During the lesson, various types of tasks are evenly distributed, mental activity alternates with physical exercises, the time for presenting complex educational material is determined, and time is allocated for independent work.

  1. A favorable psychological and emotional climate is created in the classroom (children are cheerful and are not afraid to express their thoughts out loud).
  2. Fatigue and morbidity levels have been reduced (at the beginning of the year, more than 35% of students were sick, by the end of the school year - 8%).
  3. 100% of students are provided with hot meals and medical care (everyone has received proper vaccinations).
  4. Individual monitoring of physical student development (100% of students have the basic health group).
  5. The office has multi-level desks and chairs. The ventilation regime is observed.

The result of using this technology is:

1.Creation of electronic presentations, paper projects (individual projects “My Family”, “My School”, “Favorite Animal” were created, as well as collective projects “Planets” solar system", "Plants and animals of the Red Book of the Samara Region").

2.Performances with individual projects in class in front of classmates, at school in front of primary school students, at a parent meeting.

3. Joint release of booklets.

The results of this technology are: 1.Increasing motivation for the subject (100% of students work with interest in those lessons in which ICT is used).

2.Formation of knowledge, skills and abilities to work with ICT among students (computer presentations “Do you know fairy tales?”, “My crafts from natural materials”, “Fun alphabet”) were completed. 3.Use of ICT to access information (participation in competitions and olympiads).

4. Ability to work in the PROCLass knowledge quality control and monitoring system, the PROLog modular experiment system (under the guidance of a teacher).

5. Exercises using a computer develop perseverance, attentiveness, accuracy, and develop finger motor skills, which has a positive effect on working with a pencil and brush. Complexes, tightness, and stiffness disappear.

1. Formation of reading techniques and methods of understanding and analyzing text (92% of students read above the norm, 100% of students understand the content of what they read).

2. Simultaneous development of interest in reading, the need to read in order to find the necessary information (100% of students are enrolled in school and city libraries, regularly prepare for extracurricular reading lessons).

3. Development of oral and written speech, mastery of speech and communication culture (96% of students are able to retell what they read, have a great vocabulary; more than 70% of students write dictations accurately).

4.Development of children’s creative abilities (little books “ABC in Pictures”, “Proverbs and Sayings”, “Riddles” were created; short messages about writers were prepared; fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin were illustrated).

5. 78% of students learned to work with additional sources of information (encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.)

As a result of using this technology, the following are formed:

Cognitive UUD:

1) the ability to extract information from diagrams, illustrations, texts and present it is developed;

2) the ability to identify the essence and features of objects is formed;

3) the ability to draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects is formed;

4) the ability to generalize and classify according to characteristics is developed;

5) we develop the ability to find answers to questions in illustrations.

Communication UUD:

1) the ability to listen and understand others is formed;

2) the ability to construct a speech statement in accordance with the assigned tasks is formed;

3) the ability to express one’s thoughts orally is developed;

4) the ability to work in pairs is developed.

Regulatory UUD:

1) the ability to express one’s assumptions based on working with the textbook material is developed;

2) the ability to evaluate educational actions in accordance with the task is formed;

3) the ability to predict upcoming work (make a plan) is formed;

4) the ability to carry out cognitive and personal reflection is formed.

Personal UUD:

1) the ability to express one’s emotions is formed;

2) motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive


3) the ability to evaluate actions in accordance with a certain situation is formed.

1.1. Positive dynamics of the level of training of students over the past three years.

Over the past three years, the overall performance of students in Russian language and literature has remained unchanged and corresponds to 100% indicator(Appendix 1, Appendix 2).

Main result of the work:

  • increased independence among those students who were passive;
  • increasing interest in the subject;
  • There is a positive trend in educational achievements over the years.

100% level training was demonstrated by graduates who passed literature exams in the traditional form for the 2004-2005 academic year (Appendix 3).

1.2. Positive dynamics of the “quality of knowledge” of students over the past three years

Since the 2004–2005 academic year, there has been an increase in the quality of knowledge of individual students based on the results of the academic year in Russian. The number of students with “good” and “excellent” grades has increased. (Appendix 4) .

Since the 2004–2005 academic year, there has been a tendency for the quality of knowledge to increase based on the results of the academic year in Russian language and literature by 10%(Appendix 5).

Results of control tests in the Russian language in 5A class conducted by the school administration (Appendix 6).

  • 1 quarter "Phrase"
  • 2nd quarter "The letters Z and S at the end of the consoles"
  • 3rd quarter « Letters E-I in roots with alternation"
  • 4th quarter « Letters O-A in the roots -ROS-, -RAST-, -RASH-

The optimal level of training shows that the quality of knowledge ranges from 59.9% to 63.5%.

Positive dynamics in the quality of knowledge in literature (20%) characterize the following data for the 2004-2005 academic year (Appendix 7) .

Positive results of the final certification show a high level of development of vital communication skills among graduates, necessary for continuing education:

  • extract information when listening and reading, adequately understand and interpret the text, arguing your own point of view;
  • interpret in writing information extracted from a read text, selecting and organizing linguistic means in accordance with the topic, style and functional-semantic type of speech;
  • observe basic language norms in writing practice (lexical, grammatical, spelling, punctuation, stylistic) (Appendix 8).

These guys turned out to be competitive, confirmed their knowledge acquired at school, and study at prestigious universities.

We are especially proud of MaksutovaAnastasia And ApkhalikovaFaith, received at Faculty of Philology.

1.3. Increase in the number of students (in percentage) taking part in subject Olympiads at school and municipal levels.

The number of students participating in Olympiads and achieving high results is growing.

Participated in olympiads in Russian language and literature:

  • at school level(as a percentage of the total number of students) (Appendix 9) . Growth dynamics the number of participants was in Russian language and literature 11%
  • at the municipal level the number of participants doubled (Appendix 10).
  • at the regional level: 2006-2007 - 1 person. (Pavlova N., 8th grade)

1.4.Increasing the quantity and improving the quality of creative works of students in the Russian language and literature (projects, research).

Educational and research activities is a process of joint activity between the student and the teacher to identify the essence of the phenomena and processes being studied, to discover and systematize new knowledge.

My goal: creating conditions for the development of students' creativity, self-determination and self-realization.

To achieve this goal, I decide the following: tasks:

  • to develop an interest in understanding the world;
  • develop the skills and abilities necessary to conduct educational and research activities; abilities for independent creative thinking; ability to use acquired knowledge in practice.

The number of people wishing to engage in research activities is growing year by year (Appendix 11).

The topic of each study is relevant. Students try to qualitatively analyze the state of the problem, learn to use known results and facts, and knowledge beyond the school curriculum. They study the special and scientific apparatus on this topic. They also justify their own conclusions and competently answer questions in the process of defending the research results. Abstracts, research papers, reports, presentations, poster reports recommended for presentation at the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference and defense in the exam.

Creative works of students, including those created in the form of multimedia presentations, are well designed and are part of the educational and methodological complex of the Russian language classroom, serve as handouts in lessons, and are productively used by me for the purpose of educating and developing the personality of students in lessons and in extracurricular activities .

1.5. Increased motivation to study the subject (increasing the percentage of students in the class who are interested in studying the subject).

The following were carried out with the school psychologist students: techniques questionnaire: “Teacher and student”, “My educational results”, “Self-analysis inclusion, interest and emotional well-being in the classroom”, “My life and professional values."

Task: determine the motivation for learning in children, find out whether they have an interest in learning, as well as for the purpose of career guidance and choosing a future profession.

Interpretation of the received answers showed that students in these classes:

  • purposefully prepare for passing the intermediate and final certification in the Russian language in the form of the Unified State Exam;
  • teachers listen with interest;
  • willingly engage in research activities;
  • pose problematic questions and independently find answers to them, using reference guides and sources of information;
  • are preparing to enter universities – 92%.

Also over the past three years there has been positive growth dynamics level motivation to the study of Russian language and literature. (Appendix 12)

Testing “The nature of interaction between teacher and students in Russian language and literature lessons” showed:

  • the teacher treats all students with respect, takes into account real learning opportunities and educational needs;
  • 89% students are satisfied with the knowledge acquired in the lesson;
  • 11% - partially.

The teacher strives to ensure that her schoolchildren master the Russian language as deeply and firmly as possible, learn to use the Russian word, understand and feel its accuracy, precision, and expressiveness. Everything that happens in the lesson arouses sincere interest in children and develops creativity.

Colleagues think:

  • “The guys, together with Marina Yuryevna, go into fairy tales, make unforgettable excursions into the past and exciting journeys into the future; measure their strength in tournaments and brain rings, and conduct knowledge auctions. Others also contribute to instilling interest in Russian language and literature lessons. non-traditional forms lessons: lesson - conference, lesson - debate, lesson of wisdom, lesson - revelation, lesson - presentation, lesson - panorama, lesson - court, lesson - competition, lesson - business game, lessons in the form of various television programs." Teacher of Russian language and literature: Putintseva E.A.
  • “For Marina Yuryevna, every student is personality, so she strives to create in the lesson situation of success. Success, the wordsmith believes, gives rise to an additional impetus for active work, contributes to the development of the student’s dignity, and is the key to a positive attitude towards learning, school, and work; the situation of success becomes a factor in the development of the child’s personality, because it is experienced by both the student of poor performance and the student of high productivity. An atmosphere of goodwill, attention, interest in every student in the lesson, friendliness, real help in moving towards success, support in the process of doing work, creating an atmosphere of mutual understanding and cooperation promotes high motivation for students' activities». Teacher of Russian language and literature: Baiburina L.F.

2. Positive results extracurricular activities in academic subjects.

2.1. Conducting clubs, sections, and electives for the last three years.

Increasing the general language culture, deepening and expanding the knowledge gained in lessons, developing the creative abilities of students, identifying gifted children - this is far from full list problems that I solve in extracurricular activities. For an optimal solution, I lead a large extracurricular work.(Appendix 13)

2.2. Results of extracurricular activities (students’ creative work, participation in conferences, competitions, concerts) over the past three years. (Appendix 14, Appendix 15, Appendix 16)

Joint work with students was not slow to bring positive results.

3. Positive results of the teacher’s activities as a class teacher.

My dear hearts

“... only the heart is vigilant.
You can’t see the most important things with your eyes.”
A. de Saint-Exupéry

Every day I immerse myself in the wonderful world of childhood, revealing the secrets of human hearts, learning to be kinder and wiser.

Five Commandments: love, understand, accept, sympathize And help in my educational work provide freedom of choice in decision-making, create a climate of mutual trust, kindness and harmony, and most importantly - accept the child as he is.

My students are my comrades-in-arms; we equally share responsibility in the education process. I don’t need to loudly prove that I’m right, resort to tricks, seek understanding, authority, since the main thing in our relationship is mutual respect.

I believe that it depends on me whether success in learning will come to every child. I have no right to doubt that a positive result will be achieved. Boundless faith in a child helps me cope with problems. It is important for a child to always feel success.

Awaken the creativity inherent in every child, teach to work, find yourself for a joyful, happy and fulfilling life– this is what my students and I strive for to the best of our strengths and abilities.

It’s not easy to educate, and it’s not easy to be a person, and it’s not easy to live either. But let there always be school, September 1st, the bell. “What do you expect from me, my dear hearts?” I will answer this question all my life!

3.1 Favorable psychological climate in the classroom (atmosphere of camaraderie, mutual assistance, tolerance).

3.2. Constant interaction between the class teacher and the parents of students.

3.3. Absence of offenses among students (or positive dynamics in this indicator).

3.4. Developing self-government in the classroom.

3.5. Active participation of students in the life of the educational institution.

In 2006-2007, I carefully studied these issues.

Developed a program for the development of the class team “Eternal Values” (Appendix 17).

The “Eternal Values” program at the regional level reached the finals and was defended in full-time received positive assessment(Presentation).

3.6. Participation of students in solving problems of local society.

Took part in the competition of socially useful initiatives of schoolchildren “100 cool projects” (Appendix 18).

4. The use of modern educational technologies, including information and communication technologies, in the process of teaching the subject and in educational work.

4.1. The use of ICT in the process of teaching the subject.

Use in lessons information and communication technologies ensures the personal development of students by reducing the share of reproductive activity in the educational process, reduces the load, and allows for more efficient use of study time. I have the skills to work on a personal computer, which allows me to:

  • prepare well for lessons;
  • update teaching handouts in a timely manner;
  • increase the use of visualization;
  • independently prepare slide films for lectures;
  • use educational electronic manuals in your work, in particular, “Punctuation Tests”, “Spelling Tests”, educational and methodological manual on the World artistic culture, electronic educational tool “History of Art”, art encyclopedias, educational films.

Under my leadership, the children prepare creative works using information technology, presentations for reports, abstracts, research papers, and publish the school magazine “17 Moments.”

Along with traditional methods control, I planned a test control in a computer version on almost all topics.

4.2. The use of design, research and other developing educational technologies in the process of teaching the subject and educational work.

I use elements of technology. (Appendix 19)

Creating conditions that ensure the identification and development of gifted children and the realization of their potential is one of the priority social tasks modern society.

I successfully use an alternative technology for teaching children with signs of giftedness (Matyushkin A.M.).

I am guided by the following principles:

  • the principle of developing and educating education;
  • the principle of individualization and differentiation of training;
  • the principle of taking into account age capabilities.


  • formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of “philology”;
  • creating conditions for cognitive and personal development students taking into account their talent.

In gifted education, I use four main approaches to content development. curricula:

  • acceleration,
  • recess;
  • enrichment;
  • problematization.

I consider the leading and main methods of a creative nature to be:

  • problematic;
  • search engines;
  • heuristic;
  • research;
  • design

4.3. Development and use of publicly recognized author’s methodology, incl. new digital educational resources, methods for recording and assessing educational achievements, control and measurement materials.

Having creatively adapted alternative programs on rhetoric (Kokhteva N.A., Ladyzhenskaya T.L., Lvovoy M.R.), compiled work programs for teaching rhetoric to students secondary school 5-9 grades. Currently tested in grades 5-7. Experience generalized to school and city ​​MO.

Setting the goals and objectives of the “Rhetoric” course, I define a multi-level approach - the formation of eloquence skills (maximum program) and the development of public speaking skills, the ability to conduct an argument, discussion, the development of creative abilities, the formation of moral qualities of the personality of a growing person (basic level).

The program defines the main forms, methods, and techniques for teaching rhetoric: exercises for practicing speech techniques, solving communicative and situational problems, analysis and correction of texts, both oral and written, reports, and student speeches.

4.4. Effectiveness of using modern educational technologies.

The use of the above technologies gives positive results. Over the past three years, fairly stable levels of academic performance have been observed - 100% and quality of knowledge - at least 35%. Students show interest in the subject in extracurricular activities (the “Fundamentals of Journalism” group), engage in creative activities (design and research), and constantly participate in competitions.

5. Generalization and dissemination of one’s own teaching experience (master classes, seminars, conferences, round tables).

I constantly summarize my own teaching experience. I am the head of the school educational organization for teachers of Russian language and literature, I advise on theoretical issues, a member of the city commission on the Unified State Exam, a member of city Olympiads, and I act as a teacher-methodologist for trainees teacher training college, institute. I conduct open lessons and extracurricular activities.

At school level:(Appendix 20) 2004-2007 - seminars and workshops on continuity, within the framework of school pedagogical councils

At the municipal level:

  • 2004-2005 academic year – noospheric training methodology
  • 2006-2007 academic year – seminar-workshop “Development of key competencies in Russian language lessons”

At the regional level:

  • 2006-2007 academic year – workshop “Development of key competencies in Russian language lessons”
  • 11/29/2007 academic year - alternative technology for teaching children with signs of giftedness (Matyushkin A.M.);
  • December 2007 academic year - consultation for deputy. dir. on educational work within the framework of the competition “The Coolest Class”.

6. Participation in municipal, regional and all-Russian professional competitions.

At the city level: 2007 – competition “Best Teachers of the City” (5th place)

At the regional level: 2006 – 2007 - competition “The Coolest Cool”.

At the All-Russian level:

  • 2006 – 2007 – All-Russian festival “Open Lesson”
  • 2007 – 2008 - All-Russian festival “Open Lesson”

Nomination "Classroom Management"

7. Advanced training and professional retraining.

  • 2001 – Tomsk Regional Institute for Teacher Training on the topic “Cultural approach to the study of Russian literature at school”
  • 2005 – Kuzbass Regional Institute “Information Technologies in Education”
  • 2005 - RANS (Moscow) “Theory and practice of noospheric education in the light of the laws of the world. Bioadequate technologies and health conservation.”
  • 2005 – PC courses
  • 2006 – Kuzbass Regional Institute “Theory and Practice of Humanitarian Education”
  • 2007 – Exhibition consulting agency. Seminar – training “Effective stand assistant”.

You can obtain appendices 16–18, 20 and the presentation from the author of the article.

The productive use of new educational technologies and methods qualitatively changes the nature and goals of learning, and the relationships between participants in the process. Innovative techniques help enhance reflection and self-development. The use of new ones helps to increase the intensity of the learning process. It is accompanied by increasingly complex actions of children. Through them, students learn discipline and improve their individual qualities. This kind of training is very productive.

Using new educational technologies: rationale for choice

The national curriculum presents the teacher as a creative thinker. He must have modern educational techniques, methods and means of independent modeling of the process in practical conditions. The ability to predict results is also important. The productive use of new educational technologies, on the one hand, shows the level of preparedness for the professional activities of a teacher. On the other hand, the results obtained show how much the individual characteristics of children, their priorities and interests are taken into account.


The main principle on which the productive use of new educational technologies is based is systematic use. To unlock the potential of each child, the teacher places emphasis on active forms process. These include, in particular, cooperation and interaction between the teacher and children. The productive use of new educational technologies by educators and teachers involves the formation of certain stages:

Interactive whiteboard

The productive use of new and senior classes is closely related to the level of equipment educational institution. Application modern means presenting information is impossible in the absence of appropriate equipment. For example, an electronic board allows you to introduce interactive learning elements not only directly in the classroom, but also at conferences and as part of extracurricular activities. Using this tool, the teacher and the children themselves can demonstrate various student products. Information appearing on the surface of the board can be broadcast on screens installed in offices. Data transfer can be carried out online.

Building Research Competence

The productive use of new educational technologies allows us to form one of the key abilities of the child. It is expressed in the presence of interrelated skills, knowledge, skills that are required for effective activities in the field of learning (including independent learning), self-development. Technologies aimed at developing research competence are used when performing practical and laboratory work in the exact sciences (astronomy, physics), preparing for regional and all-Russian scientific and practical conferences.

Assessing the quality of the teaching process and children’s achievements

The level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students is shown by the final certification. The productive use of new educational technologies is aimed at forming criteria for self-assessment of a child’s creative, cognitive work. Creating a portfolio is one of the modern methods of assessing and recording children's achievements. This, in turn, allows you to increase the level of preparedness for final exams in subjects, improve skills and knowledge, and focus on the highest priority areas individual development. This embodies a qualitatively new culture of learning.

Transformations in teaching practice

The productive use of new educational technologies is expressed in the teacher’s rethinking and changing his existing approaches to education. Currently, a qualitative update of the content of teaching is taking place. This, in turn, changes the role and tasks of the teacher. Today, the main goal of an educational institution is to teach children to be educated throughout their entire lives.

Universal skills and abilities

The productive use of new educational technologies involves the formation in children of:

Individually oriented models

They contribute to the targeted development of children. Their implementation is accompanied by the formation in each child of the ability to manage the individual learning process, the transformation of the student’s independent activity into self-development. The productive use of new educational technologies in school is expressed in the transition from external (on the part of the teacher) control and assessment to the individual internal self-analysis of the child. This, in turn, changes children's motivation. They begin to develop a need for acquiring knowledge, and are stimulated to become interested in studying material in disciplines. The productive use of new educational technologies in school also involves providing children with a certain freedom to choose the timing within which certain planned results should be obtained and presented. Students become more responsible for their actions and organize an individual learning plan.


This is one of the most productive educational technologies. It helps the child improve in the learning process. In addition, the teacher himself develops, increasing his professionalism. Dissemination of knowledge and inclusion of children in independent work begins with developed portfolio modules. Educational equipment is selected in such a way as to reduce children’s dependence on the teacher. They should try to independently master topics and get involved in research activities. The learned methodology for independently managing the educational process, in which the portfolio is a tool, has a lasting and positive effect on the child. To implement the assigned tasks, the teacher must be ready to use the technical resources available to the school.

Student activities

The portfolio structure can be developed in group classes. This allows children to be included in the process of self-assessment and self-government while studying disciplines and planning their achievements. Every child experiencing difficulties has the opportunity to receive clarification or advice not only from the teacher, but also from classmates. Work on self-assessment of one’s own achievements should be organized within a strict time frame. This interval is given to children to solve problems, analyze their actions and results. Evaluation is carried out according to jointly developed criteria. Children are given freedom to choose various projects to participate in olympiads, conferences, and individualize their training programs.

Portfolio objectives

Technology formats allow:

Opportunities for teachers

The implementation of the portfolio model allows the teacher:

  1. Correctly place emphasis on improving critical thinking and learning ability, increase children's motivation, and expand the scope of the pedagogical process.
  2. To develop in students the ability to set goals, model, and organize individual work.
  3. To develop children’s ability to independently control the process and evaluate their own level of knowledge, determine the dynamics of mastering material in the subject.

Benefits for the child

New educational technologies in general allow the student to:

  1. Develop the ability to learn independently throughout life and improve in your chosen professional activity.
  2. Increase your own motivation and responsibility for work results, develop a conscious attitude towards education.
  3. Assimilate not only a certain amount of information, but also develop creative and cognitive abilities.
  4. Confirm that the chosen field of study is correct.
  5. Become competitive in the modern labor market.
  6. Choose areas of vocational training and specialization that suit your skills.
  7. Adapt to constantly changing conditions.
  8. Develop key personal qualities.

Analytical information

The productive use of new educational technologies is one of the key tasks of a modern teacher. When introducing certain approaches and techniques, the teacher must ensure:

Control of the activities of the teacher himself is carried out by the methodologist or director of the educational institution. Based on the assessment results, an analytical report is compiled. The productive use of new educational technologies can be additionally presented in the diagram. Of no small importance in achieving the goals is the teacher’s self-analysis and his own assessment of the effectiveness of his work. Based on performance indicators, the teacher carries out long-term planning. Using educational technologies, the teacher must proceed from the fact that each student must work on each method throughout the entire educational period. In this case, it is necessary to take into account:

  1. Age characteristics of children.
  2. Continuity of technologies and methods.
  3. Features of groups in parallel classes.
  4. Increasing the degree of independence of children.

The teacher must constantly engage in self-education. Each teacher should take individually oriented educational technologies as a basis. This is the only way to achieve the goal of methodological improvement.

Analytical information.

1. Possession of modern educational technologies and methods.

Levakhina Natalia Valentinovna works as a primary school teacher in a municipal educational institution - a secondary school in the village. Baltai, Baltai district, Saratov region, since August 15, 1990. She has 21 years of experience in her specialty and has the highest qualification category.

Currently, developmental education is widely introduced into the practice of primary schools. The description of the innovative pedagogical experience of Natalia Valentinovna Levakhina presents a system of work on developing the cognitive abilities of primary schoolchildren based on developmental education technology. The goal of this system of teacher work is optimal general development the student, his mind, will, feelings, moral qualities of the student, while maintaining his health. Conditions are created for each child so that, based on his or her personal experience and creative abilities, could systematically conduct observations, share his “discoveries,” analyze phenomena, systematize educational material. Each student must face a cognitive difficulty that causes collective and individual search activity, that is, a difficulty that lies in realizing the need for new knowledge, a new way of activity.

The teacher views learning as a process in the center of which is the student’s personality, therefore her lessons are distinguished by an atmosphere of creativity, cooperation, mutual trust, clarity, logical completeness, and a high scientific and theoretical level.

The main forms of teacher work are:

  1. Independent (individual or group) thinking about the problem and subsequent conversation (discussion of proposals, hypotheses, questions, children’s answers).

  2. Didactic games and game moments.

  3. Study tours, observations.

  4. Practical work.

  5. Working with dictionaries and diagrams, introducing integration.
By organizing collective knowledge, the teacher does not oppose himself to the class, but merges with it, without losing his leading authoritative role, business-friendly relationships based on respect for the student’s personality and attention to his inner world in the process of acquiring knowledge.

Analytical information.

1.1.Use of modern educational technologies and methods by the teacher in the educational process.

New priorities in education encourage teachers to search for new modern effective teaching technologies that allow them to achieve better results in training and education, and to introduce new educational technologies into the educational process. One of the main tasks of the teacher is to develop students’ interest in learning and creativity, because interest and creativity in the educational process is a powerful tool that encourages students to deeper knowledge of the subject and develops their abilities. One of the ways to solve this problem is the use of modern teaching technologies in the educational process, which makes it possible to diversify the forms and means of teaching, increasing the creative activity of students.

In her lessons, Natalia Valentinovna uses modern educational technologies, where she places the child’s personality at the center of the educational system, trying to provide comfortable conditions for her development and the realization of natural capabilities. She builds her lessons taking into account the individual capabilities and abilities of students, while it becomes possible to differentially help a weak student and pay attention to a strong one.

List of educational technologies used.

Name of technology


in student activities

Health-saving technologies

Contribute to the preservation and strengthening of child health

Developmental education technology

Activation of cognitive activity

Problem-based learning technology

Awakening the intellectual motives of learning. Independence, confidence, increased mental activity

Information and communication technology

Formation of elements of information culture in the process of using educational programs

Gaming technologies

Develops the ability to distinguish real from unreal phenomena, develops the ability to control oneself, speed of reaction to a word, phonemic hearing, and ingenuity

Project-based learning technology

Development of skills to think constructively and creatively approach solving creative problems

S.A. Antonova

Analytical information.

1.2. Use of ICT in the educational process.

Levakhina N.V. In 2005, she completed additional professional training under the Intel “Training for the Future” program.

In teaching activities, teachers use the following software:

Microsoft Office 2003 - 2007 software package:

– Microsoft Word – for typing and processing text documentation, creative projects, etc.

– Microsoft Excel – for compiling tabular data and processing statistical information, test results, etc.

– Microsoft PowerPoint – for making presentations of creative projects, creating a website.

In his activities, the teacher uses the following electronic technical means:

1. Digital camera

3. Printer

To prepare material for lessons, various network resources are used, such as YANDEX, RAMBLER, GOOGLE.

When preparing for lessons, the teacher uses in the educational process electronic educational kits:

  1. Multimedia children's encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius, 2006. Publisher: Cyril and Methodius LLC, 117313 Moscow, st. Kravchenko, 4, building 2.
Website www. VKIDS. Km. Ru

Contains 9 thematic sections, 19 interactive applications, more than 80 geographical maps, 11 educational games.

  1. PervoLogo program
helps to learn a programming language, is used to build computer models and multimedia presentations. Includes a tool for working with texts, graphics, animation, sounds, etc. This is an integrated creative environment that is a useful and convenient tool in various areas of school education.

  1. Program "Fine Arts and Artistic Work". 1-9 grades.
DINO disk. Fundamentals of artistic performance (primary school curriculum).

The first stage of education is grades 1-4.

  1. "Cartoon lessons of good behavior." Children's educational program. Contains “Lessons from Aunt Owl” about the rules of good manners.

  2. Electronic educational resource (including 4 disks) on mathematics, Russian language, the environment, literary reading.
Publishing center "Ventana - Graf", 2011.

The electronic educational resource was developed for the educational complex “Primary School of the 21st Century” and contains interactive versions of tasks. Can be used in the classroom to organize front-line work using an interactive whiteboard, as well as to complete assignments together with parents.

  1. Multimedia textbook “Lessons of Cyril and Methodius” on mathematics, Russian language, the environment, literary reading from grades 1 to 4.
Designed for elementary school textbooks and developed in accordance with State educational standards.
Links to resources located on the Internet.

    1. On website of the Municipal Educational Institution - Secondary School s. Baltay, Baltaysky district, Saratov region The development of an extracurricular activity has been posted.

    1. On the website "About school ru - free school portal »

Website address: proshkolu .ru

    1. On the websiteSocial net workers education " Our net "

Website address: nsportal.ru

Personal website.

A teacher should have some kind of “dossier of success”, which reflects everything interesting and worthy that happens in his life. This is the dossier of Natalia Valentinovna Levakhina’s personal pages on the websites « Aboutschoolru -freeschoolportal" and "Social network of educators "Our Network"

The main purpose of the website - the portfolio - is to demonstrate the most significant results of practical activities to assess your professional competence.

A portfolio website allows a teacher to analyze, summarize and systematize the results of his work, objectively assess his capabilities and plan actions to overcome difficulties and achieve better results.

Director of the Municipal Educational Institution - secondary school in the village. Baltai

S.A. Antonova

Analytical information.

1.3. The use in the educational process of health-saving technologies, methods and techniques for improving the health of children, recommended at the federal or regional level.

Health-saving technologies have become widespread in primary schools.

Health is the main factor determining the effectiveness of training. The teacher pays great attention to the health of children, since only a healthy child is able to successfully and fully master the curriculum. Every year, students of Levakhina N.V. take an active part in health days, sports events, and fun starts.

Every year, according to the work plan of the class teacher, Natalia Valentinovna conducts joint classes and meetings with traffic police officers on traffic rules in order to improve the prevention of road traffic injuries among children and adolescents.

Since 2008, the teacher has been working under the regional program “Basics of a Healthy Lifestyle.”

In the classroom and in extracurricular activities Levakhina N.V. a special role is assigned to students’ compliance with the daily routine and diet (program “Talk about proper nutrition"). Increasing physical activity, she conducts physical exercises (recommended at the regional level). The teacher complies hygienic conditions in the office: temperature, ventilation, rational lighting of the classroom and blackboard; places and duration of application of TSO; student poses and alternating them; psychological climate in the classroom.

Monitoring results on student satisfaction with the use of health-saving technologies in lessons in primary school

Director of the Municipal Educational Institution - secondary school in the village. Baltai

S.A. Antonova

Analytical information.

1.4. Organization of teaching activities taking into account individual characteristics students.

One of the main problems that a teacher has to solve is working with low-performing students. In the class of Levakhina N.V. there are low achievers, students who miss classes due to illness (weak general physical development, availability chronic diseases). To prevent this category of schoolchildren from falling into the category of underachieving students, the teacher conducts systematic work, which is reflected in the plan for working with low-performing students.

Working with gifted children.

The teacher’s educational activities are closely related to extracurricular work on the subject, which is aimed at developing the creative abilities of students, the development of speech, intelligence, and thinking. Extracurricular work on the subject is reflected in the holding of olympiads, reading competitions, quizzes, and brain rings. Every year, students of Levakhina N.V. take part in subject Olympiads, taking prizes.

In the 2009 - 2010 academic year, the teacher developed a program Program additional education association “I WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING”.

This educational program implements the following areas of educational activities:

  1. scientific and educational;

  2. socially useful;

  3. aesthetic.

Director of the Municipal Educational Institution - secondary school in the village. Baltai

Analytical information.

2. The effectiveness of the use of modern educational technologies and methods.

Extensive teaching experience, knowledge, a sense of high responsibility, love for children and their work, extraordinary hard work, a creative approach to work, the use of problem-based, partially search and research methods in the classroom, and modern educational technologies allow Levakhina N.V. achieve a high level of academic performance in all subjects.

Academic year


Number of students

% of progress

2006 - 2007

4 "b"



2007 - 2008

1 "a"



2008 - 2009

2 "a"



2009 - 2010

3 "a"



2010 - 2011

4 "a"



2. 1.Positive dynamics of students’ educational achievements.
The effectiveness of the educational process is consistently high. Students develop a high level of knowledge of theoretical material, competent writing, strong computational skills and problem solving abilities.

The percentage of students with “5” at the end of the school year and the percentage of students with “4” and “5” at the end of the school year are shown in the table.

Competent mastery of the methods of teaching subjects, skillful use of new forms, methods and techniques of teaching give positive results, which can be seen in the positive dynamics of educational activities.


Students who have a positive

dynamics of educational activities.



2007-2008 academic year.

2nd grade.


academic year

3rd grade.

2009-2010 academic year.

4th grade.

Russian language

Statnova Ek. - 4

Statnova Ek. - 4

Statnova Ek. - 5



no changes

no changes

no changes



Statnova Ek. - 4

Statnova Ek. - 4

Statnova Ek. - 5


The world around us

no changes

no changes

no changes


2. 2Achievements of students according to external certifications of various types.

In the 2010-2011 academic year (December), students of Levakhina N.V. took part in monitoring the educational achievements of students in the Russian language and mathematics, conducted by the Republican Center for Educational Education of the Saratov Region.

The monitoring results are given in the table.


F.I. student

Russian language


Number of points

% completed

Number of points

% completed


Gorbunov Valery






Gorbunov Sergey






Grachev Kirill





Goryachev Alexey






Epifanova Maria






Yesayan Diana






Ivanova Victoria






Lukyanenko Yulia






Merker Galina






Muidinov Ilyas






Nechaeva Liliya






Nikishov Yuri






Petrichenko Vladislav






Prokofieva Anna






Rogova Anastasia






Sazanov Anton






Simonova Victoria






Sokolov Nikita






Sugyan Olga






Suverneva Daria






Statnova Ekaterina






Teterina Anastasia






Tanishev Yuri





Average score:





2.3. Achievements of students in olympiads and competitions research work, scientific and practical conferences.

Identification of gifted children should begin as early as elementary school. This is facilitated by holding subject Olympiads. Students of Natalia Valentinovna Levakhina take an active part in decades of subjects, Olympiads in the Russian language, mathematics, and the surrounding world.

Every year, Natalia Valentinovna’s students take an active part in the International Game-Competition “Russian Bear Cub – Linguistics for Everyone”, in the International Competition – Game “Kangaroo”, All-Russian Competition “Man and Nature”, and take prizes.

2.4. Organization by the teacher of extracurricular socially significant activities.

Organization of circles, sections of general cultural, general intellectual, social and moral orientation.

The school has developed a certain system of work: the creation of original educational programs, the work of electives, and clubs.

In the 2009-2010 academic year, Natalia Valentinovna Levakhina developed the program Program of Additional Education of the Association “I WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING”.

This educational program implements the following areas of educational activities:

  1. scientific and educational;

  2. socially useful;

  3. aesthetic.
The program is based on developmental and cognitive activity students. It is aimed at developing interest in knowledge and creative initiative of students.

Involves the formation of additional knowledge and skills in the subjects of primary education.

The program gives each student the opportunity to demonstrate and realize their creative abilities, discover the secrets of nature, the secrets of the traditions of the peoples of the world, the fascinating world of mathematics, and study the society of school life.

In the 2010 – 2011 academic year, the program was developed: Program of additional education of the association “I WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING (Let’s talk about health)”

The purpose of the program is:

Formation of a healthy lifestyle in students.

Formation in children of the foundations of a nutritional culture as a component of a healthy lifestyle.

Creating optimal conditions for increasing the intellectual level, providing conditions for creative activity and self-realization of the student’s personality.

In the 2011–2012 academic year, as part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, teachers conduct extracurricular activities in three areas:

    1. Project activities
The program for organizing extracurricular activities for junior schoolchildren in the direction of “project activities” is intended to work with children in grade 1, and is a mechanism for integration, ensuring the completeness and integrity of the content of subject programs, expanding and enriching it.

    1. Scientific and educational activities.
“If you want to be healthy, eat right”

Involves the formation of ideas about health, motivation for a healthy lifestyle through rational nutrition;

consolidation of knowledge about healthy products and the vitamins contained in them, fostering a sense of responsibility for one’s health, and the formation of cognitive interest in the world around us.

    1. Socially useful activity
Provides for acquiring social and organizational skills, feeling responsibility not only for one’s own work, but also for the overall work; creating an attractive school site; implementation of socially significant initiatives, fostering a responsible attitude towards the team’s assignments, developing organizational and communicative competencies.
Natalia Valentinovna believes that one of the intensive methods of including young schoolchildren in public life is social design, which stimulates active civic training of students, which allows each student to really get acquainted with the functioning of various levels of the media, sociological services, as well as express themselves in the field of cultural and social activities. Using pedagogical cooperation, the methodology of collective common affairs, and the use of new gaming technologies, the teacher creates the necessary conditions for team unity, instills universal values, introducing children to their native culture and art.

Every year, students of Levakhina N.V. take part in socially significant projects and events:

      1. “Children for Children” (participation in charity concerts, collecting toys, clothes, school supplies for children from low-income families)

      2. “Acorn – 2010” (assisting the forestry enterprise in collecting seed material)

      3. “Let's clean the planet of garbage” (cleaning up the area near the school)

      4. “Victory Mile” (participation in sports competitions, dedicated to the Day Victory)

Analytical information.

3. Stable results of students mastering educational programs.

3.1. The share of 4th grade students who confirmed their annual grades for a primary school course based on the results of monitoring studies in primary school.

On April 26, 2010, regional monitoring of the educational achievements of 4th grade students took place. High quality knowledge was shown by students of grade 4A (teacher Levakhina N.V.), academic performance was 100%, the quality of knowledge in literary reading was 100%, the Russian language was 67.7%, mathematics was 80%, and the world around them was 100%.

Percentage of students who confirmed grades in the elementary course

schools – 70%.

Last name, first name of students

Annual assessment by subject

Assessment based on monitoring studies

Russian language



Surrounding world

Russian language



Surrounding world


Gorbunov Valery




Gorbunov Sergey




Grachev Kirill




Epifanova Maria




Yesayan Diana




Ivanova Victoria




Lukyanenko Yulia




Merker Galina




Muidinov Ilyas




Nechaeva Liliya




Nikishov Yuri




Petrichenko Vladislav




Prokofieva Anna




Rogova Anastasia




Sazanov Anton




Simonova Victoria




Sokolov Nikita




Sugyan Olga




Suverneva Daria




Statnova Ekaterina



Percentage of students

confirmed the estimates of the beginning. schools


3.2. The share of 5th grade students who confirmed their annual grades from primary school.

High-quality training of students allowed them to successfully complete primary school and enter 5th grade high school. When moving to 5th grade, Natalia Valentinovna’s graduates confirm their acquired knowledge at the next stages of development and show high results.

This table presents the results of students in grade 4 "b" (2006-2007 academic year) at the end of the year and students in grade 5 "b" (school year 2007 - 2008) at the end of the year, which confirmed the grades of the primary school.

Last name students first name

Russian language



District world




5 grades


5 grades

4 grades

5 grades


Vasilyeva T.










Gruzdeva H.










Jlavyan E.










Kuzmina An.










Kutumov S..










Lukyanenko S.










Lukyanenko M.










An's car.










Mesropyan L.










Muradyan A.










Natalushkin A.










Skozobov R.










Stenkin Iv.










Shahparyan T.










Shishkina N.










Yurlova Al.









Percentage of students

confirmed the estimates of the beginning. schools.





Analytical information.

4. Personal contribution to improving the quality of education based on improving teaching and educational methods.

4.1. Continuity vocational education, information about advanced training ( 3-5 years prior to certification).

The teacher systematically improves his professional level:

From 14.09 to 24.09.2010 completed training at the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Further Professional Education "Saratov Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers" in the additional professional educational program "Innovative pedagogical technologies in modern education» in the amount of 72 hours (registration number of the certificate 104);

From May 10 to May 23, 2011, she completed training at the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Further Professional Education “Saratov Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers” in the additional professional program “Theory and Methods of Primary Education in the Conditions of Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of NOO” in the amount of 96 hours (registration certificate number 2819).

In 2005, Natalia Valentinovna completed additional professional training under the Intel “Training for the Future” program, registration certificate number ST No. 05-10166 dated October 21, 2005.

Advanced training during the intercourse period through various shapes(seminars, round tables, master classes, etc.)


Seminar location

Seminar topic



G. Saratov


All-Russian festival “My First Teacher” (meeting with textbook publishers)



G. Saratov


Methodological seminar " Modern approaches to assessing the academic and extracurricular achievements of junior schoolchildren"



G. Saratov


Seminar “Laboratory of innovative and methodological ideas”



G. Saratov


Scientific and methodological seminar “Activities of a tutor in a modern educational institution”


4.2. The effectiveness of teacher participation in competitive events, programs, grants, and innovative projects of professional importance.

Levakhina Natalia Valentinovna actively takes part in various pedagogical competitions, as she believes that the skill of a teacher is achieved through well-organized work on the development of one’s creative potential.






All-Russian Small Academy of Sciences "Intelligence of the Future"

Extracurricular activities in subjects.



Municipal educational institution - secondary school with. Baltai RMO for primary school teachers.

Mathematics lesson in grade 4 “a” on the topic “Division by a three-digit number”



Ministry of Education of the Saratov Region.


Regional competition for the best class teachers


4.3. Participation in research and experimental work. activities.

On September 1, 2008, experimental sites for the implementation of health saving programs were opened on the basis of schools in the district (order dated September 1, 2008 by the education department of the Baltaysk region). Levakhina N.V. became a participant in the implementation of these programs.

In order to develop the experimental activities of a general education institution within the framework of the National Educational Initiative project “Our New School” on the basis of the Municipal Educational Institution - Secondary School of the village. In Baltai, an experimental platform was organized on the problem of education “Development of the child’s personality”. The experiment was carried out in 4th grade, where class teacher was Levakhina N.V. (order No. 133/1 dated September 1, 2010)
4.4. Generalization and dissemination of one’s own teaching experience.
Levakhina N.V.’s work experience is divided at meetings of teacher councils, school and city methodological associations of primary school teachers. Every year he conducts open lessons, master classes, and takes part in municipal and regional seminars.

Municipal level

        1. Speech at the RMO by primary school teachers on 02/24/2010 on the topic “Formation of universal learning activities among students at the level of primary general education” (ROM No. 3 dated 02/24/2010)

        2. Speech at the RMO by primary school teachers on August 27, 2010 on the topic “Modern approaches to assessing the academic and extracurricular achievements of junior schoolchildren” (ROM No. 1 dated 08/27/2010)

        3. Open lesson on the topic “Division by a three-digit number” (ROM protocol No. 4 dated 04/07/2011)

        4. Speech at the RMO by primary school teachers on the topic “Discussion of the draft Law on Education” (minutes of the RMO No. 1 on 08/30/2011)
Regional level

1. Conducting a master class at the regional seminar “Formation of the educational system of an educational institution.” September 2010.

Federal level

1. Participation in the International Correspondence Forum “Educational Potential of the 21st Century”. December 2010

Professional publications

    1. On the website of the Municipal Educational Institution - Secondary School with. Baltai, Baltai district, Saratov region, is hosting the development of an extracurricular activity.
Website address: http://baltayschool.ucoz.ru

    1. On the website "Aboutschoolru -freeschoolportal»
lesson developments are posted, extracurricular activities, presentations, teaching materials.

Website address: proshkolu.ru

    1. On the website Social network of educators "Our Network"
Developments of extracurricular activities and methodological materials for parent-teacher meetings are posted.

Website address: nsportal.ru

4.5. Professional expert activity.

From 2008 to 2010 Levakhina N.V. was a member of expert groups to review the portfolios of teachers undergoing certification for category 1.

Since 2008, Natalia Valentinovna has been the head of the regional methodological association of primary school teachers.
Director of the Municipal Educational Institution - secondary school in the village. Baltai


about the teacher's productive use

in the educational process of new educational technologies

In her lessons, Mustaeva Leysan Minnimukhamatovna uses various educational technologies:

Technology of project activities;

Health-saving technologies;

Information and communication technologies;

Problem-based learning technology;

Technology for the development of critical thinking;

Technology for assessing educational success.

The use of these technologies contributes to the development of students’ cognitive activity, forms a stable increased level interest, develops independent work skills, gives the teacher a tool for individual work with students, for pedagogical creativity.


Dana Mustaeva Leysan Minnimukhamatovna, chemistry teacher of MBOU Secondary School No. 5 in Dyurtyuli, that she was 01/14/2017. spent open lesson in 8th grade on the topic: “Acids” at a regional seminar for chemistry teachers.

Deputy Director

By educational work Suleymanova I.G.

Name of educational technology

Competencies that the use of educational technology aims to develop

Effects, effectiveness of using educational technology

Technology for developing critical thinking

Educational, training, cognitive, informational

During the use of technology, students began to ask more open-ended questions, and unfamiliar diagrams and drawings appeared in their notebooks. Many students began to use additional literature and Internet resources to prepare for lessons.

Technology of pedagogical workshops

Information and communication, social, moral

Our school has created all the conditions that allow you to engage in research activities, participate in city and regional competitions, promotions, and perform at scientific and practical conferences, i.e. show yourself as a developing personality.

Test technology

Productive, informational, personal

Increasing the level and quality of training, the systematic study of course topics, the ability to apply theoretical knowledge, increasing performance on the Unified State Exam and State Examination in grades 11 and 9, good results in internal and external assessment of knowledge.

Average USE score compared over three years (in%)

Quality of passing the OGE compared to three years (in%)

Problem-based learning technology

Personal, communicative, general cultural, productive

A higher level of development of attention, perception, memory, thinking, and speech of each student is achieved. The intellectual level of students and their cognitive activity increases.

Participation of students in Self-Government Days

Project-based learning technology

Communicative, informational, productive, general cultural

Design activities allow you to reveal the creative and educational level of students, participate in city and regional competitions, promotions, and speak at scientific and practical conferences. Helps increase motivation to learn, and, as a result, a high level of scientific knowledge of the subject of research

Gaming technologies

Value-semantic, social, personal

Interest in studying the subject has increased, as evidenced by the increase in the quantity and quality of creative works of students; students began to take an active part in Decades in the subject, school and city events.

Health-saving technologies

Moral, communicative, general cultural

The positive aspects of this technology are that it does not require excessive educational and methodological support; secondly, children are happy to perceive the elements of the lesson aimed at developing skills and health-saving skills: (physical education minutes, somatometric measurements, etc.)

Conclusion: the use of the listed educational technologies contributes to the intellectual development of students and increases motivation to learn. The presence of a system of activities for the use of modern educational technologies and methods in the educational process allows one to obtain high results.

Deputy Director for SD Suleymanova E.G.