Nowadays, numbness of the left hand is quite common. It occurs in many people, regardless of their gender or age. But there is no need to panic. Since such a condition can be caused by a disease of the blood vessels or nerves of the hand, it can also be caused by cervical neuralgia.

In addition, such a symptom may well indicate an unhealthy heart. This inaccuracy in determining the diagnosis is mainly due to the presence of several zones on the hands where numbness or sensitivity disorder of the skin itself very often occurs.

Why do I feel numbness in my left arm?

There are many conditions that can cause numbness in the left hand, and the good news is that not all are a major cause for concern. Numbness can be caused by inflammation, infection, or even injury. In many cases, numbness is the result of nerve damage or lack of blood supply to one area.

Stroke is one of many conditions that can cause numbness in the left hand. During a stroke, the blood supply to the brain is reduced or interrupted. Therefore, the brain lacks nutrients and oxygen. Some common causes of stroke include smoking and high blood pressure.

Those who suffer from heart disease experience numbness in the little finger on the left hand and the ring finger. This usually appears at night. And further from the fingers, numbness spreads throughout the entire arm from the inside to the forearm.

In the case when the tips of the fingers on both hands go numb during the early spring or late winter, this may indicate a lack of vitamins A and B. And the manifestation of such a symptom in people over 45 years of age often serves as evidence of the onset of the development of atherosclerosis of the vessels of both hands.

Numbness or tingling in the left arm may also be related to cardiac application, life-threatening, when the blood supply to the heart is insufficient to perform normal physiological and contractile functions. During a heart attack, chest pain may spread to other areas such as the arms, back, shoulder, and abdomen.

Intermittent numbness in the left arm

Injury to the fingers, elbow, or hand can also cause hand numbness. Rejuvenation of the hands and arms is sometimes accompanied by sharp pain in the area that was broken. To diagnose a destroyed bone, a x-ray. General symptoms broken bones in the left hand include sharp pain and a tingling sensation in the left arm. Fractures can be from the bones of the collar, lower arm, humerus, or upper arm. Such fractures can cause numbness in the left arm.

Numbness of the left hand (in principle, as well as the right) often occurs in people who perform any monotonous work for quite a long time. For example, this could be sewing, printing or knitting and many other activities. This is often accompanied by stiffness of movement or convulsive cramping of the fingers.

Many times, numbness in the arms is confused for angina. The pain from angina is caused mainly by arteriosclerosis, when the blood arteries of the heart thicken. This is also called a heart attack. Proper treatment and diet, which consists of low level cholesterol, can cure angina pectoris.

In this condition, the fingers become cold when the temperature is cold. The arteries that carry blood to the arms are narrow, causing numbness. Treatment for Raynaud's disease depends on the severity of symptoms. This disease is more common in women. This results in numbness in the left arm because blood circulation to the arm is cut off. If a person has diabetes, they also likely suffer from a condition called diabetic neuropathy. Nerve damage is also called peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy can also be caused by exposure to toxins, metabolic problems, injury, and infection.

This also suggests that the neuromuscular system of the arm is subject to functional overload. There are cases when the middle and the middle go numb at the same time. This process begins with and then gradually spreads directly to its outer side.

In this case, there is weakness in the hand and painful sensations when bending. This can signal either an illness or damage to the shoulder, namely its nerve plexus. It should be noted that quite often there is numbness of the left hand, not of the entire hand, but of certain fingers. In addition, similar sensations can occur in right hand, and both hands at the same time.

The brachial plexus refers to a network of nerves. This network sends signals to the arms and shoulders from the spine. In this case, the hand nerves become overloaded or torn. Additionally, carpal tunnel syndrome causes numbness in the fingers due to nerve damage. The cubital tunnel is a narrow passage in the elbow where the ulnar nerve passes through. When this nerve is compressed due to a knee fracture, cyst or bone spur, there may be decreased grip, tingling in the left arm, numbness, etc. this is a condition called ulnar nerve entrapment or cubital tunnel syndrome.

So, if the index finger and either the middle and index fingers of one, and often both, hands go numb, then we can talk about a disease. Although it could also be a disease of the deep cervical muscles that compress the nerve roots, or intervertebral discs. At the same time, the strength in the fingers decreases, and in some cases pain occurs in the shoulder area and the outer side of the forearm.

Diagnosis of numbness in the left hand

If your doctor thinks that the numbness in your left arm is caused by minor nerve damage, he or she may need to do a nerve test or electromyogram. This test helps check the electrical properties of the nerves in the hand. Blood tests may show signs of infection or toxins. An x-ray will be required if it is a fracture.

How to deal with numbness in your left hand

If there is interruption in circulation for some time, move your arms and hands to relieve pain and improve circulation from compressed or pinched nerves. Dietary changes can also help conditions such as diabetes by regulating blood circulation. Treatments and medications are also available if there are circulatory problems, bowel ganglion or diabetic neuropathy. If numbness is caused by injury, do not strain your arm, rest instead. You can also apply a cold compress to the affected areas and raise your hand slightly above your heart to combat swelling. For carpal tunnel syndrome, it's best to keep your wrists straight and don't try to do anything that might make the condition worse. For swelling or fractures and pain, try a warm compress. . Depending on the cause, the numbness may fade or reappear quickly.

Numbness of the left hand and, of course, the right is often a consequence of chronic consumption of alcoholic beverages and smoking. Because they lead to poisoning not only of the nervous system, but of the entire body as a whole. Often, on the palmar side the index, middle and ring finger, and often - all, with subsequent spread to the forearms.

If the numbness is chronic, there is likely nerve damage. If your numbness lasts several minutes, see your doctor. Numbness can be a symptom of various conditions, disorders or diseases. This can be serious and needs to be diagnosed immediately.

Causes of numbness and tingling in the left hand

Prevent permanent brachial plexus by avoiding placing your hands on the back of the chair.

  • At low temperatures wear warm gloves.
  • Avoid for a long time lie down on large tables when working on a computer.
  • Avoid using mechanical screwdrivers.
  • Avoid placing your hands on the pillow or your head on your hand while sleeping.
Sometimes you may feel numbness in your left arm or shoulder. Some people will also feel a tingling pain in their left arm along with numbness. This may indicate nervous breakdown or poor circulation or due to electrolyte imbalance.

It should be noted that very often numbness in the hands is caused by reasons that are far from the location of such unpleasant sensations. Such ailment can be caused by dysfunction of certain internal organs, stress, previous surgeries, adhesions in the chest cavity formed after pneumonia.

Some strong medications taken for psychotic disorders will also cause numbness in the left arm. Simple stretching exercises and gentle massage can easily combat this numbness. But if the same numbness is felt regularly and in chronic conditions, then you need to seek immediate medical advice.

Left arm rejuvenation is not a symptom of a stroke or heart attack. A heart attack will have other symptoms such as shortness of breath, suffocation, palpitations, confusion and sweating. In addition, there will be a tightening of pain in the heart. A stroke is a condition in which the blood supply to the brain is suddenly cut off due to a blood clot in the arteries that carry blood to the brain. This can lead to numbness in your left arm. However, a stroke will have some other symptoms such as headache, vision problems and difficulties walking and even speaking.

A very serious situation when numbness occurs in the little finger of the left hand, which indicates heart disease. Although in situations where numbness in the fingers indicates nervous disorders, you should be extremely careful and treat the situation with full responsibility.

Be that as it may, and no matter what symptoms are observed, it is necessary to seek advice from a specialist. To this extent, only he will be able to assess all the symptoms, identify the cause that caused them, and prescribe a course of treatment. After all, self-diagnosis and self-medication often lead to disastrous results, since in this case the likelihood of developing the disease increases sharply.

Crutch breathing is a type of nerve dysfunction that can cause numbness in the left arm. This occurs mainly in people who use muffs for walking. Here they apply pressure to the armpits, which gradually puts pressure on the radial nerve, causing an abnormal sensation that causes numbness. Additionally, crutch paralysis will have other symptoms such as difficulty moving the arm and widening of the wrist and severe pain in the left arm.

A fracture in the elbow or arm, or even in the fingers, can lead to numbness in the left hand. This can occur due to nerve compression, ganglion cysts that affect joint movement, and also due to angina. Sometimes this can be caused by a simple vitamin deficiency or overuse alcohol.

A huge number of people are faced with the phenomenon of numbness of the limbs. Of particular concern is a sharp numbness of the left hand - such a symptom can warn us about enough serious illnesses. For example, this could be a pre-infarction condition or a sign of an impending stroke.

But don't panic if you feel numb left hand! First, let's understand everything possible reasons. In addition, the hand may become numb during sleep or after prolonged work at the computer - this is not so scary.

Another factor that causes numbness in the left arm is Cubital Tunnel Syndrome. It is also described as an ulnar nerve entrapment, in which the ulnar nerve is compressed as it passes through the cubital tunnel at the elbow. If you have deep pain in your elbow and decreased grip in your arm along with numbness in your left arm, it may be due to this syndrome.

Indigestion can also cause numbness in the left arm, in addition to belching and a burning sensation in the heart. If you do not experience any of the above symptoms but are only left with arm numbness, it may be due to poor circulation. In case it is a heart attack, you may have dull pain in your left arm or shoulder, as well sharp pain in the chest. The pain will quickly spread to your back, causing restlessness and shortness of breath. However, there are people who have had a massive attack with no symptoms other than chest pain.

Why does my left hand go numb during sleep?

If you wake up at night or in the morning, feel an unpleasant tingling in your left hand and can hardly move it, there is most likely no reason for concern. Numbness of the hand, both left and right, may be due to disruption of the blood vessels. Perhaps you simply slept in an awkward position.

Causes of numbness in the left shoulder

If you experience numbness in your left arm after completing your exercise regimen, it may be due to persistent heart-related angina. Some people may get numbness in the legs and arms, as well as tingling pain in the jaw, then it may be an attack if it is accompanied by chest pain.

There is no way to decide or say for sure that numbness in the left arm is due to a heart attack or stroke. There must be other noticeable symptoms or discomfort in the body to visit a doctor. Your doctor will look for and look for other symptoms before treatment. Treatment depends on the causative factor.

Some people also sometimes experience the so-called “lovers syndrome” - everyone probably knows the common sleeping position in which a woman’s head rests on a man’s arm or shoulder.

Because of this, the hand becomes numb, because the vessels in it are pinched and blood circulation is disrupted. So, if you feel numbness in your arm at night or when waking up in the morning, try doing physical exercises. Usually within 5-10 minutes discomfort(“goosebumps”) disappear and normal hand mobility returns.

In case the numbness in the left arm is due to circulatory problems, he will give medications to restore it. If it is due to diabetic neuropathy or ganglion cyst, he will give suitable treatment for relief. There are many causes of numbness in the left hand. There is no feeling in the hand, as well as fingers, if a person has numbness in the hand. This numbness in the hands is usually caused by compressed nerves in the hand. A tingling or burning sensation may occur, sometimes along with pain that is sharp.

But at the same time, numbness in the left hand can be a symptom of a threat to life, such as possible problem with heart. Therefore, any numbness in the left arm should be diagnosed as soon as possible, especially if it is accompanied by chest discomfort.

If the symptoms do not recur, then you do not have to worry about anything. If this situation occurs regularly, then it is better to consult a doctor for examination. In some cases, there is numbness in both hands, simultaneously or alternately. This could be a symptom cervical osteochondrosis or polyneuropathy. More accurate diagnosis Only a specialist can supply it.

Numbness in the fingertips of the left hand

What causes numbness in your left hand? Causes of this condition may include. There may be an elbow, arm, or fingers that break, causing numbness in the arm. Sensation in the arm and arm due to a fracture is usually accompanied by sharp pain in the area of ​​the fracture.

Nerve compression and nerve damage

Occasionally, the nerve that moves from the left arm to the central nervous system, shrinks. This is one of the most common reasons. This is due to interference with blood circulation in the left arm, as well as a pinched nerve. One of the leading causes of nerve damage is diabetic neuropathy. Another cause of nerve damage is carpal tunnel syndrome, which is caused by compressed nerves in the wrist and is one of the leading causes of workplace injury from working on computers.

Why does my hand go numb while working at the computer?

We found out why your hand goes numb when you sleep. What about numbness during the working day? A huge number of office workers complain from time to time of numbness in their hands. This phenomenon is called "carpal tunnel syndrome." The carpal (or metacarpal) canal is the opening through which the trunk of the median nerve passes.

The metacarpal tunnel is located in the area of ​​the tendon ligaments, which ensure proper mobility of the wrist. This numbness of the hands is sometimes also called “pianist syndrome.” People of various professions requiring DC voltage hands, encounter “pianist syndrome” at least from time to time. If discomfort occurs rarely and severe pain If you don’t feel it, experts advise simply reducing the load on your wrists and be sure to do exercises for your joints.

However, if the hand often goes numb or the numbness is accompanied by noticeable pain, this may indicate a pinched nerve. In this case, an immediate visit to the doctor is required. In advanced stages, this disease can lead to dire consequences, up to the loss of the brush.

What to do if your hand suddenly goes numb?

When you feel numbness in your left arm from the hand and above (the numbness has an ascending nature) and at the same time you feel severe increasing pain, call immediately emergency assistance. If symptoms persist for more than an hour, it is most likely arterial thrombosis. A person whose left arm is painful and numb must be urgently hospitalized and measures must be taken to restore normal blood flow. The slightest delay can cost the patient a limb.

This is not the only one serious problem, a symptom of which may be numbness in the left arm. Often this phenomenon indicates an impending stroke or heart attack. If numbness is accompanied by pain in the heart, you cannot hesitate for a second, this is a sign of a pre-heart attack, call an ambulance.

A stroke can sometimes be recognized even before initial stage. It may not lead to a serious hemorrhage, however, if a person simultaneously has a numb left arm, a headache and speech impairment (it is difficult to pronounce words), these are already signs of a micro-stroke. Also, these symptoms are often accompanied by disruption facial muscles(it is difficult for a person, for example, to smile). In this case, immediate contact with emergency doctors is mandatory.

We figured out the main reasons why the left hand goes numb. Fortunately, the most common is numbness associated with dysfunction circulatory system. It is very simple to eliminate its causes, and besides, it is easy to carry out prevention. Morning exercises, walks in the fresh air, proper nutrition and normal sleep in most cases reduce the likelihood that you will crush your blood channels in your sleep. The same recommendations should be given to those who suffer from cervical osteochondrosis, as well as to people at risk of heart attack or stroke.

As for the last group, one charge will not be enough. Try to avoid stress and see your doctor regularly. It’s better to play it safe once again to prevent a tragedy. If you have problems with blood pressure, get a good blood pressure monitor and measure your blood pressure regularly, especially when you feel unwell. If you see that your blood pressure is even slightly higher than normal, try to take measures to reduce it. This will help prevent critical conditions.

  • systolic (upper): 109 + (0.5 x age, years) + (0.1 x weight, kg);
  • diastolic (lower): 63 + (0.1 x age, years) + (0.15 x weight, kg).