Due to the fact that the lower jaw can move, we are able to chew food, reproduce various sounds and talk. Together with temporal bones it forms the temporomandibular joint, in case of violation of the functioning of which its movements are limited, up to the impossibility of fully opening and closing the mouth. This condition can be described as "jaw jammed". Let's see why this condition can occur and what to do if the jaw is jammed.

The training covers the intermediate and advanced range. Most often, doctors who have little or no experience in basic surgery participate in this training. Available within 2 training days - this is a minimum of 45 models for practical treatment under the supervision of a physician.

Number of participants: 3 doctors. Number of exercise models: min. 45 models. Ideal for doctors who want to perform Botox and treatments hyaluronic acid at the same time they complete a two-day course that ensures complete patient satisfaction.

We understand the causes of pathology

If the jaw is jammed, then the person cannot open his mouth wide. In this case, they speak of a malfunction of the joint responsible for the movements of the jaw - the temporomandibular joint (hereinafter we will use the TMJ abbreviation). This is a complex paired joint. Its articular heads on both sides of the jawbone move simultaneously, and the functioning of only one of them is impossible. The joint consists of the articular cavity, tubercle and processes mandible. At the same time, the surfaces of the fossa and process do not correspond to each other, which ensures high joint mobility.

You save time: during the two-day training, you learn the practical use of Botox and hyaluronic acid from the main and intermediate range. You have a full range of services for patients: Botox and hyaluronic acid treatments. Imagine that you are just after a botox workout and you get a patient who wants to get botox on crow's feet but at the same time fill his mouth or furrows. It would be a shame to be able to meet the patient's expectations and send him back to another clinic.

You take a holistic approach to the patient: you offer him full consultation, advice, and you can meet his or her expectations for treatment. global approach and alternative treatment are also important during procedure planning. The training ends with obtaining certificates in Polish and English.

TMJ dysfunction refers to any pathology associated with its work. According to medical statistics, 70% of people have TMJ pathologies, while both adults and children can suffer from them.

Why do problems with the work of the TMJ appear?

Disruption of the joint is manifested by problems with the mobility of the jaw.

There are several answers to the question of why the jaw jams, as well as theories of the occurrence of TMJ dysfunction. According to one of them, problems with the dentoalveolar apparatus lead to pathology:

  • improperly performed dental treatment or prosthetics;
  • and the rapid abrasion of teeth caused by it;
  • injuries of the jaw apparatus associated, for example, with the use of too hard food;
  • dental anomalies.

The second theory - myogenic - suggests that the causes of TMJ dysfunction, and, accordingly, why a person's jaw is jammed, are problems with the facial muscles. These include tonic spasm, muscle overload during chewing (especially with a tendency to chew on one side), increased speech load (in people whose profession is related to public speaking).

According to the third theory - psychogenic - TMJ dysfunction develops due to disorders of the central nervous system. Overstrain caused by nervous stress affects the work of facial muscles and joint mobility.

Important: a person may have a congenital predisposition to the development of TMJ dysfunction, for example, if he has such an anatomical feature of the joint structure as a mismatch in the size of the articular heads and fossae.

How are the symptoms of pathology manifested?

Symptoms of TMJ dysfunction are varied. First of all, this pain in the neck, head, ears. There are no nerve endings directly in the joint, so the joint itself is not capable of hurting. But there may be discomfort in the so-called trigger points located in the jaws, neck, temples, cheeks. A person may feel squeezing of the eyes, toothache.

One of the key symptoms of TMJ pathologies is jaw jamming. The patient cannot fully open or close his mouth, and in order to move his jaw, he needs to catch the very position in which the joint "wedged". To determine this position, he has to move his jaw to the right and left. Sometimes a click is heard when this position is found.

Another characteristic symptom of pathology is clicking in the joint. It occurs when opening the mouth, eating, yawning. Clicks are very loud, then they are heard by others. Among other sound effects, patients note crunching and popping.

The secondary symptoms observed in the pathology of the TMJ include:

  • sleep problems;
  • irritability;
  • general malaise;
  • loss of mood;
  • noise in ears;
  • xerostomia;
  • snore;
  • muscle pain (especially with bruxism);
  • twitching of the eye muscles;
  • decreased vision;
  • paresthesia.

What to do if the jaw is jammed?

A condition such as blocking a joint, as a rule, occurs unexpectedly, for example, the jaw could jam after a strong cry. Therefore, it is important to know how to provide first aid for this condition. good effect renders a warm compress placed to the site of injury. It can be a bottle filled with hot water, a heating pad. You can also use cold - ice, a bottle of cold water wrapped in a towel. However, a cold compress should not be kept on the affected area for more than 15 minutes. You can repeat the procedure no earlier than an hour later.

To relieve pain, you can take painkillers from the category of NSAIDs. Popular representatives: Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Analgin. Muscle relaxants may be taken.

Important: See a doctor as soon as possible! If you have problems with the functioning of the joint, you need to contact the maxillofacial surgeon or orthopedic dentist.

Treatment of TMJ pathologies

During the treatment of TMJ pathologies, it is important to reduce the load on it. To do this, it is recommended to exclude solid, hard foods from the diet, try not to overload the jaws with long conversations, and avoid opening the mouth too wide.

As for taking medications, you can be prescribed:

  • nonsteroidal analgesics;
  • sedatives;
  • antidepressants;
  • glucocorticosteroids in the form of intra-articular injections;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs.

Physical therapy methods may be used, such as:

  • laser therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • ultrasonic impact;
  • inductothermy.

Massage and myogymnastics can have a good effect. Perhaps the use of acupuncture.

The complex provides dental treatment, the purpose of which is to create conditions for the proper closing of teeth. To do this, teeth can be prepared, fillings can be undermined, prosthetics and bite correction with braces can be carried out.

If necessary, the doctor prescribes the wearing of a mouthguard, which prevents the abrasion of teeth during sleep and relieves myofascial syndrome. The mouthguard looks like a silicone pad, it is made for the patient individually.

With inefficiency conservative treatment surgical methods may be used.

Jaw jammed when dislocated

Another one possible reason jamming of the jaw - its dislocation. Pathology is quite common, due to the ease of getting damaged. You can dislocate the jaw when chewing too hard food or opening the mouth wide, for example, when yawning. A dislocation is a condition in which the articular head slips out of its fossa. This may precede:

  • injuries in the area of ​​​​the teeth;
  • excessive opening of the mouth when yawning, screaming, singing, etc.;
  • the habit of opening bottles with your teeth;
  • careless dental treatment;
  • anatomical features of the structure of the joint (shallow fossa, weak ligaments).

It happens one-sided and two-sided. In the first case, the victim feels that his jaw is jammed on the right or left. But more often, bilateral dislocation still occurs, in which symptoms are felt from both sides at once.

Symptoms of dislocation are more often observed on both sides.

Symptoms of dislocation

A dislocation can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • it becomes difficult to talk, chew, swallow food and saliva, as well as perform other habitual actions associated with jaw movements;
  • increased salivation;
  • pain in the joint area;
  • the jaw looks distorted, shifted to the side, the mouth does not close completely.

How are dislocations corrected?

If the jaw is jammed on one side (left or right), the dislocation is reduced without anesthesia. Bilateral dislocation must be reduced under anesthesia. There are several methods for the treatment of dislocations: the method of Hippocrates, Blehman-Gershuni, Popesku. Regardless of the choice of method, during the manipulation, the doctor returns the head of the joint to the fossa.

The condition in which the jaw is stuck is dangerous and requires professional medical attention. Do not try to correct the situation yourself and restore joint mobility, as you can only harm yourself.

Hello. Tell me please. I had a wisdom tooth removed a week ago on the right side. They removed it quickly and left the root before removing it, they didn’t take a picture. they picked this gum for me in the hope of pulling it out, and they didn’t pull it out like that. Now my mouth doesn’t open, I can put a small spoon at most, I prescribed antibiotics, injections and a metrogil drip. that the root should tear itself off. I’m very afraid of the consequences, tell me if it can tear it off itself or should it be removed in some way?

Hello, 2 days ago they removed the right, lower 8ku. The tooth lay in the gum bone, cut, drilled into 3 parts, an hour later they took it out, sewn it up. After the withdrawal of anesthesia, it became terribly painful to swallow. The next morning, I discovered that the tonsil was swollen, and from the outside under the jaw it was swollen and the pain descends down the throat to the bottom of the kayak, it hurts to turn the head, the mouth opens by 1 cm, with pain by 2 cm. There was no swelling of the cheek, the place of tooth extraction does not hurt with light pressure

Hello, 2 days ago they removed the right, lower 8ku. The tooth lay in the gum bone, cut, drilled into 3 parts, an hour later they took it out, sewn it up. After the withdrawal of anesthesia, it became terribly painful to swallow. The next morning, I discovered that the tonsil was swollen, and from the outside under the jaw it was swollen and the pain descends down the throat to the bottom of the kayak, it hurts to turn the head, the mouth opens by 1 cm, with pain by 2 cm. There was no swelling of the cheek, the place of tooth extraction it doesn’t hurt with light pressure, in the evening of the 2nd day the temperature rose to 38, I drink antibiotics, painkillers and for allergies, I eat mashed soups, please tell me why it hurts to swallow so hellishly, on the 2nd day the pain and swelling does not subside. Is it normal. The doctor today said to rinse with soda, salt, iodine, so that the swelling subsides.

Dear Boris! The symptoms that bother you can be explained by a difficult tooth extraction, but given the presence of pain when swallowing, I would recommend contacting a general practitioner or an ENT doctor. It is possible that we are talking about inflammation of the palatine tonsil, which is not associated with tooth extraction, but has other causes. Not always events occurring simultaneously or sequentially are connected with each other by a causal relationship. Difficulty opening the mouth in this case is due to trismus - a pathological spasm of the masticatory muscles. The resolution of trismus is facilitated by repeated chewing movements.

Hello! 2.11 went to polyclinic No. 9 to treat 47. After the X-ray, they said that 48 is retired, it needs to be removed. First they gave me an anesthetic. and put a temporary filling on 47, then they injected an anesthetic "for removal" and removed the 48th tooth. The gums were not sewn up, drugs were not prescribed. Immediately after the removal, she applied ice, after 10 minutes, having examined, changing the cotton wool, they let her go home.
I didn't eat or drink anything that day after the operation. I woke up on 3.11 from pain, blood was still spitting out (although 16 hours had passed). drank ketans. applied cold. there was no strong swelling. in the evening, pain began when swallowing, the temperature rose to 37.7. after each meal she did baths of chlorhexidine. before going to bed, there was something on the surface of the hole (I thought the rest of the food), I took it off carefully, without picking, treated with chlorhexidine, an improvised object, it turned out - two fragments of a tooth.
4.11 the temperature returned to normal, the throat began to hurt more when swallowing, the swelling was not in the cheek area, but more under the jaw. The jaws did not open more than 2 cm.
5.11 the edema has increased, without yellowness, neither the edema nor the gums hurt, but when pressed from below, under the jaw, there is pain in the area of ​​the removed figure eight. the pain when swallowing is just as strong. jaws open 1cm
Question. Advise the expert to whom I can address? Whether to go at once to the surgeon? And based on the description, would it be irresponsible of me to put off my doctor's appointment for a couple of days? Thank you.

Dear Marina! It is necessary to contact a dental surgeon without delay. In absentia, unfortunately, it is impossible neither to assess the clinical situation, nor to give recommendations for treatment. If you have the opportunity to consult with metropolitan specialists, you can choose a doctor and make an appointment here. Many dental clinics are open on weekends and holidays.