If you feel pain under your left shoulder blade, this is definitely a symptom of a disease, and not just osteochondrosis, as is usually believed. Let's take a look possible reasons pain under the left shoulder blade.


Yes, for osteochondrosis cervical region spine possible painful sensations in the area of ​​the scapula. But before these pains, a pulling pain usually appears first, dull ache in the head-neck area, just below the back of the head. It intensifies in the morning after waking up, with sudden turns of the head. Or in the evening - especially after prolonged stress on the cervical spine, for example, during renovation work in rooms (plastering walls, whitewashing ceilings). These sensations subside when the painful areas are warmed up - it is often enough to stand under a moderately hot shower. But sometimes, with exertion or hypothermia, these symptoms spread to the entire head, left hand with radiating pain in the shoulder blade, even attacks of numbness occur in both arms, accompanied by dizziness.

Myocardial infarction

The cause of pain in the area of ​​the left shoulder blade may be myocardial infarction. This is a very serious disease, it is expressed by the following symptoms: it begins with an acute attack of angina, accompanied by severe pain in the sternum, spreading to the entire left arm, into the shoulder blade, covering part of the back, quickly moving up the neck to lower jaw. These pains cannot be relieved with conventional heart medications that dilate blood vessels, such as nitroglycerin and validol. This requires qualified assistance from a specialist - a cardiologist. The cause of this attack may be severe mental or physical stress on the body, but doctors note a number of cases of attacks occurring at rest. This form of angina is called rest angina or exertional angina, depending on the reasons for its occurrence.

Intercostal neuralgia

Pain in the area of ​​the left shoulder blade also accompanies intercostal neuralgia. With this disease, pain can be periodic or constant; it occurs on one side of the chest and moves towards the intercostal spaces. Such pain intensifies when walking, physical activity, sudden movements of the body, even when sneezing, coughing, or palpating the painful area. Intercostal neuralgia can also be accompanied by tingling, burning, loss of sensation in the muscles, discomfort in the area of ​​the heart, back, lumbar region, and accordingly, under the left (right) shoulder blade.

Psychological problems

Heaviness and pain in the chest, accompanied by tingling, burning, a feeling of squeezing, inexplicable discomfort, concentrated in the heart area and radiating under left shoulder blade, cause psychological problems. Symptoms may weaken or, on the contrary, intensify and increase, moving from the chest area up to the collarbone, neck, and down to the stomach. Patients describe characteristic features as if hot blood were rushing to the heart, and then an invisible, hard, rough hand was squeezing it. At this moment, the pain subsides, calms down, and then appears again. According to patients, these interruptions in the functioning of the heart cause inexplicable anxiety, fear, internal tension, chills, and trembling. Subsequently, these signs can develop into a hypochondriacal symptom complex. He expresses himself additional symptoms: a feeling of spasms in the throat, difficulty breathing due to any foreign objects that seem to be present in it, such as a lump of cotton wool, a ball, etc.

Stomach ulcer

A disease such as a stomach ulcer of any degree can cause pain under the left shoulder blade, and the pain can subsequently spread further to the entire thoracic spine, behind the sternum, to the left nipple. Similar pain sensations occur in connection with eating food (spicy, salty, fried, etc., that is, anything that can irritate the gastric mucosa), especially in the off-season. The pain is accompanied by nausea, heaviness in the stomach, vomiting, heartburn, belching, increased salivation, and regurgitation. Moreover, after vomiting, pain may subside and weaken.

Perforation of gastric ulcer

Perforation (perforation) of a stomach ulcer is a serious complication, a breakthrough of a stomach ulcer, which can also cause pain under the left shoulder blade, moving to the collarbone, accompanied by gagging or vomiting itself. Pain occurs as a result of irritation of the ending of the phrenic nerve. After the ulcer ruptures, the patient is very pale, has a frightened expression on his face, vomits, and is covered in large drops of cold sweat. The patient involuntarily takes a position on the right side, pressing his knees tightly to his stomach, the muscles of which are very tense at this moment. Any movement of the patient causes sharp, severe pain in the abdomen.

From the above we can conclude that pain in the area of ​​the left shoulder blade occurs due to serious illnesses with difficult complications. If you periodically experience pain of any nature (acute, dull, aching, etc.) in the area of ​​the scapula, you should consult with specialists such as a vertebrologist, traumatologist, gastroenterologist, neurologist, cardiologist. They will examine you, prescribe the necessary examination, be able to find out the cause of pain in the shoulder blade, and prescribe appropriate effective treatment.

Many patients experience a burning sensation in the back due to sudden movements and heavy lifting, muscle spasms, sedentary work, poor nutrition and excess weight. The pain comes in periods, then goes away, then returns. The affected area is overcome by a feeling of paralysis and burn. The most intense are burning pains in the back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.

Patients either do nothing or resort to self-medication. But you need to understand that the source of the problem may be serious, and it is not enough to simply relieve the symptoms. It often turns out that the burning sensation is caused by serious diseases of the stomach or heart.

A burning sensation in the back and a burning sensation under the left shoulder blade from the back are usually associated with spinal problems:

  • Kyphosis of the thoracic region of the back;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Arthrosis;
  • Intervertebral hernia and protrusion;
  • Neuralgia between the ribs.

These pathologies appear due to constant stress on the back. Risk factors may include incorrectly chosen shoes, sedentary work, racing for sports records, overweight and drafts.

A burning sensation in the spine is a manifestation of the disease, not its essence. Usually it starts to burn for a while, after which the sensation disappears. Such pain does not come in attacks.

The patient often feels “fire in the back” due to the fact that he himself unconsciously incorrectly distributes the load from the diseased area to the healthy one. As a result, the cause of the burning sensation does not disappear; instead, healthy muscles begin to experience overstrain. The nerves in the muscles are constantly irritated, and chronic pain syndrome.

However, pain and burning in the back can also be caused by pathologies internal organs:

  • Cardiac problems;
  • Pulmonary pathologies;
  • Liver disorders;
  • Muscle tension between the shoulder blades;
  • Deformations of joints and ligaments;
  • Infectious diseases of nerves and skin.

To rule out the possibility of these diseases, consult a doctor who will conduct a full diagnosis.

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Burning pain in the sides of the back

When there is a burning sensation on the side of the back, the cause is most often:

  • Neuralgia between the ribs;
  • Pathology digestive system;
  • Traumatic conditions;
  • Shingles.

Often causes fever and skin rashes in the patient. At the same time, it burns on the side between the ribs all the time. The problem is that the nerves are pinched. If you change your position, the burning sensation in your back may go away, but only for a short time.

If the rash appears on only one side of the back, and the burning sensation is localized there, the root of the problem is shingles.

The back and chest are “on fire”

The source of such symptoms may be:

  • Cardiovascular pathologies;
  • Disturbances in the digestive system;
  • Endocrinological diseases.

A burning sensation in the chest may be a sign of an upcoming heart attack. If the patient has heart problems in general, it is better to visit a cardiologist immediately. After performing a cardiogram, the specialist will understand whether there is a risk of a heart attack. And in order to promptly begin to treat disorders of the digestive system, you need to visit a therapist.

Burning in the back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades

When your back experiences searing pain between your shoulder blades, muscle degeneration is likely occurring in the back between your shoulder blades. A burning sensation between the shoulder blades is not a complete diagnosis and appears when various pathologies interscapular zone. The back in the area between the shoulder blades often begins to “burn” in people with sedentary professions or those who spend a lot of time at the computer. Typically, these pains indicate problems with the muscles along the spine and the spine itself, but they can also indicate angina pectoris, ischemia, or scoliosis.

The burning sensation may appear only on one side or in the middle. If it burns on the right, osteochondrosis of the cervical back region may be or be observed. This pain syndrome is chronic in nature, the pain in such a situation is aching. The pain varies, appearing and disappearing with changes in position or muscle tension. On the right side, pain also occurs with colic in the liver and pathologies of the biliary system. Inflammation under the diaphragm can cause the same symptoms, making breathing difficult.

May signal a stomach ulcer. This burning sensation will bother you after eating. On the left it will burn in case of pathologies of the liver and kidneys, inflammatory processes in them.

If your back is burning between your shoulder blades, the cause is diseases of the vertebrae. This may be osteochondrosis, scoliosis, pinched nerve tissue.

Burning as a symptom of scoliosis

A burning sensation in the back can be caused by a curvature of the spine. Scoliosis can be a consequence of long uncomfortable positions, illiterate lifting of weights, and sudden movements. The back muscles become too tense and pull the vertebrae with them.

If scoliosis manifests itself in the thoracic region, the pain will begin to burn at the back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. To cure scoliosis, you need to exercise therapeutic exercises, wearing orthotics, seeing a physical therapist, and swimming. Patients often do not experience relief from conservative treatment and are forced to resort to surgery.

A curved spine constantly deforms itself, wearing out intervertebral discs, bones and tissues, pinching nerves or initiating inflammatory process.

Scapular-costal syndrome

If you overcool or overstrain the muscles that are attached to the spine in the cervical region, they will stop working correctly. In this case, inflammation will begin, it will be difficult to lift the shoulder blade and lower the head. This pathology can cause aching shoulder and shoulder pain. The pain sometimes radiates from the shoulders to the chest. When the patient twists his arms, an unpleasant crunching sound is heard.

Burning like stomach pain

Such pain can torment the patient after eating food. If you succumb to the nausea that arises and induce vomiting, you will immediately feel better. This picture may indicate a stomach ulcer. How severe the burning sensation in the back area will be depends on what was eaten and many other factors.

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As you can see, different answers are possible to the question “why does it burn in the area of ​​the back and shoulder blades?” In order to install accurate diagnosis and exclude serious illnesses internal organs, you may have to visit a cardiologist, pulmonologist, gastroenterologist, or traumatologist. Burning sensations between the shoulder blades may appear due to osteochondrosis or stagnation of blood in the muscles.

Osteochondrosis most often manifests itself as an unpleasant pulling or dull sensation; the essence of these pathologies is in deformed intervertebral discs.

With pulmonary diseases, the pain will press, while with kidney diseases it will drag. If the source of the burning is a cardiac disorder, most likely it will not only burn, the patient will also feel a pressing sensation behind the sternum. This sends pain from the heart to the ribs. They are localized in right side, are found in fits and starts.

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A burning sensation may begin due to a pinched nerve or an organ being displaced from its usual location. If the burning occurs due to a pinched nerve, the patient's arms and hands will become numb.

You may need to undergo the following tests:

  • Blood and urine tests;
  • Blood for platelets;
  • X-ray of the upper back from different angles;
  • Ultrasound gastrointestinal tract;
  • Cardiogram;
  • Fluorography.

Having learned all the necessary data, the doctor will make an accurate diagnosis, prescribe treatment, and advise preventive measures. But the main thing is if there is serious problems with the body, you can detect and begin to treat them at early stage development.

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To cope with a burning sensation in the back area, physiotherapy and medicinal method. But competently organized physical therapy exercises help the best.

Medicines for the treatment of burning pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades most often refer to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen) and painkillers (Ketonal, Novocaine).

Physical therapy works quickly, especially when combined with exercises and medications. We recommend the following procedures:

  • Ultrasound treatment;
  • Novocaine electrophoresis;
  • Magnetic therapy;
  • Shock waves.

Acupuncture, massage and the services of an experienced chiropractor will also help relieve the burning sensation.

The best prevention against burning between the shoulder blades is to swing your arms. It’s worth doing them as often as possible, especially if you have a sedentary job. After all, stagnation of blood in the muscles is one of the main sources of spinal burning. Do not overuse salt and caffeine - they interfere with the exchange of moisture in the body. Drink often, but in small portions, eat fresh vegetables.

Your feedback on the article

Pain under the left shoulder blade is quite common. It can be caused simply by an uncomfortable body position or an awkward movement (a muscle is pulled), or it can be a sign of more serious diseases, for example, myocardial infarction. It is observed in both men and women, and even children sometimes complain of tingling under the shoulder blade.

Let's figure out together what pain under the shoulder blade on the left can threaten us with. Let's start by remembering what organs are located in this area. After all, most often, whichever organ is nearby is the one that hurts. Although it also happens that pain radiates along the nerve fibers far from the pathological focus.

A little anatomy

Let's look at our body from behind: the left shoulder blade lies on the ribs that form the chest, and between each rib there is an intercostal nerve and intercostal vessels in a special notch. They are connected by intercostal muscles and ligaments.

Central to the scapula is the vertebral column, within which the spinal cord is located. It is from this that the intercostal nerves depart. The shoulder blade is surrounded by well-developed back muscles. Together with the rib cage on the left, it protects the left lung, heart, stomach, pancreas and spleen, as well as the most important vessel of our body, or rather the thoracic part of it, the aorta.

Based on this brief anatomical review, all causes of pain under the left shoulder blade can be divided into two large groups:

  1. Pain associated with pathology of the musculoskeletal system and muscle pain, including neurogenic ones.
  2. Pain associated with pathology of internal organs ( cardiovascular pathology, respiratory diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and spleen).

To find out why there is pain under the left shoulder blade, you should undergo a comprehensive examination, which, based on specific complaints and examination data, will be prescribed by the attending physician. After all, pain when various diseases will vary in nature, intensity and provoking factors.

If the back is behind, then most often the cause is a pathology of the spine, for example osteochondrosis or intervertebral hernia, or scoliosis of the thoracic spine.

  • For osteochondrosis, hernia and others degenerative diseases spinal column(spondylosis, spondylolisthesis, spondylitis and the like) the roots are compressed spinal nerves, and it appears severe pain. It can be constant, or it can be in the form of lumbago, always radiating under the scapula on the affected side. And an unpleasant feeling appears in the spine, as if a stake had been “driven into it.”
  • The pain radiates under the scapula and with pathology of the cervical spine, as some branches of the cervical spinal nerves approach it.
  • The cause may also be left-sided glenohumeral periarthritis, since the acromial process of the scapula and the glenoid cavity are directly involved in the formation and strengthening of the shoulder joint.
  • Aching pain under the left shoulder blade appears with scapular-costal syndrome. It is usually located along the inner edge of the scapula, and at the same time it hurts very strongly in the cervical spine and in the shoulder joint on the losing side. The cause of this pathology is hypothermia, injury or overexertion.
  • Another cause is intercostal neuralgia. It is not difficult to distinguish such pain, since it usually spreads throughout the entire intercostal space. In this case, it is difficult to turn the body, paresthesia is often observed - crawling on the skin of the affected intercostal space. The person becomes irritable, which further aggravates the pathological process.
  • Oncological diseases. The tumor may be located directly in the shoulder blade, in which case the bone must be removed (scapulectomy).

In other cases, the cancer process is noted in spinal cord or the spine, in this case the spinal roots occur, and the pain radiates to the scapular region.

Angina, heart attack and aortic aneurysm

Acute pain under the left shoulder blade can be caused by such serious diseases as angina pectoris (angina pectoris) and myocardial infarction, as well as myocarditis, pericarditis and dissecting aortic aneurysm.

  • With angina, an attack occurs abruptly after physical exertion and is accompanied by pressure, radiating under the left shoulder blade, into the left arm and even into the left corner of the lower jaw. The attack usually stops with rest. In severe cases, an appointment is required medicines. “Experienced heart patients” always have nitroglycerin in their pocket just in case.

Nitroglycerin will not help with myocardial infarction. This is the main difference between cardiac muscle necrosis, which is caused by a sudden disruption of blood circulation in the cardiac muscle.

The pain during a heart attack is burning, radiating under the left shoulder blade, and with a posterior heart attack it may be the only manifestation of this disease. Such an attack can only be relieved by injection of “heart” drugs and analgesics.

  • With myocarditis and pericarditis, the pain is usually aching in nature, often accompanied by fever and night chills. Inflammation of the heart muscle and cardiac sac is often infectious. Bacteria enter the heart through the bloodstream.
  • A dissecting aneurysm of the ascending aorta leads to increased stress on the valve between the left atrium and the ventricle, resulting in aortic valve insufficiency and venous congestion in the lungs. In severe cases, cardiopulmonary failure increases and pulmonary edema develops. The vascular wall in the area of ​​the aneurysm is thin, so there is a high risk of bleeding into the chest cavity.

Ulcer and pancreatitis

Let's look at them:

  • With high-lying gastric ulcers and gastroesophageal reflux, dull nagging pain under the left shoulder blade, it is often accompanied by a burning sensation that increases at night.

Such patients should drink at least 2.5 liters of water and eat small portions, but more often. With an ulcer, the connection between pain and food intake is characteristic. Most often, the patient is bothered by attacks of pain on an empty stomach - dull, aching. Pain can be caused by eating foods that irritate the gastric mucosa, such as garlic, onions and coffee.

  • A sharp stabbing pain under the left shoulder blade or in the epigastric region (like being stabbed with a knife) may be a consequence of a perforation of the ulcer.

Perforation or perforation of an ulcer is a significant thinning of the stomach wall in the area of ​​the ulcer with the formation of a hole in its bottom, through which abdominal cavity gastric contents enter. With a perforated ulcer, in severe cases, peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum) develops.

  • With pancreatitis, the pain is girdling in nature and is rarely one-sided. An attack develops after overusing fatty, fried and salty foods and is accompanied by vomiting, flatulence and other symptoms of dyspepsia (digestive disorders). Sometimes it can only be stopped with narcotic analgesics.

Pneumonia and pleurisy

With left-sided pneumonia (pneumonia), pain of moderate intensity, accompanied by cough with sputum and wheezing in the lungs, will also bother you in the area of ​​the scapula. In this case, “candles” of temperature are often observed.

Pleurisy (inflammation of the pleura) can be dry or purulent. Both types of this pathology are accompanied by severe pain when breathing, while the person protects the affected side: breathing becomes more shallow.

In case of purulent pleurisy, a puncture is necessarily performed, followed by analysis of the discharge and drainage of the pleural cavity.

Biphasic splenic rupture

Very rarely pain in scapular region appears with injuries to the spleen. Its damage leads to intra-abdominal bleeding. With an incomplete, so-called two-phase rupture, the person initially feels great, but notices discomfort in the area of ​​the lower angle of the scapula. This pathology always requires emergency surgical intervention.


The examination is prescribed depending on what disease the doctor suspects in each specific case.

  1. For pathology musculoskeletal system First of all, an X-ray examination of the spine is performed, as well as an MRI or CT scan.
  2. For diagnostics cardiovascular diseases An ECG and ultrasound scan of the heart are prescribed.
  3. If pathology of the gastrointestinal tract is suspected, esophagogastroduodenoscopy and ultrasound of the abdominal organs are performed.
  4. Lung diseases are also diagnosed by changes detected on an x-ray.
  5. A thorough history, ultrasound, and plain fluoroscopy of the abdominal cavity can help make a diagnosis of splenic injury.


The choice of treatment method for pain under the left shoulder blade will depend only on the cause of its occurrence.

After all, it is not enough to relieve pain by taking an analgesic: if the cause is not eliminated, it will return again.

For each disease, its own treatment regimens have been developed. They necessarily include recommendations on regimen and nutrition. Drug therapy is described in detail. The variety of drugs allows you to combine them most successfully for this particular disease.

If ineffective conservative therapy shown surgery. And for some diseases ( perforated ulcer, intervertebral hernia large sizes, rupture of the spleen) it will be the only possible way treatment.

Pain in the area under the left shoulder blade from the back is a common occurrence. Often painful accompanied by stiffness or some restriction in movement. This may be a consequence of prolonged exposure to awkward position, careless movement. Pain may also be caused by: as the specifics of the profession, for example, in people whose work involves constant muscle tension shoulder girdle(drivers, seamstresses, etc.).

But it happens that a symptom indicates the presence of very serious diseases in the body.

Gastric ulcer

Most often, the phenomenon in question is caused by a stomach ulcer. When the disease is present, it occurs deformation of the mucous and submucosal membranes of the gastric lining, which is caused by the internal effects of stomach acid. You can suspect the presence of an ulcer based on the symptoms:

  • frequency of occurrence;
  • seasonality;
  • direct connection with meal times;
  • gradual increase in discomfort;
  • relief after vomiting.

In addition to pain, an ulcer may be indicated by heartburn, vomiting at the peak of pain without a feeling of nausea, belching, excessive salivation and regurgitation.

In addition to the subscapularis area, pain from an ulcer can localized in the left nipple, in and behind the sternum, but the main localization is the epigastric region.

When an ulcer perforates, the feeling pain intensifies sharply, radiating to the collarbone. With this pathology, cold sweat, decreased blood pressure, and decreased heart rate are added to the pain symptom.

Since the syndrome is directly related to food intake, There are 4 types of pain:

  • hungry- appears a significant amount of time after eating (4-6 hours) as the feeling of hunger increases;
  • early- a field of food that appears soon and subsides as the stomach is emptied;
  • late- noted 1.5-2 hours after eating;
  • night- in which there is a spread of sensation to the dorsal region or lower back. Often the peak of its development causes the patient to vomit, which brings relief.

Vegetative crises

During a vegetative crisis, the patient can very clearly describe the nature of the sensations, in addition to which he may be disturbed by a feeling of heaviness or pressure, heat in the depths of the chest, absence of a specific place of pain, cardiac colic, panic and sudden fear, lack of oxygen. It cannot be argued that in this condition the localization is observed strictly under the scapula on the left - it can “walk” along the left arm, into the collarbone and even into the lower abdomen. Patients often complain of a feeling of suffocation, a seeming stoppage of the heartbeat, and a lump in the throat.

The disease is characterized by pain that originates behind the sternum and “spreads” to the left (under the shoulder blade, into the arm and, sometimes, left side lower jaw). The character is sharp, cramping, weakens at rest and after consuming nitroglycerin, which, by the way, has a much greater effect than validol. The main causes of angina attacks are considered to be physical or emotional stress, sudden temperature changes environment, consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Myocardial infarction

An acute attack of angina, which poses a serious threat to human life. The condition manifests itself in attacks chest pain radiating to the left side of the jaw, arm and under the shoulder blade and is accompanied by a strong burning sensation and resemble symptoms of angina pectoris. But, a heart attack has differences:

  • stronger intensity;
  • lack of response to taking nitroglycerin or narcotic drugs;
  • the duration of the attack is longer than 15 minutes.

Sometimes noted numbness of the left hand, combined with aching pain behind the sternum. The causes of such an attack may be excessive physical exertion or psychological shock. But it happens that this phenomenon develops in a state of complete rest.

If you suspect a heart attack, you must urgently call an ambulance, since it can only be removed by injecting special drugs.

Diseases of the bronchopulmonary system

A persistent sensation of pain under the shoulder blade on the left may be part of the symptomatology of the development of left-sided pneumonia or pleural inflammation.

A factor confirming pneumonia is Symptoms increase when taking a deep breath, coughing or sneezing. In a calm state, for example in a supine position, the symptoms are less pronounced. Weakness of symptoms is also noted when the body is turned towards the healthy lung (in this case to the right). Basically, the main symptoms of inflammation are:

  • dry cough (rarely wet);
  • the presence of pus or blood clots in the sputum;
  • constant body temperature, varying from 37.2 to 38.3 ° C;
  • dyspnea; attack of suffocation.

With left-sided pneumonia, the pain is moderate, always concentrated in the direction of the affected organ, and is felt at a specific point under the scapula.

With lung abnormalities, pain symptoms almost always indicate the development of pleurisy. Here the pain can manifest itself as a weak tingling sensation in the area under the shoulder blade, which, for example, when taking a deep breath, they acquire a cutting, piercing character. For this reason, the patient's breathing becomes shallow over time.

Biphasic splenic rupture

Very rare The cause of pain under the shoulder blade on the left side of the back is damage to an organ such as the spleen, which leads to bleeding in the peritoneal cavity. With a two-phase rupture (that is, incomplete), in the first time after the injury, the patient does not feel anything suspicious, except for some discomfort and pain in the lower corner of the left scapula. However, very soon, the condition may become irreversible, therefore, at the first symptoms, the pathology requires immediate surgical intervention.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Most common cause The occurrence of the symptom in question is considered to be cervical osteochondrosis, which is characterized by compression of the spinal nerve roots. For of this disease characteristic nagging, dull pain, often unilateral just below the occipital region. It can be either permanent or manifest as lumbago, always radiating under the shoulder blade on the affected side. A sharp increase in the symptom occurs when moving the head, after a night's sleep. Often the result of prolonged stress on the neck. Patients also report numbness in their hands, migraines, and dizziness.

Another factor influencing the appearance of the sensation discussed in the article may be intercostal neuralgia. The disease manifests itself as shooting pain that literally encircles the patient, radiating to the sides, including under the shoulder blades. Soreness is felt along the muscles of the intercostal space and becomes most intense when bending the body, coughing, or pressing on the painful area. The presence of the disease can be confirmed by sensitivity to palpation, burning under the scapula, sensation of “pins and needles”, muscle tension and spasms.

Scapular-costal syndrome

Aching, low-intensity pain is observed with scapular-costal syndrome. Its location is mainly noted in the area of ​​the shoulder girdle, above and below the shoulder blade, with very strong accompanying pain in the neck area. ABOUT A distinctive characteristic of the disease is an audible crunching sound when moving the arm and shoulder. The cause of the development of the pathological process is excessive physical stress, spinal injury or ordinary hypothermia.

Left-sided glenohumeral periarthritis

The pain varies in nature and depends on the form of the pathology. Simple periarthritis of the humeroscapula accompanied by mild manifestations of the syndrome in the subscapular area, only with some hand movements. At acute stage feels strong increasing pain that gets worse at night. Characteristic symptoms diseases are also limited mobility in the shoulder, elevated temperature, manifestation of spasms in the neck muscles.


In order to determine the cause of painful symptoms, it is necessary, first of all, to visit local therapist. Based on the symptoms and external examination of the patient, the specialist will conduct a series of studies. The main thing that needs to be done is to exclude reasons that require urgent medical care, which include heart attack and ulcer.

  • measuring blood pressure and pulse;
  • blood test for biochemistry and general indicators;
  • if functional disorders of the cardiovascular system are suspected, it is important to conduct an ECG and ultrasound of the heart;
  • Ultrasound of the peritoneal organs and FGS are prescribed when possible diseases gastrointestinal organs;
  • X-rays can be used to identify changes in lung diseases;
  • in case of trauma to the spleen, anamnesis, ultrasound and fluoroscopy of the peritoneal area are necessary;
  • in the presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, radiography of the spinal column, MRI and CT should be performed.

If certain pathologies are detected, the therapist should give recommendations for visiting specialists in the field of g. astroenterology, cardiology, neurology. If there are no diseases in all of the above areas, a consultation with a neuropsychiatrist will be required.

Treatment of musculoskeletal diseases

Pain caused by various disorders of the musculoskeletal system can be treated using several methods, which will be determined by a specialist. Typically therapy includes:

reception medications: antispasmodics and analgesics, NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, chondroprotectors, etc. Main purposes drug therapy is the elimination of inflammation, swelling and relaxation of spasming muscles;

physiotherapy, manual therapy, therapeutic massage which are carried out to improve blood flow in tissues and relieve inflammation. Physiotherapy includes electrophoresis, UHF, EHF therapy, ultrasound therapy, etc.;

Exercise therapy recognized as an integral part of therapy for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. A course of gymnastic exercises restores motor activity and reduces painful manifestations of diseases.

surgical treatment, which is a last resort and is aimed at promptly eliminating the main causes of the symptom.

If you begin to notice a recurring burning sensation in the spine, then you should not ignore such symptoms. This may be a warning sign, so do not neglect to visit your doctor. If your back is burning, then this sign indicates a disorder in the body, a malfunction of one of its systems or organs. To avoid worsening the situation, you need to correctly diagnose the incipient disease and prevent it from developing into a destructive pathology.

Why does this phenomenon occur?

What is the burning sensation like?

We found out why the back burns, and it turns out there are very different reasons. What might the sensations be like?

  • localized in one area of ​​the body;
  • widespread, that is, when it can burn not only in the back, but also in the chest and somewhere else;
  • constant and appearing from time to time;
  • with some loss of sensation in a certain place.

The most common cause of a burning back is problems with the spine, with its lumbar, cervical, thoracic regions, or with the intercostal region. The body temperature in such cases remains normal, but the person is persecuted discomfort, which interfere with work and spoil the mood.

Burning due to spinal diseases

Most often, such problems are experienced by older people who have accumulated various kinds of problems with the spine over their lives due to prolonged or intense loads on it. This applies equally to men and women. Men often experience physical activity, and women wear ill-fitting high-heeled shoes. Office work, inactive lifestyle, availability overweight. Other reasons include hypothermia, myositis, and improper sports activity.

Burning, as a rule, does not occur suddenly and is not a separate disease. It would be correct to attribute it to a symptom that was provoked by some painful condition. It occurs gradually and tends to intensify.

It is quite difficult to explain the mechanism of the appearance of a burning sensation, but in a nutshell, it occurs due to an inadequate load on the spine, which it cannot cope with, which causes tension and stretching of the muscles, and this causes a burning sensation. It is a consequence of the fact that the nerve endings in the affected area are irritated. Often the burning sensation is accompanied by pain, so it is difficult to separate one from the other, and it is even difficult for people to formulate the symptoms that bother them.

Doctors usually try to remove acute condition, and patients, having felt the first improvements in their back in the spinal area, often stop treatment. This is wrong. It is necessary to complete the prescribed therapy completely, otherwise the pain and burning sensation in the upper back will return and become a chronic phenomenon. Then, once inflammation occurs, it can become a permanent problem.

Burning on the sides of the back

A burning sensation can be felt not only along the spine, but also on the sides of the back. The reason why this phenomenon occurs may be one of the following:

  • rib injury;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • shingles.

When visiting a doctor, it is important for a patient to correctly describe the nature and location of the pain and burning sensation, otherwise the doctor may make an incorrect diagnosis. Accordingly, it is incorrect to prescribe treatment.

With intercostal neuralgia, a burning sensation is one of the main symptoms. This occurs due to compression of the nerve endings. If you change your body position, you can get rid of it for a while. the specified symptom, but then he will come back again. With neuralgia, there is usually no fever or rash, which cannot be said about herpes zoster.

With this disease, there are rashes, but at the very beginning there may be nothing but a burning sensation on the sides. Usually the inflammatory process occurs only on one side, for example, on the right. Ringworm is accompanied not only by rashes of herpetic nature, but also elevated temperature, weakness. The rash that appears causes discomfort and can sting. Next, the inflammation moves to the back of the back. In the case of lichen, the disease must be treated immediately, as viral infection, implicitly eliminating pain and other unpleasant sensations.

Burning between the shoulder blades

A burning sensation in the back between the shoulder blades is a very common phenomenon. It is especially common in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not exercise.

Their body is in the same position most of the time. The load on the spine is redistributed, so that the spinal muscles are in constant voltage, for example, due to incorrect posture. A nutritional disorder occurs, which causes a burning sensation in the back between the shoulder blades.

Unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the shoulder blades are characterized by the presence of osteochondrosis thoracic spine or osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae. The temperature may rise, so you should definitely consult a doctor so as not to miss any other illnesses.

Burning for other reasons

A burning sensation in the back can be caused not only by problems with the spine, but also by problems in other organs.

Therefore, if you have such complaints, you need to consult a doctor who can rule out more serious diseases, for example, heart attack, other heart diseases, stomach ulcers, pancreatitis or diabetes.

A heart attack is not always extensive; there are micro-infarctions that people suffer on their legs, sometimes without even realizing their condition and learning about it later, with an accidental cardiogram. However, even a small heart attack can provoke a burning sensation in the chest, so you definitely need to see a therapist.

An ECG will reveal a cardiac problem if one exists. The therapist will also be able to suggest diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which can also give a burning sensation. This doctor, if necessary, will prescribe a consultation with another specialist, and the disease will be defeated before it even begins. If the disease is neglected, it will worsen and it will be much more difficult to cure.