Safety plays a key role not only in production, but also in offices and warehouses. Occupational safety requirements determine the need for emergency lighting. When organizing such lighting, autonomous light sources should be used. Gained great popularity emergency lamps with built-in battery.

Emergency lighting performs the following functions:

  • Restoring the light supply in the event of failure of the main lighting system.
  • Safe completion of work and evacuation in case of emergency.

Especially helpful in evacuation is the illuminated “exit” sign, which allows you to choose the right direction even in a smoky room.

Types of emergency lighting systems

Emergency lighting is not just an alternative to standard lighting, but performs an important function of ensuring safety in emergency situations.

Depending on the layout and types of lamps, the emergency system itself is carried out according to the following schemes:

LED emergency light with battery

The most practical emergency light sources are often called models with built-in batteries. The light supply does not depend on from centralized power supply. Each lamp has its own battery, so there are no risks associated with failure of the central battery installation.

However, this practicality leads to some complication of maintenance. To maintain the operation of the emergency lighting system, you need to monitor the battery charge in all lamps. In addition, a specially designated employee must be responsible for monitoring the degree of wear of batteries that have a certain resource.

Using LEDs as a light source allows you to maintain the brightness of the light flux with minimal power consumption from the battery. This is a significant plus, which extends the operating time of the emergency lamp from the moment the power supply is cut off.

LEDs have a long service life, which determines the possibility of long-term operation of lighting devices.

Most often, a lamp of this type with the inscription “exit” can be seen in public places.

Prices for LED models are slightly higher than for devices with other lamps, but important role play the advantages of such structures. Due to their wide distribution, you can buy such lamps everywhere.

Advantages and Disadvantages

To the advantages of lamps LEDs have the following characteristics:

It is difficult to name the disadvantages of LED lamps. Many believe that there are none at all, if you do not take into account the prices. Of all the advantages, only the service life declared by the manufacturers can be questioned. However, the service life of LEDs is many times longer than that of other types of lamps, and remains a fact.

Emergency lighting requirements

Regulatory documents determine the conditions for the selection and installation of lighting devices for emergency lighting. Possibility of using specific A lamp's status as an emergency lamp is determined by its marking.

Marking of emergency lamps

The presence of special markings is mandatory!

By labeling you can determine the type of lamp and its characteristics. It consists of four parts:

Compliance with all emergency lighting requirements increases the price of the luminaire, but the use of cheaper, unlabeled fixtures is a violation.

Choosing the optimal model

Before you buy a lamp, you should carefully read the main technical characteristics models:

Emergency lights are a mandatory attribute of workers and other public premises. They illuminate emergency routes and exits. LED models with a battery are rightfully considered optimal. However, the design of the emergency lighting system it is better to entrust it to specialized organizations that take into account all the details of the final choice of models and installation, and are also responsible for ensuring that the installed system meets all requirements regulatory documents. Installation prices are quite reasonable and justified by the absence of problems during operation and inspections.

Preference should be given to electronic transformers in a metal case, since they heat up during operation, and plastic does not dissipate heat well.

In the bathroom, jacuzzi, kitchen or for lighting, only lamps with 12 V lamps can be installed - this is a safety requirement. Moreover, luminaires with 12 V lamps can be retrofitted for emergency lighting in case of any problems with the power supply. But more on that a little later.

Let's summarize.

So, although halogen lamps have high light output, they become very hot during operation. The electronic transformer also gets hot. The energy consumption of halogen lamps is quite significant, and over time, you may want to replace halogen lamps with LED lamps.

LED lamps with comparable brightness consume 10-15 times less electricity. They are available in the same housings as halogen lamps. LED lamps, like halogen lamps, have different operating voltages: 12 V and 220 V.

Preference should be given to 12 V LED lamps, since 220 V lamps have a simple conversion circuit with a quenching capacitor, which, when the lamp is turned on (until the capacitor is charged), passes all the mains voltage to the LEDs. Such a lamp, if turned on frequently, will not be able to work out even half of the resource declared by the manufacturer (about 30,000 hours).

Another advantage of LED lamps with an operating voltage of 12 V is that such lamps are available in different colors: red, green, yellow and blue. Using these lamps for illumination or at home, you can create unusual romantic lighting.

The color of the glow (shades of white) for conventional LED lamps is different: from white with a yellow tint to white with a bluish tint (cool white). It all depends on the so-called color temperature, which is measured in degrees Kelvin.

This temperature is indicated both on the lamp itself and on the packaging. The most optimal color for everyday use is white with yellow honey fungus. This color corresponds to a temperature of approximately 3000 K. Pure white(4500 K) and cool white (6000 K) can cause fatigue and irritation, so lamps with this color temperature are not recommended for use in household lighting fixtures.

The luminous flux of LED lamps varies widely - from 100 lm to 450 lm and depends on the number of LEDs, as well as their type. Lamps with bright SMD LEDs are more common. In the last few years, lamps with super-bright LEDs have appeared.

The number of LEDs in 12 V lamps is a multiple of 3 (3, 9, 12, 15, 18, etc.). The power consumed by such lamps does not exceed 3.5 W and most often lies in the range of 1.5-2 W. Thus, 50-75 LED lamps can be connected to one 100 W transformer.

However, it's not that simple. If you replace all the halogen lamps with LED lamps and turn on the lights, you will be disappointed - the lamps will not glow (photo 2). The reason for this strange behavior is that the electronic transformer implements current feedback, and to run the transformer requires a load that LED lamps cannot provide.

Therefore, after replacing halogen lamps with LED lamps, you will have to change the electronic transformer - this is what both the electrician and the sales assistant in the store will advise. Converters (current sources) for powering LED lamps are almost 10 times more expensive than electronic transformers with comparable power and differ from them in size (photo 3).

But there is one fairly simple way to restore the functionality of an electronic transformer and power LED lamps from it: it is enough to connect one halogen lamp with a power of about 15 W in parallel with the LED lamps. That's all! No intervention is required in the electronic circuit of the transformer itself.

Do-it-yourself emergency lighting (in case of a power outage) - diagrams

And now about how to provide emergency lighting when the mains power is cut off. The simplest method - connecting a battery in parallel to the transformer - will not lead to the desired results, since the battery will simply short-circuit through the electronic transformer. To avoid a short circuit, some kind of decoupling must be installed. In our case, diodes will serve as such decoupling.

The current consumed by one LED lamp is in the range of 0.1-0.15 A, the supply voltage is 12 V. The frequency with which the electronic transformer operates is 35 kHz. Almost any high-frequency diode with a reverse voltage of at least 40 V and a forward current of 0.2 A or higher is suitable as such a barrier element - for example, 1N5819, BY398 or SF11-SF16 or others with similar characteristics.

Unfortunately, this list does not include domestic diodes, since they are very rarely found on sale, and their price is incomparably high.

Diodes have a stripe on the body corresponding to the negative terminal (photo 4). The diodes must be turned on so that the negative from the electronic transformer and the negative from the battery are connected at a common point.

Diodes can be placed directly on the terminal block (photo 5). Power from the battery is not supplied to all lamps, but to half of their total number. Such moderate illumination will not create any particular inconvenience and will allow rational use of battery power.

It is permissible to use only sealed gel acid batteries indoors (photo 6). If selected car battery, it should be placed in a utility room, such as a basement, and provided with the temperature and humidity recommended by the battery manufacturer. Of course, it should be recharged periodically to ensure it is always in working order.

Two cables should be laid to the part of the luminaires that will play the role of emergency ones: one cable supplies power from a transformer, the other from a battery (Fig. 1). While the electronic transformer is operating, due to reverse bias, the diode coming from the battery is closed.

But as soon as the mains voltage disappears, the diode connected to the battery opens, and some of the lamps continue to work.

Such a simple circuit has one drawback: if you turn off the lights, power to the lamps will come from the battery. That is why another switch is required - from the battery (Fig. 2).

Lighting can be made completely autonomous by installing LED lamps and connecting them to a battery.

The battery can be charged from a windmill, solar battery or gasoline generator. For comfortable lighting of one room, 5 to 10 LED lamps are needed.

Thus, to illuminate buildings located far from power lines, for example, country houses, a power of about 30 W will be required. It will be provided during the day by one car battery with a capacity of 55 Ah.

Photo for article: Necessary equipment and emergency lighting schemes

The electronic transformer, with its small dimensions (63x42x28 mm) and weight (less than 100 g), has a power of more than 100 W.

  1. When connecting LED lamps to an electronic transformer, they do not light up because the transformer does not switch to operating mode.
  2. Current source for powering LED lamps.
  3. The negative terminal of the diode is marked with a solid stripe on the housing.
  4. Connecting diodes to the lamp.
  • Rice. 1. Isolation of battery and electronic transformer.
  • Rice. 2. General diagram of emergency lighting.

L1 – halogen lamp 15-30 W. LED 1 – LEDNN – LED lamps for main lighting. LED2 – LED11 – LED emergency lighting lamps. B1.B2 - mains and battery switches - respectively.

COB LED lamp Chip 220 V smart ic no need driver...

It often happens that there is no electricity for various reasons and there is no lighting. Then we use candles, flashlights, and, at worst, kerosene lamps. Candles smoke and are a fire hazard; a flashlight has a directional light and does not always have a long glow life. I suggest making an alternative.

This design will use available components, mainly from old computer power supplies. The schematic diagram of the device is shown below:

The power source for the circuit is a 12V battery with a capacity of at least one and a half ampere hours. The role of the light source will be performed by a “housekeeper” light bulb with a power of 8–15 watts.

Components borrowed from a computer power supply:
– pulse transformer;
– PWM controller TL494;
– high-voltage capacitors (C3, C4);
– high-frequency diodes (VD1, VD2);

The remaining components must be purchased. All components are mounted on a single-sided printed circuit board measuring 50mm. at 54mm. (minimum dimensions, excluding space for fasteners).

File printed circuit board made in the Sprint-Layout 6.0 (5.0) program and attached at the end of the article, in the archive. The file shows a view of the board from the components side.

The output transistors must be installed on a heat sink, a radiator, for example, from an old computer processor. A correctly assembled device does not require adjustment and will work immediately. When turned on, the board consumes about 1.5 amperes for a short time to charge the capacitors, then at the end of the charge it consumes 0.75 amperes per hour.

Since there is no housing yet, I did not screw the radiator on for testing.

The light comes on almost immediately, and shines as if from a regular electrical outlet. The light bulb can be placed either next to the body or on the ceiling as an alternative lamp.

ATTENTION: at the output of the circuit we will get constant voltage with an amplitude of 220 volts, BE CAREFUL!!!


We are all familiar with the situation when suddenly the electricity in the house suddenly goes out.
And it’s even more unpleasant if it suddenly happened in the dark...
And if your phone also depends on the power supply, then this is generally a disaster...

This is exactly what it is intended for. emergency lighting device, the diagram of which is shown in the figure below. Not only will it connect an LED emergency light source, but it will also supply power to your phone (if you have one that relies on mains power).

Moreover, the circuit has one more feature - it is also a kind of “night light”: at night, it turns on the LED lighting regardless of the presence of power in the electrical network.
So, the diagram:

Let's look at how it works:
The backup power source for the automatic emergency lighting is a 12 Volt battery. When there is voltage in the network, it (the battery) is constantly recharged: for this, a simple charger on the elements: transformer, diode bridge, and stabilizer on the LM317 chip.
Moreover, a circuit is introduced into the control circuit of the microcircuit that prevents overcharging of the battery on the transistor.
This same power source (transformer and diode bridge) also serves as a power source for a landline telephone, night lighting LEDs and an ambient light sensor: for this purpose, another stabilizer is used on the K142EN5 chip (the usual so-called).

Relay P1 must be normally closed: that is, when it is off, its contacts must close.

When there is voltage in the mains: relay P1 is turned on, its contacts are open, the battery is in recharging mode, power from the diode bridge is supplied through the diode to the 5-Volt Krenka and from there to the photo relay and telephone set.

If there is a power outage: relay P1 will turn off, and power to the KRENK will come from the battery.
But the photo relay will work in the same mode: it will turn on only when natural light decreases

For a modern person, without light it is uncomfortable, unusual, and sometimes scary. When this shutdown is for 1 hour, it’s okay, but there are times when (for example, as a result of a natural disaster) the lights are turned off for a really long time. But life in the dark is fraught with many dangers... So today we will talk about alternative ways home lighting.

Cheap and cheerful

Our ancestors illuminated their home in different ways: they shone with a torch, a torch, lit a wick in a vessel with oil, burned paraffin candles, with the advent of refined oil, a kerosene lamp was used.

By the way, about the “kerosene lamp”: such a lamp is still sold at flea markets. And there are buyers, the asking price is 5-10 USD. e. True, you will have to spend a lot of effort searching for such fuel, and when you light such a lamp, a persistent unpleasant smell will very quickly spread throughout the house.

Candles are also not the best solution, because... Most types of modern candles are a source of huge amounts of carcinogens. And candlelight is not the most effective: good for romantic dates, perhaps.

So today the hope and support of the owner who finds himself in a dark house is a simple pocket flashlight (for ease of movement in the first minutes in the dark). Special flashlights for indoor lighting are also useful. A field camping LED lantern is quite convenient and practical, used to illuminate a tourist tent at night. Although some stores sell special LED flashlights that run on batteries.

battery-powered flashlight for emergency lighting

Battery + diodes: simple and effective

It’s great if you have a separate 12 V battery in your home, preferably an alkaline one, since it “holds” a deep discharge from ordinary car acid ones and does not produce acid evaporation when charging. And if you buy strip LEDs for such power supply, then with the proper skill and even without special technical training, all the rooms of your house will quickly be filled with a pleasant warm white light.

home lighting using batteries and diodes

Several emergency lighting schemes for the home

But what about connecting a computer, microwave oven, electric kettle, washing machine and other such familiar, convenient and necessary things?

Of course, there is a way out, but here you need to try very hard and spend money. The problem that has arisen cannot be solved in such a way. If you have a separate house, then it is quite possible to implement such a semi-fantastic idea as installing it on the roof and plot of land solar panels, a wind generator, and in the utility room - an energy storage structure electric current large specific capacity. However, for the “private owner” the modern market offers a variety of gasoline and diesel electric generators from different manufacturers. These devices cope perfectly with the emergency supply of alternating current at 220 V; with proper connection, electricity stably flows into the house for many hours and days, you just need to monitor the fuel level in the tank.

Unfortunately, in apartment buildings There is no way to use electric generators that burn hydrocarbons - there is a lot of noise, vibration, and where should the exhaust gases be discharged after combustion of fuel in the engine, into the window? With this state of affairs, your neighbors will not tolerate it for long.

And yet there is a solution, it is logical and suggests itself. The proposed scheme is:
1) battery (or preferably several alkaline, nickel-cadmium or gel),
2) automatic charger,
3) electric current converter (inverter) 12/220 V,
4) separate redundant electrical wiring in all rooms with sockets and switches,
5) energy saving lamps and/or additional LED lamps.

We are sure that if you show this “scheme” to a smart electrician, he will be able to accept it with undisguised joy and begin to fulfill the urgent order. And soon in your home, even if the lights are suddenly turned off unexpectedly and for a long time, the light bulbs will immediately light up in an emergency and even the refrigerator will continue to operate.