Inflammation of the ovaries (oophoritis) is often accompanied by inflammation of the uterus and its appendages (adnexitis). Almost every woman has encountered this gynecological disease. reproductive age. Treatment should be comprehensive and include antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy, as well as drugs to enhance immunity and vitamins.

Immunostimulants for the treatment of ovarian inflammation

To increase general immunity, you can use Cycloferon, Anaferon, Immunal (available in the form of drops). These immunomodulators “turn on” the body’s defenses, so it itself fights the infection.

Treatment with vitamins

Vitamins are prescribed both during the main course of treatment of ovarian inflammation in women, and after it is completed, as preventive and maintenance therapy. If inflammation of the appendages and ovaries causes malfunctions monthly cycle, then the doctor can prescribe vitamins C, E, B according to a certain scheme.

Magnesium B6 has a positive effect on women's health.

All of these vitamins are available in the form of tablets or dragees and are sold without a prescription.

Fighting spikes

Since oophoritis, especially in its advanced form, is fraught with the occurrence of adhesions, which leads to problems with conception or even infertility, doctors prescribe the drug Longidaza as a preventive measure. It comes in the form of suppositories, which are administered rectally at night after bowel movements. The course consists of 10 suppositories, which are used once every 3 days.

If inflammation occurs for the first time and measures are taken in time to eliminate it, then Longidaza is not prescribed.

Inflammation of the appendages, uterus and ovaries is a rather insidious disease, as it can be accompanied by mild symptoms or generally have a hidden course. At the slightest sign of malaise, pain even of low intensity, malfunctions menstrual cycle You should consult a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe medications for treatment.

Every caring mother teaches her daughter from the very beginning early age take care of yours women's health: dress warmly for the weather, do not sit in the cold. In adulthood, childhood neglect of health can turn into illness. This article will discuss inflammation of the appendages in women: symptoms and treatment. Doctors interpret the concept of inflammation of the appendages as inflammation of the tube, ligaments and ovarian tissue and call it adnexitis (salpingo-orophitis). Learn about the forms of the disease, symptoms and treatment methods.

Causes of adnexitis

The main cause of inflammation of the appendages are microorganisms that have entered the cavity of the pipe. Infection transmitted only sexually: pathogens gonococcus, chlamydia, trichomanas, also coli provokes female body to the development of the disease, especially if a woman has a weakened immune system, she suffers from frequent fatigue and nervous strain. Often inflammation of the appendages occurs after childbirth or abortion as a complication.

Main signs and symptoms

Often the symptoms of adnexitis (inflammation of the appendages) are similar to signs of appendicitis; only an experienced doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis. Nagging, sharp or muted pain in the lower abdomen directly indicates that you urgently need to be examined by a gynecologist. At different forms inflammation of the appendages, body temperature can range from normal to 39 C. How do the symptoms of inflammation of the ovaries and appendages differ at different stages of the disease?

In acute form

An acute form of adnexitis (inflammation of the appendages) occurs when an infection enters the woman’s pelvic organs against the background of severe hypothermia. Often, with a diagnosis of “acute inflammation of the appendages,” inpatient treatment is recommended. During the acute form of adnexitis the following is observed:

  • sharp pain on one side of the abdomen or on both sides at once, which radiates to the lower back and legs;
  • high body temperature, reaching 39 C, chills, fever;
  • severe sharp pain during intimate intercourse;
  • copious uncharacteristic purulent discharge, sometimes foamy;
  • frequent painful urination, as with cystitis;
  • painful menstruation, cycle disruption.

For chronic

Untreated acute salpingo-orophitis (inflammation of the appendages) threatens to develop into a chronic one, which will often “remind” itself, especially in the off-season. Chronic inflammation of the appendages during exacerbation is characterized by:

  • frequent dull It's a dull pain in the groin, in the vagina;
  • severe pain before and during menstruation;
  • cycle disruption;
  • constant, albeit scanty, discharge;
  • long-term temperature 37.0 -37.6 C;
  • decreased libido, pain during intercourse;
  • violation of patency in the pipes, the appearance of adhesions;
  • inability to have a desired pregnancy with regular sexual activity;

With latent

Sluggish inflammation of the uterine appendages without obvious symptoms is called latent. This is the most dangerous form, since the disease can progress asymptomatically, causing only mild malaise, insomnia, and lethargy. In the absence of severe pain, women rarely seek help at the hospital. In this case, gynecology is considered even less often as a cause. Against the background of latent adnexitis (inflammation of the appendages), processes begin in the appendages, which lead to adhesions and then to complete infertility.

Diagnostic methods

When a woman contacts a gynecologist with relevant complaints, an examination should be prescribed, on the basis of which a diagnosis is made. Having analyzed the nature of the complaints, the presence of concomitant colds or gynecological diseases, the doctor examines the patient. Bimanual examination simultaneously through the vagina and abdominal wall helps determine whether the uterus and appendages are enlarged. Particular attention is paid to painful points.

An ultrasound examination is prescribed to clarify the size of possible enlargements of the fallopian tubes and ovaries and confirm the presumed diagnosis of inflammation of the appendages. A photo is taken so that it is possible to track the dynamics after treatment. Ultrasound diagnostics helps to detect foci of inflammation and possible abscesses in the pelvis. Using bacteriological culture, the doctor will select for treatment necessary antibiotics with inflammation of the appendages.

To find out about the presence of microorganisms that cause inflammation of the appendages in women: the main symptoms and treatment of which are determined by the doctor, from the vagina, cervical canal The secretions are collected and sent to the laboratory. When a certain infectious group is sown in the microflora, the doctor recommends that the sexual partner also undergo a thorough examination. Full recovery cannot occur with treatment of only one partner.

How to treat inflammation of the appendages in women

Like any disease, inflammation of the appendages in women: symptoms and proper treatment should be determined by a qualified doctor. A timely diagnosis of adnexitis and correctly prescribed medications and procedures will quickly relieve the painful symptoms of inflammation of the appendages. Fully followed instructions from a gynecologist will relieve negative consequences in the form of infertility, surgery.


The main treatment for inflammation of the appendages, prescribed by a gynecologist, is based on the complex use medicines. Based on their effects and method of application, they are divided into several categories. Treatment of inflammation of the appendages can be with the help of intramuscular, intravenous injections, tablets, suppositories and a course of physiotherapeutic procedures.


The choice of medicine depends on which microorganism is the causative agent. The prescribed dose of an antimicrobial drug should create such a concentration at the site of inflammation that it is enough to destroy cocci and bacteria. Apply:


To increase the body's resistance during treatment and recovery, immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed. By having an antioxidant effect on the body, they thereby increase a woman’s immunity. Dosages and duration of use are prescribed by the doctor individually to each patient. Apply:

  • "Imunofan";
  • "Gropsinosin";
  • "Polyoxidonium".

To prevent the body from reacting in the form of an allergy to any medicine used against inflammation of the appendages, it is prescribed in parallel antihistamines. Most tablets in this series are taken once a day. These include:

  • "Cetrin";
  • "Suprastin";
  • "Pipolfen."

Local treatment: vaginal suppositories and douching

In combination with tablets and injections, vaginal, rectal suppositories, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. Using suppositories for inflammation of the female organs, there is rapid local anesthesia, relief of pain symptoms, and the microflora is restored. Every night, douching with decoctions of chamomile, calendula, and a weak solution of manganese before inserting the suppository has a calming effect on inflamed tissues. Use candles with:

  • "Metronidazole";
  • "Nystatin";
  • "Hexicon";

  • "Betadine";
  • "Movalis";
  • "Polygynax".


Using an integrated approach to treatment, the doctor prescribes electrophoresis with absorbable medications such as aloe. The use of ultrasound and laser devices to treat inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes helps the body recover faster. Treatment with mud and mineral baths at a certain temperature, according to reviews, gives a very good positive effect.

Surgical intervention

In complex advanced cases, when the disease of inflammation of the appendages progresses quickly, surgical intervention cannot be avoided. The operation is prescribed when examination reveals purulent formations in the fallopian tubes. Laparoscopy is less traumatic and has a short recovery period after surgery. In the presence of a large amount of pus, multiple adhesions abdominal cavity, peritonitis, which can lead to death, a classic operation is prescribed by cutting the abdominal wall (laparotomy).

Treatment with folk remedies at home

Some methods have come down from our ancestors on how to treat inflammation of the appendages at home using herbal decoctions and other improvised means. These methods cannot be the main treatment; the doctor offers them as accompanying ones when the cause of the disease is identified and a diagnosis of adnexitis is made. Here are some ways:

  • Yarrow. Tea will help with an acute attack of pain. Dried yarrow (1 tablespoon) pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 10 minutes.
  • Oat infusion. 1.5 tablespoons oats, 2 tablespoons peppermint, 3 tablespoons of dried birch leaves pour half a liter of boiling water. Leave for an hour. Add honey, lemon juice. Drink 80-90 ml every 3 hours.
  • Honey tampon. Soak a gauze swab with honey and place it in the vagina overnight.

Possible complications and prevention of the disease

If incorrect or untimely treatment infertility develops. In some advanced cases, they are surgically removed female organs. To avoid this, you need to be examined by a gynecologist regularly, maintain the body’s immunity, and avoid abortions. Maintaining personal hygiene and constancy of the partner will help to avoid infection with infectious diseases.

Video: how to treat inflammation of the appendages in women

Frequently encountered, but no less dangerous disease adnexitis in women has a number of symptoms, which are discussed in the proposed video. What are the dangers of adhesions in pipes and ligaments and why do they appear? How to protect yourself from ectopic pregnancy? What is the main source of inflammation of the appendages and what should be the treatment? You will learn all this from the video.

Perhaps every girl in adolescence I heard from my mother or grandmother: “Dress warmly and don’t sit on a cold bench - you’ll get colds in your appendages!” Few were obedient girls, and the word “appendages” seemed completely incomprehensible: where are they, what are they “attached to” and why should I take care of them if I don’t feel them at all? How right mothers and grandmothers were, it becomes obvious only when the mysterious organs make themselves felt with unpleasant pain and so-called female problems...

Latent, sluggish, asymptomatic form inflammation of the appendages is the most dangerous. The inflammatory process in the body almost does not make itself felt, proceeds slowly but surely and mercilessly affects the appendages. The disease progresses, adhesions develop, leading to infertility. That is why it is important to regularly visit a gynecologist even in the absence of complaints - the doctor will be able to detect even a hidden disease in time.

Be careful! appendages - one of the most common reasons infertility. No less dangerous is the fact that this disease triples the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy.

Causes of inflammation of the appendages

The cause of inflammation of the appendages may be insufficient personal hygiene. Try to change sanitary pads as often as possible, at least twice a day. Avoid thong panties: the narrow strip connecting the front and back of such underwear can become a “direct path” to the female genital organs for harmful microorganisms living in the rectum.

  1. Sexually transmitted diseases are the most common cause of inflammation of the appendages. These include specific venereal diseases and diseases caused by conditionally pathogenic flora (Trichomonas, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, chlamydia, gardnerella, candida, etc.).
  2. Nervous overstrain. The lifestyle of a modern working woman has a detrimental effect on the immune system and weakens the body's natural defenses. Banal hypothermia of the legs, arms, lower back is enough, severe stress(even ordinary fear) to provoke the appendages.
  3. Hormonal disorders are directly related to the neuropsychic state of a woman. Against the background of hormonal emissions or, conversely, insufficient production of certain hormones, the hormones are disrupted, which is why small cysts can form in the appendages and unnecessary fluid accumulates. When a cyst begins, it can grow, fester, and spontaneously open, which can lead to very severe inflammation not only in the appendages, but also in nearby organs.
  4. Unclaimed sexuality. The reason is quite rare, but it exists. Sexual contact is not only an emotional release, but also a physical one, associated with improved blood flow in the internal genital organs.
  5. Viral diseases. appendages can arise as a complication after suffering from acute respiratory viral infection or influenza. Even something “harmless” on the lip can be reflected in inflammation of the appendages in a week or two.

Treatment of inflammation of the appendages

At proper treatment acute symptoms inflammation goes away within a few days. However, this does not mean that treatment can be stopped.
After the causes of the disease are determined, the gynecologist prescribes treatment, which consists of anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and restorative therapy. The healing process is quite long, but under no circumstances should it be interrupted, even if it seems that you have completely recovered.

Treatment of inflammation of the appendages includes the following steps:

  • taking antibiotics;
  • physiotherapy;
  • when identifying signs of chronic form and adhesive processes - preventive courses physiotherapy for 1.5-2 years;
  • when adhesions form ((sticking together of the walls of the fallopian tubes and ovaries) - e endoscopic surgery to cut them;
  • sanatorium-resort and balneotherapy.

Be careful! According to statistics, in half of the cases, acute appendages become chronic due to an interrupted course of treatment.

In women, the appendages are the fallopian tubes and ovaries. Accordingly, the left appendage is the left ovary and the left fallopian tube, similarly on the right.

Adnexit, or inflammation of the uterine appendages, is a common disease. When the appendages become inflamed, women experience pain in the lower back and lower abdomen.

With unilateral adnexitis, either the right appendage or the left appendage is inflamed. Bilateral adnexitis is an inflammatory process in which both the left and right appendages are affected simultaneously.

In men, the epididymis is located directly on the testicle itself.

Inflammation of the epididymis is called epididymitis. Spermatozoa are formed in the testicle, and mature and acquire motility in the epididymis. An inflamed epididymis can cause male infertility.

Uterus and adnexal region: inflammation is shown on the left

Causes of inflammation of the uterine appendages

Adnexitis and most inflammatory processes are caused by bacteria and viruses. All organs that are located above the cervix (uterus, tubes, ovaries), including the abdominal organs, are protected. The cervix is ​​a kind of barrier to pathogens. If for some reason the infection passes through this barrier and penetrates the uterine appendage, inflammation begins.

In 60–70% of cases, inflammation of the epididymis in men and the uterine appendages in women is caused by gonococci and chlamydia. Inflammation also develops in the presence of other types of cocci (streptococci, staphylococci), mycobacterium tuberculosis, E. coli, and herpes. Less commonly, inflammation is caused by other sexually transmitted infections (ureaplasma, trichomonas).

That is why, when a woman develops ovarian inflammation, symptoms and treatment depend on the type of infection. In the case of chlamydia and gonococci, signs of the disease appear immediately. Other bacteria do not cause symptoms and wait for the right moment to begin to actively multiply. To get rid of these infections, antibiotics are prescribed for inflammation of the appendages.

Inflammation of the epididymis in men - treatment

The medical name for inflammation of the epididymis is epididymitis.

In women, if ovarian inflammation is diagnosed, treatment is based on antibiotics. In men, inflammation begins for the same reasons as in the fair sex, so the treatment is similar.

The epididymis is inflamed

Inflammation of the epididymis can have the following causes:

  • infection;
  • blood stagnation (as a result of unsatisfied excitement, due to hemorrhoids or constipation, as well as due to alcohol intake);
  • injury to the testicles or scrotum;
  • surgical interventions.

Inflammation of the epididymis begins with sharp pain in one half of the scrotum. When moving, the pain radiates to the perineum, in some cases even to the lower back. On the side where the inflammation of the epididymis began, the skin of the scrotum enlarges and turns red. The body temperature rises to 38–39 °C, the usual symptoms of the inflammatory process appear: malaise, headache. The epididymis hurts when touched.

Epididymitis can occur in three forms: acute, subacute and chronic.

Acute form. The epididymis is very painful and sharply enlarged, the temperature rises high, the scrotum turns red and swells.

Under acute form. The onset of the disease is not the same severe symptoms. The epididymis does not hurt much, the temperature is moderately elevated.

Chronic form. The body temperature is normal, the epididymis hurts slightly.

In the acute form, the patient remains in bed and takes a course of antibiotics for two weeks. If suppuration of the epididymis has developed, surgery is performed. In severe cases, the epididymis may be removed, so if you suspect you have an epididymal infection, treatment folk remedies check with your doctor. And do not delay your visit to the gynecologist: the more advanced the disease, the longer the treatment will take and the higher the likelihood of surgical intervention.

In cases where the epididymis is inflamed or a woman develops ovarian inflammation, how to treat them can only be determined after an examination. There is no universal treatment regimen.

What makes it easier for bacteria to enter the uterus and fallopian tubes?

Ways of spreading infections

1. Age

It is believed that until the age of 25, the cervix does not fully fulfill its protective functions.

2. Douching

The vagina is the first barrier that prevents “foreign” bacteria from entering the body. Douching and vaginal douches wash out beneficial microflora - lactobacilli - from the vagina. Acidity and microflora are disrupted, and this gives the green light to pathogens.

3. Intrauterine device

The spiral is located in the uterus, and its threads exit into the vagina through the cervical canal. If the microflora in the vagina is disturbed, infection along these threads can penetrate the uterus and other genital organs. Using an IUD increases the risk of inflammation.

4. Number of sexual partners

A large number of sexual partners increases the likelihood of acute or chronic inflammation of the ovaries.

5. Sexual intercourse during menstruation

During menstruation, the cervical canal expands, making it easy for bacteria to penetrate through it.

6. Previous inflammations and surgical interventions in the pelvic organs

If a woman has previously suffered inflammation of the appendages and has not cured it completely, the bacteria remain and continue to multiply. During an abortion or other intervention in the “sterile” environment of the abdominal cavity, infection can also enter the fallopian tubes.

After any surgery on the pelvic organs, antibiotics are prescribed to exclude the possibility of the development of pathogenic microflora.

Inflammation of the epididymis (in men), ovaries and tubes (in women), contrary to popular belief, is not caused by hypothermia. This is not entirely true: hypothermia only creates favorable conditions for reproduction pathogenic bacteria, which had already fallen into the pipes before. Inflammation often begins after hypothermia, but not because of it. If there are no bacteria, cold will not cause inflammation.

Decreased immunity contributes to the exacerbation of chronic ovarian inflammation.

Signs of inflammation

Inflammation of the fallopian tubes

Signs of inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes do not always appear immediately; they are not obvious at first glance, and in some cases there are no symptoms at all. If a woman has a cold in her appendages, symptoms may appear not only in winter. Pain in the appendages also appears in the summer: just sitting on a cold slab, grass or stone.

  • General health. With adnexitis, a woman quickly gets tired and feels general weakness of the body. Body temperature rises, tingling and even bloating appear in the pelvic area.
  • Pain. If the appendages are inflamed, in women this manifests itself as severe pain in the lower abdomen. In some cases, they intensify during menstruation, and pain occurs during sex and when lifting weights. The pain radiates to the perineum, sacrum and lower back.
  • During menstruation. Your periods may become heavier and more painful than usual. Any symptoms of adnexitis tend to intensify (or appear) only during menstruation. The menstrual cycle may be disrupted.
  • During sex. Some women experience pain and other symptoms that worsen during sex.
  • Discharge. Inflammation of the ovaries or fallopian tubes often affects the amount and nature of discharge. The classic symptom of adnexitis is purulent discharge from the vagina.

If you suspect that you have such an inflammation, the symptoms and treatment will differ from those that your friends had - there is no point in trying to diagnose yourself. This disease is diagnosed by examination in a chair. Even if you have adnexitis, treatment with folk remedies, selected independently, can worsen not only the course of the disease itself, but also the general state of health. If you find signs of inflammation of the uterine appendages (acute or chronic adnexitis), treatment with folk remedies or pharmaceutical drugs should be carried out after studies that confirm the diagnosis.

Symptoms that at first glance are caused by inflammation of the appendages may actually belong to a completely different disease, which “appears under the guise” of adnexitis. Therefore, even in cases where you are 100% sure that you have ovarian inflammation, how to treat it must be decided by your doctor. First of all, because he will be able to make a correct diagnosis.

If you have inflammation of the fallopian tubes or ovaries, the symptoms, treatment and consequences of the disease depend on whether it occurs in acute or chronic form.

Acute adnexitis: symptoms, treatment

Acute adnexitis, in addition to pain in the sacrum and lower abdomen, causes severe symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • constipation;
  • increased body temperature (up to 39 °C);
  • chills;
  • dizziness.

In acute adnexitis, symptoms intensify after hypothermia, physical activity, sex and overexertion. If timely treatment is not carried out, the disease can become chronic. Unlike chronic inflammation of the ovaries, the acute form of adnexitis is highly treatable.

Chronic adnexitis: symptoms, treatment

Chronic inflammation of the ovaries in women produces pain in the anus, sacral area, groin and lower abdomen. Adhesions may appear, which leads to disruption of the functioning of not only the ovaries, but also the fallopian tubes, bladder and other pelvic organs.

At chronic inflammation ovaries, the menstrual cycle is disrupted in many women.

Heavy discharge is also a sign of inflammation of the uterine appendages.

Due to adhesions, the egg cannot pass through the fallopian tubes:

Chronic inflammation of the uterine appendages (chronic adnexitis) leads to the appearance of adhesions and obstruction of the tubes. If left untreated, chronic inflammation of the uterine appendages can cause infertility. Despite the fact that chronic inflammation of the ovaries and tubes is difficult to treat, the disease must be kept under control.


For diagnosis, the doctor examines the patient in a gynecological chair. In case of inflammation, palpation (feeling with a finger) of the lower abdomen causes severe pain. The gynecologist also evaluates general analysis blood and smear. The bacteria that caused the inflammation are not always detected in the smear; they may no longer exist in the vagina.

To clarify the diagnosis of “inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries,” an ultrasound is performed.

Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages allows you to most accurately diagnose disorders in the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system. Ultrasound of the appendages is usually performed through the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity. An hour or two before the examination, drink 1–1.5 liters of water, since the tubes and ovaries can only be accurately examined with a full bladder.

If the gynecologist performs an ultrasound of the appendages through the vagina, then before the examination bladder, on the contrary, it needs to be emptied. An ultrasound of the uterus and appendages reveals whether the organs have increased in size and by how much: the more they are enlarged, the more pronounced the inflammatory process. With adnexitis, an ultrasound shows that the tubes are dilated, filled with fluid, and cysts have formed on the ovaries.

How to treat inflammation of the appendages?

Many women who have inflamed appendages determine the symptoms, treatment and form of the disease on their own. With the sad consequences that this gives traditional treatment adnexitis, doctors often have to deal with.

In cases where ovarian inflammation develops, symptoms and treatment depend on the stage of the disease. The inflammation affects not one, but several organs. Most likely, the disease affected both the tubes and the ovaries.

To suppress the development of bacteria, antibiotics are prescribed for inflammation of the appendages. If a diagnosis of “inflammation of the appendages” is made, treatment (antibiotics) is prescribed depending on the sensitivity to the drugs. If you have undergone a course of treatment, but have not completely treated the inflammation of the appendages, symptoms and treatment in the future depend on how severely the organs are affected.

How to treat inflammation of the uterine appendages (drugs, period of their use), the doctor decides depending on the condition of the patient’s body, her age, drug tolerance, symptoms and other factors.

The appendages rarely become inflamed during pregnancy: pregnancy “maintains” their health. However, if conception occurred against the background of developed inflammation, under no circumstances take the medications that were prescribed to you earlier. During pregnancy, treatment is carried out taking into account numerous contraindications associated with your position.


Since the cause of adnexitis is infection, the appendages are treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics for appendages infected with dangerous bacteria are a must. Unfortunately, vitamins and physiotherapy are not enough here. The pills must be selected correctly based on what infections you have, what symptoms predominate, what your sensitivity to certain drugs is, what your medical history is, what pills you are still taking - and many other factors. That is why the doctor must determine how to treat the disease.

Antibiotics for appendages affected by inflammation suppress the development of pathogenic microflora that could penetrate during surgery on the pelvic organs. If a woman develops inflammation of the appendages, treatment (antibiotics wide range action) is aimed at destroying all pathogenic microflora. To cover as many types of bacteria as possible that can enter the appendage area, gynecologists prescribe several types of antibiotics at the same time.

Treatment of appendages with antibiotics is effective, but in no case should it be “prescribed to oneself.”

Symptoms similar to inflammation of the uterine appendages may have uterine fibroids, endometriosis and other diseases. In this case, taking antibiotics will only worsen your condition.

Desensitizers- drugs that prevent allergic reaction for antibiotics.

Anti-inflammatory drugs- soothe inflammation.

Painkillers- with severe pain.

Local preparations- ointments, tampons with antibiotics, suppositories for inflammation of the appendages help restore the health of the pelvic organs, but their effectiveness is not enough. Suppositories for inflammation of the appendages can only complement the main treatment - taking antibiotic tablets.

Physiotherapy- physiotherapeutic procedures complement the main treatment. When signs of ovarian inflammation subside, physical therapy is prescribed. These are ultrasound, electrophoresis, UV irradiation, paraffin applications and others.

One- and two-sided adnexitis also responds well to treatment at mud resorts. For chronic inflammation of the ovaries, after the symptoms have passed, the doctor may recommend undergoing a course of therapy at resorts with radon and hydrogen sulfide waters.

Removing appendages is a last resort. Before you decide to have surgery, consult with several doctors.

Inflammation of the appendages: alternative treatment

Do you feel pain in the appendages and notice other symptoms of inflammation? Are you looking on the Internet for “inflammation of the ovaries, how to treat” or “inflammation of the appendages, folk treatment”? Instead, see your gynecologist. Only a specialist can make a diagnosis and prescribe effective, safe therapy. If you have inflammation of the appendages, a gynecologist can also prescribe folk remedies.

Just a few decades ago, adnexitis was not a common disease: sexually transmitted infections did not spread as quickly and widely as they do now. Therefore, for the diagnosis of “inflammation of the appendages”, folk remedies are most often very “young” and have not proven their effectiveness and safety. If you find recipes with headings like “Inflammation of the appendages: traditional treatment”, “Treatment of the appendages with folk remedies” or “Folk treatment of the appendages”, consult a gynecologist before using them. Women's forums and sites where you can find advice on the topic “Folk treatment” (adnexitis, endometriosis and other diseases) contain very controversial advice.

Examples of recipes from the series “treatment of appendages with folk remedies”:

“Prepare garlic water tampons. Insert them as deeply as possible to the site of inflammation. To do this, it is better to use a gynecological speculum (you can buy it at the pharmacy). If you feel a burning sensation, wash yourself. You can use onions instead of garlic.”

“Pick wormwood. Pour two liters of water into a bucket and put on fire. Throw the prepared herb into boiling water. Remove the bucket from the stove and sit over it for about twenty minutes.”

It is not known what is worse: inflammation of the ovaries, the treatment of which will now be delayed, or such “folk treatments for the appendages” and burns after them. If a woman suspects that she has inflammation of the appendages, treatment with folk remedies, such as heating, is unsafe. Pain in the lower abdomen can cause benign tumor, and by applying a warm heating pad it will begin to grow rapidly.

If you have inflammation of the ovaries, alternative treatment should not only be effective, but also safe for health.

7 simple rules for preventing adnexitis

1. To prevent inflammation of the appendages (ovaries and fallopian tubes), consult a doctor at the first symptoms.

2. Make sure that you have treated the disease. An untreated disease turns into chronic adnexitis: its treatment is more expensive not only for health, but also for the family budget. Chronic ovarian inflammation in women can have a significant impact on quality of life.

3. If you are sexually active and do not plan to become a mother in the near future, choose reliable methods of contraception. Abortion can lead to infection in the genital tract and, as a result, cause inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries.

4. In the case when a woman has a cold in her appendages, the symptoms will not take long to appear. Therefore, to reduce the likelihood of chronic ovarian inflammation and prevent removal of the appendages, dress for the weather.

5. Don't lift heavy objects.

6. Organize your schedule: there should be time for work and time for rest. Overwork leads to weakened immunity, which can lead to inflammation.

7. The fewer sexual partners, the easier it is to maintain health.

The uterine appendages - the fallopian tubes and ovaries - are located in the pelvis on either side of the uterus. Infectious agents enter the appendages from the vagina or uterus. Inflammation more often can be caused by staphylococcus, gonococcus, chlamydia. Separate inflammation of the tube and ovary is observed very rarely; usually the inflammatory process involves the tube and ovaries.

Causes of inflammation of the appendages.

Oophoritis is an inflammation of the ovaries, often combined with inflammation of the fallopian tubes (salpingitis). The cause of the disease can be a variety of microorganisms; as a rule, they occur in combination and are often resistant to antibiotics. The inflammatory-changed fallopian tube fuses with the ovary, forming a single inflamed formation. Formation of pus in fallopian tube leads to destruction of ovarian tissue.

Symptoms of inflammation of the appendages.

Acute inflammation manifests itself as pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region, high temperature body, chills, impaired urination. In the chronic stage, patients are bothered by pain in the lower abdomen, menstrual irregularities, discharge from the genital tract, and with exacerbations - worsening general condition. When pus breaks through into the abdominal cavity, a serious complication develops - inflammation of the peritoneum (pelvioperitonitis). A serious complication is the formation of adhesions in the abdominal cavity, and, as a result, infertility.

Treatment of inflammation of the appendages.

Treatment is selected depending on the causative agent of the disease. In case of an acute process, rest, ice on the lower abdomen (in the first days), painkillers, antimicrobial drugs (usually at least two) are necessary. At the same time, restorative therapy and physiotherapy are prescribed. If drug therapy is unsuccessful, surgical treatment is performed.

Modern reliable methods for treating even chronic inflammation have been developed, including a course of antibiotic injections (gentamicin) directly into the ovaries, anti-inflammatory vaginal tampons and injections into the ovary of an enzyme (lidase) that resolves adhesions.


Antibacterial drugs
Azithromycin (Sumamed)
Hexamethylenetetramine (Urotropin)
Gentamicin (Garamycin, Gentosep)
Doxycycline (Doxibene, Doxinate, Medomycin, Unidox Solutab)
Clindamycin (Dalacin, Klimitsin, Klindafer, Klinda-fer, Clindacin, Klinoxin)
Metronidazole (Klion, Trichobrol, Trichozol, Trichopol, Flagyl)
Nalidixic acid (Nevigramon, Negram)
Roxithromycin (Rulid)
Cefotaxime (Claforan, Taksim)
Ceftriaxone (Megion, Oframax, Rocephin, Cefaxone)
Ciprofloxacin (Aquacipro, Arflox, Afenoxin, Ifi-cipro, Quintor, Quipro, Liproquin, Medociprin, Microflox, Proxacin, Procipro, Recipro, Tseprova, Ci-plox, Cyprinol)
Vitamin preparations
Vitamin C (Biovital vitamin C, Redoxon, UPSA C, Ce-
lascon) VitaminE Rutin
Acetylsalicylic acid (Asalgin, Aspilite, Aspirin, Aspirin Upsa, Fortalgin)
Metamizole sodium (Analgin, Baralgin, Veralgan, Maxigan, Nospaz, Spasvin, Spazmalgon, Tempalgin)

Home remedies for treating inflammation of the uterine appendages (adnexitis, oophoritis, salpingitis):

    Boil fresh cabbage leaves in milk. Pour the contents into a suitable vessel and, sitting on it, take a steam bath. The procedure is repeated until the inflammation stops.

    In case of inflammation of the appendages, drink on an empty stomach juice obtained from 1 medium-sized whole raw potato (about 0.3 cups of juice). Before drinking, mix the juice well so that the settled starch becomes suspended. The course of treatment should be carried out in late summer, autumn and winter until March.

Herbs and herbs for inflammation of the uterine appendages (adnexitis, oophoritis, salpingitis):

    Take equal parts by weight of sweet clover herb, centaury herb and coltsfoot flowers. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour and strain. Take 0.3 cups 6 times a day for 3-4 weeks for inflammation of the appendages.

    Take equal parts of sweet clover grass and coltsfoot flowers. Brew 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Drink 3-4 tablespoons 5 times a day. The course of treatment for inflammation of the uterine appendages is 2-3 weeks with complete abstinence from sexual activity.

    Take equal parts of coltsfoot leaf, sweet clover herb, chamomile flowers, calendula flowers and centaury herb. Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Take 0.3 cups 6 times a day before meals and between meals for 1-2 months. During treatment, complete abstinence from sexual activity is necessary. Used for inflammation of the ovaries and infertility.

    Take by weight 2 parts of wild mallow flowers and oak bark, 3 parts of sage leaf, 5 parts of chamomile flowers. Prepare a decoction of 2 tablespoons of the mixture per 1 liter of water. Use for douching and vaginal tampons for inflammation of the uterine appendages.

    Pour 1 bucket of boiling water over 50 g of juniper berries and stems, leave for 2 hours and strain. Use for baths for inflammation of the uterine appendages.

    Pour 2 tablespoons of cinquefoil herb with 2 cups of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Drink on an empty stomach and before each meal, 0.5 cups 4 times a day. At night, douche with a more concentrated infusion: pour 5 tablespoons of the herb into 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 1 night in a thermos.

Treatment of ovarian inflammation with folk remedies

    For about 20 minutes, you should hold your hands and soles of your feet in a vessel filled with a very liquid clay solution. This solution can be used 2 or 3 times.

    Regarding full baths, Vanga gives the following recommendations: “You need to make a fairly large round hole in the ground. Fill it with water and good clay. Mix the clay and water well to form a light liquid mass, place the patient there so that only his head remains free.”
    Of course, this bath can only be done outdoors in the warm season. In cool weather, take baths in warm water, without renewing the clay, 6–7 times (twice a week). After the bath, put the patient to bed, cover him well and let him drink a hot infusion of herbs. Such baths are useful primarily for treating the lower abdomen, kidneys, hips, and legs. The duration of the bath is from 30 minutes to one hour, depending on the specific case and the patient’s tolerance of the procedure.

    A decoction of bergenia rhizomes: pour 10 grams of chopped bergenia rhizomes with one glass of boiling water, boil for half an hour in a water bath, strain while hot, cool. Use for daily douching.

    Chamomile decoction oak bark, cinquefoil, cinquefoil and knotweed: mix 20 grams of chamomile flowers, 10 grams of oak bark, 10 grams of cinquefoil root, 30 grams of cinquefoil leaf, 50 grams of knotweed. Pour two tablespoons of this mixture into one liter of water and boil for 15 minutes. Use for douching and tamponing when leucorrhoea appears.

    A decoction of yarrow, sage, rosemary and oak bark: mix 20 grams of yarrow herb, 20 grams of sage leaves, 20 grams of rosemary leaves, 40 grams of oak bark. Pour this mixture into three liters of water, boil for half an hour in a water bath, strain. Do two vaginal douches daily.

    Infusion of calendula flowers: pour three grams of calendula flowers into one glass of boiling water. Leave for one hour, strain. Use for douching daily.

    Infusion of nettle, St. John's wort, mistletoe, oak, chamomile, rose and lungwort: mix 10 grams of nettle, 10 grams of St. John's wort herb, five grams of mistletoe, five grams of oak bark, five grams of chamomile flowers, five grams of rose petals and five grams of lungwort root. Pour one and a half liters of boiling water over this mixture and boil in a water bath for 20 minutes. Leave for half an hour. Do hot irrigation twice a day.

    Infusion of various herbs: mix 20 grams of oak bark, 20 grams of daisy leaves, 20 grams of mistletoe herb, 20 grams of nettle, 10 grams of shepherd's purse and 10 grams of water pepper. Pour two tablespoons of this mixture into one liter of boiling water. Leave for 2 – 3 hours. Use hot for douching. Douche 3 – 4 times a day.

    Nettle juice: Dissolve one teaspoon of juice from fresh nettle leaves in one quarter glass of water. Drink this dose three times a day 20 minutes before meals.

    Decoction of St. John's wort herb: pour one tablespoon of St. John's wort herb with one glass of boiling water and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat, strain. Drink one quarter glass three times a day for a week.

    Decoction of viburnum flowers: brew one tablespoon of viburnum flowers with one glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes. Drink one tablespoon three times a day for two weeks.

    Infusion of knotweed herb, horsetail, centaury and cinquefoil: mix 10 grams of knotweed herb, 10 grams of horsetail herb, 30 grams of centaury herb, 50 grams of cinquefoil herb. Pour one tablespoon of this mixture into one glass of boiling water. Leave for one hour, strain. Drink in sips throughout the day.

    Licorice root tincture: 100 grams of dry crushed licorice roots, pour half a liter of vodka. Leave for a month, shaking the contents periodically, strain, and squeeze out the rest. Take 30 drops twice a day - afternoon and evening - for inflammation of the ovaries.

    Tea from viburnum berries: pour one tablespoon of viburnum berries with one glass of boiling water, leave, strain. Take one quarter glass four times a day half an hour before meals for inflammation of the female genital organs.

    Before treatment, you must first cleanse the intestines, but not with castor oil, and stay in bed if possible, especially when you have a fever. Place an ice pack on your stomach.

    From acute inflammation getting rid of it is not so difficult, you just need to be treated carefully, but chronic things can only be healed, since when the right case occurs, for example a cold, it makes itself felt again. For chronic inflammation, it is best to take mud baths. Women benefit from hot douching and complete abstinence from sexual intercourse until the pain disappears.

    To calm the pain, it is good to lubricate (but do not rub!) the lower abdomen with ichthyol or ichthyol ointment(1:3), and put ichthyol-glycerin tampons into the vagina.

    It is beneficial to eat as much pumpkin as possible in all types. Especially good raw pumpkin pass through a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice and drink. A decoction of corn cob hair also helps, and the cobs must be completely ripe.

    With long-term consumption of yogurt, the likelihood of internal and external inflammatory processes is sharply reduced. You can drink yogurt at any time of the year.

    Boil the forest hay and let the patient sit over the steam. Repeat the procedure every day until inflammation in the ovaries disappears.

    Stand over the steam rising from unwashed sheep wool poured into boiling water.

    Boil a head of cabbage, pour in fresh milk and sit over the steam.

    Sit over the steam coming from boiled black radishes, drizzled with olive oil.

Inflammation of the female genital organs is accompanied by a vascular-tissue reaction to the influence of pathogens that cause inflammation of a particular organ. The causes of inflammation are a variety of microbes, most often streptococci, staphylococci, gonococci, E. coli, tuberculosis bacillus, fungi, viruses. They enter the genitals during sexual intercourse and other means. In acute inflammatory processes, pain is observed in the lower abdomen, often radiating to the lower back, sacrum and hips; increase in temperature; purulent discharge.

Folk remedies for treating inflammation of the female genital organs:

    20 g of bay laurel per bucket of water. Use for sitz baths for diseases of the uterus and bladder.

    Pour a tablespoon of St. John's wort herb with a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, strain. Drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day with inflammation of the genital organs.

    Pour a tablespoon of dried and crushed walnut leaves into a glass of boiling water. Leave for 4 hours. Drink in a day.

    Take 1 part of sweet clover herb and 10 parts of coltsfoot herb. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water. Leave in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool and strain. Drink 1/2 glass 3 times a day with inflammation of the appendages.

    Take the juice of fresh aloe leaves orally, a dessert spoon 2-3 times a day before meals. for inflammation of the female genital organs.

    There is an effective infusion for vulvitis, which can be prepared within an hour. It will relieve both pain and unpleasant tickling. All other remedies for inflammation of the labia take from a week to a month to prepare. Grind the thick-leaved root, pour 200 ml of boiling water and cover the vessel with a lid. Leave to sit at room temperature. After an hour, you can make lotions. The more often the procedures are performed, the faster the itching will go away.

    Pass the raw pumpkin through a meat grinder, squeeze the juice out of the pulp and consume it in large quantities for inflammation of the female genital organs.

    Pour 1 cup of boiling water over a teaspoon of blueberry leaves, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Use for external treatment of wounds, ulcers, as well as for douching as an astringent, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent for inflammation of the female genital organs.

    Prepare an infusion of small-leaved linden flowers at the rate of 2–3 tablespoons of raw material per 2 cups of boiling water. Take orally. For external use, pour 4-5 tablespoons of flowers with 2 cups of boiling water and leave. Apply infusion for inflammation of the female genital organs.

    Barberry helps well: pour 1/2 teaspoon of dried roots into a glass of water, boil for 30 minutes, strain and take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day for inflammation of the female genital organs.

    Use for inflammation of the female genital organs jasmine flowers and leaves. Take yasnotka both internally and externally - in the form of douching for inflammation of the genital organs. Infusion for internal use: pour 2–3 tablespoons of herb into 0.5 liters of boiling water in a thermos ( daily norm), insist. For external use, double the amount of herb.

    Pour a tablespoon of yarrow herb into 1 cup of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Drink 1/3 glass 2-3 times a day before meals. Infusions and decoctions of yarrow are used as a hemostatic agent and accelerate blood clotting during external and internal bleeding ( uterine bleeding from inflammatory processes and fibroids, intestinal, hemorrhoidal).

    Flowers of sweet clover, herb of centaury, flowers of coltsfoot - equally. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes and strain. Take 1/3 cup 6 times a day with inflammation of the ovaries.

    Pour 10 g of corn stalks with stigmas into 200 ml of boiling water. Prepare a decoction. Take 1 tablespoon every 3 hours. Apply at women's diseases as a hemostatic, sedative, diuretic and choleretic agent.

    Pour 10 g of herb tripartite into a glass of water at room temperature, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, strain and cool. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day with uterine bleeding and inflammation of the genital organs.

    In inflammatory processes of the female genital organs, against leucorrhoea A decoction of thorn roots is used. Pour 5 g of roots or bark of branches with 1 glass of water and boil for 15 minutes. Drink in small sips, like tea. For douching, the decoction is diluted boiled water 1:1.

IN folk medicine In Belarus, juniper berries are popular for inflammation of the appendages. They are collected in the second year of life, when they turn black and are covered with a bluish coating. One tablespoon of berries is poured into 300 ml of boiling water, simmered all night in a cooling oven, but you can also infuse it in a thermos for at least six hours. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day half an hour before meals. I would just like to point out that juniper is undesirable when chronic diseases kidney It is also not suitable for long-term use. After four, maximum five weeks, if there is no improvement, you need to move on to other means.
And they can be different. Potentilla anseri was tested. A water infusion is prepared from the herb - 2 tablespoons per 2 cups of boiling water. After an hour, you can start drinking half a glass 4 times a day, in the morning on an empty stomach, then before each meal. At night, douching is done with a more saturated steam:
5 tablespoons per 0.5 liter of boiling water, leave all day in a thermos.

Wintergreen treats not only prostatitis in men, but also women's diseasesinflammatory processes in the uterus, obstruction of the tubes. The herb is brewed like tea - a pinch per glass, this is approximately a teaspoon. It wouldn't hurt to add a little St. John's wort. Napar tastes very pleasant, with a delicate aroma. They drink it 3 glasses a day for a long time, for 3 to 4 months.
In combination with wintergreen, it is recommended to do a therapeutic enema of chamomile infusion after a cleansing enema, with intervals between them of 30 - 40 minutes. A tablespoon of chamomile is infused for half an hour in 100 ml of boiling water, allowed to cool to human body temperature, filtered and after administering the enema, lie on its side until the infusion is completely absorbed inside. If it doesn’t work, then repeat. After just a few procedures, painful, aching pain disappears.

According to some reviews, inflammation of the appendages is completely cured by this method. Prepare a herbal mixture from wormwood, speedwell, chamomile flowers, taking 5 parts of each, adding 1 part of yellow clover, mixing everything thoroughly. Five tablespoons of this collection are poured into 1 liter of boiling water and left for 25 minutes. Before this they have time to do a cleansing enema. Two glasses of the decoction are immediately drunk hot at night. 300 ml with a temperature of 37.5 ° C is used shortly before bedtime for douching, and after that 150 ml is administered rectally into the rectum, lying on the side. Already the first few procedures will bring relief, but you need to be treated until complete recovery for 2 months, doing all this 2 - 3 times a week.

Prepare the following collection: Small centaury, herb 35.0 Coltsfoot, flowers 35.0 Sweet clover, officinalis, flowers 30,
2 tbsp. spoons of the dry crushed mixture into a thermos with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 1-2 hours, strain and drink 1/3 cup 5-6 times a day for 3-4 weeks for inflammation of the appendages.

During the treatment period it is necessary to abstain from sexual activity.

Prepare the following collection: Chamomile, flowers 35.0 Chernobyl, herb 30.0 Veronica officinalis, herb 30.0 Sweet clover, herb 5.0
5 tbsp. spoons of the collection, pour 1 liter of boiling water into a thermos, leave for 1-2 hours (during this time, do a cleansing enema), strain and drink 2 glasses of hot broth at night. Use 300 ml of decoction for vaginal douching (introduce warm - temperature 37.5°C). Use 150 ml of the decoction for an enema (after administration, lie on your right side). Perform procedures 2-3 times a week. The course of treatment for inflammation of the appendages is 2 months.