Recent research has shown that what women want in a short-term and long-term partner is often different. One 2018 study published in the journal Psychological Science found that when it comes to casual dating, women are more likely to choose men with “masculine” facial features, which they believe are indicators of high testosterone levels.

But when choosing a husband, girls, on the contrary, prefer “softer” features, since they are associated with such qualities as reliability, sensitivity and kindness.

Now, a new study from the Clue app looks at... women's health, sheds light on what girls look for in casual sex partners. The survey used data from 68,000 female app users and found the following six traits to be key.

A man should be taller

A whopping 89.5% of respondents said their short-term partner should be taller than them, while only 11.9% don't pay any attention to a man's height. The good news is that “taller” may not mean as much as you might think, given that the average height of Russian women, according to the global community of medical scientists NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC), is 165.3 cm.

A 2018 survey on dating site E-Harmony found that 172-173 cm is considered the ideal height for men, which is actually slightly lower than 176.5 cm, which is considered the average height for an adult Russian man.

But not necessarily smarter

Although a similar level of education may be important for women looking for a life partner, only 46.7 percent of respondents considered intelligence an important trait in a one-night stand.

And it’s even better if the man has no beard

While bearded men are still loved around the world, most women said they would prefer a short haircut and hairless chest on their casual partner rather than long locks and a thick forest of hair on their upper body.

A man doesn't have to be a jock

Not surprisingly, about half (51.8%) of all women surveyed considered their body type to be very important factor when choosing a partner for a casual meeting. But if a man doesn’t have six packs or impressive biceps, that’s okay too.

The most popular among women were fit, athletic guys (50.3%), followed by “average” body types (29.1%), and only 7.8% of girls said they wanted someone very muscular.

A person's internal fat stores are considered a separate organ in the body, although many people do not think so. Adipose tissue does not have a specific location in the body like the heart, liver or pancreas, but it has its own specific functions in the body. One of the most important functions is the storage of calories, as well as the production of hormones that control metabolism.

Many people want to remove excess fat deposits, get rid of them, like tonsils, an inflamed appendix or stones gallbladder. It happens that in pursuit of beauty they resort to the help of plastic surgeons.

Although we should not forget that not all types of fat deposits are harmful to the body. There is a type of fat that uses dangerous fat deposits for its own purposes, helping a person stay in shape.

Therefore, the key to a good and slim figure is to increase the “good” kind of fat tissue, and only proper nutrition for weight loss.

Here's what you need to know:

  • Adipose tissue in the human body is another organ with its own specific functions. It stores calories and releases hormones that control metabolism.
  • There are two main categories of human internal fat. The first type is white adipocytes, and the second is brown.
  • There are several subcategories of white adipocyte. Some of them are useful and prevent the development of metabolic diseases, others are life-threatening, and others spoil our appearance.
  • Brown adipose tissue is the “good” kind of fat. It contains mitochondria, which produce energy from white adipocytes.
  • The percentage of brown fat tissue can be increased, which will allow you to burn more calories per day. Food, supplements and lifestyle changes can help with this.

2 main categories of fat

Humans have two types of internal fat tissue: white and brown. Both of them store energy, but white fat cells contain only one drop of fat, while brown fat cells contain a large number of small droplets of fat. It also contains tons of brown cell organelles known as mitochondria, which use fat droplets to generate energy and heat.

All young children have folds all over their body, especially newborns around the shoulders and neck. They are formed by brown adipose tissue, the purpose of which is to warm the child when the temperature environment low.

Scientists are used to thinking that as a person grows older, he spends all this adipose tissue. But this is not true, even adults have this type of fat deposits, but the amount is different for everyone. And the appearance and weight of a person depends on its quantity.

White fat

In addition to storing calories, white adipocytes also produce hormones such as adipokinectin, which makes the liver and muscles more sensitive to insulin. It also tells our brain to put down the spoon when we're full, suppressing our appetite. If the percentage of white adipocytes in the body increases, then the production of this hormone slows down until it stops completely.

Fat cells are also capable of producing estrogen in both men and women. Therefore, if the amount of fat deposits in the body increases, estrogen levels also increase accordingly.

This type of adipose tissue has several subtypes. Some of them are useful, and some of them cause a lot of trouble.

1. Subcutaneous

This is the type of fat that many bodybuilders and guys struggle with, whose goal in life is to go without T-shirts and show off their sculpted muscles on various catwalks and shows. This is what the nutritionist measures at the appointment with a caliper. He doesn't provide negative influence on health and can even be beneficial depending on what part of the body it is located in.

2. Fat deposits on the thighs and buttocks

This type of subcutaneous adipose tissue is most often found in women. In small quantities, it even makes a woman’s appearance more attractive, but when there is a lot of it, the body shape takes on the appearance of a pear.

Some studies have shown that women with these forms are less likely to have metabolic problems compared to women who have excess belly fat. But this does not mean that you need to eat everything in order to get shape like Kim Kardashian.

With age, especially during menopause, fat deposits from the hips and buttocks disappear and begin to accumulate intensively in the abdominal area, forming the so-called omentum.

Effective ways to remove cellulite on the legs and butt at home.

3. Visceral fat

This type of fat cells gathers and accumulates exclusively around internal organs abdominal cavity. If you have a large belly or a wide waist with folds, this means that you also have this type of fat cells. Let's leave Santa Claus and truck drivers aside, it's just worth noting that the more of this fat in the body, the higher the risk of developing heart disease and strokes. It also increases insulin resistance, which can later lead to the development of diabetes.

4. Omentum on the abdomen

This type of adipose tissue is a hybrid of visceral and subcutaneous fat. It is extremely difficult to distinguish where and in what place one fat layer passes into another. Only computed tomography, and this will not be cheap, and besides, why separate these layers at all.

You need to know that a waist of more than 102 cm in men and more than 89 cm in girth in women increases the risk of diseases cardiovascular system, stroke and diabetes.

This type of fat is also a source of large amounts of leptin, a hormone that controls metabolism and appetite. However, as with adipokinectin, leptin's work stops as the number of fat cells increases.

Burn more than 300 calories a day

As stated earlier, brown adipose tissue contains large number mitochondria, which feed on fat droplets. It also absorbs sugar molecules from the bloodstream, thereby preventing the development of type 2 diabetes.

If you can speed up the formation of brown fat cells, increase its activity, or make white adipocytes work like brown fat, then it may be possible to burn up to 300 calories per day. This amount of calories will be enough to lose several kilograms per month without doing anything.

Fortunately, white adipocytes can be transformed into brown adipose tissue, or at least make it beige, or rather make it work for the body's benefit. There are several interesting ways do this, but let's first look at one that is less practical, but no less interesting.

Ice cube method

The simple effect of sub-zero temperatures on the human body causes brown adipose tissue to work more actively. In 2012, a study was conducted in which men had to sit for 3 hours in special suits. Water circulated in them at a temperature of 17 degrees. During this time, the subjects burned about 250 calories compared to those men who were in a room at room temperature for the entire 3 hours.

The water temperature wasn't low enough to cause chills, but was just right for the fat cell's mitochondria to start working, pulling sugar molecules from white fat to store energy.

Anyone can do the same, even without a special suit. Japanese researchers conducted a study in which 12 men with below-average amounts of brown adipose tissue were kept in a room at a temperature of 17 degrees for 6 weeks for 2 hours a day. According to the results of the experiment, each of them burned 289 calories per day.

As mentioned earlier, this method is not particularly practical. But you can create similar conditions at home, lower the temperature to a comfortable minimum and dress lighter.

Based on this, we can conclude that increasing the percentage of brown fat by lowering body temperature can give positive result. But it is still better to resort to more human methods of turning white adipocytes into beige fat cells.


Exercise causes muscles to produce the hormone irisin, which causes white fat cells to work like brown fat cells, and brown fat cells to do their job more efficiently.

Olive oil

Real olive oil good quality contains a component that causes white fat cells to work like brown ones. It's called oleuropein. In one experiment, rats were fed a phenolic compound at 1, 2, or 4 mg/kg. After 28 days of the experiment, the rats lost weight due to a decrease in fat deposits around the kidneys and genitals.

This happened due to the fact that the component olive oil increased levels of UCP1, a "breakdown" protein that causes mitochondria to burn more energy and give off more heat.

Another study on rats had similar results. They fed them food, 40% of which was olive oil, sunflower oil, palm oil or beef fat. The best results in working brown adipose tissue and burning harmful fat were in rats fed olive oil.

More sleep hormone

Melatonin is another stimulant for the production of beige fat, so try to get more quality sleep.

Simply remove all light sources and distracting objects from the bedroom while you rest (night lights, phones, e-books or TV), eat more melatonin-rich foods such as Goji berries, almonds, cherries and sunflower seeds, this will help increase melatonin levels and subsequently beige fat.

Blue pigment in blueberries

Cyanodin-3 glucoside (C3G) is a nutrient found in blueberries, blueberries, hyacinth beans and several other vegetables and fruits. It is known to fight obesity, affect insulin sensitivity, and participate in the metabolism of glucose and other nutrients. That is why it is often added to various sports supplements and powders, which helps with muscle gain.

Japanese scientists have discovered that C3G also turns white fat cells, where fat is stored, into brown fat cells, where fat cells are converted into energy, by increasing the number of mitochondria. They recently published their work in the Journal of Biochemistry. Cyanodin-3 glucoside supplements are also sold in pharmacies.

How to use the information received

It should be clear from this article that increasing the amount of brown fat tissue you already have, or turning white fat cells into beige ones, can help burn tons of extra calories. This can also increase the effectiveness of adipokinectin and leptin in white fat cells.

To do this, you need to consume more olive oil. To achieve the desired effect, only 2-4 tablespoons per day are enough.

You should also increase the amount of melatonin your body produces through good quality sleep and consuming melatonin-rich foods, and take a C3G supplement every day before lunch.

Just for the sake of experimentation, you can spend several hours in a cool room and dress lighter in winter. It sounds a little strange, but it can also help you burn several hundred calories a day.

It is most correct when men are not afraid of anything. They light a cigarette with dynamite sticks, kiss the plague and walk towards the bear with a selfie stick. By and large, this is what we do, but we also have our weak points. For example, women.

Ilya Kirdanov

Even a not very large and angry specimen of a woman can scare us sick with at least twenty in different ways. Here we attach the list.

1 . she and her friends will discuss your... mmm... virtues. In a derogatory way

But she will. Celestial bodies attract each other, there are twenty-four hours in a day, and women share with their friends the smallest nuances of their relationships. It would seem, what difference does it make to you what Asya, Stasya and Kasya know about your temperament and parameters? But it still bothers you. She probably got everything mixed up, exaggerated and, most offensively, downplayed. And now, catching her in the company of Stasi, Asya and Kasi, you experience a feeling similar to the one that visits you when you unexpectedly meet your proctologist at a social party.

2 . after your joke she will decide that you are some kind of fool

Women do not understand what a test it is every time to approach an unfamiliar girl and talk to her. Even if you had the highest marks in arrogance and self-confidence, sometimes even these reliable friends refuse. Especially if the girl is very pretty. And, it seems, she’s not stupid. Which is sad. (If she were, for example, mentally retarded, she might actually believe that you are talking to her solely because you want to tell her how much this club sucks and what a pathetic hat this DJ is mixing.)

And now you are going to surrender to her mercy with your dubious arsenal of five memes and three jokes, knowing in advance that a refreshing shower of skepticism and ridicule awaits you, and being terrified that you will again meet the very same look of the girl you love didn't like it. Well, you know: “I can’t understand why this human nonentity is making some unpleasant sounds here.” But even experienced pick-up artists have feelings, even they have to regularly shake up the patchwork quilt of their self-esteem, trying to find intact pieces in it.

3 .damage something inside it

And we are not talking about psychology here. More precisely, we also treat female psychology with all respect, but physiology still scares us more. We have the illusion that everything inside them is so flimsy, strange and unreliable... And here we are, with our passions and heroic strength, which, according to our feelings, is quite enough to enter into close relationships with a herd of elephants.

4 . her laughter

Everything is good in due time. Let's say when you told a joke and the woman laughed, that's good. But if you, for example, undressed in her presence, and she laughed even louder, that’s a completely different story. Yes, we are afraid to seem funny and pathetic when it comes to the most intimate and important things. And we are also afraid that someone will realize that we are afraid of this. These are the complex natures we are.

For example, we are not very comfortable when she laughs until she bursts into tears in response to our statements like “I have a good education,” “After all, I am the breadwinner of the family,” “I am respected in society.”

5 . her tears

Of course, we all know from anatomy lessons that women contain quite a lot of fluid. But when she begins to demonstrate this, we experience a very complex range of feelings. We want to hug her, feel sorry for her, strangle her and fall into the ground. This cocktail of emotions is usually excessive for the average male, which is why we try our best to avoid girls when they cry. Even if we brought them to this ourselves.

6 . you don't have enough money to pay the bill

While students worry about not having enough money to pay for her muffin at McDonald's, older citizens are already worried about larger bills: from the hotel, from her therapist, or from the hospital where she gave birth. The fear of showing our inadequacy so clearly and effectively (in the literal sense of the word) haunts us from puberty to the grave. (By the way, funerals are now also expensive.)

7 . she will love you too much

Maybe we are soulless animals. And perhaps among us there will be examples who go through life laughing, pushing out of the way the women’s hearts that they have trampled. Maybe you yourself wouldn’t mind being such an example. However, unlike the fiction of the past, in modern reality, hopelessly in love women do not hide in remote monasteries and even very rarely throw themselves off a bridge. In reality, they send you about eighty text messages a day, watch you at the entrance, write wild comments on your social networks and tell everyone around you what a beast you are.

When an energetic woman loves you unrequitedly, it is very troublesome. But even if the girl who loves you doesn’t publicly gnaw out your liver on Facebook, but cries quietly in the corner, it still confuses us. We want to leave behind us the ruins of destroyed cities, the corpses of defeated enemies and happy, rosy-cheeked women.

8 . when she washes her face you will be scared

In fact, we are not so obsessed with ideals of natural beauty. Most men welcome the existence of clinics on this planet plastic surgery and silicone manufacturers. Nevertheless, the stunning metamorphoses that are so readily demonstrated in beauty blogs (“How to turn from an ugly girl into a princess in just two hours with the help of two kilograms of paint”) shock us from a different perspective. It seems to us that it would be more honest to show them in rewind.

No, of course, we still run the risk of meeting attractive girls in the dark lights of nightclubs, but this is only because we are risky people.

9 . you won't succeed

Everything can be understood and accepted. Yes, man is mortal, the world is full of pain, flowers fall, steel decays, freedom is illusory, there is no meaning in life. Okay, okay, let’s say this is the incomprehensible Great Design, which we cannot penetrate due to our insignificance. But was it really impossible to do without erectile dysfunction in this vale of sorrows? What could be more terrible and senseless than the situation of a man who, with such difficulty, drove the coveted prey onto a golden bed in his penthouse, and was taken and deprived of his rightful triumph? Well, to add insult to injury, the girl will also console you. He will say: “Nothing, nothing, this can happen to anyone.” Of course, with everything! The one who created this universe did not like men. Dot.

10 . her handbags

If a woman has a handbag, sooner or later it will end up in your hands, and there is no more humiliating sight in the world than a man with a handbag. But it’s not even this circumstance that scares us. Women do not understand what a taboo for us lies on this receptacle of female personal belongings. We are afraid that if we touch the bag, false nails, hair and eyes will fall out (and we will also break the powder compact, which costs as much as three Mercedes).

11 . her bra

According to statistics, men are very rarely beaten to death with bras. Poisonous and radioactive bras are also not often found. Therefore, the universal fear of men in front of this toilet item could be attributed to irrational phobias. But we have to take them off! Moreover, we do this deftly and naturally, most often with one hand and with such an air as if we had a red diploma from the bra removal department in our pocket. But we don’t have it there. Even worse, these manufacturers are inventing new fastening systems: back, front, side, hooks, buttons, zippers, steel bolts with combination locks. It's an arms race, not a laundry production!

12 . she will cheat on you

Okay, we all free people in a free (ahem) country, living in the 21st century. We all know about polyamory, women's rights to their bodies and the fact that jealousy is a moldy relic of the era of rotten patriarchy. But the idea that some freak was intimate with the woman we consider ours still turns us into pithecanthropes. And being a Pithecanthropus is sad, offensive and often illegal, so we highly value free-thinking women with broad views, but are careful not to place high matrimonial hopes on them. And all because we are afraid of being cuckolded. We don’t know how to cope with these irrational fears. And we don't really want to.

13 . she will turn into a vixen

When Genych got married, Svetka was so sweet, we all remember that! And now she doesn’t allow him to see his children, she communicates through a lawyer, she sued the dacha... What a bitch! We don’t know how this magical transformation of Vasilisa the Beautiful into a frog occurs. We don’t know how to predict and prevent it. Therefore, just in case, we suspect that this could happen to the kindest, sweetest and smartest girl. Sometimes, watching her in a pink dress petting a stray kitten, we imagine with horror that someday she will kick us out of the house and forbid our mother to see her grandchildren.

14 . she gets pregnant

It is believed that in love, women take more risks. They can get pregnant, but you can't. But for men, the point of no return occurs much earlier. In the end, a woman can always change her mind and refuse pregnancy, give the child up for adoption or to the Suvorov Military School, but you have no say in this matter. From now on, this girl will control your fate, at least twenty-five percent of it. Because even one single night with an unfamiliar partner will not save you from having to pay alimony if your paternity is proven, which is a trivial matter for modern genetics.

15 . she will file a police report against you

Everyone cannot be equal before the law, this is a utopia. Therefore, according to, for example, the code of the Russian Federation, only one of the sexes can accuse the other of rape. It is so difficult to prove or disprove this crime (of course, if we do not talk about egregious cases) that any man, even a virgin, is not immune from the risk of finding himself one day on a bunk in an unpleasant society. And the “wear statement” is the favorite weapon of revenge of certain girls from certain sections of society.

16 . her scream

A woman's scream at high frequencies is a truly effective psychotropic weapon. It causes a rush of adrenaline, panic and instant severe stress in representatives of the species Homo sapiens. (Remember that the word “panic” itself comes from a description of the state into which the goat cry of the Greek god plunged people.) Interestingly, the cries of men are thanks to their fat and rude vocal cords much less effective.

All people, whether they like it or not, inevitably grow old, but everyone experiences this process differently. Those who watched their diet all their lives led active image life and laughed more than cried, with age they will look an order of magnitude better than those who did exactly the opposite.

This order of things also applies to celebrities, with the only difference being that they have at their disposal the services of professional plastic surgeons who, if necessary, will tighten up where necessary and remove the excess. We don’t know whether these famous beauties were touched by the hand of a plastic surgeon, but we can observe that with age they not only do not age, but even look better than in their youth! We invite you to take a look at these unique women, in whose hiding place the elixir of youth is probably hidden.

Monica Bellucci

Monica Bellucci in 2000 and 2014

"Bella!" - this is what Italians most often say about her. It’s hard to believe: on September 30 this year, Monica Bellucci turned 50 years old, and millions of men around the world still sigh for her. She has more than 60 film roles to her credit. She has been repeatedly called the most desirable woman in the world. “Today I am much more satisfied with life than 30 years ago.

I have a lot of energy and I want to try new things. For 25 years now I have been doing what I love, and thanks to it I am constantly improving...”, the actress said about herself in an interview for the Italian agency ANSA.

Kim Cattrall

Kim Cattrall in 2003 and 2014

For fans of Sex and the City, she will forever remain the sexy and free-spirited Samantha. However, 58-year-old Kim Cattrall not only acts in films and TV series, she has written two books about intimate life: “Satisfaction. The Art of the Female Orgasm" and "Sexual Intelligence".

She also met with the Prime Minister of Canada... And there are jokes in the media that the actress’s grandmother was the nanny of little Ringo Starr.

Sharon Stone

Sharon Stone in 2003 and 2014

A sexy killer in a white dress seduces investigators during interrogation... This is one of the most iconic and sensual scenes in cinema history, which made Sharon Stone a sex symbol on for many years. Beauty is just one of the actress's virtues.

The 56-year-old star is known to have a very high IQ of 154 and is one of the smartest actresses in Hollywood. She also has a thriving production company and speaks fluent Italian. But like all people, she also has her own problems - for many years the actress has been struggling with diabetes.

Michelle Pfeiffer

Michelle Pfeiffer in 1999 and 2014

How many actresses can say that Val Kilmer wrote poetry for them? But Michelle Pfeiffer can. There were truly exciting events in the life of the 56-year-old actress: at the beginning of her career, the star of “Dangerous Liaisons” was drawn into a sect, from which her first husband, Peter Horton, pulled her out.

A few years later, during the casting for the film “Scarface,” Michelle Pfeiffer accidentally injured the main character, played by Al Pacino, with broken glass. Michelle Pfeiffer was supposed to play main role in the film Basic Instinct, but she refused.

Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullock (currently 50 years old) in 1999 and 2014

The daughter of an opera singer and vocal teacher, Sandra Bullock, never shared her parents’ passion for music; moreover, she publicly stated that she hated musicals and all kinds of opera dramas.

However, in life she herself became the heroine of a real drama, when in March 2010 information about the “love affairs” of her husband, Jesse James, was leaked to the press. The American public was shocked, and America's favorite woman did not hesitate to file for divorce.

Julianne Moore

Julianne Moore in 1999 and 2014

Like many other stars, she began her career as a waitress in New York. Today, the red-haired beauty is one of the most recognizable Hollywood actresses. She tries to avoid scandals, so she is very loved and respected not only by her fans, but also by her colleagues.

The 53-year-old star is also an ambassador for the international organization Save the Children and is known for her charity work. Moreover, Julianne Moore is the author of popular children's books.

Elizabeth Hurley

Elizabeth Hurley in 2000, and in 2014

49-year-old British woman Elizabeth Hurley is not only an actress, but also a model and film producer. However, her relationship with actor Hugh Grant, with whom she was together for 13 years, brought her fame. She supported Hugh even when he was arrested in 1995 for “public sexual intercourse” with a prostitute. The couple separated only in 2000.

Hurley says she doesn't watch TV at all, but says she's a big football fan. Interestingly, the actress is the godmother of Victoria and David Beckham's children, Brooklyn and Romeo.

Salma Hayek

Salma Hayek in 1998 and 2014

Anyone who has seen the film From Dusk Till Dawn by Robert Rodriguez knows that there is no more attractive vampire than Satanico Pandemonium. The Mexican beauty has been the most seductive woman in the world and a muse for many artists for many years.

She speaks four languages ​​fluently - English, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic. 48-year-old Salma Hayek looks better than many twenty-year-old girls.

Halle Berry

Halle Berry in 1997 and 2014

The 48-year-old actress received the Golden Raspberry statuette in 2005 for her role in the film Catwoman. She dared to personally come to the ceremony for presenting this “award.”

Moreover, holding the statuette in her hands, Holly thanked her manager for persuading her to star in this film. Less courageous acts also happened in the actress’s life: in 2000, she was involved in a car accident and fled the scene, for which she was fined and forced to do community service as punishment.

Jacqueline Smith

Jacqueline Smith in her youth and in 2014

Next year, the Charlie's Angels star will celebrate her 70th birthday. Looking at her photo, it's hard to believe, right? The actress never tires of repeating that the secret of her youth is a diet based on ginger.
But even with the naked eye it is clear that a plastic surgeon had a hand in her beauty (at least her nose). But she actually applies makeup herself and even shares some secrets, for example, how to pluck her eyebrows correctly: “It’s better to do this early in the morning, then the swelling and redness will subside while I take a shower and before I apply makeup.”

Christie Brinkley

Christie Brinkley in her youth and in 2014

To have such a figure at 60 years old? No surprise! After all, Christie once became one of three models in whose image and likeness Barbie dolls were created.
However, today the model does not hide the fact that she uses the services of plastic surgeons. She tries to avoid direct sunlight and does not skimp on a quality facial scrub (removing dead cells prevents the appearance of wrinkles).

Brinkley regularly jogs, does yoga, and does exercises on a special machine. Plus constant diets.
And such a schedule does not interfere with her personal life at all: Christie got married 4 times and gave birth to three children. And Playboy recognized her as one of the 100 sexiest women.

Demi Moore

Demi Moore in her youth and in 2014

She is 52 years old, but, as she herself admitted to a journalist from The Times magazine, she feels 15 years younger. Not surprising. Demi regularly invests quite impressive sums in her appearance and plastic surgery. Plus fitness classes, yoga and a personal nutritionist.

Now the actress looks even better than before, that’s what doctors can do!
In addition to rhinoplasty (surgery to improve the shape of the nose), the actress resorted to liposuction, breast augmentation, knee correction, and eyebrow lifting. Needless to say, in addition to plastic surgery, Moore is no stranger to beauty injections (Botox, Dysport, fillers) to eliminate wrinkles and give shape to cheekbones. Plus chemical peels.

Meryl Streep

Meryl Streep in her youth and in 2014

This woman is an example of how you can look beautiful and with dignity without resorting to plastic surgery.

Streep only indulges in light doses of Botox and leads healthy image life, eats foods rich in antioxidants.
And what’s surprising is that in her youth she was far from beautiful, but look at her now. This photo was taken on Monday, February 10th at the Beverly Hills Festival. But she’s almost 65! It’s true what they say: at 20, a woman is the way God created her, and after 30, the way she created herself.

Alicia Silverstone

Alicia Silverstone in her youth and in 2014

She is, however, still far from fifty. Today she is 38. But how much time do you think passed between these two shots? Five or eight years? Actually 22 years old! How does she manage to look like that?

It turns out that Alicia has given up food of animal origin - she does not eat meat or even dairy products, replacing them with soy. Does yoga. And no plastic surgery.
A few years ago, Silverstone even wrote a book, The Kind Diet, in which she talks about how to diversify your diet with healthy rice, vegetables, tofu, boiled corn, and yogurt. And be sure to have porridge every morning.

Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston in her youth and in 2014

Today she is 45 years old. Can you see the almost 20 year difference in the photo below? Personally, we don't. Jennifer starred in the series "Friends" and remained in this series. at a young age. She goes to her favorite hairdresser, Chris McMillan, with whom she has been collaborating since the days of “Friends” (which, to be honest, is obvious; she hasn’t changed her hairstyle over the years).

Of all cosmetic hardware procedures, she often prefers the effects of electricity and LEDs. She regularly does laser peeling. She does her own makeup, but for important events she invites makeup artist Angela Levin. And in addition to sports (yoga and jogging every morning), she regularly goes for massages.