Gynecological diseases are more common in women reproductive age. This is due to active work hormonal system, a malfunction of which provokes the disease. Among the common pathologies is endometriosis, which mainly affects women 20–40 years old.

What is endometriosis in women?

Endometriosis of the uterus is classified as a benign disease. The pathology is characterized by the proliferation of the uterine mucosa - the endometrium. As a result, single cells or their clusters can be found in other organs and pelvic tissues (extragenital endometriosis). As a result of changes, work is disrupted reproductive system. Endometriosis often occurs in women who suffer from infertility and have undergone surgery on the pelvic organs (laparoscopy, laparotomy). The probability of developing the disease in such cases is 6–44%.

Why is endometriosis dangerous?

When considering the complications of the disease, listing to patients the dangers of endometriosis and the consequences of the pathology, doctors put secondary infertility in the first place. The disease disrupts the normal growth of the endometrium. As a result of such changes, after fertilization has occurred, the egg cannot be normally implanted into the wall of the uterus due to insufficient thickness of the mucous membrane. Lack of pregnancy with endometriosis may be due to the following factors:

  1. Ovulation failure due to hormonal changes accompanying the disease.
  2. The appearance of foci of endometriosis in fallopian tubes ah, which interferes with the normal advancement of the egg, causing deformation of the fallopian tubes.
  3. Formation cystic formations, preventing the maturation of follicles.
  4. In addition to reproductive dysfunction, endometriosis can cause disorders such as:
  • against the background of frequent blood loss;
  • peritonitis;
  • damage to nerve fibers in areas of endometriosis, which leads to neurological disorders.

Can endometriosis be cured forever?

Faced with such a disease, patients often ask their doctor whether endometriosis can be cured completely. As shown medical practice, the disease is highly treatable. In 30% of cases, spontaneous elimination of endometriosis foci is possible after stabilization hormonal levels. Given this feature, when foci of endometriosis are accidentally detected, gynecologists use a wait-and-see approach.

Effective therapy for endometriosis should always be comprehensive. Among the main directions used to treat the disease:

  • hormone therapy;
  • surgical intervention.

How to properly treat endometriosis?

When choosing which methods of treating endometriosis are best to use and how to treat endometriosis, doctors take into account several factors. Initially, experts pay attention to the number of foci of growth, their volume and location. For small endometriosis and isolated lesions, drug treatment is used. It is based on hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs. The duration of the course of such treatment reaches six months. After the specified time period, an interim examination is carried out.

Hormonal therapy for endometriosis

Treatment of endometriosis with hormones is the basis conservative method therapy. Medicine, its dosage and frequency of administration are prescribed individually. In this case, experts take into account:

  • stage of the pathological process;
  • volume of growth foci;
  • patient's age;
  • presence of accompanying inflammatory diseases in the body.

Since the development of pathology in most cases is provoked by hormonal imbalance, taking hormone-based drugs stabilizes the functioning of the endocrine system. To speed up the treatment of endometriosis in women, drugs and dosage are selected individually. In most cases hormonal treatment is based on the artificial cessation of cyclic changes in the uterus. During the menstrual stage, endometrial cells begin to bleed, worsening the woman’s well-being. Hormones used in the treatment of endometriosis reduce the concentration of estrogen in a woman’s body.

Treatment of endometriosis - drugs

Treatment of uterine endometriosis is not complete without the use of the following groups hormonal drugs:

1. Oral contraceptives. These drugs help control the growth of endometrial tissue. Patients using these drugs notice a decrease in volume menstrual flow, shortening of menstruation. Treatment of endometriosis is carried out using the following drugs in this group:

  • Janine;
  • Diana is 35;
  • Claira.

2. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonists. These substances block the synthesis of hormones that stimulate the ovaries. At the same time, there is a decrease in estrogen levels. They cause the endometrium to thin, inhibiting its growth. The result is an artificial menopause, which causes regression. Treatment of endometriosis with drugs of this group gives a lasting effect. Among the drugs used:

  • Difeline;
  • Decapeptyl Depot;
  • Zoladex;
  • Buserelin;
  • Lucrin depot.

3. Progestins. These drugs inhibit menstruation by slowing the growth of endometrial tissue. This eases the course of endometriosis. Among the drugs in this group:

  • Orgametril;
  • Byzanne.

IUD for endometriosis

To permanently exclude endometriosis, treatment is carried out using intrauterine hormonal devices. An example is the Mirena spiral. She's great at helping with initial stages endometriosis. The IUD is inserted into the cavity of the reproductive organ, after which the release of a special substance, levonorgestrel, begins. Under the influence of this compound, the endometrial growth process is inhibited. As a result, there is a decrease in the volume of vaginal discharge and pain disappears.

Treatment of endometriosis with folk remedies

Treatment of endometriosis in women can be supplemented by the use of traditional methods therapy. However, before using any medicinal plant or folk remedy, you must consult your doctor about this. In some cases, treatment of endometriosis with plants may be contraindicated. Independent use of such remedies based on positive reviews from friends can lead to irreversible consequences and cause the spread of endometriosis.

Treatment of endometriosis with herbs

Among existing methods and methods of treating the disease using medicinal herbs special attention deserves treatment of endometriosis with boron uterus. This herb is known for its healing and anti-inflammatory properties and is often used in gynecology.

Treatment of endometriosis with boron uterus - recipe


  • boron uterus - 1 teaspoon;
  • water – 200 ml.

Preparation, use

  1. The grass is poured with boiling water.
  2. Leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Take half a glass with meals several times a day.

Nettle is no less common in the treatment of endometriosis. The herb has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. In case of illness, it is used as follows.

Nettle for endometriosis


  • nettle – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • water – 200 ml.

Preparation, use

  1. The herb is poured with boiling water and kept in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  2. The infusion is topped up boiled water up to 200 ml and take 50–70 ml 2-3 times a day.

Treatment of endometriosis with propolis

In search of how to cure endometriosis, women often encounter therapeutic methods that involve the use of propolis. According to doctors, this natural bee product has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. This resinous substance is collected by bees from the leaves and bark of coniferous trees and is used to disinfect hives.

Treatment of endometriosis with propolis - tincture recipe


  • propolis – 100 g;
  • vodka – 500 ml.

Preparation, use

  1. Propolis is grated.
  2. The raw materials are poured with vodka and placed in a glass container.
  3. Insist 7 days dark place, shaking daily.
  4. The resulting tincture is used for douching: 3–4 tbsp. spoons are diluted in 100 ml of boiled warm water and the procedure is performed. The course of treatment lasts 2 weeks, after which a break is taken.

Propolis candles


  • propolis – 20 g;
  • honey – 100 g.

Preparation, use

  1. Propolis is melted in a water bath and then mixed with honey.
  2. Place in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  3. After cooling, candles are formed from the resulting mass.
  4. Use daily, inserting into the vagina at night for 7 days.

Treatment of endometriosis with leeches

Treatment of endometriosis without hormones is possible by. This method involves using medical leeches. The mucus they secrete contains gerudin. This enzyme has a number of useful properties:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • accelerates blood clotting;
  • reduces thrombosis;
  • reduces the intensity of bleeding during menstruation.

Based on these properties, the following beneficial effects can be identified from the use of leeches during endometriosis:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • immunostimulating;
  • prevention of adhesions;
  • normalization of blood flow in the ovaries and uterus.

Very often, changes occur in the human body due to the influence of external stimuli, which are sometimes difficult to notice with the naked eye. Despite this, they pose a serious danger. It is very important not to ignore women’s ailments that negatively affect the reproductive system.

One such disease is endometriosis, which is increasingly being diagnosed in young girls.

Endometriosis refers to the proliferation of endometrial cells beyond the main layer, which is accompanied by an increase in the density of the walls of the affected organ. These cells are very dependent on the hormonal effects that occur in a woman's body every month. That is why during these periods the risk of bleeding and other complications increases.

Despite the vagueness of the symptoms of endometriosis, its treatment should be as timely as possible, because the pathology carries much more danger than it might seem at first glance.

Endometriosis is a pathological proliferation of endometrial cells. Simply put, with endometriosis, the inner lining of the uterus spreads beyond the organ, affecting not only reproductive system women, but also nearby organs.

Despite the fact that the essence of the disease lies in the proliferation of uterine tissue, the disease increasingly affects not only the uterus. The reason for this process lies in the fact that endometrial cells spread throughout the woman’s body. This feature of the disease makes it very similar to oncological pathologies.

Most often, endometriosis is diagnosed in women aged 25 to 30 years. But, despite stupid stereotypes, the disease can be diagnosed not only in girls whose reproductive system is fully formed. Signs of pathology can be seen in both adolescents and women after menopause. In addition, sometimes the disease occurs even in men.

Symptoms of endometriosis in women

The very first signs of endometriosis, which are also inherent in other gynecological pathologies, are pain in the lower abdomen. Often the pain intensifies with the onset of critical days.

Despite the fact that many girls experience painful sensations during menstruation of different ages, patients diagnosed with endometriosis experience much more intense pain.

  • pain during menstruation in the lower abdomen and back;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • discomfort during bowel movements and urination;
  • spotting between periods;
  • increased intensity of discharge during menstrual periods;
  • infertility;
  • other symptoms inherent various diseases(diarrhea, constipation, general weakness, nausea, etc.).

But, symptoms may vary depending on individual characteristics female body. Also, the severity of the symptoms may be related to the severity of the disease: in the first stages, symptoms appear rarely, but in advanced forms they become permanent.


Despite the fact that pain often accompanies menstruation, it cannot be considered the main symptom of endometriosis, because it can be eliminated with the help of painkillers.

But, pain can also occur during bowel movements, urination or sex. In this case, cutting pains appear 2-3 days before critical days, and disappear with their onset.

Do not think that the severity of pain is a clear indicator of the advanced stage of the disease. Some patients with mild endometriosis experience severe pain, while others with advanced endometriosis may not complain of discomfort at all.

Endometriosis is often mistaken for other diseases that cause pain in the pelvic area, such as adnexitis or ovarian cysts. Sometimes the pain is mistaken for inflammation of the colon, which leads to spasms and problems with bowel movements.

Menstrual irregularities

Disruptions in menstrual cycles may be the first signal of the development of endometriosis. In this case, spotting discharge may appear, both before and after menstruation. In addition, periods become longer.

Despite the protracted nature of the disease, irregular periods are accompanied by increasingly severe pain, as well as a general deterioration in the woman’s well-being.


Infertility is diagnosed after prolonged treatment of a symptom that has caused the inability to conceive a child naturally. Also, to make a diagnosis of infertility, all tests are required.

As a rule, such a symptom is single in nature, because in tandem with other signs, the presence of gynecological pathologies is obvious.

But endometriosis does not always lead to infertility. A positive outcome after treatment largely depends on timely diagnosis of the pathology and well-chosen complex therapy.

Damage to other organs and postoperative scar

Extragenital endometriosis is a very rare disease in which endometrial cells have penetrated far beyond the boundaries of the reproductive organs. This condition can be either the sole localization of endometriosis or be combined with internal or external endometriosis.

This type of disease can develop in different areas of the female body, for example:

  • in the chest organs;
  • in the peritoneum (both in large organs and in the urinary canals, omentum, abdominal wall);
  • in other systems and organs (navel, appendix, scars and postoperative scars, skeletal system, brain, lymph nodes in the groin, etc.).

Very often, the pathology affects postoperative sutures. Despite the fact that diagnostic measures today do not cause difficulties for staging accurate diagnosis, the disease is often confused with an inflammatory infiltrate, and it is in vain to engage in resorption therapy and thermal procedures, which only aggravate the situation. Sometimes in patients, endometriosis is confused with a strangulated ventral hernia, since the pathology causes paroxysmal pain.

Patient complaints of pain in the area are often recorded. postoperative scar, the intensity of which increases with the arrival of menstruation. In addition, during critical days, many patients notice dark brown bloody discharge from the scar. The more abundant the discharge, the less pain, and vice versa.

Despite the increased pain in the area of ​​the postoperative scar, compacted nodules or cysts can also be felt. Their size can vary from pea to cherry or larger.

In addition, many girls with endometriosis talk about local itching in the area of ​​the postoperative scar. Increased humidity is also noticeable skin in places where endometriotic nodes form on the scar.

How does the disease manifest in older women?

Statistics show that the disease affects not only young girls, but also women over 50 years of age. Moreover, after the onset of menopause, the likelihood of developing endometriosis increases, which is caused by an insufficient amount of progesterone.

There are also a number of favorable factors that increase the likelihood of developing endometriosis in old age:

  • excess body weight;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • frequent infectious diseases, suffered throughout life;
  • frequently performed interventions by surgeons, regardless of location.

It is worth noting that pain in the lower abdomen is quite rare in older women. More often, the development of the disease is indicated by bloody discharge of varying intensity.

How to treat uterine endometriosis

To achieve positive result in the treatment of endometriosis, you need to act comprehensively. With timely diagnosis of the pathology, a woman has a great chance of being cured without the intervention of a surgeon.

If you ignore the signs of pathology and do not visit a doctor, a woman risks that the foci of endometriosis will increase every month, the risk of cystic capsules will increase, and the tissue will begin to scar, forming adhesions. Inaction will eventually lead to blockage of the appendages and make the girl infertile.

Due to the fact that today there are various tactics for treating pathology, you can choose the most suitable methods and drugs after consulting with your doctor.

Conservative therapy

Conservative treatment tactics for endometriosis include long-term treatment with hormone-containing medications. As a rule, gynecologists prescribe the following drugs:

Combined oral contraceptives

Prominent representatives of this group are Janine, Logest, and Regulon. The duration of continuous treatment varies between 6-9 months.

Levonorgestrel, norsteroid derivatives

This treatment involves installing a Mirina spiral. The spiral is installed by a gynecologist for a period of 5 years.

Medroxyprogesterone acetate extended release

When treating Depo-Provera, the medicine is administered intramuscularly every 2-3 months. The duration of such treatment is about 6-9 months.

Androgen derivatives

Representatives of this group of hormonal drugs are Gestrinone and Danazol, which are taken for 3 months to six months.

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists

Zoladex and Buserelin are considered popular drugs. You need to take the medicine in the form of a course, the duration of which can be up to 6 months.

In combination with hormonal therapy, gynecologists prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics, sedatives and enzymes. You can also supplement therapy with vitamin complexes.

Surgical intervention

Surgical treatment of endometriosis gives positive results, but there is no guarantee that operated patients will be able to avoid relapse. As a rule, women who have been under the surgeon’s knife once undergo repeated interventions. The probability of recurrence of the disease is 15-45%. Such a wide range is associated with the severity of the pathology, as well as the location of the affected organ. In addition, it matters how radical the operation was.

The most acceptable method of surgical intervention for endometriosis is laparoscopy. This method allows you to insert a laparoscope into the patient’s peritoneum through small punctures on the body and remove pathologically altered tissues, cysts, and adhesions, regardless of their size.

With severe endometriosis, patients need to prepare for the worst - complete removal of the affected organ. Laparoscopy is also widely used for this.

If the patient is of childbearing age, the surgeon will possible ways will try to save reproductive function. Thanks to modern technologies, used in medicine, 60% of operated women of childbearing age, even after surgery, do not lose the opportunity to become pregnant on their own and bear a healthy baby.

Possibility to use an endoscope when surgical treatment endometriosis allows the surgeon to remove the smallest foci of the disease.

After surgical intervention patients are prescribed hormonal therapy, which minimizes the likelihood of exacerbation of the disease.

If endometriosis has a detrimental effect on reproductive function, surgical treatment using an endoscope is practically a woman’s last chance to become a mother.

If after surgical intervention for 5 years a woman managed to avoid exacerbations and complications, she can be considered cured of the pathology.

Folk remedies

As many years of practice have shown, they help achieve a positive result in getting rid of endometriosis. medicinal herbs. But the following recipes are also popular:

Black cumin oil

This remedy has been used for many years in eastern countries as a treatment for gynecological pathologies. The oil allows you to equalize the balance of hormones and promotes the reverse development of pathological growth of the endometrium. You need to take the product 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day for 14-28 days.

Veterinary hood ASD

An excellent remedy for the fight against endometriosis. The drug should be taken 2 times a day before meals in a diluted form, combining 30 drops of the extract with 100 ml of water. The treatment regimen for ASD consists of using the extract for five days, after which a month-long break is taken. Then the treatment is repeated until the symptoms of the pathology are completely eliminated.

Douching solution based on ASD

A one percent solution based on the ASD-2 extract is also suitable for douching. Such treatment will be effective if it is combined with taking ASD orally according to the method given above.

Vitamin complexes

Regardless of treatment methods, taking vitamins has a positive effect on a woman’s health and well-being. Particularly irreplaceable and important are B vitamins, supplemented with magnesium and potassium.

As noted earlier, herbal remedies are very effective for endometriosis. The use of decoctions and tinctures allows you to stop inflammatory processes, normalize blood flow, and get rid of swelling and stagnation.

Shepherd's purse, St. John's wort, nettle, plantain, and viburnum have a positive effect on the body of patients with endometriosis. But the following folk remedies are considered the most effective:

Red brush based products

Medicines inherited from “grandmothers” based on red brush not only help cure endometriosis. They also normalize hormone levels and allow gynecological pathologies to develop in the opposite direction, bringing the moment of recovery closer.

From red brush you can prepare:

  • decoction (1 tablespoon of the plant, pour 250 ml of boiling water, keep in a water bath for 5-7 minutes, cool; consume 100 ml three times a day before meals);
  • alcohol tincture (immerse 3 tablespoons of red brush in 500 ml of vodka and leave to infuse for a month; consume 1 teaspoon orally 3-4 times a day before meals for a month, then rest for 7-14 days, then repeat course again);
  • alcohol solution for douching (before the procedure, dilute 1 tsp. alcohol tincture from a red brush in 500 ml of warm water).
  • Decoctions and tinctures on the boron uterus.

Medicines based on boron uterus have shown themselves to be effective in the treatment of various women's diseases. In addition, tinctures and decoctions can normalize the cyclicity of menstruation, stop bleeding, and stop inflammatory processes.

As therapy with boron uterus, you can use:

  • decoction (pour 1 tbsp of the plant with a glass of boiling water, leave in a water bath for 10 minutes, pass through gauze and cool; take 1 tbsp 2-4 times a day before meals);
  • tincture (50 g of boron uterus, pour 500 ml of vodka, leave for 3-4 weeks in a dark place; take 15-30 drops 3 times a day before meals).
  • Celandine.

The active components of celandine cope well with dermatological pathologies, oncology, tuberculosis, and joint problems.

For celandine therapy, 1 tbsp. the herbs are poured with boiling water and left under a closed lid for about 2 hours. Afterwards you need to strain, take a quarter glass 2-3 times a day, write before drinking. The course of such treatment varies between 2-4 weeks.

Despite what folk remedy is used, it will be possible to achieve positive dynamics only after long-term treatment.

Other ways

For effective treatment For endometriosis, not only decoctions of medicinal herbs are suitable, but also other means, for example, hirudotherapy, clay compresses, etc.

To make clay compresses, different types of clay are suitable, both gray and green. To carry out clay compresses, kaolin is first diluted with water and applied in a thick layer to bottom part belly. The top of the clay is covered with cling film, then with a sheet. You need to keep the compress for no more than 2 hours, repeating the procedure 10 times.

Note! To apply clay compresses, you need to take new clay for each procedure. Previously used material must be recycled.

In addition to its therapeutic effect, clay can improve the condition of the skin, as well as remove toxic substances from a woman’s body.

Hirudotherapy is a great way to get rid of human body from stagnation and swelling. Since such manifestations in endometriosis cause discomfort and pain, in combination with other treatment methods, leech therapy helps to completely forget about the disease. In addition, the use of leeches has very few contraindications, namely the presence of heavy bleeding and poor blood clotting.

Propolis is an indispensable beekeeping product in pharmacology and folk healing, which has also proven itself as effective remedy to get rid of endomeriosis. For home treatment homemade vaginal suppositories and douching are often used with propolis.

To prepare candles, you need to combine 100 ml of honey, 10 g of propolis, heat the mixture for 10-25 minutes, strain. Then form a tampon from a sterile bandage, moisten it in the “sweet mass” and place it in the vagina like a candle.

You can also use the honey mixture prepared according to the above recipe for douching. But, before the procedure, the mass must be diluted in warm water in a ratio of 1:10.

The mixture of propolis and honey should be stored in the refrigerator.

But, do not forget that self-medication does not always achieve a positive result. To avoid complications, especially before using traditional medicine, you need to consult a doctor.

Classification of endometriosis

Today, the classification of endometriosis is very diverse, because the disease is distinguished not only by stages, but also by the degree of damage to the uterus, etc.

Depending on the stage of the pathological process, endometriosis can be:

  • Stage 1 (peritoneal implantation occurs with small peritoneal defects and foci of endometriosis);
  • Stage 2 (endometrioid lesions affect the uterus, cysts form on the ovaries, adhesions and endometrioid infiltrates form on the pelvic organs);
  • 3 stages (endometrioid tissue affects the back side of the cervical tissue and nearby organs; depending on the location of the lesions, they have a stage with the letter a, b, c);
  • Stage 4 (multiple lesions of the pelvic organs, dissemination of endometriosis in the peritoneal organs).

According to the degree of damage to the uterus, the disease is classified as follows:

  • the muscular layer of the uterus is affected;
  • half of the muscle layer is affected;
  • damage to all walls of the uterus.

Distant foci of the pathological process can occur:

  • in postoperative scars;
  • in the navel;
  • in the intestines;
  • in the lungs, etc.

Retrocervical endometriosis

Retrocervical endometriosis is the appearance of foci of endometriosis on the posterior wall of the cervix. More often, the pathology affects women after 30 years of age. This is the most complex type of disease, which is characterized by the uterine layer going beyond acceptable limits.

The causes of the disease have not yet been clearly identified. But, there are accompanying factors that increase the chances of getting sick:

  • heredity;
  • disruptions in the cyclicity of menstruation of various types;
  • illnesses genitourinary system, which lead to the reflux of secretions during menstruation into the peritoneum.
  • diseases affecting the reproductive system;
  • hormonal imbalances, excessive estrogen production;
  • surgical interventions on the uterus, during which the organ mucosa or soft tissues were injured;
  • prolonged use of the fallopian device;
  • improper course of metabolic processes;
  • pathology internal organs.

Despite the fact that the symptoms of this type of endometriosis in the early stages can be confused with various diseases, both of the genital area and internal organs, the progression and further development The disease is fraught with serious exacerbations that require immediate treatment. In the final stages of the disease, the pain will become so unbearable that no painkillers will help relieve it.

Endometriosis and uterine fibroids

The combination of endometriosis with uterine fibroids is a common phenomenon, because fibroids, like endometriosis, develop against the background of an imbalance in hormone levels.

Myoma tissue contains many hormonal receptors, which are very similar in structure to the endometrium. With an imbalance of hormones and exposure to various factors, the growth of the endometrium is aggravated by uterine fibroids.

The combination of fibroids with endometriosis negatively affects a woman’s reproductive function. Pathological nodes and spreading endometrium minimize a woman’s chances of implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity, which can provoke termination of pregnancy. In addition, there is a violation of the contractile activity of the muscles of the uterus, which entails heavy discharge during menstruation and a disruption in the cyclicity of menstruation.

Cervical endometriosis

Cervical endometriosis is characterized by discharge between periods. This pathology rarely causes pain, but often leads to the development of infertility.

To diagnose cervical endometriosis, you need to perform cystoscopy, laparoscopy, colposcopy or sigmoidoscopy.

If cervical endometriosis occurs in combination with cervical fibroids, this significantly complicates the woman’s condition and requires the highest quality treatment, but with a high probability the woman will be infertile.

Ovarian endometriosis

Ovarian endometriosis is a hormone-dependent disease that affects women. The disease occurs as a result of a hormone imbalance, when the cells designed to destroy the endometrium fail to cope with their job. This also happens due to heredity and other diseases.

As the disease progresses, foci of endometriosis form on the ovaries, from which cystic formations form.

Today, ovarian endometriosis is classified into 2 groups. The small form is characterized by individual endometrioid foci, which can form on one or two ovaries at once. The second group is endometrioid cysts, which are capsule-shaped and filled with menstrual blood. It is because of the bloody contents that cysts have a brown-brown color and can transform into oncology.

Used as treatment for diseases pharmacological preparations or surgery, as well as a combination of different methods. But you can get by with one pill only if early diagnosis pathology.

Degrees of endometriosis

Today, medicine knows 4 degrees of endometriosis:

  • 1st degree – single formations on the uterus;
  • 2nd degree – suffer more deep tissue uterus, the number of lesions, as a rule, does not increase;
  • 3rd degree - the number of foci of endometriosis increases, affecting the uterus deeper and deeper, small cysts may form on the ovaries, and on the walls abdominal cavity– adhesions;
  • 4th degree - pathological foci are very deep, cysts reach large sizes, organs grow together.

With early diagnosis of endometriosis (at stage 1), a woman will be able to manage only hormone therapy, without resorting to surgery, maintaining the possibility of natural pregnancy.

As the disease progresses, symptoms increase, anemia and signs of general exhaustion of the body are observed, which cause frequent bleeding.

Causes of endometriosis

Despite the fact that endometriosis does not have a clear cause-and-effect gradation, most often women associate the development of pathology with the following factors:

  • iron deficiency;
  • frequent abortions;
  • polluted environment;
  • overweight;
  • frequent surgeries on the pelvic organs;
  • installation of an intrauterine device;
  • gynecological diseases of an inflammatory nature;
  • defective liver function.

The combination of at least several factors should encourage a woman to regularly visit a gynecologist, which will help diagnose the disease in time and begin its treatment.

Theories of disease development

Experts have concluded that theories for the development of endometriosis may include:

  • menstruation (menstrual discharge with endometrial cells penetrates the peritoneum, as a result of which they “capture” internal organs and tissues, leading to dysfunction);
  • endometrial metaplasia (leaving the uterus, the endometrium can transform into another tissue, although for many it is still not clear how this is possible);
  • hormonal imbalance (the reason for this is a change in the ratio of steroid hormones, an increase in prolactin secretions, as well as a decrease in progesterone production);
  • heredity (sometimes endometriosis is “inherited”, and in such patients scientists have identified the corresponding genetic markers);
  • low immunity (with reduced protective function female body, the immune system cannot destroy endometrial cells, as a result of which they are implanted on neighboring organs without interference and fully develop).

Despite generally accepted theories, every woman should listen to her body; sometimes it gives quite accurate signals that only need to be interpreted correctly.

Risk factors

As noted earlier, hormone imbalance is the main favorable reason for the development of endometriosis. But there are also some indicators that place a woman at increased risk of developing pathology, namely:

  • age restrictions from 30 to 40 years;
  • nulliparous girls (especially those who, after 25-30 years, have not become a mother);
  • girls with long periods (if menstruation lasts more than 7 days and the cycle is shorter than 28 days);
  • teenagers whose periods started too early (before age 12);
  • girls who have been diagnosed with pathology in their family.

Despite this, in many patients the dynamics and condition improve with the onset of menopause or pregnancy, and the symptoms may disappear altogether without drug or surgical treatment of the root cause.

Can it develop into cancer?

Until today, there is no officially confirmed information that endometriosis can transform into cancer. Patients with enlarged endometrium, just like healthy girls, can suffer from oncological diseases, or avoid such acquaintance. Endometriosis does not “help” you get cancer.

Despite this, patients with endometriosis should not aggravate the process and let everything take its course, hoping that the disease will go away on its own. Only timely treatment will relieve irreversible consequences.

How to detect

To diagnose endometriosis, it is enough to undergo an examination by a gynecologist, which may be accompanied by pain - an additional symptom of the disease. It is also recommended to undergo an ultrasound, hysteroscopy, blood test for markers pathological condition endometrium.

If the gynecologist is not completely sure of the accuracy of the diagnosis, the patient may be prescribed additional measures, which will also help choose the most appropriate treatment tactics.


Ultrasound is a safe and easy way to diagnose endometriosis. But this procedure is not informative enough.

In order for the procedure to provide the most accurate picture, an ultrasound scan must be performed at a certain period of the cycle. So, it is recommended to go for ultrasound diagnostics before the onset of your critical days, namely on days 23-25 menstrual cycle. It is at this time that the endometrium reaches its maximum thickness, which will allow for better visualization of lesions.

But, unfortunately, not all forms of endometriosis can be detected using ultrasound. In such situations, additional procedures, such as laparoscopy, are required.


To perform hysteroscopy, the patient needs to be hospitalized. During the procedure, a special device with 10x magnification is used to determine the presence or absence of pathology, which allows you to avoid incisions during the operation, which leave unattractive scars.

Hysteroscopy is indicated not only for suspected endometriosis, but also for diagnosing endometrial polyps, various pathologies endometrioid tissue, infertility, etc.

To carry out the manipulation, the patient is given general anesthesia. Before hospitalization, a woman must undergo a series of examinations in order to avoid unforeseen situations.

Hysteroscopy involves filling the uterus with saline, which is injected into the dilated cervix through a special tube. Due to the filling of the uterus, it increases, allowing better visualization of the cavity. Upon completion of the procedure, the fluid is removed from the patient’s body, discharge is possible on the same day. If the procedure was not carried out as an examination, then the discharge is made on the 3rd day after the procedure.

Colposcopy and biopsy

Colposcopy is a procedure in which the cervix, vaginal walls and external genitalia are examined under a microscope. The manipulation allows you to visualize suspicious cells and the vascular system.

To carry out diagnostics, you do not need to adapt to the phase of the menstrual cycle, because colposcopy is performed at any time when the girl does not have bleeding. But, despite this, it is better to focus on the first phase, because during the procedure it is at this time that a biopsy can be performed.

Biopsy is the removal of a tissue sample from affected areas of an organ. Phase 1 of the cycle without any discharge or inflammation is suitable for manipulation.

Pay attention! After taking a biopsy, the patient may experience bleeding for 3-4 days.

To take tissue samples, exactly those areas that cause the most doubt to the gynecologist during the examination are selected. A tissue fragment of several millimeters is taken as a biopsy and examined in the laboratory. The test results will be ready 7-10 days after taking the sample.

Hysterosalpingography (HSG)

Hysterosalpingography is a method for diagnosing pathologies of the uterus and fallopian tubes, for which X-ray diagnostics with the introduction of contrast are used.

This diagnostic procedure is carried out if tubal infertility, uterine tuberculosis, as well as intrauterine pathologies and abnormal development of the uterus.

Considering the purpose of the HSG, the manipulation is performed on different days of menstruation.

To carry out the procedure, a radiolucent urological chair is required, as well as a digital X-ray machine, which minimizes the effect of radiation exposure.

Before the procedure, the patient lies on the edge of the table in the position required for vaginal operations, the medical staff treats the external genitalia with a disinfectant solution and begins manipulation. To do this, a speculum is inserted into the girl’s vagina, the anterior lip of the cervix is ​​fixed with bullet clamps so as not to puncture the mucous membrane cervical canal. But, the forceps must be fixed motionless so that the tip is held tightly in the cervix. After this, the cannula is filled with contrast, after which the mirror is removed.

HSG is indicated not only for inpatients, but also for outpatients. Before the procedure, the woman must abstain from sex and undergo all tests.


Laparoscopy is not only a way to diagnose various diseases, but also a method of treating endometriosis, which is highly accurate, informative and safe.

During the procedure, you need to make several punctures in the abdomen through which medical instruments are inserted.

Using laparoscopy, you can remove adhesions, excise pathological endometrial cells, and also remove the ovaries and other reproductive organs. This procedure for endometriosis allows a woman to preserve her ability to become pregnant on her own.

CT and MRI

MRI is a non-invasive diagnostic based on the density of hydrogen contained in water, since a person is 90% water.

The duration of the procedure does not exceed 30 minutes, after which the radiologist describes the images and gives the result. MRI does not provide negative impact on the human body, due to which it can be used as a screening.

MRI is prescribed for the most specific diagnosis, especially for those patients whose test results contradict the clinical picture. Manipulation is also indicated for suspected cancer.

Endometriosis on MRI is visualized as thickening of the walls of the uterus, or pathological inclusions in the myometrium.

CT is a layered X-ray analysis of an organ, which requires a computer to obtain. Using the procedure, the smallest pathologies can be diagnosed. This allows not only to confirm or refute the development of endometriosis, but also, if it is present, to indicate clear boundaries of the lesions and check the condition near the internal organs.

The role of psychological factor in diagnosis

The development and progression of endometriosis often leads to psychological problems, resulting in social maladaptation of the patient, which worsens the quality of life.

Depression and psychoemotional disorder are the main symptoms that manifest themselves in chronic pain syndrome. As symptoms increase, the severity of the disease increases, which entails a feeling of anxiety, decreased activity and mood. In other cases, weakness, tearfulness appears, and mood drops.

If the pathology causes infertility, the woman may develop an isolated or mixed anxiety disorder.

The help of a psychotherapist for endometriosis helps relieve anxiety attacks, affects asthenia, feelings of fear and autonomic disorders of internal organs and systems.

In the surgical treatment of pathology, psychotherapy at an early stage postoperative period increases the effectiveness of treatment

When patients complain, psychotherapeutic methods such as hypnosis, music therapy, etc. can be applied to them. But the greatest results can be achieved through cognitive-behavioral therapy.


If you have the slightest suspicion of endometriosis, you should not hesitate; you should visit a doctor as quickly as possible to avoid complications - infertility and malignant tumors.

Thanks to various modern methods Treatment can stop the pathological process, but the situation is complicated by the fact that the disease is not always accompanied by severe symptoms. Unfortunately, many women live with endometriosis for years without even knowing it, because they are not sufficiently aware of what to pay attention to.

How to prevent the disease

Despite the progressiveness of pharmacology and medicine, it is impossible to avoid all possible risks of developing endometriosis. But, observing simple rules, which consist in healthy way life and regular visits to the doctor, etc., you can minimize the likelihood of complications and manifestations.

Endometriosis and sex

According to doctors, there are no justified reasons to remain without intimacy with endometriosis. The only limitation is that you should abstain from sex during menstruation or when bleeding.

In addition to the fact that regular satisfaction from sex improves the condition of the organs of the reproductive system, sexual intercourse normalizes the psycho-emotional background.

Women with endometriosis often experience pain during intimacy with their partner. To avoid this, just talk about your problem, and then, together with your partner, choose the most appropriate poses. If you still cannot get rid of the pain, you should tell your doctor about it, because such a condition may be a signal of exacerbation of the disease, which requires immediate treatment.

Do's and Don'ts

Since endometriosis has a detrimental effect on general condition women have to observe some restrictions in everyday life.

Monitor nutrition

It is not necessary to go on a special diet for endometriosis. But, it is important to monitor the balance of the diet and its completeness. Although there are no strict dietary restrictions, you will still have to give up some gastronomic delights.


With endometriosis, you should not lead a passive lifestyle; on the contrary, a woman should be active. In addition to helping to keep the body in shape, sport helps reduce pain. But don't forget that physical activity should be moderate, do not overexert yourself and get carried away with power loads. Most suitable type sports for women with endometriosis - gymnastic exercises and yoga.

Do not resort to thermal procedures

To minimize the risk of complications, you should not apply heat to the body. If you have endometriosis, you should avoid going to the bathhouse or sauna, and avoid warming up your lower back and lower abdomen.

Reduce time spent under active sun, avoid solariums

This restriction does not mean that patients should be locked up until sunset. It is enough to avoid going outside during peak solar activity, choose less hot months for a beach holiday, drink enough water, and avoid sudden changes in climatic conditions. Such restrictions are due to the fact that studies have confirmed the fact of rapid growth of the endometrium from exposure to high temperature.

Don't get too cold

Hypothermia is also dangerous for healthy women. But, patients with endometriosis are at even greater risk of developing inflammation of the genitourinary system in addition to the already diagnosed disease.

Stop using tampons during your period

In case of endometriosis, the use of tampons is contraindicated, as they interfere with the natural outflow of menstrual flow. This may result in the release of “clogged” secretions into the fallopian tubes and abdominal cavity, which increases the risk of spread of the pathological process. But the use of medicinal tampons is not prohibited. They are produced with special impregnation from herbal decoctions and useful acids. Only the attending physician can prescribe such treatment.

Stick to a daily routine

Patients with endometriosis must adhere to a rest and work schedule. It is important that you get at least 8 hours of sleep a day. In addition, it is worth getting rid of bad habits.

Possibility of pregnancy and bearing a healthy fetus

Despite the fact that many patients become infertile even after treatment for endometriosis, it is still possible to become pregnant on your own. If pregnancy occurs and the gestated fetus has no abnormalities, this should have a positive effect on the course of the disease.

But, if pregnancy has to be terminated, this causes hormonal fluctuations, which aggravates the pathology.

Since during pregnancy female body stops the cyclic production of hormones, endometriotic lesions lose “support” for growth and reproduction. Thus, the disease goes into the sleep phase, the symptoms are minimized or disappear altogether. This is why there is an opinion that pregnancy is an excellent natural cure for endometriosis.

But you shouldn’t rejoice ahead of time. The lull may be temporary until ovulation is restored.

Is it possible to cure endometriosis forever?

As noted earlier, treatment for endometriosis takes a lot of time, but this does not provide any guarantee that the disease will be cured completely. But, with the advent of menopause, the pathology should go away on its own.

Recently, the Mirena intrauterine device has become increasingly popular. The principle of action is the dosed release of a synthetic progesterone substitute. But the spiral only works for 5 years. Despite this, in 5 years it is possible to reverse the development of the pathological process.

Can it go away on its own?

The answer to this question is categorical. Endometriosis does not go away on its own under any circumstances, because once pathological cells have formed, they will no longer be able to disband; they must be removed surgically.

Prices for treatment of endometriosis

The average cost of treatment in the Russian Federation is:

  • conservative treatment – ​​2000-27000 rubles;
  • treatment by excision of retrocervical endometriosis – 10,000-106,000 rubles;
  • laparoscopy – 2000-275000 rub.

Since endometriosis is treated using different methods and techniques (medicines, hormones, surgery, etc.), which are prescribed by the attending physician, the cost of treatment varies significantly. At the same time, positive dynamics are possible only with complex therapy.

? It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer, since the symptoms of endometriosis often do not appear at all, but if they do appear, there can be so many of them that even the most experienced doctor will break his head establishing the correct diagnosis, and the woman will lose not only peace, but also sleep. Identifying endometriosis is difficult, but not impossible.

Whatever the form of endometriosis, the symptoms will almost always be the same, with the exception of some little things:

  • pain is the most common symptom. Identified endometriosis causes pain in the lower abdomen and lower back to varying degrees gravity. There is an increase in pain during menstruation and may even lead to the need to take painkillers. Sex and bowel movements can also cause vaginal problems;
  • disruptions in menstruation - brown discharge often appears before and after menstruation, an increase in blood discharge and prolongation of menstruation. Such symptoms are also caused by the fact that the situation aggravates the woman. Sometimes painful bleeding appears outside the menstrual cycle, which is caused by an increase in the amount of estrogen and a decrease in progesterone;
  • infertility is a sign of an asymptomatic disease and at this time it is almost impossible to diagnose it. You can treat infertility for years before endometriosis is detected. Often this form causes adhesion in the pelvis and therefore decreases significantly;
  • intoxication – along with pain, weakness, nausea, increased temperature, chills, and an increase in the number of leukocytes appear;
  • other signs that appear in rare forms of the disease: intestinal motility, painful urination, blood in the urine, hemoptysis during menstruation.

Some women may confuse the signs of endometriosis with uterine fibroids, especially if such a diagnosis has already been made. Some people generally do not notice the pain and irregularities of menstruation, thinking that this state of affairs is the norm.

Menstruation does not cause heavy blood loss and does not affect a person’s ability to work. If such symptoms are detected, you should not try to make a diagnosis yourself - you need to go to an experienced doctor.

The procedure for diagnosing uterine endometriosis is a rather problematic process, which only an experienced doctor can accurately determine.

How to recognize endometriosis if symptoms have not yet appeared? At the first examination by a doctor, it is quite problematic to reliably determine the presence of endometriosis. The doctor will be able to accurately determine the disease only after examination, tests and other instrumental diagnostic methods.

During the examination, you can only detect an enlargement of the uterus and its appendages, as well as diagnose a tumor-like formation fused to the uterus. In addition, a gynecological examination will be accompanied by severe pain, which makes it difficult to examine the woman.

Vaginal endometriosis can be detected through processes such as colposcopy, during which foci of the disease are marked by blue zones, however, this is a rare disease, so the diagnosis of endometriosis is not carried out only in this way.

If there is a suspicion of endometriosis, tests should be taken immediately, and the following methods will be needed to establish an accurate diagnosis:

  • . Most effective method diagnostics, allowing to diagnose even ovarian endometriosis and benign endometrioid cysts;
  • hysterosalpingography (HSG)- a method that involves the use contrast agent, which allows you to reliably determine the degree of damage to the zones and the patency of the fallopian tubes;
  • – allows you to accurately identify the diffuse form of adenomyosis. Thanks to hysteroscopy, the gynecologist can clearly examine defects of the uterus and the mouth of the tubes, which will appear as red dots against the background of a pale mucous membrane;
  • – a microsurgical method for diagnosing the disease, which allows you to identify any type of disease and immediately prescribe treatment;
  • blood test using endometriosis markers is used as additional method diagnostics In the presence of endometriosis, the level of CA-125 in the blood increases significantly and makes it possible to determine the severity of the disease and the effectiveness of the treatment already used.

What diagnostic methods to prescribe and use should be determined by the gynecologist at the first examination and the presence of certain symptoms.

Sometimes a diagnosis can be made only with the help of an examination in a chair and an ultrasound examination, and sometimes it is necessary to carry out an extreme research method - laparoscopy. Symptoms and diagnosis should be observed by an experienced doctor.

What complications may arise?

If endometriosis is not diagnosed in a timely manner and no effective treatment has been prescribed, unpleasant complications may occur at certain stages of the disease:

  • infertility - can be observed in 40% of women who suffer from endometriosis;
  • posthemorrhagic anemia develops due to constant blood loss during menstruation;
  • adhesions develop in the pelvis and abdomen;
  • endometrioid ovarian cysts form;
  • nerve trunks are compressed, causing damage to neural stem cells;
  • a complication of the disease occurs - the formation of a malignant tumor.

Pregnancy with illness

During endometriosis, there is no talk of infertility as a disease that can only be treated with surgery. At this time, the chance of getting pregnant simply decreases significantly.

There are cases of conceiving a baby with endometriosis, but this is very rare for a child, such as miscarriage. How to determine this situation?

In such a situation, you need to undergo regular examinations with a doctor and strictly follow all his instructions, which will be recommended after a thorough study of the disease.

The causes of the disease have not yet been reliably established. There are several opinions about why infertility can occur with endometriosis:

  • mechanical defects in the patency of the tubes, disruptions in the structure of the ovaries, failures in the release of the egg due to adhesions;
  • endocrinological diseases, immune disorders that occur with endometriosis. They negatively affect ovulation, fertilization and the transition of the egg to the uterus;
  • malfunction of the fallopian tube, which can be caused by an increase in prostaglandins during endometriosis;
  • increased frequency and risk of miscarriage;
  • luteinized follicle syndrome;
  • inflammation;
  • unfavorable conditions in the womb - the creation of conditions for the impossibility of conception, which the body dictates independently.

Based on recent research, most sick women, despite having regular periods, cannot experience natural ovulation, which is a mandatory process during conception. In such a situation, stimulants will not be able to help, without giving any effect, only causing harm to the body.

Medical literature confirms that the pregnancy rate after complete recovery and organ-preserving surgical operations can be up to 56%, depending on the degree of endometriosis.

Most often, pregnancy can occur within 13 months after treatment. However, the entire period should be under the supervision of a professional doctor who will monitor the progress of the disease regression and the process of conceiving a child.

It is quite rare to encounter a situation where, after treatment for endometriosis, a patient cannot become pregnant for more than six months. How to identify the reasons?

The woman will need to undergo certain examinations aimed at finding other factors that cause infertility.

In such a situation, you should not give up, because modern medicine can do very, very much. If endometriosis appears, diagnosis must be carried out in a timely manner, otherwise there is a risk of serious complications.


Be on your guard, endometriosis occurs in 7-50% of people aged 20-40 years. You can suspect endometriosis on your own when something bothers you before or during. This is due to the fact that those located outside continue to function. In genital forms, common symptoms include pain and spotting, and sometimes bleeding during sexual intercourse. If the process extends beyond the pelvis, it also changes depending on the lesion, but in any case the cyclicity remains.

Contact your gynecologist. When the process is localized in the genital area, a simple examination may be sufficient. The doctor will take swabs. And although cytological examination is not very informative in diagnosing endometriosis, it will help exclude other diseases.

You may be recommended additional methods beyond the routine examination. Ultrasound diagnostics makes it possible to establish a diagnosis in more than 90% of cases. A transvaginal probe is usually used for the procedure. It is preferable to conduct the examination before the onset of menstruation. X-ray hysterosalpingography is also used. The essence of the study is to introduce a contrast agent into the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes and perform radiography. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the pelvic organs can be used, in case of extragenital lesions and other parts, it diagnostic value also exceeds 90%. Laparoscopy is extremely informative for diagnosing localizations of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis. But its use is somewhat limited due to its invasiveness.

Remember that there are also forms of endometriosis that extend not only to the genitals, but also to other organs. The reason is the spread of endometriotic cells with blood and lymph. A variety of methods can be used to identify extragenital forms. In case of intestinal damage, sigmoidoscopy is used, in case of suspected involvement of the stomach - fibrogastroduodenoscopy, in case of suspected damage to the respiratory organs - x-ray and bronchoscopy. The diagnosis is confirmed by histological examination; for this, a biopsy of the affected area is performed.

  • Internal factors of the body;
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Metaplasia of the affected tissue (transition from one type of tissue to another).

Internal factors of the body include: immunity disorders, hormonal disorders, stress and toxic effects. A decrease in immunity, in principle, significantly increases the body's sensitization to various diseases, especially diseases that affect the female reproductive system. Violations of the regulatory function of the immune system lead to the fact that the endometrial tissue of the uterus quickly and easily grows into the body of the uterus.

Hormonal disorders may also lead to the development of the disease. A number of studies have found that the majority of patients with endometriosis have significantly increased levels of steroid hormones in the blood against the background of a decrease in progesterone levels. This leads to a decrease in the influence of androgenic function of the adrenal glands and, as a result, endometrial tissue begins to grow.

Experts identify a familial form of endometriosis, when the disease is transmitted through the female line at the genetic level. As a result of research, a certain marker gene was identified that determines the body’s sensitivity to common factors and the possibility of developing endometriosis.

The causes of metaplasia are still not clear, but the fact of the transition of endometrial tissue to another type of tissue has been proven. Perhaps this is due to the toxic influence of external factors, such as smoking, alcohol and drug use.

Depending on the location of the disease, experts distinguish several forms of endometriosis:

  • Genital form- generalized damage to the organs and peritoneum of the pelvis. Endometrial cells grow slightly, affecting neighboring organs, causing a change in their functions and thickening of the physiological walls;
  • Extragenital form- spread of endometrial tissue beyond the reproductive organs. In this case, the intestines, stomach walls, organs are affected urinary system, and even lungs;
  • Combined form- develops with simultaneous genital and extragenital forms. It is considered one of the most difficult forms of the disease, since it is necessary to carry out complex treatment, aimed at simultaneous elimination of both subforms.

Specialists at the GMS Clinic Center for Obstetrics and Gynecology say: most often, the combined form develops from another untreated or completely untreated form of endometriosis. To avoid having to deal with several forms at once in the future, strictly follow your doctor’s instructions and stop treatment only when your doctor tells you to.

Due to the fact that it occurs most often genital endometriosis, it was decided to classify the disease according to smaller characteristics for further selection of optimal treatment.

Adenomyosis - the spread of endometrial tissue into the muscle tissue of the uterus and other genital organs, can be divided into 4 stages:

  1. At the first stage, superficial damage to the mucous membranes occurs before endometrial cells grow into the myometrium;
  2. The second stage involves the deeper layers of the myometrium. The disease spreads to the middle muscle tissue;
  3. At the third stage, total damage to the endometrium occurs down to the serous tissue;
  4. The fourth stage is characterized by the spread of endometrial tissue to the parietal peritoneum and ingrowth into it.

The first and second stages are much more treatable than the fourth, at which the option of surgical intervention is already being considered. That is why specialists at our obstetrics and gynecology clinic advise not only to regularly visit a doctor for the prevention and diagnosis of the current state of the body, but also under no circumstances delay going to the doctor if any of the symptoms are detected.

The symptoms of the disease can be different and, as often happens, may coincide with the symptoms of other diseases. Depending on the severity, signs of the disease may appear rarely, or they may become constant companions and disturb the woman’s peace.

  1. Pain sensations arising in the abdominal area. Pain appears during menstruation, but it can be taken not as a symptom of the disease, but as a typical phenomenon and suppressed with the help of painkillers. Another type of pain is during sexual intercourse and bowel movements. Patients characterize their condition as follows: cutting pain in the lower abdomen that appears a few days before the onset of menstruation and disappears after;
  2. Symptoms of body intoxication. Nausea, vomiting, dizziness and weakness in the background increasing ESR and leukocytes in the blood - a sure symptom of endometriosis;
  3. Menstrual cycle changes can be a clear sign of disorders and the development of the disease. Spotting appears before and after menstruation, and the periods themselves become longer. In addition to the protracted nature, an increase in pain and general deterioration of the body.
  4. Infertility as one of the symptoms of endometriosis. The disease is discovered after long-term treatment of the symptom, after an accurate diagnosis and passing all tests. Most often, this symptom is the only one, since in combination with other symptoms, a disease of the genital area becomes obvious;
  5. Local symptoms in extragenital forms. This may be a weakening of intestinal motility, painful and frequent urination, hemoptysis before and during menstruation.

Specialists at the GMS Clinic Center for Obstetrics and Gynecology believe that taking care of your health and contacting a doctor when the first symptoms are detected significantly increases the possibility of getting rid of endometriosis and reducing the severity of the consequences.

The first thing our clinic specialists will offer you after consultation is a detailed diagnostic test to make an accurate diagnosis. Remember, no matter how obvious the symptoms are, you need to undergo a series of tests and only then begin treatment.

  1. External inspection. As a rule, it causes painful sensations, which are taken as an additional symptom;
  2. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs using a vaginal probe;
  3. Hysteroscopy to determine the extent of endometriosis by organ;
  4. Carrying out a blood test for a marker of endometriosis.

To the main measures for diagnosing endometriosis, the gynecologist can add additional necessary studies in cases of questionable diagnosis. Only after there is no longer any doubt about the disease can we move on to choosing the most effective treatment.

The most popular way to treat the disease is long-term hormonal therapy. It leads to a decrease in ovarian activity, suppression of ovulation and a decrease in estrogen levels in the blood. As a consequence, regression of the disease occurs and a decrease in the number and density of endometrial tissue foci.

For this purpose, various groups of hormonal drugs are used, including oral contraceptives. The selection of the remedy occurs according to the blood map and hormonal ratios in the body.

  1. Single-phase combined oral contraceptives give good results. They are most often used to prevent disease or to mild treatment degree of endometriosis;
  2. Derivatives of norsteroid hormones. In most cases, drugs are used long acting, for example, intrauterine devices. Acts locally, used to treat genital forms of endometriosis varying degrees heaviness;
  3. Prolonged progestin hormones. They are administered intramuscularly every 2-3 months, suppress follicle function, and are suitable for the treatment of genital and combined forms of endometriosis;
  4. Androgen derivatives. They are used as shock therapy in the most severe cases, as they have quite serious side effects up to masculinity. The last group is used to “freeze” endometriosis if it cannot be treated. They cause the so-called “artificial menopause”, reducing the total amount of hormones in the body. They are used extremely rarely and only in cases where there is no other option.

In addition, there is symptomatic treatment endometriosis. First of all, we are talking about pain syndrome. Anti-inflammatory, enzyme, sedatives and antispasmodics are used as adjuncts to suppress other symptoms and maintain normal functioning of the body.

For diseases of the 3rd and 4th degree of severity, preference is given to surgical methods treatment. Most often, laparoscopy is used, which consists of a targeted effect on the foci of the disease with cauterization. This reduces the likelihood of endometriosis growing and leads to recovery over time. This is how endometriosis of the uterine body and endometriosis of the cervix are treated. In addition, there are types of disease for which it is impossible to use hormone therapy.

In exceptional cases, doctors choose laparotomy with manual removal of disease foci. For example, ovarian endometriosis often requires just such surgical intervention. Rehabilitation after such an operation takes longer and is under the supervision of doctors, in most cases in combination with drug treatment hormones and other drugs.

Specialists at the Center for Obstetrics and Gynecology GMS Clinic often combine surgery with drug therapy to achieve the best results. The doctors at our clinic have extensive experience in treating endometriosis, so you can count on achieving maximum results after contacting us.

Rehabilitation in most cases proceeds quite quickly with complete restoration of reproductive function and healing of tissue layers affected by endometriosis. However, throughout your life you will need to undergo a preventive examination, consisting of ultrasound diagnostics and monitoring of endometriosis markers in the blood. This is necessary not only to monitor the body’s recovery, but also to prevent relapses of the disease.

Except traditional methods treatments are sometimes resorted to folk medicine for speedy rehabilitation. This can include acupuncture carried out under the supervision of a gynecologist, hirudotherapy for speedy healing and suppression of inflammation, physiotherapy and herbal medicine. In addition, special herbal teas are recommended for use as prophylaxis and after recovery.

Risk factors for developing endometriosis:

  • Shortening of the menstrual cycle, prolongation of menstruation;
  • Weight gain, obesity;
  • Use of intrauterine contraceptives;
  • Increased level estrogen in the blood;
  • Age from 35 to 40 years.

Agree, it is much easier to prevent the development of a disease or cure it early stage than to treat severe endometriosis. In order to protect yourself, GMS Clinic gynecologists suggest following the following list of preventive measures:

  1. Regular visits to the gynecologist's examination room - it is best to do this once every six months, in extreme cases - once a year;
  2. Timely and full treatment chronic gynecological diseases. Don’t let your diseases get worse, they can not only transform into other forms, but also provoke new ones;
  3. Sexual abstinence during menstruation. This measure will help avoid the reflux of blood clots with endometrial cells into the uterus;
  4. Fighting excess body weight, physical exercise will help not only keep the whole body in good shape, but also protect against endometriosis;
  5. The right choice hormonal contraception. Take oral contraceptives only after consulting a doctor; hormones are a very serious and dangerous thing.

By following these simple rules, you can protect yourself from developing endometriosis. In addition, we advise clients who have a confirmed diagnosis to follow a special diet and lifestyle to maintain their body.

The diet should include about 50% of vegetables and fruits, giving preference to balanced foods. From coffee, carbonated drinks and foods containing large number It is better to avoid flavoring additives and dyes. Play sports, lead an active lifestyle: all this will help fight the disease faster.

We are always ready to help. And we are not just talking about diagnostics, preventive measures or standard treatment regimens. GMS Clinic doctors take on even the most difficult cases, helping patients return to normal life and never remember the disease.

In order to provide our clients with quality services, all doctors undergo timely training in new technologies, attend qualifications and seminars to maintain their knowledge at the highest level, and train abroad. But it’s not just a matter of knowledge, because no matter how much a doctor knows, without good equipment it is impossible to carry out even an accurate diagnosis, not to mention treatment.

We make sure you are healthy!