December 2016 is the very month when representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign should not play the role of a “helmsman,” much less a captain. You can achieve your goal discreetly and unnoticed, without waving banners, the wise stars advise you.

Work, career, business

In December 2016, representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign should not start new things; it is better to focus on completing projects already started. You can also get rid of a lot of things that do not help, but only hinder your development and movement forward. That is, now you are very much like a snake shedding its old skin, and you have a good chance of understanding what you need in the future and what you don’t. At the same time, the first and second decades of December 2016 will bring a large amount of organizational work for both employees and free entrepreneurs. During this period, you can count on the support of colleagues and superiors. It is possible that concerns related to real estate can turn into a serious problem in the third ten days of December 2016. The last ten days of the month is an ambiguous and very difficult period. And, as the stars suggest, you yourself can become the cause of all the troubles. Ambitiousness and demandingness, combined with extreme inconsistency, will lead to conflicts with opponents, and as a result, many people can be drawn into this difficult situation. Will you win the battle? No! Some compensation is possible, but it is unlikely that the problems will be completely resolved. The stars strongly recommend that you think about an acceptable compromise, but I highly doubt that you are capable of this.


Financial positions in December 2016 for the Capricorn zodiac sign are stable with a clear trend towards improvement. The approximate dates for receipt of the most significant amounts are December 4, 5, 13, 14, 21–23, 31, 2016.

Love, family

If the interests of representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign are focused on personal life, then in the first half of December 2016 you can safely hope for the understanding and support of parents and older family members. The second half of the month is not so successful, and spouses who have a long history of quarrels, reconciliations and subsequent quarrels will especially suffer. Closer to the New Year, the situation will worsen again - once again you will launch a decisive offensive and meet an equally decisive rebuff. It's up to you, but still command less and listen to others more - in the end it will be better. Friendly couples can solve important everyday problems together - for example, putting the house in order or helping the other half who is going through hard times.


In December 2016, the energy potential of representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign is low, and besides, the end of the year is not at all easy. The nervous atmosphere of the last week can leave you very tired and feeling unwell. Avoid fuss and remember that the main thing is health, and the rest, as they say, will follow.

December 2016 will be a very favorable period for Capricorns, a month of discoveries and achievements. It is during this period that representatives of your zodiac sign will be able to find their calling, find an activity that inspires and brings a lot of pleasure. Continue to develop your abilities in this direction, and your hobby will turn into a decent form of income. December 2016 is a time to take stock and set future goals and plans. You should not start implementing new ideas at the end of the year. Take this time to detail your plans for achieving your goals and develop a win-win strategy that will help you achieve your desired results with ease, but already next year. Devote your free time to preparing for future achievements and changes in your life. Decide on the range of your desires, reconsider your life priorities and values.

In the second half of December 2016, you will be able to understand what is most important to you, in what direction you want to grow and develop, perhaps there will be a reassessment of values, and you will change your worldview and attitude towards life’s difficulties. When setting priorities, do not doubt the correctness of your choice. Listen to the voice of your heart, conscience and make decisions intuitively. Don’t be afraid of obstacles, set new goals for yourself and be confident that you will succeed!

In December 2016, Capricorns should put their work documents and workplace in order, analyze the results of the work done and complete the work they started. Take the initiative and do not remain indifferent to the fate of your company. This tactic will help you achieve success and strengthen your authority among your colleagues. Your bosses will definitely appreciate your efforts and give you a pleasant pre-holiday surprise in the form of a bonus or an offer to transfer to a high-paying position. Be creative and approach work issues from different angles. Make your suggestions and comments. Believe me, this will have the best effect on your position in the eyes of your superiors.

Under the influence of aspects of Saturn, Capricorns in December 2016 will be visited by brilliant ideas and thoughts for creating and developing their own business. Haste in these matters is inappropriate. Remember, to start a new life, you need to say goodbye to the old one gracefully. Now you need to do everything to leave a good impression of yourself at your previous job. If you are determined to change your life, and start by moving to another job, think carefully about everything and weigh the pros and cons. The main thing is not to be afraid of changes, just postpone them for a more favorable period in order to start the New Year with a clean slate.

The influence of the aspects of Venus will fill Capricorns with a lot of original ideas that they will want to bring to life and thereby influence their relationships. But now it is important to show care and attention towards your soulmate and make any decisions together. There is no need to take the reins of power into your own hands. Remember that the key to a strong relationship is mutual understanding, mutual trust and respect for the feelings and right to choose of each partner. Be more attentive to the wishes of your spouse, now he really needs you. Surround him with love and care, then there will be a response. Lonely Capricorns can expect many romantic acquaintances and meetings with the opposite sex this month. The main thing is not to get too carried away and consider it as temporary entertainment. Don't take all this seriously and to heart.

December 2016 will give you an exciting activity in which you can find yourself and realize your potential. You will discover new talents in yourself that you had not previously suspected. Develop them, enjoy what you love, which will soon completely change your whole life for the better! Review your lifestyle, develop new healthy habits, declare war on harmful and detrimental habits that negatively affect your health and quality of life in general. Start changing your life with yourself.

In December 2016, the zodiac sign Capricorn will have to face a number of the most unusual and ambiguous situations, which, other things being equal, could be called negative, if not for the characteristic features of the current time stage. On the one hand, Mars, the exalted planet of your sign, will betray you in the full sense of the word, turning from a wise mentor and reliable ally into a merciless opponent who knows your weak points better than others. However, in reality, due to the position of Saturn, your ruler, and the Moon, which is usually responsible for the “expulsion” of Capricorn, but at the current stage fundamentally changes its position, everything will not turn out so bad. First of all, it should be noted that any situation “with a minus sign” will in fact not have the worst development. Rather, we will talk about a funny curiosity, and not about real negativity that can have the most widespread consequences. In fact, December should be a very positive time for you, at least because now any defeat is likely to be perceived with a smile, and not only by you. This is all due to the above-mentioned astral circumstances and the position of the Black Moon, which has always harbored a non-standard spectrum of “feelings” for the sign Capricorn.

In relation to the sphere of work, such an influence in December 2016 could “result” into some fairly large-scale event. A job change is quite likely. If something like this happens, then you can rest assured that everything will turn out quite successfully and your new position will be superior to the previous one in all respects. Even if initially you and your environment have a directly proportional opinion. Now it is important to take into account the future, especially when it comes to permanent income. Capricorn, who works for himself, is advised by the stars to be a little more careful with various financial investments, especially those that raise real doubts. In short, don’t be fooled by “freebies,” even if they are recommended to you by your friends or colleagues whom you are accustomed to trust. The stars will help you in a difficult situation, but not if the cause of the difficult situation is your own stupidity. You should not focus too much and clearly on just one task, be more mobile and free in choosing a plan of action, do not limit yourself to boundaries, either real or far-fetched. To look at what is happening more objectively, you can turn to your competitors for help (or, if you don’t work for yourself, to colleagues who have openly negative feelings towards you). Now such a “knight’s move” will lead to exceptional results that will allow you to gain a unique experience.

On the “love front” the situation will be fundamentally different. Here, in December 2016, Capricorn will be required to be measured and make maximum balanced decisions. Be careful when you are about to take a step forward, but cannot clearly define the end goal of your path. At the same time, it is not always fair to consider a “step into the unknown” a mistake or the worst case scenario. It all depends on the circumstances and your perception. In general, December in this regard will be an ideal time for relaxation, so if possible, take a vacation, or in some other way take a break from the routine. Also bright and unforgettable will be a wedding, corporate party, birthday - any more or less large-scale event in which you decide to take a direct part. The main thing is not to overdo it with “relaxing drinks”; otherwise, you don’t have to limit yourself to anything.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for December 2016 for the zodiac sign Capricorn, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such an astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign. You can find out a more accurate horoscope by drawing up one of the personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Capricorn sign: Personal horoscopes for the Capricorn sign:

December 2016 for Capricorn is a very important month for summing up the results of the year. So, this month, representatives of the sign will have powerful energy that will unfold throughout the next year. Probably in December 2016, Capricorn will have to make a very important deal. So, it most likely can be associated with a house or real estate.

General horoscope for December 2016 Capricorn

Capricorn in December 2016 is also inclined to charity and helping people in need. The December 2016 horoscope for Capricorn draws special attention to the representatives of the sign on the days of December 22 and 25 - on these dates the inclusion of a planet will occur, which can give Capricorn a lot of strength to carry out the necessary activities. Also these days, Capricorn can feel like an absolutely happy and successful person.

On December 28, some of Capricorn's plans may be canceled. Likewise, at the end of the year, Capricorn will devote a lot of thought to planning the New Year's Eve. Thus, Capricorn can also associate the onset of a new period in his life with success in his career, therefore, most likely, he will prefer to celebrate the New Year with those people who can help him achieve success in his career and are influential people.

An equally important day in December 2016 for Capricorn is December 26th. Due to the fact that the Node of the Moon of the Future will be turned on, Capricorn may have a vivid sense of prospects that should soon overtake him.

In matters of real estate, Capricorn in December 2016 should be most careful on the days of December 9 and 14. So, on these dates major agreements may be signed; in this regard, Capricorn needs to carefully study all the documentation.

Career and money horoscope for December 2016 Capricorn

Capricorn in December 2016 will have a wonderful opportunity to implement plans for their enrichment. So, this month, most likely, Capricorn will spend a lot of time in business communication, which can lead him to the desired result.

It is this month that conversations, in the literal sense of the word, can influence Capricorn’s level of earnings. At the end of December 2016, Capricorn may have completely new prospects. In addition, at the end of the year, Capricorn will be absolutely confident in his ability to work efficiently and be financially independent.

Also in December 2016, Capricorn may have many prospects related to real estate, which will most likely come true in 2017.

The most favorable days for achieving career success for Capricorn in December are the 22nd and 25th. For representatives of the Capricorn sign, whose work is directly related to real estate or charity, it is necessary to pay close attention to the days of December 18, 27 and 30 - it is on these dates that Capricorn may be given the opportunity to talk about some important work and the promotion of their projects.

These days, if Capricorn does not slow down and starts acting actively, in just a few steps he will be able to achieve significant improvement in his career and position in society.

Favorable days for career and financial affairs in December 2016 for Capricorn: December 18, 22, 25, 27, 30.

Love horoscope for December 2016 Capricorn

In December 2016, Capricorn may often meet his old friends, former colleagues and other acquaintances with whom he has not communicated for a long time. The horoscope for December 2016 for Capricorn draws special attention of representatives of the sign to the perception of their personal relationships through career growth at the end of the year.

So, in December 2016, Capricorn may have an affair with one of the managers or begin a relationship with a colleague. In other words, in December 2016 it will be quite easy for Capricorn to work due to his romantic mood and it is not at all necessary that he will decide to enter into a relationship with any of his colleagues. Most likely, these romantic ideas will remain only at the level of flirting.

Favorable days for love relationships in December 2016 for Capricorn: December 22 - 25.

Health horoscope for December 2016 Capricorn

In December 2016, Capricorn should pay attention to physical education and maintaining the shape of their body. This month is also promising to start eating a healthy diet.

December 2016 for Capricorn is the ideal time to give up some bad habits. Likewise, during the New Year holidays, Capricorn needs to try to limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages in order to avoid negative effects on their health.

Oddly enough, Capricorns are full of romance in December. And as the accurate love horoscope says, an amazing time of mutual feelings, a wave of fleeting infatuation or the depth of serious experiences awaits them. This month, Capricorns may even forget about important matters and put relationships and love first, which is so unusual for these zodiac signs.

Love horoscope for Capricorns for December 2019

The first ten days of December for Capricorn will be complicated by a sudden quarrel with their partner. And from scratch. Don't let conflict consume your mind and feelings. It is Capricorn who must find the appropriate words and actions for reconciliation. You cannot leave grudges until the end of the year. The love horoscope promises Capricorn an unexpected meeting in December with representatives of the water sign. Such a connection is unlikely to lead to a long-term relationship, but will leave a bright mark on fate.

Please note the following: You cannot break off an existing long-term relationship on your own initiative in December. This breakup will not make anyone happy. You should not believe everything that people in your close circle say. Most likely, with the hands of Capricorn himself, they want to destroy his happiness, because this is how they hope to maintain their own importance. In December, you should definitely meet someone if Capricorn is still single. You should not deceive the hopes of a person in love with Capricorn, otherwise such a game of feelings will harm Capricorn himself.

The love horoscope advises Capricorns to be honest with others. Playing on feelings means harming yourself.

Love horoscope for Capricorn women for December 2019

The last ten days of December promise fateful meetings for Capricorn women. It is worth taking a closer look at the person from your close circle. Especially if this is a person of a water or earth sign. The only thing a woman should avoid is an affair with a married man. Such relationships will lead to great trials and radical changes in fate. The Capricorn love horoscope also warns against the temptation to steal a man from a friend. The revenge of an ex-girlfriend can poison everyone around Capricorn.

Capricorns will not be bored this month. They will find themselves in different companies and will be successful with men everywhere. The feminine charm of Capricorn will be so bright that no one can resist. And if a Capricorn girl dares to propose first, then the man will consider it a gift of fate. A wedding in December is not ruled out.

Love horoscope for Capricorn men for December 2019

Frosty December 2019 will be special for Capricorn men. By the end of the year, fateful events will occur, weddings are possible. Moreover, the marriage will be long and happy, especially if the girl is the chosen one of the earth or water sign. An accurate love horoscope also does not exclude a stormy romance with a representative of a fire sign, especially a girl born under the constellation Aries. But the horoscope warns Capricorn about difficult relationships in marriage, when Capricorn will be completely under the influence of the Aries girl, suffering from this, but unable to leave.

The love horoscope does not rule out that Capricorn will find a woman older than himself. This marriage, which begins in December, promises to be long and happy. By the way, by the end of December, single Capricorn definitely needs to meet someone, even if the girl does not immediately make the right impression and is far from ideal. Capricorn will look at her later and understand that she is his destiny, this is exactly the kind of girl he was looking for.

The stars advise married Capricorns to maintain the relationship, although conflicting feelings may appear at the beginning of December, possibly motivated by jealousy. Already in December, Capricorns will understand that they were wrong. Another extreme is Capricorn’s financial claims against his wife or relatives. December calls for a reasonable approach, otherwise, because of money or other material goods, you can lose the most valuable thing - love. And this word is not an empty phrase even for Capricorn the materialist.