If you currently look like this:

Or like this:

And want to look more like this:

Or like this:

Then you need to pay close attention to everything we are going to cover in this article.

Because here's the point:

  • You can follow all the “clean eating” rules from the internet...
  • You can jog until your joints turn to dust...
  • You could be swallowing a mountain of supplements every day...
  • You can do every home workout program ever invented...

And you can still be “fat skinny” " For the rest of my life.

Find out how to train, eat (what your diet should be) and take supplements ( sports nutrition) is correct, nevertheless, and so that you can have the body of your dreams.

Examples for confirmation? Take a look at these success stories and “before and afters” of people who are guided by the principles described in this article:

You can achieve these results and I'm going to give you a plan here.

So let's get started.

What is “fat skinny” and “skinny fat”?

The phrase seems to defy logic.

How the hell can someone be both “skinny” and “fat” at the same time? What is this satanic curse?

Well, “thin” means having relatively low level muscle mass, and “fat” means having too much fat.

And when you combine these things - too little muscle and too much fat - you get the picture of what a “skinny fat” person looks like.

For example, look at the following two photos:

The trick here is that both of these women have more or less the same percentage of body fat!

The main difference between their physical characteristics is the amount of muscle they have in their bodies. The first woman has little, and the second woman has quite a lot.

You see, the less muscle you have, the more likely you are to look fat and skinny, even with a lower percentage of body fat.

A guy with an extreme lack of muscle mass with 15% body fat can look like a skinny fat guy, while a muscular guy with the same level of body fat can look downright amazing.

At the same time, if you're a woman and are already cringing at the thought of building muscle and bloating, I understand.

But it doesn't work that way.

The truth is that it is very difficult for women to gain enough muscle mass to look bloated. It takes years of intense training, training and nutrition to gain enough muscle volume to achieve this.

What causes bulkiness, however, is muscle gain when body fat levels are too high. All this results in a visually voluminous, but not more detailed, appearance.

I'm talking about these things and more that all women should know before starting to train here.

Thus, an imbalance between muscle and fat mass is what leads to the skinny fat appearance.

Let's take a closer look at typical mistakes things that people do that lead to this problem.

There is a surefire way to become and remain skinny fat:

  1. Significantly limit your calories.
  2. Do large number cardio.
  3. Do workouts with little to no strength training.

If these things sound familiar, it's because they make up most of the mainstream weight loss advice that comes your way.

Just flip through the pages of any workout magazine or book, especially those aimed at a female audience, and you will find “experts” who “preach” the use of some of those terrible weight loss principles.

Why do these things make you fat and skinny, anyway?

Let's break this down.

Why severe calorie restriction can turn you into a skinny fatty

If you've been here, you already know that results-oriented weight loss requires you to feed your body fewer calories (energy) than it burns over an extended period of time.

Get a little carried away with this knowledge, however, and start feeding your body far fewer calories than it burns, and you're asking for trouble. A type of problem that results in significant muscle loss and slow metabolism.

To make matters even worse, when progress stalls (which it always does at some point), most people's response is to eat even less and/or do even more cardio, which only accelerates muscle loss.

This is a one-way ticket to being skinny and lean, and that's why I recommend you use a moderately aggressive caloric deficit of 20 to 25% to lose weight.

Research shows that with regular weightlifting (weight training) and a high-protein diet, a caloric deficit of 20 to 25% promotes rapid fat loss while maintaining muscle mass (and in some cases, gaining lean muscle mass).

Why Too Much Cardio Can Make You Fat and Skinny

If you think you need to do hours and hours of cardio every week to finally burn belly fat, you're not alone.

And you will love me for this:

When it comes to improving your body tissue composition and appearance—losing fat and building or maintaining muscle—cardio isn't very important.

Many people are surprised to learn that research shows that regular cardio exercise offers little guarantee for weight loss. In fact, many people who think they can lose weight by doing just cardio end up looking and feeling fatter than when they started.

This is not to say that cardio itself is useless or that it directly leads to weight gain.

If you know what you're doing nutritionally, cardio can help you lose fat faster—and high-intensity interval training is especially good for this—but it's far from the most important part.

In fact, if you want to get and stay fit—toned and lean—without losing muscle mass or strength, you'll have to keep your cardio to a minimum.

There are two main reasons to adhere to this principle:

  1. Too much endurance training prevents gains (and even maintenance) in strength and muscle growth.
  2. The longer each of your activities (a single cardio session), the greater these effects.

So the standard recommendation for weight loss—1 to 2 hours of cardio 4 to 7 days a week—is far from ideal. And especially when you combine it with some kind of starvation diet, which increases the damage to your body and fiber damage muscle tissue in particular.

Why Keeping Weight Training to a Minimum Makes You Fat and Skinny

Many weight loss regimens involve little or no strength training or very low intensity resistance training, and this is a huge mistake.

An intense session of weight lifting may not burn as many calories as a session of high-intensity interval cardio, but it burns a lot more than many people think (and probably enough to noticeably speed up fat burning).

And then there’s the “afterburn effect” or, scientifically speaking, “Additional oxygen consumption after exercise” - essentially increased level oxygen consumption, which occurs after exercise and leads to additional calorie burning.

This is where weightlifting really shines, because one session can boost your metabolism for days.

Weightlifting is particularly effective in this regard, with research showing that training with heavy weights (80 to 85% of 1RM) can burn more than hundreds of post-workout calories than training with light weights (45 to 65% of 1RM ).

However, this is not all in this regard, there is even more that needs to be considered and taken into account.

Weight training is the only way to maximize muscle retention while burning fat.

Remember, when you say you want to “lose weight” or “lose weight,” what you really mean is that you want to lose fat, not muscle.

You can achieve this quite easily if you know what you are doing. In fact, you should be able to lose little or no muscle mass or strength (break down muscle fibers) while on a fat loss diet, even if it takes several months to reach your desired body fat levels.

This is your true goal, and just a few workouts a week, in which you work 90 percent of the time with weights, will be quite enough for this.

Now that you know the shortcut to fat leanness—large calorie deficit, too much cardio, and too little weight training—let's talk about how to prevent and, if necessary, repair the damage done to muscle mass.

So should I burn fat or gain muscle?

There's a million-dollar question that plagues skinny and fat people everywhere. They know what body type they want. But in fact, they have no idea how to answer the question: “how can I make my body the way I see in my dreams?”

Guys tend to think that they should just focus on building muscle, while girls tend to want to burn fat. And both of them will not achieve what they want to see themselves in the end... because they have to do both the first and the second.

That is, their task is to adjust their diet and training in such a way that they can lose fat and build muscle at the same time.

This is usually called “body transformation” and is the only way out of the unpleasant situation of being fat and skinny. Too much fat and too little muscle is what puts you in this position and you need to flip

this situation from head to toe in order to get out of this situation.

If you're new to weight lifting (and weightlifting in particular), and perhaps if you're a skinny fatty, you can absolutely build muscle and lose fat at the same time.

Particularly if you don't have at least 1 year of proper heavy weight training under your belt and haven't yet gained your first 5 - 10 kg of muscle mass (for men, about half that for women), then you can effectively transform and should make it your first priority.

You just have to know what you're doing. And this article will explain it all.

Do a lot of heavy compound exercises (compound presses and rows)

While you must both lose fat and gain muscle to put your skinny fat days behind you, when you look at the big picture, gaining muscle mass is more important. This is what will ultimately bring your body to the look and shape you want.

And if you want to maximize muscle growth, you must focus your efforts on heavy, basic exercises(compound presses and rows) into your workouts. High-repetition pump workouts that emphasize isolated movements are much less effective at building muscle mass.

The big “secret” why so many fitness models and bodybuilders do and recommend these types of workouts is steroids. Obvious and simple. Doing hundreds of reps per workout is great if you're training, but it won't get you very far if you're a natural athlete.

So instead of chasing a huge pump every week, your main goal is to become very strong in exercises like the squat, deadlift, bench press and military press, and you need a training program that is built with that in mind.

The right way to incorporate cardio into your weight loss regimen is to keep each session as short as possible and your total weekly cardio volume as low as possible.

Your goal is to do enough cardio to maintain fat burning, and no more.

Work with thousands of people shows what appears to be the ideal amount to maximize fat loss while minimizing muscle loss:

No more than 20 to 30 minutes per cardio session.

No more than 1.5 to 2.5 hours of cardio per week.

How can you influence fat loss by doing only 2 hours of cardio per week, have you wondered?

Ordinary measured cardio training is not the same. As I mentioned earlier, high intensity interval training is where the solution is.

Learn how to eat healthy

You've heard this before.

You can do everything right in the gym, but if you don't know what to do in the kitchen, you'll never see the “my transformation” and “before and after” results.

Well, it's true.

Wrong nutrition will make even the most the best program training is powerless.

The good news, however, is that the diet is not as difficult or grueling as most “gurus” make it out to be.

Here's what you need to know about the purpose of this article:

If your calorie intake has been very low for quite some time, then your first task is to get your metabolism back up to speed.

When you restrict your calorie intake to lose weight, your body's reaction is to reduce your overall energy (calorie) expenditure.

And when you cut your calorie intake dramatically and significantly to lose weight, and then leave it there for an extended period of time, afraid to increase it in case you gain weight, you have put your metabolism on its last legs for an extended period of time. .

If this is the case, then don't worry - the “damage” is not permanent. It's actually quite easy to fix. But you should focus on fixing it before you plow for fat loss.

The solution is known as the “Reverse Diet” and I will explain how it works in a future post.

If your calorie intake is normal, then you can get busy right now.

If your daily calorie intake is almost equal to your total daily energy (calorie) expenditure, then your metabolism is ready to start crusade against the state of loose thinness.

All you have to do is use the right calorie deficit and macronutrient balance to set the stage for fat loss, and use a good training program to stimulate muscle growth. And you can learn how to do it here.

The overall result of solving the problem of noticeable looseness with a relatively low weight and volume of the body

There is no reason to be skinny and fat. This is not a genetic curse or a mysterious disease. It has very specific causes and specific solutions.

In short, the less muscle you have, the leaner you need to be to avoid looking like a skinny fatty. And if you have very little muscle, you don't really have a choice: you can either look lean but fat, or frail and emaciated.

Fortunately, the solution is simple; you need to increase the thickness and number of muscle fibers and reduce your body fat percentage.

These things take time, knowledge and hard work, but are fairly easy to implement. And most importantly, at some point you understand that just as appetite comes while eating, just as the apparent unattractiveness and wildness of lifting weights before the start and end of the first 10-12 workouts, so the “withdrawal” begins when after the first 10-12 workouts in a row You don’t go to the gym for a week for some reason. And as soon as you have done this, you have put yourself in a position where you begin to enjoy the first fruits of your labor - the beginning of a pleasant transformation of your body and self-confidence - then you already understand that you have found yourself in a “sect” (in the good sense of the word) - so how it's not just wasting money on the gym and bloated ugly guys from magazines and TV - it's a way of life and you won't want to go back to the same.

So use the tips in this article to upgrade your fat-lean physique and build a body you can be proud of.

There is another extreme of obesity. More precisely, the consequence of constantly sitting on mindless diets, turboslims, reduxins, xenicals and other orsotens is Skinny fat. Translated from English - Fat skinny.

Skinny veil = Skin + Bones + Fat and lack of normal muscle mass.

In clothes, such a figure looks very attractive. The dress and jeans fit very well and are elegant. In a word, “candy girl” is the standard of modern beauty, exciting the minds of men. Everything is fine, but only in clothes; as soon as such a girl undresses, everything changes. Swimsuit and beach season becomes worse than Hell. The unclothed figure is completely absent. Flabby belly hangs or looks like early stage pregnancy. A thin girl with cellulite, like a real fat girl. And you can’t look at the butt, the sexiest and most attractive part of a woman’s body, without tears. She looks like an old grandmother. And it turns out, as in the joke “Girl, girl, turn around, I’ll give you a ruble!” Oh my goodness... turn away, I’ll give you two!”, only in the case of skinny fat, “Get dressed, I’ll make you rich!”

And such “skinny people” then teach on weight loss forums how to become just as thin. They boast about super results, like losing 10-20 kg of weight in a week, on the tenth, twentieth or Xth attempt of eternal diet-starvation. Namely, they drained the muscle mass and left only the fat that returns, bones and skin. Plus poor health. And in order not to gain fat, they also eat almost nothing.

Dear girls, do you really believe that having such a body is attractive and sexy?

What to do if you have brought yourself to this state? Don't despair, there is a way out, you just have to work hard.

First, start eating right. All fast food is prohibited. McDonald's is only used as a free toilet. Control your daily caloric intake. Be sure to track daily norm consumed protein.

For 1 kg of weight you need to eat 2g of protein per day.

Secondly, restore muscle mass. Unfortunately, muscle mass grows only from weight training, i.e. gym. At least 3 times a week, work hard, and not just stare at guys or chat with a girlfriend. And there is no need to be afraid that you will look like Arnold. I dare to assure you - you won’t. Never! I don’t argue that there is female bodybuilding; from my point of view, it is unfeminine and ugly, like obesity or skinny fat. You can see what a fitness bikini looks like, but in order to create such a figure for yourself, you need to take a very responsible approach to both nutrition and weight training, and such a figure takes years to build.

Girls, due to their physiological and hormonal structure, cannot have the same muscles as men.

So girls, don’t be afraid and feel free to go to the gym to build muscle mass. I also want to point out that while gaining weight, no cardio training. Cardio doesn't help you gain weight.

And in your case, gaining muscle mass is only the first step towards an ideal figure. Nothing ends here, but just begins. An exciting life with a beautiful body, an attractive and sexy ass, a flat tummy and the envious glances of girlfriends and men, wringing their necks, looking after you.

If a slender girl considers herself fat (which happens all the time) - perhaps you just haven’t seen her naked. Fitness instructors report that more and more women in their 30s are coming to them with a “skinny fat” body type. It looks like this: an outwardly slender girl who looks great in clothes, but underneath she hides a body with uneven deposits of fat. Most often, in such “skinny fatties” you can observe cellulite on their slender legs, fat deposits on their arms, and their stomach, which is flat in a state of hunger, falls out after eating.

Those for whom every bun they eat instantly makes itself felt are forced to start watching their diet and exercising regularly much earlier. Skinny fats rest on the sofas, lulled by their thinness. “Why should I go to the gym if I’m already slim,” they think. While others are building their muscles, future fat skinny women are not working on their muscles at all. And with age metabolic processes They are rebuilt, and their body begins to look no longer slim and young, but flabby and lacking tone. Out of habit, it’s hard to accept this: it’s hard to realize that they used to have a wonderful appearance just like that, and now you need to work on your body.

“A lot of girls come with this type of figure. And every year their number is growing. This is the result of the modern rhythm of life - office work, fast food, sleep disturbances,” admitted Denis Malinin, personal trainer at Coober.

“At the moment, such girls make up approximately 50% of the total number. The age, as a rule, is approaching 30; by this time all the hamburgers go sideways for them in the literal sense of the word,”

commented Anastasia Shevtsova, a certified personal trainer, a graduate of the First School of Fitness. The main problem of skinny fat is the lack of muscle tone. However, it would be a big mistake if girls simply start actively visiting strength training. In the case of skinny fat, it is very important to combine them with cardio exercise. “As for the cardio part, it shouldn’t be endless walking along a path with a phone next to your ear. Training should take place in a certain pulse zone, which is determined individually for each person (but for the average person it is calculated using the formula 220 minus age and 70–80% of this value),” advises Denis Malinin. Yoga, dance classes, and step are a good place to start. You should start gradually, since skinny fat muscles, as a rule, are not at all prepared for stress. Anastasia Shevtsova advises such girls to use a plane type of training - this system is based on balanced loads on all planes in which a person is able to perform movements. The method develops all muscle groups, which is exactly what skinny fats need.

In terms of strength training, Denis Malinin advises sticking to the basic classic exercises: “Squats - better exercise for legs and buttocks does not exist, for beginners it is enough to work with your own weight, for more experienced ones, squats with weight are suitable. For those who have problems with flexibility and coordination, squats can partially replace the leg press. You can also walk through the steps. And in general, use the stairs instead of taking the elevator to the 3rd floor.” Steps are just a variation of lunges; they can also be done on the spot, with one foot on an elevated platform, stepping forward, backward, changing legs while jumping, with a barbell, dumbbells, etc. The buttocks are also loaded: barbell/dumbbell rows on straight legs, swings and leg abductions (both in simulators and just on the mat). A protruding stomach is a consequence of how weak muscles abdomen and poor posture. The best exercise machine for the abs is a mat on which you can perform various crunches and planks, Malinin recommends. But crunches alone will not be enough; in everyday life, you must also not forget about your stomach, and always keep it in good shape. As well as keeping your back straight. And, of course, it is important to adhere proper nutrition.

According to most trainers, to lose excess fat, you need to stop eating fat and start eating protein. However, following such advice can lead to the opposite effect and harm your health.

“Fats cannot be excluded. They are needed for the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems,” warns Polina Zakharova, nutritionist and head of the NGO “School of Nutrition” (St. Petersburg). If you give up fat in your diet, firstly, you can seriously suffer hormonal background, and, as a result, problems with menstruation, dry skin, brittle hair and nails. Secondly, according to research, when replacing fats and carbohydrates with proteins by more than 70%, fatty hepatosis occurs - the degeneration of functional liver cells into adipose tissue, Zakharova said. In addition, the abundance of protein is a serious burden on the kidneys, because a person’s need for protein is limited, and the excess is excreted in the urine.

The nutritionist advises switching to a balanced diet, giving up fast food, consuming enough fiber, eating fish and seafood, and not frying in oil, but adding it to the salad. She also emphasizes that

A skinny fat figure is often just a consequence of mono-diets: in this case, instead of fat, a woman loses muscle mass.

The way to solve the problem is to go off the diet and eat normally. Yes, this will lead to weight gain, but you won’t be able to build muscle mass without fat, Polina Zakharova is sure. And only after restoring muscle mass with the help of proper nutrition and training can you move on to the weight loss stage, but only by carefully selecting the nutritional system that suits you together with your doctor.

And finally: indeed, there are situations when a slender girl simply thinks that she is fat - this is not uncommon. To seriously talk about an imbalance of fat and muscle mass in the body, it is necessary to conduct a bioimpedance analysis - diagnostics of the composition of the human body, advises Zakharova. This study will help you find out the real percentage of fat, muscle, and water in your body. Special analyzers can be found in health centers, sometimes medical centers or fitness clubs, explained nutritionist Polina Zakharova. Scales with such an analysis, in her opinion, give an erroneous picture.

Zinaida Kuznetsova

Photo depositphotos.com

00:00 7.11.2015

Do you have complexes about your figure? Believe me, it's not worth wasting your life on this. Better read our aphorisms and laugh better. After all, even extra pounds can be a reason for fun, the main thing is to tune in to the positive.

  • I used to be thin, but I was bitten by a fat girl in kindergarten!
  • If there were no men, fat and happy women would live peacefully in the world.
  • Make jokes about fat people on the Internet so that no one suspects that you yourself are fat.
  • I look at myself in the mirror: why is my husband so happy, then I step on the scales - and even more!
  • Nothing makes a girl look fatter than a skinny girlfriend.

  • In the evening I decided to cry. The sobs will be devoted to two topics - no one loves me and I'm fat.
  • One of the mysteries of nature: how can a woman gain 5 kg weight from 1 kg of sweets?
  • Nothing violates the beauty of the soul and the charm of the touchingly fragile inner world girls like fat ass.
  • Baby, you are so thin that soon you will be able to walk between raindrops!
  • Damn, it’s still nice when you’re losing weight and losing weight, and suddenly someone says to you: “You’re so thin! You need to gain weight!”

  • I'm not skinny - I just didn't eat breakfast. I'm not lying - I'm making it up. I'm not making fun of you - I'm studying you.
  • Why are you so skinny? So that you look and envy.
  • Riddle: what is a skinny girl doing at McDonald's? Spoils the appetite of fat people!
  • Grandma is the only person on earth for whom I will always be thin.
  • British scientists have found that thin people eat less on average than fat people!

  • I used to have a lot of complexes: thin legs, big nose, small breasts, etc. Now there’s only one thing left: damn, how complex I used to be!
  • It's bad when thin people think they're fat. But it's much worse when fat people think they're thin.
  • Doesn't happen to women excess weight... These are additional places for kissing!

  • Hiding age is easy, weight is much more difficult.
  • Discrimination against fat people is evident in everything. Why, for example, do they always say “a complete idiot” and “a complete fool”, but never “a thin idiot” and “a straight fool”?

Photo in text: Depositphotos.com

Do you look thin, but have a large belly that is not visible only in clothes? Does the mirror reflect a loose body that makes you despondent? If this is the case, then quickly throw away the scales and run to the gym! Studies have shown that the most dangerous type of fat in thin people is internal, so it is not so noticeable. Obese people don't always wear the best large sizes clothes. The main problem of thin fat people is flabby muscles and a large amount of fat. External signs are very depressing: a large belly that does not want to retract, overly soft hands, and, most dangerously, a pathological fear of gaining extra pounds. Who are they, these thin fat ones? How do you get yourself to this state?

Most people have never heard these words and have no idea what they are. There is a huge difference between being thin and being healthy. According to researchers, one in four thin fat people suffers from obesity caused by metabolic disorders. In other words, excess fat comes from poor nutrition, lack of sleep, increased stress on the heart.

What do these people look like? “Skinny fat man” - this term describes a person who appears slim in appearance, but this is only at first glance. This is a man with a thin body, flabby arms and fat legs. He also has a large belly and cellulite on his thighs. Fat in such slender fat people is very dangerous - it accumulates inside the body. The liver, pancreas, and intestines suffer from obesity. This is a disease, and it is called “visceral obesity”. Invisible from the outside, it increases the risk cardiovascular diseases, insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus and premature death.

One in four skinny fat people suffers from metabolic disorders.

Some “skinny fatties” neglect their health because they are satisfied with their appearance. Others actively lose weight and go on grueling diets, and also give their hearts a crazy workout with daily cardio training. This unpleasant problem most often affects women, because they are the ones who are so terrified of being overweight. Therefore, they follow strict dietary restrictions and avoid the slightest weight gain.

However, men are also susceptible to the problem of obesity. Especially men of asthenic physique. In addition, many young people rely too zealously on cardio, completely losing sight of the need for strength training. For some reason, some people mistakenly believe that strength training is harmful and make cardio the basis of their exercises. Others believe that cardio training will help them achieve their cherished goal - six-pack abs.

Do you want to know the truth? Low-calorie diets and excessive cardio will not help you achieve a beautiful, pumped-up body. Instead, you will face the fate of the “skinny fatties.”

How to remove belly fat for a skinny girl?

If you yourself are thin, but have a belly or sagging sides, then this means that you do not work out in the gym and neglect regular strength training with weights. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule - some people are born thin. In any case, you are always you can correct the situation and build muscle mass. The secret of success lies in a reasonable combination of strength loads with
proper nutrition and proper rest.

You'll never get rid of belly fat and sagging breasts (which look especially disgusting on men!) by spending hours on the treadmill. Low-calorie diets and intense cardio training will also not help you achieve the coveted abs on your stomach. The same applies to women - your arms will not acquire the desired slimness, and your buttocks will not gain the elasticity, even if you go on a strict diet and give yourself intense cardio exercise. Stop obsessing over your weight and start pumping iron and your lean obesity problem will be solved!

Stop obsessing over your weight and start pumping iron and your lean obesity problem will be solved!

Stop thinking of running as a panacea!

Cardio will not give you a great body. Running, climbing stairs, cycling are very popular activities physical activity, allowing you to quickly remove belly fat for thin girls. However, we should not forget that when used in excess, these loads reduce the size of not only your waist, but also your muscle tissue. To tone your body and stop being a skinny fat guy, distribute your workouts like this: 80% - strength exercises, 20% - everything else you want.

Weight loss is primarily the result of proper eating behavior. If you have a "skinny fat" problem and even larger belly fat folds, then focus on diet rather than cardio. On this initial stage work on yourself you need to build muscle mass . And too much cardio will make you a skinny, bony person with flabby muscles.

Start pumping iron

Make strength training a priority. The barbell should be yours best friend. Do not trust dubious exercise machines that promise results without much effort. Weight training stimulates muscle growth, making your body stronger and making you more resilient. This applies to both men and women. Strength training will boost your metabolism and tone your muscles, helping you on your quest to improve your body.

Use exercises that target muscle groups

More than 80% of your exercises should be compound exercises. These are squats, deadlifts, bench presses, push-ups and pull-ups. They use several muscle groups at once, which has a very effective effect on the result. As a rule, thin fat people have thin arms, narrow shoulders and flat buttocks. By doing compound exercises and following a bodyweight training program, they will be able to improve their body shape.

To get rid of sagging arms, perform isolation exercises. Always add a few barbell lifts at the end of your workout to make it a habit. Raising dumbbells with isolated bicep curls and barbell biceps presses are an excellent choice. For large muscles do 3-4 sets of exercises, and 2-3 for smaller ones, such as biceps and triceps.

Watch your diet

Just because you have a thin body doesn't mean you can eat to your heart's content. This is a fallacy! Stop sabotaging your success by wasting all your efforts. Eating too much inevitably causes excess body fat. Your diet should include foods with high nutritional value: Lean meats, fatty fish, green vegetables, brown rice, nuts, seeds and eggs.

Eliminate sugar and all unhealthy foods from your menu. Avoid carbonated drinks, white rice, pasta, white bread, processed foods and fruits high in sucrose. Learn to understand how many calories you need based on your training regimen. This is important to avoid overeating. Always focus on the quality of food rather than quantity. And stop “drinking” calories - give up sparkling water. Accustom yourself to clean water, tea or coffee - a minimum of calories.

Protein is the basis of the diet

Eat plenty of protein - your muscles need it to grow and repair. A source of protein with a side dish of vegetables is best option for this purpose. Everyone knows foods rich in protein: turkey, chicken, beef, salmon, tuna, egg whites, cottage cheese and greens. It's very useful to drink protein shake before and after training. If you feel hungry, you can always snack on fresh vegetables or eat a glass of whey.

These tips on nutrition and training are universal, and are suitable not only for skinny fat, but also for anyone who wants a beautiful, toned body. Be sure to take breaks between workouts - your muscles need to recover. Avoid stressful situations and do not overexert yourself during training, use your energy rationally. Stress causes a whole host of problems: from belly fat to headaches, migraines and loss of energy. The most important thing is to stop overeating! Set goals, train hard, and then everything will work out.

Based on materials:
