinal mucosa, increasing its permeability.

One more version to keep in mind is that carotenoids are to blame: they increase the synthesis of anti-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-alpha, and the main carotenoid in tomatoes is the red pigment lycopene.

Can you eat beets for psoriasis?

The presence of ascorbic acid, more than 0.4 mg% zinc and a moderately alkaline (pH 7.5-8) effect in beets obviously compensate for the presence of the amino acids histidine (discussed above) and immunity-stimulating arginine in this root vegetable.

In addition, its purple-crimson color is provided by the antioxidant pigment betacyanin, which helps eliminate toxins accumulated in the liver.

So no one objects to eating beets for psoriasis (of course, if you personally are not allergic to it).

Can you eat radishes if you have psoriasis?

Radish is, in fact, a radish (Raphanus Sativus), only a small one... Radishes contain microelements that are important for psoriasis, such as selenium and zinc, as well as almost all B vitamins. But most of all this root vegetable contains ascorbic acid: 100 g Fresh radishes provide 18% of the daily value of vitamin C.

Radishes owe their pungent taste and smell to mustard oil (isothiocyanates), its glycosides (glucosinolates) and the enzyme myrosinase. How these substances affect psoriasis is unknown, but high concentrations of isothiocyanates reduce the absorption of iodine by the thyroid gland (leading to goiter) and can also harm the liver.

Western nutritionists believe that you can eat radishes in small quantities for psoriasis.

Can you eat grapes for psoriasis?

Specialists from the Swiss Psoriasis Foundation classify grapes as foods acceptable for this pathology, since these berries alkalize the blood (pH> 8.5). Grapes contain selenium, which maintains skin elasticity and prevents excessive dryness.

As a natural histamine antagonist, grape seed extract has been shown to help control signs of allergic reactions. The extract also inhibits the release of prostaglandins, which generate inflammation.

In addition to grapes (sweet green varieties are best), you can eat fresh apples, peaches, apricots, pears, most berries (including cherries and gooseberries), watermelons and melons, pineapple, mangoes, and bananas (ripe).

Can you eat mushrooms for psoriasis?

Is it possible to eat seeds for psoriasis?

For some psoriasis patients, seeds and nuts may worsen psoriasis symptoms because these are allergy-triggering foods. In this case, seeds cannot be consumed for psoriasis, but this can only be determined experimentally (that is, click the seeds and monitor the condition of the skin). By the way, this is the surest way to determine those products that are not suitable for you.

The effect of omega-3 fatty acids - alpha-linolenic, eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids - on the course of psoriasis has been studied for quite a long time, but the research results are ambiguous. In addition, it is necessary clinical trials, and not just a statement of individual cases.

On one hand, alpha-linolenic acid, found in sunflower and pumpkin seeds, may affect the immune system to reduce inflammation in psoriasis. On the other hand, it comes down to tryptophan. Thus, sunflower seeds contain more than 145 mg% of this amino acid - 20% more than beef; Moreover, their composition contains more than 630 mg% histidine.

And in pumpkin seeds the level of tryptophan is even higher - 240 mg%, which is 3.4 times more than in walnut kernels.

Is it possible to drink turmeric for psoriasis?

Apart from its use as a spice, turmeric is one of the most important ingredients in Ayurvedic medicines.

Therefore, doctors say that you can drink turmeric for psoriasis: a teaspoon daily (half a teaspoon of powder in the morning and late afternoon), mixed with warm water. But you can add turmeric powder to the juice.

The active ingredient in turmeric, curcumin, has anti-inflammatory effects comparable to steroids. That is, curcumin inhibits the synthesis of inflammatory mediators and reduces the inflammatory skin response associated with psoriasis. Turmeric also helps cleanse the liver of accumulated toxins.

Many foreign specialists and US National Institutes of Health experts say that turmeric can be effective means treatment of psoriasis.

What can and cannot be done for psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a disease that requires certain adjustments and restrictions in lifestyle.

I wonder what answer patients expect to hear when they ask their doctor whether it is possible to smoke with psoriasis? Return to the section on the dangers of coffee for this disease and draw the right conclusion. Also, keep in mind that tobacco is a member of the nightshade family, which can cause skin aggravation, and the pH of tobacco is acidic (6.0 to 6.5). So if you have psoriasis, stop smoking!

Is it possible to go to a solarium if you have psoriasis?

Ultraviolet irradiation using the drug psoralen is used in dermatology in the treatment of a few lesions that are not amenable to local therapy.

However, going to a solarium if you have psoriasis is strongly not recommended. According to research published in 2014 in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, vitamin D helps counteract the body's response to psoriasis. But too much of this vitamin can be dangerous. And intense UV irradiation can contribute to this: under its influence, endogenous provitamin D (7-dehydrocholesterol) is transformed into cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), so in people suffering from psoriasis, too large doses of sunlight can cause an exacerbation. For this disease, doctors recommend staying in the sun for no more than a quarter of an hour a day.

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse with psoriasis?

If psoriasis is not in the acute stage, visiting a bathhouse or sauna with this disease is not prohibited. Just do not perform any manipulations on damaged areas of the skin, for example, rubbing with a washcloth or whipping yourself with a broom in the steam room.

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Is it possible to go to the pool if you have psoriasis?

This question is rather theoretical in nature, since people with such a diagnosis try not to show spots on their body (not to mention psoriatic erythroderma)…

However, you should not swim in public pools for a completely different reason: the water in them is disinfected with chlorine, which can harm healthy skin, causing dryness and irritation. But swimming in a river or sea is useful for psoriasis.

Is it possible to get a tattoo if you have psoriasis?

If you have psoriasis, tattoos even on healthy areas of the skin (as well as piercings) are strictly prohibited.

Is it possible to dye your hair if you have psoriasis?

If psoriatic rashes are present on the scalp, dermatologists do not recommend hair dyeing, which may worsen the condition.

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Is it possible to do massage with psoriasis?

In principle, massage for psoriasis is not contraindicated, but a prerequisite for its implementation is not to touch areas of the skin with rashes. It is also better not to take risks during exacerbations of the disease.

Is it possible to get vaccinated for psoriasis?

Children with this diagnosis are not recommended to receive vaccinations (except for the oral polio vaccine), since any mechanical damage to the skin can cause an increase in existing papules and plaques and the appearance of new ones.

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Is it possible to be a donor if you have psoriasis?

According to the rules established in transfusiology, psoriasis is included in the list of diseases that are an absolute contraindication to blood sampling.

Is it possible to play sports with psoriasis?

Most sports are contraindicated for patients with psoriasis, primarily psoriatic arthritis. If the joints are not damaged, you should not engage in sports with a high risk of injury (for example, boxing); It is also necessary to exclude long-term exercise (football, basketball, athletics, sports aerobics, etc.). In addition, you need to remember that increased sweating can negatively affect the condition of the skin, leading to increased itching.

You can stay active by swimming, rowing, walking, cycling. Regular physical activity, according to leading experts, is capable of stabilizing the course of the disease. First of all, this is important for maintaining optimal body weight, since even with slight obesity there is an increase in the level of interleukin-6 and anti-inflammatory cytokines (adiponectin and TNF-alpha), which play important role in the pathogenesis of psoriasis.

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Is it possible to give birth with psoriasis?

Psoriasis should not stop women from achieving their desire to become pregnant and give birth to a healthy child. Clinical experience suggests that pregnancy gives some women (up to 60% of cases) a nine-month “respite” from breakouts: the increase in progesterone during pregnancy dampens the overactive immune response that causes psoriasis symptoms.

However, just as every pregnancy is different individual characteristics, and psoriasis behaves differently, and in 10-20% of pregnant women with psoriasis, the condition worsens.

Is it possible to get disability if you have psoriasis?

According to the “Instructions on establishing disability groups” (Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 561 of September 05, 2011), it is possible to receive a referral for a medical and social examination (MSE) to determine disability in psoriasis if the degree of the disease meets several criteria, in particular:

  • - the disease is progressive and cannot be treated,
  • - the patient was incapacitated for work for at least five months during the year (or was on sick leave for four months in a row),
  • - the consequence of the disease is a decrease in the level of qualifications,
  • - limited vital activity (ability for self-care).

You can get disability for psoriasis only if you have psoriatic arthritis or psoriatic erythroderma with damage to a large area of ​​skin.

Greetings, readers! Today, we’ll talk about what proper nutrition means for psoriasis, about existing diets, the principles on which they are based and foods that are allowed or undesirable for consumption.
We will also try to create sample menus for the day and week, taking into account the needs of the body suffering from psoriasis.

What is the basis of proper nutrition for psoriasis?

In fact, the disease is provoked by our own immune system, which, as a result of genetic predisposition, mistakes the skin cells of its own body for the enemy, causing a violent inflammatory process as a protective reaction. We have not yet learned how to change genetics; all that remains is not to tease the immune system and relieve the inflammatory process.

This principle underlies the diet for psoriasis. It includes products with vitamins and microelements that relieve inflammation and have a beneficial effect on restoring the health of skin cells. A complex of antioxidants that neutralize toxins and free radicals. Foods that improve bowel function so that unnecessary and potentially dangerous “waste” is eliminated from the body in a timely manner.

And most importantly, we disrupt the acid-base balance in favor of an alkaline environment in order to prevent oxidative processes responsible for the organic instability of the body.

What does an alkaline diet mean?

Using alkaline foods in the diet, which help restore damaged skin cells and, accordingly, avoiding foods that cause oxidative processes. It will not be possible to completely eliminate products that create an acidic environment, but at least the appearance of balance must be maintained. However, some of them will have to be categorically abandoned.

What you can't eat

  • Meat, especially red meat, as well as offal, such as liver, lungs, etc. You can leave lamb, turkey and chicken without giblets.
  • Cereals, especially baked goods, cakes, pastries. We recommend replacing your usual cereals with cereals such as quinoa, ashiritsa and Saracen wheat.
  • Some types of cheeses (creamy, fermented).
  • Sweets and chocolate.
  • Peanuts and peanut butter.
  • Seafood. Fish may contain mercury, which is undesirable for the skin. However, if you are confident in the quality of fish, include it in the menu, preferably sea fish - tuna, salmon, sardines, no more than twice a week.
  • Any products containing dyes and preservatives, such as canned food, sausages, sweets and the like.
  • Pickles, marinades and hot seasonings.
  • Products containing gluten (flour, bread, white rice, pasta).

The diet should consist exclusively of natural products, with a minimum of fat and a maximum of vegetables and fruits. In this case, vegetables and fruits must be consumed at least 3 times a day, both in their raw state and in the form of juices, salads, side dishes and dried. To effectively remove toxins from the body, you need to drink a lot of plain water, at least one and a half to two liters a day. And of course, give up tobacco and alcohol.

Table of foods that are desirable in a diet for psoriasis

useful elements products
Vitamin A is the most important element, taking maximum care of the skin spinach, carrots, mango, watercress, borage. Slightly less in pumpkin, basil, tomatoes, coriander, asparagus and dandelions. Sweet yam is especially recommended as a main dish due to its high magnesium and potassium (diuretic) content. For non-vegetarians - egg yolk, fish (tuna, salmon)
Vitamin C is one of the most powerful antioxidants rose hips, citrus fruits, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, radishes, bananas, apples, melons, pineapples, watermelon, pears, garlic, mulberries, beans, peas, strawberries, grapes, celery, avocado, soybeans, pomegranates, figs, chicory, coconut
Omega 3 fatty acids have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect moderate consumption of olive oil and steam walnuts
Vitamin D (the body of people with psoriasis has difficulty producing this vitamin) fish - sardines, salmon, tuna, herring, plus 15 minutes of daily sun exposure, allowing the body to create vitamin
Folic acid is good for healthy skin cells vegetables, whole grains except bread, fruits. Preference should be given to peas, lentils, beans, spinach, asparagus, avocado, wheat germ
Iodine seaweed, fish, seafood
Selenium - prevents the effects of aging of skin cells and oxidative processes in it pumpkin, grapes, garlic, peach, soy, pistachio, barley, Brazil nut, spinach and asparagus
Zinc - a body suffering from psoriasis is not able to accumulate this element, which not only maintains the skin in normal condition, but also helps get rid of dandruff and whitish plaques on the skin. It is especially useful in the diet for psoriasis of the scalp, as well as for all males to improve potency. celery, asparagus, figs, borage, sunflower oil, whole grains

Can milk and dairy products be used by patients with psoriasis?

In some cases, dairy products, especially the casein present in them, can worsen the condition of the skin, but this process is purely individual. To find out for yourself, we recommend using the following system.

Stage 1- completely eliminate any dairy products from your diet for 2 weeks, replacing them with soy drinks and vegetable juices.

Stage 2— gradually introduce dairy products into your diet, starting with low-fat yogurt once a day and after a week 4 times a day. Thanks to special bacteria, yogurt improves the intestinal flora and, accordingly, the functioning of the entire digestive tract.

Stage 3- try skim milk, a quarter glass. If the body reacts negatively, give up dairy products, replacing them with sesame seeds, soy yogurt, etc. to replenish calcium deficiency. If the condition does not worsen, gradually add other dairy products. However, remember that they must be low-fat and should not include cream, butter, fatty sour cream and cottage cheese, as well as sharp cheeses.

Pegano diet for psoriasis

A fairly popular diet today that imposes more restrictions. For example, in the Pegano diet, all nightshades are prohibited, in particular tomatoes and eggplants, although some nutritionists not only do not prohibit eating tomatoes, but sometimes recommend rubbing the affected areas with fresh tomato juice.

You should use melons, bananas and apples with extreme caution. They are eaten separately from other products, while the doctor recommends eating apples boiled. The nutritionist also insists on separate consumption of dairy products and sour fruits or juices.

breakfast lunch dinner afternoon tea dinner
Monday any vegetable juice, muesli with dried fruits low-fat yogurt with bifidumbacteria, peach or any other fruit with beta-carotenes vegetable salad with nuts, steamed salamone with parsley and sesame seeds, pear low-fat cottage cheese 7 pieces almonds zucchini cream, stewed mushrooms, herbal tea
Tuesday Apple and beet juice, porridge (quinoa or oatmeal) Any fruit or yogurt vegetable soup with asparagus and celery, boiled lamb, green tea a couple of prunes or other dried fruit creamy pumpkin soup, boiled fish, linden tea
Wednesday fruit smoothie made with 1 avocado, ¾ cup orange juice and half cup raspberries a couple of slices of melon or mango , salad with greens and radishes

chicken breast

Herbal tea

fruit salad with honey and nuts sweet potato salad with eggs and herbs herbal tea
Thursday omelette with any vegetable salad, fruit juice Fish soup with carrots and celery, spinach with pine nuts, dried fruit compote soy yogurt pearl barley porridge, salad, herbal tea
Friday muesli with Saracen wheat and dried fruits black tea low-fat yogurt or fruit Buckwheat porridge, steamed turkey cutlets, salad, juice low-fat cottage cheese creamy cauliflower or Brussels sprouts soup, quinoa, herbal tea
Saturday dark rice with carrots, tea fruit mixture of 2 slices of pineapple, a glass of orange juice and 4 sprigs of parsley baked tomatoes stuffed with vegetables, chicken breast, green tea tofu or soy products any dish of mushrooms with herbs, chamomile tea
Sunday oatmeal, dried apricots, tea or juice apples, apricots or peaches Bean or lentil soup, boiled fish, salad, herbal tea low fat yogurt pearl barley porridge with onions and carrots, rosehip decoction

This sample menu, you will have to select dishes individually, the main thing is that it is varied, three times a day includes fruits and vegetables in any form, as well as products with useful vitamins and minerals. Do not forget about physical activity and good mood, and also protect your body from infections. And everything will be fine.

A diet for psoriasis does not cure the disease. But a person who does not adhere to the principles of a healthy diet and eats foods that cause allergic dermatitis increases the risk of relapse. This skin disease is incurable, but if a person suffering from psoriasis follows medical recommendations, is actively treated and monitors nutrition, he thereby prolongs remissions and eases the course of an attack if the disease worsens. Therefore, you need to know what you can and cannot eat if you are diagnosed with psoriasis.

General principles of diet for psoriasis

A food table that lists allowed and prohibited foods will help you create the right diet. If no food product is indicated opposite the name in the “can” column, it means that this group is prohibited in the diet of a person diagnosed with psoriasis.

People with skin diseases abstain from heavy foods and dishes that contain foods that are strong allergens. In the daily menu, doctors recommend giving preference to light dietary dishes that do not overload digestive tract.

Product Can It is forbidden
LegumesSoybeans, lentils, peas in small quantities
FatsVegetableButter, margarine
GreenLettuce, dill, parsley, onion, lettuce
Fermented milkLow fatFat
Canned food Pickles, marinades, fish, meat
CerealsBuckwheat, oatmeal, millet, pearl barleySemolina, rice
DairyLow fat content
MeatDiet meatFatty varieties, lard, smoked products, including sausages
DrinksMineral water, table waterCoffee, tea, alcohol, freshly squeezed and packaged juices
VegetablesBeets, carrots, cabbage, onions, pumpkin, cornPaprika, tomatoes
Nuts, seedsAlmonds, pine nuts, pumpkin, flax, sunflower seeds
SeasoningsCumin, garlicVinegar, salt, hot spices
Fish, seafoodFresh, low-fat varietiesCaviar, smoked fish, salted fish, crabs, shrimp, mussels, lobster
SweetsNatural, jelly, marmalade, compote, fruit drinkHoney, chocolate, sugar, confectionery
Dried fruitsPrunes, dried apricots, raisinsCandied fruit
CheeseCurdFatty varieties, with mold
FruitsApples, pears, melon, watermelon, pineapple, mango, kiwiCitrus fruits, oranges, tangerines, lemons
BakeryPasta, whole grain breadBaked goods made from white flour
Exotic Soy sauce, various sauces
BerriesBlueberries, lingonberries, blueberries, cranberries, currantsStrawberry, raspberry

It is useful for people with psoriasis to consider when creating a menu what they need:

  1. Avoid legumes. Beans, lentils, peanuts, soybeans are foods that are consumed in moderation, despite the fact that they are rich in zinc and B vitamins.
  2. Include in your diet vegetable and nut oils, except soybean and peanut, rich in polyunsaturated acids. Avoid butter and margarines.
  3. Greens and salads are healthy, so your daily diet includes dill, parsley, basil, lettuce, and onions. These products are rich in vitamins and minerals, support the body, saturate it with useful substances, and strengthen the immune system.
  4. Choose fermented milk and dairy products, such as cheeses, milk, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, low fat and sugar-free. They contain calcium, which has a beneficial effect on the skin and reduces inflammatory processes for psoriasis.
  5. Avoid canned food. It contains almost no vitamins, but a lot of spices, salt, and vinegar.
  6. There are buckwheat, pearl barley, millet, oatmeal. Exclude semolina and rice (especially peeled, boiled), since they contain a lot of starch, they contribute to excess weight gain.
  7. Choose dietary meats: chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef and lean lamb. Steam or boil meat dishes. Lard, pork, and fatty poultry are contraindicated for psoriasis.
  8. Drink plenty of fluids, slightly carbonated mineral or table water, unsweetened compotes, herbal teas. But avoid freshly squeezed juices that contain a lot of essential oils. Adequate fluid intake keeps the skin and all internal organs healthy.
  9. Avoid vegetables and fruits that cause allergies and provoke dermatitis. For example, nightshades, which include potatoes, tomatoes, paprika, and eggplant. Eat pumpkin in moderation and Brussels sprouts. Zucchini, zucchini, carrots, white cabbage, and beets saturate the body with essential vitamins; vegetable salads made from cabbage, carrots, and beets, seasoned with vegetable oil, are especially useful. They “cleanse” the body due to their high fiber content and maintain healthy skin.
  10. Do not eat citrus fruits and berries that contain red pigment: raspberries, strawberries, pomegranates. But lingonberries, cranberries, blueberries, blueberries, blackberries, black currants, on the contrary, must be included in the diet of a person with psoriasis. During remission, pineapple, mango, kiwi are useful, and green apples and bananas are best eaten baked. Melon and pears are consumed as a separate dish.
  11. Include fresh nuts and seeds in your diet, such as walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds. Avoid varieties that often cause allergies, such as hazelnuts.
  12. Eat fish - low-fat varieties with white meat, pink salmon, because they are rich in omega acids, but exclude red caviar, seafood and surimi.
  13. For sweets, prefer natural ones, for example, fruit jellies, marmalade, marshmallows. Dried apricots, prunes, and raisins are suitable. But chocolate, honey, caramel, sweets, and cookies are contraindicated for people with psoriasis.
  14. From baked goods, choose products made from wholemeal flour, avoid baked goods and pasta made from premium wheat flour, products that contain sugar and butter.
  15. Avoid peppery, salty, pickled foods, exotic products, for example, soy sauce, because it contains a lot of salt and fermented legumes.
  16. Be careful when handling eggs. Hard-boiled chicken eggs are consumed no more than 2 times a week, quail eggs are eaten, especially the yolks. They are believed to fight relapses of the disease.

Until now, doctors and nutritionists have not developed a single diet that would significantly alleviate the course of the disease. If a person is diagnosed with psoriasis and, for example, diabetes, his menu will be different from people who have stomach problems. Diabetics will have to limit fruits in the menu, especially bananas and grapes, and people with gastritis will have to give up onions and many vegetables and black bread. Therefore, in each individual case the diet will vary. Even the place of residence makes adjustments to the diet, since it is better to buy fresh food and give preference to seasonal vegetables and fruits.

Allowed and healthy products

Useful foods for psoriasis should be:

  • rich in nutrients, vitamins, minerals;
  • dietary, fasting;
  • hypoallergenic.

The list of foods that can be eaten with psoriasis is extensive, and a person with a skin disease should create a daily diet so that the dishes are complete and varied. The menu is drawn up taking into account the fact that most of the diet (up to 80%) should be of plant origin.

For example, fruits for psoriasis can be eaten every day. The exceptions are citrus fruits and those canned in syrup. Oranges, lemons, tangerines can cause a severe allergic reaction, rash, and provoke a relapse of the disease. Canned food contains a lot of sugar and almost no vitamins left. It is better to combine fresh berries and fruits with low-fat yogurt or coarse cottage cheese.

Vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, and beets are especially useful. It is easy and quick to prepare salads from them, to which you can add sunflower, pine, and pumpkin seeds.

The list of products that make up the menu of a person with psoriasis necessarily includes white fish and lean meats, which are a source of amino acids necessary for the brain and the entire body to maintain immunity.

The list of permitted foods also includes legumes, such as soybeans, chickpeas, peas, green and yellow, lentils, and beans. These foods are rich in zinc, which is essential for people with psoriasis. However overuse Eating legume dishes puts a strain on the digestive tract and aggravates the course of the disease.

What not to eat if you have psoriasis

Prohibited foods for psoriasis cause inflammation, dermatitis, and aggravate the course of the disease. Some of them are allowed to be consumed in moderation during the remission stage.

A person who has been diagnosed with a skin pathology should be careful about food products, since some of them are allowed to be consumed only in a certain form. For example, nuts for psoriasis are best eaten raw, but not fried or salted. Hazelnuts, cashews, and other exotic varieties are contraindicated because they cause allergies.

When purchasing a product, be sure to pay attention to appearance and implementation period. Moldy almonds or walnuts, or “smelly” products that have passed their expiration date, are prohibited from eating.

Under no circumstances should you eat canned food if you have psoriasis. It has few nutrients, but a lot of salt, pepper, vinegar, and other spices. These products provoke allergic reactions, dehydrate the body, and irritate the digestive tract.

A person with psoriasis should eat homemade food, give preference to natural products and simple dishes. For example, purchased dumplings are a bad choice if a person is sick, since the minced meat contains salt, spices, soy, and bone fat. If you prepare the dish at home from whole grain flour and lean minced meat with herbs, dumplings will become a dietary dish.

Some people diagnosed with skin pathology are afraid to include certain fruits, such as persimmons, in their diet because of their bright colors. However, the fears are unfounded. Persimmon will not cause harm for psoriasis.


Nutrition for psoriasis for a woman or a man should be fractional. A person should eat 4-6 times a day, eat small portions, chewing thoroughly.

The optimal time for the last meal is 2 hours before going to bed. This regimen reduces the load on the gastrointestinal tract.

Food for psoriasis should be varied, but it is not recommended to combine too many products in one dish.

How to eat properly with psoriasis: sample menu for a week

The menu for psoriasis should be varied, since the body needs vitamins, mineral salts, and nutrients. There is no need to overload the intestines by combining as many components as possible in one dish. It is better to prepare simple meals for every day, while gradually eliminating inappropriate foods from the diet.

When treating psoriasis, the diet depends on the stage and course of the disease. For example, during relapses they eat pureed, steamed, boiled dishes that do not contain salt, sugar, or spices. Fruits, especially apples and bananas, are baked, and “exotic” foods are discarded.

For breakfast, a person with psoriasis can eat porridge cooked in water (buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, corn). You can season them with dried fruits, fresh berries, and yogurt. Snack on well-baked apples, bananas, and oatmeal cookies. You can drink a glass of low-fat kefir or a cup of weak, unsweetened green tea.

Lenten lunch consists of pureed vegetable soups and meat or fish dishes. Lean boiled lamb, beef, chicken with a side dish of fresh vegetables or cabbage and carrot salad seasoned with vegetable oil are suitable.

As a dessert, you can eat natural fruit mousses, salads from fresh fruits and berries, jelly, marshmallows and low-sugar marshmallows. If the disease is in remission, limited consumption of honey is allowed, and it is better to abstain from butter at any stage of the disease.


The diet for patients with psoriasis consists of approximately 80% plant foods, cereals, fruits, vegetables and dishes based on them. Food rich in fiber, vitamins, and mineral salts supports the digestive function of the body, strengthens the immune system, prolongs remission and significantly alleviates the course of the disease.


Salads for psoriasis are prepared from fruits or vegetables and seasoned with low-fat natural yogurt or vegetable oil. Simple recipe vegetable salad, which never gets boring, made from cabbage, beets, carrots, suitable as a snack or side dish.


  • One large carrot.
  • One medium beet.
  • White or Chinese cabbage, a quarter of a head.

Preparing the salad:

  1. Wash the vegetables thoroughly under running water with a brush, or pour boiling water over them.
  2. Peel the beets and carrots. Remove the top leaves from the cabbage.
  3. Grate the root vegetables on a coarse grater or cut into thin strips.
  4. Shred the cabbage.
  5. Place in a deep bowl. Season with vegetable oil.
  6. Mash with a fork to release the juice from the vegetables.

You can add fresh herbs, cucumber and fresh zucchini to this salad. Suddenly, a combination of vegetables and a handful of fresh berries, lingonberries or cranberries will sparkle and add sourness to the salad. A handful of walnuts, sunflower or pumpkin seeds will also come in handy.


It is better to cook soups for psoriasis in vegetable broth. You can eat pureed mushroom and vegetable soups, seasoned with low-fat yogurt. Soups made with lean kefir, for example, kholodnik, are also useful.

For lunch, creamy mushroom soup with leeks is perfect.


  • champignons – 500 g;
  • one small leek;
  • greens, parsley, dill;
  • garlic;
  • whole grain bread croutons.

Preparation of champignon soup:

  1. Wash all ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Cut the champignons into quarters and leeks into rings.
  3. Finely chop the greens and garlic.
  4. In a saucepan, simmer mushrooms and onions in a small amount of water until tender.
  5. Add herbs and fresh chopped garlic.
  6. Wait until the liquid boils.
  7. Remove from heat and puree until smooth.

The soup can be flavored with yogurt. Eat with toasted whole grain bread.

Second course

Steam steamers are suitable for the second chicken cutlets or baked fish fillet.

For baked fish you will need:

  • 400 g lean fillet, such as carp, cod, pike, hake;
  • one small carrot;
  • one onion;
  • greens, dill, parsley;
  • champignons.


  1. Wash carrots and mushrooms thoroughly.
  2. Peel the onion.
  3. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater or cut into strips.
  4. Chop the onion into rings.
  5. Cut the mushrooms in half.
  6. Finely chop the greens.

Pour some water into a baking dish and layer grated carrots, onions, herbs, mushrooms, fish fillets and vegetables again so that the mushrooms are on top. Cover the pan with baking paper or a lid designed for this purpose and place in a preheated oven. Bake the dish for a quarter of an hour.


For sweets, you can eat oatmeal cookies, marshmallows, marshmallows and desserts based on natural fruits, berries, nuts, but not containing sugar. An example of these are raw food cakes, which use dates, almonds, sunflower seeds, even buckwheat.

Some features

Suitable for dinner or breakfast egg white omelettes with fresh green peas. However, you shouldn’t go heavy on egg dishes. They can be eaten 2-3 times a week if the disease is in remission.

Caution should be observed with holiday dishes, since it is not customary to refuse food when visiting. It’s okay if a person with psoriasis in remission allows himself to deviate from his usual menu once a month, without abusing prohibited foods. The only things you should really abstain from are alcoholic drinks, chocolate and coffee.

If a person with psoriasis is expecting guests, then there will be no problems. There are hundreds of dietary and vegetarian dishes that you wouldn’t be ashamed to treat to the king himself.

Types of diets

Existing diets for psoriasis are based on different principles. For example, Dr. Pegano, the author of dietary nutrition for psoriasis, suggested that the primary factor for alleviating the disease and prolonging remission is a mono-diet for 3-5 days and cleansing the intestines. Dr. Ogneva believes that the key to curing psoriasis lies in the pH balance, so she included alkaline foods that heal the body in the list of allowed foods.

However, a person needs acids, because psoriasis does not develop if the pH of the environment is optimal.

Diet d. Pegano

The essence of dietary nutrition according to the method of the American Dr. Pegano is to follow the stages of the diet and include certain foods in the daily diet.

The Pegano diet consists of fresh vegetables and fruits. However, apples, bananas and melons are considered a separate independent dish. They are consumed baked.

A person with psoriasis starts with the so-called fasting diet and chooses between:

  • monofruit diet, which is followed for 5 days;
  • apple, which is followed for 3 days.

In addition, treatment includes:

  1. Physical healing exercises for the spine, because Dr. Pegano saw a connection between relapses and a problematic back. The fact is that damaged spinal discs pinch nerve endings and blood vessels, and impaired blood flow provokes psoriatic relapse.
  2. Visiting beauty salons, baths and saunas, medicinal baths. The procedures cleanse the skin and remove toxins from the body.
  3. Effectively combat stress, from meditation to reading and listening to your favorite music. The lower the stress level, the lower the risk of relapse.

People with psoriasis include in their daily diet:

  • cereals and bran;
  • almond;
  • lean meats and fish;
  • dairy and fermented milk lean products (milk, curdled milk, buttermilk, yogurt);
  • porridge cooked in water;
  • wholemeal bread.

Sample weekly menu according to Dr. Pegano:

  1. On the first day buckwheat porridge for breakfast, for lunch - vegetable soup and fresh vegetable salad, for dinner - baked or boiled fish fillet with lettuce. You can snack on fruits, fresh or baked.
  2. On the second day, you can have breakfast with a protein omelet with herbs, have lunch with pureed broccoli and leek soup, and for dinner eat boiled chicken fillet with green peas or green beans.
  3. The third day includes kefir or natural yogurt for breakfast, barley with vegetables and mushrooms for lunch, a salad of fresh vegetables and chicken for dinner.
  4. On day 4, you can have cottage cheese for breakfast, drink chamomile tea, have fish soup made from low-fat fish, have a snack of grapes or a baked apple, and have a vegetable salad for dinner.
  5. The fifth day includes celery salad for breakfast, wholemeal pasta with vegetables for lunch, cream soup or cabbage soup with whole grain croutons for dinner. You can snack on any fruit from the permitted list or a handful of nuts/seeds.
  6. On the sixth day, you can have breakfast with a coarse-grain cottage cheese casserole, have a snack with low-fat yogurt, and eat baked trout with vegetables for lunch.
  7. Finally, the last 7th day includes dishes such as carrot salad for breakfast, borscht for lunch, buckwheat or pearl barley porridge with vegetables or chicken breast.

If you stick to a diet regularly, monitor your skin health, drink enough fluids and get quality rest, you can get rid of the disease by prolonging the period of remission.

Diet Fire

According to Dr. Ognevaya, a special alkaline diet, which heals the skin and joints and improves immunity, relieves psoriasis. You should abstain from carbohydrate and protein foods for a month.

During an exacerbation of the disease, Ogneva recommends that people take the medications Polyphepan or Enterosgel, and drink chamomile tea half an hour before meals.

Most of the dishes that the doctor included in the developed diet are alkaline, with a pH level of 7-14. Fried and smoked foods are contraindicated. A person should eat boiled, baked without fat, stewed foods.

  • fermented milk, cottage cheese or kefir;
  • apples;
  • vegetables.

A fasting day does not mean a hunger strike, because exhausting the body during a psoriatic relapse is strictly prohibited.

In addition, you need:

  • include lecithin in your daily diet;
  • eat 5 times a day, eating approximately equal portions of calories or dividing the diet into three main meals and two snacks;
  • quit smoking.

A healthy diet is combined with moderate physical activity, they try to get more rest, and avoid stressful situations, scandals and quarrels. Before following the Fire diet, a person who has been diagnosed with fibrous tissue atrophy or disease cardiovascular system, should consult a dermatologist and your doctor.

The diet includes a lot of plant foods and reduces protein intake:

  1. Fruits and vegetables, especially berries (grapes, cherries), nectarines, pineapple, mango and papaya. Before eating, fruits and berries are thoroughly washed and the skins are peeled off. Vegetables, cabbage, carrots, broccoli, cucumbers, are used as a side dish, in salads, soups. However, they will bring more benefits if eaten fresh, unheated.
  2. Cereals, wholemeal bread, pasta, buckwheat, durum wheat, unrefined flour.
  3. Dietary meat and sea fish.
  4. Greens, seeds.
  5. Eggs and lean dairy products.
  6. Vegetable oils.
  7. Dried apricots, raisins, prunes, dates.
  8. Tofu.

In limited quantities, a person with psoriasis can eat mushrooms, nuts, honey and grapefruit. You should drink table or mineral water, herbal teas indicated for psoriasis.

The Fire diet is not as strict as dietary food Dr. Pegano. If you follow the recommendations and exclude from the menu those foods that cause relapses of the disease, the condition of a person with psoriasis will improve and the body will become stronger. The disease will cease to manifest itself clearly, or even go into a stage of stable, long-term remission.

The products on the Ognevoy diet menu contain the essential nutrients that a person with a skin disease needs:

  • vitamins, minerals;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • zinc, calcium.

For example, for breakfast you can eat cottage cheese or yogurt with fruit or porridge, for lunch - soups with vegetable broth, including pureed ones, and have dinner with fish, vinaigrettes, and whole grain pasta. You should not include porridge and cottage cheese or soup and porridge in one meal, but fresh vegetables and fruits can be present in any meal. For dessert, you can make a smoothie or fruit salad.

Dietary options vary depending on what part of the body the psoriasis affects. A person still builds a diet based on the composition of products and the method of cooking, but adjusts the list of permitted and prohibited foods, taking into account psoriatic manifestations.

For example, nutrition for psoriasis of the scalp excludes many spices and onions, garlic, horseradish and mustard. Fatty, heavy fried foods, rich pastries, scrambled eggs and pasta are also contraindicated.

In food that is subjected to prolonged heat treatment, few vitamins remain, and in baked goods with added sugar, full-fat milk, and butter, there is no fiber, which is necessary for a person with psoriasis to stimulate digestive functions.

During an exacerbation of psoriasis, the diet should be strict, consisting exclusively of boiled, stewed, pureed food, hypoallergenic vegetables, fruits, berries and water-based cereals.

It is necessary to consume additional minerals and vitamins and ensure that the diet contains as much plant fiber as possible.

Diet for weight loss for psoriasis

Obesity and from overweight negatively affects the course of psoriasis, because the disease primarily affects skin folds. U fat people psoriasis can be more severe, and relapses last longer, because obesity negatively affects the cardiovascular and support system body. Therefore, if a person weighs a lot and notices manifestations of a skin disease, he should lose weight.

Better results can be achieved by combining a strict diet and moderate exercise. You can start exercising after the exacerbation has passed and the disease has subsided.

First, you should consult a dermatologist and visit a nutritionist who will select the optimal diet and give advice on diet. Under no circumstances should you start with fasting or intense stress on the body. A diet that excludes many foods is supplemented vitamin complexes to provide the body with the necessary nutrients in the fight against disease.

Six principles that people with psoriasis who want to lose weight and ease the course of the skin disease should adhere to:

  1. You can’t completely eliminate carbohydrates, but you can and should eat fatty foods. The exception is fish rich in polyunsaturated acids.
  2. Include in your diet anti-inflammatory foods, cereals, flaxseed flour, unrefined vegetable oils, especially extra virgin olive oil, fresh fish, but not smoked or salted.
  3. Eliminate foods that provoke inflammatory processes, for example, potatoes, paprika, eggplant.
  4. Drink enough fluids, water, lightly carbonated mineral water.
  5. Exercise moderately, visit the pool, sauna, as soon as the disease enters the remission stage.
  6. Manage stress. This is a whole science that allows you to control emotions, which means refraining from impulsively eating unhealthy foods, sweets, and pickles, which “help calm down” anxious people.

Fruits for psoriasis are an integral part of the diet of a patient with scaly lichen. These sweet storehouses of vitamins and minerals achieved particular popularity after research. Scientists have proven that patients on a fruit diet quickly reached the stage of remission and full recovery. How do different fruits affect the course of chronic dermatosis?

Folic acid is an indispensable assistant for normalizing metabolism. Vitamin B12 is contained in enzymes that break down food entering the gastrointestinal tract. Psoriasis provokes its deficiency and destruction of the integrity of the nutrient cycle.

Zinc is a microelement that is of utmost importance in the endocrine regulation of internal processes, since it is part of the hormone insulin.

Omega-3 - polyunsaturated fatty acids - enrich the skin with essential lipids, give it softness, elasticity and accelerate the exfoliation of growths. In forms of scalp disease, they also strengthen the hair follicles.

Iron, potassium, magnesium, fiber and vitamins A, B, C and creatine are found in sufficient quantities in tree fruits. Regular consumption of salads, compotes and desserts made from sweet treats will help avoid seasonal vitamin deficiencies. But what fruits are acceptable for psoriasis?

Allowed fruits

Is it possible to eat persimmon for psoriasis, because it has a bright orange color that turns into red, which should be avoided for dermatosis?

Such fears are in vain, since this fruit is safe for lichen planus. On the contrary, persimmon is rich in magnesium, potassium, beta-carotene and is considered a detoxifier - it removes toxins and toxic substances.

Mango, papaya, pineapple, kiwi - exotic fruits should be added to the diet only in the remission stage.

Pears, bananas, green apples and melon are monoproducts that cannot be mixed with other foods and eaten as a separate dish;

Grapes and cherries are allowed by dermatologists.

Forbidden fruits

Despite the high content of vitamins and valuable elements found in all sweet treats, not every fruit will find its place in the diet of a patient with scaly lichen. Dermatologists do not allow the following to be on the menu:

  • Lime and lemon. In psoriasis, the pH and redox balance are disturbed. Citric and lime acids, which enter the body in concentrated form, injure the walls of the esophagus, causing complications of the disease;
  • Freshly squeezed fruit juices. Such drinks contain many essential oils that are toxic to a weakened patient;
  • Strawberries and pomegranate are also prohibited for psoriasis. The red color of these fruits indicates a high content of allergens in them, which are contraindicated for scaly lichen;
  • Strawberries, cranberries and currants for scaly lichen are allowed only in limited quantities during remission.

The main rule of the diet for psoriasis is the principle of separating foods into acid-forming and alkali-forming foods in the body. The ratio of such products in the patient’s diet should be 25% for acidic and 75% for alkaline. In this way, nutrition can help alleviate the disease.

Alkali Forming Products

These products include, first of all, vegetables, fruits and berries. It is these products that can create a favorable and beneficial environment for the body, however, there are also fruits that are prohibited for psoriasis. Among these restrictions, you should be careful with the most acidic ones - citrus fruits, plums, blueberries, currants and cranberries.

Melons, pears, grapes, apples and bananas should be consumed separately from other foods, and the rest - from dairy products and bread. Many people suffering from psoriasis quite often ask their nutritionist the same question - is it possible to eat watermelon with psoriasis, since it is a berry. Watermelon only morphologically resembles a berry in structure, but belongs to the pumpkin family, so it is allowed for patients with psoriasis.

Prohibited vegetables include legumes, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and eggplants. Products containing large amounts of animal fats, sugar and starch should be consumed with caution. For example, these include fatty red meats, butter, sugar and cheese.

The most useful tips for patients with psoriasis are:

  • Add 1 tbsp granulated lecithin to food. l. per day with each main meal for the first week.
  • Replacing coffee with green tea.
  • Drinking freshly squeezed juices from fruits, berries and vegetables daily.
  • Inclusion in the diet more fresh salads or stewed vegetable mixtures.
  • Drink at least 2 liters mineral water per day.
  • Complete rejection of sauces and seasonings, instead of which you can use herbs and lemon juice.
  • Including porridge and cottage cheese with berries in the diet.
  • Replacing the side dish with vegetables or boiled cereals.

Products that form an acidic environment

There are several rules, the violation of which threatens patients with psoriasis with a relapse of the disease:

  • A ban on the combined consumption of porridge and bread with those fruits that can be eaten with psoriasis, as well as berries, vegetables and dairy products.
  • Replace sugar with fructose or honey.
  • Limit the use of spicy seasonings and those containing vinegar.
  • Prohibition of eating food containing artificial preservatives and colorings.
  • Refusal of alcoholic beverages.
  • Replacing butter with vegetable oil.
  • Ban on canned foods and smoked foods.
  • Refusal white bread and baked goods.
  • Meat only from white poultry varieties.
  • Fish only baked.
  • Refusal of sugary carbonated drinks and fast food.
  • Ban on chips, crackers and deep-fried foods.
  • Dairy products are only low-fat and unsalted.

For those patients who have constant problems with daily bowel movements, it is recommended to drink a glass of mineral water half an hour before meals, and 1 tbsp in the morning. l. vegetable oil. It is also necessary to drink water throughout the day, so you should carry a small bottle of water with you at all times. These tips will help cleanse the body faster and help the skin recover.

Physical activity is also important in the treatment of psoriasis. Every day it is recommended to do at least 15 minutes of exercise or a half-hour walk in the fresh air. If it is impossible to follow these recommendations, the patient should at least refuse the elevator and, if possible, transport, and walk along the stairs and the street, since it is physical activity allows you to speed up the metabolism in the body, which is so necessary for patients with psoriasis for recovery.