The hopes of patriots are that after the arrest of the ex-minister who was caught taking a bribe economic development Alexey Ulyukaev, the President will begin to purge the economic bloc of the government of systemic liberals, alas, did not materialize. The new head of the Ministry of Economic Development was a representative of the same Gaidar-Kudrin school, 34-year-old Maxim Oreshkin, who, after graduating from the Higher School of Economics, managed to work in the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance.

According to the biography of the new minister on the website of the Higher School of Economics, from which he graduated with a degree in Financial Markets and Financial Institutions, Oreshkin worked for 4 years as head of the sector of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, managing director at Rosbank, as well as in a number of commercial banks (Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank" and "VTB Capital"). The career of the 34-year-old financier can be the envy of any representative of the golden youth - the young man was clearly “dragged by the ears” from position to position. As a result, in 2013 Oreshkin joined the Ministry of Finance, where he first headed the department of long-term strategic planning, and in 2015 became deputy minister. In this capacity, he oversaw macroeconomic issues, risk analysis in budget system and questions monetary policy. In other words, Oreshkin is a representative of the very team of managers who, according to Advisor to the President, Academician Sergei Glazyev, are only capable of implementing the instructions of the “killer of the national economy,” the International Monetary Fund. It is the Kudrinsko-Siluanovsky Ministry of Finance, together with the Central Bank and the largest state banks that are today the main culprits of the economic recession (not to say the collapse of the economy, primarily its producing segment).

It is no coincidence that one of the prominent representatives of the “Gaidar” school, scientific director of the National Research University Higher School of Economics Evgeny Yasin, who himself was once responsible for the economy in the government, today has already approved the appointment of Maxim Oreshkin as minister. “It seems to me a good choice,” said Yasin. “He is an educated and qualified specialist, and young at that, which, in my opinion, is his advantage. And he had good teachers, because he worked with Kudrin, Siluanov and worked at VTB.”

Thus, the hopes of some of the patriots that the arrest of Ulyukaev would be a prologue to a great purge of systemic liberals, who have consistently destroyed the country since the early 1990s, were not crowned with success. Although the arrest of a representative of this team itself coincided with the announcement of the election results in the United States (which many rightly regarded as the fact that), the domestic political elite still remains dependent on the pro-Western monetarists - and the Ulyukaev case,

All this is very sad, and I would like to be wrong in my forecasts - especially since Maxim Oreshkin called his main task for the coming year as Minister of Economic Development “the preparation of key measures that will allow the removal of structural barriers to the growth of the Russian economy.” I would like to hope that Mr. Oreshkin realizes that the main “structural barrier” is an organized group of state officials. bankers and officials associated with them, which turned the national currency into a means of personal enrichment, depriving enterprises of the opportunity to obtain credit and provoking an outflow of capital abroad (). But it's hard to believe. We can only hope that, after the precedent with Ulyukaev, representatives of the government’s economic bloc made the right conclusions - and, at least, will not offend Vladimir Vladimirovich’s friends. And then, you see, they will remember about the national economy.

What is the new Minister of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin known for?

Russia again has a minister of economic development. He became 34-year-old Maxim Oreshkin, a former deputy minister of finance who previously worked at VTB and the Central Bank. He considers his main task to be removing barriers to economic growth. The government's youngest minister will take charge in 2017.

Russian President Vladimir Putin invited Deputy Minister of Finance Maxim Oreshkin to take the post of head of the Ministry of Economic Development, vacated after the arrest of Alexei Ulyukaev.

Oreshkin did not refuse the head of state’s offer. The decree on the appointment has already been signed by the president.

Deputy Minister of Economic Development Yevgeny Elin said that the new head of the department will take part in a government meeting on Thursday, December 1.

The youngest minister of the Russian government. Oreshkin is 34 years old, a month younger than the head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, Nikolai Nikiforov.

Since March 2015, he worked as Deputy Minister of Finance, and since September 2013 - Director of the Department of Long-Term Strategic Planning of the Ministry of Finance.

Before working for the state, for seven years he held various positions in various financial structures - Rosbank, VTB Capital, Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank.

From 2002 to 2006 he worked at the Bank of Russia, which at that time was headed by Sergei Ignatiev.

Master of Economics, graduate of the Higher School of Economics (2004).

At a meeting with Vladimir Putin, Maxim Oreshkin named the main task of the Ministry of Economic Development: in 2017, the department will develop key measures designed to remove barriers to the growth of the Russian economy.

“The worst is over, but the growth rate is, of course, insufficient. Therefore, the main task for the coming year is to prepare key measures that will remove structural barriers to the growth of the Russian economy,” Oreshkin said in a conversation with the head of state. “There are a lot of restrictions, we’ll just start working now.”

“Maxim Stanislavovich, you are quite a young man, but you can no longer be called a young specialist. You are a competent, mature, experienced person. I wish you good luck,” the president admonished him.

At the end of October, the Ministry of Economic Development, still headed by Ulyukaev, also determined the main goal of its work: improving the quality of life of Russians.

Two months before his arrest, Alexey Ulyukaev entered into a debate in absentia with Maxim Oreshkin.

“No, I don’t agree. This is not the Ministry of Finance, this is one of the employees of the Ministry of Finance, who has some authority in such statements,” Ulyukaev commented on Oreshkin’s forecast that in the coming years the price of oil could drop to $30 per barrel.

Oreshkin also proposed changing the formula for calculating the mineral extraction tax (MET) in order to withdraw “excess” profits from the devaluation of the ruble from oil workers. The oil lobby managed to repel the onslaught of the Ministry of Finance, thanks in no small part to the Ministry of Economic Development. “I believe that the tax burden on the industry is quite large, however, it changes too often, which creates uncertainty for investors,” Ulyukaev said, calling the Ministry of Finance’s ideas “not the best solution” (quoted by Interfax).

The new Minister of Economic Development also actively advocated the privatization of Rosneft. In August 2016, he warned that if it was not possible to sell off state assets, then Reserve fund will dry up quickly.

Unlike his predecessor, Oreshkin prefers to look not for the bottom of the economy, but for the gas pedal for it.

The appointment of Maxim Oreshkin as Minister of Economic Development will be followed by new personnel decisions, said Evgeny Minchenko, vice-president of the Russian Public Relations Association, political scientist, in an interview with Lenta.ru.

“The likelihood that there will be a large package of resignations and appointments is quite high,” the expert said and clarified that the reshuffle will most likely occur after the president’s message to the Federal Assembly (scheduled for December 1).

Minchenko also said that Oreshkin, chosen to replace Ulyukaev, “is a figure like [Anton] Vaino,” who recently headed the presidential administration, or Dmitry Ovsyannikov, who replaced the post of deputy minister of industry with the post of acting governor of Sevastopol.

The head of the Association of Russian Banks, Garegin Tosunyan, is glad that a young man has become the new minister. “I accept with joy that a young man has headed the ministry, because although experience is a very significant factor for management, for wisdom and foresight, youth can quickly make up for shortcomings. Secondly, when such responsibility falls on young shoulders, then every effort is made to justify the trust,” he told the National News Service (NSN).

Associate Professor of the Department financial markets and financial engineering at RANEPA Sergei Khestanov, in turn, called Oreshkin’s appointment quite logical.

“But I would say that the role of the Ministry of Economic Development is generally relatively small in making important decisions compared to other departments. The ministry plays rather the role of an advisory body,” he concluded.

Maxim Oreshkin is probably the youngest political figure. At 34 years old, he has reached the level that officials only dream of. On November 30, 2016, by presidential decree, Maxim Oreshkin was appointed Minister of Economic Development Russian Federation.

It must be said that he had every opportunity to set such a high bar in State system. Maxim Oreshkin was born into a Moscow professorial family, both parents were teachers at MGSU, formerly called the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute. V.V. Kuibysheva. When changes began in the country, and most teachers were sitting on bare salaries, barely making ends meet, the Oreshkins did not agree with this situation and took advantage of the changes, like most enterprising people of that time.

In 2005, the mother of the family, Nadezhda Nikitina, received the Manager of the Year award. It seems somewhat strange that the full namesake of Nadezhda Nikitina was able to found the publishing house “ASV” at the University where Nikitina worked. Under her leadership, the new enterprise began to produce textbooks, which, thanks to her connections in educational sphere, were supplied to a number of state higher educational institutions. According to the government procurement website, every year regional universities purchase books worth two to four million rubles from publishers. According to sources, businesswoman Nikitina is the mother of the Minister of Economic Development.

By this time, Maxim Oreshkin’s brother Vladislav had already finished Faculty of Economics Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov with a degree in cybernetic economist, and worked at the Central Bank.

Start of a career

Maxim Oreshkin, seeing the prospects that opened up for his brother, decided to also get an economics education, and entered two universities at once - the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation and the Higher School of Economics (HSE). Moreover, the older brother advised Maxim to choose to get an education at the Higher School of Economics, since Vladislav had connections there, and if something happened it could be useful in his studies.

In general, the future minister preferred the Higher School of Economics. The right choice was made, and already as a bachelor, Oreshkin Jr. combined his studies with work at the Central Bank, where Vladislav placed him. Starting as an economist of the first category, Maxim Oreshkin succeeded in his work in four years and rose to the position of head of a sector in a government organization. Several people were eyeing this position at once, but in the end the management settled on the candidacy of a very young specialist.

Meanwhile, older brother Vladislav left the Central Bank in 2001, leaving the post of deputy head of the balance sheet and external debt department. Prospects in other organizations also loomed ahead. Since 2002, Vladislav Oreshkin managed to work in such banks as Trust and UFG, holding the position of macroeconomic analyst there.

In 2005, Vladislav became the head of the analytical division of the private fund Derzhava Financial Group. But in the end, after working a little, he again moved to the Central Bank, where since 2006 he was responsible for operations for managing Russia’s international gold and foreign exchange reserves.


While the elder brother moved from one structure to another, Maxim Oreshkin also did not sit in one place. He worked at the Central Bank for four years, after which he went to the commercial structure Rosbank, becoming a senior manager there. At Rosbank, Maxim Oreshkin distinguished himself as a leader, and soon held various leadership positions.

2010 was a year of significant changes; the future Minister of Economic Development of Russia got a job at the foreign bank CJSC Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank, which was one of the first to open its representative office on the territory of the USSR. Here Maxim Oreshkin headed the analytical block for Russia and the CIS.

In 2012, the head of the department of macroeconomic analysis at VTB Capital, Alexey Moiseev, who had previously worked with Vladislav Oreshkin at the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, invited Oreshkin Jr. to CJSC VTB Capital, where he offered him the position of chief economist for Russia. In the future, Moiseev will move to the Ministry of Finance, and will pull Maxim Oreshkin with him. At that time, Moiseev was already deputy minister, and Maxim Oreshkin headed the department of long-term strategic planning under him.

Over the next two years, Oreshkin quickly rose up the career ladder; he was appointed deputy minister. In this position, he distinguished himself before the public by being a supporter of establishing a maximum level of expenses based on the price of oil.

When the Minister of Economy was arrested in 2016 for extorting Rosneft, the Kremlin was faced with the task of urgently finding a replacement for him. Many government officials who had worked in government offices all their lives applied for the ministerial position. But it was Maxim Oreshkin, who at one time made a good career in the banking sector, who was appointed Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

But after the arrest of Ulyukaev, the ministry was not ready for full-fledged work. Many professionals left their offices. Hoping for the support of those who still remained in the department, Maxim Oreshkin held a meeting with them, where he called his subordinates professionals, and First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov made it clear by his presence that officials could count on retaining their posts.

Competence of the Minister

A lot in the Ministry of Economic Development is tied to Finance Minister Siluanov, so the question remains open: will Maxim Oreshkin be able to conduct his policy without the intervention of this department. Moreover, given that Oreshkin is an adherent of the monetarist approach, business representatives who hope to receive support from the state also became worried.

Public attention was also directed to the fact that Maxim’s brother Vladislav supported opposition figures such as Stanislav Belkovsky, Garry Kasparov, Andrei Illarionov and Arkady Babchenko through social networks. Until 2011, Vladislav Oreshkin continued to work at the Central Bank, and then became a private investor and consultant. There is also some information that Vladislav Oreshkin managed to work at Gazprombank.

In 2013, Columbus Consulting LLC was liquidated, where Vladislav Oreshkin was the general director, and business partners were such personalities as Denis Nikitin (director of the debt capital markets department of Otkritie Bank) and Alexander Gunya (executive director of Rosselkhozbank).

Minister Maxim Oreshkin and his mistress Yulia Alferova became one of the main topics of sex scandals of the past month. Without cover, brazenly and bluntly, not everyone could dare to appoint their colleague in sex pleasures as an assistant. Especially after Mr. Ulyukaev’s imprisonment. But Max Oreshkin did it!

So... What started all the fuss?

Minister of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin has appointed a new assistant. What should Trump’s girlfriend do in a “corruption-free” department?

There is a new appointment at the Ministry of Economic Development, whose former head Alexey Ulyukaev is awaiting a court verdict. Yulia Alferova became assistant to Minister Maxim Oreshkin.

Mr. Oreshkin found Yulia’s resume on Facebook. On December 8, at the same site, the girl announced her appointment. In her new position, she will be involved in “projects in the field of supporting small and medium-sized businesses.”

31-year-old Alferova has no experience in politics: before that, she, an MBA holder, worked exclusively in business. But sources on condition of anonymity suggest that the girl has potential and could soon rise to the rank of deputy minister: those who have no experience in the civil service are usually appointed as advisers.

Maxim Oreshkin and Yulia Alferova: sex scandal, black caviar, nudity.

But Mrs. Alferova, a native of Voronezh, has every prospect of becoming a talented official. At least, she used the privileges granted to civil servants even before her appointment.

For example, a girl did not hesitate to post photos of her pussy with black caviar online. And yes, by pussy we mean a real cat that eats black caviar from a jar! Then it really shocked the residents of Voronezh, and not only.

The fact is that at that time Alferova was a member of the Public Chamber of the Moscow Region. And they even assembled an ethics committee there to discuss the diva’s behavior. However, members of the OP MO stood up for Yulia. For example, Oleg Ivanov spoke on social networks and began to furiously “turn the tables” on other members of the chamber, so as not to offend Yulenka. He, however, claims that they are not lovers. But this doesn’t stop them from taking selfies together.

Oleg Ivanov is to the right of Yulia.

Julia generally loves to take pictures, and her Instagram is quite popular. Maybe she achieved this with half-naked photographs? There are probably several dozen of them on her Instagram. That is, it would have accumulated if Mrs. Alferova had not suddenly removed them - apparently, after the appointment. But the Internet remembers everything.

So what can I say? It is clear that the lady clearly captivated Mr. Oreshkin with her intelligence and ambitions...

Married to a nerd?

However, Oreshkin was not the only one who fell on his face in front of Alferova. The girl once captivated the Voronezh politician and businessman Artem Klyushin, to whom she was even married until 2014.

Klyushin was an assistant to a deputy of the Voronezh Regional Duma and at the same time was engaged in business. This led him to a criminal case: part of the aspiring politician’s business was casino fraud. It is interesting that when running for the Voronezh City Duma in 2001, Mr. Klyushin promised to rid the city of scammers. But he was not elected and he seemed offended.

Klyushin also became famous for “breeding bots” following the example of the well-known Kristina Potupchik: taking advantage of the elections via the Internet, he created a real army of fake accounts in an attempt to promote his precious wife to the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation. But Potupchik passed, but Klyushina did not. That's why she had to settle for an OP in the Moscow region. And the fact that they were bullied by all and sundry did not stop the family of “bot breeders.”

However, this is not the only interesting story from the life of Klyushin. Evil tongues say that Artem is a close associate of Konstantin Rykov, who at one time repeatedly claimed that he worked with Russian hackers, WikiLeaks and Cambridge Analytica. That is, Rykov, and indirectly Klyushin, are directly related to foreign intelligence and special services.

This was especially evident when communicating... with US President Donald Trump.

American trace in the Russian ministry?

In 2015, Artem Klyushin attended Trump's speech at the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition conference. Then he was in full swing with his election program. But how did a Russian businessman get in there? According to one version, Rykov was involved in this, and consequently the Russian intelligence service. But they say that Trump himself could have invited Klyushin to the United States.

The Klyushin couple was one of the organizers of the arrival of the future president, and then just a simple multi-billionaire, to the M iss Universe Pageant beauty contest, which was held in Moscow in 2013. Then Trump came, in fact, to Aras Agalarov - the event took place in his Crocus Hall. His son Emin is also friends with the American president and Trump Jr.

Agalarov, in turn, has a close friendship with Artem Klyushin and his ex-wife. Even before their divorce, in preparation for Trump’s visit to Russia, the Klyushins, Agalarovs and Trump met in Las Vegas.

Klyushins and Trump.

Such close relations between Klyushin’s ex-wife Alferova and the Agalarovs and Trump allow political scientists to conclude that she was not appointed to the post in the ministry by Oreshkin. Maxim Stanislavovich himself is apparently so tired of fending off questions that he has closed the ability to leave comments on his Instagram.

Alferova’s newly launched political career may be related to the Russian special services, which, on the one hand, decided to keep such “contact” with Trump, as they say, “closer to the body.” On the other hand, in exchange for the inability to “flee” to the United States, she will simultaneously be provided with a good level of protection and will be thanked for the work she has done with Trump.

It looks like Oreshkin's new subordinate will now be able to ask for whatever she wants. And they will even give her black caviar for the cat.

The achievements of some people in life cause sincere delight and admiration. Especially when it comes to officials who were able to achieve high government rank in at a young age. One of these amazing contemporaries is the Minister of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin. We will talk in detail about the fate and life of this interesting person in many respects in the article.

Basic data

The official biography of the head of the Ministry of Economic Development, Maxim Oreshkin, says that he was born in the capital of the Russian Federation into a fairly intelligent family. This happened on July 21, 1982. His height is 180 centimeters. Weight fluctuates around 79 kilograms. According to his horoscope he is Cancer.


So, who are Maxim Oreshkin’s parents? Our hero’s mother’s name is Nikitina Nadezhda Sergeevna, she is an honorary teacher, holds the title of professor and has academic degree candidate of technical sciences. The woman carries out her labor activity in the Moscow State construction university at the department studying geotechnics and soils. The teacher also wrote quite a lot scientific works both independently and in collaboration with other researchers.

Dad - Stanislav Valentinovich Oreshkin - was born on June 5, 1943. And according to the data that was known in 2008, he was an employee of the same senior educational institution, as his wife. Thus, it becomes clear that Maxim Oreshkin’s parents are deeply educated people.

In addition, our hero has a brother. His name is Vladislav, he is 10 years older than Maxim. He has a specialist diploma in the field he studied at Moscow state university named after Lomonosov, currently working in the banking environment.


The biography of the head of the Ministry of Economic Development, Maxim Oreshkin, indicates that he has always been a diligent student. Having graduated from secondary school, a gifted young man decided to submit documents and take exams immediately at two universities, one of which was graduate School Economics, and the second is the Financial Academy under the government of the country. After several days of reflection and successfully passing the entrance tests, Maxim Stanislavovich Oreshkin chooses HSE. The young man was also diligent as a student and already at the age of 20 he achieved a bachelor’s degree, and at the age of 22 he received master’s status in his native alma mater.

Beginning of adulthood

Maxim Oreshkin, whose education easily allowed him to choose a place of work, became an employee of the Central Bank while still a student. He worked in this establishment during 2002-2006. There he worked his way up from an economist to the head of one of the sectors.

Next was work experience at Rosbank, where the active specialist spent 4 years. Thanks to his hard work and ambition, Maxim Stanislavovich Oreshkin finds himself in the chair of managing director. Such a valuable employee was not ignored by other bankers, and in 2010 he received an invitation to head the analytical department of the subsidiary of Credit Agricole Bank.

During the period 2012-2013. the future minister served as chief economist of VTB Capital Bank throughout Russia.

Government work

The current Minister of Economic Development, Maxim Oreshkin, joined the country’s main executive body in September 2013. At that moment, he was invited to head a department whose main task was long-term planning in the Ministry of Finance. He remained in this position until March 26, 2015, after which he was promoted and was appointed Deputy Head of the Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov. In both positions, Maxim Stanislavovich was essentially engaged in the same work, only in different volumes.


The further biography of the head of the Ministry of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin is as follows: on November 30, 2016, on the basis of the order of Vladimir Putin, he took this post. During a conversation with the president in five minutes, the minister, answering a question about the most important aspect in the functioning of the department entrusted to him, replied that first of all he would work on preparing key measures aimed at eliminating various obstacles to ensure the growth of the state’s economy. At the same time, the official noted large number obstacles to the development of the economic sphere of Russia. But just two weeks after his new high appointment, Maxim Stanislavovich submitted for consideration a plan to “revitalize” the Russian economic environment for a gigantic amount of 488 billion rubles.

In the summer of 2017, the minister appealed to Russians not to panic about fluctuations in the ruble exchange rate against foreign currencies, noting that this is a completely normal situation. And literally a month later he said that cryptocurrencies are fraught with danger and it is better for ordinary citizens not to get involved with them, since all this is very similar to the creation financial pyramid in a modern design, capable of collapsing at any moment and causing losses to ordinary people.

Maxim Stanislavovich was also included in the lists of the government commission dealing with agrarian issues. He took this place instead of his predecessor Ulyukaev on the basis of an order from Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

On September 25, 2017, the minister, speaking at a conference, said that in the next five years, due to the worsening demographic situation economic growth will also experience problems. This is explained by a basic shortage of workers capable of taking the country to a new level. And although this indicator is not yet critical, there is still something to think about in this direction for the state leadership.

Behind the Scenes

Many people argued in behind-the-scenes conversations that Oreshkin ended up in his current position only because no one else had any desire to occupy this “execution” chair. At the same time, Maxim was not the only candidate for the ministerial post. In addition to him, candidates working in the government apparatus and assistant to the head of the country Andrei Belousov were considered. Ksenia Yudaeva, who worked in the place of the Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of Russia, also joined the ranks of applicants.

Colleagues' opinion

The biography of the head of the Ministry of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin would be incomplete without mentioning reviews of him from his former bosses and others specialized specialists. Thus, in particular, Anton Siluanov described his former subordinate as a high-class macroeconomist and super-qualified manager. And Elvira Nabiullina, who is responsible for the work of the Central Bank, called the young minister the strongest in macroeconomics in the country, who is not afraid of problems and new challenges of the time.

In August 2017, the world-respected publication Bloomberg dubbed Oreshkin the new favorite of the President of the Russian Federation. The Americans explained this by saying that it was Maxim who brought to the public all the details of Trump’s conversation with Putin during the meeting of the leaders of the G20 countries in Germany. And in general, journalists noticed that the minister very often appears at international meetings next to Vladimir Vladimirovich.

Spouse and children

For a long time, the minister hid his loved ones from the public. But today it is already known for certain that Maxim Oreshkin, whose personal life is still not very well known to ordinary people, is a family man. His other half's name is Maria. Maxim Oreshkin's wife was educated at the Moscow State Linguistic University. At the moment, as one can judge from her Facebook information, she works as a senior key account manager at an organization called Vympel Communications. Also, Maxim Oreshkin’s wife mentions that she and her husband are raising a daughter. However, in their tax returns For some reason, the minister never indicates either his legal spouse or child. This moment raises many questions, including whether Maxim Stanislavovich is married at all? After all, he never brought his family out into the world.