The profession of a gastroenterologist cannot be underestimated. This is a doctor capable of diagnosing, treating and preventing any diseases directly or indirectly related to the organs that make up the gastrointestinal tract.

Quite often, one gets an appointment with this specialist in the following way: the patient comes to the therapist either with complaints of digestive problems or pain in the abdominal area. After the initial examination, the doctor may give general recommendations and refer the patient to a gastroenterologist for further examination.

What organs does a gastroenterologist treat?

When answering the question of what a gastroenterologist treats, it is important to understand the full breadth of his specialization. After all digestive tract includes more than 20 organs, and the disease of any of them falls under the competence of this doctor. Most often he has to treat organs such as:

  • the oral cavity with all the glands located in it;
  • stomach;
  • liver;
  • duodenum;
  • gallbladder;
  • esophagus;
  • intestines.

The profession is in demand today more than ever. In this age of fast food and on-the-go snacking, it's easy to upset your digestive system.

What diseases does a gastroenterologist treat?

  • Pathologies of the esophagus: reflux esophagitis, hernia, diverticulosis and diverticula, strictures.
  • Diseases of the stomach and duodenum: ulcerations of different localization, gastritis, gastroduodenitis.
  • Some of the pancreatic pathologies: cystic fibrosis, pancreatitis, interruptions in the functioning of the sphincters.
  • Pathologies of the hepatobiliary system: hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia, liver cirrhosis, cholecystitis, Gilbert's syndrome.
  • Intestinal diseases: colitis, Crohn's disease, malabsorption and malabsorption, enterocolitis, dysbacteriosis, irritable bowel syndrome.

Branches in gastroenterology

Since the spectrum of diseases is huge, a gastroenterologist may have a narrow focus, specializing in individual organs. For example:

  • studies the liver, biliary tract and gall bladder.
  • A coloproctologist examines the structure and function of all parts of the large intestine and rectum. He also studies pathological changes in tissues.
  • deals with the treatment of diseases of the rectum, such as hemorrhoids, polyps, anal fissures, rectal prolapse, paraproctitis and the like.

In addition, the following are distinguished as a separate specialty:

  • He is well versed in anatomy digestive system and possessing surgical skills, performs operations to remove the gallbladder, hernias, performs resection of the walls of the digestive tube, stops gastric (and other) bleeding.
  • Pediatric gastroenterologist. Treats patients from birth to adulthood. Often such a specialist deals with congenital developmental anomalies. In older children, he diagnoses and prescribes treatment for gastritis and gall bladder problems.

When should I go for an appointment?

People of all ages often need the help of a gastroenterologist: from babies with colic and dysbacteriosis, to elderly people suffering from constipation.

Each patient must personally determine the time when it is time to go for examination at the gastroenterologist’s office, focusing on his or her well-being and presence of unpleasant symptoms affecting health and quality of life. However, the following symptoms should not be ignored:

  • feeling of discomfort, heaviness in the stomach;
  • recurrent abdominal bloating;
  • nausea and heaviness before eating, which goes away after eating;
  • heartburn after eating, bitterness in the mouth, unpleasant odor;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • pain in the hypochondrium, intestines;
  • frequent problems with stool;
  • vomiting, discoloration feces(a symptom requiring immediate medical attention);
  • non-infectious skin rashes, eczema, problems with nails and hair for no apparent reason.

Patients who have been exposed to radiation, undergoing chemotherapy, or for a long time took certain medications.

Doctor's office and reception

First, the doctor listens to what complaints there are and establishes the relationship between the symptoms and the reasons for their occurrence. Then, if necessary, the gastroenterologist can conduct an examination using palpation and listening with a phonendoscope. To carry out such diagnostics, there is an examination couch and a screen in the office. There is a phonendoscope, tonometer, stadiometer, scales, and X-ray viewer (for viewing X-rays).

Specialized rooms are equipped with equipment used to perform gastrography. There is a rectoscope, a special installation for the production of solutions (necessary to wash and disinfect instruments), and an acidogastrometer.

Tests and diagnostic methods

The gastroenterologist may ask you to do:

  • General urine and blood tests.
  • Blood for biochemistry.
  • Analysis for Helicobacter.
  • organs abdominal cavity(with its help the size, structure and location of the examined organs are determined).
  • Coprogram (the state of the intestinal microflora, the presence of inflammation and worms in it are determined by stool).
  • Fibercolonoscopy (examination of the intestinal mucosa through a flexible tourniquet with a large number light-conducting fibers).
  • Colonoscopy (endoscopy of the entire colon),
  • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (study of the esophagus and duodenum).
  • X-ray examinations using contrast agent or without (used to determine ulcers, tumors).

Thanks to modern technologies Today, using endoscopy (examination of the internal surface of organs with an endoscope), you can take a piece of tissue for a biopsy and perform a cytological analysis. The endoscope itself looks like a long flexible tube equipped with optical technology and lighting. The procedure is not dangerous for the patient.

Why shouldn’t you hesitate to visit a gastroenterologist?

If there are problems with digestion, the breakdown and absorption of nutrients cannot be complete. Over time, they turn into toxins and accumulate. This leads to a general deterioration in the well-being of women and men, decreased performance, and weakened immunity.

When pathologies occur in a child and treatment is delayed, this can negatively affect the development of the young body. All diseases must be treated on time, especially those related to gastroenterology.

What it treats and what diseases it eliminates, how it performs techniques and what it uses to combat problems - we will look at all this here.


Medicine is a multi-component science that has large number branches, including gastroenterology. What does a gastroenterologist treat? Specialists in this part of the medical profession undergo training that allows them to diagnose, treat and prevent diseases, affecting organs Gastrointestinal tract.

The primary stage of diagnosis is carried out by therapists and pediatricians. In the majority of cases, gastrointestinal diseases are determined by the patient’s visit to hospitals or clinics due to abdominal pain or digestive disorders.


When answering the question of what a gastroenterologist treats and what symptoms to treat, you need to analyze the specifics of this doctor’s work. We can say that his area of ​​research is the processes of digestion and absorption of substances. In the world of today, this profession is in great demand, and this is due to problems arising in the gastrointestinal tract departments.

Some of the main diseases that lead to a visit to the doctor are the following:

  • polyps;
  • ulcers;
  • presence of gastritis;
  • diseases of oncological nature;
  • gall bladder problems, dyskinesia;
  • disruption of the digestive process;
  • development of cholecystitis.

In this list of health problems, dyskinesia must be taken as a somatic type phenomenon, and not inflammation. The presence of problems causes difficulty or shutdown of digestion processes, which subsequently leads to a deterioration in the condition of the entire body and affects the well-being of a person and the gland located under the stomach.

Based on this, we can determine that a gastroenterologist is a doctor who treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is important to remember that avoiding visits to these specialists can in the future lead to a serious number of health problems that can develop, even become chronic. In many cases, the formation of polyps or the development of formations of an oncological nature cannot be ruled out.


What diseases does a gastroenterologist treat and what means does he use to combat them? These questions are most often asked by potential patients about to see a doctor.

First of all, the specialist is obliged to establish the most accurate diagnostic data. To do this, he needs to examine the patient and conduct a comprehensive examination, accompanied by the collection of tests. Thanks to the comprehensive collection of results and their analysis, the doctor can determine the form of treatment needed by the patient.

It is difficult to give a clear definition regarding what a gastroenterologist treats and what specific methods he uses to eliminate problems. This is due to the lack of a clear description of the methods themselves, due to the many various types diseases that can have absolutely different ways their healing. Direct methods include prescribing medications, phytotherapeutic sessions, analysis of diet for a certain period of time, etc. Operational measures may be applied in case of emergency. After this, the person is helped to undergo a recovery course.

Doctor's appointment

Continuing the topic of what diseases a gastroenterologist treats, we can point out that diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract are his main specialization. Nowadays, people are increasingly having problems of this kind, and therefore the demand for specialists in this field is increasing. This doctor can work in any age category, which is very remarkable for him.

What does a gastroenterologist treat for women, children, men? Problems in most cases are of the same nature and are only sometimes determined by the developmental characteristics of the patient’s body at a specific stage of ontogenesis.

It is better not to delay the moment at which it is better for you to contact a specialist in this field of medicine. Much is determined by the body's individual ability to withstand certain symptoms that cause diseases, especially those that can seriously complicate life and worsen well-being. Precisely due to the fact that people often procrastinate going to the doctor, in his office there are most often patients with already bright severe symptoms. Any problem occurring in the gastrointestinal tract should be given attention.

What does a gastroenterologist treat and what symptoms should you contact him for? Here it is worth noting the most widely known:

  • feeling of heaviness and pain in the stomach;
  • the presence of discomfort and systematic cases of bloating;
  • pain in the intestines.

Among a number of reasons that determine the importance of a consultation, it is necessary to pay attention to the feeling of heartburn, the presence of bitterness in the mouth, belching, which has a specific odor, which is also felt from the mouth when breathing. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the presence of pain in the areas under the ribs, problems with stool, nausea, and atypical color of stool. People who have taken medicines for a long period, subjected to radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

Areas of activity

Among the list of what a gastroenterologist treats, his area of ​​expertise includes various types hepatitis, the presence of toxoplasmosis and dyspancreatism, mononucleosis of an infectious nature, gastritis, as well as cases in which symptoms of pyelonephritis, nephropathy and glomerulonephritis are observed. Gallstones and urolithiasis also treated by a gastroenterologist.

Thanks to the above information, we can summarize that the main organs that a doctor of this field of medicine treats include sections of the small and large intestines, the gallbladder and its excretory tract, the stomach, the entire structure of the esophagus, the liver and the pancreas.

Diagnostic measures used in the study of gastroenterological problems include ultrasound of the abdomen, gastroscopy, as well as urography and general diagnostics.

Procrastination of reception

In case of disruption of the functioning of the tract responsible for digestion, the phenomenon of incomplete absorption of food consumed by a person may occur. However, over time, the incorrect process of breaking down food particles leads to the fact that nutrients form toxic organic compounds. This process leads to the creation of a situation in which the body poisons itself, and against the background of this, somatic disorders begin to develop.

This occurs simultaneously with the deterioration general condition a person's health, may affect his ability to perform work and cause changes in appearance. Immune system The body of a sick person also undergoes a series of transformations, during which it is weakened and protects the body less well from pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

Gastroenterological examinations also need to be done regularly for children. This will make it possible in the future to prevent a number of consequences caused by the lack or complete absence of treatment for gastrointestinal diseases, since this kind of problem can affect the process of formation of a child who has not yet matured physiologically. There are many other diseases that can affect a child; it should not be filled with these kinds of problems.

One of the main advice of gastroenterologists is to convey to people the information that not only low quality food can cause diseases of the organs that make up the human gastrointestinal tract. If the cause is specifically food, then you need to find a good specialist for advice on the correct diet and selection of food consumed during the day. The doctor will help the patient create a balanced diet.

Some methods of gastroenterology

We have looked at what a gastroenterologist treats and what symptoms you should contact him for advice or examination. Now we will learn about some of the methods of their activities.

Gastrointestinal endoscopy is a procedure performed using special mechanisms - endoscopes. They are inserted into the patient's esophagus or opening. anus. Endoscopes transmit image information to a screen or eyepiece directly from the organs being examined. Modern practical measures include the use of two types of flexible endoscopic devices: fiber-optic video and fiber endoscopes. With their help, specialists are engaged in the process of digitizing visible objects to convert information into an image.

Having determined what a gastroenterologist treats, one of his methodological techniques can be attributed to the study of the acidity indicator in the upper regions of the gastrointestinal tract.

pH-metry is carried out inside the stomach cavity, which plays one of the most significant roles in the diagnostic process and the procedure for curing an illness that is an acid-dependent disease. This is also important when determining the presence of reflux of a gastroesophageal, duodenogastric and pharyngolaryngeal nature. Among practical methods, several methods have become the most widely known:

  • endoscopic type (takes up to five minutes of measurements);
  • express pH-metry (lasting up to thirty minutes);
  • stimulation with short-term exposure (up to three hours);
  • long-term effect (from twenty-four hours).

pH data can be used to create an assessment of the activity of drugs aimed at suppressing acidity or acid production. The measurement can be performed using a special probe inserted orally or transnasally, as well as through instrumental endoscopes and pH-metric capsules attached to the tissue of the esophageal walls.

A little history

Who is a gastroenterologist? What does it treat and what problems does it solve? These issues must also be considered from a historical point of view, because the process of formation of this discipline in the field of medicine was largely determined by the historical development of society and scientific progress. As a separate branch of medicine, gastroenterology was formed at the beginning of the twentieth century, but its issues were considered in ancient times by people of the most different nations. Questions about what a gastroenterologist treats in men or women and how diseases of the two sexes may differ began to interest society already at the stages when this science became quite developed and had a huge store of knowledge about the human body.

Historical research has made it possible to establish that Assyrian and Babylonian works on medicine, created in cuneiform on special tiles, contain information about abdominal pain, the presence of jaundice, flatulence, diarrhea, lack of desire to eat, etc.

Third century BC e. became a period of historical epoch, during which Erasistratus studied various qualitative characteristics and functioning of organs intended for digestion, using animals for this, and was able to observe gastric peristalsis on a living creature. I was inclined to believe that food inside a person is digested through a series of mechanical grindings performed by the stomach. The human autopsy allowed him to create a description of the liver and bile ducts.

During the first century, C. Galen tried to describe stomach ulcers, and recommended various diets as methods of combating them.

May 29 is the main day for healthy digestion

In global society, there is a period of time designated by a global holiday, Healthy Digestion Day, May 29. As a rule, such events are thematic in nature. For example, the basis for the holiday was the question of what a pediatric gastroenterologist treats. In this case, the form of events and promotions related to gastroenterology will, as a rule, address issues related to the specifics of treating children.


What does a gastroenterologist treat for women or men, children, adults and pensioners? Having the information written above, we can conclude that the main area of ​​activity of specialists in this medical discipline extends to most problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

Gastroenterologist - what treats

A gastroenterologist is a specialist who deals with the diagnosis, as well as treatment and important prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, namely the stomach, all parts of the intestines and esophagus. A gastroenterologist also treats diseases of the liver, spleen and pancreas. Most often, when people have abdominal pain, they go to a therapist and, if he sees the indications, he refers the person to a gastroenterologist. Not every person knows that a gastroenterologist treats all organs that are involved in digestion.

When people have stomach pain or any obvious symptoms that interfere with their quality of life, they decide to go to the doctor. And there are signs that people don’t always pay attention to. You will definitely need a gastroenterologist if you have:

  • any discomfort associated with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • bad breath;
  • constipation, or vice versa diarrhea;
  • heartburn after eating;
  • pain on an empty stomach;
  • belching;
  • nausea or frequent vomiting;
  • non-infectious skin rashes;
  • unusual shade of stool;
  • worsened appearance nails and hair.
  • feeling of bitterness in the mouth.

The doctor will always prescribe an additional examination, tell you how to adjust your diet, and, if necessary, prescribe medications. It must be said that gastroenterology also includes narrow concepts such as:

  • hepatology (it includes the treatment of liver and gallbladder diseases);
  • colonoproctology (associated with diseases of the large intestine);
  • proctology (includes treatment of diseases of the rectum and anus).

It must be said that every gastroenterologist is well versed in anatomy and has knowledge not only in the field of the digestive system. And if you experience any symptoms related to the gastrointestinal tract, remember that a gastroenterologist treats them. You should make an appointment with a doctor when the first ailments arise. But very often people go to the doctor when the disease is already in an advanced stage. You should go to the doctor not when unbearable pain appears, but at the moment when you notice frequent heartburn, bloating, and bowel movements.

You also need a gastroenterologist if you have been taking any medications for a long time, or have undergone courses of radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

How does an appointment with a gastroenterologist proceed?

In order to establish what pathology the patient has and what its nature is, the doctor will prescribe full examination. A number of measures are used, it includes both an examination of the patient and an analysis of his complaints. The doctor also performs palpation to assess the size of the organs. Appointed biochemical analysis blood, as well as urine analysis. It is necessary to carry out an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity in cases where the patient has complaints. Sometimes an X-ray of the stomach is performed, as well as gastroscopy. A CT scan is prescribed if a tumor is suspected. In some cases, endoscopy is needed.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will prescribe treatment and give his instructions that must be followed for the treatment to be effective. It must be said that some diseases need to be treated by doctors of related specialties, for example, by an infectious disease specialist, if we are talking about hepatitis. Sometimes a therapist prescribes treatment, in other cases it will be an oncologist when it comes to a tumor.

Diseases of the esophagus are very common today; a hiatal hernia can develop, which can cause pain in the hypochondrium, belching and a terrible smell with it. There may be an esophageal ulcer or dysphagia. If there is inflammation in the esophagus, swallowing is difficult. Stomach diseases are also common today. Do not ignore any symptoms, because gradually an existing disease can become chronic. A gastroenterologist successfully treats many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is important to contact him in time.

This article will be useful to those who first encountered problems gastrointestinal tract and wondered who a gastroenterologist is and what he treats. Gastroenterology is the broadest field of traditional medicine, studying the pathological and normal physiology of the human digestive system, diagnosing diseases and methods of treatment.

A gastroenterologist is a specialist doctor whose field of activity includes the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The doctor’s competence includes the observation of all organs involved in the digestive process. Nowadays, this particular profile of medicine is the most in demand.

Many reasons can bring a patient to a gastroenterologist’s office:

  • gallbladder pathology;
  • spleen diseases;
  • stomach diseases;
  • dysfunction of the pancreas;
  • intestinal diseases.

People of all ages are susceptible to diseases of the digestive system. Often, even infants need the help of a doctor, who often suffer from dysbacteriosis.

As a rule, a patient consults a specialist only if there are obvious signs of the disease, accompanied by deterioration in well-being and disruption of normal functioning. A visit to the doctor is postponed until the disease reaches a critical level. Any disease is easier and faster to treat if it manifests early, which means that the earlier the disease is detected, the greater the chances of its complete cure.

Symptoms of housing and communal services diseases

Discomfort in the abdomen, pain in the stomach and intestines, bloating, frequent constipation, heaviness and other symptoms are a reason to consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

Symptoms that require contacting a gastroenterologist:

  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • heartburn;
  • unpleasant belching;
  • nausea, pain, heaviness in the stomach;
  • bad breath;
  • pain in the hypochondrium, stomach, intestines;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • change in the color of stool and vomiting;
  • diabetes mellitus

The list of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract is quite large and a gastroenterologist deals with the treatment of all these ailments. The development of pathologies is associated with dysfunction of the digestive glands and dysfunction of the organs of the digestive tube. Reasons disease-causing can serve poor quality food, urbanization, poor nutrition, bad environment, fast food dishes, semi-finished products and much more.

Diseases included in the specificity of this doctor:

  • botulism;
  • antibiotic-dependent colitis;
  • glucagonoma;
  • gastroduodenitis;
  • Whipple's disease;
  • achalasia;
  • hemorrhagic colitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • bloating;
  • Zollinger-Ellison syndrome;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • Barrett's esophagus;
  • esophagitis;
  • enterobiasis;
  • gastritis;
  • diseases caused by enterobacteria, salmonella;
  • celiac disease;
  • liver enlargement;
  • excess vitamin A in the body;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • liver steatosis;
  • all types of hepatitis;
  • dysbiosis and many other diseases.

A gastroenterologist studies methods of treatment and prevention of pathologies of all organs of the digestive system: gallbladder, pancreas, liver, esophagus, duodenum, thick and small intestine, biliary tract.

A gastroenterologist may have a narrower specialization:

  1. Surgeon-gastroenterologist. Treatment of the digestive system is carried out using surgical methods. This method is used for umbilical hernias and the white line of the abdomen. If necessary, operations are performed to remove the gallbladder, gastrointestinal bleeding is stopped, and the walls of the digestive tube are resected.
  2. Pediatric gastroenterologist. The doctor's specialization includes diagnosing diseases and selecting treatment methods for children from birth to 18 years of age. Treats many diseases of the digestive system:
  • pancreatitis;
  • chronic and sharp forms gastritis and gastroduodenitis;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • liver and gallbladder diseases;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • functional pathology;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • congenital disorders of the digestive system.

Any signs suggesting the presence of a disease of the digestive system require immediate consultation with a specialist. Timely examination, carrying out all necessary tests, a correct diagnosis and competently prescribed treatment can not only prevent the situation from getting worse, but also help to completely get rid of the disease.

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The gastrointestinal tract is a slender system of organs, the functionality of which includes processing and extraction from food products nutrients, which are subsequently absorbed into the blood and lymphatic fluid. Absorption of nutrients and excretion of undigested food residues are also activities of the gastrointestinal tract. The functioning of the child’s gastrointestinal tract has significant differences on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract of an adult. In this regard, there is a highly specialized specialist who deals with problems of the children's gastrointestinal tract - a pediatric gastroenterologist. What does a pediatric gastroenterologist treat?

A child's body is less adapted to the adverse effects of various factors than an adult's body. This also applies to the gastrointestinal tract. When talking about unfavorable factors that can provoke diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, we mean the following: