The main causes leading to leg pain can be divided into two categories:

  • Natural behavior of a muscle in response to fatigue or direct impact (mechanical response);
  • Diseases whose main symptom is muscle pain in the lower extremities.

Given discomfort disappear quickly if the legs are elevated (above the level of the head to ensure better blood flow) and by taking a cool foot bath. It is better if you give your legs a contrast shower.

We strengthen our arms with wing exercises. Arms straight, raised side by side parallel to the floor. We pulse a small amplitude of 2 cm, keeping your arms straight; We transfer the movement from the shoulder. Later we change the pulsation in a circular motion: we draw a small circle from shoulder joint. To strengthen the chest muscles, you need to continue the exercise by bringing your arms back, keeping them straight, bending over the elbow and pulsing upward.

We will cut our sides wide, sting and bend the pulse cycle to the left and then to the right. In this position, it is important to keep your butt firm, abdominal muscles, and cup forward. We choose the arm position for the comfort of your waist, tuck in the front or back, or lift one or both.

Another option for the natural behavior of the lower leg muscles is what we used to call “pulled muscle.” At the moment of a sudden movement, the muscle does not have time to relax and its strong tension occurs. For example, as a result of not walking quickly, the leg suddenly twists and a sharp pain immediately follows. ankle joint. Or, while running, pain appears in the calf muscles. Such a reaction will be an indicator that the warm-up was not carried out effectively enough, the muscles in the first case were not trained, in the second they were not “warmed up”, which led to disruption of their work.

We properly return the legs and buttocks by performing chair exercises. When we sit in the "chair" we focus on the still calf and knee joint. When we push, we push our buttocks back and close our belly towards our thighs. We use our arms to be balanced, extended, or loaded with the shoulder in front. The top legs are stuck wide, clinging, holding the bowl forward and pulsing a small amplitude up and down.

We strengthen the abdominal press by lying on the carpet: legs bent, feet on the carpet, upper part body rises from the belt. The arms are extended at the sides of the legs. The face is rotated 45 degrees. Abdominal muscular pulsation. By changing the position of the legs - stretching parallel to the floor or lifting up, expanding or contracting the lateral abdominal muscles, thereby increasing their endurance.

The described pains are characterized by the following general features:

  • sudden appearance;
  • are not of a long-term nature;
  • can be removed without the use of medications;
  • do not have a certain cyclical nature (they may never happen again).

In these cases, you can reduce the pain of the sensation by applying a tight bandage, applying cold and giving the leg maximum immobility.

Diseases that cause pain in the calf muscles

Diseases that can cause pain in the calf muscles as one of their symptoms include:

Complaints of constant heaviness in the legs, a feeling of fullness in the calf muscles, which does not stop even at rest, are characteristic of one of the most common vascular diseases - varicose veins.

The movement of blood through the vessels slows down with age. Genetic predisposition, sedentary lifestyle, work associated with prolonged standing, improper lifting of weights, heavy weight, pregnancy and childbirth in women, improper metabolism - all these, and many other reasons, lead to deformation of the veins and, as a result, deterioration of blood supply to muscles lower limbs. Pain in the calf muscles is the result of stagnant processes, the blood flows poorly, and therefore the muscles do not receive enough oxygen to work properly. Hence the feeling of fullness in the legs.


Constant pain in the calf muscles of a pulsating nature, turning over time into pain resembling a burning sensation, are clear signs of one of the most common vascular diseases - thrombophlebitis. Please note that pain due to thrombophlebitis is constant and can be stopped (relieved) only by means of means. drug treatment. If you have such pain, you should immediately seek help from specialists.


My feet are cold, even in the summer heat, my calves seem to be tight and compressed. These unpleasant sensations are periodically accompanied by pain. This is how another enemy of our health manifests itself – atherosclerosis. During this disease, the walls of blood vessels are deformed due to the deposition of fatty (cholesterol) plaques on their internal surfaces, which impedes the normal flow and outflow of blood from the lower extremities. Cholesterol deposits compact the vessel from the inside, hence the feeling of tight, compressed leg muscles. Again, as in the diseases described above, normal blood circulation is disrupted. Constant lack of "food" high blood pressure inside the vessels cause pain in the calf muscles, which, over time, also becomes permanent.

Neuralgic diseases

Sometimes painful sensations in the legs, up to sharp pain, may have nothing to do with the muscles and vessels of the legs themselves. Neuralgia is a disease associated with inflammation of the peripheral nerves. You can often hear “something has gotten into your leg.” So, since it “enters”, it means there is neuralgia. Signs of the manifestation of neuralgic pain are their unexpectedness and short duration. They appear in paroxysms, they “set in” and, after a few minutes, “let go”; pain in the calf muscles will appear, they seem to twist for a moment, then disappear.

The apparent mildness of the manifestation of the described symptoms should not lead you to the conclusion that such manifestations are safe. If the described cases occurred in your life at least once, you should not wait for the next one. Consult a doctor - a neurologist or a neurologist. This will help you avoid an unexpected and unpleasant “meeting” with the manifestation of neuralgia in the future.

Spinal diseases

Pain in the calf muscles may be the result of one of the spinal diseases. When pain does not just appear, but “shoots” in the leg, this is a clear example of problems with the spine. This “behavior” is inherent, for example, in the displacement of spinal discs. The spine itself, at this moment, may not bother you, but with such alarm bells it lets you know that a threat has appeared.

Dear doctor! I am writing to you with the following question: I am 25 years old, female, nervous diseases I had never been sick before, in childhood I had nothing except ARVI and chronic runny nose, there was no measles, at the age of 18 I had chickenpox without complications, two last year - tracheitis a couple of times with a long-lasting cough. So it seems like nothing more. Symptoms - my muscles twitch for several days. More like something rolling or pulsating under the skin, sometimes in the calf, then under the knee, then in the buttock, then in the arms somewhere, in the stomach. Occasionally it happened that the leg twitched a little, like it shuddered, but there was no large amplitude of movement. And the little finger on my hand twitched a couple of times. Once on the cheek. Most often, something rolls under the knee and in the calf muscle. It happens for half an hour or an hour of nothing, sometimes there are 5-7 such nasty things per hour. There is only a sitting and lying position, if you stand or walk there is no. They are not provoked by anything, they arise on their own. Probably, if I’m nervous, there are more of them. Sometimes attacks of trembling (whole body, especially above, like chills, but without fever). Several more times, either a vein or something under the skin on the side of the head on the right began to pound, quickly and quickly. For three weeks, my arms and legs began to quickly become numb, my legs just in a sitting position, especially my feet, and my arms, if I propped up my chin, etc., tingling, fainting, before, in order to be able to try harder, I had to squeeze it like that. For three more days - when I lie down in the dark and close my eyes, or if I wake you up - sometimes something quickly, quickly pulsates before my eyes, like patterns, but not colored, like something unfolds, contracts, rotates, pulsates, either in time with the heart , or these pulsations in the limbs. If you sit down, open your eyes, do a couple of exercises with your hands, it goes away, but if you lie down, it starts again. It may last 5 minutes, maybe more than an hour, then it goes away. A very unpleasant feeling. There is heaviness in the head, in the back of the head, but not severe and not all the time. A month before this, clicks appeared and remain in the throat (ears?) when swallowing, sometimes there is an unpleasant sensation in the throat (like a slight cold), but the ENT specialist does not see any pathology. Several times it happened that with my head down or lying down, when I was very tired or nervous, my voice became strange, like with distortion, trembling or something, like a vibration, “trrr-trrr”, it looks like a special computer effect, if you clear your throat became normal. The person heard my voice and clicks, this is not my hallucination. I have trouble with my memory, names and titles fell out, my friend’s name, the names of Japanese actors well known to me, my friend and these actors have been known to me for 2 years. (although I easily remember the names of all the characters in the series that I watched when I was 17-18 years old, the names of the characters from the books that I read as a teenager). I’m panicking, trying to remember, and there’s emptiness. After some time, the name comes to mind on its own, almost all of them, some of them were not remembered without prompting. Before this, three months - irritability, tearfulness, emotional lability, I had anxiety for three months, an incomprehensible confidence that I would not live to see winter, medical nightmares and all sorts of thoughts that I had some kind of terrible illness. Two months ago ring finger I was numb for two days, but it passed. And one attack of twitching of all the muscles, at night, contracting here and there, without moving the limbs. It didn't happen again. Thyroid hormones are normal. My periods began to last fewer days than before (I have polycystic ovary syndrome). FLG and ultrasound abdominal cavity normal. Temperature is normal. The pressure is 130/80, sometimes 140/90, it could be higher, but there is no way to measure it at home - there is nothing with which to measure it. no loss of sensitivity, no headaches at all - but sometimes there is pressure bottom part face when bending over, and sometimes there is a slight pressure on the temple and one point on the top of the head, a couple of times there was a slight throbbing pain in right side head, with heaviness. easily removed with analgin. Appetite and temperature are normal (although more often 36.9 than 36.6). no nausea. pain - sometimes just under the breasts, as in the ribs themselves, a couple of times there was a shooting in the spine in the middle section, today the shoulder and collarbone hurt, maybe it turned awkwardly, about 15 minutes passed, the neck, shoulders and knees are very crunchy. Sometimes mild is unpleasant pressing sensation sometimes in one ear, sometimes in the other (but does not block). Three weeks ago, a neurologist diagnosed astheno-depressive syndrome and prescribed glycine, took it - to no avail. A week ago, a psychotherapist prescribed Adaptol 500 three times a day. Plus, she started taking ascorutin once a day (the blood vessels in her nose had been bursting for a long time), and multitabs B vitamins three times a day. Saw. Adaptol calmed me down, but these twitchings and pulsations began. Three weeks ago, the neurologist didn’t reveal anything strange when hitting with a hammer, eye movements are fine, I can calmly poke my finger into my nose with my eyes closed, I can maintain my balance with my eyes closed, if I move my foot and lips in every possible way, there are no pathological reflexes. There was a lot of stress during the year. Please tell me which examination is best for me to undergo? Doppler ultrasound of blood vessels head and neck? Brain MRI? MRI of the neck? ENMG? EEG? There’s just not enough money for one thing, and there’s nowhere to get another 2 weeks.