The process of globalization is an integration and unification that relate to the most diverse spheres of life of all states (economy, culture, politics, religion).

Globalization has seriously influenced changes in the structure of the world economy. The result was a division of labor. Also, the process of migration can be attributed to the consequences of changes in the structure of the world economy. Thanks to the intensification of the process of globalization, there are cultures of different countries.

The global process of unification and integration is not chaotic, but systematized. Gradually, globalization covers all spheres of human life. Thus, all countries of the world are gradually connected with each other.

The emergence of such a concept as globalization still causes controversy among scientists. Some historians believe that the worldwide process of unification and integration is just one of the main stages on the road to capitalism. Economists say that the origin of globalization lies in the transnationalization of financial markets. According to culturologists, globalization is nothing but American economic emancipation.

According to the origin of the word globalization itself, from the very beginning it takes the leading role, which was known at all the most significant historical stages.

The history of the concept of globalization

The first features of globalization have been known since antiquity. One example of ancient globalization is the assertion of its hegemony in the Mediterranean by the Roman Empire. This, in turn, led to the interweaving of many cultures that previously did not border on each other. In addition, at this stage there was an inter-regional division of labor.

Scientists believe that the origin of globalization is in the XII-XIII centuries. At that time, intermarket relations between countries had just begun to develop in Western Europe, and the process of forming the European economy had also begun. The decline in the formation of the European economy occurred in the XIV-XV centuries. After that, the activation of globalization began again. This process took place in the XVI-XVII centuries. At that time, the priority was not only economic growth, which each state tried to achieve, but also geographical discoveries that were adjacent to navigation. Merchants from Spain and Portugal gradually occupied the whole world. Against the background of the occupation of most of the world by Spanish and Portuguese traders, the colonization of America began.

One of the first transnational companies was the Dutch East India Company. The seventeenth century was the peak of her trade with all Asian countries.

In the nineteenth century, active industrialization began, which gradually led to the fact that the growth of trade between European countries, their colonial lands and the United States increased significantly.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the processes of world globalization could not even be hindered by the First World War. European exports continued to grow. According to the results of 1915, over the past hundred years, it has grown more than forty times. The growth of trade continued even in 1920, while the process of liberalization took place in the trade of Western European countries.

The recession of the globalization process came in 1930. The reason lay in the Great Depression and the introduction of high import duties. After the end of the Second World War, globalization began to develop in its former mode, which the process was characterized before 1930. It was facilitated by a number of positive factors, one of which was the rapid transportation of products due to the active laying of sea and railway tracks. Accessible international communication has also led to the intensification of the process of worldwide globalization.

The main task facing the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade was to remove all existing barriers to international trade. The agreement was adopted in 1947 between several countries with a capitalist structure, as well as between several states that were actively developing at that time.

The GATT international conferences in 1964-1967 were a real breakthrough in this direction. After a series of international conferences the World Trade Organization was formed (1995). Modern globalization just begins its countdown from the day of the formation of the World Trade Organization.

Humanity is turning into a social integrity, embracing all people living on Earth. "The concept of globality ... links together the individual, humanity and all the interacting elements and factors of the world system, unites the present and the future, links actions and their final results" . Today we can talk about the global structure of political, economic and cultural relations that bind individual societies into a single system.

In the political sphere, this trend is expressed in the emergence of supranational units of various scales: political and military blocs, coalitions of ruling groups, continental or regional associations, world international organizations. You can also notice the contours of the world government, when a number of important functions are performed by supranational organizations (for example, the European Parliament, Interpol).

In the economic sphere, the importance of supranational coordination and integration, regional and global economic agreements is growing. There is a global division of labor, the role of multinational and transnational corporations is increasing, the market is becoming a single economic mechanism, as evidenced by the speed of response of financial markets to events in individual countries.

The culture is dominated by a tendency towards uniformity. The media is turning our planet into a "big village". Millions of people become witnesses of events that took place in different places, join the same cultural experience, which contributes to the unification of their tastes and preferences.

With the current level of development of productive forces, the problem of protecting environment. The destruction of the habitat shows that now it is not only about protecting man from the forces of nature, but also about protecting nature from man-made interference and from the exploitation of nature by him. New weapons systems are technologically advanced means of destroying humanity. All this requires the world community to coordinate environmental measures, to unite efforts in the field of nature protection, and to fight together for the preservation of peace on the planet.

These global trends in world development testify to the need to develop a modern scientific worldview. The report of the Club of Rome "The First Global Revolution" argues that in order to change the threatening trends in world development, a civilization is needed that provides a holistic and conscious management of the development of mankind.

So, summarizing all that has been said above, it can be noted that the world system has entered the stage of globalization. The main indicator of this is the presence of close interaction of control systems with the outside world, the fundamental openness of systems in order to increase intelligence and improve their own behavior, the presence of mechanisms for predicting changes in the outside world and the system's own behavior in a changing world. Purposeful regulation measures the technogenic load on the natural environment, becomes a determining factor contributing to a new dialogue between man and nature and the creation of technological conditions for solving social problems on the principles of humanism. “... the humanistic concept of life at the present, highest stage of human development requires him to finally stop “looking into the future” and begin to “create” it ... Therefore, he must decide how he would like to see this future, and in accordance with this regulate and regulate their activities.

Globalization - how much is inherent in this word. Today there is not a single country in the world that does not have any political / economic relations with others. All states are in a certain dependence on others. brings benefits to all parties involved. The process of globalization is irreversible. Today there is an increasing need to unite countries into a single whole. Our task today is to understand what globalization is.


So, globalization is a complex process of world integration of countries, which includes the unification of political, economic and cultural spheres. This is the omnidirectional development and spread of capitalism, the worldwide division of labor, the global migration of workers and financial resources. The process of globalization also includes the standardization of various technological and economic processes, as well as the convergence and merging of individual cultures.

History will tell us what globalization is. Minor manifestations of globalization can be observed even in the era of Antiquity. The main character, which is the source of it, is Her dominance in the Mediterranean expressed in the fact that many cultures were intertwined and complemented by each other, there was a local division of labor. Well, this is just a small "likeness" of her. In general, the origins of globalization date back to the 16th and 17th centuries. At this time, high economic growth was established in Europe, and navigation and various travels were accompanied by new discoveries. The result of this was the general spread of Spanish and Portuguese traders, who subsequently took up the colonization of America. The East India Company (Dutch), which spread its networks to many Asian countries, became the first transnational company. After that, in the 19th century, due to the timely industrialization, trade between European countries and their colonies increased significantly. Globalization was interrupted by two World Wars, after which it resumed with a vengeance. To understand in more detail what globalization is, it is necessary to consider it in certain areas of human activity.


Globalization modern world invariably covers such important areas as its influence on the political side of the state is expressed as follows: the weakening of nation-states, development and entry into world organizations (such as the UN, WTO, NATO, and so on). Today, with the help of such world organizations, globalization is carried out.


In the economic sphere, the processes of globalization are expressed in the movement of capital, tax cuts. financial information Thanks to the internet, it's spreading incredibly fast. In the context of globalization, the volume of exported/imported goods and international transactions is growing day by day. Transnational companies are on the rise. and their tools are gaining momentum. There is a merger of several enterprises that are representatives of different countries.


What is globalization in terms of culture? It is, first of all, the fusion of business culture different peoples, widespread use of the business and international language (English) for communication between representatives of different nationalities. This also includes the development of international tourism.

Thus, globalization is multilateral and large-scale, affecting almost all countries of the world. Globalization is designed to unite the culture, politics and economy of all states into a single whole, thereby providing people with equal and beneficial rights in society.

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Globalization or "world globalization" - this is a broad term that describes a process or trend towards the unification of many countries economically, politically and culturally.

What is Globalization in simple words - definition, examples. The concept of globalization.

In simple terms, globalization is the process of bringing together many countries to work towards common goals. In the context of such a trend, it can be said that countries are relegating their own national identity to the background and trying to equip the world as one huge village. In theory, this should have a beneficial effect on the overall political, cultural and economic situation on the planet.

Globalization Example #1 (Full World Globalization).

As an ideal example of complete globalization, we can cite science fiction films in which on Earth:

  • A common government for the whole planet (in the form of a council or something similar);
  • General economy (the necessary resources are taken where they are in abundance and sent to where they are needed);
  • Various cultures and languages ​​are mixed all over the planet and are used everywhere.
  • There are no regional wars, since all borders are conditional.

Globalization Case Study #2 (Modern Globalization).

An example of a more real and already modern globalization is the European Union, which has many aspects of a common unifying concept. The economies of the EU member states are closely connected, which allows them to develop in a normal competitive environment, and, in which case, receive support in one form or another. The political situation in the EU is still ambiguous, but the pan-European institutions of power are showing themselves very effectively, as they try to take into account the interests of all participating countries. Cultural and territorial contradictions are very rare, because due to the conventionality of borders, cultures gently adapt to the general environment.

It goes without saying that in the EU there are a lot of problems that need to be worked on, but the trend towards coexistence shows good results in many areas of life.

Processes of globalization and globalization of society.

The main thing I would like to say about the process of globalization is that this trend towards unification is not some kind of political or economic instrument invented by man on purpose. With the development of technologies, in particular transport communications and means of information transmission, globalization as a phenomenon has arisen on its own. People and goods began to move quickly enough, which in turn affected business activity. Culturally, globalization is influenced by migration and communications. For example, the Internet and TV are able to unite cultures through the popularization of music, movies and more. Regarding the political component, it can be noted that due to greater freedom of movement and the exchange of information, the influence of centralized authorities has decreased. An increasing role began to play international organizations such as the WTO, the UN and.

Spheres of globalization.

As it has already become clear from the definition, globalization is a process that affects a huge variety of aspects of human life. However, this trend can be divided into three main components:

  • economic globalization;
  • political globalization;
  • Cultural globalization.

What is Economic Globalization?

Economic globalization is a worldwide phenomenon in which the economy of a certain country can be significantly dependent on other countries. Many allied countries supply each other with the necessary resources. These resources may include imported products, technology, and even human labor. Which in turn contributes to the development of the economy as a whole. Many resource-rich countries rely on this trading system to sell their unique local products and, in turn, improve their economic fortunes. In addition, there are multinational companies that do business in almost all countries, which change various aspects of their culture. Fast food restaurants, for example, have changed the eating habits of Asian countries that considered rice as a staple.

What is Political Globalization?

As such, political globalization can be attributed to the activities of interethnic organizations that regulate world political processes. As an example, we can take the UN organization, whose activities are aimed at regulating various conflicts and maintaining peace throughout the world.

Cultural globalization is the rapid movement of ideas, attitudes and values ​​across national boundaries. Although this trend is often seen as a modern concept, the processes of cultural globalization can be traced throughout much of history. Even in times when most societies tended to exist in relative isolation, international trade and exploration often led to a transformational exchange of ideas. For example, the expeditions of early European explorers led to interaction with countries in Asia, Africa, North and South America. For example, as a result of such cultural exchanges, potatoes were brought to us.

The 20th century, with its rapid technological breakthroughs, has significantly accelerated the process of globalization. The Internet, telephones, radio, air travel and television media disseminate information around the world with great efficiency. The speed of information exchange has made the world not so big in some way. For example, minutes after a major political upheaval in one country, financial traders around the world can analyze the situation and start buying or selling shares, which in turn can cause panic in some segments of the population. Earlier, before globalization reached its current level, such results would have generally been more limited in scope and slower.

Cultural globalization is perhaps best exemplified by the culture of pop music. For example, young people in Moscow or Kyiv dance like they do in Miami and Tokyo. Japanese anime is watched in Chicago, and Mexican soap operas are broadcast in Manila. The latest music video of a band can be quickly distributed around the world through video services like YouTube. Celebrity characters achieve global pop icon status through the same means. Thus, the world is getting closer and cultural differences are blurred in the general flow of information.

Pros and cons of globalization.

Like any developing idea or trend, world globalization has in its arsenal an extensive set of both positive and negative aspects. Accordingly, like adherents ( globalists), and the opponents ( anti-globalists) of this concept, there are arguments in this regard. We will consider only the most obvious pluses and minuses of globalization.

Advantages of globalization.

Globalization ensures competition and makes products and services more accessible to consumers. Another benefit of globalization is that it helps bring economic stability to countries of low economic status.

A healthy level of competition lowers prices for consumers and helps maintain a high level of production. This can be a threatening aspect for the industry, because it must constantly maintain a high level of production and keep consumers happy, which in turn is a plus for buyers. Another benefit of globalization is the greater availability of products and services, as there are more businesses in the global market offering products and services to consumers. This means that consumers have more choice when it comes to their purchases.

Economic stability is one of the most important benefits of globalization. Poorer countries can sell goods and services to those with more money, which creates economic benefits. From the point of view of the world economy, this is an undeniable boon, as fewer countries remain in poverty. Countries that trade with each other have an interest in each other's well-being, which also helps keep the political climate more stable. A country is less likely to go to war with another if it depends on that country's important goods or services.

The ability to freely trade allows you to ensure the optimal level of resource extraction. This is because countries can produce goods and services in areas where they are most efficient.

The advantages of cultural and political globalization include a thaw in interethnic relations. When cultures flow freely from one to another, there is less division. Political decisions are made through international negotiations, where all possible options for peaceful coexistence are discussed.

Cons of globalization.

Critics of cultural globalization often oppose its destructive impact on national identity. They warn that unique cultural sites may disappear and languages ​​spoken by small populations may be at increased risk of extinction. Critics also warn that huge multinational companies can make secret deals without public participation or interest in the best interests of the local population.

In economic terms, there are also a number of problems associated with globalization. First of all, it affects industries that are not able to compete in a free market system. As a result of the closure of such industries, unemployment occurs and people quite often have to learn new professions and change jobs.

Modern globalization. Outcome.

As we can see even from this short article, globalization is a natural process that is virtually impossible to stop. It goes without saying that this trend has a lot of undeniable advantages, which is already good in principle. But, it also has many obvious shortcomings, over which mankind will have to work for a long time. And since the process of globalization, one way or another, will take place, then for a prosperous and peaceful coexistence, humanity needs to take all the best that this trend offers and get rid of negative factors.

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One of the key processes at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. is a progressive globalization, characterized by profound changes in the entire system of international relations.

The term "globalization" was first proposed by the American economist T. Levitta in 1983. Under it, he understood the phenomenon of merging markets for individual products produced by transnational companies (TNCs).

Globalization in its modern sense- this is the process of merging of political, economic, social, cultural spheres of different states through their interpenetration and the establishment of interdependence in the common organism of world life, where there is a division of functions for the sake of the unity of its functioning. In globalization, objective, occurring as if spontaneously, processes of unification of countries and conscious purposeful activity to unite the world are simultaneously carried out. As a trend in world development, globalization is manifested in the growing interdependence of national economies and is aimed at strengthening the integration cohesion of the world, at creating a single world economy, a single political, legal, cultural and information space, which will eventually give the world community a new quality of development.

Main features of globalization Today we can count:

The transition of production to an international form (transnationalization) and the accelerated movement of factors of production and finished products within the global economic space;

Orientation of the economy of most states towards uniform standards;

The emergence of supranational governing structures, international system information, standards, etc.;

Interpenetration of capitals of various forms and countries, including through the intensification of international mergers and acquisitions;

The elimination or weakening of institutional barriers that impede international economic exchange

Computerization, miniaturization, digitalization, fiber optics, satellite communications, Internet

The result is:

Firstly, the output of the activities of national economic entities beyond the framework of national-state associations;

Secondly, the transfer of their internal economic problems on the global level, the growth of influence on other states, the strengthening of integration with them, the transformation into a part of the world economic system;

Thirdly, the emergence of a need for planetary coordination of the economic policies of individual states as a condition for stabilizing the international economic system, synchronizing the development of its individual elements.

At the same time, nation-states do not wither away and are not canceled in favor of the international (the idea of ​​global capitalism is not feasible), but only limited in their capabilities, especially countries with weak economies. They turn out to be included in the world economic process on the terms of submission to the requirements of transnational companies of the largest powers and their associations.
The processes of globalization in the world economy are perceived and evaluated differently. We welcome globalization processes in developed countries, and are a serious concern in the developing world.

Most researchers agree that, despite all the diversity global problems, they have a common specificity that distinguishes them from other problems of the world economy. This specificity of global problems lies in the fact that they have a number of common features:

They are global in nature, i.e. affect the interests and destinies of all (or at least the majority) of mankind;

They threaten humanity with a serious regression in the conditions of life and further development productive forces (or even the death of human civilization as such);

Need an urgent and immediate solution;


They require joint actions of the entire world community for their solution.

Based on these signs, they began to refer to the global the following problems world development: the problem of overcoming poverty and backwardness of the world; disarmament, prevention of world nuclear war(the problem of peace and demilitarization); food; natural resources, often seen as two individual problems- energy and raw materials; ecological; demographic; problem of human development.

Globalization is criticized not only by anti-globalists and some politicians (for example, Hugo Chavez), but also by a number of economists and scientists. For example, the famous economist Joseph Stiglitz has written several books that are sharply critical of globalization. Stiglitz proves on numerous facts and examples that it destroys industry, contributes to the growth of unemployment, poverty, slows down scientific and technological progress and exacerbates the ecological catastrophe on the planet. He criticizes the policies of global institutions: the WTO, the IMF, which, in his opinion, use globalization and its ideology (free trade, free access to raw materials, global patent law, the use of "paper" dollars and euros as world currencies, the intervention of international institutions in domestic politics, etc.) in the interests of several of the most developed states, to the detriment of most countries on the planet. Some authors point out that globalization contributes to the fall in the birth rate. Others argue that globalization is being used by the US as a tool to weaken or destroy its geopolitical adversaries. Still others point out that globalization contributes to the growth of the speculative economy, the monopolization of the production and sale of goods and the redistribution of wealth in favor of a small group of people (the "world ruling class").

To the number negative consequences Globalization should include, first of all, the uneven growth of the material well-being of different social strata and a significant increase in socio-economic inequality between regions.

While supporters of globalization argue that all modern processes and the negative phenomena associated with them are natural and cannot be controlled, critics of globalization, on the contrary, are convinced that large states are able to significantly reduce the negative impact of the latter. In their opinion, this can be achieved through a reasonable protectionist policy in all areas: in the field of foreign trade, capital movements, immigration, as well as through the reform of the world monetary system. An alternative to the modern global economy, in their opinion, could be the formation of 10-20 national or regional economies (“free trade zones”), which should be protected from negative impact global economy through protectionism and the gold (or "commodity") standard as the basis for setting exchange rates.

Periodization theories of globalization

The well-known researcher of globalization problems M. Cheshkov divides globalization into three stages according to the totality of general and partial parameters: proto-globalization - from the Neolithic revolution to the Axial Age; the emergence of a global community - from the Axial Age to the Age of Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution; the formation of a global community - the last 20 years until the end of our century.

A very interesting version of the periodization of the history of mankind and the globalization of its life is given by A.N. regional events and territorially limited international relations; global events and universal economic and socio-political dependence; space expansion and space conflicts; five epochs in terms of epochal modifications: the first emergence of Homo sapiens, the formation of a religious and mythological worldview, the implementation of the Neolithic revolution; the second includes the emergence of a philosophical worldview, regional events and territorially limited international relations; the third includes the separation of science from philosophy and the beginning of scientific and technological progress; fourth - the current era, characterized by the formation of global consciousness and cosmic expansion; fifth - future metamorphoses, leading to the "humanization" of social and individual consciousness.

Barlybaev Kh.A. a periodization is proposed according to the levels of material culture and degrees of socio-cultural maturity of mankind, interconnected maturation, formation and development of the globalization of people's lives and sociogenesis. According to these criteria, it seems possible to distinguish six following periods:
1) Embryonic when human qualities future man were still in their infancy, and the driving force behind their formation and development was material need.
2) Adaptation to earthly life.

3) The development of earthly life. During this period, statehood arises, which acts as a leap in the formation of the prerequisites for accelerated globalization processes. The state serves as a universal tool for developing the worldview and needs of people, economic, social and labor relations, science, technology, education, culture, etc.

4 Spiritual-search. Humanity begins to inquisitively seek the meaning of its life on Earth, finding the answer in religious beliefs. That is, the socialization and globalization of human life acquires a religious character. Globalization processes during this period are manifested in the rise and fall of huge empires, the implementation of major geographical discoveries, the expansion of trade with distant countries, the emergence of world colonial powers led by European states, etc.

5) Material-accumulative. Globalization is incredibly accelerating, acquiring new qualities, but there is no single world of mankind yet. The main system-forming factor in this period is the development of statehood, and the life of civil society is directly tied to the nature of the state. During this period, a giant leap of humanity takes place in all spheres and directions of socialization and globalization.

6) Intellectual-humanistic period. Of all the beginnings in a person, the intellectual and spiritual should come to the fore.