If brown discharge appears on the first day of menstruation, this may indicate both normality and pathology. Associated symptoms will help you decide whether you should see a gynecologist or not.

Normal menstruation

All women experience their periods differently. If a woman knows that throughout her life the nature of her periods does not change, this indicates that this is the case. physiological feature of this woman.

However, in this case you need to be very careful, since some features are far from normal, for example, too much discharge during menstruation, which already represents uterine bleeding.

In most healthy women, menstruation is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • red discharge (bloody);
  • discharge without copious amounts of clots;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • the daily volume of discharge ranges from 30 to 60 ml, but no more.

In addition, mood swings and minor pain may occur, which is also normal.

The nature of discharge during menstruation

Again, this varies from woman to woman, but for most women the flow is usually fairly light on the first day of their period, but becomes heavier by the second day. The most abundant discharge is observed on the second and third days of menstruation, and then its volume decreases sharply.

On the first day of menstruation, the discharge may not only be scanty, but also vary in color. So, they may not have a red tint, but brown.

The appearance of brown discharge on the first day of menstruation can be either an absolute norm or a signal that some pathological process is occurring in the body.

This can be considered the norm when a teenage girl just begins menstruation, the cycle has not yet been established. Very often, in the first 1 - 2 years from the start of menstruation, girls experience brown discharge on the first day of menstruation.

However, there are other reasons why a woman may notice brown discharge on the first day of her period.

Causes of brown discharge

If such discharge is discovered by a woman with an established menstrual cycle, this should be a reason for closer attention to her women’s health. When atypical discharge appears, it is very important to analyze what could be its cause. Possible reasons may include the following:

  1. Pregnancy. If a woman is sexually active and does not use protection, this is very possible reason. Especially if a woman has a delay in her period, and then after some time brown discharge appears. Women think that this is the start of another period, but in fact it is not so. This may indicate that the embryo has implanted in the endometrium of the uterus. You can finally verify this by purchasing a pregnancy test or taking the appropriate test at a antenatal clinic.
  2. Ectopic pregnancy. If a woman experiences brown discharge on the first day of her period and experiences intense pain in the lower abdomen, this may be a signal of an ectopic pregnancy. This situation is extremely serious and dangerous. Even if it's not ectopic pregnancy, but the combination of these two signs is a good reason to urgently visit a gynecologist.
  3. Physical activity. If a woman works hard, is too active in sports, likes to travel or hike, etc., this can cause a cycle failure. Your periods may still come on time, but their nature will change. Thus, the body gives a signal that the woman needs to reduce her load.
  4. Psycho-emotional state. Same as physical activity, stress can also negatively affect your periods. If a woman has experienced a stressful situation, soon her period may well begin not with the usual discharge, but with brown discharge. This is a reason to contact a therapist or neurologist so that the doctor can prescribe a sedative.
  5. Drug therapy. Some groups of drugs can also affect the nature of your periods. In particular, diet pills and oral contraceptives are groups of drugs that affect the work reproductive system. Consequently, a woman may not notice bloody discharge on the first day of menstruation, but brown discharge. If a woman is not taking weight loss medications or contraceptives, she needs to analyze whether she has started taking any other medications that have similar side effects.

Read also: Women have white discharge

Another very important point concerns hormonal contraceptives.

You need to understand that taking them is a certain stress for the body, because the drugs interfere with normal work reproductive system.

Consequently, temporary disruptions and changes in the flow and characteristics of menstruation are the norm. But only if these are temporary reactions.

If the situation has not changed within a month after starting to take the drugs, you should contact a gynecologist, since there is a possibility that the drug is not suitable and will need to be replaced with another.

The relationship between discharge and disease

In some cases, if a woman’s period begins with brown discharge, this indicates the development of serious diseases. What diseases are accompanied by this symptom? Among them are the following:

  1. Endometritis. This is an inflammatory process that occurs in the upper layer of the endometrium, that is, the mucous membrane of the uterus. There are acute and chronic endometritis.
  2. Endomyometritis. This is an inflammatory process that occurs in the deep layers - the basal layer of the endometrium, that is, in the myometrium.
  3. Endometrial hyperplasia. This is a pathological proliferation of endometrial cells. Very common in women of reproductive age. It is accompanied by inflammation of the surrounding tissues, which provokes mild bleeding, including brown discharge.
  4. Uterine polyps. They arise due to inflammation and hormonal imbalances. The mucous membrane of the uterus is affected, which manifests itself different symptoms, including brown discharge.
  5. Polycystic ovary syndrome. If a woman’s periods have always been normal, and then suddenly change in nature, brown discharge begins to appear on the first day, and this pattern repeats several cycles in a row, you need to urgently consult a gynecologist, because one of the reasons is polycystic ovary syndrome. The disease is very serious because it can lead to infertility.

One of the fairly common complaints when visiting a gynecologist is that a woman sometimes experiences brown discharge on the first day of her period. There are many reasons for this. In some cases, this condition is completely normal, in others it is a symptom of serious diseases.

To find out what causes a disruption in the menstrual cycle, it is important to know its physiological course. When a woman has completely established monthly cycle, has become permanent, then menstruation should begin painlessly and last an average of 3-5 days. Normally, the interval between bleeding is from three weeks to 35 days, and the volume of bleeding is from 50 and not more than 150 ml. In this case, the discharge should not have a strong odor and be accompanied by itching, pain and burning.

When the cycle is fully formed, a woman needs to monitor its regularity and mark the necessary days on the calendar. It is advisable to record all its deviations from the usual in order to know whether it is episodic or permanent, since this is the key to a woman’s general and reproductive health.

Physiological causes of brown discharge

The appearance of such discharge is quite normal during the period of the first menstruation, when a teenage girl’s period is not yet fully established.

The reproductive system is still immature, the balance of hormones has not been formed and their concentration is still insufficient. Therefore, menstruation is not yet regular, scanty (hypomenorrhea), manifested by weak brownish discharge on the first or second day of menstruation.

The period of reaching or becoming menopause is manifested by such brown discharge. It's all about the gradual decline of the normal function of the ovaries and the female reproductive system as a whole.

It is quite acceptable when, before the onset of menstruation or within 1-2 days after their cessation, there is scanty discharge that has a brownish tint.

This phenomenon is not considered pathological, provided that the duration of the discharge lasts no more than 3-4 days and is not accompanied by pain, burning, or itching. General condition must remain satisfactory and bad smell there is no discharge.

When a woman uses oral contraceptives or a hormonal IUD to prevent pregnancy, she gets the so-called menstruation instead of menstruation. It looks like scanty, stained brown discharge that appears in the first days of the expected menstruation.

If a sexually active woman notices the appearance of brown discharge on the first day of her period, then pregnancy may be the reason for this. Sometimes its onset occurs unnoticed and manifests itself only as a delay. Otherwise, such discharge indicates attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus.

Polycystic ovary syndrome can be manifested by the fact that a woman had normal menstruation, and then suddenly had dark brown periods for several cycles in a row.


If a woman has it, the doctor will prescribe corrective hormonal treatment.

Hormonal imbalances due to medication are corrected by replacing the drug or changing its dose. If the failure is caused by an endocrine pathology, then the underlying disease is treated.

Stress as the cause of brown discharge requires the use of sedatives. You may need to consult a neurologist, psychologist and psychotherapist.

At inflammatory diseases uterus, antimicrobial drugs and antihistamines are prescribed.

Polyps, ectopic pregnancy need surgical treatment. There are modern laparoscopic surgeries that are much less traumatic than classic ones and allow you to quickly return to your normal lifestyle.


Deviations of the normal menstrual cycle can be both symptoms of various gynecological diseases and may have completely physiological causes. Brown discharge that appears during menstruation is one such example. There is no need to panic, but it is better to immediately seek help from a specialist and undergo a full examination.

Menstruation is one of the important indicators women's health, not only the duration of the cycle, its regularity, but also the quantity and nature of the discharge are important. The normal color of the discharge is red, brown periods may be a sign serious illnesses, so you should visit a doctor and get examined.

Brown periods may indicate illness

Why are my periods brown?

Normally, a woman should secrete approximately 50 ml of dark menstrual blood per day with a sour characteristic odor. On the first day of the cycle, brown discharge may be present, but if the situation does not change in the future, you need to be examined to identify the cause of the failure. What they look like normal discharge in women, you can see in the photo.

Normal female discharge

Brown periods are often accompanied by disruptions in the menstrual cycle. Clots with a sharp, uncharacteristic odor appear, and a decrease in the amount of discharge is observed.

Light brown discharge during menstruation

Scanty discharge during menstruation, first brown, then red, is the norm for many women, since this feature is often hereditary. But sometimes hypomenorrhea develops against the background of congenital pathologies of the reproductive system, hormonal imbalance, anemia, vitamin deficiency, and climate change.

A dark brown, almost black smear is a common sign of severe infectious pathologies, venereal diseases, fibroids, cervical cancer. A decrease in the daily volume of secretions may be accompanied by headache, discomfort in groin area, lower back, nausea, fever.

What diseases cause brown discharge instead of menstruation:

  • normal or ectopic pregnancy - weak spotting appears a few days before the missed period, and can last for several hours;
  • malfunction of the pituitary gland and ovaries, disruption hormonal balance– dirty periods often occur during menopause, in teenagers, and can appear a week before menstruation;
  • proliferation of the endometrium is a consequence of abortion, chronic foci of inflammation in the pelvic organs, such a symptom may indicate tuberculosis of the genital organs;
  • genital injuries, gynecological surgical interventions;
  • nervous and physical fatigue, depressive states– discharge of a strange color may appear at the beginning of the cycle;
  • sudden or frequent weight changes;
  • long-term use of Duphaston, upon cancellation hormonal contraceptive Tri-Regol.

Brown discharge may be caused by endometrial proliferation

Minor light brown discharge after menstruation or in the middle of the cycle is normal, but if it has a strong odor and lasts more than 2 days, you need to.

Vaginal secretion of a similar color at the end, beginning or middle of the cycle may indicate poor personal hygiene, cervical erosion, polyps and malignant tumors, occurs when taking abortifacients medicines, often occurs in women after childbirth, when the integrity of the mucous membrane is violated during sex.

Brown discharge with a greenish tint, pungent odor, itching, pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort during bowel movement bladder- a sign of sexually transmitted diseases.

Why do brown clots appear during menstruation?

Clots are almost always present in menstrual flow - this is due to endometrial rejection, but if they become brown in color, this may indicate some pathologies.

Reasons for the appearance of brown clots:

  • increased body temperature during menstruation;
  • endometriosis;
  • infectious lesion of the uterus - endometritis;
  • anemia;
  • ectopic pregnancy.


After an examination on the chair, the gynecologist prescribes tests to identify the reasons for the appearance of brown periods.

Basic diagnostic methods:

  • clinical and biochemical analysis blood;
  • vaginal smear for flora and cytology, PAP smear from cervical canal;
  • general urinalysis;
  • blood test for hCG, TORCH infections;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • analysis of thyroid hormones;
  • test for tumor markers, papillomavirus, cervical biopsy;
  • CT, MRI.

During treatment gynecological diseases You must completely abstain from sexual intercourse.

Identify deviations in women's health vaginal smear helps

What are the dangers of period brown?

A strange color of menstrual blood may indicate endocrine disorders, infectious and inflammatory processes - all these factors significantly reduce the likelihood of conception and normal pregnancy.

Against the background of severe inflammatory processes, adhesions appear, the infection begins to spread to other organs, which is fraught with the occurrence of chronic pathologies and sepsis.

Brown discharge during pregnancy may indicate placental abruption, which can lead to miscarriage. Scarlet discharge is a sign of a frozen pregnancy.

Light brown or darker discharge before, instead of, or after menstruation, with clots, impurities of pus, and a strong odor are dangerous, especially if they last longer than a week.

What to do if you have brown periods?

If brown discharge appears, you need to take a pregnancy test and look at the calendar to see what stage your cycle is in. If the test is negative and overall you feel normal, you should reconsider your daily routine - rest more, get enough sleep, and don’t be nervous about every occasion.

If brown discharge appears, you need to take a pregnancy test

If the discharge continues for a long time, has a strange shade, a pulling or sharp pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort during sexual intercourse and during urination, itching of the genitals - you should not put off a visit to the clinic. High temperature in conjunction with nagging pain in the lumbar region and in the area of ​​the appendages - you need to call an ambulance.


During brown periods, self-medication is pointless and dangerous, since there are many reasons for the appearance of such discharge, and they are not always caused by health problems. Medicines selected by the doctor after examination and diagnosis, sometimes curettage or surgical intervention is required.

Main groups of drugs:

  • antibiotics in tablets and suppositories - Cefixime, Amoxiclav, Hexicon, Metronidazole;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - Ketoprofen, Rapid, Terzhinan, Movalis;
  • antiviral agents – Cycloferon, Acyclovir;
  • medications against vaginal candidiasis - Pimafucin, Klion-D;
  • oral contraceptives with estrogen and gestagen - Yarina, Zhanine;
  • drugs for hormonal correction – Norkolut, Goserelin;
  • medications to restore the menstrual cycle - Profazi, Metrodin;
  • agents that reduce myometrial tone - Ginipral, No-shpa;
  • vitamins, restoratives.

Ginipral reduces myometrial tone

If you have brown discharge, you should not take hemostatic agents on your own - Dicynon, Tranexam, such drugs early stages Pregnancies can cause serious health problems.

If the brown discharge is not very abundant, has a homogeneous composition, without a pungent odor or foreign impurities, then it is caused by natural processes that occur in a woman’s body. But if others appear unpleasant symptoms, the temperature rises, you need to urgently visit a doctor.

The norm for a woman who is in reproductive age is the presence of menstruation every month. Menstrual discharge that is bloody, has a specific odor, is red in color, and may contain blood clots is normal. In the uterus, the process of detachment of the endometrium, the mucous membrane, occurs. The duration of menstruation can be from 3 to 7 days, repeating every 21-35 days.
It happens that sometimes or this happens all the time, a woman may observe brown discharge instead of normal menstrual blood. What is the reason for this color change? There are many such factors, but some are quite harmless to health, while others can have a detrimental effect on women’s health.

In the second half of the menstrual cycle, a woman’s hormonal background changes in favor of progesterone. Immediately after ovulation, you can notice changes in vaginal discharge. They become thick, white or yellowish in color. Every woman notices their abundance. Along with this, the condition of the inner layer of the uterus changes. It thickens significantly, the structure becomes loose. The body is preparing for implantation of a fertilized egg, even if there has been no conception. But after a week, the body understands that there will be no pregnancy and begins to prepare for menstruation. A few days before, the woman observes pain in the lower abdomen. The uterus uses sedentary muscles to shed the unneeded layer of endometrium. At the same time, blood is gradually released. Brown periods are a harbinger of menstruation. After 1–2 days, full bleeding begins.

If this does not happen, the brown spot persists for more than 4 days, which means there is a hormonal imbalance in the body. There are several variations:

  • Progesterone remains at high levels, preventing normal menstruation.
  • Progesterone was at low levels in the second phase of the cycle. My period can't start. The endometrial layer could not form fully. There is simply nothing to reject.

Brown periods always mean hormonal imbalance. Minor changes are caused by menstruation with initial spotting, significant changes are caused by the absence of full menstruation or an unsuccessful pregnancy.

What indicates irregular menstruation?

When a woman begins to observe the following changes in herself, she should go to see a gynecologist:

  • instead of normal periods, brown discharge;
  • irregularities in the cycle (long or);
  • menstruation begins, but it is brown with clots;
  • brown daub;

Also, towards the end of menstruation, you may experience:

  • discharge is reduced;
  • darker shade.

If you notice dark brown discharge instead of menstruation, this is a deviation from the norm. Contact your doctor!

Also, such discharges are divided into two groups:

  1. Instead of menstruation - a small amount of dark-colored discharge.
  2. Instead of menstruation - discharge with clots.

Signs that may accompany brown discharge

  • headache;
  • unpleasant feeling of nausea;
  • nagging pain in the lower back;
  • pain that is localized in the lower abdomen.

The main causes of brown discharge

It often occurs after mycobacteria enter the genitals from the external environment, and, accordingly, further. Usually associated symptoms are disruptions in the cycle, infertility.

Brown discharge in a woman after childbirth

At such a time, a woman in labor undergoes various changes in her body. After pregnancy, everything returns to normal, including menstruation. Remember, not all women start menstruating regularly. The nature of menstruation does not remain unchanged. If a woman’s periods were heavy, then after childbirth there may be brown discharge instead of periods, which is considered normal. But do not neglect the consultation of a gynecologist; this, in turn, will exclude the possible onset of another disease.
How does age affect the change in color of menstruation?

Girls who are just beginning to menstruate and whose cycle is not constant may experience brown discharge instead of menstruation. This may happen within 2 years after the start, and is considered the norm. If this continues longer, you need to consult a doctor.

When a woman is in premenopause, changes in the color of menstruation are also possible. This decrease is due female hormones in the body, as well as the ovaries cease to perform their reproductive function.

Diagnostic methods

With such a deviation from the norm, there are many methods. The main ones are:

After Duphaston, scanty periods are brown

In most cases, delayed menstruation is associated with insufficient progesterone in the second phase. Then doctors prescribe a synthetic substitute. Duphaston is such a drug. The tablets are taken every day, the duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. A woman's hormonal background changes gradually. Against this background, brown discharge appears. They may be present throughout the treatment period, or appear at the end of therapy, after completing the pills. In the first case, brown discharge means unstable hormonal levels, in the second and third cases they are harbingers of menstruation.

Period is dark brown on the first day

The situation is quite natural. Blood cannot flow immediately. The discharge appears gradually. The endometrial layer is also partially rejected. The dark color of the discharge is coagulated blood. A small amount of it quickly coagulates under the influence of oxygen and vaginal microflora. Takes on a brown tint. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. A woman can prepare properly for her critical days. Buy hygiene products, plan your time, adjust your plans for the near future. Especially if menstrual cycle unstable. Discharge of the same color appears at the end of menstruation.

Periods are brown with clots

Clots in menstrual flow are nothing more than particles of the endometrium that are rejected gradually. They are always noticeable in blood discharge, but the woman does not pay much attention to them. If you changed the color yourself menstrual flow, the situation is alarming.

Brown discharge is always scanty. The cause of menstrual irregularities is hormonal imbalance. The situation can unfold in two directions.

If you have brown discharge with clots, you need to make sure that you are not pregnant, since hormonal imbalance can be caused by pregnancy.

Treatment method for brown discharge

The main thing in treatment-oriented therapy is to determine the reasons why this deviation occurs. They also need to be eliminated to avoid further consequences. Women who suffer from menstrual irregularities should eat well. You should include in your diet protein products, a lot of different vegetables and fruits. Do not deny yourself good rest and healthy sleep.

If diseases are identified for which brown periods are one of the symptoms, it is advisable to consult related specialists (endocrinologist, nutritionist and others).
Prescription of hormone therapy, method of treatment for hormonal imbalances. If there is a problem with psychological health - antidepressants.

There are a lot people's councils, they are called to help restore the normal nature of menstruation. But they are all aimed at getting into the woman’s body required quantity useful substances, as well as vitamins.

You should not exclude seafood, fish, meat, vegetables, and herbs from your diet. Walking in the fresh air and playing sports will also be useful. Of course, you shouldn't overdo it. Avoid possible stress, have more positive emotions, pleasant moments.

It is worth remembering that brown discharge instead of normal menstruation is still a deviation from the norm; you should urgently consult a doctor.

There is no point in studying the reasons on your own. You should also not resort to self-medication, because this can lead to disastrous consequences for a woman who plans to have children in the future and takes care of her health. The only thing she can do to help herself is to take full care of her body and not miss routine examinations by a gynecologist. A woman must follow these rules regardless of age.

Brown periods make women pay attention to their health. But sometimes not everything is as bad as it might initially seem.

Remember, your health depends only on you, and timely diagnosed and treated disruptions in the menstrual cycle will give you the opportunity to enjoy the happiness of motherhood.

Brown discharge accompanies menstruation almost constantly. They appear immediately after completion bloody discharge and are considered normal if they quickly change to clear or whitish vaginal fluid. It is considered normal for a brown tint to appear in the vaginal fluid just before your period.

Reasons for the appearance of a brown tint in the vaginal fluid during menstruation

Brown discharge can appear at different stages of a woman's life. This can occur during puberty, when menstruation occurs for the first time, during the decline period. reproductive function. The color also depends on the change of sexual partners, pregnancy, and phases of the menstrual cycle.

Brown discharge during menstruation, which is considered normal:

  • The appearance of a brown tint in spotting before menstruation itself is the beginning of menstruation.
  • The presence of dark brown mucus at the end of the cycle indicates the end of menstruation and the release of residual blood.
  • During the period of losing virginity and some time after.

Sometimes the appearance of brown discharge in the middle of menstruation can indicate ovulation and is also normal. In other cases, it is important to consult a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable, as it can cause irreversible consequences.

Factors influencing the color of menstruation:

Even minor stress can have a detrimental effect on hormonal background women and lead to negative changes in vaginal discharge. And if the body’s defenses are reduced, then the development of infections in the genitourinary system is almost inevitable.

Brown discharge may appear instead of normal periods as a result of hypothermia. This indicates the presence of inflammatory processes in the uterus, appendages or cervical canal. This condition of the reproductive organs leads to disturbances in the menstrual cycle.

Symptoms for which you should pay attention to brown discharge:

  1. Menstrual discharge is dark brown instead of the usual red.
  2. Increase or decrease in the duration of menstruation.
  3. Menstruation begins with brown clots.
  4. The presence of an unpleasant odor.

Brown discharge can completely replace normal periods, become scanty and appear in large clots. This is an abnormal phenomenon that should prompt a woman to see a doctor. Brown spotting instead of dark red menstruation indicates the presence of pathological abnormalities in the woman’s genitourinary system, which may be accompanied by additional signs:

  • recurrent headaches and nausea;
  • discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • pain in the lumbar region.

If a woman experiences similar symptoms along with brown discharge, she should immediately consult a doctor, as they may be a harbinger of the following problems:

It is worth understanding that the appearance of brown vaginal discharge, which is accompanied by additional negative signs, indicates serious problems in the female genitourinary system. Only a doctor, after examination and tests, can diagnose accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Why do clots appear during menstruation?

During the menstrual cycle, with monthly discharge, the rejected endometrium comes out; it is small brown clots in the vaginal fluid. If the clots increase and acquire an odor, we are talking about the presence of disorders in the reproductive organs.

Possible causes of clots during menstruation:

  • The presence of inflammation in the body due to a cold, which is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and the spread of infection.
  • The development of endometriosis (inflammation of the lining of the uterus and cervical canal), which is accompanied by symptoms such as: painful sensations during bowel movements and urination, discomfort in intimate relationships.
  • The occurrence of anemia, which is characterized by a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Increased blood clotting, which leads to the formation of clots in menstrual discharge.
  • The presence of a pregnancy that develops outside the body of the uterus.

It is impossible to determine the cause solely by the presence of brown discharge. To do this, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination and pass all the necessary tests.

It is worth noting that the reasons for scanty menstruation may be the presence of pregnancy in the early stages or the threat of its termination.

If a woman has a regular partner and has an established sex life, then a delay in menstruation or its meager manifestation in the form of brown discharge may indicate hormonal changes. This applies to cases where, after several days of brown spotting, normal dark red discharge appears. If this does not happen and the vaginal fluid continues to be brown, then we may be talking about pregnancy. In this case, you need to do a test and get tested for hCG.

It must be remembered that spotting brown discharge during pregnancy is not the norm. They may indicate a lack of sufficient levels of hormones that support pregnancy. If you need to go to the hospital in time, progesterone levels can drop and provoke endometrial detachment, which means a miscarriage.

Common factors that can cause changes in vaginal fluid during your period

Along with many inflammatory processes, infectious diseases in the genitourinary system, pregnancy, as well as the ectopic location of the fetus, there are other causes of brown discharge.

Common factors for irregular periods and the appearance of brown discharge:

  • rapid weight gain or, conversely, a sharp decrease in weight - reasons that disrupt the normal processes in a woman’s hormonal background;
  • lack of vitamins, nutritional disorders;
  • diseases of the endocrine system, metabolic pathologies;
  • severe injuries that the woman had to endure previously, the presence of infectious diseases;
  • surgeries to remove reproductive organs, abortions, caesarean sections;
  • the presence of malignant diseases;
  • diseases nervous system, stress, emotional overstrain;
  • the appearance of cysts on the ovaries or other compactions.

It also takes a long time for the menstrual cycle to recover after childbirth. Therefore, the appearance of brown discharge during menstruation during lactation or after its end and switching the child to another food is considered normal and should not cause concern.

You should be alarmed if quite a long time has passed after childbirth, and instead of normal red periods, brown liquid appears. In this case, consultation and examination by a specialist will not hurt. Since such manifestations may indicate a disease of the ovaries or uterus, the presence of adhesions after a difficult birth or other pathologies in the genitourinary system.

Brown discharge after menstruation is normal. The main thing is to learn to listen to your body and try to distinguish the normal state of discharge from the pathological one. If suspicious clots appear instead of red discharge, there is an unpleasant odor, pain is felt in the lower abdomen, and the discharge itself has become scanty - this is a reason to consult a doctor. Do not delay visiting a specialist. Timely detection of a problem will allow you to quickly eliminate it and avoid possible consequences.


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