Eduard Asadov (1923-2004)

Who will gain honesty and wisdom,
That one, rightly, will not disappear forever:
Because honesty keeps promises
And wisdom... Never gives them!

Is a bird born good or bad?
She is still destined to fly.
This will not happen to a person.
It's not enough to be born a human,
They still need to become.

Love is not created alone
After all, happiness is built in half.
If the current does not flow through two wires,
The lamp doesn't even light up.

Out of grief, like out of a swamp -
Rush forward quickly!
Don't wait for someone to take it out
A swamp is always a swamp:
Hold on - it will suck you in!

People are looking for communication. And this is completely understandable.
I divide the merits of the interlocutors like this:
If a wonderful storyteller is quite a rarity,
An excellent listener is doubly rare.

Words... Are we in a hurry with them somewhere?
How to simply say “I love you!”, for example.
It only takes a second to do this,
But a whole life to justify it.

Among all the rewards, our thoughtful age
Has not yet established a medal:
What a pity!

You often sigh: - It’s easy for fools,
Their life is cloudless! -
Or you will say in your hearts: - Good for scoundrels,
They always succeed!

Of course, the path of a fool is easy,
But don’t be deceitful to yourself:
You'll settle for a fool's life
With that cloudless fate?

And you agree to become a scoundrel,
To rob, drown someone?
Why are you standing there with an indignant face?!

"One for all and all for one"!
It's easy to say. But if you look at it,
Then one cannot break for all,
Then how can all for one rise
It costs almost nothing!

In any matter with maximum difficulties
There is still one approach to the problem:
Desire is a multitude of possibilities,
And there are many reasons for reluctance.

Lovers, in their eternal aspirations,
They dream of sharing love between two.
But this only works partly.
Of course, I don’t know all the reasons for sure.
But more often unequal parts come out -
Bigger one and smaller the other.

And it’s strange that he takes most of it
The one who gives the least.

According to the first movement of the soul
Do not write angry or passionate letters,
So that you don’t have to feel cruelly sorry,
When happiness or anger cools down.

The fish spoils from the head.
This truth is wise and simple.
But don’t be too quick to joke. Alas,
Although the fish spoils from the head,
However, they clean it from the tail.

Don't try to crush my star
And constantly dominate decisions.
Understand: I am inferior only in everyday life,
I emphasize: only in everyday life,
But never in lines and convictions.

You need to have the courage to fight the enemy,
Strength, fearlessness and nobility of spirit,
And these same qualities - only in double size -
In case you have to fight with a friend.

Words about love make my head ring.
They are both beautiful and very fragile.
However, love is not just words,
Love is, first of all, actions.

And no one needs loopholes here.
Prove your feelings and that’s the whole secret.
But if there are no actions behind the words,
Your love costs three kopecks!

I fell ill, but I overcame the illness.
And everyone is happy, I must admit:
Enemies are happy that I got sick
Friends, because he started to get better.
Well, I'm happy with my share,
I love making people happy!

Two doctors are somehow smart and sensible
The patient was examined at the hospital.
One decided to ask the other
After kneading the patient's stomach:
- Well, colleague, shall we treat?
- No need. Let him live!

- You don't love me! - said the wife.
The husband whistled in response: “Here you go!”
If I endure your character for so many years.
You can be calm, I love you like hell!

The old man who prayed for a goldfish.
I made, perhaps, the main mistake:
He wouldn't serve his greedy grandmother
And do not ask for a trough and nobility,
Boyar's house and fairy-tale kingdom,
And ask for a new old woman!

The father congratulated his son on his birthday:
- You are seventeen. Well, quite big!
Well, in a year you will get permission
On the “sins” of adults: smoking
And a glass of wine, my dear!

The son looked thoughtfully out the window:
- Thank you, dad, for the words of greetings,
But cigarettes, vodka and wine -
It’s been three years since I gave it all up.

Although everyone knows that man is mortal,
But you don't have to worry about me.
After all, with my terrible insomnia
It’s impossible for me to fall asleep forever!

They say: "A hard time is the beginning!"
The husband stands with a smile on his face:
After the wedding there were three scandals.
If trouble is really bad - the beginning,
What will happen, Lord, in the end?!

From grief, like from a swamp, -
Always strive forward!
Don't wait for someone to take it out.
A swamp is always a swamp -
Hold on - it will suck you in!

Eduard Asadov is a famous Soviet poet with a very difficult fate. Having been born in the intelligentsia family of teachers and after graduating from school, a young man of 17 years old was thinking about the choice between theater and literary universities. But a week later the Second began World War and he volunteered to go to the front.

At the age of 21, in one of the battles near Sevastopol, he lost his sight forever. But even then, losing consciousness and overcoming pain, Asadov completed his combat mission. He spent the rest of his life in complete darkness, wearing a black blindfold.

Despite the huge number of troubles and hardships in its difficult life, Eduard Asadov managed to preserve within himself the kindness, faith and love that permeate all his poems:

How easy it is to offend someone!
He took and threw a phrase angrier than pepper.
And then sometimes a century is not enough,
To return the offended heart!


When I encounter bad things in people,
That for a long time I try to believe
That this is most likely feigned,
That this is an accident. And I'm wrong.


Is a bird born good or bad?
She is still destined to fly.
This will not happen to a person,
It's not enough to be born a human,
They still need to become.


In any matter, with maximum difficulties,
There is still one approach to the problem:
Desire is a multitude of possibilities,
And there are a thousand reasons for reluctance!


Don't let your feelings fizzle out
Never get used to happiness.


Who knows how to be happy in everyday life,
He really is a happy man!


Try it in human consciousness
Define logical point:
We laugh, as a rule, in company,
But we often suffer alone.


And you humbled your strict pride,
Trying to overcome your ways?
And you loved so much that even your name
Did it hurt to say it out loud?


Don't hug anyone you have to
Not everything is good that comes easy!

There are no coincidences: people are given to us either as an example of correct life, or as a warning.


How little does a person need?
One letter. Just one thing.
And there is no more rain over the wet garden,
And it’s no longer dark outside the window...


Be kind, don't be angry, have patience.
Remember: from your bright smiles
It depends not only on your mood,
But a thousand times the mood of others.


And even if asked a hundred times,
I will stubbornly say a hundred times:
That there is no abandoned woman,
There is simply one that has not yet been found.


Words... Are we in a hurry with them somewhere?
How easy it is to say “I love you!”, for example.
It only takes a second to do this,
But a whole life to justify him.


Never get used to happiness!
On the contrary, illuminated with light by burning,
Always look at your love
With lively and constant surprise.


And let any difficulties arise,
And sometimes snowstorms strike again and again,
Literally all problems are resolved,
When there is the most important thing in our hearts: love!

P.S. I have heard these lines so often: “How many are there with whom you can go to bed...”, as in the picture... But only now I learned that these poems belong to E. Asadov.

Having known the bottom of my own soul,
Hurry up and find out the sky.

Close people are people between whom God appears.

If I seem beautiful to you, don’t believe me, I’m much worse.
If you are amazed by my ugliness, don’t believe me again, I’m better.

Even where one big one gives and another small one receives, equality of greatness is possible. A grateful taker is equal to a selfless giver. And the selfish/arrogant giver is less grateful than the one who takes.
Friendship is equality of greatness.

Life is an exchange of life.

Meaning is life WITH THOUGHT.

Why is good good? The good will of the people.
Why is evil so strong? The inactivity of good people.

Being is a dialogue.

People’s self-structures are rigid and springy, therefore our communication is also springy and resilient. When communicating, we hit each other and/or take a hit. And it is extremely rare that other communication happens - desired, real, warm and soft, like a ray of sunshine. This is how Christ and all Christ’s meet us. A ray in the middle of the springs... It does not press, does not make claims, but shines.

For each other, we are a reason to be, an opportunity to realize ourselves by fulfilling the other. (Not to realize oneself in another - instead of another, but to become a space for another in which he can realize his formation)

Freedom is communion with God. Communication with God and in God, communication between God in oneself and God in another. Freedom is being in God. You can be yourself with yourself or with others, or with God, only by being in God.

Everyone knows how to accuse and demand what is due, but saving the perishing is given only to Christ.

What is the reality in which we live? There are many realities; in the end, the one whose carriers are the most active wins.
It's better to do something bad than not to do something good. Effort, push, desire are also contributions.
We become what we do. The world becomes what we make it.

Do good to a person and you will find out who he is.

If you behave with an angel, you will gain from an angel.

Excessive self-deprecation is a mark of pride imitating humility. True humility does not look at itself, does not talk about itself, does not see itself.

There is no need to dress yourself in humility, because God dresses a person in humility. Whoever has found the truth will also have the necessary form - humility. Humility is the clothing of truth. And whoever arbitrarily dresses himself in the clothes of humility in order to appear humble, looks unsightly and makes it difficult for himself to ascend to God.

There are people whose aggression is directed outward (potential murderers in critical circumstances), and people whose aggression is directed inward (potential suicides). It’s the same with societies: there are those directed against others, and there are Samoyed societies that don’t even need an enemy - they will eat themselves.

Friendship is the search for the Song of the heart of another (singing towards), calling out the Song of another with your Song. This is careful attention to the Song of another. The luminous ball in Čiurlionis’s painting “Friendship” is the Song. It is received or transmitted - all this is the singing of One Song.