Walnuts are a tasty and healthy product, rich in vitamins A and E. The ancient Greeks admired them, and a lot has been written about their exceptional taste. But few people today think about how to properly store a product bought in a store or brought from the country. With proper storage, you can prepare delicious desserts for your family, for example, Prague cake and healthy porridge in the morning.

Healthy and nutritious product

To ensure that walnuts are always at hand, you can buy them for future use. It is most profitable to buy fruits in early autumn, immediately after harvesting, and store them at home. This will allow you to control storage conditions and provide the entire family with the highest quality products.

The nuts ripen in the fall. Dry weather is preferable for collection, because the shell easily absorbs moisture. If you are lucky and there is a walnut tree growing at your dacha, then all that remains is to properly collect, dry and preserve the fruits. You can store nuts in the shell until the next harvest.

They collect nuts that have fallen from the branches on their own. The first fruits to ripen are on the lower branches of the tree. You can help them fall a little. If you shake the tree slightly, the mature nuts will fall off. Immediately start sorting the fruits. The most beautiful and even ones are suitable for long-term storage.

How to properly store walnuts in shell at home

How to store nuts in shell

Before you put the fruits into bags, jars or boxes and put them in the pantry, they need to be dried. Walnuts deteriorate and become moldy due to moisture, so you need to try to remove it. Before storage, the remaining peel must also be removed from the shell.

If the harvest is large and the weather is clear, you can dry the nuts outside. A ventilated attic or a room in an apartment is suitable for drying nuts. Just lay out some newspaper and spread the nuts in a thin layer. Stir occasionally.

Walnuts in shell should be stored at temperatures from -5 to +10 degrees. When storing in canvas bags or boxes, choose a room with minimal humidity. Direct sunlight is also contraindicated for nuts. If you store them in hermetically sealed glass jars on the balcony, make sure that they are not exposed to the sun. If all conditions are met, you can save the nuts until the next harvest.

How to ensure the preserved appearance of peeled kernels for a long time

  • Smell. Fresh kernels smell nice.
  • Taste. Slight bitterness is the first sign of spoilage.
  • Color and appearance. Buy fresh, beautiful kernels, without larvae, darkening or traces of mold.

Shelled walnuts purchased at the market or in a store should not be stored on a kitchen cabinet shelf for more than two weeks. Room temperature and high humidity will cause them to go rancid and dry out. It is advisable to consume packaged salted or sweet nuts immediately after opening the package.

Cleaned kernels can be stored for up to a year. To do this, freeze them after calcination in containers or in cling film. Try to place them as far as possible from foods with strong odors. After defrosting, it is better to fry the kernels in a frying pan, oven or microwave at a power of 750 W. Microwaved kernels have a more subtle taste, and frying in a frying pan is a traditional method. To toast the nuts, place a heavy-bottomed frying pan over medium heat. Spread the clean kernels in a thin layer and, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula, fry them for about 8 minutes. In the oven, the kernels are fried at medium temperature for about 10 minutes. Heat treatment improves taste, but some vitamins, for example, group B, disappear.

The kernels can be stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, on the balcony and in the pantry. To do this, scatter clean, selected kernels into a clean and dry glass container and screw the lid on tightly. You can put a piece of parchment under the lid. Humidity in the room should not exceed 70%. Remember that nucleoli are also afraid of sunlight. In a dark, cool, dry room, the kernels will last for at least 10 days.

To store in the refrigerator, the kernels must first be calcined. You can use an oven or a frying pan for this. Roasting differs from roasting nuts before eating in that the cooking time is shorter and the temperature is higher. Spread the kernels in a thin layer on a baking sheet. You can pre-cover a baking sheet with parchment. On medium mode, heat the walnut kernels for about 10 minutes, do not forget to stir with a spatula.

For calcination in a frying pan, use thick-walled dishes. Heat a frying pan without oil over medium heat, pour the kernels in a thin layer, stirring gently, and heat the required amount evenly. After cooling, they can be poured into jars and put in the refrigerator. The processed kernels will last up to six months.

One way to store kernels is in preparations, for example, nuts infused in honey. To do this, take fresh bee honey and peeled nuts in a ratio of two to one. You can enjoy the delicious dish right away, but it’s better to let it brew for a couple of days in a dark and cool place. Kernels infused in honey should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a year. This delicacy is not suitable for people prone to allergies and digestive tract problems.

Nuts in honey - a healthy treat

Doctors recommend eating 3-4 pieces a day. It is good for the heart and blood vessels. You can buy small batches and freeze them, make a treat with honey, or store them in a cool, dry place. Nuts are stored in shells for the longest time, but it is important to observe the following conditions: minimal humidity, low temperature and no direct rays.

Nuts are not only a tasty food product, but also a source of a number of useful components. Only if you know how to store nuts can you count on their therapeutic effect on the body and their stated nutritional value. While shelled products are not too demanding on maintenance conditions, cleaned components require a special approach. When organizing the process at home, you should pay attention not only to the universal rules, but also not to forget about specific points.

Features of the preparatory stage

Not all nuts can be stored for a long time. Therefore, first of all, you need to learn how to choose a product. Here you should be guided by the following nuances:

  • You should never buy shelled nuts. Firstly, it is impossible to determine their expiration date. Secondly, they could have been fumigated or sprayed with something, which would negatively affect not only their storage, but also their taste characteristics. Thirdly, the features of self-processing can extend the shelf life of products.
  • Nuts, whether shelled or in shell, should emit a subtle, characteristic odor. If there is even a suspicion of mold, rancidity, or excessive moisture, you should not buy them.

Advice: It would be a good idea to inspect the bag in which the products were stored or transported. The burlap should be free of traces of larvae, insects, dirt, mold and suspicious stains.

  • You should try the nuts before you make a purchase. At the same time, we use not the product that is on the display case, but the one that is in the bag. We open the shell with our own hands and taste the kernel. If it is very soft, bitter or wrinkled, you shouldn't even try it again. It's better to abandon the entire batch and find another one.

At home, you should not try to store nuts that were in a plastic bag until the time of sale. They can look very fresh and appetizing due to prolonged lack of contact with oxygen. When exposed to new conditions, products quickly begin to rot, no matter what they are stored in or how they are cared for.

Regardless of what nuts are to be stored, there are several universal rules for their content. Compliance with them will maximize the preservation of nutrients and beneficial substances in the components and reduce the risk of spoilage.

  1. Immediately after purchase, the components must be sorted out and dried a little on a horizontal surface with access to fresh air. If the products are very dirty, they should also be washed. By the way, nuts that float can be thrown away; they are empty inside.
  2. Even if you know how to store nuts according to all the rules, you should not immediately collect a large amount of product that will be used for preparation. Ideally, nuts should be eaten within 2-4 months. They, of course, can sit for more than a year, but their taste will definitely change.
  3. While in-shell products should be kept in bags that allow air circulation for the components, cleaned kernels should be stored in sealed zip bags, glass jars or plastic containers. The presence of air affects them in the most detrimental way.
  4. Product storage temperature can be room temperature, humidity – average. The main thing is that these indicators are stable and that direct sunlight does not fall on the nuts.
  5. Peeled nuts can be stored unchanged for six months. To do this, they need to be frozen quickly using plastic containers or bags. After defrosting the products, re-freezing them is prohibited.

Ideally, it is better to even dry nuts yourself, at home. This will slightly extend their shelf life and guarantee a pleasant taste of the product during this time.

Specifics of storing walnuts and hazelnuts

Walnuts are famous for their high content of healthy fats, due to which the components begin to deteriorate faster than many other nuts - they develop a rancid taste. To prevent this from happening, when storing them you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Fry fresh peeled kernels in a hot frying pan without adding oil for 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Then we cool the product naturally and send it for storage.
  • If you plan to use the product within a couple of weeks, place it in a plastic or glass container with an airtight lid. Place in a dry, dark and warm place. If you place the container in too humid conditions, mold may grow inside the container.

  • When you need to save nuts for 2-3 months, put them in a very dry container, close them and place them on the top shelf of the refrigerator (away from the freezer).
  • Frozen walnuts are best stored wrapped in cling film. As needed, defrost them and warm them in the microwave for 10 minutes. Then they will be even tastier.
  • Contrary to popular tradition, walnuts are not stored in shells!

When it comes to hazelnuts, things are a little different. The product in the shell can be stored for 2-3 years, however, over time, its taste properties will begin to deteriorate. To obtain optimal results, the component should be kept at a temperature of 10-12ºС and a minimum humidity of about 20%. Peeled nuts are stored in exactly the same conditions, but they need to be eaten no more than 3 months in advance. After this, the products become not only not very tasty, but also dangerous.

Points to pay attention to when working with pine nuts

Pine nut kernels are approximately 65% ​​oils, so they also cannot be stored at home for a long time. Practice shows that even the use of a vacuum in this case will not significantly increase the shelf life of products.

You can expect optimal results if you follow these rules:

  • It is best to buy products in early autumn, this is when they are collected. Before purchasing, be sure to try the core. Its pleasant and delicate taste without the slightest sign of bitterness will help make sure that this is not last year’s product.
  • Fry the nuts in the shell for a quarter of an hour in a clean, hot frying pan, stirring constantly. Cool the mixture, pour it onto a horizontal surface and dry it for a couple of days.
  • We put the finished product in the shell into canvas bags and place it in a dark, dry and warm place. It is better to put the peeled kernels in a glass or tin jar and put them in the kitchen cabinet.

If the situation is such that you have to purchase products packaged in bags, be sure to check the expiration date of the product. If it was packaged more than 6 months ago, it is better to refrain from purchasing it.

The fruits of walnuts are a unique product with many useful qualities. It is indicated for use by pregnant and nursing mothers, patients with diabetes, and malnourished people. The fruit contains a set of vitamins, microelements, iron, and a protein with unique properties. Despite their high fat content, walnuts can be consumed by people with high cholesterol.

When buying nuts at the market, each buyer is faced with the choice of which product to give preference to: whole fruits in shell or peeled kernels? In the first case, it is impossible to be sure of the high quality of all products. A rotten fruit may be hidden under the shell. From the point of view of buyers, it is more advisable to purchase a purified product. It can be assessed visually and tasted.

About storage

It is important to choose the right nut kernels that have a pleasant taste and aroma. But to

To preserve a valuable product throughout the winter, you need to know how to store shelled walnuts. The housewife must remember that this product perfectly absorbs moisture. But, plastic bags are not suitable for protection from moisture. Without ventilation, shelled kernels will begin to spoil in two to three days.

You should not purchase factory packaging sealed in plastic film. It is not always possible to be sure of the integrity of the manufacturer and seller. The buyer is not able to open the plastic packaging to ensure the freshness of the product.

A few rules

It is best to store walnuts at home in paper bags. Some housewives pre-calcine the kernels in the oven. But, this method kills not only the larvae, but also beneficial vitamins. Therefore, it is better to avoid heating the product.

If you do not plan to eat walnut kernels in the near future, it is recommended to place them in a dry container of tea or coffee, and put wax paper on top, closing the container with a tight lid. Thanks to the paper and lid, moisture will not penetrate into the kernels, which will help preserve the product for a long period of time. It is important to store such a container on the top shelf of the refrigerator. If the kernels are packaged correctly, they can be stored for up to six months.

About long-term storage

If you store walnuts correctly, you can enjoy them a year after storing them. Of course, for a housewife who does not purchase large quantities of nuts, this knowledge will not be useful in everyday life. But for entrepreneurs who sell nut kernels, this knowledge is necessary.

wrap in dry cling film and put in the freezer. Before use, the workpiece should be removed from the chamber and dried a little in a frying pan or in a special industrial oven.

Unshelled nuts

If the consignment is large, then a reasonable question arises where to store walnuts in the apartment. It's clear,

that at home, it is impossible to store several tens of kilograms of nut kernels in a regular freezer. In this case, it is recommended to stock up on shelled fruits. Of course, in this form, the products shrink and are affected by humidity, but in general, the harvest can be preserved with a slight loss in weight.

It is better to store unshelled nuts in an apartment in large cardboard boxes with a lid, periodically pouring them out. If the room has a normal level of humidity and a comfortable temperature not exceeding +10 0 C, then the products can be stored until the next harvest.

Purchased from the market

If you had to buy peeled kernels on the market, the housewife should know how long to store the walnuts in this case. Considering the small amount of the product, which is often used by housewives for preparing dishes, it is recommended to roast nuts purchased at the market in a frying pan. After a short heat treatment, the kernels should be poured into a clean, dry container and cooled. By placing the container in the closet, the products can be used for a long period, delighting your household with nutritious dishes in winter.

About the usefulness of the product

If you store walnuts correctly and eat them regularly, you won’t have to worry about a lack of vitamins in winter. This product is rich in vitamins, healthy fats, and microelements. They allow you to prepare delicious cakes, desserts, and ice cream. Many cooks add walnut kernels to meat dishes and soups. Doctors recommend using this product daily for people suffering from insomnia and skin diseases. Nuts bring great health benefits to patients diagnosed with anemia and hypertension.

Summing up

To provide yourself and your loved ones with a nutritious product for the winter, it is recommended to purchase walnuts. This is a hearty, healthy product that is great for many dishes. But in order to preserve the value, you need to know how and how much, at home, in an apartment, to store peeled nut kernels. A few recommendations from experienced housewives will help in this matter.

It is a rare natural product that can boast such a unique composition that is equally suitable for athletes, pregnant women, children, and patients with diabetes, like walnuts.

Nutritionists around the world recommend eating it regularly for those who adhere to diets, have given up eating meat and are experiencing constant physical and mental stress. However, few people know how to properly store shelled walnuts so that they do not lose their beneficial properties.

Why walnuts are indispensable in nutrition

Walnuts contain not only a unique complex of vitamins and minerals, but also protein, which can completely replace its animal counterpart in nutrition, and fats. However, despite the fact that more than half of the percentage is fat,

The secret lies in the fact that these fats are unsaturated. The only disadvantage of their high content is that they cause a high calorie content of the product.

Due to their high nutritional properties, the presence of a vitamin-mineral complex and biologically active components, walnuts are indispensable for nervous and physical exhaustion, for vitamin deficiencies, and for increasing the body's defenses. Their regular use reduces the likelihood of many diseases and allows you to maintain an optimal balance of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Walnuts are an invaluable source of energy and have no contraindications for consumption. But all these comments are valid if they are stored correctly.

How to choose correctly

Walnuts are sold in shells and shelled. They last longer in the shell, but if you buy the product at the market, there is no guarantee of good quality and pleasant taste, since it is difficult to determine through the shell which nut is inside. Buying shelled nuts, although more expensive, is more convenient.

  1. First of all, they don't need to be cleaned.
  2. Secondly, whether it is good or bad can be seen immediately in the purified version. But there is also a secret here: it is preferable to choose whole, shelled nuts rather than scrap.

Nut crumbs and pieces of kernels cannot be stored. Whole kernels are stored longer. But even when buying peeled whole nut kernels, it is important not to let your guard down. A good product should not have a musty smell or a whitish coating. A product with these signs is unsafe for health.

How to properly store shelled walnuts

Since walnuts are perishable products, it is important not to buy them for future use and ensure proper storage conditions. To prevent them from going rancid, the kernels should be stored in a dark, hermetically sealed container. Plastic bags in which goods are hung must be immediately excluded.

Nuts are a real storehouse of macro- and microelements that help maintain the health and tone of the whole body. Their undoubted advantage is the possibility of long-term storage, subject to certain conditions.

How to choose good nuts

When you stand in front of a store counter that is replete with different types of nut products, it is important to choose carefully.

It is better to purchase nuts in shells. This way they stay fresh longer.

Nuts must meet the following criteria:

  • have no damage or chips;
  • not be broken (if peeled kernels are purchased) and too dried;
  • the shade of the shell must be uniform, the presence of stains and traces of mold is not allowed on it;
  • The kernels of peeled products should be of a healthy color, not wrinkled and even.

It is important to pay attention to the countries of origin. For example, it is preferable to take French walnuts, Iranian pistachios, cashews from the Middle East, and Chinese peanuts.


  • rich aroma;
  • shade from soft yellow to dark brown;
  • the taste is oily, bitter;
  • The consistency is crispy, hard and slightly moist.


  • light;
  • solid;
  • no rotten smells.

They are chosen solely according to taste preferences; the variety of varieties does not make it possible to determine the characteristic features of a quality product.


  • heaviness;
  • no sounds when shaking;
  • kernels are light brown in color;
  • sweet woody smell.


  • uniform shell color;
  • equal size of slightly moist kernels;
  • presence of a black dot on the shell;
  • no plaque;
  • pleasant aroma.

Brazil nut

  • no sounds when shaking;
  • presence of weight;
  • flat surface;
  • bright color of the core.

Which nuts can be stored for a long time?

Nuts are designed for long-term storage. They were found by archaeologists during excavations of the most ancient mounds and pyramids of Egypt. Moreover, the specimens found had excellent taste and aroma.

This fact is explained by the fact that in the pyramids, closed from environmental influences, an even temperature and humidity regime was maintained.

Modern realities do not allow storing nuts for such a long time, due to constant exposure to heating devices, sunlight and high levels of humidity in apartments.

The general rule is that whole nuts can be stored (under certain conditions) for up to six months, and peeled ones - no more than 2 months.

Do I need to wash nuts?

It is better to wash shelled nuts after purchasing. They cannot be soaked in water for a long time; it is enough to put them in a container with liquid, mix thoroughly, wash, clean from dirt and remove. After this, the product is dried in a microwave or oven.

It is better to purchase unrefined kernels; in them, oxidation processes proceed more slowly, which means that the valuable fatty acids contained in the nuts are preserved.

Features of storing different types of nuts

Proper preparation for storage is very important:

  • sort through and remove spoiled specimens with damaged shells;
  • clean (if necessary);
  • wash in warm water;
  • dry on a towel;
  • package.


Purified kernels store:

  • in jars made of tin or glass, hermetically sealed, standing in a dark place, for 3 weeks;
  • in glass on the side shelf of the refrigerator - six months;
  • in bags for freezing in the freezer - a year.

Green walnuts

Preparation for storing this type of nut product involves thoroughly drying freshly harvested kernels. They do not require washing.

The required air temperature is between 10 and 20 degrees. So the green nuts will last for a week.

Pine nuts in shell

Pine nuts require thorough drying before storing. To ensure their safety from damage at home:

  • store in bags that allow air to pass through, glass or ceramic jars;
  • keep the container tightly closed, occasionally opening it for ventilation;
  • Place it on the refrigerator door or in the pantry, where the nuts will stay for 3 months.

Shelled pine nuts

It is preferable to eat peeled cedar kernels immediately. If you need to hold them a little, it is important to follow these rules:

  • tightly closed container;
  • lack of contact with moisture, light and air;
  • stored in a refrigerator, where the kernels will not lose their properties for 3 months.


Choose a cool and dry storage location. Pre-sterilize the container and close it with a lid to ensure a tight seal.

Almonds are stored:

  • in the refrigerator - up to a year;
  • in the freezer – from 2 to 3 years;
  • in the pantry - 6 months.

Almonds that have acquired a bitter odor and bitter taste are unfit for consumption and must be disposed of immediately.


Hazelnuts, if optimal conditions are created, can be stored at home for a very long time, even for several years. Naturally, we are talking only about unrefined kernels.

Nuances of storing hazelnuts:

  • peeled kernels, whether fried, salted or glazed, cannot be kept for long;
  • the best container for hazelnuts is a ceramic or glass container with a lid;
  • the temperature should be low - 0–12 degrees, and the place should be protected from sunlight.


Peanuts, if storage rules are not followed, begin to release oils and acquire a bitter taste and smell.

  • do not store peanuts in plastic, but only in glass (in a sterilized container) or ceramics;
  • store in the refrigerator or freezer, which will significantly extend the shelf life of the kernels (from 4 to 9 months);
  • nuts that have been fried or sprinkled with salt cannot be stored for more than 2 weeks;
  • to increase shelf life, bake the kernels for 10 minutes in the oven at 50 degrees.

Cashews, peeled

Shelled cashews can be stored unchanged without any problems if placed away from central heating and food preparation areas. In darkness and relative dryness, in proper packaging, the harvest will last for at least 4 weeks.

Shelf life:

  • in the refrigerator – up to 2 months;
  • in the freezer - up to 6 months.

Brazil nut

Only those Brazil nuts that are fully ripe and have not yet begun to spoil can be protected from spoilage.


  • prevent penetration of sunlight;
  • store in the refrigerator;
  • close the container with a lid;
  • freeze to extend the period;
  • store only unpeeled foods;
  • do not mix with other types of nuts.

In the refrigerator, at a temperature of 2–8 degrees, Brazil nuts will last for 2 years.

Are nuts stored in the refrigerator?

Nuts of different types are stored well in the refrigerator.

  • store in a hermetically sealed glass container;
  • place the container on the bottom shelves of the refrigerator or on an unheated balcony in winter;
  • Keep nuts in the refrigerator for up to 1 year (this applies to almonds, pistachios, pecans and walnuts), others last a little less.

Can nuts be stored in the freezer?

Frost extends the shelf life of any nuts.

  • pour the product into a clean and dry container (a vacuum bag will do, but only if there are no strong-smelling products nearby, the odors of which it will quickly absorb);
  • store the container with nuts for 1 to 3 years (provided the temperature is maintained at 18 degrees below zero).

The shelf life of nuts in the freezer ends:

  • chestnuts and almonds – 1 year;
  • walnuts and pecans – 2 years;
  • pistachios – 3 years.

Is it possible to store different nuts together?

Different types of nuts should not be stored together in the same container. This is especially true for Brazil nuts and peanuts. If you break the rule, there is a high probability that the products will absorb each other’s odors, which will disrupt their taste. Some types of kernels contain a lot of moisture and oil, which will negatively affect their storage together with other nuts.