In the chronic form of hepatitis C, antiviral therapy (AVT) cannot be avoided. The main goal of such treatment is to relieve the patient of the symptoms of the disease for a long time. The action of special drugs is aimed at eliminating inflammatory processes in the liver. However, the level of virus in the blood is not determined. Antiviral therapy for hepatitis C helps achieve stable remission in most patients.

Indications for therapy

First, it should be said who this type of therapy is suitable for, since not all patients can take AVT drugs. Therapy is indicated for the following groups of patients:

But this does not mean that therapy is prohibited for all other patients. Theoretically, any patient with viremia can receive treatment.

HTP can be used for a child over 2 years old, but only if his parents do not object.

Indications for AVT are:

  • detection of hepatitis virus in the blood;
  • compensated liver damage;
  • bridging fibrosis;
  • compensated cirrhosis;
  • hepatitis in chronic form with severe fibrosis.

In the complete absence of fibrosis or its insignificant manifestation, therapy may be delayed.

This is due to the fact that in such patients the likelihood of exacerbation is very low, so they do not need urgent treatment with potent medications.

Basic principles of therapy

Today HTP is considered the most in an efficient way treatment of hepatitis C. Many patients can count on a positive result and complete remission. At the same time, there are practically no relapses.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the following factors:

The hepatitis virus sequentially goes through several stages - from 0 to 5. The last stage is characterized by total liver damage and the onset of cirrhosis. After this, it will no longer be possible to completely restore the organ.

To choose from medicines influenced by the stage of development of the disease. The drugs should be selected by a doctor who, depending on the patient’s condition, develops effective scheme. If stage zero occurs, then AVT is rarely used. Its use is possible in the presence of symptoms and increased dynamics of the virus.

Tests to determine ALT and AST, also called liver tests, will help determine the need for treatment. These studies will reveal abnormalities in the functioning of the liver.

How long does treatment last?

The duration of the treatment course is influenced by the genotype of the virus:

1. About 50-75% of patients have 1 genotype. For them, the treatment period is up to 1 year. The drugs are used in full doses according to weight.

2. For genotypes 2 and 3 of the virus, a six-month course is carried out. Medicines are taken in a certain dosage, regardless of the patient’s weight.

3. Patients with genotypes 4 and 5 must complete a course of 48 weeks.

4.​ For genotype 6, therapy is selected individually.

The timing is also affected by interim test results.

Treatment with interferon

  • tachycardia, heart rhythm disturbance;
  • visual impairment, conjunctivitis;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • general weakness, headache and malaise;
  • from the outside digestive system– deterioration of appetite and digestion, intestinal pain, diarrhea;
  • from the nervous system - increased aggression, anxiety, excitability, depression, irritability, insomnia.

For side effects with AVT, Ribavirin is mainly responsible. It enhances the effect of interferon. It is precisely because of the abundance of side effects that many patients do not accept AVT. It is not recommended to interrupt treatment. The consequence of this is the ineffectiveness of AVT as a whole and more difficult recovery.

The duration of combination therapy ranges from 12 to 48 weeks. If indicated, the course is extended. This depends on the genotype of the virus and the possibility of relapse. The effectiveness of this treatment may be reduced in those who are overweight.

Preventing Side Effects

Therapy for hepatitis C with antiviral drugs has a toxic effect on the body, so side effects with long-term use are not uncommon. To keep them to a minimum, you should follow the rules:

During treatment for hepatitis C, you need to undergo regular tests that will allow you to monitor the main indicators and changes occurring in them.

Sometimes repeated treatment may be required. In some cases, therapy is ineffective. This happens in some patients:

  • an immune response to the prescribed drugs has not been obtained;
  • during the period of therapy, the virus suddenly began to develop again;
  • after the end of treatment a relapse occurred.

Relapses often occur in the first 12 days after the end of therapy. When treatment is repeated, the virological response increases by 20-40% in only a tenth of patients.

Drugs such as Ribavirin and Peginterferon help increase the effectiveness of repeated anti-inflammatory treatment. Their use can increase the virological response to 40-42%, especially if interferon with or without Ribavirin was previously used.

When prescribing medications for re-therapy, the hepatologist will focus on the drugs that were used initially.

Contraindications to AVT

Not all patients can receive AVT. This therapy is prohibited for some groups of patients. These include:

1.​ Those who have previously undergone an internal organ transplant.

2. Patients who, in addition to hepatitis, have been diagnosed with other serious pathologies - abnormalities in the heart, chronic diseases lungs, diabetes mellitus, circulatory failure and high blood pressure.

3. Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands.

4.​ Autoimmune diseases. Therapy aggravates pathological processes.

5.​ Intolerance to HTP medications.

6.​ Pregnancy.

Antiviral drugs for hepatitis should be prescribed by a doctor. Self-treatment is not recommended due to the risk of side effects and other negative consequences.

Hepatitis C can cause serious harm to the body even after the virus is suppressed because it causes severe lesions organs. How timely the necessary measures are taken depends on general condition patient's future health.

How does hepatitis C develop?

As you know, hepatitis C is detected only after tests, namely blood samples. A thorough laboratory test reveals the presence of the HCV virus, but by this time the disease itself may be at one of three main stages.

The latent or hidden period is the first stage. At this time even laboratory tests can give quite controversial results, since the virus is inactive - it is in the body, but only its RNA, aimed at active reproduction, works.

The acute stage is the next step in the development of hepatitis. This period is characterized by the manifestation of unpleasant and painful symptoms that have a strong resemblance to acute respiratory infections. Another option is possible - in the absence of a reaction immune system, this stage can occur without symptoms. In this case, the virus is detected only during regular medical procedures.

The disease then enters the chronic stage, which can last for many years. Conventionally, this period is divided into intervals of 5 years, and with the onset of each subsequent stage, the patient’s condition becomes more and more severe - the severity of fibrosis increases, a large volume of liver cells is affected.

Difficulties in treating hepatitis

The most appropriate way to prevent the spread of the disease is to systematically test the entire population. Such events are possible only under the leadership of the government - with the publication and approval of a corresponding decree. However, in our country such measures are impossible for a number of reasons.

The most important factor is symptomatic work. In other words, patients who do not feel any warning signs often do not consider it necessary to visit doctors.

In the case of hepatitis C, this order can be the most dangerous - once the virus enters the body, it may not appear for several years. During this time, the pathogen manages to cause serious damage, and further treatment may not have the desired effect.

To compile WHO statistics, complex activities are often carried out, during which the true number of infected people is revealed. Such processes require radical solutions - providing treatment and medications to all patients. Since such measures are not yet available, systematic testing for hepatitis C also remains unattended.

Making a decision

The attending physician or specialist in a private medical center has the right only to recommend one or another method of treatment, but the choice remains with the patient himself. Often, choosing only one doctor, patients decide to trust his decisions and begin the proposed therapy.

Such methods often involve injections and the use of potent drugs, and doctors themselves are not always able to fully assess the effect of the drugs.

In this regard, the emergence of revolutionary antiviral drugs American-made was a real discovery in the world of medicine. However, there is a factor that is often perceived negatively - the fairly high cost of such drugs. The fact is that it is quite difficult to buy Indian sofosbuvir in Russia.

New generation methods

Since 100% protection against the virus does not yet exist, you should pay more attention to medications that can help those who have already become infected. Having studied the properties of new drugs, the Ministry of Health approved the use of effective antiviral agents. The decision to buy Sofosbuvir is also relevant for those who have been exposed to a number of pathogens at once.

To achieve better effect the patient must remember that responsibility for his own health lies only with him. Therefore, he has the right to consult with several specialists at once and make only thoughtful and informed decisions. The same applies to diagnostics - the accuracy of the results is guaranteed only with a conscientious approach and care.

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Side effects of hepatitis C treatment

The matter is greatly simplified by the fact that most of the undesirable consequences and influences of therapy are neutralized by taking basic measures. In other words, side effects in the treatment of hepatitis C with traditional drugs (ribavirin and interferon Alpha) are quickly eliminated if you respond to their occurrence in time.

If the patient is prescribed modern drugs for hepatitis C, such as Sofosbuvir, Daclatasvir or Ledipasvir, side effects occur much less frequently and are less pronounced, and therefore do not pose a danger. Much also depends on personal tolerance - some patients react more acutely to certain components of medications.

Such undesirable manifestations may also last for a short time or for a long time, as well as be of a pronounced and intense, or dull and weak character. Therefore, the degree of their complexity is usually determined on a personal basis.

Main side effects of antiviral therapy for hepatitis C

Imitation flu

This symptom most often occurs if the patient takes interferons. In this case, a whole complex of symptoms is formed - chills, pain in muscles and joints, high temperature, loss of appetite.

Basically, such signals are sent by the body during the first weeks after the start of therapy. Such sensations appear within 4 or more hours after taking the medication.

An effective method of eliminating them is taking safe medications that relieve inflammation.

Depression and sadness

This factor is also divided into smaller signs - tearfulness, excessive emotionality or, on the contrary, apathy. Anxiety and panic attacks, depressive states– all this can appear as a result of the use of drugs, or against the background of a natural drop in emotional tone. Do not forget that the diagnosis of HCV in itself is a great stress.

More details and signs:

  • Rapidly appearing and long-lasting fatigue;
  • Sleep disorders, restlessness;
  • Loss of appetite, sudden weight loss;
  • Frequent tears, uncontrollable outbursts of emotions;
  • Suicidal tendencies (extremely rare);
  • Feeling of one's own powerlessness.

These symptoms require mandatory consultation with a specialist. You should not experiment with other medications or try to cope alone. If the doctor prescribes medications for depression, they should be taken until the end of the anti-HCV course. Useful and moderate physical activity– for example, yoga.

Changes in blood composition

Usage traditional means often leads to radical changes in blood composition, and this applies to both red and white bodies. In this regard, coagulation may be impaired, the intensity of oxygen saturation may decrease, and anemia may develop.

It is noteworthy that these effects are often associated with Ribavirin and interferon; in some situations, the dosage of these drugs must be reduced under the guidance of hepatologists.

To avoid dangers in such cases, you should consistently take general tests blood. Results should be stored for tracking and comparison. The average frequency of procedures is once every 30 days.

Neglecting this rule can lead to a weakened immune system, bleeding, fatigue and dizziness.

Thyroid dysfunction

Since thyroid gland is responsible for the production of beneficial hormones; failures in its functioning often lead to harmful consequences. Excessive activity of the gland provokes an increase in metabolic rate, which causes nervous conditions and sudden weight loss. When the functions of the gland decrease, metabolism decreases and, in parallel, other functions weaken - drowsiness occurs, body weight increases.

The most common source of thyroid dysfunction is interferons. Therefore, when taking them, a preliminary analysis for hormones is necessary - certain markers are identified, which are observed by doctors in the future. If on initial stage the percentage of hormones was normal, then pathologies during treatment occur very rarely.

Dry skin

If targeting hepatitis C antiviral therapy, side effects often affect the external integument. Itching occurs and the dermis becomes dry. With such symptoms, external remedies help - ointments, gels, lotions.

Deterioration of hair condition

If during treatment there is a decrease in hair quality - loss or thinning of the trunk, then it is better to switch to soft cosmetics and personal care products. You may have to give up hair dryers and other tools that overheat your hair and scalp for a while.

Care should be taken when choosing coloring compositions, or such procedures should be abandoned altogether.

It is noteworthy that when hepatitis C therapy and side effects are discussed, a forum that specializes in such issues can be a real resource useful information. Here you can also read reviews of patients treated with Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir - as a rule, such patients experience practically no side effects.

Reasons for the return of hepatitis C

Many experts are convinced that the disease in question can be cured, especially thanks to the existence of Sofosbuvir. This drug is highly effective, so it gives hope to people with this diagnosis. Despite this, relapse may occur after treatment with Sofosbuvir.

The reasons for relapse are different:

  • Additional diseases such as HIV infection.
    Such a pathology not only can cause a recurrence of the hepatitis C virus, but also interferes with the diagnosis of this disease.
  • Some gastrointestinal diseases that are chronic.
    They can mask the actual course of hepatitis. The presence of gastrointestinal diseases does not allow us to fully understand whether the hepatitis C virus has been defeated.
  • Level 2 diabetes, which is present with hepatitis.
    Diabetes mellitus negatively affects liver function. Because of this, doctors may simply not notice the presence of the hepatitis virus without conducting an appropriate examination.

Some experts are of the opinion that even after quality treatment, the virus remains in the human body. That is why certain factors can provoke it at any time. Causes for exacerbation of hepatitis may be bad habits, quitting a diet and much more.

Relapse after treatment for hepatitis C

Today, more and more people are faced with relapses of hepatitis C, but they are more common in those people who have chosen an outdated technique for therapy. In the case of Interferon, which was used before Sofosbuvir was introduced, it often forced people to take a break due to severe side effects. During this period, the body can have time to process all the components of the drug, developing a kind of immunity to the drug in the virus.

Statistics indicate that approximately 30% of patients, after treatment, encounter hepatitis C again. When it comes to Sofosbuvir, such addiction to the drug is almost zero. This is due to the fact that the presented drug is one of the newest inhibitors, so it has a direct effect on the virus. It prevents their reproduction and in 97% of cases allows patients to fully recover.

Experts note that if therapy with Sofosbuvir is started in a timely manner, then within 3-6 months it will be possible to completely overcome the virus. Testing after such treatment indicates the absence of the virus, which means that there is no relapse after Sofosbuvir.

In the future, it is recommended to undergo several more tests, thanks to which it will be possible to verify the absence of the virus in the body. Based on all of the above, if you hear that the hepatitis C virus has returned after therapy with Sofosbuvir, then this person is probably one of the 1% of people for whom this happens.

The return of the disease provokes:

  • In children, relapse of hepatitis C after AVT can occur due to active games, long swimming and prolonged exposure to the sun.
  • In women, this happens due to excessive stress, which can be accompanied by cleaning the house.
  • In men, the main factor for re-diagnosis of hepatitis is the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

If you perform the above steps during the course of treatment, there is a high probability of relapse.

According to research results, relapse is possible if:

  • The person has had hepatitis C genotype 1;
  • Available overweight or obesity;
  • Diabetes mellitus is present;
  • The liver is extensively damaged.

During a relapse, the same symptoms are observed as during the initial disease, including dark urine, jaundice, weakness and much more.

Video about Sofosbuvir treatment and side effects

Every disease is especially scary incubation period, characteristic symptoms or the upcoming therapeutic course, namely the consequences. It is the complications that occur after the end of the disease that cause enormous damage to the patient’s health. During the course of the pathology, human body loses its protective properties, because the immune system is completely destroyed. As a result, post-completion factors therapeutic course, cause the most severe harm to a person. The most dangerous are virological pathologies, which include hepatitis C. The consequences of hepatitis C require additional treatment and prevention, because there is a significant risk of death.

Hepatitis C what are the consequences

Unlike other virological diseases, hepatitis C has a number of consequences that cause enormous damage to the human body. Among the first complications is primary cirrhosis of the liver, as a result of which the process of bile secretion is disrupted. As a rule, there is a significant risk factor for the development of autoimmune cirrhosis, which affects the performance and formation of immunity.

The deviation takes on a serious form if alcohol-containing products are abused. This will not only affect the general condition of the body, but will also accelerate the process of destruction of the choleretic organ. It is enough to limit yourself in drinking alcohol to significantly stabilize your condition.

It is with chronic hepatitis C that consequences begin to arise. The pre-treated disease does not cause significant harm to the body after completion of therapy. But, if chronic hepatitis C manifests itself, what consequences can there be:

1. Cirrhosis of the liver.
It is the most common complication of previous or chronic disease. During the course of virological pathology soft fabrics organs are subject to serious damage, which subsequently threatens to stop the natural regeneration of the liver. The organ ceases to function fully, which affects the patient’s entire body. The activity of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, the liver stops producing bile in the required amount. The situation worsens especially after the adoption of alcohol-containing products. With developed hepatitis, such an oversight will certainly entail serious consequences.

2. Steatosis. The second most common complication after liver cirrhosis. The patient has a replacement of the soft tissue of the choleretic organ with adipose tissue.

3. Fibrosis. Very serious problem, which in its developed form can lead to fatal outcome. The liver becomes covered with uncharacteristic scars that affect its regenerative function. As a result, the organ ceases to function.

4. Liver cancer. As a rule, the occurrence of this oncology after hepatitis C is unlikely, but the risk factor is always present.

In addition to the problems listed above, hepatitis C can cause sleep disturbances and lead to chronic migraines and physical illness. To avoid such problems, it is recommended to carry out a thorough and complete therapeutic course using the Indian generic Sofosbuvir.

For representatives of the stronger sex, hepatitis C can result in multiple problems that pose a threat not only to health, but also to life. The aggressive effect of virological pathology causes irreparable damage to liver cells, which cannot be reversed in the future.

Throughout the course of the disease, men are diagnosed with an increase in the size of the choleretic organ, as well as accumulation of fluid in the peritoneum.

When the disease transitions from acute to chronic form, the risk factor for developing hepatic coma increases significantly, which in the future can develop into cirrhosis or liver cancer. Short-term deficiency is possible, but it occurs in patients with predispositions to it.

If the soft tissue of the liver begins to transform into connective fibers, as a rule, this provokes cirrhosis. This phenomenon is due to the lack of complete immunity (immunodeficiency), as a result of which the liver cannot independently cope with the aggressive effect of the virus.

Besides everything, on possible consequences Hepatitis C in men can be affected by the patient's lifestyle. Abuse of alcohol-containing products, consumption of fatty and fried foods, as well as self-prescribed medications, damage to the liver tissue significantly accelerates.

In general, the following complications are possible during and after the disease:

  • increase in organ size;
  • accumulation of fluid in the abdominal area;
  • development of cirrhosis, fibrosis, steatosis;
  • varicose veins are present;
  • possible severe toxic damage to the body, especially with alcohol abuse);
  • Intra-abdominal bleeding may occur;
  • liver failure;
  • liver cancer or other cancers;
  • transition of the disease from acute to chronic form.

Even after successful completion of treatment, a man must continue to be monitored by a leading specialist in order to promptly prevent possible complications. Unfortunately, the human body is unable to adapt and produce protective antibodies against hepatitis C, so observation by a hepatologist will help reduce the risk of relapse.

Important: male representatives are prone to alcohol abuse, which over time develops into alcohol addiction. With hepatitis C, this will only worsen the patient’s general condition. You need to give up alcohol to prevent the development of complications such as cirrhosis or fibrosis.

Consequences of hepatitis C in women

The most common complication among the fair sex after hepatitis C is the development of arthritic joint damage.

Unfortunately, the consequences of hepatitis C in women often manifest themselves as joint pain, as a result of characteristic diseases(arthritis or arthralgia).

According to medical statistics compiled by infectious disease specialists and hepatologists, every third woman who has had hepatitis C visits medical institution with complaints of joint pain.

Not only virological pathology, but also drug therapy with interferon can provoke such a problem. That is why, in order to avoid such a complication, it is recommended to treat with generic Sofosbuvir.

In addition to joint pain, the fair sex may experience the following problems:

  • lack of physical strength, any activity leads to overwork;
  • decreased mental activity;
  • as a result of the administration of interferon-containing drugs, the patient may experience psycho-emotional deviations;
  • Symptoms characteristic of influenza may appear;
  • allergic reaction (severe skin itching, redness);
  • imbalance in gastrointestinal tract, irregular bowel movements.

As a rule, in a fifth of patients, complications may cease after completion of the therapeutic course, but this is possible only if the disease has not become chronic. IN otherwise, additional preventive and corrective measures will be required.

During the course of virological pathology, women experience deviations in the functioning of the kidneys and liver. In 30% of cases, in the presence of the disease, a cross-disease occurs - glomerulonephritis. A similar phenomenon is provoked by hepatitis C cells that have penetrated the kidneys.

Problems in the functionality of the choleretic organ contribute to the development of liver failure, cirrhosis or fibrosis. As a result of such abnormalities, harmful elements are formed in the liver, which subsequently enter the brain. This provokes toxic damage to the organ, the development of migraines, deviations in mental activity and coordination of movements.

Hepatitis C during pregnancy consequences

Every woman preparing to become a future mother is very concerned about the question of if hepatitis C appears during pregnancy, what consequences can there be? Of course, every mother dreams of having a healthy and strong baby, but can a virological disease harm him?

From a medical point of view, the presence of hepatitis C does not act as a contraindication to conception. But, the chronic form of the pathology can harm the developing fetus. How is this possible?

To maintain pregnancy, corrective and preventive drug therapy, which may have an inappropriate effect on the child. In this case, the disease may pose an immediate threat. .

In general, women should not worry about their unborn child being harmed. But follow all the specialist’s recommendations, and also take appropriate vitamin complex simply necessary.

Consequences after treatment for hepatitis C

Are there any consequences after treatment for hepatitis C? Unfortunately, during therapy with interferon-containing drugs, certain complications may occur, such as liver cirrhosis, liver failure, fibrosis, etc. As a rule, complications occur in 20% of patients who have successfully completed the therapeutic course.

But treatment with Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir will significantly reduce the risk factor. The combination of these drugs guarantees complete recovery from the virus and also reduces the risk of consequences to 5%. In addition, drug therapy lasts only 3 months, which allows a sick person to “get back on his feet” in the shortest possible time.

Hepatitis C ranks first on the list of the most terrible diseases of our time. The disease is long and difficult to treat. If it is diagnosed late, no medications may help the person.

The most difficult thing about diagnosing the disease is that hepatitis C does not manifest itself for a long time. Today, Sofosbuvir is often used to treat the disease (read more about it). This effective remedy which allows you to save a person’s life. But many are interested in whether hepatitis C can recur after treatment with Sofosbuvir. This will be discussed in this article.

Life after treatment

If the tests show a negative result, then the treatment was successful and hepatitis C was cured. However, there are cases when the virus returns.

The following patients are prone to relapse:

  • Women during menopause.
  • People with 1b—blood-borne hepatitis C infection.
  • Overweight people.
  • And also those who suffer from fibrosis or cirrhosis.

There are also certain gene mutations that cause the disease to reappear.

Most often, relapses occur within 12 months. If after this period the analysis shows negative results, which means we can talk about a complete cure for hepatitis forever.

Diet during treatment with Sofosbuvir

The patient must adhere to a special diet. It helps reduce the load on the liver.

The patient should eat exclusively steamed or boiled dishes.

When treated with Sofosbuvir, you can eat:

  • Bread made from 1st and 2nd grade flour.
  • Galette cookies.
  • First courses without frying.
  • Lean meat and sea fish.
  • Fermented milk products.
  • Egg white.
  • Porridge from any cereal with butter.
  • Boiled and stewed vegetables.
  • Sweet fruits.

Drinks allowed are teas, juices, and compotes. You can drink coffee very rarely, diluting it with milk.

This diet must be followed for the first 45 days from the start of treatment, then the diet can be adjusted with the permission of the attending physician.

Indian generic Sofosbuvir

If the disease occurs in the acute phase, it manifests itself with some symptoms. This allows the disease to be identified early stage. If a problem is detected in a timely manner, treatment is started, which, despite the effectiveness of the therapy, is difficult. Therefore, they now use more modern methods combat hepatitis C using the Indian generic Sofosbuvir. The side effects of taking it are much weaker, so the patient tolerates the therapy more easily.

To understand the condition of the liver tissue, an ultrasound scan is required. Vivid symptoms of the disease include jaundice, intoxication of the body and high levels of bilirubin in the blood.

Can hepatitis C come back after treatment?

Most often, people do not even suspect that they are sick with something. The virus is detected during a routine medical examination at the clinic. During this time, the virus multiplies in the body and infects liver cells, turning them into inflamed connective tissue.

Sooner or later, cirrhosis develops when fibrous cells completely replace the normal tissues of the organ. The liver stops performing its functions. The only way to survive is a liver transplant.

Timely detection of the disease allows for high-quality therapy. During the year, it is very important to be under the supervision of a doctor and regularly take tests for the presence of the virus in the blood.

Main risk groups

People at risk may include:

  • Having unprotected sex with different people.
  • HIV patients.
  • Homosexuals.
  • Drug addicts who inject drugs through a syringe.
  • People with sexually transmitted diseases.
  • With blood transfusion and hemodialysis.
  • Children whose parents have hepatitis C.
  • Health workers.

  • Frequent drinkers of alcohol.
  • With liver diseases.

And also elderly people and children due to the fact that many full-fledged antiviral treatment measures are contraindicated for them.

When infected with hepatitis C during pregnancy, women bear the fetus well, and children are most often born healthy. However, the possibility of vertical transmission of the virus from mother to child cannot be ruled out.

Reasons for relapse

If hepatitis C returns after treatment with Sofosbuvir, this may be due to the following reasons:

  • Genotype of the disease.
  • Liver problems.
  • Wrong therapy.
  • Climax.
  • Excess weight.
  • Failure to comply with prevention.
  • AIDS.

In the presence of such factors, a relapse of the disease can be expected. In this case, it is necessary to extend the treatment and change the dose or medicine to more modern analogues.

In case of relapse, the disease manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • The liver aches and hurts.
  • Irritability, fatigue, gastrointestinal disturbances.
  • Palms become red.
  • Yellow coloration of the skin and visible mucous membranes.

If similar symptoms appear after recovery, it is necessary to undergo tests and, if the results are positive, undergo a repeat treatment regimen.

The return of the virus directly depends on how the patient will eat and live after therapy, since he may become infected with a different strain of the virus.

In addition, there are factors that a person sometimes cannot control, but they become the cause of infection:

  • manicure, pedicure, piercing, tattoo procedures (it is impossible to check the sterility of instruments);
  • visiting the dentist;
  • during blood transfusion;
  • sex without protection.

What to do if you relapse

After therapy, there are 2 outcomes that are unfavorable for a person:

  • the body will not accept medications;
  • the disease will return after a certain period of time.

In the second case, repeated treatment is prescribed. It is selected based on a number of factors:

Doctors take into account the antiviral regimen that was used during the initial infection:

  • What drugs were combined?
  • Type of therapy (mono or combined).

According to statistics, the reappearance of the virus appears in the first few months. The effectiveness of the course is determined after six months according to PCR tests. If a stable response is obtained, you can expect a 90% recovery. If the patient was initially treated with Daclatasvir with Sofosbuvir, if the disease reoccurs, this course of treatment will not be effective, and doctors will prescribe Sofosbuvir with Velpatasvir.

Drugs that have an antiviral effect can be used to treat both acute and chronic hepatitis. At the same time, various drugs have been used in the treatment of infected patients for about 20 years. There is a sense in their use, and quite a big one, since using medicines you eliminate the cause of the development of chronic hepatitis, that is, you remove the virus from your body.

By removing the virus from your body, you stop inflammatory process in the liver, which can actually progress and develop into cirrhosis or liver cancer. For recent years There has been a significant increase in global practice in the study and treatment of chronic hepatitis. That is, there has been significant progress in this area. If with hepatitis only 30-40% of patients can be cured, then with chronic hepatitis C more than 70% of patients can recover.

Just twenty years ago, hepatitis C was considered a practically incurable disease, but today it is a disease that can be cured in a year, with a clear struggle for health. However, it should be noted that acute hepatitis can be cured in six months to a year, chorionic requires more time to heal. Thanks to scientific research Indian pharmacists, the field of studying hepatitis C began to develop more thoroughly, and thanks to the efforts of companies, drugs began to appear that have an excellent effect on the human body.

Is it possible to predict the results of treatment?

If you use Indian generics in the form of Sofosbuvir or Daclatasvir, then treatment can be predicted.

These drugs appeared not so long ago, but have already become world-famous and in demand throughout the world. Today, these generics can be purchased by Russian society. All medications of this type have fewer side effects, which means that treatment is easier and painless.

Side effects when treating hepatitis

Using various drugs for hepatitis C, people noticed drowsiness, weakness, gag reflexes, loss of appetite, which could ultimately lead to exhaustion of the body. With the drugs Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir, everything works much better. Of all the side effects, these drugs have the least impact on the human body, that is, the treatment is almost asymptomatic, but what are these side effects?


  • Headaches;
  • Nausea;
  • Decreased hemoglobin;
  • Irritability;
  • Fatigue;
  • Diarrhea,
  • Vomiting;
  • Itching and pain in the joints;
  • Dry skin;
  • Increase in temperature;
  • Weight loss;
  • Dry mouth and so on.