Military service is a man’s civic duty, from which only the presence of a complex disease can exempt him.

Do they take into the army with, and what to do if there is a similar disease, because often the immune reaction can significantly interfere with normal life, and sometimes even threaten it. Let's figure it out.

Medical examination: determine who is fit

According to the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service,” every young man of military age is required to undergo medical commission at the military registration and enlistment office, which will determine the category of his suitability for military service. A medical examination is carried out twice a year: in the spring and autumn before conscription.

The Special Expert Commission includes:

  • therapist;
  • neurologist;
  • surgeon;
  • dentist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • ophthalmologist;

Based on the results of their conclusion, the conscript receives a health category:

  • A – suitable without restrictions;
  • B – suitable, but with minor restrictions;
  • B – limited suitability;
  • G – temporarily unusable;
  • D – completely unfit.

A conscript who has chronic diseases, with whom he cannot perform his military duties. There are quite a lot of such diseases, all of them are listed in the Government Decree “On approval of the Regulations on military medical examination”. The list of diseases includes:

  • tuberculosis;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • syphilis;
  • HIV infection;
  • chronic alcoholism, substance abuse and drug addiction;
  • mental disorders, mental retardation;
  • epilepsy;
  • deafness;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • eye diseases;
  • psoriasis;
  • arthrosis and others.

In total there are about 40 items, including individual species allergies.

What allergies are not accepted into the army?

The main condition for a conscript to be unfit for military service is the impossibility of creating for him conditions under which his life and health will be preserved. Severe forms belong to this category, since it is very difficult to provide an allergic person with separate nutrition. And such a conscript must carefully monitor the food he eats, avoiding the inclusion of foods that are dangerous to him.

The law establishes a list of products to which, if a young man is allergic, he is exempt from military service, since they form the basis of the army diet:

  • and seafood;
  • and dairy products;
  • meat;
  • beets, carrots, onions;
  • various cereals and pasta.

Additionally, it is not allergies that are taken into account, but also those found in many products. The heavier their uniform, the less likely they are to serve.

But other products, such as sugar, will not be taken into account by the commission, since it is believed that a person can do without it.

In this case, exemption is given only in case of severe forms of the disease, if during the medical examination the conscript has characteristic symptoms. He must also have documents confirming the problem.

Whether caused by hereditary reasons or acquired, is the basis for obtaining fitness category D. This applies primarily to people who cannot be without special equipment for a long time. medicines. At the same time bronchial asthma There may be remission lasting up to 5 years. In this case, additional research is carried out, and the young man may be declared fit for the army with some restrictions.

Suitability categories for allergies

As we have already indicated, each conscript is assigned certain categories. Attribution to one or another group is determined by the presence of certain diseases or the severity of their course. This also applies to allergies.

Good with minor restrictions and limited use

The basis for exemption from military duties is also the presence of urticaria, including and. Category B is assigned when there is external evidence of the presence of the disease:

  • skin rash;
  • skin pigmentation disorder;
  • hyperemia of some parts of the body.

However, if a young man does not experience a relapse of the disease for a long time, confirmed by hospital therapy, he may be drafted into the army.

Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis also gives the right to receive category B. A young man is not called up if there are pronounced lesions of the conjunctiva, and its treatment does not give real results.

There is a high probability of passing a medical examination and being in category B for conscripts with the following diseases:

  • allergic rhinitis;
  • allergic bronchitis;
  • allergic dermatitis;
  • allergic rhinosuitis;
  • respiratory allergy.

Since these diseases are not life-threatening, it is enough to have special medications on hand to relieve symptoms. As a rule, they are available in the medical unit; accordingly, the serviceman will be able to receive the necessary medical care. On general condition It won't affect his health.

Therefore, these diseases are not considered grounds for exemption from military service, with the exception of particularly severe forms, which must also be documented (extract from the medical record) and clearly manifest externally. For example, if the patient has been observed several times as a reaction to an irritant.

Good without restrictions

Food allergies are a serious reason for declaring a conscript unfit for service, but this only applies to the main food groups listed above. At the same time, if a conscript is allergic to exotic or less common foods, then he belongs to the category of most suitable and will be drafted into the army.

This type of allergy, hay fever, is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, but is not life-threatening, so in 90% of cases the young man will go to serve. The only exception is a very severe form, accompanied by the manifestation of bronchial asthma. However, during the period of service, he has the right to ask for a referral to a hospital during an exacerbation of the disease.

Not a basis for exemption from service allergic reaction to:

  • metal.

However, information about it must be entered into the serviceman’s personal card, and military personnel must know about it in order to prevent a reaction or be able to take action in a timely manner.

If, at the time of passing the medical examination, the conscript experiences an exacerbation of the disease, he may be called up temporarily unfit.

In general, information about the availability of exemption from military service can be presented in the form of a table:

Prove unfitness

To receive the category of unfit for service, it is necessary to convince the medical commission of the presence of the disease and its severe form. The best evidence is the clear manifestation of the symptoms of the disease. Thus, an exacerbation of bronchial asthma or food allergies will be noticeable externally, which is the main evidence for the commission.

However, the following documents will also be required:

  • certificates from a medical institution;
  • results of skin tests and laboratory tests;
  • an extract from the medical record with an established diagnosis;
  • copies of sick leave.

The more documents, the more seriously the disease is taken, which means the higher the likelihood of receiving the status of unfit for service.

Allergies are not particularly dangerous disease and does not interfere with the serviceman’s performance of his duties, and therefore does not serve as a basis for exemption from military service with the exception of severe forms.

Select the section Allergic diseases Symptoms and manifestations of allergies Diagnosis of allergies Treatment of allergies Pregnant and lactating Children and allergies Hypoallergenic life Allergy calendar

The spring conscription in most regions of the Russian Federation is carried out from April 1 to July 15 (inclusive), the autumn conscription - from October 1 to December 31. These deadlines can always be clarified in Article 25 federal law“On conscription and military service.”

Full list diseases with which they will not be accepted into the army (or will be given a deferment) is located in the form of a separate resolution included in Article 23 of the mentioned law. Diseases in it are divided into categories and presented in the form of tables, with detailed descriptions and indicating in them the degree of suitability for military service.

Unfortunately, this list is not some kind of comprehensive article on why people with allergies should not be accepted into the army.

For allergic diseases of interest to us, a separate category is not provided in the list; all information related to them is scattered among other groups.

Also keep in mind that the list itself is very large (the number of diseases is about 2 thousand) and you will need a decent amount of patience if you want to study it yourself.

There is a general pattern throughout this list:

If the allergy cannot be treated in a hospital, but it manifests itself severely and life-threatening (Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock, bronchospasm, etc.), then most likely you will not be called up for military service.

Of course, in the presence of all medical reports that confirm these facts.

Below we will consider the most common allergic diseases mentioned in the list.

List of allergic diseases exempt from the army

Urticaria (urticaria)

With this disease, the law provides for exemption from conscription, assignment of fitness category “B” (limited fit), with subsequent enrollment in the reserves.

But, if it is present, they can also be drafted into the army if there is no continuous relapse of the disease. Evidence of such a relapse is unsuccessful treatment in a hospital for at least 2 months.

In other words, you need documentary evidence of unsuccessful treatment of this disease in a hospital setting.

Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis

As in the case of urticaria, it can be assigned category “B” with exemption from conscription, but only in the presence of severe allergic lesions of the conjunctiva, severe course of the disease and unsuccessful treatment in a hospital setting.

Allergic bronchial asthma

Atopic (caused by hereditary factors) allergic asthma is an absolute contraindication to military service, as well as its acquired form.

Diseases with which you will most likely be drafted into the army

Allergic dermatitis

Unlike atopic dermatitis, having allergies will not prevent the military registration and enlistment office from calling you up.

Allergic bronchitis

If you have allergic bronchitis, you are subject to conscription into the army.

You can only try to present it under the guise of allergic bronchial asthma, if the attending physician considers that the severity of the symptoms is appropriate.

Allergic rhinitis

These include in particular vasomotor allergic rhinitis and perennial allergic rhinitis.

Despite the fact that diseases in the category of rhinitis are risk factors for the development of asthma, their presence does not exempt you from conscription for military service.

However, you can try to convince the medical commission of the seriousness of the disease if there is persistent impairment nasal breathing functions.

Allergic rhinosinusitis

Does not cause ineligibility for service.

Respiratory allergosis

This diagnosis will also not help you get out of the army due to allergies.

What types of allergies are not accepted into the army?

This part examines common types of allergies with a view to the suitability or unsuitability of a person suffering from them to serve in the army.

Food allergies and the army

Refers to types of allergies that are not accepted into the army, provided that you have an allergic reaction to the main food products, prescribed to the rank and file by law. For example, an allergy to millet is not one of these.

Table: Food standards in the army. If you have a food allergy to basic foods, you will not be accepted into the army (can be increased)

But it is quite easy to avoid conscription if you are allergic to:

  • fish,
  • seafood,
  • dairy products,
  • eggs,
  • meat (beef, pork),
  • cereals,
  • pasta.

Or if you have celiac disease (intolerance to gluten, which is part of flour and all derivative products),

With a relatively rare allergy to buckwheat, an exemption from conscription is also provided, but doctors have more questions about it. Similar to , it is more difficult to “slope” along it.

Drug intolerance

With allergies to certain medications and antibiotics, as in the case of food, they will not be called in if there is an allergy and recurrent angioedema in response to basic substances: paracetamol, penicillin, etc.

And accordingly, they can be called up if the declared allergens are not used in army medicine.

Seasonal allergies (hay fever)

Alas, in most cases the answer to the question “do they take you into the army with hay fever?” positive

This type of allergic reaction includes, but is not limited to, allergies to flowers, pollen, wormwood, ragweed, birch and poplar fluff.

Despite all the troubles of seasonal allergies, none of the above exempts you from conscription. They also take into the army those with hay fever (“”).

Why do they call for hay fever?

It's all about the seasonal nature of the disease - the reaction appears only during the flowering of wind-pollinated plants. The period is short enough and the patient can simply be placed in a hospital or medical unit. In addition, there is large number medications that can relieve seasonal allergy symptoms.

There is also the option that the patient will be sent to regions where plants that cause an allergic reaction do not grow (or have already bloomed).

It is worth considering that hay fever can cause a serious complication in the form of bronchial asthma.

Allergy to animals

Although the army is large sizes a zoo (according to some eyewitnesses), there are no cats or other domestic animals in it. Therefore, it will not be possible to avoid service due to an allergy to wool.

Allergy to insect bites

An allergy to insect bites alone is not sufficient to qualify for exemption from service.

Other types of allergies

Photodermatitis(“sun allergy”) is a non-disease.

One of the forms of urticaria, therefore it is regulated in the same way. To be exempt from conscription, proof of unsuccessful hospital treatment is required.

Subspecies of urticaria.

Allergy to cotton fabric- It is very doubtful that you will ever meet a doctor who will believe in the existence of this kind of allergy, or even more so will exempt you from being called up for it.

Allergy to metal- this type of contact dermatitis does not interfere with the call at all, unless it magically turns into atopic.

Allergy to dust- will be exempt from conscription only if documented as bronchial asthma.

Polyvalent allergy- it is impossible to say in advance whether she will be called upon or not, it depends on the specific allergens that provoke her.

Meeting with the draft committee

In order not to be drafted into the army, you must not only have an allergy, you must also convince the medical commission of the seriousness of the disease.

Therefore, let's move on to the most important thing: issues related to medical examination. commission at the military registration and enlistment office and obtaining the desired fitness category “B”.

By the way, about this category, which has already been mentioned more than once in the article - the fitness category “B - limited fit for military service” designates citizens with the presence of diseases in which moderate dysfunctions are observed.

These include some of the listed allergic reactions. When appointed, you are exempt from military service “for health reasons.”

In addition to the severity of the disease itself, the decisive component of success (by which is meant the purpose of the category) is high-quality preparation for the medical examination.

With rare exceptions, the doctors of the draft commission are skeptical about the complaints of the conscripts themselves and will not want to take your word for it. Often they are generally reluctant to at least refer someone for examination, especially if no external manifestations of the disease are observed at the moment.

So obviously, every effort must be made on your part.

Tips to help prove your unfitness for service

First of all, you need documents

In many cases, what is necessary for an allergy “slope” is the presence of its clinical manifestations, confirmed in advance by an inpatient examination (allergological tests, corresponding entries in the medical record).

Therefore, you need “papers” and the more of them, the better. To do this, long before conscription, consult a doctor more often with complaints about any allergic manifestations in order to document all exacerbations of the disease. Subsequently, these appeals can be used to prove your case before the medical commission.

If you skipped the stage of preparing documents, you can still, with some persistence, count on a deferment from the army if you have allergies. The duration of the deferment is 6 months, which should be used to come prepared next time.

Is it worth going to a paid clinic?

Some conscripts prefer to go to a paid clinic for diagnosis, which is generally undesirable. The fact is that draft board doctors are often skeptical about “private recruits” and certificates from government agencies carry more weight for them.

Don't make things up!

And probably the most important point: there is no need to “invent” the diagnosis or try to fake it. As experience shows, a much greater effect is achieved if you objectively examine what really exists (and anyone has a lot of it, if you look closely).

Regular doctors in hospitals are not interested in downplaying the seriousness of your allergy, so by visiting them regularly and persistently, you will very easily achieve category “B” compliance on your documents, which will significantly simplify the dialogue with the military registration and enlistment office commission.

Summing up

In general, people with allergies are drafted into the army. And if you don’t want to go there, you should prepare carefully and in advance for the medical exam. inspection.

Without presented certificates and medical records, it is very difficult to prove the seriousness of many forms of allergies, especially those that are not listed in the law as independent diseases.

If you do get drafted, the chances that you will then be discharged from the army with allergies are close to zero (except for really severe cases).


Everyone has their own attitude towards military service. But questions about one's own fitness bother every conscript. And the question: whether people with allergies are accepted into the army or not is one of them.

Intolerance to certain foods

A soldier's diet consists of a specific list of foods, an allergy to which may be a reason for exemption from military service. This list includes: cow's butter and milk, eggs, meat and fish, pasta and all kinds of cereals. It should be noted that it is quite difficult to free yourself from conscription in this area. Firstly, the allergy must have clinical manifestations that must be confirmed skin tests and relevant medical history. Secondly, it should be specifically for the main food products of the army ration. That is, such common types of allergies as reactions to oranges, dust, cats, honey and others will not become an obstacle to military service. Thirdly, the presence of allergies must be confirmed in the hospital.

The degree of allergic reaction is determined by doctors. If attacks occur constantly, and this is recorded in medical institution, then with such an allergy they are not accepted into the army, and the conscript receives a military ID of category “B” (limited validity). It is worth noting that allergies to the main foodstuffs of military personnel are quite rare.

Other allergic diseases

Urticaria, hay fever, allergic rhinitis and dermatitis can also be a reason for exemption from the army. If any of these diseases are present, an examination is carried out according to the relevant articles of the list of diseases, and, depending on the state of the functions of the affected organ or system, a decision is made on the suitability of the conscript.

For example, to be exempt from conscription, a patient with urticaria must prove that the disease is chronic. But hay fever in itself is not a reason for exemption from service. But if the disease is pronounced, it may be a harbinger of bronchial asthma. Therefore, if you have hay fever, it is recommended to consult a pulmonologist and undergo an examination. Allergic rhinitis is also a risk factor for developing asthma. And it is the reason for the transfer of a conscript to category “B” in the presence of documents confirming treatment in a hospital setting.
Dermatitis will be grounds for exemption from the army only in the presence of focal lichenification skin(skin furrowed, rough, rash) and recorded relapses over the past 10 years.

Consequences of diseases

After completion of treatment for acute allergic diseases (anaphylactic shock, serum sickness, Lyell's syndrome, Stevens-Johnson syndrome), the fitness category is determined based on the outcome of the disease and the condition of the body.

If acute residual effects a conscript is defined as temporarily unfit for military service for 6 months.

We already know most of the cases where conscripts are given an “unfit” stamp, but allergies are mentioned extremely rarely. Today we will look at the question: do people with allergies join the army? If so, in what cases, and what is needed for this?

IN recent years More and more people are suffering from allergic diseases. The reasons for this drastic change are still unknown. Some attribute this to pollution. environment, various substitutes in products, others, on the contrary, believe that the problem is the sterility of cities. Excessive sterility, they say, can lead to a malfunction in the immune system, and it will begin to behave aggressively towards various proteins. One way or another, it still remains a mystery to us.

Allergies and its types

Allergy is a pathological process caused by an excessive immune response to the penetration of allergens into the body. It appears due to many reasons. It can occur in both mild and severe forms. It can often become life-threatening, for example, in the case of anaphylactic shock.
Factors contributing to the development of allergies:

The most common reasons are:

Allergies are divided into types based on their occurrence in a specific organ: Conjunctivitis; Rhinitis; Bronchial asthma; Dermatitis.

It is necessary to understand that they will not be allowed into the army only because allergic disease which may interfere with service. So which ones are considered valid reasons?

Allergic rhinitis

Also called “hay fever,” rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa that occurs as a result of the body’s protective reaction to various allergens. It occurs with breathing problems, mucus discharge from the nose, sneezing, and watery eyes.

It can be intermittent (lasts up to 4 days a week or up to 4 weeks a year) and persistent (lasts from 4 days a week and from 4 weeks a year). There are seasonal and year-round. Often progresses to bronchial asthma.

To be released from the army, a conscript must confirm the allergic nature of the disease and the severity of its course. If there are obvious symptoms such as: difficulty breathing, swelling of the throat, serious complications, that is, there is every reason to expect release. With allergies occurring in mild form and without serious consequences, as a rule, they are taken into the army.

It is important to understand that rhinitis can be a consequence of another disease. In this case, it is necessary to undergo additional examinations to determine the root cause.


One of the most common forms of the disease. If you go to an allergist, you will certainly be surprised - during the procedure, more than 10 different tests are done to detect dust allergies. It turns out that the dust that people are used to seeing in every apartment is a collection of various chemical agents that irritate our mucous membranes. This includes: book dust (cellulose), animal hair, dead skin particles, hair and waste products of arthropods, fungal spores, and, of course, dust mites. 1 gram of dust contains more than 1000 mites.

An allergic reaction caused by household or other dust cannot be considered as a serious reason. The conscript is mobilized. If the disease progresses, they will be sent for treatment, but will not be discharged. However, in a number of cases, when problems with ability to work, movement, or asthma develop, the case will be considered separately by a military medical commission.

Pollen from flowers (hay fever)

Hay fever is a common occurrence among both adults and children. Symptoms may mimic infectious or inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract rather than allergies, which makes it difficult to find the root cause. The result is a lack proper treatment, which entails a deterioration in the person’s condition.

As a rule, a disease that has not received proper resistance from the body becomes fixed in it and can subsequently exist in a chronic form, becoming active from time to time.

It does not have sufficient grounds, since it is seasonal and tied to a specific area of ​​distribution of allergens. Just as in the case of dust, mobilization will occur in a place remote from irritants of the mucous membrane, however, in case of disease progression, the case will be considered separately.


Today, humanity cannot imagine life without medicine; we turn to them for any reason, be it a runny nose or headache. This means that any of us can become a victim of an allergic reaction. Moreover, it can occur even in those who have contact with medications, but do not use them themselves.

Usually not a serious reason, the reaction to medications used in military medicine is considered individually. Naturally, they won’t be able to help you if you don’t have the necessary medications - it is possible to get a military ID. In this case, you need to document the body’s reaction to the drug and provide it to the commission.


Rash, redness, itching, swelling, urticaria are symptoms of an allergic reaction resulting from exposure to low temperatures on the skin. It is widespread. Occurring in a mild form, it is not a sufficient reason, but if it is serious (impaired skin functions), it will be considered separately.


It is important not to confuse the concepts of “food intolerance” and “food allergy”. Allergies are characterized by certain symptoms (urticaria, swelling, malfunction gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system), food intolerance manifests itself in a more diverse manner: ulcers on the skin, obesity, weakness, kidney stones, chronic fatigue. It can occur in a chronic form, so it is very difficult to detect.

It differs from allergies in that immune system does not affect, and the causes are often associated with the presence of other ailments. Allergies persist until death, and food intolerance is treatable. This is possible if you undergo qualified treatment.

Allergy tests:

  • Blood test;
  • Food allergen panel;
  • Panel for diagnosing food intolerance;
  • Skin tests, skin prick testing.

Let's consider the question: are people with food allergies allowed to serve in the army? Mobilization will be canceled if there are allergens in the soldiers’ diet; in no other case will it be possible to avoid service.

List of main products:

  1. 1st grade rye flour;
  2. 1st grade wheat flour;
  3. Cereals, legumes;
  4. Pasta;
  5. Meat;
  6. Fish;
  7. Vegetable oil;
  8. Butter;
  9. Cow's milk;
  10. Chicken eggs;
  11. Hard cheese;
  12. Instant coffee;
  13. Potato;
  14. Cabbage;
  15. Beet;
  16. Carrot;
  17. Cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkin, zucchini;
  18. Dried fruits;
  19. Juices.

You may not be accepted into the army if a combination of manifestations of the disease is observed. At an early stage, its identification is difficult due to the existence of diseases with similar symptoms. The doctor must carefully approach this issue and correctly identify the disease. When examining a conscript, refer to Article 84 of the Schedule of Diseases.

Confirmation of allergies must be carried out in a hospital setting, in an institution whose results are subject to mandatory review by a military commission. If the patient is seen by a doctor for a long time, there is all the necessary documentation confirming his illness, then he will be given a military ID with the inscription “limitedly fit, fitness category “B”,” which means that he can hope to be drafted into the army only in the event of the outbreak of hostilities.


There is a misconception among people that allergies to animals are associated with the presence of fur. Hence the opinion that hairless cats are hypoallergenic. But this is fundamentally wrong. Irritation of the mucous membrane, which makes us continuously sneeze, rub our eyes and blow our nose, is the body’s reaction not to fur, but to a chemically active agent secreted by the animal’s body - protein.

If contact with a dog caused you the symptoms described above, then this indicates that your body is intolerant to protein. It is present in all fluids of the animal’s body: saliva, urine, sweat, etc. And, when it gets on the animal’s fur, it spreads throughout the apartment, ending up on clothes, hands, and skin. This gave rise to the erroneous opinion that wool was involved.

However, it should be mentioned that there is a real allergy to wool, but the chance of encountering it is quite small, while about 15% of the world's population is susceptible to allergies to animals. If you notice obvious symptoms when touching an animal, but do not experience any discomfort when wearing wool products, then in your case we are talking about squirrels. Despite feeling unwell, an allergy to wool, or, rather, to protein, will in no way prevent the commission from recruiting you for service - in the army there is no need to have contact with animals.

Insect bites

This allergic reaction is a consequence of the production of antibodies to the penetration of a chemical agent into the human blood. When a bee stings, it would be more correct to say when it stings, it injects poison into us with the help of a poisonous gland. And after that, the substances contained in it are classified by our body as hostile. The body, whose goal is to destroy them, sends antibodies there that come into contact with the allergens and cause swelling of the skin. Bees, wasps, bumblebees, ants, spiders and other arthropods, which in some serious cases can cause anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema and dermatitis, are not considered a serious reason for removal from the army.

Other types of allergies

This includes types of allergies that are less common than others. The principle of action is very similar to insect bites, the only difference is in the method of penetration of chemical reagents.

In this article we learned with what allergies and under what circumstances people are recruited into the army. As mentioned above, if you plan to receive category “B”, prepare medical documents in advance; Whenever symptoms of illness occur, contact your doctor for documentation. It’s best to go to a public clinic, since the commission is distrustful of private providers.

If you are still found fit, then prepare in advance: take the necessary medications (drops, tablets, etc.), read how to relieve swelling from insect bites, in which positions it is easier to endure suffocation, etc.

Allergies are the scourge of our time. Literally 30 years ago it was not yet so widespread, but over the past decades the number of allergy sufferers has been growing at a very high rate. According to statistics from the World Health Organization, every 12th person in Russia is allergic to something. Moreover, cases of moderate and severe reactions, life-threatening. It is logical that against this backdrop, conscripts begin to wonder if they are recruited into the army with allergies? And if yes, then with what forms of manifestation.

Officially, allergies are not a non-disease. But sometimes you can get exemption from the army with such a diagnosis.

The modern classification of allergens takes into account dozens of types:

  • medicines;
  • particles of vital activity of pets;
  • bites of some insects;
  • house dust;
  • pollen of flowers and herbs;
  • chemicals;
  • food allergy.

It is the type of intolerance and the severity of the body’s reaction that will determine whether a conscript with allergies is eligible.

Do you want to get an allergy exemption from the army?

Get advice from a military lawyer about your situation with the military registration and enlistment office. You will learn how to get a military ID step by step and not serve in the army.

* we guarantee the confidentiality of your data

What symptoms will be attributed to allergies?

The spread of the diagnosis of “allergy” forces us to reconsider the standards for compliance with military service for health. The current one, which is included in the Government Decree “On approval of the Regulations on military medical examination” lists cases in which a conscript is declared unfit for the army

  1. Food allergies

  2. The reason to exempt a conscript from military service will be if he is allergic to a number of food products from the army ration. Food intolerance to fish, meat, pasta, cereals, bread and vegetables will be a reason not to repay your military duty to your homeland. If a conscript is found to be intolerant to fish, carrots or potatoes, the army menu that has developed over the years will definitely not be altered to accommodate him.
    But an allergy to some exotic foods will not be a serious reason for exemption from the army. Such allergens include nuts, chocolate and citrus fruits.
    Food allergies are a serious reason to declare a young man unfit for military service, so doctors pay special attention to such diagnoses during the conscription campaign.
  3. Allergy to pollen (hay fever)

  4. Intolerance to pollen from flowers and grasses worsens in the spring and summer and is called hay fever. Its characteristic symptoms are sneezing, runny nose, cough, watery eyes and associated irritability and fatigue.

    Although the symptoms of hay fever are very unpleasant, there are serious health consequences seasonal allergies does not have pollen and will not free him from the army. However, a service member has the right to request that he be allowed to spend the period of exacerbation of allergies in the hospital.

    However, there are cases in which even with such a diagnosis they are not accepted into the army. This happens when hay fever is severe and is complicated by such serious illness, How . If the disease often worsens, its manifestation worsens during the day, the conscript can count on being exempt from military service.

    With allergies to house dust, the situation is similar to hay fever. Whether a young man with such a diagnosis will be called to serve will be determined by how strong clinical manifestations diseases. With sneezing, runny nose and cough - they will take it. In case of complications such as Quincke's edema or bronchial asthma, such a young man will not have to serve in the army.