Feeling complete bladder. And there is little urine output. During the day I urinate very often due to the feeling of a full bladder. In the morning it feels like it will burst. And to help a little and for a long time. An unpleasant nagging pain appeared at the bottom of the bladder. Sincerely. Thanks in advance.

Andrey, St. Petersburg

ANSWERED: 11/29/2017

Hello, Andrey. The cause of this phenomenon may be simple cystitis. In order to identify the cause, it is necessary to undergo an examination (general urinalysis, Nechiporenko, ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder) and with the results of the examination contact a urologist for a consultation.

Clarification question

ANSWERED: 11/29/2017 Lastkova Natalya Donetsk 0.0 neurologist, psychologist, associate professor

Hello, Andrey. Besides general analysis urine, urine analysis according to Nechiporenko, ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder, I would recommend that you do AND TRUS - to examine the prostate. Adenoma or prostatitis can also give similar symptoms. And then with the results of further examination - on face-to-face appointment see a urologist. I wish you good health and all the best.

Clarification question

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I can’t strain my bladder or control the flow of urine; I sit for several minutes each time. When pressed, more urine comes out. No pain.

Feeling of a full bladder after urination in men - common problem. It may be associated with muscle hypertonicity or caused by pathology genitourinary organs. Some systemic diseases can also cause this phenomenon.

Have you passed full examination doctors in the last 5 years?



Inflammation of the bladder due to injury, hypothermia, hormonal disorders, blood stagnation. It is often caused by complications after infection of nearby organs. The chronic form of the disease is practically asymptomatic. characterized by a feeling of incomplete emptying, discomfort and pain at the end of urination. Blood appears in the urine, discomfort is felt in the lower abdomen or It's a dull pain. Inflammation often spreads to the kidneys and causes pyelonephritis. Antibiotics are used as treatment. Antispasmodics are suitable for pain relief. It is also necessary to take diuretics and follow a special diet.


Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra. Occurs due to injury, metabolic disorders or allergies. Infectious urethritis is associated with venereal diseases or reproduction of opportunistic microflora brought from the intestines. , complicating the outflow of urine. Therefore, there is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder after urination in men. During urination and intimacy, pain and pain occur. Particles of blood and pus are released with semen and urine. A slight increase in temperature is possible. The disease often spreads to the internal and external genitalia and causes scarring. The basis of treatment is antibiotic therapy. For fungal infections, antimycotics are prescribed. Drip administration of drugs into the urethra and external antiseptic treatment have a positive effect.


Inflammatory process in the prostate gland. Predisposing factors include hypothermia, congestion, previous infections, and sedentary work. Often there is an immediate chronic prostatitis. It is characterized by a sluggish course and erased symptoms. Patients are concerned about discomfort in the perineum during urination and defecation. Possible under voltage. The acute form of the disease is more pronounced. It is accompanied by severe pain spreading throughout groin area. . A strong increase in temperature is possible. Significant inflammation threatens the formation of an abscess and infection of other organs genitourinary system. Patients are prescribed antibiotics, massage, and physiotherapy. It is important to boost your immunity and avoid bad habits.


They exert strong pressure on the bubble and provoke its rapid filling. Because of this, men constantly experience a feeling of a full bladder. Urination becomes difficult, and blood appears in the urine. Burning, pain and stinging are also possible. Patients are concerned about incontinence or, conversely, urinary retention. New growths are removed surgically. When found cancer cells chemotherapy and radiation exposure are performed.

Urethral strictures

Scarring in the urethra caused by inflammation or mechanical damage. With this pathology, there is no opportunity to urinate normally. You have to work hard. The stream is weak and splashes to the sides. . The process of urine outflow is accompanied by severe pain. The disease threatens complete fusion of the urethra. Urination becomes impossible, so a tube is inserted into the peritoneum to allow fluid to flow out into the urine bag. Surgery to dissect scars and urethroplasty is indicated as treatment.


Formation of stones in the organs of the urinary system. Stones obstruct the flow of urine, causing a feeling of a full bladder in men and unbearable pain. Blood streaks appear in the urine. The stream is intermittent. There is constant pulling in the lower abdomen and radiates to the sides and lower back. This condition threatens to impair the functioning of the kidneys and bladder, leading to complete organ failure. Small stones do not require surgical intervention. To dissolve them, it is enough to take special medications and physiotherapeutic procedures. Large stones are crushed surgically.

Other diseases

Disorders of the central nervous system sometimes provoke false signals about the feeling of a full bladder in men. In this case, there is a urge, but you cannot urinate. There is no pain or discharge. Constipation also contributes to the problem. The overfilled intestines press on the bladder, and it seems that urine has accumulated in it. A complete examination, identification and treatment of the primary pathology will help cope with the phenomenon.

Men who are haunted by the feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder should consult a urologist. There are no safe causes for this problem. And advanced pathologies threaten serious complications.

Is it possible for men to have an intermittent stream of urine? dangerous symptom? Difficulty urinating in men - an alarm bell or a symptom of age?

Any person experiences the feeling of a full bladder several times a day. To get rid of it, healthy person just go to the toilet.

However, urination does not always lead to the desired result - a feeling of fullness may remain. Such a violation is a signal of a problem in the urinary system or, less commonly, a sign of a malfunction of other systems.

The structure of the bladder is a reservoir where urine accumulates, with locking sphincters. There are two sphincters, one of which a person controls consciously. They are located at the junction of the bladder and the urinary canal - the urethra.

When the bladder is full, its walls stretch, an urge arises, but one of the sphincters holds back urine as long as the person wants it. When urinating, it relaxes the sphincter, urine comes out through the urethra. Normally, up to 20 ml of urine can remain in the cavity.

After urination, some of the fluid may be retained, causing a true feeling of fullness. Urine is either not excreted at all, then up to one liter of liquid can accumulate in a full bladder, or not all of it is evacuated. Pathology is considered to be an accumulation of more than 50 ml of fluid. Urine cannot be removed for two reasons:

  • there is a mechanical barrier to its outflow;
  • the muscles involved in the process of urination are weakened.

Features of different types of pathology

A true sensation of bladder distension is more common in men.

Tumors, stones, and anatomical abnormalities of the urinary tract can act as mechanical obstacles.

A false feeling of fullness is said to exist if there is no urine in the bladder, but the urge remains. This condition occurs due to signals generated in:

  • brain or spinal cord;
  • the organ itself;
  • surrounding tissues.

Most often, a false sensation of incomplete emptying is recorded in women with bladder dysfunction.

In recent years, doctors have noted an increase in the number of patients with this pathology, which occurs without changes in the qualitative composition of urine. This proves that neuroendocrine pathologies and mental changes more often become a source of dysuria.

In pregnant women, the growing fetus puts pressure on the bladder, causing an unpleasant feeling that it is full, even with little urine.

Drinking diuretic drinks, such as those containing alcohol, caffeine or aspartame, causes a false urge.

Any feeling of fullness, if it occurs constantly, requires contacting a urologist.

Causes of feeling a full bladder

The sensation of a full bladder after urinating may occur periodically or be constant. It occurs due to pathology or the influence of physiological factors.

Bladder overflow can be caused by:

  • drinking plenty of fluids (more than 2.2 liters per day),
  • taking substances that stimulate the urinary system.

In these cases discomfort do not indicate illness; they can be eliminated by reducing the amount of fluid consumed or replacing medications.

A separate group of causes for the feeling of bladder fullness includes neuroendocrine, iatrogenic (injuries spinal cord due to operations, manipulations) factors and mental disorders.

A constant feeling of a full bladder is possible with diseases of neighboring organs - small intestine, appendix, ovaries.

Main Factors

Why doesn't my bladder empty completely? Urine retention occurs if its outflow is obstructed. Possible reasons this:

  • Mechanical compression of the urinary canal:
  1. full intestines with constipation;
  2. enlarged uterus;
  3. tumors, neoplasms;
  4. enlarged lymph nodes;
  5. enlarged prostate gland.
  • Urethral obstruction due to:
  1. blockage with stones, blood clot, pus, foreign bodies;
  2. urethral strictures;
  3. neoplasms.
  • Detrusor weakness.

Features in men and women

In a man, the sensation of a full bladder most often occurs when the urinary tract is obstructed due to prostate pathologies (adenoma, prostatitis). Hyperplasia of the central lobe of the prostate leads to compression of the urethra. It becomes difficult to pass urine through the narrowed channel. For this reason, the bladder begins to fill with remaining urine.

A common cause of urinary stagnation is urethral pathology. A narrowing of the urethra (stricture) is more often observed in men due to its large length. Stricture is caused by injuries to the urethra (most often), infectious diseases (gonorrhea), and chemical burns during self-medication.

In women, the feeling of fullness often turns out to be false, its sources:

  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • bladder stones;
  • fibroids, endometriosis.

The cause is irritating signals coming from the bladder or other organs, most often when they are inflamed. Painful impulses in women provoke contraction of the bladder, intravesical pressure increases, which causes a feeling of fullness. Similar inflammations can occur in men, but in women they are recorded more often. The female urethra is wider and shorter, which facilitates rapid upward penetration of microorganisms. Sexual intercourse causes the transfer of bacteria from the vulva to neighboring organs.

The urinary and genital organs of women have a close anatomical location, common blood supply and innervation. This creates the prerequisites for the mutual involvement of the urogenital organs in pathological processes.

Stones can also block the urinary tract, causing fluid to accumulate. The calculus can close the entrance to the urethra only at the moment of urination, then the process suddenly stops. When changing body position, urine output is restored. In addition, stones injure the mucous membrane of the bladder, causing pain impulses.

Bladder dysfunction with endometriosis or fibroids is caused by two factors: tissue compression and hormonal imbalance affecting the organ's receptor apparatus.
In women, a feeling of a full bladder without pain occurs when:

  • menses,
  • pregnancy.

Feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder and associated symptoms

Regardless of the etiology, an overfilled bladder itself becomes the cause of the development of diseases and the appearance of some associated symptoms.

  1. With prolonged overfilling of the bladder, the muscle wall stretches, atony of the organ muscles and stretching of the sphincters develops. Weakness of the sphincters that hold urine allows it to come out in separate drops or leak.
  2. Accumulated urine is a good environment for the rapid development of microorganisms. Therefore, constant stagnation of urine and a feeling of fullness of the bladder are often accompanied by a complication in the form of infectious inflammation.
  3. One of the signs acute inflammation is pain. Therefore, the feeling of incomplete emptying in women is often accompanied by pain during urination.
  4. Trying to get rid of the feeling of a full bladder, men and women often go to the toilet and strain hard and for a long time when urinating. This increased work of the detrusor leads to hypertrophy, which deforms the ureter and interferes with the movement of urine from the kidneys. Stagnation of urine in the upper urinary tract triggers pathological mechanisms in the kidneys.
  5. Concentrated urine in the bladder and kidneys is a good environment for the formation of stones.

Related pathological conditions

Some symptoms are not associated with bladder fullness, but accompany this feeling in women and men:

  • Pain syndrome outside of urination. The intensity and localization are determined by the organ in which the pathological focus is located. Severe pain is typical for acute conditions, mild - for sluggish inflammation and slow onset of urine passage.
  • Disorders of the urination process. They may be a manifestation of irritation:
  1. frequent and painful urination;
  2. imperative urges;
  3. increased urge at night;

or obstruction:

  1. difficulty urinating;
  2. thinned stream;
  3. increased duration of urination.
  • Sudden irresistible urges that do not end with urine output.
  • Urinary incontinence. Dripping urine without urge occurs due to weakness of the sphincters and pelvic floor muscles. A sharp contraction of the sphincter and detrusor leads to an acute urge, accompanied by rapid uncontrolled release of urine - the person does not have time to get to the toilet. This type of involuntary urination is observed with cystitis, neoplasms, and urolithiasis.

Practice shows that up to 70% of women over 40 years of age lose control of urinary continence and only 3-20% express a desire for treatment.

  • Body temperature rises to subfebrile levels, higher only with inflammation of the kidneys.
  • Bladder swelling occurs gradually, which is why painful sensations are not always present.
  • Blood and discharge in the urine. Fresh blood in the urine appears with tumors of the urethra and bladder, stones or hemorrhagic cystitis. White flakes in the urine are clots of mucus that appear when the organs of the urinary system become inflamed. Yellow or green discharge bad smell talk about purulent inflammation. Brown flakes are a sign of glomerulonephritis.
  • Sexual disorders. An increase in symptoms leads to a weakening of sexual desire, erectile dysfunction, disappearance of nocturnal erections, and a decrease in the frequency of intercourse.

If any of these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor, despite the sensitivity of the problem. Even a combination of several symptoms will not allow the urologist to diagnose accurate diagnosis– additional research will be necessary.


The examination of the patient is aimed at identifying the cause of the pathology in order to prescribe the correct therapy. It is quite difficult to establish the cause of violations. After reviewing the medical history, taking into account the symptoms, the doctor general practice will prescribe general tests.

Women may be referred for additional examination of the genital organs to a gynecologist; in men, the prostate gland is examined. It is possible to prescribe an ultrasound, CT scan with contrast (urography) or MRI. Informative methods are cystoscopy and cystography.


If you constantly feel like your bladder is full, you need professional medical help. Self-treatment results in unpleasant consequences: injury to the urethra when trying to insert a catheter, infection, and possible rupture of the organ in the absence of therapy.

Treatment is carried out after the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis. In an emergency, the patient is given a urethral catheter to remove fluid. Depending on the type of disease, treatment with medications or surgery is prescribed. For spasms, antispasmodics are prescribed, pain is relieved with analgesics. Cystitis and other pathologies of inflammatory etiology are treated with antibiotics. Tumors, strictures, and blood clots are removed surgically.

Prostate adenoma is treated depending on the stage of development - conservatively or surgically. Small stones are dissolved with drugs, the choice of which is determined by the origin of the formations; large ones, in case of difficulty in the outflow of urine, are removed surgically. Treatment of neurogenic excessive contractions of muscles and sphincters is carried out with anticholinergic blockers. When muscles weaken, exercises are prescribed to restore their tone and diet.


If discomfort appears in the bladder, this, in combination with pain and other accompanying signs, indicates the development of pathology. A timely visit to a qualified urologist will allow for correct treatment and prevent possible complications.

For prevention, it is necessary to undergo routine examinations with a therapist. Healthy image life (walking in the fresh air, proper nutrition, maintaining good hygiene) will help avoid many diseases and promote longevity.

As a rule, constant feeling full urinary due to pathologies of the urinary system or the bladder itself. That's enough alarming symptom, which indicates the development of serious pathological processes.

Constant feeling of a full bladder - what is this symptom?

The problem of a constant feeling of urinary fullness requires medical intervention. Such conditions are often caused by disturbances in normal urinary outflow due to various pathological factors. As a result, urination is carried out with incomplete emptying, urine remains inside the bladder. Which irritates the nerve structures, causing discomfort.

On average, about 300 ml of urine can be retained in the bladder cavity for several hours. The volume of urine gradually increases, increasing pressure on the walls, causing severe discomfort.

In the walls of the bladder there are specific receptors that signal to the spinal structures, from where the impulse command about the need to urinate comes.

Usually people can control their urine; when it is full, we experience inconvenience, but do not voluntarily empty ourselves.

In this case, patients empty their urine, but it still seems full. If immediately after bowel movement patients feel a feeling of bladder fullness, then they should urgently contact a specialist, because such a symptom is considered unfavorable and indicates the development of genitourinary pathology.

What happens in the body and what are the reasons

The feeling of a complete bubble never just happens, there is always a reason for it. Such a symptom can be provoked by quite a variety of factors, such as diseases of the urinary system or adjacent structures, neurological ailments and other diseases ( multiple sclerosis or intervertebral hernia, radiculitis and spinal disorders.

The brain is capable of sending false signals about bladder fullness, which is most often associated with the effect of certain irritants on the bladder walls. This phenomenon often provokes inflammatory processes in neighboring structures.

Experts believe that the main causes of full urinary syndrome are:

  • Cystitis or urethritis in a severe stage;
  • Acute genitourinary infections such as prostatitis in men, they are accompanied by painful and swollen symptoms, creating an uncomfortable feeling of fullness; this can also include prostate adenoma;
  • In women, they provoke the so-called full urinary syndrome. female ailments such as endometritis or adnexitis, ovarian tumors, fibroids, etc.
  • Chronic or sharp forms inflammatory pathologies nearby structures that extend to the bladder tissue, for example, pelvioperitonitis or pyelonephritis, appendix inflammation or enterocolitis, etc.;
  • Frequent cases of constipation, in which pressure is exerted on the bladder, creating a feeling of fullness;
  • Pathologies of the reproductive system such as myomatous formations or tumors in the uterus, ovaries (in women), etc.;
  • Fusion or narrowing of the lumen of the urethra;
  • Oncopathologies in men and women;
  • Urolithiasis, in which the walls of the bladder are injured and irritated by stones;
  • or his hyperactivity;
  • Diseases of the innervation of the pelvic organs, spinal pathologies or injuries such as hernia, radiculitis, multiple sclerosis;
  • or hypotonia of the bladder muscle structures, decreased tone, muscle overstretching, in which the bladder is not able to fully contract during urination.

Quite often, a similar syndrome is detected in diabetics, patients with STDs such as chlamydia, trichomoniasis or gonorrhea, etc.

Also, a feeling of full urinary tract may occur in pregnant women during long periods of pregnancy when consuming large quantity liquids or severe hypothermia.

Associated symptoms

Usually, with a pathological origin of bladder fullness syndrome, the patient also has other symptomatic manifestations such as:

  1. if the syndrome is caused by urolithiasis;
  2. Painful sensations that tend to intensify when dragging heavy objects, physical activity, or palpating abdominal cavity etc.;
  3. If the problem is caused by acute genitourinary infections, then patients complain of severe pain and hyperthermic conditions, deterioration of health and impairment chemical composition urine;
  4. (impurities of blood in urine).

If the feeling of full urination is associated with incomplete urine output after urination, then when palpating the abdomen, a noticeable enlargement of the organ is felt. When urine is retained in the bladder, favorable conditions are created for the life of pathogenic microorganisms, as a result of which, if left untreated, urethritis, cystitis, etc. can develop.

Therefore, at the first signs of a feeling of a full bladder after urination, as well as the appearance of alarming symptoms such as a strong smell of urine, hematuria, pain or increased urination, you should urgently contact a urologist for treatment. This will help avoid dangerous complications.

Diagnostic measures

To identify an accurate diagnosis, it is recommended to contact a specialist in urological practice, who will prescribe the appropriate diagnostic procedures:

  • General clinical laboratory blood test;
  • Urine culture;
  • Ultrasound diagnostics of the kidneys and pelvic area;
  • General clinical urine analysis;
  • Urographic study, which involves taking x-rays of the pelvic structures to identify stones and neoplasms;
  • , in which the bladder cavity is viewed from the inside using specialized equipment.

As a rule, the results of these studies are sufficient to make a diagnosis. In case of uncertainty, magnetic resonance imaging and additional diagnostic studies may be prescribed.


The choice of therapeutic approach depends on the exact cause of the pathology:

  • For infectious pathologies of bacterial origin, antibiotic therapy is prescribed;
  • To relieve painful symptoms, you will need to take painkillers;
  • To eliminate muscle spasms relaxing and antispasmodic medications are indicated;
  • At nervous disorders the use of sedative medications is indicated;
  • In complex or severe cases it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention. For example, large tumors or stones need to be removed surgically. Small stones can often be dissolved with specialized preparations;
  • If the feeling of fullness is due to intestinal problems such as constipation, then specialized diet therapy and medications for constipation are prescribed.

Physiotherapeutic treatment, NSAIDs, bed rest and treatment with diuretics, vitamin therapy, etc. may also be prescribed.

The feeling of a full bladder after urination is a rather unpleasant symptomatic manifestation that requires timely treatment. The sooner the patient contacts a urologist, the more favorable the prognosis for recovery will be. When the pathology is neglected, the risk of its chronicity increases, then the disease will continue to bother you for a long time with periodic exacerbations, seriously reducing the quality of life.

The sensation of a full bladder is observed as a symptom in a number of various pathologies. Some of them are very dangerous for both men and women. The bladder is a hollow, unpaired, sac-like organ that stores urine before excreting it from the body. It is located in the pelvis and is supported by its muscles, which keep it at the required level. The average capacity of the organ is 200-400 ml. In a healthy state, urination occurs on average 4-6 times a day.

Visiting a doctor

The bladder has very elastic walls, so the pressure in it increases very slowly during filling with urine. The thick muscular layer is the bulk of the bladder wall. Oddly enough, the structure of the organ is different in men and women. In representatives of the stronger half of humanity, the prostate is adjacent to the bottom of the organ, and the seminal ducts are located on the sides. In women, the back of the organ is in contact with the uterus and vagina.

If the bladder is full, the muscle fibers are relaxed and begin to contract when urinating. An overfilled bladder creates discomfort. When an organ is full, nerve fibers signal this to the brain. This, in turn, instructs the muscles to release or retain urine. In a healthy state, the organ can hold 300 ml of urine for up to 5 hours. If after emptying a person does not experience relief or after a short time feels that the bladder is full again, then you should consult a doctor.

Diseases are provocateurs

Some pathologies create the feeling that the bladder is full, while there is a constant urge to empty it. Diseases in which this symptom occurs and methods of their treatment:

  1. Bladder stones prevent urine from flowing normally, causing some of it to remain in the bladder. If the stones are small, treatment is prescribed to dissolve them. If large stones are present, surgery is required.
  2. Prostate adenoma in men also interferes with the flow of urine. On early stages Prescribe drugs that slow down the growth of the prostate. In later stages, surgery may be necessary.
  3. Cystitis. If it is detected, it is prescribed antibacterial therapy. Cystitis can also be non-infectious, in case of long-term use of potent drugs or when the walls of the organ are damaged by a urinary stone.
  4. Development of atony and hypotension of the bladder. Moreover, due to the weak muscle tone the organ contracts poorly and not all urine is excreted. Prescribed as treatment drug therapy, diet and strengthening exercises.
  5. Overactive bladder syndrome, which is characterized by urination 8 to 10 times a day. Exercises for the pelvic muscles and medications aimed at reducing detrusor activity will help.
  6. Pathological narrowing of the internal lumen of the urethra. In this case, urination becomes difficult.
  7. Frequent constipation. A full intestine puts pressure on the organ, thereby creating the feeling of a full bladder. In this case, doctors prescribe a special diet and medications that help cope with constipation.
  8. Spinal cord injuries diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis and radiculitis can cause this disease.
  9. Prostate sclerosis is a consequence of chronic prostatitis.
  10. Diseases reproductive system in women: adnexitis, endometritis, uterine fibroids, etc. Increase in the size of female internal organs causes pressure on the walls of the bladder, which leads to unpleasant symptoms.
  11. Prostate cancer. Causes a person to feel that the bladder does not empty completely. Choosing the optimal treatment for prostate cancer is complex and depends on the stage of the disease and the age of the patient.
  12. Another reason for the sensation of a full bladder is a disruption in the supply of brain impulses, that is, these sensations may be erroneous.

Only a qualified doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. Based on the conducted laboratory research the specialist will prescribe the optimal treatment.

Stagnation of urine favors the proliferation and development of bacteria that can cause dangerous pathologies of the genitourinary organs, so you should not hesitate to visit a doctor.

To avoid diseases of the genitourinary system, you should adhere to a balanced diet, which excludes salty, spicy, and smoked foods. You should also stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, and regular physical activity and hardening will strengthen your immune system.