University teacher/administration: Joyful schoolchildren of yesterday, crowding with certificates in the FEFU admissions office, how I feel sorry for you...
For those who don’t like to read for a long time, here’s some advice: if you didn’t study well at school, are not overly curious and have a thirst for knowledge, and your Unified State Exam scores are enough to cover your budget, you can go to FEFU. If you need serious, modern knowledge, you want to learn and master as much as possible in your future profession, there is nothing for you to do here, especially for the so-called high-scoring students, you have a huge choice, why should you choose a university with the worst rating among federal universities. It also makes no sense to study here for a fee; the price/quality ratio is perhaps the worst in Russia; for your money you can easily find something better. The only exception is oriental languages, where the quality is still decent.
Now who cares about the details? First of all, you need to understand that there are two FEFU: one is an ostentatious brand, which you can read about on the FEFU website and whose buildings you can admire, and the second is FEFU as an educational institution, mediocre and provincial.
Let's start with the teachers. If during your entire study you come across 2-3 people who deeply know their subject at a modern level and are able and willing to teach, you are lucky. Usually they either can’t or don’t want to, and often both together. But there aren’t enough of them either; it happens that there are no classes in any discipline for 2-3 months, until they find at least someone, even not particularly versed in the subject, if only he could at least somehow conduct something and arrange what -ratings.
On the website you can read that teachers from leading Russian and foreign universities are invited to teach classes at FEFU... Such a person will come from Moscow for a week, speak haughtily of common truths and leave, taking with him an amount equal to the annual salary of an ordinary teacher, which is what he came here for. and drove. Believe me, you won’t get anything useful out of this.
Now the material base. Yes, the buildings and nature are beautiful, there are no words. And on the website you can read about the unique equipment available at FEFU. Of course there is something that works. But very often the picture is different: yes, they bought the equipment, it’s expensive, it’s unique, but it just sits in boxes because no one needs it, there’s no one to work with it, they bought it for show and a kickback. And it also happens: they bought something expensive and unique, very necessary, installed it, launched it... And then the FEFU management “discovered” that it still needed maintenance and consumables, and it was a shame to allocate money for this, excuse the expression. So it sits there, gathering dust and becoming obsolete. Walk along the laboratory building, look into the windows of the first floor, you will see a lot of empty laboratories, with equipment, but without people, and unpacked boxes. It’s true that recently, in some places, blinds have been hung, otherwise people are starting to ask uncomfortable questions about what the money is spent on... You won’t read about this on the website. And about computer classes, where there is outright scrap metal, and out of 15 computers there may be only 5 working ones. And about the fact that not so long ago FEFU lost its only old supercomputer, inherited from FEFU, but there is no new one and there won’t be one. But you will read about virtual reality, cloud technologies and high-performance computing. But they will teach you this on a regular board and leaves.
But this is not the worst thing. There is also a team (or maybe it would be more correct to say a gang) under the leadership of rector A*****. These are people who know nothing about the education system, who have come to replace those who once made FENU the leaders of education in the Far East, who created FEFU in its early years. All these professionals were removed. In their place are the rector's friends - people who came to help him milk the university. People whose all decisions are subject to one principle: the flow of money past their pockets should be as small as possible. Teachers should be cut. So what if there is no one to teach classes. The number of employees will be reduced; the schedule will now be drawn up by a program. The result is that in the fall of 2018, the university studied for two months without a schedule. Student groups cannot be divided into parts; this is double expenses; let the entire group of 25 people sit in a classroom with 15 computers (of which, as you remember, half do not work). Science? What other money is there for science? Science itself must bring in money and also feed them (officials).
But every year some new brilliant project is carried out, for which considerable money is allocated and used by the management. Perhaps the saddest is Bachelor's Degree 2.0 (2016). Now these students are finishing their 3rd year, they (and themselves) are not called anything other than “victims of bachelor’s degree 2.0”. It was necessary to think of this, to teach all students, of all directions, the entire first year the same thing, all sorts of nonsense without professional disciplines. Consider that they did not study for 4 years, but only 3. But something new: in the fall of 2018 they tried to launch modular training. Died in miserable convulsions before it even started, they couldn’t create any schedule, let alone a modular one... Same fall 2018: the introduction of online courses into the curriculum is a pathetic attempt to save money on teachers and not pay for classroom lessons. And two weeks before the New Year, the fun began: the heads of the departments were feverishly looking for at least someone who was ready to quickly give at least some lectures on these disciplines and take tests in 2 weeks. And the curriculum was again hastily redone (and this was in the midst of the school year!!!)
But on the FEFU website, in an appeal to applicants, it is written, they say, do not try to find out “how and what” from current students (of course, none of them will say anything good!). Like at FEFU everything is new every year and it will be different for you too. They are not lying about this, there will be another project, and you will be its victims.
In recent years, FEFU has not been a developing, but a declining university. The statistics on the website regarding the number of students are a blatant lie. The number of students is steadily falling; now there are fewer of them than there were in only FENU before the merger (and 4 large universities merged). The number of teachers has been reduced by more than half, you won’t find anything about this on the website. Teaching and support staff have been fired in the hundreds and continue to be fired, and their number is precisely tied to the number of students.
But the management proudly declares that FEFU has risen from some 630th place to 570th in the world rankings. But believe me, such a ridiculous rise is very easy to achieve through primitive manipulation of indicators that affect the rating. Like the share of foreign students. We recruit fewer of our own, more foreigners - that’s all. In general, foreign students are a separate source of special pride! Unless, of course, you look at where most of them come from. And these are countries like Pakistan, whose poverty does not allow them to get a job at a normal university, but they do not have their own universities. Even the Chinese don’t go to FEFU (they go, but only to learn Russian - for the rest they have their own universities, cheaper and better). But to get into the top hundred of the rankings this way (the dream of all Russian universities) is a lower chance than the Russian national football team to become a world champion.
To summarize: FEFU is an ordinary mediocre provincial university, excessively advertised and embellished. Showing off appears everywhere and in everything. A small touch: a multi-level parking in front of building D, between it and the main road there are two now inconspicuous speakers, covered with film and covered with some kind of advertising. When the next international forum is held at FEFU in September, they unpack them beforehand and hang up a huge poster saying that these are charging stations for electric vehicles, saying, look how cool we are! And after the forum they will pack it back until next year. And this is what FEFU is all about.

FEFU is an intellectual, educational, design and analytical center in the Russian Far East, located on Russky Island on the shore of Ajax Bay.

FEFU was founded in 1899, but in the form in which the university exists now, its development began in 2010. Since 2016, a new management team led by... O. Rector Nikita Anisimov develops communications between the Russian and international expert community with research, educational and innovation institutions in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. The partner network includes universities and research centers in Japan, South Korea, China and other Asia-Pacific countries.

The university joined the national movement WorldSkills Russia so that engineering students from the 1st year are immersed in practical implementation and hone professional skills before employment.

FEFU supports the National Technology Initiative (NTI), which allows it to attract promising employers and development institutions such as the Russian Venture Company (RVC), the Potanin Foundation, etc.

FEFU is building communications with leading Moscow universities: MIPT, RANEPA, HSE, SkolTech, Moscow State University. Lomonosov and others. Therefore, joint educational programs have been opened, universities send students to practice with each other.

At FEFU, faculties are called Schools, just like at Harvard. 9 schools are enrolling in educational programs for bachelor's and master's degrees in the most promising areas: biomedicine, energy, IT, robotics, business development in the Asia-Pacific region, etc. The training is based on the method of project activity, which educates engineering and management teams ready to implement large-scale projects in the country's economy.

Working with the Ocean Children's Center to revive strong mathematics education in the Far East, the university hosts an annual Pacific Mathematical School. In the summer, hundreds of talented children will be able to get into a project school or go to the base of the Sirius OC in Sochi.

During the work of the Moscow management team, the university diversified master's studies, making it useful for people intending to build a career:

Researchers and scientists;

Experts from large companies and corporations;

Technological entrepreneurs who are ready to launch a startup already at the stage of studying at a university.

FEFU is building a scientific and technological valley and an IT cluster on Russky Island, attracting professionals and intellectuals from all over the country.

More information about FEFU can be found in the community

Instead of a preface

Let's plunge into the recent past for a moment. It's 2007. The Russian government is seriously thinking about the preservation and development of the Primorsky Territory, since the “cut-off” of the region from the entire country is becoming too obvious.

As a result, a grandiose event is planned to be held in Vladivostok - the APEC Summit 2012. It would seem that this is impossible - there is neither a decent venue nor the appropriate infrastructure in Vladivostok. No? So let's build it! It is then that the city and the region embark on the path of development. Unique bridges, modern roads, cultural institutions and, of course, the pride of the region - the Far Eastern Federal University.

How it all started

The university is conceived as an ultra-modern, promising educational institution. In addition to combining intellectual, personnel, and material resources, the university will have to go through a grandiose construction project - buildings, dormitories, administrative buildings, and all adjacent infrastructure must be created from scratch. It is here that they decide to hold the summit, and subsequently other events of international importance.

To create this grandiose structure, not the most remote, but rather inaccessible corner of the Primorsky Territory was chosen - Russky Island. In 20 years, we will tell our grandchildren how long and thorny the path to Russian was, and they will look at us in disbelief, not imagining the time when on the site of a huge campus there was a wild impenetrable forest, and instead of 10 minutes by car, the journey took about hours by ferry.

How the merger of civilization and nature practically untouched by man took place and what came of it, read on.

Window to Europe

FEFU includes 4 universities of the Far East - Far Eastern State University, Far Eastern State Technical University named after. Kuibyshev, Pacific State Economic University and Ussuri State Pedagogical Institute.

The main feature of FEFU is the infrastructure of a single university campus, which has long been adopted by the world's best universities. Students live, attend lectures, and conduct research in one place. This is a kind of intellectual mini-capital of the region. Among the innovations unusual for the Russian higher education system are a flexible organization of the educational process, a large number of hours of independent work, encouragement of scientific activity, and a two-level “school-department” system.

They built and built and finally built

The vicinity of Ajax Bay was chosen as the location for the creation of the campus. Construction lasted 3 years - from 2009 to 2012. The construction is amazing: the total area of ​​the campus is 1,200,000 square meters. m, of which 800,000 sq. m. are built up. m!

The long-awaited APEC Summit took place on September 8-9, 2012, and first-year students began to move into the campus in October. In total, the dormitories are designed for 11,000 students and teachers. Since 2013, the university has completely moved from the mainland to the island.

The main campus buildings can be divided into several types.

1. Hotel-type dormitories (buildings 1 to 8, located in the northern part of the campus) - this is where distinguished guests, delegations and heads of state live during their visits. They consist of two lines - 5 buildings in the first row (by the sea) and 3 on the second line. The "marine" buildings are also called presidential buildings - for the size of the rooms (150 sq. m) and their luxurious decoration.
2. Three-star class dormitories (buildings 9 to 11).
3. Academic buildings (humanities and natural sciences, during the summit days - a conference hall and a press center), located between the dormitories.
4. Administrative buildings. The student center for student associations and organizations is located between the buildings. To the left of the humanitarian building is a modern sports block. It includes swimming pools and various sports fields, including an indoor tennis court. There are three gyms in the student buildings.

In addition, the territory is landscaped with squares, parks, and fountains. There are also several multi-level car parks and a beautiful promenade that offers stunning views on sunny days.

On July 1, 2013, a Medical Center equipped with the most modern equipment was opened on Russian Island. According to the rector of FEFU, in addition to performing the function of serving patients, the center will become an excellent practical platform for students of the School of Biomedicine.

Figures and facts

The rector of FEFU is Sergei Ivanets, who replaced Vladimir Miklushevsky, now the governor of the region.
The cost of constructing the campus was 63.5 billion rubles, auxiliary premises cost 11.5 billion rubles.
In 2012, the Admissions Committee accepted 18.5 thousand applications from 7.4 thousand applicants from 56 regions of the country.
Every fifth freshman in 2012 came from outside the Primorsky Territory.
According to the official website of FEFU, in 2012 the School of Economics and Management turned out to be the most popular among applicants - the competition was 23 people per place. Next comes the School of Law - 15 people per place, and the School of Regional and International Studies closes the top three - 12 people per place.

Of course, we could not avoid the problems that campus residents often have to face. This includes the lack of fresh water (there is a desalination plant on the island), and an insufficient number of shops and catering establishments, and only one medical center. However, it is already clear that FEFU has a great future ahead of it. Gradually, all the problems of the university are being solved, and the lively response of students and residents of the region plays a big role in this. For the second year in a row, despite everything, the university does not experience a shortage of applicants.

The Far East has become the site of some of the largest investment projects in Russia in recent decades. Grandiose and sometimes unique structures have made the city attractive to tourists, foreign investors, and businessmen. The whole world learned about Vladivostok, which means the inevitable development of the city and the region. FEFU will undoubtedly play a significant role in this - both as a venue for the most important events for the country, and as a forge of qualified personnel who increase the prestige of Primorye and Russia in the international arena.

Panorama of FEFU

How to get to FEFU

You can get to FEFU by bus (schedule) or by personal transport through

FEFU, whose faculties and specialties are the most in demand in the Far East, has graduated a huge number of first-class specialists over its long history. Over the 116 years of its existence, the Oriental Institute has managed to become a university of federal significance, its graduates are in demand all over the world.

History of the university

In 1899, FEFU, whose faculties and specialties today are of interest to many applicants throughout Russia and beyond, was opened under the name Oriental Institute. Then the teaching staff was recruited from graduates who had undergone long-term internships abroad. Thanks to this, the university began to play a vital role for the developing region at that time.

In 1920, the then institute was merged with a number of private universities and began to be called the State Far Eastern University. In 1930 and 1939, the university was closed for ideological reasons, but later reopened. As of 1956, it was called the Far Eastern State University and consisted of five faculties.

The university actively continued to develop, by 2009 it included about 50 representative offices and branches, some of them are located abroad. This was precisely the reason for joining a number of local universities to FENU and creating a single one. This is how FEFU (Vladivostok) was formed, which in 2013 opened its doors to everyone.

What should I do?

To enroll in this university, you will need to submit a number of standard documents: a copy and original of your passport, certificates of passing the Unified State Exam, a copy and original of your secondary education certificate, and also fill out an application form for admission to the university. If a potential student has not passed the Unified State Exam, he has the right to take it during the entrance exams at the university, but the admissions committee must be notified about this in advance.

If a potential student has any documents that give him an advantage upon admission or simply testify to his talents, they must also be presented to the admissions committee. Despite the fact that the decision on admission is mainly made based on the scores scored by the applicant, the admissions committee may give priority to the applicant who offers to get acquainted with his talents.

University departments

If a potential student intends to apply to FEFU, whose departments are famous for their professionalism, he must decide on the choice of specialty. In total, the university has 25 departments, to one of which the new student will be assigned in the future as a graduate student. The departments of oil and gas and petrochemistry, instrument engineering, as well as architecture and urban planning are especially popular.

At each of them, scientific developments are constantly underway; professors hold scientific councils, where not only student work is discussed, but also the latest publications on professional topics. Scientific supervisors constantly offer students opportunities for development in the form of writing publications and attending scientific meetings and other events in their specialty.

The university invites you to visit!

Every year the university holds an open day; FEFU strives to show future applicants what exactly awaits them if they enroll. As a rule, this event is held in March-April; these dates were not chosen by chance, because most school graduates at this time begin to choose their future place of study.

Students usually prepare a major presentation, which tells in detail about the university, its history and development prospects. Potential students, together with their parents, can ask all the necessary questions to the university teachers, as well as to the students present. The event is also usually attended by one of the members of the admissions committee to provide all the information applicants need for admission.

FEFU Engineering School and its developments

Not long ago, a completely new technical direction appeared - “Mechatronics and Robotics”, which is a set of basic dogmas of three sciences: computer science, electronics and mechanics. Specialists studying it are trying to understand how automation can help the development of several sciences at once, while maintaining its own significance and independence.

According to UNESCO, this specialty is one of the most in demand in the world, and without it any technical progress is impossible. All university graduates in this specialty have the right to work as engineers, programmers, develop artificial intelligence, and also conduct research activities.

University branches

Not everyone has the opportunity to move to Vladivostok in order to study at FEFU; in this case, branches are the most suitable options. In total, there are nine divisions of the university, all of them are located in the Far Eastern Federal District, which makes it easier for potential students from the outback.

The branches in Ussuriysk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Nakhodka are especially popular. Some students find it much easier to get to these cities than to Vladivostok, where the main buildings of the university are located. Branches in Arsenyev, Artyom, Bolshoy Kamen, Dalnerechensk, Dalnegorsk and Spassk-Dalniy are also completely filled with newly minted students by the beginning of the academic year.

University faculties and specialties

FEFU, whose faculties and specialties differ significantly from other universities, has developed its own concept for naming them. The faculty here is called a school, and within them there are specialties that are successfully mastered by students. Each branch also bears the proud name of a school, while within one branch there are not so many specialties offered compared to the main division of the university.

The most popular faculties include the Law School, the School of Arts, Culture and Sports, the School of Economics and Management, and the School of Regional and International Studies. This is where future applicants rush to get most often, believing that these are the skills that will be most useful to them in the future.

Extracurricular activities

In addition to their main responsibilities, FEFU students actively take part in the extracurricular life of their faculties and the university as a whole. Students of the educational institution have repeatedly become prize-winners of KVN competitions, as well as regional winners of the student spring competition, which are held in universities every year.

Among other things, the university also has extracurricular organizations, in particular, a trade union committee that helps students resolve issues with scholarships, dormitories and other individual issues. Anyone can become a member of the trade union committee; to do this, simply go to the organization with a student ID.

Military affairs

FEFU (Vladivostok) has its own, which trains future personnel reserves for the army. All students at this center automatically receive a deferment from the army for the period of training, and after its completion, they receive the rank of lieutenant and the specialty of engineer.

The training lasts according to the standard - five years, after which the graduate of the center receives a diploma and has the right to continue his studies, and can also serve in the army at the received rank. Many graduates of the center today serve in the army as engineers, receiving additional bonuses annually for good work.

In the Russian labor market, very different employers express their needs. Some people need workers with secondary vocational education, while others need specialists with higher education. At the same time, one feature unites employers. They all need well-trained people who have the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Such personnel are graduated from the Far Eastern Federal University. What faculties and specialties are offered at FEFU? Before answering this question, let's take a closer look at this educational institution.

FEFU: what kind of university is it?

Far Eastern Federal University operates in Vladivostok. But not only in this city they know about the named university. FEFU is known in many regions of Russia, because it is the most prestigious university in the Far East. Its history began in the 19th century. In the summer of 1899, Emperor Nicholas II signed a decree on the opening of the Oriental Institute. This educational institution was to become the first classical university in the Far East and throughout Eastern Siberia.

The emperor's decree was carried out in the autumn of the same year. The opening of the Oriental Institute took place on October 21. Over the years, the university has grown and developed. Its first consolidation took place in 1920. The Oriental Institute was merged with several private educational institutions. The result of this procedure was the emergence of the Far Eastern State University. Another significant merger with other universities occurred already in 2010-2011. The Far Eastern State University formed a new university together with the Far Eastern Technical University, the Pacific Economic University and the Ussuri Pedagogical Institute. This is how the FEFU, known today, appeared with specialties and faculties (schools) in a wide variety.

Famous facts about the university

FEFU is a large educational institution. The Far Eastern Federal University campus is a complex of buildings and structures and is an entire campus. It has all the conditions for fruitful study, an intense or relaxing holiday. Each student plans his own life. Some devote themselves to their studies and, in their free time, relax in the dormitory, while others decide to fully immerse themselves in student life, play sports, or join some creative university group.

The university plans its further development, which means that in the future it will be even larger. That is why it has already created internal transport for students, teachers and other employees - a shuttle. It makes moving around campus much easier. Travel there is completely free.

Organizational structure of the university

What faculties and specialties are there at FEFU? This is one of the traditional questions of applicants. The educational institution does not have faculties. In its structure, the main divisions are schools. They implement higher education programs. There are 9 schools in total:

  • engineering;
  • legal;
  • humanities;
  • natural sciences;
  • regional and international studies (oriental institute);
  • biomedicine;
  • arts, culture and sports;
  • pedagogy;
  • economics and management.

Among the structural divisions of the university there are also lyceums, gymnasiums, and colleges. Their main goals are to implement general educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general and secondary vocational education. The university also has branches. The cities in which they are located are Arsenyev, Artem, Bolshoi Kamen, Dalnegorsk, Dalnerechensk, Nakhodka, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Ussuriysk. A very important achievement of FEFU is the presence of one branch outside our country. It operates in Japan in the city of Hakodate. It is the economic, political and cultural center of the south of Hokkaido.

Variety of higher education specialties

Far Eastern Federal University is one of those universities that amazes with the huge number of schools, faculties and specialties. FEFU offers high-quality education at bachelor's, specialist's, master's and postgraduate levels. Among the variety of specialties we can highlight:

  • humanitarian areas (“philosophy”, “journalism”, “religious studies”, “psychology”);
  • pedagogical specialties (“teacher education” in one or two subjects);
  • natural science programs (“physics”, “chemistry”, “biology”);
  • economic and legal specialties (“economics”, “management”, “jurisprudence”);
  • engineering areas (“innovation”, “ground transport and technological complexes”, “instrument making”).

FEFU Vladivostok differs from many universities in that, in addition to the above specialties, it implements programs in the field of biomedicine. Future doctors study at the educational institution, because the list of areas includes “medicine”. For those who want to connect their future life with the production and sale of medicines, there is a specialty in pharmacy.

A young and relevant specialty at FEFU

One of the modern programs of the Far Eastern Federal University is “conflict studies”. The first students to become specialists in this field were graduates of 2013. Different people enroll to study “conflict studies.” Some people decide to take this step immediately after school, while others apply to obtain a second higher education. Among the applicants there are specialists related to philosophy, psychology, journalism and other sciences.

Conflictology is in high demand among applicants. One of the reasons for the demand is that the specialty provides students with the opportunity to study a second foreign language - Chinese. Interest in the educational program is also caused by the demand for conflict management in modern society. Many organizations already have such specialists who are faced with the task of maintaining a favorable atmosphere in the work team.

Creative and sports specialties of the university

Schools, faculties and all specialties of FEFU Vladivostok are available to applicants not only with a mathematical, humanitarian and natural science mindset. Creative individuals who choose “design”, “design of the architectural environment” and “architecture” also come to the university to apply. To enter these specialties, you must be able to draw. The presence of this skill is necessarily tested during the entrance creative test, in which applicants are required to draw an antique head. All applicants are divided into groups. Each group is given a specific head - Antinous, Diana, etc. The task of the applicants is to make the drawing as similar as possible to the original.

At FEFU, at the faculty, or more precisely at the school of art, culture and sports, there are a couple of sports specialties - these are “adaptive physical education” and “physical education”. They provide a special entrance test, which allows university staff to evaluate the general physical preparation of applicants. The exam includes:

  • running at various distances;
  • long jump;
  • pulling, bending and straightening the arms while lying down;
  • leaning forward from a sitting position.

Vocational University College

Continuing education is a model implemented by the schools-faculties of the Far Eastern Federal University of Vladivostok. In it, the first step is obtaining secondary vocational education. The corresponding programs are offered by the Far Eastern Federal University through one of its structural divisions - the vocational college. Its doors are open to graduates of grades 9 and 11.

The college offers few programs - only 5. Here is a list of them:

  • “teaching in primary school” - training teachers to teach children in primary school;
  • “construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities”, “organization of transportation and transport management”, “installation and operation of equipment and gas supply systems” - training of technicians;
  • “Banking” - training of banking specialists.

Analysis of the admission campaign

In 2017, the admissions committee of the Far Eastern Federal University processed a huge number of applications, amounting to several thousand. Of the applicants, about 7 thousand people became students who chose schools, faculties and specialties of the Far Eastern Federal University of Vladivostok. Not only residents of this city were enrolled in the university. The number of students also included residents of other localities in our country. The results of the 2017 admissions campaign allow us to conclude that young people from 66 regions of Russia aspired to the Far Eastern Federal University.

FEFU employees advise school graduates to start their life journey with secondary vocational education programs. At a university college you can not only get a profession, but also prepare for studying at a university and adapt to student life. However, many school graduates still focus on higher education programs. In 2017, just over 500 people chose college and over 4 thousand people chose bachelor's and specialty degrees.

The most popular specialties and passing scores

Without exception, all applicants dream of a good career. Some plan to work abroad or in Russia, but at the same time want to be associated with the international arena. For this reason, at the Far Eastern Federal University, the list of the most popular specialties among applicants annually includes such programs as “international relations”, “oriental and African studies”, “foreign regional studies”, “journalism”. Medical specialties are of great interest to applicants. They seem interesting and noble, as they require further assistance to people.

Competition in popular specialties is very high. 25-30 people apply for budget places. In 2017, the number of budget places and the passing score at FEFU in popular specialties was as follows:

  • 12 places and 267 points in “international relations”;
  • 18 places and 260 points in “Oriental and African studies”;
  • 13 places and 255 points in “foreign regional studies”;
  • 8 places and 353 points in “journalism” (the higher score is due to the presence of 4 entrance tests, not 3);
  • 15 places and 216 points in “medical biophysics”;
  • 18 places and 181 points in “medical practice”.

Preparation for admission to FEFU

At the Far Eastern Federal University, preparatory courses are open to everyone. They can refresh your existing knowledge and fill in gaps. Preparatory courses at the university are very effective, because classes for schoolchildren are taught by highly qualified teachers from the university departments. FEFU specialists have many years of experience not only in the field of university teaching, but also in the field of pre-university education.

When registering for classes, each applicant chooses the necessary courses for himself:

  • preparation for passing the Unified State Exam - summer, 4-, 6-, and 8-month courses;
  • preparation for passing the creative test - basic (during the academic year) and summer courses in drawing, drawing, composition.

Why is it important to score high?

It is recommended to prepare thoroughly for admission. The goal should be one - to score high scores in all subjects. At FEFU, faculties and specialties are chosen by very worthy people (graduates who graduated from school with a medal and a red certificate, winners of regional and All-Russian Olympiads), who get into budget places. Only with serious study in courses and independent preparation for exams can such individuals become worthy competition and compete for the chance to receive a free education.

You still need to strive for high scores for one reason. At FEFU, high-scoring students receive an increased scholarship during the first semester. Students from other regions of Russia are additionally paid compensation for all travel expenses.

Many people dream of studying at FEFU in Vladivostok and in those cities where branches are located. It is quite possible to become a student at a well-known, large and prestigious university in our country. You just need to devote time to studying, additional classes at school (electives), courses at the university itself, and strive to gain new knowledge. With excellent preparation, it will be possible to enter any department of FEFU - the Faculty of Law, the School of Biomedicine, etc.