Imagine a person whose arms are twisted. It would be fine if only one arm was twisted, but Dupuytren's disease, as a rule, affects both hands. This name hides a connective tissue disease that affects the palmar aponeurosis (wide tendon plate) and is accompanied by severe deformities of the fingers, causing the patient's disability.

Contracture, or Dupuytren's disease, is a severe and common disease of the hand, the cause of which is unclear. Among all diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it accounts for 1-3%.

Dupuytren's disease makes the young and healthy people occurring over the age of 30. It is especially common between 40 and 60. If the disease occurs at a young age, then, as a rule, there is a rapid progression of symptoms and a more severe course of the disease.

The disease was first described in 1831 by Baron Guillaume Dupuytren, a famous French surgeon, and bears his name. It is also called the French disease, apparently because Dupuytren first discovered it in the French.

It is assumed that among the factors that cause it, there may be traumatic injuries of the hand, hormonal disorders (diabetes mellitus), neuroses, injuries of the ulnar nerve, cervical osteochondrosis, and, of course, burdened heredity. In favor of the genetic causes of this disease, more and more specialists are inclined, since cases of Dupuytren's disease are repeated in different generations of the same family.

The disease begins with the appearance of calluses in the form of nodules on the skin of the palms. In that initial period disease, the patient complains of a feeling of tightening of the fingers. Then, fibrous cords soldered to it appear under the skin, which cause flexion contracture of the fingers and literally twist the hands. These fibrous bands are easily palpable under the skin. Most often, the ring finger and (or) little finger are involved in the process.

The process begins with the defeat of the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints, which is joined by impaired mobility in the distal parts of the fingers. This disease is rarely accompanied by pain, unless the affected fingers are inadvertently or deliberately stretched out.

There are several degrees of the disease.

The first is the presence of nodules and strands in the palm of your hand; the function of the fingers and hand is not disturbed.

The second degree is the spread of strands and knots to the proximal phalanx of one or more fingers; the function of the fingers is impaired; full active and passive extension is impossible

Third degree - persistent deformation and limitation of the function of the hand due to the spread of the process to the middle phalanx of the fingers and deep fascia.

Interestingly, sometimes this disease is accompanied by inflammation and thickening of the tissue of the fascia and on the legs. This disease is called plantar fasciitis. Very rarely, Dupuytren's disease is accompanied by Peyronie's disease (curvature of the penis).


Diagnosis of this disease is carried out by examining the affected hand. The easiest way to make a diagnosis is called the tabletop test. If a person is able to place an open palm on the surface of the table so that the palm is firmly attached to the surface, then this is not Dupuytren's disease.

It is necessary to differentiate burns or injuries that can lead to the formation of scars on the arm that mimic Dupuytren's contracture.

Treatment and prevention

It is difficult to cure the disease, because the cause of the disease is not clear. To prevent the formation of contractures, it is necessary to use the possibilities of conservative therapy to the maximum. For this, physiotherapy methods, treatment with enzymes, hormones, vitamin E are used. It is aimed at softening the tissues of the palmar aponeurosis and preventing sclerosis. Hydrocortisone injections, mud applications, aloe injections, massage, therapeutic exercises are carried out. Many patients with this disease require support and warm compress stretching exercises.

I have Dupuytren's contracture in my left hand. They did the operation, the nerves are not affected, but the fingers bend only a little, and the hand hurts.

But the scary thing is that it started to hurt and right hand. Doctors say that contracture is forming on this palm as well. In addition to electrophoresis, ultrasound, chatter with Dimexide, Hydrocortisone, Novocain, Analgin, I use oatmeal baths, paraffin, baths with sea salt. Alas, there are no improvements.

Prompt, please, ways of treatment of this illness or disease. Interested personal experience former patients.

Anna Ivanovna Kostenko, 09441, Kyiv region, Stavyshchensky district, Geysikha village, Radyanska street, 62

Dupuytren's contracture is a persistent restriction of movement in the joint, resulting from painful changes in it and in the soft tissues surrounding it. It is called flexion if the limb is bent, or extensor if the leg or arm is extended and does not bend.

Normally, the ends of the articulating bones are covered with elastic (hyaline) cartilage, which ensures optimal contact between the ends of the bones during movement. All joints, as a rule, are enclosed in a capsule - a joint bag lined from the inside with a delicate mucous (synovial) membrane. This shell produces a special fluid, a kind of lubricant that reduces friction. articular surfaces during movements.

During the inflammatory process in the joint, the cartilage becomes less elastic, the secretion of synovial fluid decreases, the articular bag shrinks: stiffness increases, articular contracture develops.

Muscle damage causes muscle contracture. Due to severe damage to the skin, for example, after burns, skin contracture develops. Scars, soldered to the tissues surrounding the joint, interfere with free flexion and extension of the arm or leg.

Initially, clear thickenings are found under the skin of the palm along the tendons of one or more fingers. Then gradually begins the reduction of fingers and restriction of movements in the interphalangeal joints.

Sometimes the cause of contracture is prolonged forced immobility of the limb after the application of a plaster cast for severe bone fractures. The use of special devices helps to avoid this, allowing to combine reliable fixation of bone fragments with movements in the joint closest to the fracture site. This prevents the formation of stiffness in the injured limb.

In treatment initial stage diseases, doctors recommend hot baths, ointment bandages, massage, systematic therapeutic gymnastics, Hydrocortisone injections into the aponeurosis and flexor tendons, X-ray therapy. If there is no effect, excision of the palmar aponeurosis and tendon plasty are performed.

1. With such a disease, a spasm of the tendon occurs (most often on the right palm of the ring finger and little finger, and then, as the disease progresses, the spasm passes to the middle and index fingers). In most cases, official medicine performs an operation, after which the hand remains poorly controlled.

Raise any of your palms at eye level, look carefully and imagine that your palm is divided into 3 parts along the axis from the fingers down to the wrist joint.

First - thumb, which is controlled by the 6th cervical vertebra (or rather, its nerve).

The second zone is the index, middle and ring fingers. All of them are controlled by the nerves of the upper pair of the 7th cervical vertebra.

And finally, the little finger is controlled by the lower pair of the 7th cervical vertebra (although in the East they say - by the 8th cervical vertebra).

Now we know that the states of the flexor and extensor of all fingers of the hand depend only on the state of the nerves. cervical spine, which control their functions. And if trouble happened, if your fingers can no longer unbend, then look for the cause in your cervical spine, because the pinched nerve will constantly provoke a spasm, and it cannot be eliminated by other methods. Seek help from a skilled chiropractor. Just keep in mind that the zone of the cervical spine is very dangerous and requires the chiropractor to really have the highest skill in healing, so that both the displacement is eliminated and the patient is not harmed.

Mikhail Matveyevich Groza, 71630, Zaporozhye region, Dniprorudne, Lenina st., 23, apt. 36

2. If your fingers are bent, try to straighten them thanks to my recipe ... This good recipe, which is used for contracture (when the fingers are bent due to damage to the tendons).

You need to do hot baths for hands, alternating one day salt (with table salt), the other day - soda (with baking soda). The duration of each procedure is 30 minutes. Sprinkle salt and soda randomly. In a month, your fingers will straighten.

Vladimir Fedorovich Babiychuk, Khmelnytsky region, village of Satanov

3. Such a common disease as Dupuytren's contracture is often expressed in the appearance of dense knots and cords. Gradually growing, the strands lead to stiffness of one or more fingers. Doctors, alas, often suggest surgical intervention. But there are two pharmaceutical preparations (Ronidase and Lidaza) that will help to cope with this disease. These drugs, obtained from the testes of cattle, increase the permeability of tissues and facilitate the movement of fluids into interstitial spaces. For treatment, after you purchase one of the above drugs at the pharmacy, you need to moisten a pre-sterilized old soft cloth washed many times with isotonic sodium chloride solution, and then apply 0.5 tsp to it. Ronidaza (or Lidaza, which is somewhat weaker), put on the palm of your hand, cover with wax paper (not cellophane!) and fix. Do this at night. The course of treatment - from 2 weeks to 2 months, depending on the severity of the disease.

Elena Sergeevna Kovalchuk, Odessa region, Razdelnaya

4. Help remove the problem of Dupuytren's contracture! P.R. Lavrenchuk (30400, Khmelnytsky region, Shepetovka, Mira Ave., 12/10) turned to us with such a request, and we turned to Elena Ivanovna Karpenko for help, who told the following: “Dupuytren’s contracture most often occurs due to age-related degeneration of tendon tissues of the hand or develops as a complication diabetes. Unlike gout, arthrosis and other diseases of the joints, it does not cause much suffering. It’s just that the fingers, one after the other, stop working and unbend on their own - up to complete disability, when the hand cannot hold a spoon at dinner.

Try not to start the disease, and rather start treatment, especially since in folk medicine there are quite effective methods.

The simplest is magnetotherapy. It is enough to purchase a special rubber plate with a magnet inside the pharmacy and wear it during the day, fixing it with a band-aid (remove it at night).

Another simple remedy is old copper coins, previously soaked in salt water for 1 hour (1 tablespoon of salt per 200-250 ml of water). They are applied for 2 days, then they rest for 2-3 days and reattach the coins after they have been treated with saline. And so - up to 15 times (with interruptions). But if after the first session there are no blue or green marks left on the skin, do not waste time: copper treatment is not suitable for you. Be careful if the coins leave red spots that itch a lot - this may mean that you are allergic to copper.

The Kalmyk method of treatment is very effective, but it is not for the squeamish: compresses from a mixture of clay, sawdust and fresh horse manure (cow is worse, pig is not at all suitable). But the improvement is evident after several procedures.

The next option is Slavic. To begin with, a tincture of black poplar buds is prepared (2 tablespoons with a slide for 0.5 liters of vodka), and when the tincture is ready after 10 days, proceed to the procedures. 1.5 tbsp Mordovnik seeds are poured with half a glass of boiling water and wrapped for 4 hours. During this time, you need to grate 4 tbsp. horseradish roots. A compress is made from it, mixed with an infusion of mordovnik and half a glass of tincture. Remove after half an hour or even earlier, depending on the reaction of the patient.

Accelerate recovery therapeutic baths: 1.5 kg of needles or tips of pine or spruce branches are boiled for half an hour in 3 liters of water and left to infuse overnight. Properly prepared broth should be dark, saturated. Half a glass of sea salt is added to it (regular, without any additives and flavorings). The solution can be used several times, warming up before each procedure.

Or: 1 kg of crushed chestnuts in 5 liters of water. Boil for half an hour. Such baths treat contracture and arthrosis with arthritis.

And the last. Whenever possible, try to bend and unbend your shackled fingers. Repeat many times until the pain is tolerable. Successful treatment!”

5. For the treatment of Dupuytren's contracture, it is necessary to prepare a composition from the following components: distilled water - 75 ml, Dimexide solution - 50 ml, Analgin in ampoules - 4 ml, Novocain in ampoules (2%) - 4 ml, Hydrocortisone in ampoules - 1 pc. Prepare a talker from these components and make compresses on the affected fingers for 1.5-2 hours every other day. After removing the compress, hands should not be wetted for 12 hours, after which the day should not be washed with soap.

Larisa Anatolyevna Fesenko, Luhansk region, Stakhanov

6. Apizartron injections (extract from bee venom in ampoules) also help, which are performed according to the scheme. The drug is injected daily under the skin in the area of ​​​​the joints of the fingers, starting from 1 cm3 to 5 cm3, then in the reverse order. Tatyana Nikolaevna Shapoval from Cherkasy, thanks to this, the finger began to bend already on the eighth day. Since that time, 9 years have passed, and contracture does not bother her anymore.

6. With Dupuytren's contracture, mud applications help, which are applied to the entire hand in the form of a “glove”. Application temperature - 42-440C, exposure time - 15-20 minutes. The course is prescribed 12-14 procedures carried out every other day or 4 times a week.

7. World War II invalid of the second group Vladimir Ustimovich Karpenko from Chernigov (83 years old) copes with Dupuytren's contracture due to the fact that in the last 20 years every morning he develops his fingers to the point of pain, bending and unbending until they become warm.

8. Methodology of Maria Ivanovna Gavrilyuk from Lugansk:

one). Hand baths. Cook peeling potatoes, carrots, beets, onions, add 1 tbsp to 4-5 liters of broth. salt and 20 drops of pharmacy tincture of iodine. When it cools down to 380C, pour it into a tall and narrow pan, put your hands in it and knead it for 12 minutes, stretching the tendons of the bent fingers to a tolerable pain. Cover the top of the pan with a blanket.

2). Massage of the hands and forearms (each hand for 12 minutes). It is done in 2 steps: first stroking, then rubbing. Between receptions - massage, which consists in stretching the fingers to tolerable pain. When massaging, fresh butter should be used.

3). Wash hands with warm water and apply a compress with Ronidase powder. Moisten a piece of white cambric with saline, sprinkle with Ronidaza and attach to the hand, cover with compress paper, cotton wool and bandage elastic bandage. After 12 hours, unwind, work with your fingers, moisten the bandage and bandage again. Repeat the next day.

four). During treatment for 15 days, take vitamins "Kvadevit" - 1 tablet in the morning and evening.

9. In 1970 my mother fell ill. She worked as an accountant and, due to contracture, she could no longer hold a pen in her hand, or even get dressed and button up. My family and I lived in Vinnitsa, and she lived near Vinnitsa. It was for the New Year, when we took my mother to us. She went through all the examinations and consultations with all kinds of local "luminaries", but there was only one verdict - an operation. And without any guarantees.

And at that time I was already so interested in medicinal plants that I bought all the books that came to hand. And then, purely by chance, I buy a small book in a green cover “Pharmacy in the Forest” by M. Zhadan. Publishing house "Tavria", Simferopol, 1975, price 43 kopecks. And I find the following recipe in it: “Take the fruits of horse chestnut. Grind, pour into a bottle so that there is still 3 cm left on top, and pour ammonia (we filled it with technical alcohol - ed.). Place the bottle in a dark place for 9 days, then use it as a rub.

Mom soared her hands overnight in a decoction of chamomile with salt (she put everything arbitrarily), and then carefully smeared her hands with this tincture with a brush. I put on gloves at night, washed my hands well with soap in the morning.

Mom did this for two months (January-February, regularly for a month, and then how it goes), and by spring she was already working on her own garden. After that, she lived for another thirty years and never once did the disease make itself felt.

I had something similar with my husband. His finger began to snap. She barely persuaded me to lubricate my finger with chestnut tincture, even without baths. The husband said, they say, the neighbor had an operation, and it didn’t help him, and you threaten to cure me with some kind of “mazyuchka”. However, after a week of lubrication, I did not even notice how everything went.

Here is such a story. I also know that this tincture helps with gout, and a friend, thanks to her, cured her osteochondrosis (although at the same time she also took all sorts of pills).

Raisa Pavlovna Shafirovskaya, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Kerch

It is not uncommon for older people to have crooked fingers. The cause of such a deformation is far from old age, but arthritis of the hands. A similar pathological process occurs due to inflammatory reactions in the articular tissues. Such a pathological process needs early diagnosis and treatment, since delay is fraught with complete immobility of the hands.

Among all arthritis, inflammation of the joints of the hand accounts for about 15% of clinical cases.

Causes of Arthritis

Various factors can provoke arthritis of the hands, the most common of them are:

  1. trauma factor. This includes minor bruises, operations performed on the hands or independent injuries;
  2. Hypothermia. When the hands are very cold, then vascular narrowing occurs, leading to a slowdown in blood circulation, which serves as an impetus for the development of an inflammatory reaction in the articular membranes;
  3. infection factor. Anyone who has recently had a cold, sore throat, flu, diabetes, syphilis or chlamydia, gonorrhea or tuberculosis can earn inflammation of the joints. Pathogens such as staphylococci or streptococci almost instantly affect the cartilage, causing an inflammatory reaction;
  4. genetic factor. It has been proven that arthritis can be hereditary. If relatives were ill with a similar ailment, then descendants are recommended to take up its prevention;
  5. Hyperreactivity or weakness of the immune system also contributes to the development of inflammatory processes in the articular tissues;
  6. professional factor. Overload or heavy physical labor provokes overstrain of the joints, leading to arthritis;
  7. Metabolic disorders and immune failures due to excess weight, contribute to the development of pathological changes in the articular tissues, leading to arthritis;
  8. Harmful addictions like smoking or alcoholism, gluttony and others contribute to the slow destruction of all body systems, including joints.

Signs and symptoms of pathology

Pathological inflammatory process in the joints is characterized by chronic and acute course. Acute arthritis of the hands is characterized by a sudden onset with vivid and intense symptoms, while its chronic form proceeds secretly and develops gradually, often showing up in relatively advanced stages. Both forms are characterized by the following symptomatic manifestations:

  • Feeling that the wrist is stiff or stiff. Such a symptom is most characteristic of inflammations of rheumatoid origin, when the disease is based on autoimmune processes and the body independently destroys its articular cartilage tissues;
  • Articular stiffness in the morning. The patient's fingers do not lend themselves to final flexion-extension, and weather changes cause a feeling of eversion of the joints;
  • Pain syndrome is present in all forms of the inflammatory process. Chronic arthritis may be accompanied by dull, dull pain that occurs mainly after a period of rest. Acute arthritis is characterized by a particular intensity of pain symptoms, when even a slight movement causes pain, accompanied by local and even general hyperthermia;
  • A state of fever with malaise and fever;
  • Hyperemia of the hand and its noticeable swelling, indicating an active inflammatory process, and the fingers in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bends noticeably thicken;
  • Cartilaginous tissues under the influence of pathological processes wear out strongly, why the joint begins to crunch and creak with any physical activity;
  • The patient may be disturbed by sleep disturbance, lack of appetite, signs of chronic fatigue;
  • When the inflammatory reaction is neglected, rust syndrome develops, which is characterized by deformation changes in the articular tissues of the hand.

Complex of therapeutic measures

Early forms of arthritis are easily amenable to medical correction and elimination. For the treatment of infectious inflammatory processes, a course of antibiotic therapy is indicated, as well as taking corticosteroid drugs such as Methylprednisolone, Dexamethasone or Prednisolone. Pain syndrome is relieved by nonsteroidal drugs anti-inflammatory action like Ketoprofen, Ibuprofen or Diclofenac, Movalis, Piroxicam or Indomethacin.

To relieve pain and inflammation, analgesic agents are also prescribed, and to inhibit the destructive-deformation process, chondroprotective agents based on chondroitin or glucosamine sulfates, etc., are indicated. infectious causes the pathological process is eliminated with the help of drugs of the sulfanilamide, cytostatic or penicillamide group.

Surgical treatment is radical in nature, therefore, it is resorted to only in cases where there are no other therapeutic options. Destroyed articular elements of the hand are replaced with prostheses, or the bones are simply fixed motionless (arthrodesis) to eliminate pain symptoms.

The treatment complex must also include physiotherapy, which helps to relieve pain and inflammation, eliminate stiffness and maintain joint functionality. Among the most popular procedures, it is worth highlighting the most effective ones:

  1. Infrared, laser or UV heating;
  2. electrophoresis;
  3. Cryotherapy;
  4. Phonophoresis;
  5. Ultrasound treatment;
  6. Magnetotherapy;
  7. mud therapy;
  8. Treatment mineral waters etc.

No less effective after removing the exacerbation massage sessions and exercise therapy. Joints under the influence of inflammatory processes lose their endurance and motor activity. Gymnastic elements, performed correctly and regularly, restore the ability to move the hands, and massage helps to warm up the tissues and improve blood flow, which speeds up the healing process.

Nutrition Features

One of the necessary requirements for the lifestyle of a patient with arthritis of the hands is the correction of the diet. The basis of nutrition should be predominantly foods rich in antioxidant compounds, vitamins like cholecalciferol (D₃) or tocopherol (E). Therefore, the diet should be based on fish, liver, bran, nuts and vegetables, dairy products. But rheumatologists recommend to refuse the use of salt, fried and smoked foods.

Attention! Timely access to a specialist and qualified therapy will help to avoid serious articular deformity, immobility and disability. In the initial stages, arthritis of the hands can still be cured irrevocably.

In life, you can often meet people with twisted and disfigured fingers on their hands. Many people think that these are signs of old age, but they are not. Such horrible consequences causes a terrible disease - arthritis.

Arthritis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the joints, it can affect any joint in the human body, but, as a rule, it occurs in the small joints of the fingers.

According to statistics, women suffer from this disease 2 or even 3 times more often than men. In general, about 15% of the world's population is familiar with this disaster.

The development of such an ailment gradually leads the patient to immobility, and eventually to disability. Successful treatment arthritis of the fingers is quite possible, but only if you see a doctor in a timely manner, when the disease is only at an early stage. That is why when the first signs of the disease occur, you should immediately go to the hospital. Self-medication in this case is an unjustified risk.

Signs of illness

Arthritis has 2 forms:

  1. Acute;
  2. Chronic.

The main problem of arthritis is its occurrence, because it can manifest itself completely unexpectedly, even under the condition wellness. This is what happens in acute arthritis. But the course of the chronic form of the disease is much more dangerous. The fact is that such an ailment can pass almost imperceptibly. It progresses over the years, undermining the strength of the body.

Pain and crunching in the joints over time can lead to dire consequences- UP TO DISABILITY!

People use 100% natural remedy per 1 RUBLE recommended by orthopedist Bubnovsky ...

General symptoms:

  • Prolonged pain in the morning;
  • Creaking in the joints;
  • Malaise;
  • The formation of subcutaneous nodules;
  • stiffness;
  • Joint deformity.

Symptoms rheumatoid arthritis: numbness, tingling in the wrists.

Signs of acute arthritis: heat, strong pain in the joints and their swelling.

First of all, this ailment is not too striking a large number of joints, mainly in the hands and fingers. With the curvature of the fingers, they can acquire a number of forms that are typical for the manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis:

  1. Swan neck type;
  2. spindle shape;
  3. Contracture (with necrosis of the skin).

In the case of such distortions, a person is deprived of the opportunity not only to work, but also simply to serve himself (hold a cup in his hand, fasten buttons, etc.).

In general, the symptoms of arthritis of the fingers are directly dependent on the type of disease. It can be inflammatory pain, which is quite unpleasant and, as a rule, increases with any movement, in addition, it periodically occurs at night. So-called "starting pains" appear.

Over time, inflammation of the tissues that surround diseased joints begins. There is an external change in the joints themselves: they swell, their outlines change, swelling and redness of the skin appear, the skin itself becomes very hot in places of inflammation.

Causes of the disease

The sources of the disease can be a variety of factors. In general, they can be divided into several groups.

Common causes - primarily a metabolic disorder. In this case, non-infectious arthritis occurs. This form of the disease, as a rule, affects the elderly, as well as those who have disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands and those who have microtraumas.

Infectious diseases - arthritis of the joints of the fingers often occurs in those who have had the flu, SARS and colds many times. In addition, people who have had tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, brucellosis, chlamydia and disinteria are at risk. Periodically, arthritis occurs due to streptococci and staphylococci. Tonsillitis and other small focal lesions can lead to the disease.

Injuries – joint injuries, bruises and surgeries.

Heredity - it is impossible to talk about the absolute influence of this factor, but due to the pathological structure of the joints, which relatives may have, and arthritis in relatives, the occurrence of the disease is quite possible. Therefore, if there are such conditions, then it is necessary to periodically contact the hospital for a consultation.

Treatment of arthritis of the fingers

It's time to answer the question: "How to treat arthritis of the fingers?"

This disease can be successfully cured only when it is detected on early stage and personalized treatment. To do this, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis in time, because as soon as it can identify the type of arthritis and the cause of its occurrence.

If infectious arthritis is detected, the doctor prescribes a course of vaccines, antibiotics, and corticosteroids. All treatment is not aimed at eliminating the symptoms, but at eliminating the focus of the disease. In the acute form, analgesics with antispasmodic action are used to relieve pain, as well as nonsteroidal drugs(anti-inflammatory).

Chondroprotectors are used to restore damaged cartilage and stop degenerative processes. In the event that such measures do not bring positive result, biological response modifiers and antirheumatic drugs are used.

Prevention and treatment of vascular spasms is carried out, as well as measures to normalize blood pressure, since arthritis is associated with impaired blood circulation in the body.

Sleeping pills and sedatives are used, because the disease is characterized by irritability and sleep disturbance, which adversely affects the human psyche. In the treatment of arthritis of the hands, tinctures, ointments, rubbing and creams with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects are used.

Do not forget about nervous system, because the disease does not spare her either. For this reason, it is recommended to increase the level of vitamin B1 or thiamine in the body, which speeds up the metabolism (tablets, injections, brewer's yeast).

In addition to taking drugs, physiotherapeutic agents are used:

  • Diadynamic therapy - impact on the affected areas with low-frequency pulses;
  • Electrophoresis - the introduction of novocaine, antibiotics and other drugs through the skin;
  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Ultrasound;

Already in the period of remission of the disease, mud applications and hydrotherapy are used. However, the use of all these funds is determined on an individual basis.

After removing the exacerbation, the attending physician prescribes therapeutic exercises. It is carried out in the pool or lying on the floor, in conditions of maximum relaxation of the muscles.

The doctor also draws up a balanced diet, because the first cause of metabolic disorders is malnutrition. It is prescribed to eat liver, herring, salmon, vegetables and fruits, bran, walnuts and other products that are able to enrich the body with antioxidants and vitamins D and E.

Treatment of arthritis of the joints of the fingers is allowed folk remedies. Their list includes infusions and decoctions of herbs, ointments and compresses with mummy, blue clay and mustard, turpentine baths.

In the extreme case, when all methods are ineffective, the patient lies under the surgeon's knife, who conducts joint prosthetics.

behavior during illness

During the treatment period, the following requirements must be observed:

  1. Daily exercise and stretching (no additional load);
  2. Strict compliance with all prescriptions of the attending physician;
  3. Reducing the load on the fingers;
  4. Stable and complete rest at night;
  5. Restriction in food;
  6. Weight lifting is not allowed.

Disease prevention

In order to reduce the risk of arthritis of the fingers as much as possible, you should pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • Do not start and treat infectious and catarrhal diseases in time;
  • Control your weight (do not overload the joints);
  • Temper and play sports;
  • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • Reduce sugar and salt intake;
  • Instead of coffee and black tea, drink green tea and herbal drinks;
  • If possible, injuries and hypothermia of the body should be avoided;
  • Every day you need to eat garlic.

In general, it is possible to cure such a terrible disease as arthritis of the fingers. The main thing is not to neglect your own health, to lead healthy lifestyle life and at the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

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