Through the capillaries internal organs carry oxygen and nutrients. The walls of the vessels are thin and when they are squeezed, the blood flow slows down. It happens that a person does not move for more than two hours. In this case, the flow of blood stops altogether. This process provokes the occurrence of soft tissue necrosis.

If you do not use anti-decubitus drugs, then necrosis will affect the muscle and bone tissue in all layers. The degree of necrosis is determined by the depth of the pathological process. There are four stages in total.

What parts of the body are most commonly affected?

The place of formation of skin necrosis directly depends on the posture taken by the patient.

Most often, bedsores appear in the following areas of the body:

  • Nape, shoulder blades, sacrum and heels. In this case, the patient lies on his back.
  • The flexion area of ​​the limbs, as the skin in these areas is thin.
  • Ankles when the patient is on his side.

How to help in this case and prevent the development of deep damage? First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of the pathological process, pay attention to provoking factors, and, of course, select special anti-decubitus, dressings) that contribute to the care of the skin of a sick person.

Degrees of necrosis

  • First degree. It manifests itself in a slight redness without disturbing the structure. skin. After a light massage or a change in the posture of the body, it passes.
  • Second degree. With it, redness is noted, which does not go away even after changing the position. Perhaps the appearance of painful ulcers, blisters, erosions, vesicles, superficial growths. The structure of the skin is damaged.
  • The third degree is expressed in deep skin lesions. At this stage, all layers of the skin are inflamed. The stage is characterized by swelling, ulcers with depressions and intense redness. Ulcers fill up yellow color or red granulation. Wounds exude an unpleasant odor.
  • The fourth degree is a dead skin area with an abundance of ulcers filled with black pieces of skin.

Causes of bedsores

The main causes of tissue necrosis include:

  • prolonged stay of a person in a supine position (patients who have had a stroke, heart attack, spinal injury, etc.);
  • incontinence of urine and feces;
  • increased sweating;
  • dirty and damp bed linen;
  • insufficient skin hygiene;
  • the presence of folds in the sheet, buttons on clothes, crumbs in bed;
  • vascular and heart diseases;
  • the presence of diabetes.

A number of important causes of necrosis include:

  • Careless handling of bedridden patients.
  • Fast flip.
  • Rare change of linen.
  • Squeezing of the skin by the vessel, during which the smallest capillaries burst. The flow of blood to these areas is severely disrupted.

Anti-decubitus drugs in Mogilev pharmacies are represented by a wide range of different ointments, dressings and creams for patients suffering from bedsores. Means are able to stop the process of necrosis of skin tissues and significantly improve the quality of life of the patient.

Bedsore prevention basics

The main task facing a person caring for a bedridden patient is to carry out preventive measures that help prevent necrosis of the skin. Pressure sores bring pain to a person and are very difficult to treat. It is always easier to carry out preventive procedures than to doom a loved one to incredible suffering and long-term therapy.

Prevention of necrosis includes a number of activities that are ongoing. A key rule should be highlighted: careful care of the patient's skin should include daily rubbing and washing.

The main means for the prevention of bedsores

For preventive purposes, the following anti-decubitus agents are used:

  • ointments;
  • gels;
  • bandages;
  • mattresses;
  • pillows;
  • rubber ring;
  • irradiators based on quartz.

Pressure ulcer therapy

The pathological process of the first and second degree can be eliminated at home with the help of such means as anti-decubitus drugs, and the treatment takes a long time. But the result is worth it. Bedsores of the third and fourth degree are eliminated only in a hospital setting.

Therapy of necrosis of the skin includes two stages:

  • restoration of blood flow in the damaged area;
  • cleansing the wound from pus and necrotic inclusions.

Restoration of blood circulation is possible with the help of mattresses, massage, changing the position of the patient's body.

Special dressings are provided for cleansing necrotic wounds and their regeneration.

According to the type of impact on the damaged area, dressings from bedsores are usually divided into two categories:

  • Purifying. They draw out pus and exudate.
  • Healing. Such agents promote tissue regeneration.

The division is conditional, since all bandages help to cleanse and accelerate the restoration of the skin structure.

Dressings against bedsores come in different forms:

  • Anti-decubitus hygiene products that are used to stop necrosis in easily accessible areas of the human body. Usually used products in the form of a square or rectangle.
  • Dressings designed for the treatment of the sacrum. They are shaped like a butterfly or a heart.
  • Products for the elimination of bedsores on the heels. A bandage is used that has the shape of a butterfly or shamrock.

Cleansing dressings against necrosis

The most common model of pressure sore dressings are products with a cleansing effect. To date, the use of "Hydrocol", "Hydrosorb", "TenderVet Activity" has a high degree of efficiency.

Bandage "Hydrocoll" is applied to the affected area for 3-8 days. It helps to cleanse the wound, absorbs purulent contents, turning it into a gel-like state.

Bandage "Hydrosorb" promotes the creation of a moist environment in the wound, stimulating the rejection of dead tissue and its healing.

Bandages of firm "TenderVet" "Activity" are created in the form of soft pillows. They are impregnated with Ringer's raster, which creates the effect of continuous washing of the wound during the day. They reject necrotic tissue and promote the regeneration of the damaged area of ​​the skin.

Cleansing and traction dressings for deep wounds

By what means are anti-decubitus calculated for deep bedsores with the presence of exudate and pus, are diverse. Among them, it should be noted "Sorbalgon" and "PermaForm".

The basis of "Sorbalgon" is a sterile material, which is introduced into the deepening of an extensive bedsore. The material promotes the absorption of pus, cleans the bottom of the wound, undergoes hardening, and then is easily removed from the wound. If the bottom of the bedsore is clean, then the cotton material takes the form of a gel, disinfects the wound and flows out of it on its own.

Bandage "Permaform" is a sponge-based matrix. It also absorbs pus and exudate. Removed without pain. Leaves behind an environment conducive to the healing of necrosis.

Means for healing

The most common means in the form of a bandage include "Atrauman" and "Branolind". What features do these anti-decubitus drugs have?

Bandage "Atrauman" has a mesh base. It is covered with the thinnest layer of silver and hydrophilic ointment. The tool has a bactericidal property, provides disinfection of the wound and promotes the speedy regeneration of the damaged area.

Bandage "Branolind" also consists of a mesh, which is impregnated. The agent has an antiseptic and healing effect.

Gel overview

Anti-decubitus agents are represented by a wide segment of various gels. Among the brands of creams used to treat skin necrosis, the following should be noted:

  • Gel "Argosulfan". The active basis of the drug is sulfathiazole. It inhibits the growth and reproduction of pathogens. The excipients are silver ions. They enhance the therapeutic effect of sulfatisol, and also help inhibit the growth of bacterial flora. The hydrophilic base of the product has an analgesic effect, moisturizes the wound and accelerates the process of its regeneration. The concentration of the cream base does not have a toxic effect. Treatment of formed bedsores with Argosulfan cream can be carried out by an open method or used in parallel with the drug should be applied to the entire surface of a disinfected wound 2-3 mm thick two or three times a day. The course of treatment is 2 months. The tool is used daily. Such anti-decubitus drugs as "Sulfargin" and "Dermazin" have a similar effect.
  • The composition of the product includes collagenase chloramphenicol and related enzymes. The enzymatic agent provides cleansing of bedsores, prevents the disintegration of tissues affected by necrosis, deprives bacteria of a nutrient medium, and has an antibacterial effect. The cream is applied to the disinfected skin. The drug provides rapid healing of damaged tissues.
  • B". The basis of the drug is chloramphenicol, which has an antimicrobial effect. Also included in the product is sulfadimethoxin, which promotes wound healing, methyluracil and local anesthetic trimecaine. The ointment has a rapid therapeutic effect. It helps to cleanse the bedsore from pus and exudate, as well as heal the affected surface. It is applied daily, applied to the disinfected surface and covered with a bandage, it can be injected into the cavity with pus by means of a syringe.
  • Means "Levomekol". In addition to methyluracil, chloramphenicol is included in the composition. This remedy contributes. It is used in the presence of bedsores and infections, as well as at the purulent stage of the necrotic process.
  • Metronidazole cream. Its basis is an antibacterial substance. The gel is applied with dressing material and helps to eliminate bad smell from wounds. In the presence of bedsores with copious secretions of pus or exudate, bandages based on foam with metronidazole are used. In the presence of dry bedsores, bandages with hydrogel are used.
  • Hydrogel "Intrasite" provides skin cleansing of necrotic tissues, gently cares for the skin. The hydrogel is used with an external dressing, the frequency of which depends on the condition of the wound. The tool provides a quick cleansing of the affected tissue, since under its influence exudate and pus are drawn out. "Intrasite" is a pure amorphous gel, which includes water, propylene glycol and a modified carboxymethylcellulose polymer.

Remedies for bedsores on the heel

Anti-decubitus remedies for heels are presented in a wide range. Among them, the Komfil product is especially popular. It is equipped with special "ears" for fixing on the leg. The cushion has a round ergonomic shape that follows the contours of the heel. It is used to heal clean wounds on the surface of the heel without symptoms of infection necrosis.

The tool serves as an excellent protection for inflamed tissue, as well as prevention from secondary infection. Depending on the volume of the lesion, the use of 2-5 dressings is recommended. The exposure time is 2-5 days.

If the wound contains necrosis exudate or pus, then anti-decubitus remedies for the heels are used to help cleanse the wound and stop the inflammatory process. Proteox-TM should be noted among them. The product promotes rapid healing of the affected skin.

Benefits of the "Comfil Plus" dressing with an overlay circle

Bandage "Komfil Plus" is an improved model. The advantage of the product lies in the presence of special backing rings. They are located on the outside and inside products are removed one at a time, starting from the center of the dressing.

To select the right size, special elastic "ears" are provided, which allow for a secure fixation of the bandage in the heel area. The tool provides rapid wound healing, accelerates the process of tissue regeneration, prevents the penetration of a secondary infection into the bedsore. One dressing is enough for 2-6 days. A rare change is useful for the speedy healing of the wound, and also provides the patient with comfort.

The main advantages of the bandage:

  • the product has softness and elasticity;
  • able to remove pain;
  • nerve endings and inflamed tissue are reliably protected by an absorbent gel;
  • the bandage does not cause injury, does not cause pain when changing, does not cause allergies;
  • reliable fixation of the product is provided by the adhesive edge without the presence of additional dressings.

Before applying the bandage, it is recommended to disinfect the surface of the heel. For this purpose, a remedy such as "Furacilin" or "Rivanol" can be used. The skin around the wound dries out. The size of the bandage should be 2 cm over size wounds. The bandage is applied to the inflamed skin and fixed on healthy skin by means of "ears". The rings are removed until the product stops loading the heel. As the pus and exudate are absorbed, the dressing changes color. She becomes transparent. In this case, it needs to be changed.

Anti-decubitus agents (bandages) are not used for deep bedsores with wounds and wound pockets. Also not used in infection necrosis.

Unfortunately, a bedridden patient is not only round-the-clock care, regular procedures, but also the need to monitor his health. And even if the underlying disease was stopped in its development, it is by no means possible to relax - for bedridden patients, the formation of bedsores is characteristic.

What causes the formation of bedsores in bedridden patients? Firstly, the patient is constantly in one position - gradually there is a violation of blood circulation in places of constant contact of the body with the bed, the skin begins to atrophy. Secondly, in bedridden patients, both the level of immunity and the regenerative abilities of the body are significantly reduced - this significantly aggravates the condition of newly formed bedsores.

Table of contents: 1. The main methods of treatment of bedsores 2. Treatment of bedsores with drugs - Stage 1 of pressure ulcers - Stage 2 of pressure ulcers - Stages 3 and 4 of pressure ulcers 3. Treatment of pressure ulcers at home with folk remedies - Essential oils - Sea buckthorn and rose hip oil - Camphor oil - Habitual products from bedsores 4. How can you help a bedridden patient with bedsores

The main methods of treatment of bedsores

Bedsores in a bedridden patient can form anywhere, it depends on the position in which the person is most often located. For example, if he is forced to lie on his back for a long time, then the lower back, buttocks, the area between the shoulder blades will be affected, and if the bedridden patient is on his side, then the bedsores will be located only on one side of the body.

As soon as the first signs of bedsores appear, treatment should be started immediately - if this process is started, the process of skin decomposition will actively progress, which will lead to necrotic processes, the formation of deep ulcers.

The first thing to do is to ensure that the position of the patient is such that places with already formed bedsores do not come into contact with the bed and clothes. To do this, you can use special anti-decubitus rubber circles - they look like swimming, allow you to maintain body parts with pathological changes on the skin in a "suspended" state. Thus, absolute dryness of sore spots is ensured - this is an indispensable condition for successful treatment bedsores.

But all other treatment and using medicines, and with the use of funds from the category "traditional medicine" must be agreed with the attending physician.

The specialist will determine the stage of development of bedsores:

  • 1 stage. The skin in certain places becomes red, if you press this hyperemic area with your finger, it does not turn white, in some cases, edema appears in places of redness. Stage 1 bedsores are called superficial and are considered the most accessible for treatment. If certain measures are taken at this very moment, then further development of necrotic processes can be avoided.
  • 2 stage. Bedsores are not only red in color, but also small blisters or sores. At this stage, the main task is to prevent the development of an inflammatory / purulent process. As a rule, the regular use of dressings with specific drugs gives excellent results - the treatment will not be long and difficult.
  • 3 stage. Bedsores are a deep wound, the skin is completely "eaten" by the necrotic process, adipose and muscle tissues are clearly visible, and the wound can be filled with purulent content.
  • 4 stage. The pathological process actively spreads to the tendons and even bone tissue, inflammation develops, the wound in each case is filled with pus.

Bedsores at stages 3 and 4 of development are classified as deep, and doctors believe that only a surgeon can help the patient. Of course, there are a lot of remedies from the “traditional medicine” category, which often turn out to be quite effective in the fight against bedsores, but home treatment can only be carried out after consulting a doctor.

Treatment of bedsores with drugs

There are a number of medicines that can be used to treat pressure sores. But it will first be necessary to establish precisely the stage of development of the pathological condition- this will help to make the right choice in favor of a particular drug.

1 stage bedsores

At this stage of the necrotic process, the following should be done:

Please note: in no case should you massage reddened places on the body, even treat them with oil or alcohol very carefully, with minimal effort. This is due to the fact that there is a very high risk of injuring thinned, inflamed skin - this immediately leads to infection and the development of an inflammatory-purulent process.

2nd stage bedsores

At this stage of development of the pathological process under consideration, it is imperative to use specific drugs - unfortunately, oil and alcohol alone cannot be dispensed with. What doctors recommend:

Please note: hydrogel dressings and applications with specific substances have a rather high cost in pharmacy chains, but when they are used, the treatment time for bedsores is significantly reduced.

3rd and 4th stage bedsores

As mentioned above, at these stages you will need the help of a surgeon - the doctor will definitely carry out the following procedures:

Only after the decubitus wound has completely dried out, it will be possible to apply specific drugs to the affected areas of the skin.

Treatment of bedsores at home folk remedies

Since a bedridden patient is most often at home, those who care for him need to know various methods bedsore treatment. Of course, before using each of them, you need to get permission from your doctor, but all of the following remedies have practically no contraindications.

Essential oils

They have not only a pleasant aroma, but also have an antiseptic and healing effect. Not surprisingly, some essential oils can be actively used to treat pressure sores. Here are the two most effective prescription:

Sea buckthorn and rosehip oil

The fruits of these plants contain a large number of vitamins A, E and C - these substances help to restore and improve blood circulation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase the level of regeneration in the body. That is why both traditional healers and representatives of official medicine recommend treating pressure sores with sea buckthorn oil and / or rosehip oil (you can simply alternate these two remedies).

Before applying these types of oil to the affected skin, it is necessary to treat the area with camphor alcohol. Then ulcers and clean wounds are treated with oil, wait until it is completely absorbed, and only after that they put clothes on the patient. Be sure to use sterile cotton swabs for the procedure - this will prevent infection.

Please note: sea buckthorn or rosehip oil is excellent for bedsores of stages 1 and 2 of development - these two remedies will act as the main method of treatment. But if the bedsores are already deep, then sea buckthorn and rosehip oil can only be considered as an auxiliary component of complex therapy.

Camphor oil

This is a very specific remedy for bedsores - it will be effective at stages 1 and 2 of the development of the pathological process in question, but dangerous with deep pressure sores. The fact is that camphor oil has an antiseptic, wound healing and analgesic effect. This tool is able to restore tissues, improve metabolic processes in the body, but only if applied to the skin. Therefore, with superficial bedsores, camphor oil can be applied once a day to altered areas of the skin, but on existing ulcers, the same remedy will cause burns.

In pharmacy chains, an ointment based on camphor oil is sold - it is more expedient to use just such a pharmacological form of the drug in question.

Common products for bedsores

Often, when pressure sores appear, people immediately begin to use expensive medicines for treatment, some specially prepared preparations. But traditional medicine claims that even the most familiar products can help get rid of necrotic changes on the body of a bedridden patient. The most effective means:

  1. Baking soda. It is used to treat stage 2 bedsores, when blistering with purulent contents is already observed. What should be done? Dilute a full tablespoon of soda in boiling water (2 cups) and moisten a linen towel in the resulting solution. Immediately apply a towel to the problem area and leave to cool completely. When the tissue is removed from the bedsore, pus is found right on it - it comes out of the blisters. The next clean towel is taken and also wetted in a soda solution, applied again. This procedure should be carried out until, after removing the tissue from the wound, a clean surface of the towel is noted.
  2. Onion. You need to take two heads of medium-sized onions, finely chop and fry in vegetable oil until golden. Then the oil is filtered, beeswax or a church candle (1 piece) is added to it, which must first be melted in a water bath. Such an ointment can be used to treat bedsores at any stage of their development, but before each use of the remedy, it must be warmed up / melted.
  3. Goat fat. Combine salt, finely chopped onion and goat fat in equal proportions - the product is ready. It should be applied to the affected areas of the skin for 20-30 minutes.

Please note: goat fat remedy at the beginning of the treatment of pressure ulcers may cause severe pain- it must be endured. But as the ulcers heal, the pain syndrome becomes less pronounced - this can serve as a kind of indicator of the results of treatment.

  1. Cream. Everything is simple here - it is enough to lubricate bedsores with cream once a day. But you need to purchase them without any flavors and flavors, the best option is to cook the cream yourself.

How can you help a bedridden patient with bedsores

Of course, the treatment of bedsores is an important and necessary measure. But you also need to know some features of caring for bedridden patients - in this case, it will be possible to prevent the appearance of the pathological process in question. What do we have to do:

Treatment of bedsores in a bedridden patient is a lengthy process, often it is not possible to achieve success. But using all the means and methods indicated in the article, you can significantly alleviate the patient's condition.

Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

The most effective ointments for bedsores for bedridden patients

Pressure sores are wounds on the body that are formed due to constant squeezing of the skin and blood vessels. Due to the fact that a bedridden patient is forced to stay in one position for a long time, blood circulation is disturbed, stagnant processes occur, tissues begin to die.

Wounds can occur on various parts of the body: face, hips, knees, cheekbones, pubis, heels, elbows, shoulder blades, etc.

What ointments can be used for bedsores for bedridden patients? What are their advantages, and how can they treat such wounds correctly?

Benefits of using ointments

Advantages of external preparations in the treatment of bedsores:

  • promote faster healing of wounds;
  • many ointments are inexpensive;
  • improve the processes of cellular nutrition;
  • eliminate pain;
  • destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

What ointment to use should be decided by the attending physician, having previously assessed the degree of damage. The treatment of bedsores thanks to such external agents is practically painless, and this is of great importance for the patient.

The temperature regime and air exchange of the affected areas of the skin is not disturbed, which contributes to their faster healing and prevention of the spread of bedsores to healthy areas of the skin.

Contraindications and side effects

The main contraindication is intolerance to any component that is part of the product.

The following side effects are also possible:

  • burning sensation;
  • allergic reaction;
  • redness and itching of the skin;
  • swelling, irritation.
Before using each ointment, be sure to read the instructions for it.

What ointments are good for bedsores

The most effective ointment against bedsores for a patient can only be selected by the attending physician. You should not self-medicate and use the advice of your friends, because decubitus wounds are serious.

When choosing, the following indicators should be taken into account:

  • localization of bedsores;
  • their size and degree of necrosis;
  • the presence or absence of an inflammatory process;
  • progression rate.

At 1-2 degrees

Improve blood circulation, dry skin on initial stage Actovegin, Solcoseryl, Vulnuzan, Iruksol and Levosin will help. In the second degree, it is necessary to clean the wounds from dead tissues, dry them and remove the started inflammatory process. This will help: Methyluracil, Betadine and Thiotriazoline.

Zinc ointment can be used to dry the wound at the initial stage.

  • Dermazin;
  • Sulfargin;
  • Argosulfan.

Many users ask if it is possible to use zinc ointment for bedsores for a bedridden patient. Yes, it can be used to dry the skin if it is very wet, but only for prevention or at stage 1. The drug protects the wound from the penetration of various infections.

With the development of inflammation and the progression of bedsores, the doctor may prescribe antibacterial drugs.

At 3-4 degrees

List of names of ointments from bedsores for bedridden patients at stages 3-4:

  • One of the most effective drugs for the treatment of bedsores is Argosulfan.

    Argosulfan cream (with silver ions). It inhibits the growth and further reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

  • Ointment Iruksol. It helps to clean the wound, ensure the disintegration of necrotic tissues, and has a bacteriostatic effect.
  • Levosin. good ointment from bedsores: provides a quick therapeutic effect, has an antimicrobial, wound healing effect. The decubitus wound is cleared of pus and necrotic masses.
  • Levomekol. Has an antibacterial, regenerating effect. Can be used in the purulent-necrotic phase.
  • Metrogyl gel (Metronidazole) Antiprotozoal and antimicrobial agent.
  • Hydrogel Intrasite. Gently cleanses of dead tissue. It is advisable to use with an external bandage. Drawback - very expensive.
  • Ointment Stellanin. Restores blood supply, regenerates and blocks inflammation, eliminates pathogenic microorganisms.

Antibacterial ointments are indicated for wet wounds with pus, as well as for wet tissue necrosis. It is not recommended to use emollients, especially under a bandage. This can lead to wet necrosis and tissue death.

Folk recipes

It is unrealistic to cure bedsores with folk remedies alone, they can only supplement the main treatment - clean the wounds and help the speedy formation of new tissues. They can be used for prevention or in the first stage.

Recipes for the preparation of ointments for healing bedsores:

  • Ointment from calendula flowers. You need to mix 50 grams of petroleum jelly and 1 tablespoon of crushed flowers of the plant. The agent is applied to bedsores twice a day.
  • Honey with celandine and aloe. Mix the components in a ratio of 2:2:1. Apply the resulting mixture to bedsores 2 times a day.
  • Sea buckthorn and tea tree oil. You can lubricate the wounds 2-3 times a day.
Note! All traditional medicines are used only after approval by your doctor. In most cases, their use is inappropriate, with neglected bedsores, strong drugs.

Treatment of a bedridden patient should not be limited to ointments, it is necessary to provide him with regular and high-quality care:

  • organize a person proper nutrition;
  • change bed linen in time;
  • carry out hygiene procedures;
  • change position more often, reduce pressure on areas where bedsores have appeared;
  • before using the ointment, it is necessary to treat the wound with special preparations that have a detrimental effect on bacteria, fungi and viruses (for example, Furacilin, Hexicon);
  • the applied layer should not let the infection into the wounds, but do not get carried away, you can block the supply of oxygen to already inflamed tissues.

For the treatment and healing of bedsores, you can use the Branolin N bandage with Peruvian balsam. Her reviews are pretty good. Contraindications for use - individual intolerance, an allergic reaction to the components of the product, as well as necrotic wounds.

Things to consider when using bandage ointments:

  • to prevent infection of healthy areas of the skin, they must be applied tightly;
  • dressings should be chosen with a dense structure (up to 10 layers of gauze can be used);
  • their size should be greater than the area of ​​the bedsore wound;
  • the edges should not fall on the affected area of ​​the skin;
  • not too loose and not too tight - stick to the "golden mean" rule.

Do not try to treat pressure sores of degrees 3 and 4 on your own at home, this should be done by specially trained people in a hospital. Treatment must be approached responsibly and comprehensively. If a loved one is dear to you, do not do stupid things, because you can start a problem.

Treatment Reviews

After many unsuccessful attempts to get rid of a terrible bedsore with pus, we were advised to try Argosulfan silver ointment. In almost eight months, we managed to defeat him, of course, in combination with other recommendations. Several times they tried to replace Argosulfan, but to no avail. By the way, during the period of treatment with this drug, other drugs can not be used. In general, I advise! The most the best ointment from bedsores!

I also want to praise Argosulfan. My grandmother had open bleeding bedsores on her back. Thank God, we were advised this tool! First, the wound was treated with peroxide, then gently smeared with this ointment and a bactericidal patch was applied on top.

As soon as bedsores began to appear, they began to apply Levomekol ointment on them. She helped a lot. But if the case is too advanced, stronger drugs will definitely be needed. The medicine should be stored in the refrigerator.


Do not self-medicate, bedsores can lead to very sad consequences, up to sepsis (spread of infection throughout the body through the blood, death is possible). Be sure to follow all prescriptions and recommendations of the attending physician. Properly selected drugs will help to significantly speed up the healing of even severe wounds.

Video recipe of a folk miraculous ointment for the treatment of bedsores and wounds:

ointments ointments ointments

Ointment and cream for bedsores for bedridden patients

The main problem in bedridden patients is the formation of bedsores, in which damage, death and necrosis of the skin and deeper tissues occur. Ointments for bedsores for bedridden patients are the most effective means by which you can not only prevent further development diseases on initial stage lesions, but also to cure deep and necrotizing bedsores.

Types of local funds

Choosing an ointment from bedsores for bedridden patients is not as easy as it seems. The acquisition of the most suitable remedy should take place only after consultation with the attending physician who observed the patient. You can not start treatment on your own, otherwise you can harm and aggravate the condition of the skin, even the choice of the highest quality products can adversely affect the patient's health.

What factors you need to pay attention to when choosing an ointment:

During the use of the ointment, the patient's condition should be monitored. Although most remedies do not cause negative reactions, with individual intolerance, allergic rashes may occur or inflammatory processes may increase.

For the treatment of bedsores, the following groups of external agents are prescribed:

Apply ointment only on clean skin processed antiseptics, for example, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, 3% peroxide or 2% boric acid solution. It is very important to gently wipe the bedsores, without pressing or stretching the skin, so as not to further injure the affected skin.

If after two to three weeks of treatment there is no positive dynamics, or the condition of the bedsore becomes worse - inflammation increases, swelling, rash occurs, or the wound begins to grow in size - it is necessary to cancel the ointment and consult a specialist to replace the remedy with a new one, with other active ingredients.

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Therapy in the early stages

At the first stage, bedsores are a reddened area of ​​the skin, which must be affected by regenerating and restoring trophic agents: Actovegin, Solcoseryl, Panthenol, Zinc ointment. The second stage requires the use of ointments for healing and restoring the skin with antiseptic and antibacterial effects in order to prevent the further spread of the inflammatory process: Algofin, Ebermin, Argosulfan, Dermazin. Consider the most effective means.

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This ointment belongs to the group of antihypoxants, that is, it promotes the supply of oxygen to cells, the absorption of glucose and intercellular metabolism. Thus, this ointment accelerates cell division, which leads to a rapid restoration of the skin. Actovegin is used both to prevent the formation of bedsores and to restore damaged tissues at the final stage of recovery.

This remedy is available in the form of an ointment, gel and cream for bedsores. Initially, a gel is used, applying it to the skin and covering it with a napkin, and for the final restoration of tissues, after healing, an ointment is used. The recommended duration of treatment is 2 weeks, subject to daily double use.

Actovegin is usually well tolerated, but if the components are intolerant, allergic reactions may occur in the form of hyperemia, itching and rash. Similar in action is Solcoseryl ointment, which can be used for intolerance to Actovegin.

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The tool has several actions at once - anti-inflammatory, regenerating and antibacterial. This remedy helps well with bedsores infected with common bacteria: staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, proteus, clostridium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. It also prevents the growth of yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

Algofin can be used for bedsores of any degree and stage, but at the initial stage its action is more effective.

The agent is applied externally, at the first stage, the affected area is lubricated 2 times a day. With deep bedsores, lubricate the napkin with ointment, and also inject the drug directly into the wound, and apply a bandage for a day. Algofin has no special contraindications, except for allergies to constituent substances. If a rash, itching or swelling occurs, you should consult a doctor to replace the external agent.

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Zinc ointment

The most common anti-decubitus ointment containing zinc is Zinc Ointment. It has antiseptic and drying properties, so it is often used to treat the initial stages of bedsores. Forming a protective film on the surface of the skin, Zinc Ointment protects it from further damage and the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms.

To achieve a positive effect, Zinc ointment is applied up to 6 times a day with a thin layer on the skin previously treated with an antiseptic. For greater protection of the skin, it is recommended to use Zinc paste, which has a greater protective effect, or Zindol talker, which has a similar effect. Zinc ointment is contraindicated in case of intolerance to zinc oxide, otherwise adverse reactions occur in the form of irritation. Also, you should not use products with zinc for deep and purulent bedsores.

From bedsores, the ointment is applied under a bandage 1-2 times a day, the duration of treatment should not exceed 2 months, otherwise side effects may develop in the form of dermatitis and leukopenia. The remedy is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, but can be prescribed during these periods with extensive lesions. An analogue is an ointment against bedsores with silver Ebermin. Which one is better, you can find out only by trying both means, but if you compare the price, then Argosulfan is cheaper.

In most cases, stage 3 bedsores can be cured with ointments, but stage 4 almost always requires surgery, so external therapy is only an auxiliary method. For severe injuries, the following ointments are used:

Bedsores in patients who are forced to remain motionless for a long time, seriously worsen their well-being and complicate the course of the underlying disease. Therefore, their prevention and timely treatment should be one of the main tasks during the care of a bedridden patient.

Various anti-decubitus ointments can help with this, but it is worth remembering that when choosing them, you need to take into account the stage of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Ointments for bedsores

Among the most popular remedies for the treatment of bedsores, ointments occupy a special place, because they have a lot of advantages:

  1. They speed up the healing process of wounds.
  2. They have a relatively low cost.
  3. Improve tissue trophism.
  4. Helps relieve pain and other discomfort.
  5. I have a bactericidal effect, eliminating pathogenic bacteria.

Names of ointments from bedsores for bedridden patients

Solcoseryl. A tool that is designed to improve tissue trophism and regeneration. Active active substance considered deproteinized dialysate, which is obtained from the blood of young healthy calves.

The drug is applied only to areas of the skin that have been damaged. It is necessary to clean the wounds before using the drug. Apply to the cover evenly in a small layer twice a day (it can be three times on the recommendation of a specialist). Therapy lasts until the bedsores heal.

If you are prone to the development of allergic reactions and do not tolerate the components of the product, you can not apply it. Not recommended for pregnant women. Rarely, but there is a manifestation of side effects in the form of marginal dermatitis or urticaria.

Algofin. The ointment is based only on natural ingredients: a salt of fatty acids, chlorophyll derivatives, film formers and carotenoids. The ointment has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, and also stimulates tissue regeneration.

To smear only the skin with wounds, without affecting the healthy surface, if necessary, it is possible to use a swab or bandage.

Some patients during therapy with Algofin feel a burning sensation in the area of ​​application. There are no contraindications for use, the ointment is recommended even for pregnant women.

Methyluracil. The active active ingredient of the drug is dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, due to which nucleic acids are restored. Ointment promotes rapid regeneration of damaged tissue.

The dosage during treatment is determined by the doctor in accordance with the individual symptoms of each patient. If you have a predisposition to the development of allergic reactions and individual intolerance to the substances that form the basis of the drug, it is contraindicated to use it. Some patients complain of an allergy to methyluracil as a side effect.

Mephenate. The basis of the drug includes the following active ingredients that are used in the treatment of bedsores are mefenamin sodium salt and vinylin.

The ointment is applied only on the skin where there are bedsores with a special spatula, usually once a day (but up to three times in 24 hours is allowed). The duration of therapy is approximately fifteen days. If treatment needs to be continued, further therapy is carried out under the supervision of a physician. You can apply the agent under the bandage.

The only contraindication: individual intolerance. Some patients may experience: irritation, allergies, swelling, mild numbness.

Alantan Plus. The drug is based on two active substances: allantoin and dexpanthenol. Thanks to this composition, the ointment has a healing effect, cleans wounds from unnecessary deposits of keratin, and stimulates regeneration.

The tool is not recommended for use by patients who suffer from frequent manifestations of allergies, especially to dexpanthenol and allantoin. Sometimes in the process of therapy with this remedy, there may be: allergies, skin hypersensitivity.

Ointment from bedsores with silver

Ointments containing silver are usually used to treat first-stage pressure sores. The most popular among them are the following drugs.

Dermazin. An agent with an antibacterial effect. The active substance, which is part of the drug, is silver sulfadiazine.

You can apply ointments under a bandage or without it in a thin layer twice a day until complete healing. When using a bandage, it should be changed daily (several times is possible).

The drug should not be applied to patients with intolerance to its main substances, up to one year, during childbirth. Sometimes from the use of the product appear: itching, burning, allergies.

Sulfargin. Has antibacterial action. The active ingredient is silver sulfadiazine. It has a bactericidal effect against many gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria (Klebsiella spp., Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus spp., Proteus spp., etc.).

Be sure to remove pus and necrotic masses before using this drug. Use once or twice a day under a bandage or without a bandage. Lubricate the affected areas with a small layer. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. Usually - not less than 3 weeks.

The tool can lead to unpleasant consequences if used to treat pregnant women, young children (up to a year), patients with intolerance to the components. Sometimes, rarely, side effects develop: indigestion with the development of diarrhea or constipation, nausea and vomiting, leukopenia, pain, burning of the skin, allergies.

Ointment Argolsulfan

The active substance of the drug is an antibiotic - sulfathiazole. Due to this, the growth of pathogenic organisms and their reproduction is inhibited. Additionally, the ointment also includes silver ions, which help enhance the main characteristics of sulfathiazole.

The drug has an analgesic effect. You can use a bandage if necessary. Smear several times a day with a small layer of bedsores. Treatment continues until all wounds disappear.

A limitation for the use of the ointment is the intolerance of its main ingredient. You can not treat it with small and premature babies. Side effects from the use of the drug: discomfort on the skin (burning, itching), allergies.

Ointment Stellanin

The tool has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, regenerative effect. The drug is based on the active ingredient - the substance diethylbenzimidazolium triiodide.

When applying the ointment, make sure that its layer covers the bedsores completely. The duration of therapy and dosage are individual and depend on the stage of the wound process. Can be used under a bandage.

The drug is contraindicated in: thyrotoxicosis, acute liver failure, for the treatment of pregnant women and young children (under the age of one year). Some patients who used the remedy noted that they developed allergies, the skin often itched and burned.

Ointment with zinc

Dermatoprotective agent, which contains an active component - zinc oxide. It has a fairly well-pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

For treatment, the ointment is applied in a thin layer to the places of bedsores from one to two times for 24 hours. The doctor may increase the dose if necessary. Therapy lasts until the wounds are completely healed.

The tool can be used by almost everyone, if you are not allergic to zinc. Sometimes patients note that the use of the ointment leads to unpleasant symptoms: swelling of the skin, itching of the skin and other allergic reactions.

Vishnevsky ointment

The active active ingredients of this remedy are: xeroform, birch tar, castor oil. The ointment is actively used to treat wounds, ulcers, juvenile acne, furunculosis, psoriasis, bedsores in bedridden patients.

In the treatment of bedsores, the ointment should be applied in a thin layer only to the affected areas of the skin. In this case, the wounds must first be disinfected. Therapy is individual, so the dose and duration are most often prescribed by the doctor.

The drug is contraindicated for use in case of intolerance to at least one of its main components. Among the main side effects emit: allergic reactions (itching, flushing of the skin, burning, irritation).

Sulfuric ointment

The drug can be used from the age of three. Apply to the affected areas of the skin in a small amount two to three times a day. Therapy continues until the wound heals.

The ointment is contraindicated for use in case of intolerance to its main component. Also, it cannot be used for treatment in early childhood and during pregnancy.

Among the main side effects from using the product, it is worth highlighting: allergic reactions (burning, itching, swelling).

Ointments from bedsores made in Germany

Recently, more and more new remedies for the effective treatment of bedsores have appeared in pharmacies. One of these drugs is the German ointment "Brownodin".

It is an antiseptic and disinfectant, the active ingredient of which is povidone-iodine. Shows activity towards a wide range fungi, bacteria (including Mycobacterium tuberculosis), viruses.

The dosage is completely individual and is prescribed by the attending physician in accordance with the severity of the patient's condition.

The ointment is contraindicated for use in hyperthyroidism, renal failure, thyroid adenoma. Also, you can not use the ointment during pregnancy, breastfeeding, with intolerance to its components.

Among the side effects, hyperemia and burning can be distinguished, with the appearance of which it is necessary to cancel therapy.

Consider how to treat bedsores (lat. Decubitus) depending on the stage of their development and location. Let's figure out what pharmaceutical preparations and proven folk remedies will help to cope with the problem in the elderly than to smear weeping, dry and purulent wounds. Find out who is at risk of the disease and what to do for prevention.

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Pathology is a necrosis (necrosis) of soft tissues, which occurs in bedridden patients when blood vessels and skin are squeezed between two solid bases: the surface of the bed and the protruding parts of the skeleton. This is one of the most unpleasant complications in people confined to a bed, a wheelchair.

How to properly treat bedsores at 4 stages of formation - 18 expert tips with photos

When deciding how to properly treat bedsores, it is advisable to consult with doctors. Adhering to a certain algorithm of actions, you can stop the destruction of tissues at home. Therapeutic measures depend on the depth and location of the altered tissues.

Doctors distinguish superficial and deep wounds - they are classified into 4 stages according to the depth of tissue damage (see photo). Each stage has its own characteristics in the treatment, which is described below in detail for each stage. A total of 18 expert tips for healing wounds are provided.

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With a long stay of the patient on the back, ulcers may appear on the back of the head, shoulder blades, elbows, coccyx, sacrum, and heels. If the individual is forced to be on his side, then the wounds “settle” on the thigh, the side of the knee, and the ankle. Damage is recorded on the pubis and cheekbones when a person lies on his stomach for a long time. The location of the affected areas of the body, see the photo below.

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The first stage is the initial, the easiest. It is characterized by the appearance of edematous hyperemic (reddened) zones on the parts of the body in contact with the bed. It is characteristic that when you click on them, there is no white trace left. Sometimes, instead of redness, there is a pronounced cyanosis (cyanosis).

Look at the photo for what tissue damage looks like at stage 1.

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Let's figure out what to do if the initial stage of bedsores is detected, how to prevent further necrotic tissue changes, and restore skin tone. Note that the detection of a reddened and roughened area in immobilized (completely or partially) patients is a signal of incorrect or insufficiently thorough patient care.

The following actions will help prevent the progression of pathology in bedridden patients:

  1. After 2-2.5 hours, change the position of the patient. To hold the affected areas on weight, it is convenient to use a special lining (inflatable) circle. This will remove pressure from the injured area, provide access to air, and protect it from moisture.
  2. Do air baths at least 2 times a day (avoid hypothermia).
  3. For hygiene procedures, use simple soap (antibacterial kills both pathogenic and beneficial bacteria), a natural sponge (cotton washcloth), clean water. After washing, gently blot the skin - in no case do not rub.
  4. Massage gently in the morning and evening in a circular motion the area around the redness. It is convenient to do this with a terry towel mitten. Do not rub, knead the surface of hyperemic (reddened) skin.
  5. Quartzizing once a day - ultraviolet light kills bacteria on any surface. The procedure can be carried out with the help of the home medicine apparatus "Solnyshko". It is advisable to coordinate with the doctor the number of procedures.
  6. Avoid damage to the integrity of the reddened (darkened) cover.
  7. In case of urinary incontinence (feces), change diapers or diapers made of cotton fabric in a timely manner, and toilet the genitals. For the stronger sex, use the urinary system.
  8. With profuse sweating, wipe the skin with a weak solution of food vinegar - 1 tbsp. dilute a spoon in 250 ml of cool water.

The fight against pressure ulcers at home is a painstaking and ongoing process that requires diligence.

should be adhered to simple rule: wet skin (with sweating, release of physiological fluids) to dry, dry - to moisturize. Dryness leads to flaking of the protective (horny) layer of the skin. Excessive sputum - to infection of the affected areas. All this is exacerbated by impaired blood circulation in the areas of compression.

How to treat a beginning bedsore? Places of redness can be lubricated:

  • camphor alcohol
  • lemon cut in half
  • zinc ointment
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil
  • Sophora japonica tincture

Appeared stains should be treated once every two hours. It is not recommended to use potassium permanganate, brilliant green, iodine, as they dry out the epithelium and disrupt granulation tissue.

Heels have increased dryness. They are lubricated with petroleum jelly, baby cream, and other moisturizers.

Bandages are effective at this stage. TenderVet 24(Tender Wet 24), TenderVet 24 asset (TenderWet 24 active). What ointment to use for persistent redness? Doctors recommend the use of drugs that improve the process of blood circulation. In particular, they include:

  • Solcoseryl (price from 120 rubles)
  • Actovegin (from 41 rubles)
  • Bepanten (from 305 rubles)

note that the use of softening compounds, deaf and wet dressings that block the penetration of oxygen and evaporation of moisture, lead to the formation of wet necrosis, tissue destruction.

For clarity of actions, we watch a video that clearly shows what actions to take at the first stage of the formation of bedsores.

Treatment of decubitus wounds at 2 stages

The appearance of sores and blisters with hemorrhagic or serous contents is typical for the second stage - see the photo below.

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Care of the affected area includes the following actions:

  • Washing hyperemic skin with chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide.
  • Applying bandages with any healing ointment - Actovegin, Levosin, Solcoseryl, Levomekol.
  • The use of modern self-adhesive wound dressings: Cosmopor (made of non-woven soft polyester material with an absorbent pad), Tegaderm (a special transparent film that serves as a barrier to moisture, does not interfere with gas exchange).
  • Covering the affected areas with anti-decubitus dressings Hartmann(Hartmann) and ointment dressings: Atrauman Ag (silver-containing), Hydrotul (hydroactive), Branolind N (with Peruvian balsam).
  • The use of modern dressings PermaFoam cavity, Hydrosorb gel, TenderWet active cavity, which accelerate the process of cleansing and healing wounds.
  • Overlay applications with substances with wound healing characteristics. For example, the use of multilayer coatings Multiferm, Proteoks-TM, hydrogel dressings Hydrosorb Comfort, etc.

At this stage, it is important to assess the general condition of the patient, which allows you to detect or exclude factors that can aggravate the development of a negative process, cause more severe damage.

Specialists can prescribe detoxification of the body - blood transfusion, hemodez (antitoxic plasma-substituting agent), immunostimulating therapy - taking vitamin complexes, immunostimulants.

Treatment of deep bedsores in stages 3 and 4

An open wound covered with pus is characteristic of the third stage. The pathological process covers the deeper layers, destroying the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle mass, as can be seen in the photo.

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On the fourth stage the depth of damage increases - the tendons are injured. The inflammatory-purulent process can spread to adjacent bones (see photo).

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If with deep wounds only soft tissues are destroyed - skin, muscles - then competent selection will help pharmaceuticals. The treatment of deeper damage (down to the bones) is solved surgically.

The medicines used are conditionally divided into the following groups:

  1. Necrolytic drugs (accelerate the removal of dead tissue)
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs
  3. Tissue repair (recovery) stimulators
  4. Means that improve blood circulation

Practical and convenient for use in bedridden patients are various sprays from bedsores, for example, Chemi spray (price from 480 rubles / 370 UAH), Olazol (cost 250 rubles / 76.17 UAH), Menalind (380 rubles / UAH 165.50). Napkins with silver Atrauman Ag (78 rubles / 40.95 UAH) reliably protect against the negative effects of pathogenic bacteria.

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3 stages of healing deep bedsores

Deep decubitus wounds are treated in stages. They are always infected, contain a significant amount of dead tissue, pus. Their main danger is that they can cause general blood poisoning and are a threat to life.

At the first stage the lesion is cleaned of pus and necrosis with the help of enzymes. Are used bandages PAM-T(with strong discharge), Proteox-TM (with moderate and slight discharge).
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The course of treatment is 7-10 days. The cleaned wound becomes bright red. The amount of pus separated from it is significantly reduced. If before that the surgical treatment of the problem area was carried out, then they immediately proceed to the next stage.

aim second stage is to stimulate the appearance of young connective tissue. Enzyme-based wound healing preparations will help speed up this process. Biatain absorbent dressings are able to create ideal conditions for the healing of exuding (weeping) wounds.

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Third stage therapeutic measures associated with the protection of young connective tissue. Hydrocolloid coatings Comfil Plus (Comfeel Plus) are the most effective tool at this stage: reliably protect against infections, create the best conditions for tissue regeneration, do not require frequent dressings - 1-2 times in 2-5 days.

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Promote faster wound healing in the elderly modern methods treatment, for example, the use of vacuum therapy (NPWT or VAC-therapy).

Surgical intervention for deep injuries consists in repeated excision of non-viable tissues (necrectomy), in case of severe damage, autodermoplasty (plasty with a displaced skin-muscle or skin flap) is performed. Before the operation, innovative techniques can be used - magnetic electrical stimulation, laser electrical stimulation.

Folk remedies

Tandem drug treatment and traditional medicine will help to quickly get rid of the pathology. Consider the most common recipes and recommendations for the treatment of neoplasms from prolonged lying.

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To simplify the treatment of bedsores on the coccyx, buttocks (often occur simultaneously) at home, dressings with an antiseptic will help.

Before applying them, the surface should be treated with a mixture of water and vodka (1: 1), a solution of vinegar (1 spoon per cup of water), camphor alcohol. Next, apply Panthenol Spray, Methyluracil.

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How to quickly lubricate redness and sores on the buttocks, coccyx? An excellent effect is achieved when using a mixture of essential oils: mira, geranium, tea tree, petitgrain, hypericum macerate. Oils have an antiseptic and healing effect. Take 2-3 drops of each oil. Do an oil compress once a day.

One more thing will help get rid of wounds on the buttocks from sitting good remedysea ​​buckthorn oil. On the forums you can find many excellent reviews about the miracle oil. The substance improves blood circulation, has an antimicrobial effect. In addition, it helps with gastritis, stomatitis, hemorrhoids.

Before use, disinfect the affected areas on the buttocks of a lying person with camphor alcohol. Sea buckthorn oil can be alternated with rosehip oil, which has a similar effect.

The use of an anti-decubitus circle will simplify care for both severe injuries and the first symptoms of pathology.

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A few important nuances:

  1. The circle must be set so that the wound is in its center.
  2. The product should be covered with a film to prevent rubbing of the skin.
  3. The circle should not be overly rigid - just rise slightly above the bed.

Often on the forums there are questions about how to remove sores on the priest, coccyx with gentle folk remedies, how to treat wounds in an immobilized patient with a tendency to allergies?

Does not cause allergic reactions mixture of vodka (quality) and any shampoo for children (or natural botanic). Decubitus wounds are lubricated with the composition once a day. Rinse after 10 hours clean water. This method has been personally verified.. At the 1st stage of the lesion, it gives a good result and removes the smell.

How to get rid of wounds on the heel, on the leg. A photo

First, a white spot appears on the upper layer of the epidermis of the heel, then a red bubble forms, which quickly turns into a black spot. Green “healers” will help speed up and facilitate the healing of wounds on the heels.

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We offer you to use repeatedly proven recipes:

  1. Pour boiling milk over fresh elderberry leaves and apply to ulcers.
  2. Lubricate the reddened areas with freshly prepared juice from the leaves of the lungwort 4-5 times a day.
  3. Prepare: 1 tbsp. l. chop the flowers (it is convenient to use a coffee grinder) and combine with 50 g of petroleum jelly. Apply twice a day.

Promotes healing of the epidermis cabbage leaf, slightly mashed in the hands and bandaged to the heel. Until the morning, you can fix the Kalanchoe leaves with a bandage - cut in half (along) and attach a cut to the bedsore.

How to say goodbye to sores on the back

Beginning changes in the skin will be removed by a simple mash of camphor, medical alcohol and baby shampoo (each component 100 ml). It will give you a feeling of freshness and purity. Treat the problem area in the evening. In the morning, wipe with a sponge dipped in warm water. Dry the skin thoroughly (without rubbing!) with a soft towel. Continue the procedure until complete recovery.

Recipe 1 Bring half a cup of vegetable oil to a boil. Add a piece of beeswax, the size of half a little finger. Stir the mixture thoroughly, cool. With the resulting ointment, treat redness, sores.

Recipe 2. Use unpeeled oats from the last harvest as a filler for a cotton mattress.

Recipe 3. Steam a handful of millet, pour into a cotton bag. Apply under the affected area. Remove the bag after 4 hours. For a large affected area, use several bags.

Recipe 5. Prepare a linen towel (preferably an old one) and a faceted glass. Pour 1 tsp into a glass. soda, pour boiling water and moisten the cloth with the resulting solution. Allow the fabric to cool slightly, wring out slightly, place on the affected area.

Lotions from fish oil, clove oils at night will help fight pressure sores in the elderly. Ordinary potato starch can be used as a powder for weeping wounds.

We learn another way to improve the condition from the video "How to treat and treat bedsores."

Which doctor will help, where to undergo the procedure

If pathological foci are found in bedridden people who are at home, you should contact your family doctor or therapist. With progressive manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to consult a surgeon. A dermatologist, an infectious disease specialist will help you choose medicines and tell you how to quickly deal with the problem.

Depending on the course of the pathology and the condition of the individual drug therapy carried out at home or in a hospital.

Who is at risk

Bedsores in the elderly are formed quite quickly. Typical for most elderly patients:

  • with and femur - 66%
  • with paralysis of the lower and upper limbs(tetraplegia) - 60%
  • during stay in intensive care units - 33%
  • in bedridden patients (especially the elderly) who are at home - 25%

Circulatory disturbance is seen in diabetes, acute vascular occlusion, obliterating endarteritis. Smoking slows down recovery, as nicotine constricts blood vessels, which leads to poor blood supply.


In order to prevent the occurrence of pathology in patients who stay in a sitting or lying position for a long time, it is necessary to carry out the prevention of bedsores in a timely manner. Experts recommend using special cellular (dynamic) mattresses.
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They are effective because:

  • They guarantee a uniform distribution of the patient's mass over the surface, adapt to the contours of the body.
  • Provide free blood circulation throughout the skin. "Honeycombs" are constantly moving, contributing to normal blood flow.
  • They help to neutralize the resulting foci of rejection (in 9 out of 10 cases).

A massage (occipital) pillow will help prevent pathology - it “remembers” the contours of the neck and shoulders. The rectal pillow will provide a comfortable stay of the individual in a sitting or lying position.

Advice : When purchasing a mattress, take into account the weight of the patient so that there is no "sagging effect". This can lead to the disappearance of the therapeutic and prophylactic effect of the accessory.

You learned how to treat bedsores depending on the stage of the disease, the location, what pharmaceuticals and folk remedies will help to cope with the problem, how to smear weeping, dry and purulent wounds in the elderly, as well as who is at risk of the disease and what to do for prevention. The information received was supported by photos and videos.

Health to your loved ones!

From this article you will learn how and how to treat bedsores in bedridden patients at home, what local remedies (for example, ointment for bedsores for bedridden patients) will help to quickly cope with the problem at different stages of the process, what features have bedsores wounds, as well as about modern effective ways treatment of skin and soft tissue lesions in bedridden patients.

What are bedsores? In fact, these are wounds of various sizes and depths that occur on the body of a patient who is unable to move. They not only cause suffering to the patient, further limiting his mobility, but they are also the entrance gate for an infection that is deadly for a weakened body. With deep injuries in the wound, tissue decay constantly occurs, which leads to chronic poisoning, suppression of the immune system, deterioration of the work of all organs and systems. Chronic blood loss is also observed, a protein deficiency associated with massive cell death develops.

In order to understand how to properly treat bedsores at home, it is important to understand what damage to the skin and underlying tissues that appear in sedentary patients provides. These are not just wounds resulting from injuries, cuts, etc. The point is that those that lead to their development act much more slowly than in the case of other injuries.

For example, such a key factor in the development of decubitus wounds, as the pressure that a hard surface exerts on protruding areas of the patient's body, leads to damage only two hours (and often later) after its onset. Other factors such as moisture, displacement, friction also lead to the development of bedsores after a sufficiently long period of time.

Therefore, the main rule in deciding how and how to treat bedsores in a bedridden patient is the utmost attention to the slightest skin changes in a sedentary patient and the timely detection of the first signs of damage. After all, it is much easier to cope with the process in stage 1, when there are only minor changes in the skin cells, than in a situation where there is extensive necrosis (cell death) muscle tissue. You can read more about the stages of bedsores.

It is very important that even at home, the process of wound healing took place under the supervision of the attending physician who will be able to correctly assess, select the necessary funds for the treatment of bedsores. Indeed, situations are not uncommon when visible damage is small, and massive cell death occurs in deeper tissues. This happens, for example, in patients with severe injuries and illnesses. nervous system when extensive breakdown of muscle tissue is associated with a disorder nervous regulation cell nutrition. Untimely diagnosis and treatment in such a situation is fraught with the development of infection and the death of the patient.

Also, the doctor will be able not only to recommend how to treat bedsores at home, but also, if necessary, to resolve the issue of hospitalization of the patient in a timely manner. because at home, only minor damage can be cared for. It is very dangerous to try to cope with deep wounds and non-healing ulcers that occur in the 3-4 stages of the process, as well as in the case of an infectious process in the wound.

To answer the question “how to treat bedsores at home?”, It is necessary to determine at what stage the development of a pressure ulcer is. At different stages, different processes take place, requiring different approaches. Next, we will consider the means that are used to treat damage to the skin and soft tissues at various stages:

  1. Means for the toilet (treatment) of the injury site- they are used to eliminate contaminants (sweat, urine, etc.) that can have an irritating effect, as well as to prevent infection. They are the basic means in deciding how to treat stage 1 bedsores (when the processes in the skin are still reversible and cell death has not occurred).

    For this purpose, it is not recommended to use the so-called ion-exchange preparations, which include iodine and chlorine, since these agents violate the protective properties of cell membranes. As a result, local immunity is suppressed, immune cells that have penetrated into the lesion to fight dangerous microbes die. Thus, favorable conditions are created for the development of the infectious process.

    Also, the treatment of bedsores at home should not be carried out using products that have a tanning effect on the skin, such as potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) or brilliant green (brilliant green). These drugs also have a damaging effect on the top layer of the skin, accelerating the development of necrosis (cell death).

    M.D. Dibirov (Department of Surgical Diseases and Clinical Angiology, Moscow State Medical University named after A.I. Evdokimov) recommends treating the affected area with normal saline, which can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared at home. To do this, dissolve 1 tsp of salt in a liter of boiled water.

    After treating the injury site with saline, it is recommended to use a bed sore cream for bedridden patients. In the Protocol for the management of patients with pressure ulcers (a document that staff are guided by medical institutions when caring for bedridden patients), it is recommended to use conventional nourishing and moisturizing cosmetic creams.

    Also as a care product early stages development of lesions, you can use Bepanten - a cream against bedsores, diaper rash, various skin irritations. It has a calming effect, accelerates the processes of regeneration (recovery) of the skin.

  2. Drugs that stimulate processes of blood supply in the affected area.
  3. Means that have an antimicrobial effect, that is, drugs that allow you to protect the damaged area from the invasion of infection. If in the early stages, when cell death has not yet occurred or minimal damage is noted (stages 1-2), to prevent infection, patient care for pressure sores may be limited to treating the affected area with saline and camphor alcohol, then in the presence of a pressure sore wound, more effective antimicrobial agents are needed. funds.

    Due to the general weakening of the body and the lack of microvibration energy, the state of both general and local immunity worsens in the patient. Therefore, the risk of infection by both microbes that enter the wound from the external environment and the so-called conditionally pathogenic flora increases: we are talking about bacteria and fungi that constantly live in the human body, but during normal operation of the immune system do not show their pathogenic properties. Therefore, the care of bedsores involves both the use of antibiotics general action, and the use of local agents with antimicrobial action:

  4. Dehydrating (drying) topical agents. Their use is relevant in the phase of vascular reactions, when the liquid part of the blood enters the wound. Such phenomena are observed when the decubitus process affects the skin on all layers and affects the deeper tissues (stage 3). The most common remedy for drying a wound is zinc ointment for bedsores.

    When it is used, the amount of fluid in the wound decreases, which reduces the risk of infection. Also, an ointment with zinc from bedsores has a slight anti-inflammatory effect, forms a film on the wound surface that protects it from external factors.

    Zinc is part of such a local remedy as Seni's bed sore cream. It can be used for the care of patients in the initial stage of the development of lesions, for the treatment of skin in intimate areas, in areas of increased sweating, in which the risk of developing pressure ulcers increases due to excessive moisture.

  5. Anti-inflammatory drugs. As a rule, they are used in stages 3-4 of the development of bedsores in the phase of vascular reactions accompanied by inflammation. Also used in case of inflammation caused by an invading infection. Depending on the severity of inflammation, various groups of anti-inflammatory drugs are used - non-hormonal and hormonal. Ointments based on hormones must be used very carefully, since their use leads to a decrease in local and general immunity. Use them only in situations where the benefits of their use outweigh the harmful side effects. For example, if there are long-term non-healing wounds, ulcers, which are the entrance gate for infection, which cannot be treated by other means. In any case, the attending physician should decide what is the best way to treat bedsores - with hormonal or non-hormonal drugs!
    • Hesteroid (non-hormonal) anti-inflammatory drugs. Used for minor manifestations of inflammation. What anti-inflammatory ointments can be used for bedsores? The names may be different, but the composition of the funds uses a limited range of active ingredients: ibuprofen, diclofenac, indomethacin, nimesulide, etc.
    • Hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. As a rule, they resort to their help when it comes to extensive lesions, decubitus ulcers that do not heal for a long time. The mechanism of their action is similar to the action of adrenal hormones (glucocorticoids), which have anti-inflammatory, decongestant, anti-allergic effects. Hormonal anti-inflammatory local agents include ointments based on prednisolone, hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, etc.

      However, it is important to understand that these drugs belong to the category of drugs that have a whole range of side effects - local and general. In addition, the use of drugs in this group reduces the production of their own adrenal hormones, so their abrupt cancellation often causes a serious deterioration in the patient's condition.

      Therefore, the attending physician should decide how to treat bedsores, which ointment to choose and how to apply it correctly.

  6. Necrolytic drugs that help get rid of dead cells. The use of these funds is relevant in the phase of cleansing the wound from dead tissue. This is necessary when foci of necrosis (cell death) are observed in the wound, which corresponds to stages 3-4. In order to help the body cleanse the wound, special ointments for bedsores are used: the list includes a variety of local enzyme preparations, such as trypsin, chymotrypsin, deoxyribonuclease, collagenase (these active substances are part of various ointments). They stimulate the breakdown of dead cell proteins and accelerate the process of wound cleansing.

    However, it must be remembered that in patients with reduced immunity and a deficiency of microvibration energy in the body (and a decrease in the microvibration background in bedridden patients is almost inevitable), the body's ability to utilize (process) dead cells from the centers of their death is significantly impaired. That's why it is necessary to apply ointments from bedsores, coupled with microvibration therapy: in such situations, the process of cleansing wounds from dead tissues is faster.

    It is also important to understand that with bedsores of stage 3 and, especially, stage 4, when extensive foci of necrosis (cell death) are observed, the use of local agents to eliminate dead tissues is very often not enough. In many cases, removing them requires surgical intervention. Therefore, the treatment of such wounds is carried out in a hospital.

  7. Stimulants of reparative (restorative) processes. Their use is recommended at the stage of regeneration (recovery), after it has been possible to cope with inflammation, infection, and clean the wound from dead cells. The task is to accelerate the formation of granulation (young connective) tissue, which fills the lumen of the wound, protecting it from injury and infection. Local preparations that stimulate recovery processes include a whole range of various means:

    To activate the regeneration processes, not only a gel or ointment can be used, but also pressure sore spray. The name of the drug can be different, it is important to pay attention to the composition: it can be extracts and oils of plants with wound healing properties (plantain, sea buckthorn), pharmacological substances, for example, panthenol, etc.

    Depending on the composition, a pressure sore spray for bedridden patients can have additional effects: soothe inflammatory processes, inhibit the development of infection, reduce pain, form a protective film on the skin. The attending physician will help you choose the best remedy for local treatment.

In modern medicine, bed sore dressings for bedridden patients are considered not only as a way to protect the wound from external factors, a barrier against infection and pollution, but also as an active remedy. Today, in the treatment of wound processes, including decubitus wounds, ordinary gauze and bandages are practically not used.

Professor M.D. Dibirov (Department of Surgical Diseases and Clinical Angiology, Moscow State Medical University named after A.I. Evdokimov) in his work “Decubitus ulcers: prevention and treatment”, indicates that when treating decubitus wounds, it is desirable to give preference to foamy semi-permeable dressings. Due to the transparent base, they allow you to observe the processes occurring in the wound without separating the dressing from the damaged surface, in time to notice signs of inflammation and infection.

Bandages are also widely used, on the surface of which various medicines. So, Professor Dibirov at stage 3 recommends using hydrogel dressings with actovegin. Dressings from bedsores with silver and other substances are used.

Dressings can be made from a variety of materials: there are hydrogel, hydrocolloid, algae (alginate) dressings that can provide a drying effect by absorbing the fluid formed in the wound, creating a favorable environment for cleansing and healing the wound. You can read more about what dressings for bedsores exist.

Napkins from bedsores

Among the local remedies that are used to treat skin and soft tissue injuries in sedentary patients, wipes are used to treat pressure ulcers. They can be used for hygienic procedures - antiseptic-impregnated napkins on a non-woven basis allow you to carefully carry out the daily toilet of the wound.

Also used are napkins impregnated with various medicinal substances that are applied to the wound: these can be napkins from bedsores with silver, with antibiotics, enzymes, and wound healing agents. They are applied to the wound after its toilet and are fixed with a dressing.

Products such as a napkin or a pressure sore patch can be considered as an adjuvant treatment. For their use, you should consult with your doctor.

Bedsore Care - Algorithm

After a review of the agents that are used for the local treatment of soft tissue injuries in sedentary patients, it is important to understand what drugs and in what sequence at various stages and at different stages of the wound process, pressure sores are treated. The algorithm of actions is presented in the table.

  • Daily treatment of the affected area with saline (it is possible to use sanitary napkins with an antiseptic).
  • Treatment with camphor alcohol to activate blood circulation at the site of the formation of a bedsore.
  • Treatment of the area of ​​​​the resulting bedsore with a moisturizing, nourishing cream. It is possible to use Bepanten cream and its analogues.
  • Means that improve blood circulation in the affected area.
  • Antibacterial and antifungal drugs for signs of infection.
  • Preparations that stimulate the processes of regeneration (recovery) of the skin.
  • Dressings on a hydrogel, hydrocolloid basis.

Stage of inflammation, phase of vascular reactions (development of edema):

  • Anti-inflammatory local drugs (non-steroidal or hormonal, depending on the severity of inflammation and in accordance with the doctor's recommendations).
  • Dehydrating (drying) ointment from bedsores for bedridden patients
  • Absorbent dressings on a hydrogel, hydrocolloid basis.

Stage of inflammation, phase of wound cleansing

  • Necrolytic (promoting the rejection of dead tissue) enzyme-based preparations.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Drying agents.
  • Antibacterial and antifungal agents.
  • Bandages.

Stage of regeneration (recovery) and scar formation

  • Drugs to improve blood circulation.
  • Means for accelerating regeneration processes.
  • Bandages.

The care algorithm is the same as in stage 3, however, in stage 4 we are talking about deep wounds (up to the bones and joints) and extensive foci of necrosis that must be removed surgically. Therefore, such patients (like most patients with stage 3) should be treated in a hospital. At home, treatment can be carried out only when the wound is in the stage of regeneration and scar formation.

It is necessary to say about such an important factor in the development of bedsores - a deficiency of biological muscle cells. , who confirmed that continuous vibrations of muscle fibers are as necessary for the body as air, water, food and heat, were carried out at the end of the 20th century by the famous physicist V.A. Fedorov together with a group of doctors (more on this can be found in the book). What are these for? muscle contractions, which are recorded even when a person is immobile or sleeping? Microvibration energy is necessary to maintain many processes in the body:

  • To provide metabolic processes in the intercellular space. With a decrease in the level of microvibration, the transport of nutrients into cells is disrupted.
  • To ensure venous blood flow, allowing blood to move towards the heart in defiance of gravity. Deficiency of microvibration leads to stagnation of fluid in tissues, edema.
  • To ensure that is achieved through the maintenance of work lymphatic system and excretory organs such as the liver and kidneys. With a decrease in the level of microvibration, dead cells and poisons accumulate in the body, poisoning it.
  • , whose activity is directly related to the function of the lymphatic system. Insufficient level of microvibration impairs the body's ability to respond adequately to infection invasion, to detect and neutralize cells with dangerous mutations (cancerous) in time.

The microvibration background of the body directly depends on the physical activity of a person. The more intensively the muscles work during the day, the higher the level of microvibration, which allows maintaining health and preserving youth. And, on the contrary, a sedentary lifestyle leads to a deficiency of microvibration energy, diseases and early aging.

That is why the lack of ability for independent movement not only contributes to the development of bedsores due to the action of the above factors, but also causes a pronounced deficiency of microvibration. A reduced microvibration background, in turn, increases the risk of tissue damage and creates conditions for the development of decubitus wounds:

  • Metabolic disorders in the intercellular space exacerbates nutritional deficiency in cells, caused by compression of blood vessels and nerves, and accelerates cell death (necrosis).
  • Due to the lack of microvibration energy, the function of venous valves suffers, and edema develops in the tissues, increasing the compression of blood vessels and nerves
  • Deficiency of microvibration affects the activity of processes in the phase of wound cleansing from dead tissues. A decrease in the function of the lymphatic system, liver and kidneys contributes to the accumulation of damaged and dead cells in the pressure sore area, which negatively affects the healing rate. In addition, dead cells become a breeding ground for pathogenic microbes, which contributes to the attachment of infectious complications. Poisons and toxins also accumulate, resulting from the death of cells and microbes, poisoning the body.
  • Decreased immunity due to a malfunction of the lymphatic system also reduces the body's ability to fight dangerous microbes. It creates prerequisites for the spread of infection throughout the body and the development of the most dangerous complication - sepsis, which is the most common cause death of patients with bedsores!

Thus, pressure ulcers, which always occur in patients with limited mobility (or wholly unable to move), always go hand in hand with a progressive deficiency of microvibration energy. That is why, unlike wounds associated with other causes, changes in tissues in such patients can be much more pronounced and (despite the fact that they often develop more slowly). For the same reason, decubitus wounds are more likely to be at risk of infection, more likely to spread infection throughout the body.

Also, the lack of microvibration energy leads to the fact that the healing of decubitus wounds in bedridden patients most often occurs much more slowly and requires great effort. This must be taken into account when deciding how to treat bedsores and how to properly build tactics for the care and treatment of such patients. That is why, in addition to local and general measures aimed at combating pressure sores, it is so important to take measures to increase the level of microvibration: it helps to solve this problem.


How to properly care for bedsores at home? It is important to understand that this is not just tissue damage in a particular area, which can only be eliminated by using any local remedies. In the treatment of such patients, it is always necessary to take into account the specific disease or injury that led to the restriction of mobility.

So, if we are talking about lesions of the nervous system (injuries, strokes, tumors), or metabolic disorders, no, even the most effective, topical preparations will help solve the problem. Since the mass death of cells in these cases is associated with internal processes (violation of nervous regulation, blood supply, etc.). In these cases, only an integrated approach, including the treatment of both the underlying disease and decubitus wounds, will solve the problem.

It must also be remembered that the use of funds aimed at local treatment should be combined with other measures to combat pressure ulcers:

You can read more about an integrated approach to getting rid of pressure ulcers in the article. It is also important to remember that even at home, the treatment of patients should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. So, if, despite the measures taken, the decubitus process progresses, non-healing wounds are observed, and new lesions appear, it is imperative to consult a doctor. AT otherwise there is a high probability of infection and development, including sepsis (blood poisoning), which can lead to the death of the patient.

Also, along with measures to treat existing wounds, it is important to remember about preventive measures for the formation of new bedsores. After all, the existing injuries further limit the patient's mobility, which creates conditions for the appearance of new lesions. You can read more about preventive measures in the article on.

Frequently asked Questions:

How to smear the beginning bedsores?

In stage 1 of the development of the process, when there is only redness (swelling and “blueness” can also be observed), which does not disappear after the pressure is stopped, but there are no signs of damage to the skin, the main tasks of local treatment are to eliminate the effect of irritating substances on the skin (sweat, urine etc.), as well as the restoration of blood circulation in the affected area.

Thus, at the initial stage of the process, care for pressure ulcers at home should include regular and thorough treatment of the area of ​​damage with saline, the use of camphor alcohol to stimulate blood circulation in the area of ​​development of the lesion. In addition, at the initial stage, it is recommended to use moisturizing and nourishing cosmetics, as well as ointments and creams that reduce irritation, such as Bepanten. Simultaneously with the use of local funds, it is necessary to provide resource support for the body with the help of: this will help prevent the progression of the pressure sore process.

When considering the question of how to smear bedsores in a bedridden patient, it is necessary to understand that there is no universal remedy that will help you quickly cope with the existing problem. At each stage it is necessary to solve different problems with the help of various local means. Thus, at the initial stage, the main tasks are fast recovery blood circulation in the affected area, elimination of skin irritation by careful toileting and the use of appropriate creams and ointments.

At later stages, when a wound has already formed, an ointment for the treatment of bedsores in bedridden patients should also be selected depending on the situation: anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, drying, healing agents, etc. are used. with the attending physician.

Vibroacoustic therapy can be considered as a universal remedy at all stages of the development of a lesion: the use of it has a beneficial effect both on the rate of healing of existing lesions and prevents the appearance of new lesions. In addition, this positively affects the entire body, allows,.

List of used literature:

  1. Akhtyamova N.E. Treatment of bedsores in sedentary patients / BC. 2015 No. 26.
  2. Baskov A.V. Peculiarities surgical treatment bedsores of different localization / Research Institute of Neurosurgery. Academician N.N. Burdenko, Moscow, 2002
  3. Bogachev V.Yu., Bogdanets L.I., Kirienko A.I., Bryushkov A.Yu., Zhuravleva O.V. Local treatment of venous trophic ulcers. / Consilium Medicum. 2001, No. 11.
  4. Vorobyov A.A. Treatment of bedsores in spinal patients / Bulletin of the Volgograd Scientific center of RAMS. - 2007 - No. 2.
  5. Dibirov M.D. Bedsores. Prevention and treatment / Medical Council, No. 5-6, 2013
  6. Klimiashvili A.D. Prevention and treatment of bedsores / Russian medical journal. - 2004 - T. 12, No. 12.
  7. Kuzin M.I. Kostyuchenok B.M. "Wounds and wound infection". Guide for doctors / Moscow. "Medicine", 1990
  8. / "Doctor" No. 7 / 2014
  9. Patient management protocol. Bedsores. / Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 17.04.02, No. 123.
  10. Fedorov V.A., Kovelenov A.Yu., Loginov G.N. and others / St. Petersburg: SpecLit, 2012

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Bedsores can occur in those people who, due to serious illnesses, are in a lying position for a long time. In seventy percent of cases, it is the elderly who have to deal with them.

Special ointments for bedsores help improve blood flow to the tissues, heal the damaged epidermis and remove dead cells from the wound surface.

Stages of bedsores

Often, ointments are prescribed from the very initial stage of bedsores. At the first stage, they help fight infection in the wound surface and improve blood flow in the damaged tissue area. In the second stage of the disease, it is best to choose the means with a drying effect, so the wounds begin to get wet. The third and fourth stages of bedsores require the use of creams to clear the ulcers and rid them of purulent contents.

All those remedies that are used for treatment have a number of advantages, these include:

  • Fast process of regeneration of the damaged epidermis.
  • Improved tissue trophism.
  • Bactericidal effect and elimination of all bacteria in the wound.
  • Elimination of pain.
  • Affordable cost of ointments.


There are many ointments for bedsores, but the most effective of them are represented by the following means:


The gel is used to improve the trophic functions of tissues for their speedy healing. Active substance it is represented by deproteninized disalate obtained from the blood serum of young cows. It must be applied to the wound surface, after cleaning it from dead tissue.

You need to use the product 3 times a day, applying it with a thin layer on the damaged epidermis. The course of treatment should be continued until the bedsores disappear completely. If the patient has an allergic reaction to the components of solcoseryl, it should not be spread on the skin so that the allergy does not aggravate skin problems.


The drug consists of salts of fatty acids, chlorophylls, carotenoids and film-forming substances. It well stops the inflammatory process and accelerates the regenerative processes in the damaged epidermis. It should be applied exclusively to the wound surface, bypassing healthy areas of the epidermis. Often in the process of applying the ointment, a burning sensation is felt. There are no contraindications to the use of the drug.


The active substance of the ointment is represented by dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, which restores the normal content in the tissues nucleic acid. The tool accelerates the regenerative processes. The dosage of the drug can only be determined by a doctor. If you are allergic to the components, its application should be discarded.


The active substances of this remedy are sodium salt and vinylin. It is used on the wound surface, applying 24 hours. It can be applied for no more than fifteen days in the absence of intolerance. To side effects creams include: swelling, allergic reaction, numbness.

Alantan Plus

This drug is based on dexpanthenol and allantoin. Thanks to these components, the product perfectly cleanses and heals wounds, accelerating the regeneration of the epidermis. It is necessary to apply the ointment once a day, until the bedsore heals. It can not be used in case of allergy to the components included in the product.


The cream has an antibacterial effect, thanks to silver sulfadiazine. It is applied under a bandage or just on the wound a couple of times a day, until the damage is completely eliminated. If after its application there is a burning sensation and discomfort, then the remedy should be canceled so as not to worsen the condition of the damaged epidermis.


It also includes silver, which provides the agent with an antibacterial effect. Before applying, the wound surface must be cleaned of, after which a thin layer of the drug should be applied to the bandage, and then to the damaged epidermis. It is necessary to change the bandage with the agent several times a day. Use this therapy for at least three weeks. Ointment with intolerance to the components can cause nausea, vomiting, burning, pain and allergies.


The active substance of this drug is sulfathiazole. He's an antibiotic. The ointment is able to destroy pathogenic organisms and stop their reproduction. It is rich in silver ions, which enhance the effectiveness of the antibiotic. The drug also has an analgesic property. From bedsores, the ointment also helps because it cleans the wound from dead cells and promotes its healing. It must be applied directly to the wound surface, until the bedsores completely disappear. For those who have an allergic reaction to the components of the product, its use is contraindicated.


This drug has a pronounced antimicrobial, regenerative and anti-inflammatory effect. All this is provided thanks to diethylbenzimidazolium triiodide. When applying the ointment, make sure that it completely covers the wound surface. The duration of treatment will depend on the stage of the disease and the appointment of a doctor. The drug should not be used by pregnant women, infants and people who have intolerance and liver problems.

Zinc ointment

It is a dermatoprotective agent, which includes zinc oxide. It well stops inflammation and dries weeping wounds. The full course of treatment ranges from several weeks to a month. It must be applied under a bandage up to two times a day. The cream has practically no side effects, with the exception of zinc allergy.

Vishnevsky ointment

The basis of this remedy includes xeroform, castor oil and birch tar. Ointment is used not only to eliminate decubitus. It relieves boils and acne. To eliminate bedsores, it must be applied to the affected areas, a thin layer under the bandage, but before applying the affected skin surface must be treated with an antiseptic. The course of treatment and the dose of the drug is prescribed by the doctor. The use of the product should be abandoned in case of intolerance to one of the components.

Sulfuric ointment


This German-made drug has disinfectant and antiseptic properties. Its active ingredient is povidone-iodine. He actively fights bacteria and viruses. The dosage of the drug depends on the stage of the disease and the doctor's prescriptions. The ointment should not be used by people with kidney failure and problems with thyroid gland. In addition, allergy sufferers, pregnant and lactating mothers should refuse its use.


Many of the above ointments are practically safe to use, with the exception of individual intolerance to the components. Without the recommendation of a doctor, they should not be used during gestation. If the patient is allergic, he should use ointments with great care.

It is also better to refuse their use for children and people with problems with the thyroid gland and kidneys. Before using the drugs, be sure to read the instructions for the remedy and consult a doctor.

Side effects

All ointments listed above can cause:

  • Allergic reaction.
  • Puffiness and hyperemia of the skin.
  • Burning and other uncomfortable sensations.


The dosage for each patient is individual and the doctor sets it depending on the stage of neglect of the disease. Often, the ointment is applied in a thin layer under the bandage several times a day and used until the wounds completely disappear. They should be used only after cleaning the wound surface from dead tissue and its subsequent disinfection.


The shelf life of decubitus ointments is from three to five years. After these periods, the tool is not recommended to be used. Drugs must be stored out of the reach of children at temperatures below thirty degrees.



The most effective prophylactic drug is. Its active ingredient is an extract of their blood serum from young cattle. It contains no toxic ingredients. Thanks to this composition, the ointment prevents the appearance of bedsores and effectively eliminates them.

To prevent bedsores from appearing, it is necessary to apply ointment to the places of their possible occurrence several times a day. There is practically no allergy to this drug. It appears in a few percent of cases due to intolerance to blood serum components.

Using the ointments listed, you can not only get rid of pressure sores, but also prevent their occurrence. Be healthy.