Swimming in clean water symbolizes in a dream the cleansing of conscience, liberation from unnecessary, superficial things, and the entry into a new period of life.

Swimming in dirty water is a dream of ill health, deception, and a bad conscience. Dirty water - always bad sign in a dream.

A very important point is your feeling of comfort. Let's say that swimming in ice water in a dream can have completely the opposite meaning, depending on whether you liked doing it or not. For example, a dream in which you went for a winter swim in ice water on Christmas Day directly indicates a cleansing of the soul, a period of renewal, and a dream in which the sleeper found himself in an ice hole or under an ice shower against his will and experienced extremely negative sensations speaks of the coming stressful situation, fear, shocking news.

It is not always pleasant to bathe in hot water in a dream. It's one thing to find yourself in a hot bath from the cold, and quite another thing to find yourself after an exhausting stay on a hot beach. In the first case, the dream reflects warm relationships, friendly support, help, participation, in the second - an unwanted excess of attention, too intrusive invasion of privacy.

If in a dream you bathe in salt water, this means health and calmness. nervous system. Additional information- the place where you do it. Swimming in salt water in the sea or in a bath - restore your strength in natural conditions or with the help medical procedures and medicines.

Bathing a child in a dream indicates a desire for leadership and superiority.

She dreams that children bathe on their own, but in the presence of the sleeping person, which means in reality he is trying to maintain control over some situation.

If the child whom you were going to bathe in a dream refuses to do so, the sleeper will experience opposition from those among whom he strives to lead. In addition, the dream may indicate the presence of some problems with personal hygiene.

Swimming with a loved one dreams of parting with him; water in this case is a symbol of oblivion. If at the same time you both happened to bathe in mud in a dream, the separation will be ugly, scandalous, with mutual insults.

If you dreamed of swimming according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Swimming in water in a dream for the sake of pleasure, and not for the sake of cleansing the body, means losing money, you may be robbed.

Swimming in dirty water means debt or illness.

Swimming in cold water dreams of loss.

If someone forced you to swim in cold water, the dream points to this person as the source of your future worries.

Bathing a child in a dream means independence, a personally made important decision. At the same time, bathing a baby with a sponge suggests that you should be extremely careful, since being too principled in this matter may not be beneficial.

Swimming at night in a dream means strong remorse.

In clothes - to the fight for inheritance rights.

For an unmarried girl, swimming with a guy is a dream of imminent separation.

If a married lady happened to swim in water in a dream with a man unknown to her, she will betray her moral principles.

A sick person dreams of a bathhouse as a sign of recovery.

Bathing the deceased in a dream means the end of worries and fruitless efforts.

Why do you dream about swimming - esoteric dream book

Swimming in clean water is a sign of health and success.

Swimming under the pressure of water - such a dream says that both health and success will cost you a considerable amount of money.

If the water was dirty, you will be disappointed.

Swimming with fish in a dream means pregnancy for a woman.

Dreaming of swimming in clothes means new things.

For a woman to swim or get out of the water naked is a sign of dissatisfaction in her intimate life.

Swimming for pregnant women means an easy birth.

Bathing a child in a dream - someone will forgive you.

Swimming in water of an unnatural color means illness and deception.

Bathing, English dream book

Swimming in clean water is a sign of wealth.

In a dirty place - to illness or theft.

Swimming in warm water and feeling that it has begun to rapidly cool down - such a dream says that the sleeper may lose respect in society.

Why do swimmers dream - a modern dream book

Swim in clean clear water- a happy dream, recent worries will leave you.

In muddy water - to illness and disappointment.

To see someone else swimming - you will receive interesting news.

In winter, swimming in ice water - such a dream says that you will be able to show endurance and patience, thanks to which you will achieve what you want.

Swimming in cold water in your own bath means loneliness, the absence of close people nearby.

Dreaming of bathing a child means receiving an inheritance.

A person dreams of bathing often has a close connection with the dreamer’s moral state and his financial situation. Variations of sleep can be varied: from an ordinary bath to a bright plot developed on the shore of a tropical sea. Bathing in a bathhouse and swimming in a pool is quite unique species dreams, which are interpreted somewhat differently than ordinary swimming.

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Turning to different dream books, you can get a lot of information on this topic. The interpretation will be more accurate if a person manages to note various details, starting from the place in which the action develops, ending with the temperature of the water and his feelings at the moment of contact with the water element.

    General interpretation

    In the general understanding, swimming in a dream is a positive sign, marking the onset of a period in life filled with vivid emotions and impressions. In the near future, there is a high probability of making a new acquaintance who will later become a wonderful friend or even a loved one.

      If ablution does not bring the expected result, and after this process the person still feels dirty, then in reality the dreamer is not used to finishing what he started. Because of this approach, a person is dissatisfied with his life path. To change the situation in a more favorable direction, you will have to engage in introspection and learn to see things through to the end.

      If a person bathes in clothes in a dream, then something threatens his physical health. There is a danger of discovering a serious illness. You should be more attentive to your well-being.

      Seeing yourself getting dressed after swimming is a good sign. Such a dream predicts improvements in the work sphere. The dreamer will be noticed by higher-ups, which will lead to a quick promotion. It is possible that he can be nominated for a leadership position.

      Place of ablution

      The process of bathing can take place in a completely diverse environment, depending on which the interpretation of the dream is formed. The most common sleep variations:

      • Dream books interpret washing in a bathhouse as an unfavorable sign. A bathhouse in a dream symbolizes a neglectful attitude towards one’s well-being. Probably, the person noticed his health problems, but did not pay due attention to it.
      • Bathing in the bathroom predicts discord in the relationship of a young couple, accompanied by strong feelings and disappointment. For a married woman, such a dream is a warning: there is a high probability of betrayal on the part of her spouse.
      • Taking a shower is a good sign. It means inspiration, which will help you achieve special success in your plans. During this period, fate itself smiles at the dreamer. It's time to start realizing your wildest ideas.
      • Swimming in the pool is interpreted as climbing up the career ladder. At the same time, if swimming takes place in the company of a person, then an acquaintance will soon occur that will bring lasting friendships. And, importantly, a new friend can greatly influence the dreamer’s life.
      • If the action takes place in the waters of a river, then harmony awaits the person in reality. Entering the river symbolizes the beginning of a new stage in life, which will bring a large number of positive impressions. If you manage to swim in a rapid stream of water, then the changes occurring in the dreamer’s life will be just as fast. You should try to keep up with the changes.
      • Swimming in a beautiful lake against the backdrop of a picturesque landscape will mark the discovery of a new useful experience. For a girl, a dream in which she is swimming with a more successful friend means that those around her will notice only her merits and will be completely blind to her shortcomings.
      • Washing sea ​​water dreams of people who are overcome by conscience. Swimming in the sea portends a successful attempt to correct old mistakes, which have been a cause for concern lately. This will significantly improve the state of human affairs.
      • The interpretation of a dream in which the dreamer is swimming in the ocean depends on the behavior of the water surface. Quiet water means peace and prosperity in real life, if you happened to sail during a storm, then this indicates a high probability of quarrels and misunderstandings among relatives.

      Water condition

      Particular attention must be paid to the water in which you had to swim. Pure and transparent symbolizes the approach of happiness and deliverance from long-standing worries. If a person suffers from any illness at the time of sleep, he will soon recover. Also, swimming in clear water during a dream means that soon an important task will be successfully completed and will bring the expected satisfaction.

      Washing in dirty and muddy water is an unfavorable sign in all respects. According to the interpretation of most dream books, swimming in such water promises a deterioration in the dreamer’s health. And he also risks becoming a target for the false gossip of envious people. If ablution takes place in a bathtub with dirty water, the dream signals the presence of an ill-wisher in the immediate environment who wants to tarnish the person’s reputation. Falling into troubled water warns of making a major mistake in reality, which will entail significant losses. For this reason, you should not make serious decisions after such a dream.

      Stormy water flows, for example, in a river, mean a rapid change of events in real life, and in order to keep up with them, some effort will be required. Calm water promises the same calm and serenity in life.

      Swimming can take place in waters of different temperatures, and it is good if a person manages to remember such a detail. Dreaming of ice water is considered a good omen. The sleeper will be healed not only physically, but also morally, as worries and anxieties will recede, and they will be replaced by harmony and well-being. Swimming in hot waters has the exact opposite meaning: it increases the risk of disease.

Swimming in clean water is good sign, which symbolizes human harmony with the surrounding world. If you happened to swim in dirty water, then the interpretation is the opposite. Dream books offer accurate interpretations.

Why do you dream about swimming - Miller’s dream book

If you dreamed that you were bathing in pleasant, warm water, then prosperity and prosperity will settle in your home. If the water was hot, then there is a high probability that you will soon get sick. Cold water in which one bathes in a dream symbolizes superiority over one’s enemies.

Transparent, clean water is a sign of happiness, the disappearance of currently troubling problems, sorrows and any worries. If you dreamed that you were swimming in muddy, opaque water, then you will soon lose some valuable thing or object.

Calm water in a bathing area is a harbinger of joy, protection from poverty and other troubles. If after swimming you went somewhere on a small boat, then you should compare your desires with reality. Often dreams do not come true.

A sea voyage after swimming is a harbinger of receiving some kind of inheritance. If in a dream you are swimming and see an accident related to water, then soon you will meet a person whose feelings will not be sincere. All actions of such an acquaintance, pretending to be in love with you, will be aimed only at achieving personal gain.

Swimming - Vanga's dream book

Seeing yourself bathing in a dream is a harbinger of the speedy removal of some false charges against a person. If you dreamed that they were swimming strangers, then you will be able to find a common language with those with whom you had a fight and are not on very good terms.

Often a dream can be interpreted by the purity of the water for bathing a person. Transparent, clean water is a symbol of a carefree, calm life and a speedy recovery. Muddy, dark and opaque water in a swimming area is a harbinger of unfavorable changes in life.

If you swim in clothes, you need to monitor your health, since there is a high probability of developing a serious illness. Swimming somewhere, creating a lot of splashes, portends good luck in all endeavors, affairs, a feeling of joy and happiness.

Why do you dream of swimming in a dream - Esoteric dream book

This dream book interprets a dream in which the sleeper bathes as a cleansing. It may be associated with remorse, which for a long time gives no rest. If you bathe someone in a dream, then forgiveness will soon occur. Bathing children is a sign that you will be forgiven for a long-standing offense.

Bathing the elderly is a symbol of cleansing your soul from grievances that have tormented you for a long time. If in a dream you bathed your peers, then this is a sign of your guilt in those circumstances for which you blame other people.

Swimming in a dream – Lunar dream book

A dream in which you bathe and then put on clean, new clothes suggests that you will soon gain the power that you previously had, but for some reason lost. If after swimming you put on clothes different types, then soon your worries will leave you, but some need will appear.

If in a dream you were prevented from taking a swim or were not allowed to complete it, then in reality your affairs will not be completed properly. Your dreams and plans for this will not be fully realized. If in a dream you were not swimming alone, then you will soon find something that was once stolen from you.

Why do you dream about swimming – Zedkiel’s Dream Book

If in a dream you swam in clear, clean and pleasant-temperature water, then success awaits you in your career, study, and self-development. Victory is guaranteed to you and personal relationships, on the love front. However, if the water, on the contrary, was dirty, cloudy, and you swam in it, then you should be more attentive to your health and relationships with loved ones, since it is in these areas of life that troubles can occur.

Bathing – Eastern women's dream book

Success in all matters awaits those who dream of swimming in a calm body of water, clear, clean water. And illness and gossip can accompany those who swam in dirty, unpleasant water in a dream. Bathing in the bathtub often brings disappointment in reality.

What does it mean if you dreamed of swimming in a dream - Modern Dream Book

Success, joy and good news await those who in a dream swam in calm, not seething water of a pleasant temperature. If you dreamed that you were bathing in the bathroom, then soon you will be seriously disappointed in something or someone. If a young girl dreams of swimming with a friend in a lake who is a better swimmer, then her shortcomings will not be noticed by others.

What does it mean to swim in a dream – Hasse’s Dream Interpretation

If in a dream a young girl or guy was bathing in a room, then a rich bride and groom awaits them. Swimming in muddy water is a sign of changes in life that will not please you at all. If in a dream you only washed your feet, then you will have a good farm that will bring you additional profit.

Why do you dream about swimming – Dream Interpretation of Health

If you dreamed about yourself bathing, purification will soon occur, and not only spiritual, but also physical. If you saw in a dream how a person of the opposite sex was bathing, then this indicates that you are not sexually satisfied. Bathing in hot water symbolizes upcoming surgery or treatment.

Dream interpretation of swimming in something - meanings and interpretations

  • If you dreamed that you were entering a river, a new period will soon begin in your life, which will give you a lot of positive emotions. If you dreamed that you were bathing someone, then this indicates a possible promotion.
  • Transparent clean water is a symbol of success in personal affairs, finances, and work. Swimming in clothes promises winning or receiving an inheritance.
  • Swimming in the sea suggests that you will soon be able to correct past mistakes that have been haunting you for a long time. Warm sea water symbolizes improvement financial situation. Muddy water warns against possible troubles, envy, and gossip. Swimming in the sea is often dreamed of by those who are tormented by their conscience.
  • Swimming in the shower means a speedy surge of energy and strength, which will allow you to accomplish everything you have planned. In addition, taking a shower is a sign of an imminent meeting with a person who will not remain in your life for long, but whom you will constantly remember. If the hot tap suddenly supplied cold water, love disappointment awaits you.
  • Swimming in the pool symbolizes immediate strengthening of one's position and career growth. If you didn't swim in the pool alone, you will soon find a new friend. If a young girl dreams of bathing and finds herself without a swimsuit, then this is a sign that she must do her job, and then pursue her personal life.
  • Bathing in the bath promises young people heartfelt experiences associated with their significant other. If you are married, then this may be a warning of adultery. If the water in the bathroom is cloudy and dirty, then there is an evil person next to you who wants trouble for you. If you are pregnant, you should be careful as there is a risk of accidents.
  • Swimming in icy water in winter foreshadows pleasure that will be interrupted at the most inopportune moment.
  • Bathing in milk is a sign of success and wealth that will soon happen to you.

Bathing (swimming) in a dream is a symbol of getting rid of problems, prosperity and joy. To understand why you dream and what it means to swim in a dream, you should analyze the dream you had, first recalling in detail what you saw. After which he will turn to the dream book for a hint.

Miller's dream book interprets swimming in pleasant, warm water as well-being and prosperity in the dreamer's home. Swimming in muddy water warns of the loss of an important thing that is of some value to the sleeping person. Sea voyages symbolize an unexpected inheritance that will help establish financial condition persons.

Vanga's dream book predicts the ability of a sleeping person to justify himself in the eyes of others. False accusations and slander that discredited a person’s good name will no longer bother the dreamer. Swimming and at the same time creating a lot of splashes portends good luck in any endeavor, and the ability of a person to stand out from the crowd and establish himself as a reliable and hardworking worker.

The esoteric dream book of swimming in a pond in a dream characterizes the possibility of cleansing a sleeping person. These can be either burdensome relationships or resentments and remorse that have haunted you for a long time. Washing a child in a dream means that the dreamer will soon be forgiven for a long-standing offense. Washing relatives is a sign of a person’s guilt in circumstances in which he blames completely different people.

To find out why you dream of washing in a dream, you need to remember the state of the water. Cold water characterizes the superiority of a sleeping person over his enemies, the ability to cope with emerging circumstances and eliminate troubling problems. Hot water symbolizes the dreamer’s anxiety about his health and well-being. Warm - increased profits and increased material well-being.

Clean water means the absence of obstacles to the implementation of a person’s plans, the opportunity to carry out risky undertakings with benefit for oneself, as well as a joyful and carefree life. Dirty water warns a person about the presence of ill-wishers who will soon become more active and attempt to harm the person, and also promises unfavorable changes in the biography.

For a girl, seeing herself swimming in a clean lake in a dream, according to the dream book, means normalization love relationship with the chosen one, as well as the fulfillment of cherished desires and aspirations. For a person who is actively searching for a life partner, the dream book predicts the appearance on the horizon of a young man capable of winning the heart and trust of a young lady.

I dreamed that I was swimming... a place where I have to wash (swim)

Why dream of swimming in a pool. The vision means that the dreamer in real life is afraid of risky ventures. Competing in the pool with someone indicates that the person should retire and relax.

Swimming in a lake in a dream, surrounded by lush greenery, is interpreted by the dream book as an opportunity to influence the well-being of your family and improve your financial situation. For careerists, this image promises a promotion or an increase in salary.

Swimming in the bathtub promises heartfelt experiences for young people in the dream book. This vision also suggests that the dreamer sets too high demands for his family and friends. For a married woman, such an image can mean adultery. Girls in this position should be careful, as there is a possibility of accidents.

In a dream, swimming in the ocean promises great prospects for work and personal life. For careerists, such a dream speaks of the emergence of new projects that can provide moral and material satisfaction to a person.

Swimming in the shower in a dream foreshadows in the dream book a surge of strength and energy that will be required to achieve the desired results in the work or personal sphere. If cold water comes out of the tap instead of hot, it means that the person needs to prepare for changes or surprises that will confuse the dreamer.

If, for some reason in a dream, a person had to bathe in mud, then it is worth watching his behavior and language, since ill-wishers may turn an incorrectly expressed proposal against the dreamer himself. Also, there is no need to talk about the details of family or love life, since a person overwhelmed by envy becomes dangerous.

Swimming in an ice hole in winter indicates a person’s spiritual growth and desire to improve their skills through training. Possibility of obtaining useful information, which should be applied at the right time, in the right place.

Bathing in a bathhouse indicates that in the near future the sleeping person will experience a feeling of shame for his tricks, words or actions. You should correct your guilt as quickly as possible, since others will learn about his tricks.

If a person had a chance to swim in the snow in a dream and get pleasure from it, it means that in real life, the sleeper will face trials that will strengthen his spirit and indirectly help him achieve his cherished goals.

Why dream of bathing in blood. The vision indicates that soon the sleeping person will have to deal with relatives in some matter. Most likely, the proceedings will be related to the division of property or inheritance.

For a young man, swimming in a pond in a dream, according to Freud’s dream book, foreshadows the dreamer’s establishment of sexual connections, which until now were countless. The appearance of one sexual partner who can “discourage” the desire to make love on the side.

Bathing in milk in a dream, according to the dream book, means making a large profit and increasing the well-being of a person’s family. Washing in fresh milk indicates that the person is happy with her current life.

It’s useful to know why you dream about swimming in shit. Despite the unpleasant dream, it is interpreted as a very positive sign and portends easy profits, winning the lottery and a carefree life.

In a dream, swimming in a spring, fresh and clean water, is interpreted by the dream book as favorable conditions for solving difficult and dubious situations.

To wash (swim) with someone

Why dream of swimming with dolphins? According to the dream book, the vision is a sign that the dreamer can count on the help of friends and loved ones. This picture also promises a fun time with dear people.

A woman swimming with her beloved man in a dream is a sign that speaks of an idyll in a relationship with her chosen one.

Swimming with fish is interpreted by the dream book as rich and interesting life. Swimming in the river and trying to catch a fish by the tail promises an early pregnancy for a girl. For a man, such a picture indicates the opportunity to receive a lucrative business offer.

A dream in which a person happens to swim in clothes according to the dream book denotes the feeling of insecurity that the person experiences. For a girl, this image speaks of the presence of a secret that prevents her from fully opening up to her chosen one.

To find out why you dream of swimming naked, you should remember your own emotions in the dream. Feeling comfortable swimming naked in the water indicates that a person is at peace with himself, and also indicates that all wishes will come true, despite obstacles and other people's intrigues.

Feeling unpleasant glances while swimming naked means that the girl pays great attention to public opinion, and is also easily subject to the influence of others. Need to

According to the dream book, swimming in winter promises excellent health for the dreamer. The presence of a secret that a person is obliged to keep is what dreams of swimming at night mean.

Swimming in the waves, according to the dream book, means that the person is not afraid of obstacles on the way, and obstacles only make the person stronger and more resilient.

Seeing someone wash (swim)

To explain the meaning of a dream in which a child is swimming in a pond, it is worth recalling the child’s behavior. If a child behaves actively and dives in a dream, then the dream book foretells a carefree and happy life, a fun pastime. If a baby sits on the shore, hesitating to go into a body of water, it means that the sleeping person is overwhelmed by doubts and uncertainty.

Seeing a bathing child in a dream symbolizes forgiveness and getting rid of remorse in the dream book. Also, a dream where children bathe in the bathroom speaks of the opportunity to pay attention to their family and relatives.

Watching elephants bathe in a dream speaks of a profitable and stable business that the dreamer is organizing. For aspiring businessmen and business people, this vision promises expansion of connections and partners.

The opportunity to find a common language with people with whom the sleeping person was unable to find common ground in the past is what bathing people dream about.

    Dream Interpretation "ladyelena"

    Bathe- Vanga's dream book. See myself bathing in dream- this is a harbinger of the speedy removal of some false charges against a person. If you dreamed that bathing unfamiliar people, then you will be able to find a common language with those with whom If in dream You were interrupted take a swim or were not allowed to do it to the end, then in reality your affairs will not be completed properly. Your dreams and plans for this will not be fully realized. If in dream You swam If you are not alone, you will soon find something that was once stolen from you.

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  • Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    BathingBathe in dream- to joy or to visit. Bathe in dream in a marble bath - to a joyful surprise, in a zinc bath - it means that it is difficult for you to understand your feelings, in an enameled cast iron - to progress in business. Accept in dream shower means that you will soon have the opportunity to get rid of constantly interfering circumstances. Bathe in clean water - to a carefree life, in a pond to troubles, in dirty muddy water - to the blame of Children bathers see- to the delight of the parents. dive - unfortunately...

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    Bathe in dream swimming See naked bathers see bathing

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  • Dream book "sny-sonnik"

    See Bathing in dream If in dream You swimming in the pool - in reality this foreshadows getting rid of illnesses and worries. Bathe at sea - you will rejoice at your husband’s success, and for a young girl such dream portends a wealthy groom. Bathing in the river - you will experience strong pressure from your superiors, showing courage and restraint, do not betray your principles and interests.

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  • Dream interpretation "junona"

    If someone in dream will see, What swam and put on various clothes, his worries will disappear, but some kind of need will appear. The one who in dream performed ablution, but did not complete it, he will not be able to complete his affairs and will not receive what he wanted to get. Dream Interpretation Bathing. Bathe see bathe in clothes - prospects for inheritance...

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  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Why do you dream Bathe in dream according to the dream book? According to the dream book, if you swimming in an unpolluted body of water - you are guaranteed success in absolutely all areas of life. If it is muddy and littered, fate will not skimp on you now except for troubles and hardships. I dreamed Bathe, But necessary interpretation sleep Bathe in dream in dream saw this symbol.

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  • Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Bathe in dream means that events will soon occur that will cause you to experience a lot of emotions and get a lot of impressions. The question is, what will they be? Bathe in clean water is a sign of well-being and health. In the dirty - illness. Dream in which you swam at sea means significant and important changes. In the ocean - fateful. Sometimes I dream that bathing happens at night. Such dream predicts future events that are still " visible"Only intuitively.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sudba"

    What does it mean see in dream swim in a river with a slow, calm current - joy of life, prosperity, upcoming triumph. Swim in the lake in dream- free online dream book of Fate says: if the water in the lake is clean, such dream to marriage.If see in dream what's in the bath bathing children, then according to the large free dream book of Fate, this is an indication of the relationship between the spouses.

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  • Dream book "sny-sonnik"

    See Bathe in dream Means - Bathing: Bathe in the bath - relief from illness and anxiety; see in the room - you will take a good, rich wife (husband); in the river - strength and endurance; in muddy water - a slight change in position; warm - benefits; bathe in clothes - prospects for inheritance; wash your feet - have good housekeeping.

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  • Dream Interpretation "vedunica"

    Bathe in dream in milk means wealth and success that await you ahead. If you are in your dream swimming naked - this means that you will surrender with all passion to a person much older than you in age. See naked bathers men means that you will have a lot of fans and admirers; If see bathing naked women - ill-wishers will try to drag you into a scandal or some unseemly deeds.

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  • Dream Interpretation "astralomir"

    See in dream many bathers people, means being in the center of some events, perhaps these events are related to working with a large group of people, perhaps your reputation has been very shaken lately, perhaps you are preparing for an unpleasant conversation in the presence of large quantity people. See in dream bathing with a loved one means treason and betrayal, discord family relations on this basis.

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  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Bathe in dream in milk - means wealth and success that await you ahead. If you are in your dream swimming naked - this means that you will surrender with all passion to a person much older than you in age. See naked bathers men - means that you will have a lot of fans and admirers; If see bathing naked women - ill-wishers will try to drag you into a scandal or some unseemly deeds.

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  • Dream Interpretation "esonniki"

    If you have a pleasant dream bathing in calm waters, then success will certainly await you in whatever you undertake. If in dream You swimming in the bathroom, then be prepared for disappointment. See in dream Bathing- this is a reason to once again look into the dream book and find out the meaning and interpretation dreams Bathing. Thank you for visiting our dream book, we will be glad see you again, add our website esonniki.ru to your favorites or place a link to us on your blog).

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  • Dream book "sonnik.bun"

    Bathe in dream: to joy or to visit. Bathe in dream in a marble bath: to a joyful surprise, in a zinc bath. Accept in dream shower: means that you will soon have the opportunity to get rid of constantly interfering circumstances. Bathe in clean water: to a carefree life, in a pond to troubles, in dirty muddy water. Children bathers see: To the delight of the parents, dive.

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  • Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Dream Interpretation: Swim see in dream. Swim– Quiet life, successful career. Dream book of the medium Hasse. Dream Interpretation: Swim in dream. Swim– In clean water - life without worries; in muddy water - obstacles; drowning is a misfortune; in raging water - you will be even more active; see floating- your aspirations will come true; in running water - a difficult path in life.

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  • Dream Interpretation "esonniki"

    See in dream Bathe- does not necessarily mean something good or bad, sometimes dreams film about recent events, namely what you were thinking about before sleep or on this day. What does it mean dream Bathe if indeed see in dream Bathe and what to expect from sleep- if you ask yourself similar questions, then the answer to them and the interpretation of these dreams you will find it here. Dream Interpretation Bathe will help you find out everything about dream in which you saw Bathe.

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  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Had a dream Swim, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out what you are dreaming about Swim in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream saw this symbol. Try it! Hello..today I had a dream dream that my son floats in the water on his back...what is all this for...I don’t remember exactly the water but it seems clean....and he is joyful, he loves in life too bathe...waiting for an answer, thank you...Aliya..here is my address [email protected].