Most of us who own personal vehicles have probably wondered how long alcohol lasts in a person’s blood and urine. If we look at the results of the research, it turns out that this parameter depends on several factors. This also affects speed metabolic processes, characteristics of a person and the state of his body.

Circulation of ethanol in the body

On average, after drinking 400 grams of vodka, this drink is completely eliminated from the blood and urine only after 20-22 hours. Experts distinguish three stages of ethanol action.

  • First, its absorption occurs, this moment begins after the direct consumption of alcohol. This phase continues until the ethanol concentration level reaches its maximum value in human blood.
  • Next, the process moves to the second stage - isolation. This stage is characterized by the elimination of ethanol through urine and exhaled air. The duration of this phase is approximately 8-12 hours.
  • After this time, the amount of ethanol content decreases and the final stage, oxidation, gradually begins.

It must be said that ethanol remains in certain human organs and systems much longer than in others. A greatest harm it affects the reproductive and nervous systems.

How long does alcohol stay in the blood?

In most cases, to establish whether a person has consumed alcohol, a examination of saliva and urine. By taking these tests at the same time, it can be established that in each case the level of alcohol concentration will be different. In some cases, blood tests may also be required.

Alcohol is a drink that has unique property- hydrophilicity. It means that the level of alcohol concentration will in any case be higher in an environment that contains more water. For example, when studying whole blood, red blood cells and plasma, the largest amount of alcohol will be present in the latter.

Intoxication phase directly affects the time during which alcohol remains in the blood. Most alcohol is observed during the resorption phase, in which alcohol begins to flow from the blood into human tissues. Amount of alcohol in bladder can be different, and this is influenced by the volume of liquid drunk and from the previous emptying. At the moment when the process of intoxication weakens, even a blood test may not establish the presence of alcohol in the blood. But if you conduct a urine test, you can quickly establish this fact.

From the moment of consumption, alcohol circulates throughout the body for 5 hours. But after the specified time, it begins to disintegrate. It is noteworthy that when a nursing woman drinks alcohol, the alcohol enters the milk as much as the urine and sweat.

Factors that determine the retention time of alcohol in urine and blood

  • The volume of alcohol consumed.
  • The strength of the alcohol consumed.
  • Gender of a person.
  • Regularity of drinking alcohol.
  • Human weight.
  • Time that has passed since drinking alcohol.
  • State of human health.

To find out how much alcohol is present in the blood, traffic police officers need only Breathalyzers have been used for a long time, however, you should not completely trust them. There are situations when alcohol vapors are felt in the mouth, although this may be due to the use of kvass or the person having problems with the teeth or stomach. It is noteworthy that alcohol is present in breath fresheners, fermentation products, kefir, toothpaste and other products.

Thus, in order to be confident in the results of detecting alcohol content, when you have a question about how long alcohol stays in the body, you must always take a blood test. Due to the peculiarities of physiology, alcohol disappears from the blood of the male and female body over different times. Thus, the female liver takes approximately 1 hour to process approximately 4-9 grams of strong drink.

How long does alcohol last depending on the strength of the drink?

To determine the level of alcohol concentration in saliva and blood, special studies must be carried out. If we rely on the existing experimental results, which can be found online in tables, then 100 ml of beer 4% is eliminated from the body approximately 40 minutes after consumption. If you drink more than 500 ml of beer, it will be eliminated in full only two to three hours after consumption.

According to the table, if you drink 100 ml of champagne, it will take at least 1.5 hours for it to be completely eliminated from the body. At the same time, 500 ml of this drink, unlike beer, remains in the body for at least 5 hours. fat people and 8 hours for people of average weight. If you drink 100 ml of port wine, it will remain in the blood for 1.5-2 hours. If you consume more than 500 ml of this drink, an alcohol test will show its presence within 8-14 hours.

The length of time during which liquor can be detected in the blood is until 22 o'clock. After drinking a bottle of vodka, the presence of alcohol will be visible for one to two days. Cognac has the highest strength - unlike other drinks, it remains in the body for up to 2 days. After drinking 500 ml of cognac, complete cleansing of the body occurs only after 18-35 hours.

Even a specialist cannot determine with high accuracy how long beer or alcoholic beverages can be detected in human body, even relying on available tables. But you need to keep in mind that in people with lower body weight, alcohol disappears from the blood over a longer period of time. The simplest and most accessible way to speed up the process of removing alcohol from the body is taking several tablets of activated charcoal before drinking alcohol.

Throughout the entire time that humanity has been familiar with alcohol, people have been interested in the issue related to the removal of alcoholic beverages from the body. In our country, traditionally, not a single holiday is complete without drinking alcoholic beverages. They are also to blame for the fact that car owners are often deprived of their driver’s licenses, and in some cases create very dangerous situations on the road.

Keep in mind that by deciding to go about your business by car, the driver risks not only his own life, but also the lives of other people.

Can use different techniques to fool devices to determine the amount of ethanol in the blood. However, life will still put everything in its place.

Drinking alcohol causes great harm to a person because:

  • perception works worse;
  • the reaction becomes inhibited;
  • coordination deteriorates.

Therefore, you should not think that nothing bad will happen if you drink 50 grams of cognac at lunch. Subsequently, this can cause the death of a person.

But most experienced drivers are accustomed to hitting the road while drunk, hoping that they are already familiar with this condition and can control themselves. They are not worried about the fact that someone may get hurt as a result of their inappropriate actions, but about how to avoid getting caught by traffic police officers for driving while intoxicated. But statistics are an accurate thing, and from it you can easily understand how large the percentage of experienced drivers who, due to their relaxation, get into an accident.


Many drivers, who are accustomed to drinking not only with reason, but also without reason, are worried about how long alcohol stays in the body. This is important because you know when you can go on the road, to avoid getting caught by traffic police inspectors. However, it all depends on several factors. In addition to the fact that different drinks have different strengths, it is also necessary to take into account the state of human health.

In order not to have any reason to worry, it is better to completely stop drinking alcohol before leaving. Then you will be of little interest in how long alcohol lasts in the body, and you will not constantly look at the table. This way, you will be sure that traffic police officers will have no reason to detain you, and you will not become the culprit of the accident.

After drinking a dose of a drink containing ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH), its active absorption begins through the mucous membranes. As a rule, its content in the blood increases over the course of 1.5 hours. During this time, a healthy adult body has time to absorb alcohol.

The process of splitting ethanol (mainly in the liver) and excretion of metabolites by the urinary organs, as well as with sweat and exhaled air, proceeds in parallel. How long alcohol stays in the blood depends on a number of factors - the volume and strength of the drink, gender, and body weight of the person.

Important: Many people are interested in how many days does it take for the body to completely cleanse itself of alcohol metabolites? The exchange products are completely displayed within 21 days, but these data are averaged.

Why do you need to know how long alcohol stays in the blood?

Many people need to know for sure: are there traces of ethanol left in the body or not? This is especially true for drivers and people of other professions who are subject to routine or random testing with an electronic breathalyzer. The device reflects the presence of ethanol in exhaled air. If the result is positive, this is regarded as a state of intoxication, and the person is subject to removal from driving or operating potentially dangerous machinery.

Please note: Tests are currently being carried out in laboratories to establish that the subject drank strong drinks 2 weeks ago. But positive results Such in-depth analyzes do not mean that the person was drunk all this time.

How long does alcohol stay in the blood?

Anyone who has ever attended a party or celebration where strong drinks are consumed has noticed that those around them get drunk and sober up with at different speeds. How long alcohol remains in the blood depends on your overall health. If a person does not suffer chronic diseases, and drinks rarely and in very small doses, then a glass or two has almost no effect on his condition.

Please note: There is an opinion that small amounts of high-quality alcohol (in particular, good red wine) have a positive effect on a person’s condition and even prolong life.

Weight is also important: a man with a body weight of about 60 kg is strictly not recommended to compete in the amount of drink with a 100-kg neighbor in order to avoid severe poisoning.

The time it takes for alcohol to leave the blood is influenced by the strength and degree of purification of the drink. The “cleanest” of them – vodka – lingers in the body for a longer time than wine when converted to pure C2H5OH.

Race has some significance; It is believed that tolerance to alcohol is higher among Caucasians than among Asians, because the latter have lower levels of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase. It is practically absent among some peoples of the Far North.

How is C2H5OH converted?

Main stages of transformation:

  • suction;
  • distribution;
  • oxidation.
  • selection;

Absorption (absorption) begins from taking the “dose” and continues until peak concentration is reached.

In the oxidation phase, the alcohol concentration begins to fall, because ethanol decomposes under the action of enzymes. Thanks to alcohol dehydrogenase, it is transformed into acetaldehyde, which, under the action of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, decomposes to acetic acid.

Excretion (excretion) is accompanied by the removal of ethanol with waste products and exhaled air. At this stage, a persistent characteristic odor emanates from the person who has been drinking.

Important: Acetaldehyde is toxic substance, which, along with dehydration of the body, provides discomfort, known as a "hangover". Withdrawal continues until this metabolite is converted to acetic acid.

How many hours does it take for a man to get sober?

There are average data that can be used as a guide when calculating sobering time.

If a physically healthy man of average weight (about 80 kg) drank a glass of cognac (50-80 ml), the alcohol will be detected for about 4 hours. If a whole bottle (0.5 l) is taken, sobering up will occur only after 24 hours.

100 g of vodka is released in 5-6 hours, but 300-500 ml will be released in about a day.

A bottle of beer (0.5 l) gives “ppm” on a breathalyzer for about 3 hours, but you also need to take into account the strength of the foamy drink. If the share of ethanol is approximately 4.2-4.5%, then a mug of beer will really disappear quickly, but on store shelves you can also find beer with indicators of 9% and even 14%., i.e., like wine.
After a bottle of champagne (7-11%), ethanol in the blood remains for up to 7 hours.

How long does alcohol stay in a woman's blood?

How long does it take for alcohol to leave the blood of women? This is very important question. The average representative of the fair sex gets drunk much faster than a man of the same weight and age, and sobers up much more slowly. Studies have shown that the female body gets rid of toxic products on average 20% slower.

Women retain alcohol in their bodies for about 2 hours after drinking a glass of champagne.

200 ml of dry or semi-sweet wine (but not fortified!) will “evaporate” only after 9 hours.

It will take up to 10-11 hours to neutralize 100 ml of vodka or other strong drink, and 50 ml of cognac will disappear in 7 hours.

Even just one bottle of medium-strength beer takes at least 4-5 hours to eliminate.

Average duration of presence ethyl alcohol in the blood:

Beverage name/ethanol content

Person's weight in kg.

Alcohol elimination time in hours

100 gr.

300 gr.

500 gr.

Low alcohol drinks (beer, beer cocktails, etc.) 4%

80-100 or more

Wine, gin and tonic, champagne, etc. from 9% - 11%

80-100 or more

from 50 min. up to 1 hour

from 2.5 to 3.5

Liqueurs and tinctures 24% - 30%

from 3.5 to 4.5

from 2.5 to 3.5

  • Features of the functioning of the body under the influence of alcohol;
  • How is alcohol detected in the blood?
  • How long does alcohol stay in the blood;
  • Table of alcohol removal from the body;
  • How to reduce the amount of ethanol.

Familiar to many feeling unwell which comes after a fun party. At the same time, few people understand the destructive effect ethanol has on the body.

In the process of drinking alcoholic beverages, red blood cells instantly gather together and stick together. The clots begin to dissolve and clog the capillaries. They, in turn, begin to inflate and burst.

The destructive process affects not only the capillaries, but also the heart muscle. Frequent consumption of alcohol leads to the loss of firmness and elasticity of the heart muscle, and scars gradually form.

In addition, any feast and even the most innocent party are accompanied by the death of many brain cells. After drinking, they are gradually eliminated along with alcohol. In addition, the human body becomes severely dehydrated.

Alcohol products can cause significant damage to the entire body and to each organ individually.

Alcohol is excreted in direct proportion to the level of its concentration in the blood.

This proportion is calculated in ppm. The ratio of 1 gram of ethanol and 1 liter of body fluid is taken.

The amount of alcohol is determined using a breathalyzer. Special tests are performed to determine the amount of alcohol. They can be carried out not only in special clinics, but also outside the walls of the laboratory.

Some of the most common ways to check the amount of ethanol include:

  1. Widmark method. It is calculated according to the scheme C = A/ m x r. WITH - percentage concentration alcohol, A is the volume of alcohol consumed, m is the mass of the person, r is the coefficient of distribution of alcohol among the cells, which depends on the gender of the person - 0.7 for men and 0.6 for women.
  2. Analysis of a small amount of saliva. When conducting such an enzymatic study, a special sensor strip is used. When examining a person who is intoxicated, she becomes more sensitive and begins to react to alcohol. This test is carried out in a dark room.
  3. Gas chromatographic testing. This method is used when a person has become unconscious due to illness or injury. This is the fastest option for checking a person and detecting ethanol in urine and blood.

Alcohol is eliminated for quite a long time. There are no clear parameters here. Each person's body has an individual reaction to alcohol. Ethanol excretion depends on the following factors:

  • The state of the drinker’s systems and organs – kidneys, brain and liver;
  • Presence or chronic diseases;
  • The volume of alcohol consumed and its strength;
  • Features of the metabolic and excretory system;
  • Time of year and so on.

A person’s weight, age, and gender are important. In a person with a large mass, alcohol is eliminated much faster. This also contributes to good snack and increased calorie content. If you consume dishes with animal fat, alcohol will be absorbed much more slowly in the body and eliminated much faster.

For example, after drinking one glass of vodka once, alcohol in its residual form is present in the body for another 18 days. The main part of alcoholic products is eliminated in the first two to three days. Full recovery of the body occurs after about 21 days, not earlier.

Reaction of the male and female body

Female and male bodies recover in completely different ways after drinking alcohol.


A man's body is approximately 70% water. Accordingly, alcohol is eliminated a little faster than from the female body, by about 20%. In one hour, the body of an ordinary man processes about 0.15‰.


A woman's body consists of approximately 60% water. In an hour, about 0.1‰ ethanol is removed from it.
These indicators are not strictly established.

Here are the data on how alcohol is eliminated:

Alcohol negatively affects the functioning of the brain. Such unpleasant factors appear as:

  1. Inhibition of reflexes and mental capabilities.
  2. Impaired reaction speed.
  3. The ability to quickly make the right decision is eliminated.
  4. The person gives an account of the manipulations performed.
  5. Loss of control over the situation and inability to track the amount of drinking.

It is for these reasons that drunk drivers often get into accidents. If the driver has drunk about 0.5 beer or 50 ml of vodka, the concentration of attention drops quite quickly. After drinking a bottle of beer, concentration while driving decreases by about 7-9 times.

Due to this, the risk of an emergency situation increases by 7-30 times. If a person drinks a glass of vodka, the likelihood of an accident automatically increases 130 times.

After drinking alcohol, for example, 1.5 liters of beer or 700-850 ml of wine, the driver’s reaction decreases by 2-4 seconds. If a car suddenly brakes, a child runs by, or a passer-by suddenly comes out around a bend, he simply will not be able to brake quickly.

If you need to restore the body as quickly as possible, if it is important to speed up the removal of ethanol from the blood, you can use the following recommendations:

  1. If the body needs to be cleansed as quickly as possible and restored immediately after drinking alcohol, you can drink a slightly diluted solution of potassium permanganate. This option is best suited when circulatory system did not spread ethanol throughout the body.
  2. The body should be cleansed with a solution of 30 ml of ordinary clean water and five drops of ammonia. This procedure will be completely useless if a hangover has already occurred.
  3. If a hangover has already set in, you should carefully follow drinking regime, ventilate the room and take some herbal diuretics.
  4. To minimize painful condition, you should drink strong tea and coffee. Such drinks should not be consumed if you have problems with blood vessels and the heart. In this case, they need to be replaced with fresh juices from tomatoes, apples and oranges.
  5. Tomorrow after the party there is a desire to drink pickles. Consuming salt will quickly improve kidney function and eliminate the symptoms and consequences of drinking alcohol. Water balance is quickly restored.
  6. If you don't have brine on hand, you can drink it large number water with lemon. It quickly dissolves the alcohol that enters the blood cells and removes harmful elements through the kidneys.
  7. To significantly improve the functioning of the body and quickly cleanse it, you should consume foods rich in antioxidants - green tea, all types of cabbage, parsley.
  8. If there are no problems with cardiovascular system, you can visit the sauna. This will quickly restore blood. Harmful components will quickly come out along with sweat.
  9. In particularly difficult situations, medical recovery methods are used. The person is given IV drips, and he remains in the hospital for some time under medical supervision.

You should not use drugs such as “Antipohmelin”, “Antipolitsay” to alleviate the condition.

These products do not help reduce the amount of ethanol, but only provide temporary improvement. Moreover, these drugs will not hide alcohol. The ppm level can be detected by any qualified specialist. Such folk methods of “fighting” alcohol as:

  1. Seeds.
  2. Garlic.
  3. Chewing gum.
  4. Parsley extract.
  5. Vanilla bars.
  6. Mint mouthwash.

To quickly reduce the amount of alcohol, you can use such effective express methods as:

  • A cup of strong sweet coffee or tea;
  • Self-hyperventilation through deep breathing;
  • A hearty hearty lunch.

If you carry out these steps after consuming a small dose of alcohol, you can be guaranteed to protect your rights from confiscation and simply improve general condition. After such a scheme of action, the body will begin to reduce the amount of alcohol in the body.

If you need to get behind the wheel, you need to be sober at least a day before. 100% sobriety is not required. The presence of 0.16‰ in the body is allowed. This amount will not have an inhibitory effect. If we translate this parameter into dosages of familiar drinks, we get:

  1. Beer – 250 ml.
  2. Different types of wine – 100-150 ml.
  3. Vodka no more than 10 ml.

Punishment for drunk driving

For driving while intoxicated, the driver faces the following penalties:

  • Driving while drunk for the first time - a fine of up to 30 thousand and deprivation of a license for up to 2 years;
  • Refusal to undergo a medical examination for the first time - a fine of 30 thousand and withdrawal of rights for two years;
  • Driving a car while intoxicated while simultaneously not having a license confiscated for another violation – arrest for 15 days, fine up to 30 thousand;
  • Repeated driving while intoxicated or refusal of a medical examination - a fine of 200 to 300 thousand or correctional labor of up to 480 hours. In a particularly difficult situation, imprisonment for up to 2 years and deprivation of a driver’s license for a period of up to three years are possible;
  • Transferring a car to a person who is intoxicated is a fine of 30 thousand and deprivation of rights for 2 years.

For driving while intoxicated, forced evacuation of the car to a penalty area may also apply. These are additional cash expenses to the expenses listed above.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Alcohol products can cause significant damage to the entire body as a whole and to each organ separately.
  2. Alcohol is excreted in direct proportion to the degree of concentration of ethanol and water in the body. This proportion is calculated in ppm. This is the ratio of 1 gram of ethanol to 1 liter of liquid.
  3. Female and male bodies recover and cleanse themselves after drinking alcohol in completely different ways.
  4. The more alcohol a person drank, the higher the strength of the drink, the slower the body cells will be cleansed.
  5. Driving while intoxicated carries a fairly serious penalty.

(professional alcohol calculator)

Designed to calculate the maximum concentration of alcohol in a person's blood in ppm () and in Blood Alcohol Concentration (%BAC) after simultaneous consumption of a given amount of alcoholic beverages, as well as to calculate the time for removing alcohol from the body. Calculations are carried out using the internationally recognized formula of Widmark Erik M.P. Calculation accuracy is 99%.

Attention! Calculations are carried out by you at your own peril and risk. The results of calculations cannot serve as evidence in court, be the basis for lawsuits or other claims, or be used as any evidence, as well as to challenge the results of laboratory determination of ethanol concentration in blood and urine.

The creators and developers of the site and this program do not bear any responsibility for attempts to apply the results of calculations in legal disputes and their consequences. Don't drink and drive!

*S. Seidl, U. Jensen, A. Alt: The calculation of blood ethanol concentrations in males and females. In: International Journal of Legal Medicine. Band 114. 2000, S. 71-77

**Calculations are not made for persons weighing less than 40 kg. Calculations are also limited when the amount drunk is less than 10 and more than 5000 ml

The program is written by forensic scientists and for forensic scientists. If you find it difficult to understand, refer to the simplified version of the alcohol calculator or ask the experts on the FR forum

Permissible alcohol limit while driving

If you are a vigilant driver and want to limit communication with law enforcement agencies regarding alcohol violations, then alcohol calculator you just need it. This electronic online tool is used to independently determine the amount of alcohol entering the bloodstream, based on the quality and quantity of alcoholic beverages taken.

Regardless of the reasons for drinking alcohol, it is very important to remember that the abuse of recreational drinks very often leads to sad irreversible consequences, however alcohol calculator may come to your aid. It is useful in the following cases:
- when you want to calculate the maximum possible alcohol dose for yourself;
- when after a strong feast you have to get behind the wheel;
- when you want to know when the effects of alcohol will become safe and you can drive a car without fear.

Having information about the current concentration of pure alcohol in your blood, which will show calculator alcohol intoxication without much difficulty, you can determine the time until you sober up and decide whether it’s worth driving for now. It would be useful to remind you that every third accident is caused by drunk drivers. The state, starting in August 2010, tightened the requirements for the permissible level of pure alcohol (in other words, ethanol) in exhaled air and blood.

From now on, the concentration of alcohol in the blood and air must be zero. Therefore, for drivers it is simply an indispensable tool. After all, if you don’t want to lose your driver’s license for 1.5 or even 2 years without passing a humiliating breathalyzer test, you need to worry about your blood alcohol filler now.

Driver blood alcohol table

Do you want to create an individual table for the removal of alcohol from the body for your data (gender, height, weight)? Use our program, which works on the algorithm of a professional calculator.

Alcohol calculator online

Even if you, as a driver, do not consume alcohol at all, then alcohol calculator online it will still be useful to you. Remember that many products contain small amounts of pure alcohol at first glance. So, even a slightly overripe banana and a cigarette contain 0.2 ppm, juice - 0.4 ppm, mouth freshener spray - up to 0.5 ppm. Both yeast kvass and fermented yogurt, kefir or curdled milk can prevent a positive outcome from a breathalyzer test.

Worth using online calculator alcohol to check the alcohol content in the blood after taking certain medications, including valerian, motherwort tincture, calendula, Corvalol and others. All of these medications and products increase the concentration of alcohol in the blood after taking them, although for a short time. But how can you insure yourself against inspection by the traffic police?

Blood alcohol calculator

How it works alcohol content calculator online? You will need to indicate in the program window: your weight and height (the higher the indicators, the more alcohol you need to get drunk), gender (women generally get drunk many times faster than men), the alcohol content in each of the drinks consumed and their quantity. In the program, you will also have to indicate whether the alcohol was taken on a full or empty stomach, since alcohol drunk on an empty stomach will intoxicate you faster and will remain in the blood longer.

The program will also ask you to enter the rate of alcohol removal from the blood (ppm per hour). You don't have to make any changes to blood alcohol content calculator if these parameters are not clear to you, the result in this case will be 99% reliable. It is worth noting that the rate of elimination largely depends on the rate of metabolism and genes, since sensitivity to alcohol can also be inherited.

Alcohol removal from the body calculator

It is important to remember that, as mentioned above, alcohol may remain in the blood for different periods of time in an individual person, therefore alcohol weathering calculator may give results that are not a verdict. However, the average blood alcohol concentration can be calculated. So, with different exposures, an 80-kilogram man will have 0.3 ppm of alcohol in his body after drinking two hundred grams of dry wine, or half a liter of beer, or fifty grams of vodka.

Enter in the form fields alcohol yield calculator the required information and get a reliable result of the maximum alcohol content in your body, corresponding to a certain degree of intoxication, and the time it takes for it to be completely eliminated from the blood. As a result of our online breathalyzer, you will receive a verdict: is it okay for you to drive a car or is it better to take a taxi?

It is important for every motorist to know how long alcohol stays in the blood. After all, even one bottle of beer can lead to deprivation of your license. When calculating, a person’s build, gender, age, physique and many other factors are of particular importance.

Below are tables of blood alcohol concentration, which were compiled on the basis of general patterns and provide only approximate results. Special equipment is used to measure the exact amount of alcohol in the blood.

How to calculate blood alcohol content using a table?

It's actually quite simple. In order to find out how much alcohol is in your blood, you need to know your weight and the amount you drank.

As you can see, for a person of small build, the period of disintegration of alcohol in the blood can reach 16 hours. And this is far from the limit. A small dose dissolves in the body on average in 2-3 hours.

Attention! The rate of breakdown of alcohol in female body lower than in men's. Therefore, you need to add one more hour to all indicators when calculating.

To better understand the interaction between a person’s weight and the amount of alcohol in the blood, consider several practical examples:

  1. Let's imagine a person weighs 58 kilograms and he drank 150 milliliters of vodka. We select the desired weight and amount of alcohol consumed in the blood alcohol breakdown table. Then we find the intersection of the column and row. It's 10 o'clock. After this time, you will be able to get behind the wheel. The alcohol will completely leave your blood.
  2. The mass of a person is 110 kilograms. He drank 2 liters of beer. How long before he can get behind the wheel? We do the same as in the previous example. We select the most suitable number in the weight column - this is 100 kg. From above we find required quantity alcohol. The result is as follows: alcohol will dissolve in the blood after 7 hours.
  3. Let's take a more complicated example. Your weight is 79 kilograms. You consumed 0.6 liters of beer. A natural question arises: which column to choose where 0.5 or 1 liter? The main rule of the blood alcohol level chart is to always round up. You will be able to drive the car only after 5 hours.
  4. The young woman drank two small cans of beer. Its mass is 50 kilograms. One jar contains 0.33 liters. In two - 0.66 l. The girl will need 8 hours for her body to completely dissolve all the alcohol in her blood.

Comment! If a woman weighs up to 50 kilograms, it is best to add another hour to the final figure to be completely sure.

Correction factors

Naturally, there is not only vodka and beer in the world. In order to calculate the blood alcohol content from, say, the consumption of whiskey or absinthe, there are correction factors.

The first table of blood alcohol ratios shows strong alcoholic beverages. Vodka, which traditionally contains 40% ethyl alcohol, is taken as the standard. In rum, by comparison, this figure is at 60%. Divide 60 by 40 and get 1.5. This means that to use the first table, you need to multiply the amount of rum you drink by one and a half.

The further algorithm remains the same. You indicate your weight and find the right time. This way you can find the dissolution time of any alcohol in the blood. Now you will always know how much alcohol is in your blood.

Important! The second table shows the indicators of low-alcohol drinks in relation to beer with a strength of 5%.

How accurate are the readings in the tables?

The readings given above are the result of statistical research. For each person, the time of sobering up is individual, as is the level of resistance to alcohol. We can distinguish a whole group of factors that, to one degree or another, influence the rate of elimination of ethyl alcohol from the blood:

  • speed of metabolism;
  • additional medications taken;
  • snacks consumed with alcohol;
  • health status.

Of course, age and gender also play a role. But judging by the tables, the main role is played by the mass of a person. The more you weigh, the faster alcohol is eliminated from your body. There is also an interesting pattern: the faster a person gets drunk, the higher the rate of breakdown of alcohol in the blood.

How does alcohol in the blood affect driving skills?

There is an opinion among motorists that a low blood alcohol content does not interfere with driving. However, this is not entirely true; even half a glass of beer can negatively affect making the right decision in a critical situation.

If blood alcohol is in the range of 0.2-0.5 ppm, then the driver cannot accurately perceive moving light sources. Difficulties arise in estimating the volume of objects. In this state, the person behind the wheel is prone to risky maneuvers, which means the possibility of an accident increases several times. Other consequences include:

  1. Inability to determine the exact distance to oncoming cars.
  2. Increased risk of collision when overtaking.
  3. The motorist cannot accurately maintain a safe distance.
  1. It becomes difficult for a motorcyclist to stay in his lane.
  2. Brake and stop signals are poorly perceived.
  3. When moving from high beam to low beam, a momentary loss of spatial orientation is possible.

The blood alcohol level is from 0.8 to 1.2 ppm. The person begins to feel euphoria. This results in an overestimation of one’s strengths and capabilities. The angle of view and depth are reduced. A so-called tunnel gaze occurs. On the road this can have the following consequences:

  1. The driver notices pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles, parked at the curb.
  2. Driving style becomes risky. There is a deceptive relaxation.
  3. With peripheral vision it becomes increasingly difficult to notice cars driving past.

Blood alcohol level is from 1.2 to 2.4 ppm. Attention deteriorates, it becomes impossible to concentrate on a particular action. There is intense euphoria. The reaction is slow, the balance is disturbed. Driving in this condition is almost impossible. While driving you observe:

  1. Problems with orientation in space.
  2. Errors while driving. A person can easily confuse the brake pedal with the gas pedal.
  3. The driving style can be classified as extremely risky.

The dose of alcohol in the blood is from 4 to 5 ppm. With such a level of ethyl alcohol in the body, a person should think about going to the hospital as soon as possible. The dose is lethal.

Breathalyzer and alcohol neutralization rate

Many drivers buy such gadgets for themselves in order to know exactly when they can get behind the wheel. Even pocket devices give quite accurate results. Of course, a certain error is possible here too. But usually it does not reach 0.3 ppm. The question is, how do you determine when you can drive?

The liver is responsible for removing toxins from the body. The average rate of neutralization of alcohol in the blood is 0.10-0.15 ppm for men; for women this figure is 0.08-0.10.

For clarity, let's take a simple example. At a noisy party, the driver brought his blood alcohol content to 2.2 ppm. Minimum decay rate 0.10 ppm. Therefore, by 8 o’clock in the morning the breathalyzer will show 1.4 ppm. The body will be completely clean only in the evening at 22:00.

The result is simple - complete intoxication after drinking alcohol in particularly high doses requires at least 24 hours.

Important! Neither shower nor coffee speeds up this process. They only help cope with the consequences and spur nervous system.

Acceptable ppm

In some European countries, a person can drive with a certain amount of alcohol in their blood. Russia was no exception. The history of the issue began in 2010. At that time, the odious “zero ppm” law was in force. Three years later it was canceled and new standards were introduced.

The thing is that a certain ppm of alcohol is contained in many products. It is found in bread, cabbage, bananas and even kefir. Due to the odious law, the driver could be subject to sanctions from law enforcement agencies for drinking a liter of kefir and eating a loaf of black bread. As a result, this legal norm was revised.

In 2015, the legal limit for blood alcohol is 0.35 ppm. In fact, this is the size of the average statistical measurement error. Therefore, you should not rely on this legal norm when consuming it on the road.

How to speed up the removal of alcohol from the blood?

There are emergencies in life when you need to get yourself in order as quickly as possible. When removing alcohol from the blood, a person sets the following goals:

  • improved response;
  • restoration of coordination of movements;
  • normalization of memory;
  • optimization of brain activity.

The most effective method To overcome alcohol intoxication, go to the hospital. Narcologists will supply a special dropper containing glucose, saline solution and other additives. This mixture will allow the body to quickly cope with alcohol and remove it from the blood. For complete recovery, 4-8 hours are enough.

If there is no opportunity to go to the hospital, there is a whole list traditional methods that help remove alcohol from the blood:

  1. Drink more water.
  2. Make yourself orange or grapefruit juice. These fruits contain a large amount of fructose, which stimulates cleansing of the body.
  3. Eat foods with increased content vitamin C. This element is found in lemon, onion, kiwi and so on. Or just buy it at the pharmacy ascorbic acid.
  4. Have a drink activated carbon. 6-8 tablets 2-3 times a day are enough.
  5. It is believed that saunas and baths help remove toxins from the body. Increased sweating quickly cleanses the blood of harmful elements. Alternatively, drink hot tea with plenty of sugar and sweat under a blanket.
  6. Even simple exercise improves blood circulation, which means alcohol leaves the blood faster.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to judge the effectiveness of these techniques. Of course, they give a certain result, but a trip to the hospital is guaranteed to get rid of alcohol in your blood.


The tables above are designed to help you know the approximate time for complete cleansing of the body. The best option is to buy a breathalyzer. Most importantly, before getting behind the wheel, remember that even a small amount of alcohol in your blood can seriously affect your behavior on the road. It’s better to wait an hour or two and only then start the engine.