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The structure of the completed final qualification work folder includes:

    The sticker on the work folder must be fixed on the folder with tape or adhesive laminitis ( Example 1 ). The review from the head of the graduating department is included in an embedded transparent file in front of the title page. A review of the work of the head of an organization with a higher specialized economic education is inserted into a sewn-in transparent file in front of the title page ( Example 2 ). Cover page signed by student, supervisor and reviewer ( Example 3 ). Thesis assignment (Example 4) . Thesis schedule (Example 5) . Content ( Example 6 ). Introduction (Example 7). The main text of the thesis. 3 Chapters, which contain at least 3 points ( Example 8). Conclusion (Example 9). List of used literature ( Example 13). Applications (in landscape format) ( Example 14, Example 15). The report, signed by the head of the graduating department, is included in an embedded transparent file ( Example 15, Example 17). The presentation, signed by the head of the graduating department, is included in an embedded transparent file ( Example 18, Example 19). Approximate form of drawings, tables and formulas ( Example 10 (Example 11, Example 12).

Example 1

Example 2

To the State Certification Commission

State educational institution

in direction 080100 “Economics”


for the student's final qualifying work

4 full-time courses

Medentsov Evgeniy Alexandrovich

on the topic

“Development of an enterprise investment project

(using the example of a woodworking plant)"

The presented work consists of three parts. The first part of the work presents general principles preparation, development and examination of investment projects, the need for investment activity at this stage of development of the Russian economy was determined, an analysis of the main methods for assessing investment projects and a study of the regulatory framework governing investment activity in the Russian Federation was carried out. A methodology for working with individual investment projects has also been developed and presented. In the second part, the author conducted an in-depth analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise LLC "Les" and determined the need to develop an investment project for the construction of a new wood processing plant in accordance with the development strategy of the enterprise. In the third part, an investment project for the construction of a new woodworking plant was developed and presented, in the preparation of which the author of the presented thesis was directly involved. During the development of the above project, the author used in practice the basic provisions proposed in the 1st part, methods for the development and examination of investment projects for industrial development. In general, the work presented by the author can be characterized as an original, complete study of the basic principles and methods of developing investment projects, as well as the practical application of theoretical knowledge in the development and implementation of an investment project for a woodworking enterprise. The positive aspects of the work include the fact that the author managed to summarize a significant amount of initial information from various sources and his own developments and present work, which, in my opinion, can have practical application when developing a strategy for the woodworking industry to overcome the crisis. The work is distinguished by the author's good knowledge of the subject, an in-depth analysis of the main problems of the industry and a creative approach in developing an investment project for a woodworking enterprise. The disadvantages of the work include the weak validity of the presented production program of the woodworking plant, as well as the poor representation of foreign experience on this topic. ABOUT however, the presented shortcomings generally do not affect the positive aspects of the thesis and, in my opinion, its author deserves an “excellent” rating and deserves to be awarded a bachelor’s degree in the direction of 080100 “Economics”. General manager Sirius-Fort LLC Antonov D.V.

Example 3

higher vocational education

"St. Petersburg State

University of Engineering and Economics"

final qualifying work

on the topic:

Improving mortgage lending in Russian Federation
(using the example of OJSC VTB Bank North-West)

Completed by student

Kuznetsova Anastasia Vitalievna, group 2/3341


Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Banking, St. Petersburg State Institute of Economics and Economics Balabanov A.I., Ph.D., Associate Professor


Deputy Chief Accountant of the Vyborgsky branch of VTB Bank North-West OJSC Koba V.V.


Head of the department,

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Goncharuk O.V.

Saint Petersburg

Example 4


State educational institution

higher professional education

"St. Petersburg State

University of Engineering and Economics"

Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Finance

Department of Finance and Banking


Head department Goncharuk O.V.


for final qualifying work

student ________________________________________________________________________

(last name, first name, patronymic)

1. Topic of final qualifying work


2. The deadline for completing the work is _____ __________________ 200 __ g

3. Initial data for the thesis_ regulatory documents,________ balance sheet, profit and loss statement, financial plan, etc.________ _________________________________________________________________________________ consideration of the essence and features of mortgage lending in the Russian Federation, procedure for granting a mortgage loan, financial analysis of the bank, proposals for improving mortgage lending and evaluation of their effectiveness. _________________________________________________________________________________

5. Graphic material ______________________________________________________________

tables, graphs, diagrams, diagrams and formulas ___________________________________


6. Consultants for thesis work ( indicating the sections of work related to them) _________________________________________________________________________________

7. Date of assignment _____ _____________ 200 __ g

Supervisor ______________ Balabanov A.I. (signature) (full name)

The task was accepted for execution __________________________

(student signature and date)

Example 5

Schedule of final qualifying work



Actually fulfilled


1.Selecting a Topic and Judging Content


2. Chapter 1. Essence and history of development

mortgage lending

3. Chapter 2. Analysis of financial and economic

activities of OJSC VTB Bank North-

4. Chapter 3. Suggestions for improvement

mortgage lending in OJSC
"VTB Bank North-West"

5. Delivery fully completed

work together with the report and
Supervisor thesis ______________ Balabanov A.I. (signature) (full name) The task was accepted for execution ______________ ________________ (signature) (full name)

Example 6


Concept financial condition enterprises…………………………………………….

Goals and types of assessment of the financial condition of a trading enterprise …………………………………………………………………….

Methods and procedure for assessing the financial condition of a trading enterprise ……………………………………...

Legal regulation in commercial enterprises……………………………………………...

Foreign experience in assessing the financial condition of an enterprise……………………………………………………………..

Analysis of the financial condition of RemStroyTorg LLC………………………………………….

Organizational structure and characteristics of the activities of RemStroyTorg LLC………………………

Analysis of the structure of the balance sheet……………….

Calculation and analysis of financial indicators………………….

Development of measures to improve the financial condition of a trading enterprise………………………………………………………..

Factor analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise...

Measures to improve the financial condition of RemStroyTorg LLC ………………………………………………………

Software and economic security in enterprise activities………………………………..

Conclusion …………………………………………………………….

List of used literature……………………….


Example 7

INTRODUCTION The urgent task of the functioning of enterprises in a market economy is to increase production efficiency, competitiveness of products and services based on the introduction of achievements of the scientific and technical process, effective forms of management and production management. Etc. The introduction should contain: relevance, purpose of the work, objectives of the work, subject of research, object of research.

Example 8

1.3. Regulatory framework governing the activities of the bank Enterprise finance is an economic category, the peculiarity of which lies in the scope of its action and its inherent functions. They operate in the field social production where the total social product and national income are created. Etc. The source from the site is indicated. Chapter 1 should reflect the theory of the subject of research and contain: 1.1. – essence, meaning and role; 1.2. – classification of species; 1.3. – regulatory framework; 1.4. – foreign experience. Chapter 2 should reflect the financial analysis of the research object and contain: 2.1. – characteristics of activities and organizational structure object; 2.2. – assessment of the financial condition of the object; 2.3. – information and software support for the facility’s activities; 2.4. – economic security in the activities of the facility. Chapter 3 should reflect the purpose of the work and contain: 3.1. – characteristics and factors influencing the subject of research in the object of study; 3.2. – comparative assessment of the subject of research with other objects; 3.3. – suggestions for improvement.

Example 9


The first chapter discusses theoretical issues of analyzing the financial condition of an enterprise; goals, methods and procedure for assessing the financial condition of a trading enterprise, legal regulation in trading enterprises, foreign experience in analyzing the financial condition. Etc.

The conclusion should contain: conclusions (with numerical indicators) for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd chapters with a disclosure of the assigned tasks related to the subject and object of research to achieve the goal.

Example 10

Financial analysis is part of a general, complete analysis of economic activity (Fig. 1).

Financial analysis

balance sheet liquidity analysis

financial ratio analysis

financial stability analysis

financial analysis

analysis financial results, profitability ratios and business activity

Rice. 1 Structure of financial analysis, based on company activity data

Example 11

Accordingly, two groups of indicators are distinguished, conventionally called capitalization ratios and coverage ratios (see Table 1).

Table 1

Indicator name Designation Calculation algorithm Normative value
Ka Characterizes the financial independence of an enterprise and is defined as the ratio of the sources of the enterprise's own funds to the total amount of funds invested in the property of the enterprise. Ka>0.5

End of table. 1

2.Equity concentration ratio Ka Own capital / Total sources of funds = page 490/page. 700 Characterizes the financial independence of the enterprise. Ka>0.5

Example 12

To calculate liquidity, use the formula:

Where TO n- current liquidity ratio (coverage); RA- current assets; TO t- short-term loans and borrowings.

Example 13

List of used literature

          Federal Law of October 26, 2002 N 127-FZ “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)”. “Methodological provisions for assessing the financial condition of enterprises and establishing an unsatisfactory balance sheet structure”, approved by Order No. 31-r dated 12.08.94 of the Federal Administration for Insolvency (Bankruptcy). Taburchak P.P. Analysis and diagnostics of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. – St. Petersburg: Khimizdat, 2007.- 288 p. Efimova O.V., Melnik M.V. "Analysis of financial statements." - “Accounting”, No. 10, 2005. …..etc. up to 40 titles (normative and legislative documents, textbooks and teaching aids, periodicals and articles, Internet)

Example 14


Example 15

Appendix 1


At the beginning of the reporting year

At the end of the reporting period

I. Non-current assets

Fixed assets

Total for Section I

II. Current assets


raw materials, supplies and other similar assets

costs in work in progress

finished products and goods for resale

deferred expenses

Value added tax on purchased assets

Accounts receivable (payments for which are expected within 12 months after the reporting date)


buyers and customers


Total for Section II




At the beginning of the reporting year

At the end of the reporting period

III. Capital and reserves

Authorized capital

Retained earnings (uncovered loss)

Total for Section III

IV. Long-term liabilities

Total for Section IV

V. Current liabilities

Accounts payable


suppliers and contractors

debt to the organization's personnel

debt to government off-budget funds

debt on taxes and fees

other creditors

Total for Section V


Example 16


State educational institution

higher professional education

"St. Petersburg State

University of Engineering and Economics"

Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Finance

Department of Finance and Banking


To graduation qualification work

Bozhenko Sergey Antonovich,

full-time training 3 years 10 months,

group 2/3352

Supervisor: Balabanov Andrey Igorevich

Saint Petersburg

Example 17

Dear chairman and members of the state certification commission, we present to your attention a thesis on the topic: “Improving the policy of attracting borrowed funds when financing an enterprise (using the example of OJSC PARNAS-M).” Etc. Expenses are growing at a faster rate than income (Figure 1 on Handout Sheet 4). Etc. Thank you for your attention, the report is finished. The report should be 5-7 minutes. (approximately no more than 3 pages of speech text). The report contains: relevance, purpose of your work, conclusions drawn on tasks (with digital indicators), your proposals and an assessment of their effectiveness.

Example 18


State educational institution

higher professional education

"St. Petersburg State

University of Engineering and Economics"

Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Finance

Department of Finance and Banking


To graduation qualification work


Bozhenko Sergey Antonovich,

Full-time study 3 years 10 months,

group 2/3352

Supervisor: Balabanov Andrey Igorevich Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Banking, St. Petersburg State Institute of Economics and Economics, Ph.D., Associate Professor

Saint Petersburg

Example 19

Sheet 1

Rice. 1. Scheme of the relationship between the lender and the borrower in the mortgage market

Table 1

Financial stability indicators used in enterprise assessment

Methodical recommendations
Indicator name Designation Calculation algorithm Economic content of the indicator Normative value
1.Equity concentration ratio Ka

Institute of Economics



Head of the department

"Accounting, analysis and audit"

Doctor of Economics, Professor Shimokhanskaya T.V.



"___" ___________ 20__


For bachelor's final qualifying work

Student Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

Topic of final qualifying work: Analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise

Approved by order of the Rector of the NOU VO “MAEP” dated ______No. ________________

Purpose of the WRC: analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise Spectrum Vision LLC

Main questions to be developed (researched):

1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of financial reporting analysis

2. Assessment of financial reporting indicators of the organization Spectrum Vision LLC

3. Determination of the main directions for improving the financial reporting indicators of Spectrum Vision LLC

Basic literature:

1. Dontsova L.V. Nikiforova N.A. Analysis financial statements-M.: Publishing house "Delo and Service", 2013 -345 p.

2. Vakhrushina M.A. Analysis of financial statements. -M.: Publisher: University textbook, 2015 – 285 p.

3. Kondrakov N.P., M.A. Ivanova Management accounting: Tutorial- M.: Publisher: Infra-M, 2014 -326 p.

The deadline for submitting the completed work is “____” ______________________20__

Date of issue of the assignment “____” ______________________20__

Head ____________________________Ph.D., Associate Professor Kuvekina O.A.


The task was received by _________________________Ivanov I.I.


Appendix D


Sample of filling out the title page

Bachelor's final qualifying work

NOU VO "Moscow Academy of Economics and Law"

Institute of Economics


Head of the department

"Accounting, analysis and audit"

Doctor of Economics, Professor Shimokhanskaya T.V.



"___" _____________20__



In the direction of Economics

full-time department, gr. EBSH-1-15

Head _____________________ Petrov Petr Petrovich

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Moscow 2016

Appendix D (mandatory)

Form and example content

Final qualifying work


Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of loan portfolio quality management commercial bank V modern conditions management…………………………………………………………………….....6

1.1. The essence of the main categories and characteristics of the quality of the loan portfolio of a modern bank……………………………....6

1.2. Indicators, criteria and features of ensuring effective quality management of the loan portfolio of a commercial bank.....10

1.3. Factors influencing the development of the loan portfolio management system of a commercial bank in the post-crisis period and the main problems of lending to small and medium-sized businesses in Russia……........15

Chapter 2. Modern practice of financial management of the quality of the loan portfolio in leading Russian and foreign commercial banks………………….……………………………………............. ...............................23

2.1. Economic analysis banking policy for managing the quality of the loan portfolio in post-crisis conditions…………………………….....23

2.2. The impact of the effectiveness of loan portfolio quality management on the financial stability of Russian banks……………… ..…………......27

2.3. Foreign experience in managing the quality of a loan portfolio, ensuring the stability of operation and maintaining the financial soundness of modern banks……………………………………………………………..………………33



Appendix A (mandatory) Loan portfolio of CJSC “VTB-24”………………………..…...………………………………………….……………. 74

Appendix E


Example of a list of used sources

List of sources used

2. Official website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. - Access mode: www.minpromtorg.gov.ru

10. Kovalev V.V., Volkova O.N. Analysis of the economic activities of an enterprise Textbook - M.: Unity-Dana, 2015. - 316 p.

20. Federal law dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ “On Accounting”.

25. Schroeder N.G. Analysis of financial statements: Textbook-M. Publisher: Alfa-press, 2014 -386 p.

Appendix G


Last page of final qualifying work

I completed my bachelor's final qualifying work completely independently. All materials and concepts used in the work from published scientific literature and other sources are referenced.


_____________________ _____________________________________

(signature) (student's full name)

Appendix I


Shape of the title page of the illustrative material

NOU VO "Moscow Academy of Economics and Law"

Institute of Economics



"Analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise"


Appendix K


Feedback form for bachelor's final qualifying work

©2015-2019 site
All rights belong to their authors. This site does not claim authorship, but provides free use.
Page creation date: 2017-04-03

Sample assignments for dissertations on topics:

Assignment for completing a thesis - design, preparation, writing.

Recommendations for writing, formatting, and preparing an assignment for a thesis (general requirements)

Assignment for thesis . Placed behind the title page.

It is made according to the established sample and contains the following information:

  • last name, first name and patronymic of the student, topic of graduation work
  • number and date of the order from the university on its approval
  • deadline for student submission of completed work
  • list of questions
  • subject to study and research
  • illustrative material, etc.

Assignments for a thesis on a technical topic

In accordance with the topic of the thesis, the supervisor draws up and gives the student an assignment to complete the thesis before leaving for pre-graduation practice.

After completing the thesis, the assignments, along with other text documents, are stitched together and submitted to the State Examination Committee.

The assignment for the thesis (technical topic) indicates:

  1. name of the university and faculty
  2. code and name of specialty
  3. name of the department, topic of the thesis
  4. number of the rector's order on approval of the topic and its date
  5. deadline for a student to submit a completed diploma project to the department
  6. output of the thesis
  7. contents of the explanatory note (list of issues that are being developed)
  8. list of graphic materials

The assignment is signed by the thesis supervisor, consultants and the thesis student. The assignment is approved by the head of the department.

A sample assignment format is provided in the appendix and at the link in the additional materials.

Faculty of Economics. Assignment for a specialist's thesis. Student (full-time, part-time) education.

1. Topic of work.

2. Deadline for the student to submit the completed work

Date the assignment was issued. Accepted the task for execution.

Download the assignment for the thesis -

Assignment for the thesis sample filling

1. Sample assignment for a thesis in accounting

Faculty of Economics. Department of Accounting and Auditing.

Thesis assignment

1. Topic of work:“Organization of accounting and audit of wages, ways to improve it in agricultural enterprises of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea”

2. Deadline for the student to submit the completed work.

3. Initial data for work: statistical reporting; financial statements; statistical collections job descriptions; P(S)BU; Laws of Ukraine; regional (industry) agreements; periodicals; other reliable sources containing information that can be used when writing a thesis.

4. Contents of the settlement and explanatory note (list of issues to be developed)- consider the coverage of the research topic in literary sources; - consider the regulatory framework on the research topic; - characterize the enterprises under study; - consider the organization of the accounting apparatus of enterprises; - consider the primary, analytical and synthetic accounting of remuneration of enterprises; - develop proposals for improving accounting and remuneration systems at the enterprises under study; - consider organizing a remuneration audit; develop proposals for improving wages at enterprises; draw conclusions and suggestions on the research topic.


Date the assignment was issued.

Download a sample assignment for a thesis - Assignment for a thesis in accounting sample.zip

ASSIGNMENT for diploma design

  1. Project topic: Directions for improving the methodology for monetary valuation of land using the example of the Simferopol region of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
  2. Project deadline.
  3. Initial project data.
  4. Contents of the explanatory note.
  5. Consultations on the project with the designation of sections that relate to them.
  6. Date the assignment was issued.

The task was accepted for execution.

3. Sample assignment for a thesis on a technological topic

Law Firm "Crimean Agrotechnological University NAU. Faculty of Technology. Department of “Technologies for production, storage and processing of livestock products”

Assignment for a student's graduation project

  1. Project topic Project for reconstruction of the cottage cheese production workshop with expansion of the range at UTL Law Firm "KATU" NAU.
  1. Deadline for the student to submit the completed project .
  2. Initial data for the project Annual reports.
  3. Contents of the settlement and explanatory note (list of issues to be developed): 1. Characteristics of the farm; 2. Technological part; 3. Selection of technological equipment; 4. Calculation of the area of ​​the designed workshop; 5. Automation of the butter production process; 6. Construction and sanitary-technical part of the project; 7. Energy calculation; 8. Ensuring labor safety; 9. Ecology; 10. Cost-effectiveness analysis
  1. List of graphic material (with exact indication of required drawings)
  2. Consultants for the project (work, indicating the relevant sections of the project)
  1. Date of assignment issue

Download a sample assignment for a thesis - Assignment for a thesis on a technological topic sample.zip

Diploma design assignment

Project topic:“Project of power supply for grain storage in Veles Crimea LLC in the Simferopol region of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea with the design development of a scheme for automatic control of the power factor value.”

Date the assignment was issued.

I received the task to complete.

Download a sample assignment for a thesis -

Examples of assignments for a thesis:

Southern branch of the Crimean Agrotechnological University. National Agrarian University of Ukraine. Faculty of Accounting and Finance

ASSIGNMENT for a student's thesis with a calendar plan

Topic: Organization of accounting and control of transactions on current and deposit accounts individuals using the example of Bakhchisarai branch No. 20 of KRU ZAO CB Privatbank.

2. Example of a thesis assignment on land management and cadastre


DIPLOMA PROJECT “Organization and implementation of land cadastral works in the territory of Greater Alushta ARC”

Download an example assignment for a thesis - Example assignment for a thesis on land management and cadastre.doc

3. Example of a thesis assignment in finance

State Tax Administration of Ukraine. National Academy of the State Tax Service of Ukraine. Crimean Faculty. Department of Finance.

Assignment for the student's thesis - Topic: Analysis of the financial condition of a joint-stock company using the example of JSC named after. S. Perovskoy

Download an example assignment for a thesis - Example assignment for a thesis in finance.docx

4. Example of a thesis assignment on winemaking

Southern branch of the Crimean Agrotechnological University. National Agrarian University of Ukraine. Faculty of Technology.


Calendar plan.

Download an example assignment for a thesis - Example assignment for a thesis on winemaking.doc

5. Example of a thesis assignment on taxes

ACADEMY OF STATE TAX SERVICE OF UKRAINE. Faculty: Crimean Department: Finance

EXERCISE for a student's thesis.

Topic: Modernization and improvement of the activities of the State Tax Administration in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (using the example of the State Tax Inspectorate in Simferopol)



Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education


Faculty of Distance Learning


Head of the Department of Technology and Organization

catering establishments

Prof. A.S. Bezryadnova


"___" ______________ 2015


for completing final qualifying work (thesis)

student Mikhailov Igor Yurievich, studying in the specialty: 080502 Economics and management in the restaurant and hotel business.

1. The topic of the final qualification work (thesis): “Competition in the market of restaurant and hotel services: strategy and tactics of competition” was approved by the order of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs dated “__” ___2015 No.___.

Scientific supervisor of the final qualifying work (thesis) Shakaya Yanina Raulievna, associate professor, candidate of economic sciences.

2. Initial data for performing research and development work: educational literature, periodicals, Internet resources, reporting documentation of the enterprise (from the practice base).


Chapter 1.

Chapter 2.


Annotation(at least 1 page)

List of used literature


4. The list of graphic material (mandatory tables, diagrams, graphs, etc.) is determined by the content of the thesis (thesis).

5. Schedule for the implementation and presentation of the WRC :

Structural parts of the WRC

Due date

By calendar plan


Assignment to complete the research and development work

until 01.10.2015

First chapter of the WRC

until October 15, 2015

Second chapter of the WRC

until November 23, 2015

Third chapter of the WRC

until 12/10/2015

Thesis – in full (submitted to the supervisor)

until December 21, 2015

Submission of thesis to the department for preliminary defense

until January 15, 2016

Finalization of the SRC based on comments received during the preliminary defense

until January 22, 2016

Submission of the final version of the thesis to the department for admission to defense

until January 25, 2016

Scientific supervisor of final qualifying work


(signature of the scientific supervisor of the scientific research project)

The task was accepted for execution by __________________________

(student's signature)

Date of receipt of the assignment for the WRC “____”____________2015.


General requirements

The type of final qualifying work (GQR) is established in accordance with the levels higher education:

Bachelor's degree – bachelor's final qualifying work (hereinafter referred to as bachelor's thesis);

master's degree – master's thesis.

Students' final qualifying works are prepared in accordance with the requirements of ESKD, ESTD, ESPD and GOST standards.

The final qualifying work consists of a calculation and explanatory note and a multimedia presentation. The settlement and explanatory note is text-graphic and represents the main part of the work (hereinafter referred to as the settlement and explanatory note, explanatory note or note).

The volume of an explanatory note for a bachelor's thesis is 50–70 pp., a master's thesis is 90–120 pp.

The list of sources used in the bachelor's final qualifying work contains at least 15 titles, in the master's thesis - at least 35 titles.

Structural elements of the explanatory note of the final qualifying work

Mandatory structural elements

The mandatory structural elements of the explanatory note of the WRC are:

– title page in Russian and English (pages 1–2);

– task for completing the high-tech project (3–4 pages);

– abstract in Russian and English (pages 5–6);

– introduction;

– main part;

- conclusion;

– list of sources used;

Optional structural elements

Structural elements included in the explanatory note of the WRC at the discretion of the performer are:

– definitions;

– designations and abbreviations;

– applications.

Lists of definitions, abbreviations and symbols are placed between the contents and introduction.

In a definition list, terms are arranged in alphabetical order, usually in table form with hidden (“invisible”) boundaries. This section contains only those terms whose meaning is not commonly used.

The list of abbreviations includes less common abbreviations or abbreviations that appear in the work more than three times, indicating their definition. Abbreviations or abbreviations are arranged in alphabetical order, usually in the form of a table with “invisible” boundaries, with the abbreviation (abbreviation) on the left and the transcript on the right.

Similarly, if necessary, a list of designations is compiled.

Applications are placed after the list of sources used; the explanatory note may contain one or more applications. The appendices may also contain tables and figures that are included in the general list recorded in the abstract.

Content requirements structural elements explanatory note of the final qualifying work

Front page

The title page is the first page of the explanatory note and serves as a source of information necessary for processing and searching the document.

The title page states:

– information about the name of the parent organization;

– information about the organization performing the WRC;

– universal decimal classification index (UDC);

– stamp of approval of the VKR director high school;

– name of the thesis (the topic of the thesis must exactly correspond to the approved assignment for the work and the order of the rector on fixing the topics of the thesis);

– Group No., I.O. Last name of the performer;

academic degree, title, position, I.O. Last name of the supervisor (for master's theses - scientific supervisor);

– academic degree, title, position, place of work (if they are not employees of SPbPU), I.O. Last name of the reviewer and consultants of the scientific research committee (if they are necessary);

– academic degree, title, position, and last name of the normative controller;

– place and year of writing the WRC.

All information presented on the title page must be translated into English language, while maintaining the arrangement of elements on the title page. The translation of the title page into English is located on the reverse side of the title page (2nd page of the VKR).

The universal decimal code is unified system classification, which makes it possible to ensure uniformity in the organization of reference and information collections in scientific and technical information bodies, scientific and technical libraries of the country. In addition, its use contributes to broader cooperation between Russia and other countries in the field of scientific and technical information. The VKR performer independently finds the UDC in accordance with the topic of his work on the site http://teacode.com/online/udc.

Samples title pages For various types The VRCs are given in Appendix A.

Assignment to complete a student’s final qualifying work

The assignment for performing the work is a document in strict accordance with which the performer works on the work. It is issued by the supervisor (for bachelor's dissertations) or the supervisor (for master's theses) (hereinafter referred to collectively as the supervisor of the work or the supervisor of the dissertation). The assignment specifies the topic in accordance with the rector's order on approval of the topics of the thesis, initial data, the contents of the calculation and explanatory note, a list of graphic materials, deadlines for issuing the assignment and submitting the completed essay.

The assignment, in addition to sections directly related to the topic of research and development work, may include sections on economic, technological, production issues, basic life safety, etc. The proposal to introduce related sections into the WRC and to include consultants in the training procedure is formulated by the head of the WRC.

The final decision on the appointment of consultants is made by the director of the higher school. Information about the consultants is indicated in the assignment for the project and the order “On approval of topics for the project, managers and consultants.”

Sample task form for execution different types The VRC is given in Appendix B.


The abstract must contain:

– information on the volume of the thesis, the number of figures (if available) and tables (if available), as well as the number of sources and applications used (if available);

– list of keywords;

– text of the abstract (a brief summary of the work that does not repeat the content of the introduction).

The list of keywords includes from 5 to 15 words or phrases (which contain no more than three words) from the text of the WRC, and which characterize its content and provide the possibility of information retrieval. Keywords are given in the nominative case and printed in capital letters separated by commas without hyphens and without large spaces, for which they can be swapped. There is no dot at the end of the list of keywords.

The text of the abstract is a brief summary and should reflect the specifics of the WRC:

– object of research or development, purpose and main objectives of the research and development work;

– method or methodology for conducting WRC;

– brief results of research and development experiments and their novelty;

– basic technological, organizational and economic characteristics;

– scope and economic efficiency or significance of VCR.

The text of the abstract must be translated into English and placed on the back of the abstract (page 6 of the abstract).

A sample abstract is provided in Appendix B.

The content is formatted as a multi-level numbered list, which necessarily includes an introduction, the names of all sections and subsections of the main part, a conclusion and a list of sources used, indicating the page numbers from which these elements of the explanatory note of the WRC begin. The names of paragraphs and annexes are included in the content if they are included in the explanatory note. If there are several applications, then they can not be listed in the contents, but can be replaced with one heading “Appendices”, which has the same page number as “Appendix A”.

Serial numbers of structural elements are assigned only to sections of the main part of the explanatory note and their subsections and paragraphs, and INTRODUCTION, CONCLUSION, LIST OF SOURCES USED, APPENDICES and others, for example, optional sections (subsections), are not numbered. An example of content design is presented in Appendix D.

In the content, it is possible to highlight in capital letters the main structural elements of the explanatory note of the WRC (definitions, designations and abbreviations, introduction, sections of the main part, conclusion, appendices and list of sources used). Subsection names may be written in lowercase letters. To make the alignment of page numbers in the content clearer, it is recommended to format it in the form of a table with a hidden grid.


The introduction justifies the choice of the topic of the thesis, its relevance, purpose and objectives of the work. Provided brief description object of research. The tools and research methods used in the work are named and given summary sections (the word “chapter” is not used anywhere in the work) of the main part of the thesis.

Particular attention should be paid to the degree of elaboration of the research topic, to indicate aspects that have not yet been disclosed, and to emphasize the shortcomings of existing theories and research methods.

The volume of administration should be within 4–6% of the total volume of the explanatory note of the VKR.

Main part

The main part of the WRC should be divided into sections, subsections and paragraphs (which, if necessary, can also be subdivided into subparagraphs).

As a rule, the main part of the WRC includes two to three sections.

Each section can have a short (one or two paragraphs) introductory part and a content part consisting of at least two subsections. The section may end with conclusions summarizing everything said in it, separated into a separate subsection. Conclusions must contain clear and specific results obtained personally by the author in the materials current section and used in subsequent sections of the main part.

Sections of the explanatory note should have logical transitions throughout the work and not be isolated from each other. They must also be balanced with each other, that is, be approximately equal in volume.

When dividing the text within a section into paragraphs and subparagraphs, it is necessary that each paragraph or subparagraph contains complete information.


Here the conclusions from the study are formulated. They cover all sections of the main part, including the introduction, and should briefly give an idea of ​​the content of the work, the significance, validity and effectiveness of the recommendations made in the work, as well as reflect the author’s own contribution to the development of the topic under study. The conclusion should contain the main final parameters and have a volume within 4–6% of the total volume of the explanatory note.