"1C:Accounting 8" includes a set of regulated reports. Regulated reports are those whose form, procedure for completion, timing and procedure for submission are determined by various government bodies. | Regulated reporting includes:

  • Working with a list of regulated reports

    To work with regulated reports, the “Regulated and financial statements" (menu "Reports - Regulated reports"). | The processing form "Regulated and financial reporting" consists of two main parts.

  • Preparation of a regulated report

    To enter a new regulated report, you need to find the line with the name of the desired report in the list of reports located on the left side of the “Regulated and Financial Reporting” form and double-click on it or select the name of the report and click the “New” button in the command panel of the list of reports.

  • Mode for checking the ratios of report indicators

    A number of tax reporting forms include a mode for checking the ratios of indicators: | calculation of advance payments for the unified social tax; | calculation of advance payments for insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance; | value added tax declaration;

  • Printing a regulated report

    To print the report, use the "Print" button located in the lower command bar. When you click it, you can select one of the following actions from the drop-down menu: | "Print immediately" - prints the report immediately on the printer, without previewing it in accordance with the print settings in the "Settings" dialog.

  • Explanation of report indicators

    For reporting forms that can be filled out automatically using information base data, it is possible to show the algorithm for generating report cells. This mode is called “deciphering the value of a report indicator.”

  • Storing regulated reports

    The report log is intended for working with saved regulated reports. The reporting journal is located on the right side of the Regulatory and Financial Reporting form. | You can work with the journal of regulated reports as with a regular document journal of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system.

  • Uploading regulated reports in electronic form

    Regulatory documents provide for the possibility of submitting reports to the Federal Tax Service and Pension Fund Russia in electronic form. | To generate reports in electronic form, there is an “Upload” button in the top command panel of the regulated report form.

  • Organizations are required to submit regulated reporting to tax authorities, statistical authorities and extra-budgetary funds. In the configuration of the Enterprise Accounting program, you can generate the reporting specified in the menu « Reports / Regulated reports".

    Before drawing up regulated reporting, it is necessary to check the status of accounts accounting for the reporting period. In the configuration, it is possible to generate a report " Analysis of the state of accounting" (menu " Operations / Regular operations"). This report analyzes the status of the working chart of accounts and accounts to be closed at the end of the reporting period, and also analyzes accounting totals and transactions.

    The subsystem for the preparation of regulated reporting is intended for the preparation of various reports, the forms and procedure for presentation of which are established by various legislative bodies.

    Forms of regulated reporting include:

    Accounting reporting forms;

    Reporting to off-budget social funds;

    Tax returns and calculations;

    Statistics forms;

    Various references.

    The reference book " Regulated reporting" The directory contains a list of regulated reports. The list of reports is implemented hierarchically: all reports are organized into groups by type of reporting (accounting, tax, statistical, etc.), and within each group - by separate reporting forms.

    Each element of the “Regulated Reports” directory contains a link to one of the configuration objects that implement the functions of a particular regulated report.

    When entering a new element into the directory, you must fill in the “Name” attribute - this is the short name of the reporting form, which will be displayed in the list of regulated reports. In the “File” attribute you need:

      Or specify the name of a configuration object of the Report type that implements the functions of a regulated report;

      Or enter the path and name of the external finish 1C: Enterprise 8.0.

      Thus, as regulated reports, you can use not only internal configuration objects, but also connect external reports, for example, those that implement local reporting forms.

      The list of entered reports can be viewed in the regulated reports log.

      The “Month Closing” document carries out most of the regulatory operations for accounting and tax accounting. The document consists of a list of articles of regulatory operations of accounting and tax accounting, established in the order of their closure. Each regulatory operation for each organization must be done only once per month.

    Task 14.1

    Perform month-end closing operations. Write off depreciation expenses for May 2010.

    Technology for completing the task Closing the month

    Re-post the “Month Closing” document dated April 31, 2010.

    Create a new document “Month Closing” dated May 30, 2010

    Definition of financialenterprise results

    Task 14.2

    Determine the financial results of the Nadezhda enterprise for each month of operation. Analyze the financial results for 7th, 8th and 9th grade accounts.

    The 1C: Accounting 8.1 program includes a set of regulated reports. Regulated reports are those whose form, procedure for completion, timing and procedure for submission are determined by various government bodies. Regulated reporting includes:

    Forms financial statements;

    Tax returns and other documents serving as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes;

    Reporting to off-budget social funds;

    Statistics forms;

    Various references.

    The regulated reporting includes the previously discussed reporting of the organization on individuals before the Federal Tax Service inspection (form 2-NDFL) and before the Pension Fund of Russia (personalized reporting).

    To work with regulated reports, the processing “Regulated and financial reporting” is intended (menu “Reports” - “Regulated reports”).

    The “Regulatory and Financial Reporting” processing form consists of two main parts. The left side of the form displays a list of types of regulated reports. On the right side of the form there is a report log and a log for uploading reporting forms in electronic form. Switching between magazines is done by selecting the appropriate tab (Fig. 3.206).

    Reports in the report log can be filtered by various criteria:

    By types of regulated reports;

    For the organization on whose behalf the report was compiled;

    By reporting period, etc.

    Setting selection by type of reports is done using the checkboxes located to the left of the names of groups and types of reporting forms in the list of reports. Checkboxes can be checked and unchecked in any order.

    Alternative access to regulated reports is provided by the “Regulated Reports” directory. The list form of this directory can be opened by clicking on the “Report Directory” button on the “Regulated and Financial Reporting” processing command panel. In this directory, each regulated report is presented as a separate element of the directory. The directory elements are grouped into groups according to reporting types.

    Let's compose balance sheet(form No. 1) for our organization.

    To enter a new regulated report, you need to find in the “Regulated Reports” directory the line with the name of the desired report and double-click on it or click on the “Add list item” button on the command panel of the directory.

    A start window will be displayed on the screen, in which you must indicate the organization for which the report will be compiled, select the frequency of reporting - monthly or quarterly, and the period for compiling the report (Fig. 3.207).

    If a regulated report can be prepared according to different forms, the “Select form” button becomes available in the start form.

    After clicking on the “OK” button in the start window, a regulated report form will open, containing a report form and dialog areas for managing the completion and printing of the report. Initially, the report form contains only information about the organization and the responsible persons of the organization.

    For those reporting forms for which it is possible to automatically fill out the information base data, there is a “Fill” button in the command panel of the report form (for reports filled out without calling the start form, there is a “Generate” button).

    After clicking it, a calculation will be performed based on the data available in the information base, and the report form will be filled out (Fig. 3.208).

    Clicking the “Clear” button clears the report.

    The completed report is a table, partially editable. The availability of cells for editing is indicated by the background color.

    Some table cells are colored white– such cells cannot be edited.

    Cells colored yellow are intended to be filled in manually: additional information can be entered into such cells.

    Green cells are calculated automatically based on data entered in other cells.

    Those report cells that are filled in automatically based on infobase data are colored light green. Using the dialog controls located at the bottom of the report, you can control the filling of such cells. To do this, you must select one of the following options:

    Do not fill in automatically – when filling out the report, this cell will not be filled in and the value in such a cell must be entered manually;

    Fill automatically with adjustment - in this case, the cell is filled jointly by the program and the user: the program calculates its value according to the information base data, the user either adds his own adjustment value - in this case, the sum of these two values ​​is displayed in the cell itself, or edits the value in the cell - in in this case, the adjustment value is calculated automatically;

    Fill only automatically and do not adjust manually - the initial state of the light green cell: the value entered manually into such a cell will be cleared when the report is automatically filled.

    For reporting forms that can be filled out automatically using information base data, it is possible to show the algorithm for generating report cells. This mode is called “deciphering the value of the report indicator.” The mode is not available for all reporting forms: a formal sign of the ability to decrypt for a specific regulated report is the presence of the “Decryption” button on the command panel of the report form.

    To fill in individual cells or groups of report cells (for example, a budget classification code), the program provides the user with a convenient mechanism for selecting a value from the list. By double-clicking on such a cell, you can call up a list of predefined values.

    If the report consists of many sections, then its form contains the corresponding bookmarks, and the “Settings” button is present on the command panel. Clicking this button opens a settings dialog in which you can specify which sections of the report should be shown on the screen and printed.

    If the number of lines in any part of the report is not agreed upon in advance, then additional lines in the form may be required when compiling the report. For such cases, it is possible to include an unlimited number of additional groups of rows in the report: when you select a section of the report where this option is available, the “Add” and “Delete” buttons appear in the lower area of ​​the dialog - respectively, for adding rows and deleting them.

    Regulated reports do not provide automatic generation of transactions. Therefore, in cases where the generated reports must be reflected in tax and accounting (for example, when generating tax returns for a number of taxes), the corresponding entries should be entered manually.

    To print regulated reports, use the “Print” button.

    When preparing the printed form, the system automatically breaks the report into pages and numbers them, and also removes the color highlights of the cells. The printed form of the report is available for viewing on separate sheets. To control viewing, use the dialog area located to the left of the form area. In addition, in the dialog area you can mark report sheets that are supposed to be printed (all sheets will be marked by the program first).

    Let's draw up a profit and loss report in the program (form No. 2) (Fig. 3.209).

    We will also fill in the program tax return for corporate income tax (Figure 3.210).

    Tax accounting registers (for income tax) can be created by opening the menu item “Reports” - “Tax accounting registers (for income tax)”. Registers are reporting forms generated based on tax accounting entries. In the 1C: Accounting 8.1 program they are divided into four groups:

    Registers of accounting of business transactions;

    Registers of intermediate settlements;

    Registers for recording the status of a tax accounting unit;

    Registers for generating reporting data.


    Get new forms of regulated reporting. Check availability through the configuration assistant. In this case, you must have an Internet connection. If the program shows that the reports are outdated, then you need to install new ones.

    Download the update from specialized sites on the Internet or use the ITS disk that comes with the 1C: Enterprise program. Launch information technology support, select the “Reporting” section and click “Update”. As a result of these manipulations, you will receive a file with new regulated reports with the rar extension.

    Unpack the file with regulated reports. If necessary, install the archiver on your personal computer. This program can be downloaded via the Internet on specialized websites. It is advisable to use official sources and scan files with an antivirus, otherwise you can infect your computer with viruses.

    Launch the configuration of the 1C: Enterprise program in which you need to install updated regulated reporting. Open the “Reports” menu in the top ribbon of the toolbar and select “Regulated”. In the window that opens, click the “Download” button.

    Go to the folder where the update file was unpacked. Select any document and click "Open". The update of the 1C: Enterprise program will start. This will cause a black command line window with running letters to appear. During this time, do not do anything with the program or personal computer, otherwise the update may fail and you will have to start all over again.

    Check for updates to regulatory reporting. To do this, run the necessary reports and compare them with those currently established by law.

    Video on the topic


    • update 1s 7 program

    Regulatory reports are subject to changes or amendments from time to time. Monitoring these innovations, 1C: Enterprise software developers release updates that meet the requirements of government agencies. You can update the reports yourself or use the services of 1C representatives.


    Download new regulated reporting forms. This can be done on the 1C developers website, from company representatives or on specialized resources. If the computer on which the 1C: Enterprise program is installed is connected to, then you can upload documents automatically, since the application will give you a message about the need to update reports.

    Launch the disc with information and technical support that came with the 1C: Enterprise program. In the menu that appears, select “Reporting”, then review the information and click the “Update” button. Choose where to save the downloaded file.

    Wait until the download completes. As a result, you will receive a file with the rar extension. Unzip it and copy the new regulated reports to a separate folder. If your PC does not have an archiver, you will need to download and install it.

    Launch the 1C: Enterprise program and select the required configuration. Open the “Reports” section, which is located in the top ribbon of the toolbar. Select "Regulated". A window will appear in which to update the reports you must click the “Download” button.

    Specify the folder that contains the unpacked update files. Click the "Open" button. After this, a black command prompt window will appear, indicating that the update has begun. Until the process is completed, you should not use a personal computer. IN otherwise The update process may be broken and you will have to start all over again.

    Restart your computer after the system informs you that it has finished updating scheduled reports. Launch the 1C: Enterprise program and check the installed documents for compliance with current legislation.

    Changes to the general 1C directories are made every time the program is updated. However, new data can be loaded on a routine basis, and the user is quite capable of doing this work on his own.


    All directories available in the 1C database can be divided into two groups: containing data only on the activities and connections of the enterprise and general program directories.

    The organization updates its own directories independently as needed. This work is done manually. Changes can be made directly in the “Directories” section. It is also possible, when filling out documents at various sites, to change the data of any object and save the changes made in the directory.

    The 1C:Accounting package includes a set of regulated reports. These are, first of all, tax and accounting reports, intended to provide tax authorities, as well as reports intended for various funds.

    This set of regulated reports is updated quarterly by 1C and distributed among registered users of the program.

    You can receive updated reports on the monthly Information Technology Support (ITS) CD of the 1C:Enterprise program system. ITS Disc subscribers can also take advantage of online support to receive the latest updates to regulated reports. You can also contact the 1C partner from whom you purchased the program, or the 1C technical support department.

    Organization of work with regulated reports

    Work with regulated reports is organized as follows. Since regulated reports change quarterly in accordance with current regulatory documents, they are delivered in the form of separate files - external reports (with the ERT extension). These files are located in the ExtForms directory, a subordinate directory of the infobase. All external reports are grouped into catalogs, the names of which are determined by the reporting period for which they are developed. For example, the directory Rp02q1.grp will contain regulated reports for the first quarter of 2002. In addition, in the directory containing the report group, there is a text file RpList.txt containing a list of reports from this group and the corresponding file names.

    To work with regulated reports in 1C: Accounting 7.7, a special mechanism is provided, which is described below. In addition, the user can access regulated reports using standard means working with external reports described in the book “1C: Accounting. User's Guide."

    Using regulated reports

    To call up the mode of working with regulated reports, select the “Regulated reports” item from the “Reports” menu of the main menu of the program. The window of the “Regulated Reports” mode form appears on the screen.

    At the top of the window there is a field for selecting the “Reporting for the period” report group. The delivery kit includes only one group of regulated reports, that is, reports for one period. As new reporting forms for subsequent quarters are received and downloaded, new groups will appear in this list.

    Below is a list of reports. To access a specific report, select the desired group and place the cursor in the list on the desired report. After this, click the “Open” button or double-click in the list of reports in the desired line. This opens the regulated report form.

    The configuration parameters for specific regulated reports depend on their purpose and operating principles.

    Because regulated reports change quarterly, this guide does not describe how to work with specific reports. Each group of regulated reports comes with instructions containing a description of the composition of the reports, their use and conditions of application. This instruction can also be accessed from the list of reports. In addition, in each window under the title there is a toolbar with a button, when clicked you can get detailed instructions on the use of this specific regulated report.

    Features of working with a list of reports.

    Working with the hierarchical structure of the list of regulated reports is identical to working in multi-level directory(in terms of moving around the tree).

    When closing the dialog window, if the list of reports was modified before this user, a request is issued to save the modified list. If the answer is positive, all changes in the list of reports will be saved and restored the next time the dialog is opened.

    When adding new reports to the list (for example, from a web server or from an ITS disk), the latter will be inserted into the list taking into account the built order of reports and the hierarchy tree. New groups will be added to the end of the list, and group elements will be added taking into account the procedure recommended by 1C for filling out parts of the declaration.

    We list the buttons for managing the list of reports and their functions:

    "Up" / "Down" arrows - move the selected report or group of reports through the list. Allows you to arrange the order of reports in the list at your discretion. For example, set the most popular reports at the beginning of the list.

    Remove an unnecessary report or group of reports from the list. If the item being deleted is a group, then all subreports and groups will also be deleted.

    “Restore original list” (button with two arrows) - restore the original list of reports provided by 1C. In the event of an unsuccessful change in the order of reports or accidental deletion of reports from the list, by clicking this button, you can restore the complete list of reports provided by 1C with the original order of reports in the list.

    “Save setting” (button with a picture of a floppy disk with an arrow to the floppy disk) - save user settings in the list. Allows you to save the list of reports modified by the user the next time you open the dialog. In this case, the contents of the list and the structured order of reports will be restored.

    "Restore settings" (button with a picture of a floppy disk with an arrow from the floppy disk) - restore user settings for the list of reports. Allows you to restore a list of reports modified by the user. In this case, the contents of the list and the structured order of reports will be restored.

    “Description of changes” (button with the Latin letter “i” from the word “information” - information) - description of the version number and release date of the update of regulated reports, as well as the list of changes compared to the previous version.

    Drawing up a regulated report

    The preparation of regulated reports in 1C: Accounting is based on the ability of the “1C: Enterprise 7.7” tables to work in the so-called “spreadsheet” mode. When you enter data into a specific table cell, the values ​​of other table cells that are algorithmically related to the cell being edited are automatically recalculated. This allows you to add or subtract amounts across columns or columns of the report form, as well as perform more complex actions.

    The form for drawing up a regulated report contains a report form, that is, a 1C:Enterprise table operating in data entry mode, as well as a dialog for controlling the completion and printing of this report.

    The format of the report depends on the type of report; however, all forms have common buttons and dialog details. Let's consider the form proposed for drawing up the report “Calculation of the single tax”.

    At the top there is a dialog that controls the generation of the report. Here you can, for example, set the unit of measurement and the accuracy of data presentation in printed form. Some forms may contain other details, for example, the “Period” attribute, which determines the time interval for which data is generated and entered (quarter or month, see paragraph “Report Compilation Period”).

    Let us explain the purpose of the buttons, which, as a rule, are available in all dialogs of regulated reports.

    “Clear” - all previously filled form cells will be cleared.

    “Restore” - writes previously saved values ​​to the form.

    “Close” - finishes working with the form, and the program will offer to save the last state of the form.

    At the bottom of the dialog there is a report form, which is a 1C:Enterprise table operating in data entry mode. This table contains yellow and green cells.

    Cells, colored yellow, are intended for entering and editing data.

    Cells highlighted in green are calculated based on data in yellow cells and cannot be edited manually. These are, as a rule, summing rows or columns of the form; More complex algorithms can be used to calculate values.

    You can fill out the form by entering all the required data manually and then print the report by selecting “Print” from the “File” menu. The table that is visible in the editing window of the report generation dialog will be printed.

    We will describe in more detail how to fill out and print a report.

    Report period

    Reports are compiled for the period for which they are prepared. Thus, reports supplied for the 1st quarter of 2003 will be compiled specifically for the 1st quarter of 2003; There is no option to change the report generation period.

    However, when compiling individual reports, the user has limited means of setting the period for generating the report - the “Period” attribute present in such reports can take the values ​​“quarter” or “month”; in the latter case, you can select from the proposed list the month for which and a report will be generated.

    For example, if, when compiling reports for the 3rd quarter, you select “month” in the “Period” attribute, you can generate a report for September, October, November or December.

    Form editing keys

    When working with the form, you can use the following keys:

    Enter - the beginning of entering into a form cell and the end of entering into it;

    Arrows (up, down, left, right) - move through table cells;

    Tab/Shift+Tab - move through those cells of the report form that are intended for data entry;

    Home/End - moves the cursor to the beginning/end of the table;

    PgUp/PgDn - page-by-page scrolling of the form up/down;

    F6 - switches between the dialog and editing the printed form.

    Multi-page reports

    If the number of lines in the report is not agreed upon in advance, then when drawing up the report, it may turn out that all the data does not fit into the standard form, and additional copies of the standard form may be required to generate the report. For such reports, the dialog provides special report creation controls.

    The “Form” attribute shows the page number of the form of “indefinite length”. Typically, when opening a report, this attribute indicates that the first page of the form is being edited.

    The “Form” attribute is usually accompanied by the following buttons: “New” - to add a new page to the report, “Delete” - to remove the current page from the report and “<”, “>” to switch between copies of the form.

    As an example, consider the report form “Tax on individual species vehicles».

    This form contains a list of company vehicles, the number of which for different organizations unknown in advance. Having filled out the current form and discovered that an additional one is required, click on the “New” button, and a new “blank” form of the same type will open in the editing window.

    You can always delete an extra page by using the “Delete” button.

    To print a multi-page report of the specified type, it is recommended to use the “Print all” button, which is designed to print all pages of the report without viewing it on the screen.

    Printing a regulated report

    In general, you can print a report by selecting “Print” from the “File” menu of the program’s main menu. The table that is visible in the editing window is printed.

    The “Print” item in the “File” menu will only be available if the form editing window is active. To make it active, click in this window with the mouse.

    To print a page of a form of “indefinite length” (multi-page form), you must first set the number of this page in the “Form” attribute. To print all pages of this form, just click on the “Print all” button.

    In addition, there are reports that consist of several printed forms. The pages of such reports differ as follows: appearance both the composition of the information and the orientation of the paper when printing. These forms have a special printing procedure.

    Disclosure of report indicators

    Some forms allow you to expand the algorithm for generating the value for the selected cell by clicking the “Expand (F5)” button. This function is available for forms that can be filled out automatically using accounting data (there is a “Fill” button in the management dialog of such forms).

    The “Expand (F5)” button becomes available after clicking the “Fill” button.

    If a transcript can be obtained for the selected cell, after clicking this button, a spreadsheet document will be displayed containing a description of the algorithm for filling the cell.

    If a transcript cannot be obtained for the selected cell (these are cells that are filled in manually, the values ​​of which are calculated based on the data of other cells, or non-numeric cells), a request will be issued to obtain a transcript for all cells of the form at once. If you answer “Yes,” a spreadsheet document will be generated containing a transcript of all form cells.

    The regulated reports mode contains a mechanism for downloading new reports, which is used when receiving new reporting forms.

    New reporting forms are supplied in the form of a self-expanding archive file containing a group of regulated reports developed for a specific period. The file name is determined by the reporting period for which this group of reports is supplied. For example, the file Rp02q2.exe will contain a group of reports for the second quarter of 2002.

    Installing the reporting package

    To install a reporting set from floppy disks, an ITS disk or from other sources, click the "Download" button and in the dialog box that opens, select the report update file from the appropriate source.

    The report update file has an EXE extension. During a custom installation, when not the entire set of reports is downloaded, but only individual reports, the source may contain several update files - one for each type of report. In this case, just select any of these files. In addition, if a set of update files is located on several floppy disks or in different directories, before the entire set is downloaded, you will be prompted to install the remaining diskettes or select other directories. In this case, you can insert floppy disks (or select directories) in any order.

    Note: in case of incomplete loading of the kit due to any reason (for example, loss of a floppy disk or part(s) of the kit on other media), the process of sequential request for the remaining parts can be terminated by clicking the "Cancel" button in the request dialog. In this case, the entire download process does not stop and it is possible to download detected (assembled) parts. Missing parts of the kit can be added later.

    Once all update files have been collected, the “Updating Regulated Reporting” dialog will open with a list of collected (received) reports. In the latter, you need to mark those reports that need to be updated. By default, all are marked. You can mark or unmark a single mouse click on the selected position or use the control buttons located to the right of the list of downloadable reports.

    To download the marked reports, click the "OK" button.

    After the download process is completed, a dialog box for working with regulated reports will open with an updated list of reporting forms.

    Updating the kit from the 1C web server

    Subscribers to the 1C:Enterprise information and technology support disk have the opportunity to receive the latest set of regulated reports by downloading them from the 1C website.

    An archive of regulated reports is organized on the 1C company's web server. The archive for each period (quarter) contains a set of regulated reports. Thus, the possibility of obtaining regulated reporting not only for the reporting period, but also for previous periods is added.

    To download reports from the website, you must insert the ITS disc into your computer's CD-ROM drive. To update a set of reports for a certain period, you must select the “Regulated reports” item in the “Reports” menu. In the dialog, select the set of the required period from the list of reports and click the "Update" button. If the reporting set for the required period has not yet been installed, then it can be obtained in any other way (by mail, on floppy disks). The latest set of regulated reports can be obtained via Internet support (section "Updates").